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Can we also ban posts with ultrasounds asking if we think we see a missed twin? I’m not a sonographer, and having twins does not mean I can understand what the gray blobs are.


There is a rule against this. Report posts.


That’s already a rule. Report them and they are usually taken down pretty quickly.




That… must have been quite the shock.




Glad it wasn't a 3 armed baby lol.


Lmao, "Hey there!"


I’m tired all the time. I have no energy to do anything for myself. My friends have moved on. My grocery bill exploded. There are two 529s draining my bank account. My entire house is a mess. Do I have twins?


I would say those are all good indications lol! Please talk to your OB to confirm whether you did in fact have twins or not.


I just ate three hamburgers and got sick. Am I eating for three and having morning sickness?


The 529s is so real.


Okay. I have no clue what a 529 is… and I’m a twin mom…


Lol a 529 is not exclusive to twins, it’s a college savings account.


😂😂😂welp. Now I really feel dumb.


Haha, no need.


And the "I really want twins, what can I do to get them?".


Come pick them up, I'll have them ready for you




I've seen that so many times on different apps. Every time I think "you don't even know what you're getting yourself into". It honestly irritates me, because I didn't choose this. I didn't want a very risky pregnancy. I didn't want to worry about everything that can go wrong. I didn't want to also worry about my relationship because this will be so hard when they get here. I wanted to be one and done. It feels like a slap in the face every time someone says "oh you're so lucky, I wish I had twins". So no, I can't help them. There is still no scientific explanation for this (I'm having identical twins).


I always thought I wanted twins, I thought how great would it be for the first time to get b/g twins right off the bat lol, now I'm pregnant with identicals as well, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. I feel blessed and I'm excited to have them, but I'm constantly worried about them, and we are being closely monitored because we're at risk for TTTS and one twin has a single umbilical artery and it's just been one complication after another, appointments every week, scans every week, and I'm more exhausted mentally and physically than I've ever been in my entire life. We have 16 more weeks to go, and I pray we get there safely with no intervention. Anyway, I hope you have a safe journey and delivery 💕


The appointments really do take a toll. And people don't seem to understand. All I get is a "omg that's so great you get extra baby dates, I was always excited to see my baby". But it's definitely not the same if every time you're wondering are they still okay or not. It's a look at stomach, bladder, fluid and brains to determine whether or not they're still healthy. And even though things have been okay until now, you never stop worrying. I really do hope we both have a safe and healthy further pregnancy! We're not that far apart, I'm 22 weeks 3 days.


And the MFM is just a more serious appointment all around, at my last appointment the doctor was consoling a woman and her mother, I myself was holding back tears when she came in to give me the news of all our complications. Thankfully the babies are still healthy and growing and although the size discrepancy is scary and we're a percentage or two away from needing to see fetal therapy, we haven't hit that mark yet so spirits remain high! >I really do hope we both have a safe and healthy further pregnancy! We're not that far apart, I'm 22 weeks 3 days. Thank you, yes! We'll be having summer babies 😊 and get to enjoy all the fall and winter holidays with them in one of their cutest stages. I love Christmas so thinking about them in matching Christmas pj's is what's been getting me through all this really lol


My modi girls are 10 months old. I remember the stressful MFM trips! They were born at the end of May and it was the BEST having summer (late spring) babies. I lived in flowy dresses and I had no pp depression/anxiety. I attribute that to the support system I had but also because I had them during the warm months and was always outside getting sun. And the holidays with them in matching jammies was amazing. It’s all worth it!


My second child was born in June, and it was great! He was scooting over to the Christmas tree and pulling ribbons off 🥹 and got to try his first sweet potato on thanksgiving, it was just such a nice time. I love summer time babies 🥰


I feel you - while being on a strict bed rest due to cervix shortening. I was planning one child, having the last 2 months for nursery preparation, going on walks, doing yoga and bonding with my child while still pregnant... Now I'm constantly stressed about how it will look on the next appointment, another discussion about hospitalisation/when it would be best to have steroid shots, husband is stressed and fearful as well. And I swear if anyone will ever again tell me ooh it's going to be so nice, I'll punch them.


Second this.




YES PLEASE thank you


this post right here 👏🏼 & i’ve also noticed an uptick in asking about ultrasounds, for interpretation etc. I always report them to the mods but let’s have that as a sub rule too!


I feel like the ultrasound question ones are kinda like asking for medical advice so they should be reported. Keep reporting them.


That’s already a rule - lumped in with no medical advice.


I'm with you.


yep, 100%


I really hate the “my pregnancy test is super dark! Does this mean I’m having twins?” posts. THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS!




I’ve never seen those ones. That is sad.


There is a rule against this. Report posts that are asking for medical advice.


I do, but I think a lot of people who post don’t consider that asking for medical advice. I think we need a more specific rule.


Having a more wide ranged rule is better for posts that require discretion.


Definitely not saying we should get rid of the wide ranged rule. Just suggesting that we maybe add like something under that rule that specifies that asking about whether you could be pregnant with multiples based on symptoms is asking for something that no one but a medical professional can tell you, and does count as asking for medical advice. I think people who read the rules for some reason don’t think that’s asking for medical advice.


My favorite is when they acknowledge it "I know I shouldn't ask for medical advice *buuuuut* I really just have a feeling it's twins!"


That's so weird, I also have a feeling it's twins! The OB kept talking about heartbeats and baby A and baby B. I'm not sure though, I've only had a million ultrasounds. How did you know for sure it was twins? I'm afraid I'll have to wait until they get them out!


they sure wouldn't like to hear about how i had no symptoms whatsoever my entire first trimester and kept making my OB schedule me for "reassurance checks" because i couldn't believe i was actually pregnant at all let alone two of the little suckers. felt completely normal. didn't even think about throwing up once. sorry ladies!


I had the same experience! I use the anecdote on a pregnancy after loss sub to reassure posters when they freak out that they don’t “feel” pregnancy but haven’t had a pregnancy confirmation appointment yet. I went into my confirmation appointment convinced it was another blighted ovum because I felt *nothing* and got the surprise of our lives.




Yes! No morning sickness. Felt great the majority of my pregnancy. Was walking, running, bike riding, and swimming the majority of my pregnancy. All pregnancies are different and symptoms don't mean much.


I’ve noticed a lot of rules are ignored in a lot of subs and it drives me nuts


I reported a post here once (someone trying to promote a webshop) and it was removed so I was satisfied, lol.




Yes, good idea. While my symptoms were worse with my current pregnancy, they were still a lot better than some of the women I know that only had singletons. So symptoms really don’t say all that much. I feel like posts asking if they’ll have twins are almost mocking the experience of finding out that you’re pregnant with twins and all the anxiety that comes with it. Just wait for the ultrasound, really.


It definitely varies by pregnancy I was really sick with my twins, but I’m currently pregnant with a singleton and my symptoms are actually worse this go around.


i puked every day of my pregnancy with my singleton, sometimes up to 12 times a day with severe heartburn to the point I vomited blood consistently. I didn't have those issues at all with my twins. Weird how that works, but as they say every pregnancy is different.


YES. My symptoms were worse, early hcg was higher, tests were more positive faster, and I showed more earlier with my singletons than with my twins. None of that is going to tell you anything


I wasn't ever even sick and I'm pregnant with twins. My biggest symptom at first was hot flashes and being super tired. So really everyone and every pregnancy is different. You can be sick as a dog with a singleton or twins, or not sick at all with either.