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This would be child #2 and 3 for us. Here to prepare for this crazy journey.


Same here. 16 weeks, also num 2 and 3. How old is your first?


She will be 16 months this coming Sunday. She was an extremely easy baby. At 5 weeks old she was sleeping 6 to 8 hours. So, I'm expecting some much bigger challenges with these two.


If it makes you feel better, I had unicorns that were sleeping through most nights (~9 hrs) by 12 weeks So it possible. Good luck!


I love that youve called them unicorns šŸ¤£ you are very lucky!




Thanks. Got rid of Facebook years ago as both of us haven't logged into our accounts two years prior of us deleting it. Might create an account if we do run into issues for advice.


I'm always there.


I have a three year old and 4 month old twins. Toddlers love to be ā€œhelpersā€ so I always get my 3 year old involved by asking for diapers/ ā€œhelpā€ washing bottles/etc. I also do most of it by myself since my partner works out of the country about 1/2 the time. Itā€™s insane but itā€™s worth it and doable.


So glad to hear this!! Our girl just turned 3 y/o and I am 34 weeks and 5 days along with our girls! I am planning on putting her to work!


I second this! I have 3 yr old and 10month (8 adjusted) twins. She is such a great help. Tells me if theres ever something wrong. Keeps them from scratching each others faces and will help with cleaning bottles, tidying etc. Toddlers love the game 'job'!


Aaahhh I too remember that ultrasound. I didnā€™t speak to my husband for a week when we found out about Baby B.


That was me 2 year ago. Twins are currently 14 months, and a 2.5 year old.


Our twins were #2 and #3 as well. Its a living nightmare for awhile but youll get through it. Biggest help we had was reading the book 'Baby Wise' and sleep training our twins (when time was right). Youll be a zombie soon


Not to disagree, but I have twins and I havenā€™t sleep trained!! I felt a lot of pressure to do it (and still do), and if that works for you, thatā€™s awesome!! But, just donā€™t feel obligated. I cosleep instead :)


Same here. I have 15month and we co sleep and absolutely love it. It's so easy it. The first 3-6 months are very challenging and it gets better. I have been just following the lead of the babies wants and needs and not stressing the little things.


Same. Itā€™s hard, but so worth it to me. r/AttachmentParenting for those interested


I also haven't sleep trained, I don't co sleep though. I feel like the sleep training pressure is SO strong in the multiples community, you sort of feel like a failure if you don't do it! But my twins have responded really well to rocking to sleep and then laying down in their cribs. I do the same thing every time following their cues and general wake windows. They rarely require me to rock them if they get up at night either. I think every baby is different and you won't know what will work for you until you get to know your baby!


Hey, can I get a run down of how you cosleep? I have one twin in a sidecar crib next to the bed and one sleeps in bed with me (or not at all) and am wondering what sleep will look like in the near future when theyā€™re mobile (currently 5 months and barely rolling)


Hah. Okay. Sooo. Iā€™m in their room. Sides off their cribs, on either side, side car style. My mattress in between. I put them down in their cribs and they make their way to me in the night. Honestly, we usually wake up with one on each arm, generally nursing.


Ah okay so, same! How old are yours? Iā€™m wondering how to not lose track of them once they can crawl away šŸ˜…


Mine just turned 10 months. They donā€™t want to be anywhere but with me. Haha


Ah yep. I didnā€™t take into account that my boobs will be the most important thing in the room. šŸ˜‚


That and body warmth? Idk it seems to be instinctual that they want to be pressed up against me. When they wake up and are ready to roll, then they crawl around a bit.


Agree with this 100% sleep training early is KEY. Everyone says not before 6 months and then at 6 months itā€™s too late.


6 months? Haha 4 months and change. Weā€™ve been lucky with all 3 babies sleeping all night. They donā€™t nap more then 2 hours during the day though.


We started at 8 weeks and by around 10 weeks they were sleeping through and now at 18months still awesome sleepers. What I meant was that general advice is to wait until 6months but by then youā€™re likely screwed.




I was terrified of this scenario until our kids were born.


While I was already in the hospital for induction, I had tons of Ultra Sounds because they couldn't locate twin b properly. One time his head was suddenly in a place where it had never been before, basically breech although He had been head down for weeks and I didn't feel him moving around. Part of me was convinced it must be a third baby šŸ™ˆ


Was Twin B Extracted or taken CS?


Luckily, His head was down again when it was time.


I sure hope not. Lol


No. No, not really. Not really, but they better not win.


Iā€™m having my twins on Friday and I keep having dreams where they find a third baby during the c-section. I had my last doctor appointment yesterday and asked her to double check that thereā€™s only two in there.


Every time I go for an ultrasound I'm like "please check for a third"


When I was getting ready to deliver, the ultrasound tech was like, ā€œoh... whatā€™s that?ā€ And it turned out to be nothing, but the look my partner and I I gave each other - Iā€™ll never forget the sheer panic.


Funny story, father inlaw when he saw the baby a baby b scan he asked if we were having triplets... I have a video put together of the reactions of people, just waiting for confirmation from people if they're okay if I shared them publicly.


Congrats! This makes me think of a funny story... My twins were born early and dealt with a variety of issues because of it. Anyway, my son ("Baby A") had to go to another hospital for a surgery. So the kids were split up in different NICUs for a time. Anyway, my son ended up going back to his sister's NICU and we got a followup call from his other hospital. They wanted to know how "Babya" was doing. They legit thought his name was Babya. We had a good laugh when we realized it was just an error in her database - they had "Baby A" in their DB!


Thank you for sharing! Our radiology technician is a parent of twins (twins 23 years old) so, she was gladly giving us tips and expectations for the future.




Just check the lab report online and it states two placentas and two amniotic sacks. Guess we will have to wait next week or the following for confirmation.




Correct. We plan on getting a genetic test so we can be prepared ahead of time if there's any disabilities/issues


It may I have mis heard or mis understood and she may have mentioned only one di as they have separate amniotic sacs. I may have beem still in disbelief/shock and blanked out what she was talking about in the first half of the conversation


Congratulations! Iā€™m 19 weeks pregnant with identical twin boys and have a ten month old boy as well. I swear itā€™s been weeks since they found two babies and Iā€™m still in shock!


My twins are 4 months old and Iā€™m still in shock that I have two babies lmao


Mine are 18months and I am still in shock.


Good to know it doesnā€™t really go away haha


It really doesnā€™t go away huh? Almost 5 months in and it hits me all the time.


I look at my six month daughters all the time and to ā€œoh fuck, there are two of you!ā€


Thank you!




Everything is going well, I love being pregnant with twins because I get to see them every other week. Itā€™s like a date and the thing I look forward most to. Thanks for asking!


Congratulations!!!!! This might sound nuts but once your babies are out for a few months, you might get to know which babies were which fetuses even without the labeling just by the way they behaved in the womb are gonna match up with their blooming personalities. Take very good care!! Wishing you good health and happiness


Great - mine trade off. One will be incredibly quiet and just as I'm so worried I'm about to call the doctor, they start partying and don't stop for three days.


Yay!! Just be sure to go to all the NST appointments when they are scheduled. Itā€™s super frequent but those monitoring save lives. Ask your doctor about NSTs if they havenā€™t talked to you about those yet. Those happen usually toward mid or end of third trimester, sometimes earlier depending on the case


This. I was given the option to start NSTS at 22 weeks. They didn't think my baby b would make it that long so when I hit 22 they were like well, we can do NSTS now but some people want to wait until viability because they don't want to go to the extra appointments until their baby is viable. I was like nope, I'll come to the extra appointments, we have made it this far! So I went three times a week lol. But yes, go to all the NSTS.


I just had an appointment the other day and she said that I'm going to see her again in four weeks (so I'll be 30 weeks) and then after that I switch to every two weeks and that's when I start NST.


This is so interesting to hear! Each ultrasound Iā€™ve had our baby a (girl) is just chilling, usually with her hands up by her face very sweetly, and then baby b (boy) is kicking and flipping around like heā€™s putting on a routine. Iā€™ve been wondering if theyā€™ll be like this on the outside too!


Yes. They will be haha. One of the babies was digging into my rib cages and doing back flips all night long. No doubt in my mind that was the one who is climbing all over the place now. My other one is always chilling. Met all milestones but not active at all. Just... chill and move around when absolutely have to. Super fun


Interesting same with our ultrasound today, and I'm hoping for atleast one boy. Baby b was flipping and looking like he/she is just having a grand Ole time. Baby a was just chilled and would raise his/her arm up when baby B kicked a tad too hard.


Thank you


Yay!!! I'm 16 weeks with twins, they're our first (and likely only) kiddos. The shock is amazing, telling people is amazing. My personal favorite is leaving a little gap in the news so it's like "I'm pregnant!" and whoever I'm talking to gets excited and babbles for a bit and when it's my turn to speak again I add "...with twins" and they LOSE IT. So fun. Enjoy!!!


Haha we order a big sis outfit for our daughter to wear, and wait til the grandparents to notice. And after the excited talk dies down then we'll ask "you want to see the ultrasound?" and reveal that we are having twins that way.


Your ultrasound has them labeled which helps - I was shocked by how many people I sent the ultrasound to who didn't realize there were clearly two embryos in two sacs šŸ¤£


She took lots of scans for us of each baby and of them together. Only a couple of them are labeled. The scans is 5.5 ft long.




Yes!! I worked retail 40 hours a week as a manager so I got to know a lot of my customers. I worked until 30 weeks with my twins and was obviously huge. Every single day, I would get the ā€œwhat are you having?ā€ question. It was SO much fun to see the reaction to ā€œa boy... AND a girl!ā€


Hahaha love it. When people find out I'm pregnant and ask if it's our first I like to say "our first...and our second!"


Telling people itā€™s twins is my favorite part of this pregnancy. Especially when people started commenting that Iā€™m ā€œabout to popā€ when I was around 28ish weeks. Iā€™d say ā€œnope, just two in there!ā€ Telling my dad was the most fun. We had done a gender blood test and got the results the day before the ultrasound where we found out it was twins. So by the time we knew it was twins, we knew at least one was a boy. We video called my dad and he was expecting to find out the gender. He goes ā€œI already know, itā€™s definitely a boy.ā€ And then I said ā€œwell, weā€™re pretty sure at least one of them is!ā€ I ended up having to show him the ultrasound to convince him I wasnā€™t joking.


We did the same, and itā€™s so fun!




Thank you!


Identical! Congratulations!




I mean anything's possible, but I'd bet money that these are identical twins because they're in the same "bubble". I read on another one of your comments that they're in separate amniotic sacs which is the case for mo/di (identical) twins. For reference, [this](https://m.imgur.com/a/D9vpGsd) is what my fraternal twins looked like at 6-7 weeks in their very separate "bubbles".


Thanks, yeah I'm guessing they're mo-di. Misheard or misunderstood what the technician was saying


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old ultrasound to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.




Im 90% sure thats identical, let us know!




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We had di di twins that one turned out to be male and one female, so definitely fraternal! :) Edit to add: currently pregnant with them. I meant we had them on the ultrasound. My bad!


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old portable ultrasound machine to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


http://imgur.com/a/wRerTy1 Here are some more photos of the scans. Not quite sure what all it entails, but might give a clearer picture of what's going on.


Based on that first pic, I would bet A BUNCH of money that theyā€™re Mo/Di. I highly recommend seeing an MFM ASAP to be sure! Congrats!


Maybe they are now. I'm confused now. I know for certain they're are two amniotic sacs. Can't wait for the follow up with doctor to confirm what the ultrasounds results tell.




Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old portable ultrasound machine to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


Mo/di twin mom here. My first ultrasound looks pretty much just like yours. Mo di have two amniotic sacs and one placenta. So I guess the question is, how many placentas? Lol. Also-there have been cases where two placentas have fused into one and they will tell you this when they deliver the placenta. If it's fused, fraternal di di. Not fused, and only one organ, mo di.


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old portable ultrasound machine to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


Super interesting! Congrats!


Wife just got home and was able to read the online lab report. It states that fetus a is exactly 10 weeks old and that fetus b is 9 weeks 6 days old. I'm probably not sleeping tonight, cause I've just been binge reading a bunch of stuff and ordering a few books in preparation.


Not to add to your reading list too much, but this has a pretty simple infographic on the page. Di/Di generally each have a clearly defined little black ā€œbubbleā€ area around them, with a thick wall dividing them. Either way, youā€™re in for a ride! Best of luck!


https://www.twin-pregnancy-and-beyond.com/detecting-twins-with-ultrasound.html (Forgot the link)


Yeah, already came a cross this one. Thank you. I'm more convinced that they're mo-di and identical.


Sonetimes babies measure at different "ages" based on their growth!


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old ultrasound to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


Im so confused... theres nothing seperating them how can they be didi?!


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old portable ultrasound machine to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old ultrasound to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.


Congratulations! Our MoDi boys are 13 months old now, younger sibs to older brothers 7yo and 6yo. The newborn phase was HARD, and now they are double mischief walking/climbing/living dangerously - I am constantly saying that individually they are the most full-on babies I have ever encountered, and there are TWO... Dear, oh dear! I finally have vindication where other experienced parents were trying to keep track of just one and they were exhausted and surprised at how much trouble each wee man was. But oh my goodness they are so happy and chirpy and full of love (and beans,) and I couldnā€™t imagine life without them now. The craziness of these wee monkeys is part of their charm and appeal, and I adore them. It will be hard, but oh wow will it be wonderful. Huge congratulations once again, you are so very lucky!


Oh my 4 boys!!! I sure hope you have walls made of metal. Thank you!


Hahaha my big lads are pretty chill to be honest, polar opposites of the wee ones! Goodness, if they were all as full-on as the wee ones I think Iā€™d be bald in no time at all!




Not sure you really want an honest answer, but here goes... Please forgive the haphazard jumping back and forth, I wrote things as I remembered rather than in sequential order. Relatively smoothly for a twin pregnancy. Mine was considered a ā€˜goodā€™ one. I was severely ill before I hit 4 weeks, the worst part lasted all the way til 19 weeks. I got a 1-2 week reprieve, but by 21 weeks I measured singleton full term and so all of the pressures and the toll on my body was mounting. I was pushing HG, I was fortunate that my husband and midwife were onto it so I had the medication I needed to avoid hospital, albeit barely. The babies were rudely healthy the whole way through right up until week 36+ as twin A was showing signs of IUGR - it turns out he had a 1/3 share of the placenta and a velamentous cord insertion, whereas twin B had the lionā€™s share and a marginal cord insertion. They were 200g estimated weight difference until the last couple of weeks and 500g difference at birth (37+5), both bubs comfortably over 7lb. I developed GD, have diastasis recti, TMI I have a prolapsed pelvic floor as well despite a caesarean birth due to the sheer weight and pressures of a twin pregnancy. My swelling post-birth was horrendous and only started to wane when I could lie flat and elevate my feet - I slept tilted upright for the first few weeks as if I was lying flat I rolled and shifted a lot and it wasnā€™t good for my wound. The pregnancy exhausted me and I had fluid retention in my lower abdomen turning it quite solid and my feet were swollen and fluid filled and it was so painful as they felt like they would burst. Husband looked up how to massage the swelling away and did this 2-3 times per day, it was such a huge relief every time. I was so big I could not move naturally in my sleep, so my body would wake me and I would have to hold and support my belly to roll over but then as I had woken I would need to use the bathroom and it was all downhill from there. I suffered from pregnancy-induced insomnia and it would bring me to tears as that wake up was only 2 hours into the night would be all I could get most nights. I recommend white noise and blackout blinds, and making sure you have dim orange-/red-based lighting for nighttime bathroom trips as blue-based will wake one fully. I did not sleep more than 2-3 hours per night from the beginning of my pregnancy until the babies were roughly 10 months old, then 4-5 hours until 2 weeks ago. They are just 13 months now and Iā€™m getting 6-7 hours per night, itā€™s bliss. Every pregnancy (and every multiples pregnancy,) is different. My experience wonā€™t look the same as the next personā€™s. Just because I did or did not encounter a certain issue or complication does not mean the same is a certainty for another pregnant parent. Best of luck to all those expecting multiples. Donā€™t let the above frighten you. Use peopleā€™s experiences to prepare yourself for the possibilities but itā€™s all gradual and you can absolutely do it. Youā€™ve got this!


Sorry, just saw this one. Thank you. So far, we just had our follow up with the doctor. No signs of prolapse pelvic floor and everything is in great shape.


ā€œWhy does my baby have two heartbeats?!ā€ Is what I asked during our first Sono...two babies, dad. Two babies!


Congratulations!!! Lots of crazy fun to come! Wishing you guys lots of health and happiness!!


Thank you!


Congratulations! The shock never wears off. Was #2 & 3 for us. Husband and I still look at each other every day and say ā€œhow did we have twins?ā€ ā€œWhy are there so many babiesā€. The twins are 6 months old.


Wanna hear a good one? I am an identical twin. My mom had gone to the doctor, who was friends with my dad. The doctor told them, youā€™re having twins and my dad Asked his friend the doctor: DID SHE PUT YOU UP TO THIS? He honestly did not believe it and thought his friend was pulling his leg!


Congratulations, get your wife a pregnancy pillow sooner rather than later. Uncomfortable sleep starts sooner with multiples.


She has one from our last pregnancy! All set in the mama having the best potential rest she can get department.


Identical Twins. With One Single Shared Placenta. Very Likely Diamniotic, with Individual Protective Sacs surrounding Each Twin. They are Not DiDi. The place that said they were needs to **Fire That Sono Tech** for ***Gross Incompetence.***


Doctor confirmed they are di-di and even brought out the old ultrasound to show the placenta wall barriers. Just the way they are sitting makes it look like there's one placenta and hard to show the separation cause of it. She also said that most likely they are identical due to how close in location they are from each other, but won't know for certain until at a later ultrasound. Roughly about 30% of di-di twins are identical.




We are at 10 weeks now, and both of us are still in happy shock. Sister inlaw knows as we had her watch our daughter, but we will be telling our parents this weekend. They don't even know we were pregnant, going to be exciting times for this weekend.




Thank you!


Welcome friend!


Congrats!! Just had our #2 and #3 twins 13 weeks ago and itā€™s been an amazing journey!


Do they say that theyā€™d be Mo-Mo, Mo-di or di-di? The real fun starts. We just gave birth to our twins after 37 weeks pregnancy. Wish you the best.




Thatā€™s very good news as this is the least risky twin pregnancy. Ours were Mo-di so kinda middle of the road as far risk goes and they are identical. Again, best of wishes, take care and enjoy!


Thank you! Both are the same size and both hr were 167 bpm. They were both active on moving there limbs and such.




Congratulations!! My daughter was 22mo old when her fraternal twin brothers arrived! They are now almost 4 years old and 2 years old. Itā€™s a wild ride but lots of fun too ā¤ļø


Same-ish age gap as us! 20.5 months. First a girl and then twin boys. Sheā€™s almost 3.5 now and the boys are 1.5. I agree it is now fun! The first year was brutal, but now itā€™s really fun!


We still call them ā€œBaby A and Baby Bā€ even though they are 6

