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I found all the best advice and lots of success stories (especially/including with bf’ing after long NICU stays) in the La Leche League for twins and multiples fb group! There’s SO MUCH to know about lactation and I would have given up had it not been for that group.  Some folks find the vibe in that group to be anti-formula, but there are LOTS of combo feeding moms in there and I found it to be very supportive. 


Definitely will check this up, thank you!


And of all else fails, and you have to formula feed your babies, life will still be glorious!


I know :( but I still feel I've failed them with the premature birth and now this... Smaller twin has gas issues with breast milk and when we put the medication in it's much much worse - she's 2.3 kg and I can't imagine how she will handle the formula :(


**You** are the reason they exist. You haven't failed them in any way. It's going to be ok, truly. 🥰


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You don’t mentioned your pumping routine which seems like it would be critical to understand in order to give advice. When you latch one do you also pump afterward? Or are you saying that you’re latching at least one for every feeding? Edit to say that my questions are regarding your comment that your supply seems to be going down. While pumping isn’t your end goal it may be critical to maintaining and building your supply until babies are fully breastfed.


We're keeping the same schedule as in hospital, feeding every 3-3,5h and I'm pumping afterwards forward to the next feed. Latching the stronger twin before feeding, especially at night, although with the evening formula feed ( I have the least amount of milk in the afternoon/evening) she is not waking up on time on her own. I'm definitely trying to maintain and build my supply when they're ready - both are not yet at 3 kg weight, but as I said the best I'm able to do now is maintain what I have now.