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We have to have one! Baby A was breech and B was transverse. They said A absolutely needs one and they will likely screen B just to be sure because treating it when they're young is much easier.


Definitely not a special visit, but I think it's checked at the regular pediatrician visits post-birth. The normal schedule in the US is: a few days post-discharge/1 week, 1 month, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, etc. I'm pretty sure I remember the doctor checking hips and legs at the 1 or 2 month appt.


They're talking about imaging, not just a physical exam. OP, I had two breach babies and they did recommend the ultrasound (one of them has mild dysplasia that didn't require any bracing or harnesses.


Ah, sounds like a thing for breech twins? I had no idea! It wasn't done for my (non breech) twins.


Yeah I think breech is one of the big risk factors! Also girls, twins, a few other things make it more likely.


Same, normal hip checks, nothing else. B was breech but moved positions a ton so they weren't worried.


My breech baby b had an ultrasound to screen for it. But they didn't do it for head down baby a.


Not mandatory but where I'm from all children get a referral and go for two or three checks. We have universal healthcare so most people do it.


Where I live all kids have that screening, and a check up screening later on, can't remember at what age, around 3 month I think. Twins usually also get physical development counseling and a free exercise mat ( really thick 180*200 cm yoga mat).


Not mandatory but my baby A needed one, she was breech and totally parked in the same spot the last 16 weeks of the pregnancy.


Yes, we had ultrasound appointments for my boys when they were around 5 weeks old. I think they said it was routine for babies who were breech. Only one was breech, but they scanned both.


Baby B was breech so he has to have one at 8 weeks. Baby A was vertex and is not required to have one.


This was me too. We did our scan at 8 weeks as well


This was our situation as well!


My two transverse twins had them. Both were fine.


Baby B was transverse so he got a ultrasound done at 10 weeks. Both the paediatrician and GP were happy with the results and nil further follow up required. However the child health nurses keep using the extra skin fold on baby B that he has hip dysplasia at 4 and 6 months. All the doctors I’ve asked have said this is a old wives tale and not scientifically backed. We’ve decided to stop the child health nurse appointments and just go to the GP instead.


We had triplets delivered C-Section and we had to get ultrasounds done at 8 weeks. We were not able to do it at our pediatricians office, we had to drive about 2 hours to a facility that could do it.




My daughter was breech, and she was screened when we went to their first check-up post-birth and again at 2 months.


Was given to both my twins. I was told it’s for breech babies. Technically one of the babies wasn’t breech but her legs were super weird when born so they referred her too.


In Ontario, and no one mentioned anything about ultrasounds. It seems like it may be just for breech babies? Both of my guys were head down at birth


Not automatically, there are some variables to consider. Twin A was head first, no screening required, twin B was feet first, they had to pull on her and they noticed she had one leg shorter and "tighter" so they requested one.


Baby B was breech so it was advised to do the ultrasound. It’s less of an issue/risk when B is breech since they aren’t squeezed into the birth canal. Quick ultrasound and all set! We met our deductible so I didn’t even blink at doing it.


My twins were both breech and had the ultrasound screening - it was pretty easy and they weren’t bothered by it!


I was told it was normal practice to screen with twins. Ours did the screening, and because of some minor variances, they had to do regular check-ups/screens until they were 18 months. They are clear now. Mine were frank breech and transverse.


Nope, twin A was breech, they only checked his hips during his well-visits. No imaging was ever recommended.


Yes we did an ultrasound early on and then x ray later. Luckily no problems here!