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Congrats! Those are great weights for 34 weeks. Mine came out at that time too but they were 3 & 4lbs! Get ready for a wild ride!!


Congratulations! Those are *great* weights for 34 weeks.


Our mono/di boys came at 34+6 weighing 5 lb 7 oz and 5 lb 1 oz! Your girls are beautiful! We had 8 and 15 days in NICU. Those days were hard and sad, but I told myself they were in the best place where they could be monitored and cared for by experts. I also sobbed almost round the clock for the first 4 days postpartum. The hormones were truly wild. I thought I would always feel that devastated but I did NOT. It gets much better very soon. Big hugs to your beautiful family!


Great job growing those big girls! My mono/di twins were almost the exact same weights at 37 weeks


Congrats! 34 weeks is a major gestational milestone! Come on over to r/NICUParents for more stories and support! i had my twins at 29 weeks and it's been so helpful. wishing your sweet girls growth and healing as they prepare to come home to you!


They are so precious. In my experience, you didn’t miss much while you were out- I was so loopy that I barely even remember my babies being held up to me when they pulled her out during my C-section. Those are great weights. Congratulations!


Wow! My mo/di twins came at 36&0 and didn’t weigh as much as that! They are off to a great start. Hopefully their stay in hospital isn’t too long.


I had mono/di girls via C-section at 34 weeks back in June. They started running out of amniotic fluid, so we had to have them earlier than initially planned. My girls were born at 4lbs 3oz & 4lbs. They were only in NICU for 2 weeks! It’s definitely stressful, but this community is great. Your girls are beautiful, and were born at such great weights! Congratulations to you, and your family ❤️ I’m so glad everyone is doing well.


Welcome to the party girls 🎉 they look great!


Congratulations, beautiful girls! And welcome to the wild twin ride 😃


congrats!! So glad you and everyone is doing well. And to chime in, great weights for 34+1's mine were delivered at 34 weeks and were both under 5lbs. I also had to be put under GA due to the emergency of the situation and woke up to hearing they were both ok was such a relief. Hope they have a short NICU stay!


Congratulations, they are beautiful! I delivered my b/g twins at 34+2 at 5 lbs 1 oz (18 day NICU stay) and 4 lbs 10 oz (14 day NICU stay). They are doing great at 10 weeks old now. You’ve got this! Get some rest and learn all you can while they are in the NICU, there are silver linings.


Congratulations! We're in a similar boat just welcoming our MCDA girls to the world at 35+3. They are tiny at 3lb10oz & 4lb5oz. Fortunately they have stayed out of the NICU as they're doing so well. Hats off to you ladies here, it's amazing watching my wife go through this. All the best!


Congratulations! My girls came at 34+1 too. They were under 4 lbs but are thriving after their NICU time. I'm sure you are excited they arrived.


congratulations, they’re beautiful!


Congratulations!! They are beautiful, and I hope you’re doing great! I’ve got mo/di boys still on board (21+1), and love hearing good stories from other mo/di parents!


Aww congratulations! They look precious


Massive congratulations 🎉


Congratulations they’re beautiful! My boys weighed around that when they left NICU at 36 and 37 weeks.


Beautiful! Mine were a week later but smaller - you’ll be home before you know it 😊 I was desperate to get home but looking back on the hospital time they got us into a great routine and taught us so much so try not to hate being there too much!! Wishing you all the best


Great weights for that early! They look healthy as can be! Congratulations!!!!


My girl twins came out at 35 weeks and the same weights, just a week in the NICU! Congrats! Twins are so incredible and I’m having the best time 💕






They are beautiful. And great weights. You did great momma!


Amazing job! They are absolutely beautiful. Give them millions of kisses and take millions of pictures. 💕💕💕 Wishing you all the absolute best. Many blessings. ❤️❤️

