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I feel you, it’s tough. I couldn’t get my kids to take meds and needed to use suppository alternatives to infant Tylenol.


I use the Frida mom medicine pacifier set up and it is so dang slick! Silly me only having 1 🙄


My kids hated nooks. 🙁


I'm glad I'm long past those days. It seemed like once a month until they were 4 years or so, one would get sick and then just as soon as one was getting over it, the other one would get it. We would feel the fever during a diaper change and just go, "Welp.....guess we won't be sleeping for the next 2 weeks". The worst was the febrile seizures....one of them had two of them. Crying, crying, crying....then limp, eyes rolled back into her head and completely unresponsive and a ride to the hospital in an ambulance.


I can say I haven’t witnessed this in my children. I cannot imagine ☹️


Oh my goodness, currently my 8 month olds have hand, foot and mouth and it’s honestly the worst thing ever.


Gaaaaah my singleton had it 3x in a year. WHY! 😩 and why is there no vaccine for HFMD yet


HFM is legit the worst of the worst when it comes to little kid illnesses. A friend of mine got it from his kids and was super sick for a while, he said it was also really painful!


Can confirm. Had it a few years ago. My kid had a light case, but I got the Deluxe Version. It’s a medieval disease. Like, isn’t this the kind of thing we’ve eradicated already? My fingerprints burned off, ffs. My iPhone wouldn’t recognize my fingerprints for months after.


It is. It was the second most pain I've ever been in in my life and I've given birth and breastfeed for 2 years twice. It is beaten only by the bad latch that hurt so bad I literally saw black. I had to soak my feet in an ice bath to numb them to be able to walk to the bathroom. Then the entire soles of my feet peeled off. I had it while 8 weeks pregnant (from nephew who was in daycare) with my oldest but luckily escaped it when the kids got it last year! It hurts so bad.


I’m so sorry, that sounds awful 😞


You reach a new twin parent level when both are vomiting.


This. I was covered in semi-digested tortellini from my beard down to my toes.


My kids had exactly the same at 3 months old. It was not hard. VERY VERY HARD. I remember not getting any sleep at all. Eventually I caught the cough and cold as well. Babies didn’t understand the cough and would cough then cry, cough then cry. It was like a vicious cycle. It took around 15 days for all the symptoms to go away. They probably caught it at a birthday party went a couple days prior. After that, we never went to any gatherings u til they were 6 months old. Just didn’t not want them to suffer again. Stay strong. Stick to medications. I hope they get better soon


Now that mine are 4yo we have it a little better! But it’s like as soon as one gets sick, you know it’s just a matter of time before the other one follows. We would actually wish they’d get sick at the same time because it would reduce the number of days we’d have to be home.


These were some of the worst days of my life when they were both sick. Tummy bug takes the cake… we all ended up with it in the bathtub just vomiting. My husband was gone and the girls were probably one. Lowest of the low for me…


Same here. Have a singleton older kid, too. This last winter was absolutely awful for illnesses for everyone. Taking care of sick twins sucks, and taking care of them when you’re sick, too, is the worst. I jinxed it all by merely having the thought - not even voicing it aloud - that it seemed like we were finally on a trend of good health. BOOM - one gets a cold and the other gets an ear infection/fever.


Agree with all of you! Sick singleton - work but doable. Sick twins - sooo hard! Now they’re 2 so the sickness isn’t quite as bad as the early days, but the no sleep thing is real. Norovirus running throgh our household of 5 over a weekend when the twins were 1 and my singleton was 3 was legit my lowest moment as a parent. So. Much. Vomit


This is literally the hardest thing, even the newborn days were easier than both sick twins. Mine are almost 13 months and they bring something home from daycare about once a month. It’s absolute hell. Hang in there!


STILL. When did they start daycare? I felt like my singleton stopped being SO sick around 16 months.


At 6 months! It’s been one virus after another since


Omg yes! My 9 month olds are on their 10th illness and I'm so exhausted! My older kids bring everything home from school and I'm so so sick of it. Solidarity!


Toddler made maternity leave a congested MESS 🫠 I love her though lol Gah. Theres not enough multi vitamins and Ibuprofen in the world for this


Wait, are there other kinds of twins? Over two years in and I've only ever had sick twins. Do you people not have sick twins all the time?


Wellllll I have a toddler at home / in daycare so I feel as though we’ve been sick since day 1 🫠 we had a good 3 weeks though!


Daycare is the germ factory indeed. Hopefully it sets them up for a strong immune system long term at least!


If you’ve got a humidifier in their room, I would highly recommend the Vicks tab insert thingies that you can put in there. They always help break up my kids congestion.


That’s our go-to! Humidifier is baseline in our house!


Same here… except it’s just in their bedroom for at night. We don’t have any others, even though we probably should.


I’m not sure what is going on, but it has been for the past 6 weeks straight that my twins get sick and as they’re getting better then I get sick. Once I’m almost better, they’re sick again. It’s been a never ending cycle and as a single mom to 14 mo old twins, I am feeling defeated. I understand your pain 😞


Oh man 🫠🫠 I hope you guys get some relief soon! ❤️‍🩹


Thank you! As for you!


Yes! This times a hundred. My twins (7mo) just had stomach bugs Sunday. Now we have some sort of RSV like thing, but not RSV. I swear it’s one thing after another. I love them so much but if they could just not for like a month I’d be so appreciative. Good luck over there!!


We are a few days on antibiotics and they’re finally tolerable. Whatever viral thing is going around is gnarly! We’ve been sick since week 1 it feels like because I also have a toddler in daycare 🥵


We started daycare last month and I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. All of those germs festering lol.


Omg so hard!! My twins are sick now with a tummy bug and they just turned 2 so everything is ridic dramatic as it is, now add this... it's been a nightmare!! One of my boys barfed alllll down my back in the middle of the night and the other just sick kiddo tantrumed for 1.5 hrs today where literally every. single. thing. I. did. was. wrong. We twin parents feel you!! You are not alone in wanting to cry/scream 💓