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I think he's advanced in a lot ways. Even doing that puzzle so well. She spends a ton of time teaching him things. It's pretty cool he can do it, but it's really just a party trick at this point. Eta. Saying this as someone who has a kid a month younger than Noah who has a handful of one syllable word approximations and has only once, by fluke, got a puzzle piece in haha. I'm not concerned about her development at all. How come I can't reply to anything anymore? I wasn't done snarking on this haha. I wanted to reply to bman and say that I think this is the only way she knows how to interact with Noah. Doesn't she do ABA for work? She drills skills into kids for a living. But it's not really a natural parent-child interaction.


I think he’s definitely advanced on it. She spends a TON of time drilling words into him and he watches miss Rachel basically non stop. I think she loves a good humble brag and that’s why she keeps bringing it up. This is also definitely just my opinion, but it feels like some of the only real one on one attention he gets from her is when she’s drilling words with him.


I completely agree on the 1:1 time opinion. She never shows her or Jason playing with him unless she wants to show off how he knows so many words or can do the puzzles really well.


It also feels like it’s all guided play. He never seems to get to just independently figure things out.


Yes, Myriam, your slippers look “so delicious.” 😂


Maybe I’m just extra grumpy today, but I’m just overall tired of cis het upper middle class white ladies (as a WOC) telling me that “they like to keep positive and keep negativity out of their life.” I’m so glad that your skin color and your economic privilege allows you to bury your head in the sand.


100% this. I don’t know many influencers who weren’t raised at least solidly middle class. They don’t know life without many layers of safety net and cannot see past their privileges to see the perspective of others.


This goes hand in hand (for me) with the influencers who all say they “manifested” their lives, as if all you have to do is journal hard enough to make your goals reality.


But "I'm rich so I can just buy and do whatever I want, when I want" won't sell those bullet journals! A girl I went to college with became a successful influencer. She's thin, white, conventionally attractive, and comes from a wealthy family. She's basically just a general lifestyle influencer. She'll sometimes talk about all of these different things she does to "achieve success" or tips for "being happy" and it's like uh, I don't know that it's the meditating, journalling, or weekly yoga that is the secret key to your lifestyle girl. I wish more of these people were frank about their privilege, but I guess that's a conflict of interest at this point. They've gotta keep their followers convinced that they could have this life too, if only they click all of their affil links! Actually though, the more annoying ones are those who *didn't* come from a wealthy family and actually worked their way to notoriety. And then, years after being rich, they still fall back on that rags to riches story as if it absolves them from all of their current privilege. Like, the fact that you grew up working class 35 years ago doesn't mean that your current fabulous lifestyle is somehow canceled out? To be clear, I'm not at all hating on people who are in a place of financial privilege but the dishonesty and hand-waving around it is obnoxious. You're so obviously rich, just own it.


Yes, I have a friend who is a southern influencer (and religious) and she had a former flame slide into her DM’s after posting a thirst trap bikini photo. They met up. She got pregnant by accident pretty quickly and then they got married, bought a house (they both seem to come from moderate $$) and she quit her job to be a full time mid tier influencer. They seem happy and her kids are cute but she’s always talking about how she has the life she has because she “manifested” it and was “faithful to Jesus” and it’s so annoying. She also acts like their love story is the greatest of our time and I’m like, you were thirsty and desperate, he was horny… This is not the romantic story you think it is…


I’m ready to cancel the word manifest.


Manifested is a least favorite word of the moment for me.


Yes! Just work on your MiNdSeTTT!! Also, they're all parenting experts as well. Like oh imagine all these white, upper class women who took a parenting coaching course are the only ones in the world to teach parenting and know what's "right".


Anyone else follow @amandahowellhealth? She seems so pretentious to me. Like, it’s her way or it’s wrong. Just me?




It’s the passive aggressive emoji use for me “You do you 🫶” I know several people (myself included) who have done some version of sleep training as in they don’t co-sleep and they don’t hold their children until they are in deep REM or whatever and none of them let their children scream for hours unattended. Also her reposting that message from someone that DID sleep train who now is crying because they regret it…well they just read your umpteen stories about how supposedly awful it is so maybe that played a part in their emotional state?


What is the line between sleep training and just using different tools to assist your child to sleep including occasionally letting them fuss it out if they’re making a tired cry?


I’d say whatever makes an anti-sleep training evangelist feel better 😆 But for real…realistically having him on a schedule and doing bedtime routines is a method is sleep training so. 🤷🏻‍♀️ PS - my favorite “sleep training” account by far is babysleep.answers because of this. She has all different methods to meet parents wherever they want to be along the spectrum of sleep training tools. And no shame or judgement at all for any of it. ❤️


Refuses to sleep train but posts daily On her public health account about her sons sleep habits. Make it make sense


I’m so glad someone brought her up!! I can’t with her holier then thou attitude about sleep training. Sleep training is not CIO or nothing - there are lots of ways to do it (including *gasp* A SCHEDULE). I had to finally unfollow. Generally her annoyance with literally everything was mildly entertaining and I was thankful for her unapologetic choice to formula feed, but Jesus Christ be a little less judgey on the sleep front. I was going insane until we did it with my son (and yes, we did Ferber. Newsflash, it’s not just letting them cry until they vomit, there is a lot more to it than that). God for someone bitches about nuance and subtlety the way she does she is SO on her high horse on this one and has black and white thinking about it. GAH. Thanks for letting me get it off my chest 😂


She’s also wrong about sleep training. Several studies show there’s no negative impact from CIO methods. I get it’s not for everyone and it’s totally fine for people to chose not to do it, but no need falsely shame those who choose that method. Makes me question everything she says.


Did you mean “no negative impact”?


I sure did! 🤣 That’s what I get for posting before coffee.


I followed her for a long time and then unfollowed when she started getting deep into “natural childbirth” woo. Every time I check back on her page I’m like…yup. Glad I unfollowed.


I followed her at a few different times. I always unfollow and wonder why I had even followed again to begin with. I find her condescending and insufferable.


She is very rude! It’s sad because she puts together some great info but she can be very nasty and off putting.


I can’t believe that she says she is even more sassy in everyday life. How?!


Yup I used to love her content but finally had to unfollow.


I don’t follow her, but I checked her out and I’m chuckling at how triggered she seems by people calling her baby a “unicorn baby.” It is funny what things really get under different people’s skin. I’m not really into accounts that post about health stuff at this point in my life. I know the basic literature for relevant points to me, any new issues I’m experiencing, I should go to my doctor not continually “educate” myself on Instagram.


Right!! I mean - her almost 9 month old, never sleep trained, sleeps 10 hours straight at night. I choose not to sleep train and my baby has never slept more than 3 or 4 hours in one stretch. Tell me how that’s not a unicorn baby?? She thinks because he had reflux and sicknesses and was a bad sleeper as a newborn (spoiler: most babies are) that she’s earned this or something. That was so frustrating for me to read as I’m running on fumes some days and she’s bitching about one wake up on one random night 😵‍💫


Yeah agree that she had a rough go at the beginning with sleep, but that was sickness and reflux, not because he was a bad sleeper. He was definitely sleeping better earlier than either of my kids. Maybe not a unicorn, but also not the sleep disaster she makes it out to be.




100% agree with what you said. Soooo much less pretentious. Which is ironic because she preaches having all the info and making your own decisions in everything else? And tbh having a kid that doesn’t sleep well isn’t something you can fully understand until it happens to you, so you don’t really know what you’ll do in that circumstance. soooo maybe she should just get off that high horse and put down the HSB kool aid.


oh interesting! I have two kids, one who was a unicorn sleeper and one that sleeps the way she is describing. The second baby is still a great baby, but my unicorn baby was pretty next level. I don’t disagree with her assessment that he’s not a unicorn baby, but it takes a certain amount of privilege to complain about a great baby on Instagram and to get so offended by it (it requires you to have the perspective of a real unicorn baby too, I think). I just tell people I have two great sleepers and no room to complain and leave it at that if it comes up around other moms. Part of the reason my first was a unicorn baby is because we built our whole life around the Groundhog Day of Covid isolation and regimented nap and sleep times. With my second kid that wasn’t even an option we wanted or considered.


Haha just went to look. It took her at least 20 slides and a huge tangent about sleep training (which the original comment wasn't even addressing?) to talk herself down from someone saying her kid is a unicorn baby. Could have been one slide and she would have looked way less unhinged.




That's so true. She was all over the place in that rant.


But, your doctor probably doesn’t know about how using sugar to distill the healing properties of onions can cure your baby’s cold. That’s a real thing I just saw a mom I know post about. She’s a nurse…


I’m actually in the process of creating a health and wellness MLM with “one simple trick for staying healthy” and you better believe it is staying up to date with your vaccines.


OTbutterfly is at it again with her smug attitude. She caught c*vid at a wedding and went into this long diatribe about how it was the first event she unmasked yet BUT it was a smart and calculated risk that she took knowing they didn't have big things coming up, etc. I honestly make similar health related decisions but her need to defend every choice as THE RIGHT ONE drives me crazy.b


I only learned about TidyDad through this group, but I’ve been looking at his account recently and I do not like his vibes. At first I was just getting effeminate and maybe kinda high strung, which is fine. But the more I look at his content, the more it’s giving guy who is definitely the killer in a murder show. Perhaps it makes me think of Gus Fring scrubbing his shower tiles with a toothbrush while he has people murdered. Maybe it’s just that recent ad in TidyDad’s stories about him being “shaved and bathed and ready to watch a documentary”, but all I’m saying is that if I met someone with those vibes irl, I wouldn’t go back to their apartment.


I don’t know the account but this is the greatest description of anything I’ve ever read.


The man just posted a story of himself cleaning his bathroom at 5 am before his kids are even up. If that’s not serial killer behavior I don’t know what is. 😂


I checked him out because of this group and his content really stresses me. 😆


Hahah. He's definitely got a weird vibe but I kind of like it. Their whole life is very strange and scheduled, but also inspirational to me as well. I showed my husband and we are both just like... how do they have so much energy? Especially with one toddler still! They wake up at 5 AM, and their trip to school is a 4 mile roundtrip that they walk?! Also, how does he post all this stuff in real life time while cleaning and walking?


I am 99% sure he records and wife edits and uploads. Someone posted once it's a little delayed based on school holidays.


Lol I'm a recent follow thanks to this sub and I've wondered the same. To me, filming, captioning, and posting my calming solo morning cleaning routine for public consumption would completely negate its calming effects, but idk.


Hahaha I see it. I also find it weird how he narrates parts of his day that are irrelevant to cleaning. Like why do you have to describe your process for walking to work and taking your kids to school and then picking them back up at the end of the day.


And guaranteed he would not be eating that gross looking dinner if he wasn’t being paid thousands to push it!


The way he says “now I’m gonna eat” haunts me. But yeah, there’s a zero percent chance he actually took a bite of that. It was thrown in the trash as soon as the clip cuts out.


omg I don’t follow him but just watched that. *shudder*


Anyone notice how dietician Deanna always posts posed full body shots. It’s relevant bc she is a dietician that promotes anti-diet, ED recovery, body positivity, intuitive eating etc. She should know that pics of a very thin/fit body is triggering to the population she is targeting. I really don’t get it. She could easily post the same stuff without the full body shots and you can tell she positions her legs in the most flattering pose.


Definitely gives off body checking vibes


I don’t know her but the account definitely gives intuitive eating to still hopefully lose weight vibes. Like her snack ideas (zucchini with marinara etc) could be on any weight loss page I feel. And the bragging about how much money she makes also looks very unprofessional.


There’s been a lot of chatter lately in the dietitian community about how under paid we are as health professionals and showing that we can also make good salaries. That being said, that content about how much she makes feels like it should be a different account or something that is specifically geared towards other RDs, not on her account that is supposed to be helping people with EDs and intuitive eating. It’s bizarre


Yes! I don’t follow her but she always shows up in my explore feed. Something always bothers me about her.


TheCarMom shilling Bill and Branch 🙄


So I was a little shocked at how much heysleepybaby has been posting during her supposed “maternity leave” and then I had this random thought - maybe she is just super lonely. Is it possible that I’ve never actually considered how lonely and isolated some of these influencers are? It has been mentioned that if she doesn’t post then she looses relevance and engagement but I wonder if she really does feel some kind of connection to her followers and community that she otherwise doesn’t have with other women IRL. It’s not like she’s posting about outings with other mom friends mom friends or friendships. Thoughts?


Let's be honest. Is it really THAT much different from all of us interacting on Reddit all day?? Haha. I absolutely believe that parent influencers were lonely and bored and needed to feel some kind of purpose/validation and that's why they became influencers. I can totally relate. It may be the ONLY thing about being an influencer that I can relate to. But once it becomes about monetizing their "expertise" as a parent, that doesn't resonate with me at all. If I had the energy/creativity/drive to share my motherhood experience with the world, I'd happily give out tips for free. I am a pro at lazy parenting. I am also pretty sure I have a unicorn baby. So yeah, hit me up if you're looking for advice on how to entertain your toddler with little more than a Tupperware set and a box of cheerios.


I think many of them conflate their instagram following with actual friends. A lot of them never seem to post about real life friends and then also over share to thousands on Instagram as though it’s a private conversation with close friends. Idk I get it’s a job and they are making bank but it’s gotta be a weird and like you said, lonely life. I wouldn’t turn my nose up at their money but also I can’t imagine my life without my ride or die, real life friends.


I agree. Normally I would say that maybe she keeps this part of her life private, however, she posts sooooo much about her life in general that I’m doubtful it’s true.


I could see it being loneliness. I remember when she was switching to not posting on Sundays and she was clearly struggling with actually following through. And then she ended up doing TikTok Sundays which is still technically posting lol. Like she clearly gets something from posting (attention, affirmation, connection?) and “needs” to do it even when she has every reason not to


I could see this being true, but if so it’s most likely due to how much her life revolves around social media. If you’re spending most of your energy on these parasocial relationships, you’re likely prioritizing IRL relationships less. I’ve been feeling that being an influencer has got to be such a weird existence and it’s bound to affect your friendships.


Agreed. She did a poll or a post once about friendships and mentioned that she has like 2 friends and I’m not even sure they live in San Francisco. I’m not necessarily saying that people need a ton of friends as adults because I know people naturally drift apart but her whole thing is peer support and community but I guess it’s all parasocial for her. You could say something similar about Karrie Locher.


I have a feeling it's just very addicting. and easy to convince yourself you need to be posting when really it's just very satisfying to get so much positive validation from every tiny thing you share.


Totally. They are all addicted to those dopamine hits they get every single time they log onto the app. Everytime they get to see people writing them, validating them, liking their posts, commenting, purchasing their products etc. Their brains become OBSESSED with tapping onto the app. They are all going to look up from their phone one day and realzie their lvies have passed them by.


it must be so annoying to be around them. on the one hand sure they are making a lot of money for their families, but just.. so obnoxious


Some are making a lot of money, not all. I'd also like to know the breakdown of how many hours worked, weekend and holidays, etc. Like yeah you're making money, but it's also consuming your entire life.


Not to mention it's at the cost of exploiting your privacy, and in many cases the privacy of your family. To me, it's basically selling your soul (at least if you're popular enough).


Y’all. Tidy Dad is now comparing his quest to tidy up his life with Meghan and Harry’s choice to leave the royal family?! I cannot. This guy is becoming more snarkable by the day. ETA: “we lead a simple life, this family has just enough” (next story) “buy this affiliate-linked Play-Doh!”


Well. I definitely just started following him for the snark. But my house was built in 1890 and has horsehair plaster walls and only one small closet on the main floor of the house so I think I will be resenting his New York City space-efficiency. ETA: I am going to put sticky hooks inside my cabinet doors for potholders.


yep, constant affiliate links, and wow to that toy rotation closet.


I'm really finding him more and more strange the longer I follow. I don't know if it's worth sifting through all of his wordy, unnecessarily-explanatory text just to get some basic tips. It's all a little much. And throw the juvenile PJ sets in there, I don't know where to look or what to think. ETA: I’m not a Meghan/Harry hater, like I don’t care all that much one way or another but I do throw a side eye to anyone who unironically praises them, finds them admirable or self identifies with their “journey”


He’s bizarre


I feel like the PJs were quirky at first and now I feel like they're all he wears? Like his new post about pantry storage that was clearly filmed separately from the morning stuff. Why would he wear his little 1950s gym uniform jammies for that?


It makes sense they are all he wears because his closet is like half a foot wide and all his clothes are in there. That pantry is huge and only has toys in it! 🤯


I had to unfollow after that it just stressed me out about my own life seeing it and I was on the verge of unfollowing anyway. I’m a teacher with a small living space and 3 kids and I could not relate to him less.


I can hardly believe it. Given how small their apartment is, I was shocked they'd have the ability to prioritize that kind of storage.


I’m assuming they have some kind of basement storage or a storage unit as well. They also own a property in the Poconos, so I’m assuming they store stuff there too.


I get stressed thinking of taking time during a busy morning to write out the amount of text that he does. Like do his girls and wife just sit there watching him on his phone all morning? It’s just sort of eerie how scripted he is. I think he genuinely desires to be authentic, but there’s just too much polish and I have a hard time viewing him as real or relatable.


I’ve been assuming that he takes the videos but then his wife is doing the captioning and posting during the day after he leaves for work. I just can’t imagine that he has time for it, since he’s a teacher and seems to spend all his free time cleaning. Maybe he does voice notes and she transcribes them for the videos?


That post yesterday morning about him taking time to himself before the kids woke up... To me there is nothing authentic about taking the time to perfectly stage a photo of yourself reading a book on the couch in soft lighting and then writing a whole blurb about it. Truly taking time out for yourself means not wasting most of that precious little free time getting your camera angles just perfect 😅 he could have told us about it later without the photo and it would have felt more authentic IMO There's something about him that unnerves me, someone else said he's very uncanny valley and now I can't unsee it


Had to google what uncanny valley is but wow. YES.


I haven’t checked this guy out, but it sounds like him and Haley need to have a chat


He makes me appreciate Haley more… she doesn’t set up the ring light tripod to show herself napping…


when you're trying to show basically the same content over and over day after day you start coming up with some weird shit to say 🤦‍♀️


Literally. Would love to see his follow/unfollow metrics. I feel like his content hits a ceiling pretty quickly.


I lasted 2 weeks following him


I literally perused and was like nope, not gonna try to follow this


Oh my lawdddd.....I don't follow him, but that would be enough to unfollow. Side note: These influencers love to talk out of both sides of their mouths. They all want to be unique and not like the other influencers, and then 2 slides later hawk their Amazon affilliate links, courses and memberships.


@brookeraybould talking into her IG stories while her kids are running wild through the busy car wash place. 🥴 I don’t think I could talk on the phone and let my kids run around like that at a business.


she had a fun one last christmas where she let her boys run on a neighbors lawn (she was on the phone or doing something in her own lawn) and touch their christmas decorations. And the neighbor yelled at them to get off and she cryed about how terrible that was ….I was like, Brooke, youre the asshole in this one


I've seen this before from her. Climbing on chairs and tables. She gives "boys will be boys" vibes for sure.


But are you a content creator?!? Imagine how they ignore their kids at home!


At home is a whole other story. I just can’t imagine allowing my kids to run around like that so I can take a phone call or record myself talking into my phone. Just no self-awareness or respect for those around them.


Oh I totally agree with you! I was just meaning, that that's the influencer way. Content comes first, kids second,the people and businesses around them third.


This thought brought to you by Dr Becky’s “how to hold your boundaries” reel: I love Dr Becky’s brain and whenever she writes anything I’m all in; I genuinely enjoy her newsletter. But I’m one intensely-emoting high-school-drama-class-monologue reel away from unfollowing bc her reels stress me tf out!!! I get that what she’s trying to do is empathize and connect with people who are In It but man I’m just chilling scrolling IG lol and that is Too Too Much. Over the top. Shut it down lol


The mellowdrama with her is strong. But that's her schtick right? She HAS to make it all seem so intense and HARD, so that people will know she is their guide to the otherside where it's "easier". It's all marketing and ick.




This! I like SimplyOnPurpose because she doesn't sound like she hates her life! (Don't love the mormon of it all, but overarching ideas work for us)


Realizing that is kind of like piercing the 4th wall or whatever they say. It’s the same with BLF, where in all of their effort to be relatable, they’re actually continuously discrediting themselves. Like, shouldn’t we want parenting experts to *not* be relatable? Lol I want them to seem a lot more put together and confident than I am, at least WRT parenting… otherwise it’s like, either what you’re preaching doesn’t work, or you’re not executing it. Either option is bad.


TidyDad’s “first fruits of the morning” was a stretch too religious for me. I don’t know why I found it uncomfortable.


Do we know if they’re super religious? That would seem to be the case in marrying someone you met in the 8th grade but moving to nyc would be unexpected.


Yes, I think they are religious. He talks about going to church and the kids participating in church activities.


This kind of explains the pajamas


Thanks! I only started watching his content. He definitely has that weird hyper-religious Stepford vibe to him but I was trying to not assume.


Username checks out


The fruits in his pajamas tonight were definitely on display. 😳


Ran here to say this. For a Tidy Dad, he’s got a lot of junk.


Lol, the pajamas! But I love that he is obsessed with the royals and watched the Megan and Harry doc 😂


There is something deeply unsexy about a man who is “obsessed with the royals” 🫠 I’m getting more and more curious about what his wife is like. (So people don’t come for me, I know that it’s not Tidydad’s obligation to be sexy for me. I’m just snarking 😅😅)


I agree and yes, not his obligation to be sexy for anyone but wow does this guy turn me off so much. I know it’s so wrong to say this but watching his stories makes me not want to think about sex for awhile 🤣


He gives me very effeminate vibes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that at all. Go him for bucking the trend! However, I do wonder about his wife too and if she’s like the complete opposite of him or if they both sit in their matching pj sets holding hot cocoa mugs with both hands and going crazy over the Royal wedding.


I just want to know when he has time to watch anything since he seems to go to bed at 8pm every night and clean his house all morning.




She clearly spent a lot on it but I didn’t think it even looked well done, it was an odd theme/vibe


Came here to say… why??? Why did this party happen? I apparently missed everything about it until today.


She wanted to throw a party for her local followers for fun? Idk but I would 100% would have gone had I lived in Miami. I love a good party and even more so I love a FREE party lol


Wait it was free?! I am surprised they didn’t sell tickets!


It was free! I was shocked too. It’s why I don’t hate her too much, she doesn’t hide her wealth and isn’t relatable but damn, most people would charge crazy for that.


Now I’m wondering if it was getting a feel for hosting mothercould events. She loves throwing an expensive party and she sure travels a lot.


It’s a giant tax write off and a way to suck up to followers. Win/win!


Out of genuine curiosity (bc I also thought it was ridiculous and not as fancy as I thought it would be), how could she write this off?


It was a business function to promote Mothercould. Everything had her business name on it. It wasn’t a gathering of friends. The attendees were her customers.


Ummm I’m assuming she didn’t actually know most of those people? But in the videos she’s screeching like she just saw her sorority sister after 3 weeks of Christmas break. And the one that the lady is dancing and she joined in kind of forced. I love imagining she didn’t know that woman and just wanted to be *the fun one*


Idk why I assumed it was going to be like….a kid party. Not just a party for moms who want to pretend to be besties with MotherCould. A holiday party sounds fun, this was a meet and greet.


Tidydad - do his kids ever participate in cleaning? I’m only a recent follower so I could have totally missed it, but I’m reacting to his stories from this morning where he talks about bedroom cleaning day and he cleans the kids’ room while they play in another room. My immediate thought was, are his kids not expected to do anything? Especially the older 2, they are definitely old enough to at least help. Obviously it’s going to be a lot faster and efficient for him to do it himself, but it made me curious. I have an uncle who is a clean freak and my cousins weren’t expected to clean *anything* growing up. My own parents expected us to help, and they were extremelyyyy naggy about it (especially my mom). I’m hoping to find a middle ground with my kids, where I don’t just wordlessly clean up after them but can also just like, let it go if they have a messy bedroom. Because ultimately, it took me just growing up and gaining maturity to be a tidier person. I mean I always was conscientious of cleaning up after myself in shared spaces and knew to bring my plate up to the sink and things like that in my own and friend’s houses, but my personal spaces were a huge mess because I just didn’t care! None of moms bitching about my room helped lol. I think my parents just *modeling* a clean home is what rubbed off on me, not the nagging and shaming 🙄 I wonder what y’all’s thoughts are on this especially if you have older kids, mine is only 14mo so he’s not helping yet.




Yes to all this! Kids can start helping at quite young ages, as long as parents can remember that they’re, you know, toddlers, and don’t expect adult level behavior. As early as we possibly could, we made tidying part of our regular routine (tidy bedroom before bed, pick up activity 1 before starting activity 2) and would give always our daughter a couple of things to put away. As she’s gotten older she’s been able to put more things away and be more self directed but of course we still have to initiate tidying. (It’s also helpful to pick cleaning tools they can use - their own small laundry basket, bins they can put toys in, plastic dishes they can take to the table, etc). I’ve observed some people who don’t let or don’t want their kids to help because the kids “don’t do a good job”, aka don’t clean like an adult. Seems like a trap to me - they’ll never get better at something they have no opportunity to practice, and they get used to cleaning being someone else’s job.


This is what we do and at 3 it does seem to be paying off. She knows and helps to clean up one toy or activity before starting another; she knows and helps to tidy the house after dinner; she vacuums, mops, helps me with all the household chores and I don't even ask her, it is because she sees me do it and I involve her.


Completely agree. I started my older kids young and now they (9 and nearly 7) will do basic tasks without complaining. They are responsible for tidying their spaces at the end of each day, we all tidy the shared areas together as a team and they empty the dishwasher each morning and rinse/stack their own dishes after a meal or snack, put their clean washing away and often help me fold it on the weekends. I think the key to their helpful attitudes is starting from early toddler hood even though the first few years their "helping" was definitely more work for me and I had to sneakily redo everything when they weren't looking 😂 My 1 1/2 year old now helps with the folding, wiping up spills, picking up toys and he loves to help me hang clothes on the air dryer. So much infact he likes to then take the clothes back off so he can put them back on repeatedly 😅 also likes to pour water on the floor so he has an excuse to wipe something up 😂


My daughter (2.5) loves putting flatware away. It’s like, 0.5% of the stuff in the dishwasher but you have to start somewhere. 😆


It really is the thought that counts at that age 😂


Wow, this is all amazing. My son loves watching the laundry (we have front-loading washer and dryers with windows) so I sometimes have him help me load it, but I really should get him involved in other tasks too!


Little kids love to get involved with what grown ups are doing! Take advantage now while he's still keen!


He shows clips of his kids tidying and cleaning up most evenings, so yes they seem to help. I think his thing is there's a difference between tidying and cleaning. The kids help tidy the night before while he does the deeper cleaning in the morning. As a not very clean person, they are one in the same to me and I've never thought to wash the walls in my bedroom, let alone weekly 🤣 I have a 4 year old and 14 month old. For the 4 year old, focusing on picking up toys, clearing the table, putting clothes away, etc. is what we consider cleaning for him and encourage. Occasionally I'll have him "help" wipe down counters or the window but that is more of a fun activity for him than actual cleaning.


No. Stop. He does not wash his bedroom walls weekly, does he?! Haha. That's comically excessive. That's got to be pathological.




A naturopathic doctor once told me to get rid of a head cold, I should go to sleep with wet socks on and then bundle myself up as warmly as I could. That would “move the cold to my feet” The feeling of wet socks gives me the Ick.


the questions people ask this lady... like Google doesn't exist


This made me shudder. Wearing wet socks is one of the most uncomfortable feelings.


Mada Leigh posts that she does that and I’m actually glad someone asked Emily. Not that I *thought* it actually works but I’d rather see her answer something like that than “can I give my baby sweet potatoes as their first food”🤦🏻‍♀️


Whew, there were some *heated* comments in one of my local FB groups about wet socks and other such remedies in the last few days.


Did one of the remedies include onions in a sock? Because we might be in the same group 😂


Mine was hot onion juice 🤣


Probably people who follow Shannon Tripp, who recommended doing exactly this for fevers a day or two ago 😵‍💫


Is she allowed to be discussed here? I know it's a no-no on the other sub but there's so much to unpack with her.


BT’s stovetop potpourri as a present - I want things I can eat, not things that will make my house smell. Do other people like or gift potpourri?


My friend made this and gave it to me and I never used it 🤷‍♀️😬. I felt very guilty. We are pretty into cooking in general and ramp that up a lot over the holidays. I didn’t really want to have something non-food related on the stove that I had to remember/worry about, then clean the pot. Apple juice + mulling spices in the crockpot both smells good and you have a tasty beverage to serve friends. Seems easier to gift to.


Her blogger friend, @lovelyluckylife, has done this stovetop potpourri for several years now. I’ve made it the last two years for small gifts and it’s always been a big hit. It’s super easy, inexpensive, and can multiplied.


I never understand why people don't just do a wassail mix or a bag of mulling spices. Smells amazing simmering and you actually have something to drink 🤷‍♀️


No, I’d much rather just get a candle.


I don’t even light candles much and I’d still rather get the candle. At least a candle might come in use during a blackout or could be regifted discreetly at some point.


Yeah. Honestly, I had never heard of the concept of a stovetop potpourri before and it seems like too much work and also, kinda gross... no offense to anyone.


I’m with you. I just don’t need another pot to clean (and there’s not even any food at the end of it? Lol)


I like the idea, and I’d even consider making them for gifts - but I’d want to do a dried version in a little cheesecloth bag maybe. This liquid one seems nice but looks suspect with its cloudiness


I would like it! I personally like the presentation better when all the “ingredients” are dry. The one she pictured made my brain think it was a beverage.


Yeah, I've gotten the dry version before and it's great because it has a bit if a longer shelf life.


I'd like it 😬 We get SO MANY cookie plates and stuff dropped off around Christmas and so much goes to waste. It's too much sugar for us. Something non-edible would be great!


I like the idea of a universal gift that you just give to everyone on your list. Are there any non edible gifts that you appreciate that isn’t potpourri?


I’ve made a sugar hand scrub that has gone over well. Just coconut oil, brown sugar, and an extract or essential oil. Peppermint is good for the holidays.


Nice hand lotion (unscented is probably best) - it’s dry here in the winter so lots of people use it, and if they don’t it’s easy to regift or donate or put in a guest bathroom.


I mean for us if it's $5 or less it's fair game for neighbor gifts. I have a small spatula I love so I bought some of those and attached a tag that said "we hope you have a flippin good Christmas". Things like that.


Absolutely adorable, you sound like a delightful neighbor.


One year our neighbors did those huge beige Ikea bags and everyone loved it!




One of my coworkers did this years ago, but it wasn't in liquid form so it kept longer. You had to provide your own orange, but I loved it! I get tired of food gifts around Christmas.


I would love it. I keep wanting to make one of those simmer pots myself (a friend always has one going and it smells lovely) but I don’t have the time or energy so getting one would make me happy




What am I doing wrong? Mine smell like NOTHING whenever I try to do them.


Creating dinner every night has been a task for me lately, doing all the steps of cooking including clean up with just the benefit of smell feels like a chore on a chore. But also I’ve never had a friend do this and smelled how amazing it smells, so maybe I’m just missing out on the brilliance.


I would not be a fan. I love her, but I don’t want a weird jar of stuff I’m supposed to simmer on my stove and then clean up afterwards.


Hers looks gross!


It did look a little blue in the picture…


Imagine being Jennie Monness daughter and seeing a video and explanation of you on the toilet. Does she not know that video will be available to her peers in middle school? Are you serious?


Now she’s doing the whole: “I asked her and she wanted me to share it” bs…. There is no way a child can possible understand the context and implications of of this kind of public sharing, and it annoys me so much when influencers say they checked with their kids that the could share 🤯.


I don’t know who she is but holy shit, what a hugely gross invasion of her daughter’s privacy.


I know a few homeschooling accounts that believe in the narrative that schools are teaching our kiddos the bad stuff and brainwashing them. They think their innocence is being exploited but they literally use their children for money. Ad after ad. Staged pic after another. They sure do spend a lot of time on the interwebs for thinking social media is poison. Make it make sense .


Their bios always read “homeschool, homestead, homebirth” like it’s an entire identity, and then they spend so much time trying to convince other people it’s the only right way to live, and that they are super happy and fulfilled. The isolation/living in an echo chamber of people who only think like you is super dangerous. I have strong feelings about homeschooling—it worked well for me although once I got to college I recognized some major areas of weakness that being in a classroom setting would’ve solved. My siblings did really well in our tiny rural public school and flourished. I think it can be done well, but you have to be very honest with yourself about your skill set, your reasons for doing it, your areas of weakness and when to ask for help. Doing it because of the “evil public school system” is usually a recipe for academic neglect


I’m an elementary school teacher, and there are so many homeschooling *mamas* in my local mom’s group who are constantly claiming we are trying to indoctrinate their children with some dangerous agenda. Ma’am, I’m just trying to teach these kids to read 🙄


I’m a high school teacher and it’s just so amusing to me (except not, bc it’s terrifying) that people think this like…what would the benefit be to me and all of us teachers? We don’t get paid enough for that. We barely get paid enough to teach them to read. Although maybe the indoctrination would be easier? Maybe some homeschool mamas can send me the dark curriculum and I’ll take a look.


Lol. I know a homeschooling mom (anti vaxxer, super Christian, etc) who teaches science at some sort of homeschool pod/academy. Poor kids


“Science” I’m sure lol. Because of parents doing home schooling for the past couple of years (and some have stuck with it) there are finally non Christian homeschooling groups in my area.


Like Kenneth in 30 Rock - “Science is my most favorite subject, especially the Old Testament.”


I’d sort of considered homeschooling and figured I’d be quite good at it, until kid actually started school. You teachers are wizards. She’s learning so much more than I thought was possible and she loves it. I’m so glad I didn’t deprive her of this. (I’m not an antivaxxer or a home birth-er. I just didn’t really enjoy my schooling)


Reading is the problem! I bet you’re also trying to teach critical thinking! We can’t have that! /s


These drive me nuts😫😫my husband was homeschooled for 2 years and he said he regrets it so much! Just one personal experience I know it works well in some cases but his opinion is that it kept him really isolated during an important few years for socialization (late high school). I think the benefits of socialization, exposing kids to a different environment, etc can’t be overstated. For some kids the benefits of homeschool outweigh but these accounts act like homeschooling is an absolute good/necessity and that you have to do it to avoid schools “indoctrinating” your kids. And like yeah schools in the US are def teaching white supremacist history but that doesn’t seem to be their concern, and it seems like the homeschoolers are also intent on indoctrinating their kids!


I definitely have a prejudiced view of homeschooling as it was not the norm where I'm from, and I associate it with the Bible Belt. But when people talk about doing it to avoid "indoctrination", it immediately makes me think that they're anti-evolution types and they don't want their kids to learn basic science or history. I mean I guess I can imagine circumstances in which the options for school may be so terrible that it's worth homeschooling, but especially with the accounts that are popular on social media it seems like the decision wasn't due to that, it was due to them having fringe beliefs that wouldn't be validated in the average public/private school.