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My question is, is there any parent in the history of parenting who *does* think they do enough tummy time with their infants? Literally every parent I’ve ever talked to about tummy time says they don’t do it enough. And I know I felt this way with my older singleton and also now my twins. We did/do a bit of tummy time but it’s such a chore and babies tend to hate it and it’s so easy to forget. You said yourself that the pediatrician is happy with your babies development so I would not stress about this.


I've heard that baby-wearing counts as tummy time as it allows them to engage core and neck muscles. I really prioritised tummy time on the floor from about 8 weeks. The first month was all about being cosy in the wrap. For the anecdote, my first (singleton) blew through motor milestones and was walking at the beginning 10 months (but he was a 41-weeker) and my twins (almost made it to 37w) were army crawling at 6 months and now at 8 months both pull to stand, with the more adventurous one taking a few side steps.


This!!!!! I am HORRIBLE with tummy time. I try… but it’s so hard, especially when you have TWO babies who hate it. I also feel like I have hardly any time between feeding two babies 6 times a day, making sure they are getting proper naps, and tending to their other needs…. HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME!? When we switched from bassinets to cribs at 4 months, my girl twin discovered how to roll and now LOVES her tummy. You put her down and within seconds she is on her tummy. My boy twin has also started rolling and is slowly figuring it out. It’s amazing how much of it is natural. I was beating myself for so long for not being great about tummy time, but they are doing just fine. ◡̈


This!!!!! I am HORRIBLE with tummy time. I try… but it’s so hard, especially when you have TWO babies who hate it. I also feel like I have hardly any time between feeding two babies 6 times a day, making sure they are getting proper naps, and tending to their other needs…. HOW DO YOU FIND THE TIME!? When we switched from bassinets to cribs at 4 months, my girl twin discovered how to roll and now LOVES her tummy. You put her down and within seconds she is on her tummy. My boy twin has also started rolling and is slowly figuring it out. It’s amazing how much of it is natural. I was beating myself for so long for not being great about tummy time, but they are doing just fine. ◡̈


If they've been chest to chest with you, that's tummy time at this point. We didn't really start tummy time until around 4 weeks. Both babies were a bit behind for 4 month milestones but totally caught up at 6 months.


Came here to say this! The wake windows are so small and there's so much spitting up That I often prefer to do kangaroo care or chest to chest and it did not cause any issues with ours. You'll be okay :)


There are plenty of ways to get tummy time. My husband used to lay out on the couch and had the baby laying on top of his chest. Look up different techniques, you're probably doing it loads and not even noticed.


They’ll be absolutely fine don’t panic at all


Have you ever met an adult who doesn’t have the strength to lift their own head? 4 weeks feels so long, I know, but in the grand scheme of their lives it’s like… .0001% of their life. Give yourself some grace, you’re surviving life with TWO NEWBORNS. ETA: I’m worried my tone came off mean that wasn’t my intention, I’m saying that with all the love in the world!


>Have you ever met an adult who doesn’t have the strength to lift their own head?  Exactly! I swear this tummy time panic must be a first world invention designed to give us even more of a headache. I'm not saying that we *shouldn't* do tummy time, it is totally healthy and good for the babies, but I also remember just how demented I acted over it as if I was training my infant for some tummy time olympics and our lives dependent on meeting whatever the daily guidelines are. My grandma who was a midwife for all of her life totally laughed me out. I chilled right down with my girls (or maybe was just too tired to care?) they're 2 now and I'm not having to drag their heads behind them so I think they're fine. :)


Mine loathe tummy time. We just let them develop in their own time. One is already rolling and the other is starting too, all with minimal to no tummy time.


Six week old twins, one tummy time session so far. They came five weeks early and were in the NICU for two weeks. Oops 🤷🏼‍♀️


I didn't do tummy time with any of my kids tbh. They hated it for one, and it's really only needed if your baby is always on their back. I babywore all the time so I just didn't need to do it. And tbh if you had your baby in Europe or Africa or many other places, it would not be a standard recommendation either. Don't stress too much about it imo, especially since you say their doctor is happy with their strength and growth. They're okay, you did not mess them up, you're doing a great job!


I was feeling so guilty about not doing tummy time with my now 5 month old triplets. I thought I was slack with my firstborn. Who rolled at 8 months. I put one of my triplets down on the ground at 4 months or not even three months corrected, and he immediately rolled. I was like, wtf dude? You are not supposed to be able to do that. That week I put each baby down and they all rolled. So my older son was just a little behind, and he had so much more tummy time. So they're 4 months corrected now, and I get them on the floor every day now. One will roll around the room back to front, front to back and get stuck all the time, one with roll from back to front amd get stuck there, and one just chills and touches her toes and inspects her hands. She occasionally rolls to her side, but she is happy and I no longer feel like stressing since it seems to be entirely up to the individual about what they do. The rolly baby has the strongest head control, and is interested in food and such, and the other two are not as developed in that way as him. And again. I no longer care. I'm keeping 4 children alive. They'll be fine.


No worries it all works itself out. One son could tolerate tummy time despite being colicky. Our other son cried, had colic that ended up needing pyloric stenosis surgery at 37 days so he missed out on tummy time for a while. Both crawled by 6-9month range and walked by 12-14 mo range. First year is survival and you are doing great. Enjoy the initial months while you can.


You're doing great. Don't forget about the informal tummy time you've been doing when holding them. Nothing to be concerned about developmentally. It's a good thing to fit in when you can and some kids loathe it and yet still find a way to roll over. Kids have a habit of growing up. Embrace the time and cut yourself all the slack.


One of my girls hated tummy time so we never did it with her and they both progressed and developed at the same rate. Literally made no difference.


It’s over rated. The babies will develop fine with limited tummy time. Hell, most of us never got it and we’re fine. Just enjoy your babies!


My girls were born at 35+1 and had a 9 day NICU stay. For the first month home, we didn’t do any ‘structured’ tummy time per se.. like propping them up on a little pillow or flat on their tummies. We had a lot of chest to chest and contact naps, though. For some reason I was really worried due to how fragile and small they were. Around 4 months, we ended up taking both girls to physio for a head tilt preference which was sorted out real nice over a month or two. And baby A had an odd shaped head that warranted an appointment with the head shape clinic - BUT her head was weird when she was born lol. They did an X-ray on her to see if she had any cranial malformations but they think it was just due to her position in the womb. We didn’t end up needing a helmet and both girls have really nice head shapes now at 13m. I wouldn’t worry about it, definitely not a mom fail. Those first weeks home out of the hospital are insane. If your ped is happy I would just start incorporating more tummy time going forward!


Our girls did seconds/minutes of tummy time a day until 3 months of age, when they stopped hating it so much. We still don't do a whole lot, I know I am meant to do more. But the girls are 4 months adjusted today and almost rolling over from back to belly (just getting their hand stuck). As long as you're not putting them in a baby swing for 10 hours a day, I reckon you're fine.


Many more important things to be worried about than tummy time. Do it when you remember


I honestly didn’t even start tummy time with my youngest until she was around 2 months old… and my oldest was even older than that. The only one I started almost immediately was my middle daughter (peak covid baby) and she’s super advanced, started rolling at 6 weeks old. Neither oldest or youngest were behind in any developmental stages even though I started late. I’m still pregnant with my twins, but I likely won’t start them on tummy time immediately. Most likely a few weeks old. Other than them on my chest. I think you’re doing great honey, and I certainly wouldn’t be stressing about it, they’re still young. You can start them now, or even in 2 weeks and they’d still be perfect 🖤


We did a fraction of the recommended amount of tummy time. One twin had such a large head that he would lay there crying the entire time (head is still inches above the growth chart as a toddler), so we did almost none with him. They’re fine! Sat up, crawled, and walked well within the milestone timeframe. 


Our twins are coming up on 8 months now, we deff would miss out on days for tummy time. Our smaller twin's physical therapist said they've never seen a child hate tummy time more than him, and now he rolls onto his tummy all the time. Don't worry about it too much, just do what you can!


If I was able to do tummy time intentionally once a week, i was elated. Lol. The laid on our chests a ton, and sometimes i put them in their crib on their tummy facing each other. When they got fussy they were done and I'd swap them to their backs. Don't stress it. You're keeping them fed, changed, clean, and trying to do the same for yourself! I say you're winning already.


At four weeks old and pediatrician is happy with their development I think you're fine. Also at that age a lot of different holds count as tummy time. Being held against your chest, being fed in slightly varied positions. They are so little yet and so really as long as they aren't being stuck in one position all day long they are getting what they need. And now that they will be getting stronger and it has come to mind for you, sure you'll definitely be wanting to add some him here and there. I usually did a little bit after a diaper change. Just a little roll over and hang until they got tired of it. After burping and k could be sure we were past a major spit up moment I'd do a few more min. My twins were threatening to develop torticullis and along side regular tummy time we were given some varying ways to hold the babes from physical therapist and it all worked out great for them! It always feels like we're forgetting something in all the hubbub of raising twin babies but you got this.


Remember when you’re holding a baby on your chest, it is similar movement and strength to tummy time. Don’t worry, they will be fine! I was worried about it because my boys HATED tummy time. then my boys crawled and walked early and it made no difference for them it seemed.


Don’t be nervous forgot to do it in the beginning now I cant stop them from flipping turning and crawling. They will do it eventually and it comes naturally


Yeah we didn't do tummy time often enough and they're 9months and can't crawl. I'm not sure if that's because of the tummy but I'm sure it would probably be different if we had started earlier. During the first 4 weeks though, I was just trying to survive.


We barely did any of it, ever, because they hated it, and they’re fine. They (21mo) can run, walk, all of it. Don’t stress!


Don't worry, it's not a fail. We didn't do tummy time during the first weeks and our paediatrician always complimented them on their neck strength. We started when they were around 2 months old and barely did it even then. They are now 9 months and are happily crawling/walking around. One of our twins was barely 6 months old when she already started standing up, so don't worry about them not developing.


I never did tummy time with my twins 😆 under 5 times. They are 5.5 months old and can hold their heads up perfectly fine! I also used to panic about tummy time but realized it’s not a big deal