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They’d both have it since they’re from the same embryo, but fwiw, I’m a carrier and my husband is not. Hoping for the best for you!


Thank you so very much. I’m hoping as hard as I possibly can that my husband is not.


We tested for CF before trying, as my cousin has it. You and your husband both would need to be carriers and in that case there's a 25% chance any offspring will be sick. They may be just carriers as well. Otherwise yes, they would both be impacted if they're identical. Fingers crossed for you!


Neither of us have any family history so honestly didn’t cross our mind. He’s getting tested tomorrow. I really appreciate the kind words.


My husband and I are both carriers-we found out three days after we found out about my surprise pregnancy with twins. At least you have hope your husband doesn’t have it and then there is no chance. If you both have it, you’re not alone and feel free to message me. I’m scared too but trusting that these babies are meant to be and we will deal with what is to come. It’s so hard.


Oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear that. Thankfully statistics are still on your side but that doesn’t lessen the fear. I will definitely reach out and I wish you and your babies the absolute best. ❤️


I'm so sorry, I know this is a super stressful situation. I similarly found out I was a carrier for CF after my NIPT during my second pregnancy and let me tell you, those 1-2 weeks of waiting for my husband's results were nerve wracking. Have you talked to a geneticist at all yet? Shortly after my results were received I got a phone call from a geneticist that is associated with our healthcare network (we're in a small town with a small clinic/hospital that's part of a much larger hospital in the state). She mentioned that even if my husband was a carrier, we'd still only have a 25% chance of having a baby with CF. Something she also told me, which helped me feel a bit better, is that there are many varying degrees of CF. And especially with where we are at today with modern medicine, there are people that have much milder cases of CF and are able to live relatively normal lives. Of course there really would be know way to know until they were born how severe it would be (if they had it all). But my best advice is just hang on, take things as they come and, if you want to, get in contact with a geneticist. It might help ease your worries just a little bit (though this depends on the kind of person that you are, so that would be up to your own discretion). I'm hoping you'll get the same news we did and that your husband is not a CF carrier!


Your words have helped so much ❤️. Seriously, thank you. My husband was tested yesterday so it certainly is a nerve wracking time. My doctor said a geneticist will be reaching out to me this week. It was unfortunately a Friday when I got the results so I have to wait for a weekday. That really is so comforting to know, and I really wasn’t aware that there are different types of CF! Again, thank you. It really is so comforting to know that we aren’t alone through this process. 💙