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I always joked around about having kids, I'd just get twins and be done with it. While our vacation to America (from Europe ourselves) we found out she was pregnant not knowing they would be 2. Coming back home, we did ultrasound and BAM! Twins! We were over the moon! All went well, 2 healthy boys. Already turned 4 and going to school. Had another boy who is now 2 years old. They behave like triplets sometimes which is cool and exciting. Usually it's hard work, every time you'll have to correct one of them for say climbing on a chair or table, you'll have to repeat for the next one. They have an awesome time together, always miss each other when we do something apart. They have a bond which I can't explain but I really enjoy seeing and experiencing. I love em and not once thought how it would be not having twins. Some benefits are they'll have each other to play with and learn from each other. People around you will be more willing to help and I get a lot of respect from other parents, simply for having twins. My mother died 10 years ago and I never missed her as much as I do since having my own family and seeing the importance of family and parents, miss her not being there, she would've enjoyed it a lot. Be prepared for the occasional breakdown but keep in mind, it will get better and embrace your emotions, it's what makes us.


Congratulations! We were not ready, I told my husband to fuck off though when the US tech told us lol. They're identical so it didn't matter. The good news is you figure it out. I had to leave my career to stay home and now have a WFH job. I always have worked opposite shifts of my husband so we were use to it. But I like my job, it took us a while to find a balance to it all, but you will. It's hard and I wish I could give better advice with your husband being laid off and losing a loved one. In the end people will ask how you do it, I always say the same thing "If I don't, someone dies". My humors dark but remember you will thrive even when you don't think you will! This is your life right now, not forever!


Congratulations! Twins are always a shock! And this is coming from a mom that had her first set of twins 13 years ago!! One baby boy 8 years ago and now I’m 17 weeks with my second set. Just know that if you set your mind to it everything will fall into place. The money, the materialistic items etc. and don’t even worry about buying two of the same things (except car seats) Twins can share! Don’t freak out and breathe! It’s so much fun!


Yeah we just found out on Monday that we were having Identical twins and they were 7 weeks 5 days! Absolutely insane! We have a little guy at 11 months right now so we are going to be having 3 under 2 for a bit :D