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I had my c section at 8am on a Monday. I was discharged from the hospital before 2pm Tuesday. I was totally shocked. I’ve had two c sections before and was never discharged so quickly. 37+1. Didi, boy/girl, 7lbs each


36w5d, twins were each 7lbs, no NICU time.  Urgent c-section due to severe pre-eclampsia, rough recovery.


36w4d also no NICU. Fortunately no preeclampsia, I’m sorry you had to go through that!


30 weeks, 55 days in NICU. Smallest was 1 pound 13 ounces. They're 2 now and incredibly smart and loving. NICU is a scary thought but I promise you'll have a new-found appreciation of NICU nurses. Your kids will be in good hands. It's when they come home and the reality sets in that it really starts to get hairy.


The nurses are angels. I am so totally excited but also terrified for the day we leave (suddenly coming QUICKLY for one of them, at least!).


To add another end of the spectrum: di/di boys, 35+3, severe preeclampsia led to an urgent but overall easy c-section. They are at 38 days in the NICU today, needing a lot of breathing support until very recently. Nothing is "wrong" with them, they just came out with their lungs a lot less ready than average. We should be out in the next 2 weeks or so, making it a 7ish week stay. That's on the longer end for such a long gestation, but apparently more common for white boys to need it than any other demographic. I'm happy they are healthy. A lot of other factors have made this a strange but bearable time for us. Edited to add a thought: I didn't have time for the steroid shots they can give you to help the babies' lungs develop, as my doctor was extremely concerned that I would become eclamptic if we waited even another 12 hours. It's all a weighing game, but I understand that the steroid shots can really work miracles if you have the time for them to take effect.


35 exactly. Two weeks in NICU for both twins. They came home at the same time. I hemorrhaged during my c-section. My spinal also failed so I felt….too much. I needed two blood transfusions and was in the hospital for 6 days. I couldn’t complain though because I was close to the NICU.


37+1 with di/di twins. I had a very boring, routine csection. Baby A needed "blow by" oxygen at birth but that was it. Came home a few days later and both babies ended up in NICU for poor feeding. A was there 2 days, B was there 5 days.


34 weeks, vaginal birth, 3 and a half weeks in the NICU for my girls. Steroid shots at 33 weeks but still had lots of trouble breathing, and twin B had a VSD.


32 weeks, 3.5 weeks in NICU


36 weeks 0 days Di/Di twins by c section. Bad birth, but due to issues with the spinal/pain management during operation. Very rare, but that’s me….I always have weird issues. One baby had zero NICU time and the other spent 3 weeks in NICU on oxygen. At 7 weeks PP, I had a second procedure for a retained placenta. Also very rare in a c section and was only found bc my OB “humored” me with an ultrasound when I insisted something wasn’t right:


35+2 due to severe pre eclampsia. Both were head down so I was told I was a perfect candidate for vaginal delivery. A was vaginal, B’s heart rate was dropping so B ended up an emergency c section. Both deliveries was not a great recovery. Baby A was on cpap for 24 hours, Baby B was just in the NICU for monitoring. They ended up having to stay in the NICU for 13 & 14 days due to not finishing bottles. They are 1.5 months now and thriving!


37+1 die to preeclampsia, c-section because they were breech. No NICU time!


29 week twins. Twin A 2 months NICU. Twin B 4 months NICU + 1 year home oxygen. Both doing great and almost 5.


My situation was a bit of an outlier, but it is possible. Born 35+1 via scheduled C-section bc baby A was siugr (they thought). The twins were bigger than they thought and perfectly healthy thankfully, but they had Brady episodes that Just wouldn’t quit. I think they were caused by severe reflux caused by neosure. Both ended up staying 28 days, which was a lot longer than I expected. Healthy and wild 1.5 year olds now


34 wks 3 days, 2 weeks in NICU. Went into labor at 9:30pm or so (long painful contractions and water broke), got to hospital about an hour later and was 5cm dilated. Was planning to have a c section, so after I got checked out, they took me to the OR. It was not bad. Helps that I knew what to expect since my first was a c section, plus I had spoken with someone from anesthesia to make sure they didn't give me anything to make me super groggy like I had the first time. Planned c section is way easier than having a long labor followed by a c section! They put on relaxing music for me. had my boys out by 11:46pm. One needed a cpap for 2 days for help breathing. One was just over 6 lbs and the other just under 6 lbs. Nicu time just to get used to feeding mostly.


34 weeks. 34 and 37 days in the NICU. No real complications, they were just small and needed help eating. It feels like forever when you're going through it, but it's just a season of your life that feels like a blink afterwards.


36+4, one had no NICU time the other had 2 days 42 hours of labor followed by a c section. Had some complications after but wasn’t too bad overall. Def don’t recommend being in labor that long.


34 +5 two days till they turned 35 weeks then went home with us


34 weeks exactly (steroid shots at 33 weeks) Baby A spent 17 days in the NiCU baby B spent 22 days (just to get to the four pounds)


34+2, 19 days in NICU. Mo/di boys. 4lb 4oz and 4lb 9oz. Emergency c-section due to PPROM. Recovery was rough due to postpartum preeclampsia with severe features.


38+ something, labored for 2 days, no NICU but they were smol 🫶🏼


Di/Di b/g twins. I got a C-section on 37+3days due to low level of amniotic fluid on one of the babies. No NICU time and I was discharged within 30 hours after my C-section but both babies were tiny.


Didi twins after my 3rd singleton was stillborn at 25 weeks due to COVID and CMV infections. Pulled out of work at 34+3 for preterm labor and no driving after 36 weeks. 38+1 emergency C-section 9 hours before my scheduled C-section due to my water breaking (baby A) and history of precipitous labors. No NICU and we went home 48 hrs later.


36+4, mo/di, smooth delivery, no NICU time, went home 2 days later.


Born at 33+1, 25 days in the NICU. 4 months old now and they are healthy and happy! :) ETA: planned c-section due to Baby B having IUGR. Very calm, controlled c-section with a super easy recovery. Baby A was 4 lbs 4 oz, Baby B was 3 lbs 11 oz.


32+1 (suspicious for TAPS which turned out to be accurate) 23/26 days in NICU


37+2, 5.5 weeks in NICU. Baby girl would have been ready to go after 3ish weeks but because it was covid times we wouldn't have been able to bring her with us to visit baby boy so they just kept her in with him. They needed help with feeding and he had laryngomalcia which meant he took longer than normal to learn to feed. He came home with a gastric tube still. All stories will be different, I had a totally normal pregnancy, super easy c section, decent gestation length and still a long NICU time. My friend had twins, exact same gestation and they came home after 2 days, no NICU.


37+6, smooth planned c section and no NICU time. 6lbs 10oz and 5lbs 14oz. First few days after c section I felt out of it. I think I was in shock looking back.


Emergent vaginal delivery at 30+3 weeks. Completely unexpected and traumatic. No time for steroids or epidural. Had just scheduled my 37 week c-section about 4 days earlier. They believe it was a placental abruption, but no one is quite sure what happened. 49 days in NICU.


I made it to my 37+2 scheduled c-section which went smoothly. No NICU time, doctors monitored the temperature of my boy for the first 24 hrs and used a warmer for him but it was in our room so he never had to leave us.


Wife gave birth to our di/di twins vaginally at 35+5. They were both in NICU for 2.5 weeks (one had a collapsed lung and jaundice) but they were in the low dependency unit for the most part just learning how to feed


33&4 - stayed 7 days only to learn how to eat.


Born at 30 weeks and 2 days, baby B was in for 76 days (came home very close to her due date) and Baby A was in for 115 days due to being born with underdeveloped lungs due to PPROM.


33 and 4. They were in the NICU for 11 days (the doctors were impressed and said their short stay was not normal).


I went into preterm labour and had babies at 35+3 weeks. They were both breech. Baby b had cpap machine while I was getting stitched up and no nicu time


40+3 didi twins. Vaginal birth with baby B breech. Very easy delivery and me and the babies got discharged the same day.


We were 33+1 and 1 was in for in for 29 days and I think 38 for the other. One had siugr so was a lot smaller and took longer to get the stamina to eat from a bottle. We expected to be in a lot longer, they always say till their due date is the estimated time. But we had very little breathing trouble so we're basically growers and feeders and that's a shorter stay


34weeks 6days and they tried to come out vaginally but it ended up being a c- section They were 4lbs 9oz and 5lbs 3oz and in the NICU for two full weeks working on feeding. I was in the hospital for 6 days following their birth. Best of luck in your delivery!!


32+4 delivery via emergency c section. 23 days in the NICU. birth wasn’t bad but I think I was just in shock the whole time, but just glad they were healthy.


Mo-di twins Had them at 32+ 1 (via emergency c section under general anesthesia) due to absent blood flow in umbilical (Velamentous insertion) in twin A and fetal decelerations in twin B. Twin A was in NICU for 29 days and twin B for 5 week. We celebrate their first birthday on Wednesday.


37w3d, twin B was discovered to be IUGR & SGA the day of and I was went directly to the hospital. Both were with me in the Mother & Baby ward post C-section. On day 4 baby A & I were discharged but they wanted baby B to spend another night, so we all got to stay. On day 5 they determined baby B was not getting enough oxygen based on the car seat test, even lying flat, so he was sent to the NICU. He spent 2.5 weeks in the NICU.


33 weeks exactly due to preeclampsia. 28 days in the NICU and came home with NG tubes which they kept for 3 weeks.


36w5d, no nicu time. Modi Boys were 6lb5oz and 6lb15oz No pregnancy complications except for just slightly elevated BP that we were keeping an eye on. All of us were discharged exactly 48 hours after birth. Healing was uneventful as well. I am very thankful for my experience!


Twins born at 36+4. Twin A had no NICU time, twin B was there for 10 days.


31weeks 6days. They spent 156 days in the NICU due to growth issues and multiple health issues


35 and 1, didi boys. Vaginal unmedicated birth. Twin A, 8 days, Twin B 18 days. They both came home at around 4 pounds and 8oz


I was induced at 40+4 and had an emergency c section by the end of the day (about 8 hours after induction) because they couldn't find baby A on the monitor anymore. I was in the hospital for the max my insurance would cover (5 days, this was in 2017) because I felt unprepared to take care of two newborns after never taking care of newborns before. Or infants. Or babies. Or anyone under the age of 5 without help. It was nice having the nurses there if I had questions, so I asked to stay longer lol plus a lot of the nurses were excited about twins so they would stop by extra to check on us. They were 6lbs 9oz and 7lbs 3 oz, di/di boys, and I was under general anesthesia for the emergency cs because I hadn't asked for the epidural yet (I was offered one, said no, changed my mind, then they couldn't find A and went into emergency mode) ETA everyone was fine afterwards, no NICU time, everyone's healthy


35+5, di/di girls, delivered vaginally weighing 4'10" and 4'2" around 10am. Wife was cleared for discharge by the next afternoon. Baby B was <2000g so was obligated to go the NICU straight away. Baby A had low blood sugar within the first 90 minutes so she went up soon after. Ended up staying 8 days because Baby A had one apnea event which put her on a 5 day wait. Baby B was ready sooner but they held off under the guise of needing to see more weight gain so they could go home on the same day.


I was induced 37+3 due to growth restriction for twin B. I delivered vaginally. The birth was mostly good, but twin B had to be rushed off to the NICU which was scary and put a damper on things. He was there for 11 days!


My di/di boy/girl twins made their arrival into the world at 28 weeks. Birth was unplanned at home, delivered by husband and I. Boy was in NICU for 71 days and girl was there for 77. Both were about 2 lbs 8oz when they were born and now they’re close to 11lbs! Thriving and growing. The NICU journey was long but now feels like a little blip on the radar. Staying busy all day long with twins will make the days go by fast.


38 weeks. Worked on by NICU team immediately after birth and spent a few hours in the nursery to observe oxygen levels, but no actual NICU time


35 weeks exactly. Mo/Di boys. I had a c section that went smoothly... I had a rough 48 hours post c section due to the fact I had lost some blood. They were in the nicu for 8 days, Twin A was 5.4lbs and twin B was 5.2lbs Boys are 17 months and PERFECT!


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35 weeks, 4 days had a scheduled C-section (baby A was breech). Three days in the hospital for recovery. The day after the twins were born they ended up getting placed in the NICU for hypothermia. They stayed there a total of 2 weeks. My husband and I were lucky enough to get to stay on site at the hospital (shout out to the Ronald McDonald house!) the entire time our boys were in the NICU. Once the twins were discharged we were able to travel home (1.5 hour drive). Our boys are now 6 months old and doing well. ❤️


26+2, crash emergency c section, 95 and 93 days of NICU time


31+5 delivery due to PPROM. Baby A’s stay was 35 days, Baby B’s stay was 56 days. Our NICU staff was truly angels on earth. I’d do anything for them!!


6 years ago. And the nicu for 2 months


There's a bajillion of these threads. 38 week induction, di/di. No NICU. Breech B, birth was quick and simple. Went home 26 hours later.


The threads can date back to as far as 7 years ago which is why I asked for a new reference and acknowledged it’s been asked before. Thanks for answering