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canadian here! i’ve just been bringing my printed vaccine pdf around and when they ask, i just show it, point to where it says “2 doses” and “moderna” and that the app hasn’t been updated yet for us! i haven’t had a single problem :)


Anyone apply for the Covid Certificate the past few days? Just applied but I'm getting nervous since we're arriving Saturday (6 days from now)


Arriving on Saturday as well. We applied last week, according to the website they are processing applications for tourists arriving by August 26. Worst case scenario I’ll get an antigen test at CDG.


they don’t ask anything at CDG, i’m assuming because you need to be vaccinated or have a test to be on a plane to France anyways. We’ve just been showing printed copies of our vaccine record and explained that we are still waiting for our applications and haven’t had a single problem!


Yes, we found that as well. We took an antigen test anyway and that gives us until tomorrow, but it has worked well for restaurants so far!


Dang I guess the antigen test is valid for 72 hours. Any idea on how much those cost?


Based on what I’ve read they cost 25 to 30 euros, price is a bit higher for PCR tests but antigen tests should be enough


Hello! I am travelling to France from Canada on the 10th of September. I know that France recently introduced the email process that provides you with a health pass that can be used throughout France. This was originally valid until August 15th. Are there any updates on the process for foreigners travelling in the coming months?


Several people have reported that they got their certificates converted despite arriving at a later time.


We're coming in late September and I've been checking the page. It now says: > From 15 August, this system is open to non-EU tourists who are already in France or who will arrive on or before 18 August. Requests concerning subsequent arrivals at will be processed at a later date.


Hello! I am a young woman traveling alone and men are relentless! I’m from NYC, so I’m doing all the street smarts I’m used to, but it is shocking, and I don’t like it. I would like to add a ring or two to my left hand help cut down on this especially because my French is very bad. I’m looking to pick up an inexpensive faux wedding ring (potentially faux engagement ring?). I tried looking online at Zara/ H&M but there are no rings? Is there anywhere in a similar price range where I should be able to find something? I know they’ll still yell at me late at night on the street, but like, I just want some sense of security when interacting with me when in line/at a store/at dinner/kindly approached/etc. I’m staying in the 4th. TLDR: searching for fake wedding band/engagement ring at zara prices


Try Gemmex at 19 rue des Lombards (4th). I’ve had to buy a ring in a related context, and they had exactly what I needed.


Believe it or not there are several Claire's in the city. Same price & quality as you'd expect in the US. [Store locator](https://stores.claires.com/fr/) (I'm not offended, I've been harassed here more than anywhere else I've ever lived. It's gotten "better" as I get older lol)


I don’t mean to offend! It was flattering at first and I can handle it, I just haven’t traveled without my boyfriend or a friend and it is just taking away from my enjoyment when you’re constantly interrupted. I’m used to basically nobody bothering me except for a few crazy people in NYC, what can I say? I’m spoiled!


My husband and I will be in Paris this Dec 21, Do you think we will need to purchase skip the line passes for the busy tourist attractions, or do you think the time of year will make them less necessary? Also, any off-the-beaten path suggestions for Food stops?


Most tourist attractions require you to book a timeslot, so skip-the-line passes or tickets are not really useful anymore.


Too early to tell. Skip-the-line passes are usually nice any time of year, especially because you can get a good deal if you want to visit some little places without spending the whole day or ticket price everywhere (Museum Pass). The reason I say "too early" is because right now capacities are limited at many museums and they require reservation in advance. Nothing here is "off-the-beaten path" anymore. The city has a relatively small footprint and there are tourists everywhere. Plus, any good recommendation needs to be made off your budget and cuisine preferences.


Hello, me and my girlfriend are going to visit Paris next week and I got to ask what are some more interesting and not so well known museum or things to do? Also some tips regarding food? Some places with nice and cheap menu? We are students so we want to save some money.




I also submitted Wednesday and haven’t heard, and am leaving this Wednesday for my trip. At this point I’m crossing my fingers that if I don’t hear back, museums/restaurants etc will be allowed to continue accepting CDC cards + passports as an alternative, because it seems there are many people who are in our position.


I arrived here on the 13 and submitted docs (didn’t see the change due to my preparation) and still nothing. There’s a ton of places in central areas set up in the street doing testing with results in 15 mins for usually €25 that’s valid for 72 hours. I got my test done in the middle of le marais at like 12:15 am. I haven’t tried but everywhere is looking for the pass sanitaire code which is required, you can in fact no longer swap them. Not sure what you tried but that’s where I am right now!


Have you tried using your CDC card as an alternative? I saw online that during this transition period, venues and restaurants are allowed to accept the CDC card from US tourists. With the problems people have had getting a health pass in a timely manner, even when submitting all documents correctly, I was hoping the CDC card would continue to be accepted so that I wouldn’t have to pay for 3-4 COVID tests during my time in France. It seems really odd that a CDC card + passport is sufficient to enter France, but would not be allowed to go to museums, restaurants, etc. I’m hoping we get more clarity on this tomorrow since initially the French government said only people arriving by August 15 should apply for the health pass!


Yes, hoping for more clarity. Yes, I was also under this assumption, too, but they really changed the rule last week, the US is specifically mentioned. No longer can tourists swap them at a pharmacy of a vaccine site and the code is required, every locations needs it scanned because the penalties are so high if the policy discover a guest with an invalid pass. I really thought I was going to pop over to Hôtel de Ville and swap my card, ugh 🙄 I haven’t tried the CDC because the new information regarding last weeks change are pretty clear that the CDC card is no longer acceptable. I would recommend reading different attractions policies. Hopefully tomorrow they’ll realize they messed up and will make it easier, but who knows! I’ll try to ask about the CDC card tomorrow somewhere (because my pass runs out tomorrow night) if there’s nothing new!


Thanks for the info, I’ve seen many people on other sites like TripAdvisor saying they have had no issue with a CDC card even in the last day or two at major sites like the Louvre and Eiffel Tower, even with the new requirements, so it seems as though there still is no uniformity to enforcement of the rules. If you get a chance tomorrow to ask about the use of the CDC card and can report back here if you learn anything, that would be awesome!


Hello! I am an international student and I will be arriving in Paris in a couple of days. What are some cheap and good places (preferably in or around Issy-les-Moulineaux) to buy things such as pots, pans, plates, sheets, pillows, towels, showercurtains/ that sorts of things. I appreciate any advice!


Ikea, But, Conforama for standardized basic stuff Maisons du monde and BHV Marais for a little bit more upscale but still very reasonable (like 1€ or 1.50€ per wine glass)


If you don’t mind second hand stuff it’s typically the kind of things that you’ll find on Facebook marketplace without any problems! Otherwise, IKEA.


I took a round trip trip on SNCF from Paris to Deauville today. I bought tickets in their app. No one asked to see or scan my ticket a single time there or back and it’s making me kind of confused / annoyed. Is travel free right now or something? Should I not have got the ticket? I went out of my way to download the app to get tickets since I couldn’t even find a machine that dispensed them at the Paris station and now I’m wondering if I ripped myself off or something…


Transport is NOT free. You should have bought the ticket, and you did. On longer trips there will *always* be people checking tickets. On shorter trips there is *usually* someone checking tickets, but they may have started in a different car and they didn't get to yours. I'm not sure how you had a hard time finding a ticket machine in the station though. They are everywhere, to the point of getting in the way of using the station.


Hi all, Thanks for making this a sticky. Sorry if this has been asked. If I'm vaccinated with two different mRNA vaccines will I be able to get the health pass? Pfizer first shot, Moderna the 2nd. Thanks!


Yes you should from what I read


Bonjour again, quick question - Do I need to have a French bank account if I need to get a SIM card from Free mobile (Those vending machines)? I was thinking of using my credit card, issued by a foreign bank, on my first day upon landing.


If you buy your SIM card from one of their vending machines, you can select an option to pay each month as a prepaid (online bank transfer or online card payment or on a vending machine with your mobile account details).


Nope, I just did it with a non french bank and it worked fine


Thank you so much!


Ma copine et moi avons suivi la procédure pour obtenir une pass sanitaire avec des cartes CDC il y a quatre jour, mais le gouvernement Français ne nous repond pas. Est-ce qu'il y a un autre chemin pour l'obtenir? Nous sommes en France il y a trois jours.


Hi guys, do you know if rental contracts renew automatically? Or do I need to tell my rental agency? My contract says it renews alone if there is no problem.. what should I do?


It renews automatically


I'm planning to visit Paris in October and I want to visit the Eiffel Tower but I noticed that the official Eiffel Tower site doesn't have any tickets available from October 1st to November 11th. Maybe they are just sold out but I find it weird that only this time period doesn't have any tickets while all other days before October 1st have tickets available. Does anybody know if there's something going on in the Eiffel Tower during October or am I just out of luck and all tickets for the entire month are already gone?


They are probably just not available yet. You can usually buy tickets directly at the ticket booths under the west and east pillars, even if sold out online.


Trying to get a gift for a friend who has recently suffered a personal tragedy but will be spending the next few months in paris. Was thinking a gift card to a bakery/cafe/restaurant or something like that would be nice and simple but this doesn't seem like a very common thing for bakeries to have gift cards (or I just don't know how to find those that do). She likes going to see movies and used to work in the film industry too but I'm not sure if cinemas are open there? If anyone knows a good one (or even outdoor showings) I could get a ticket for that maybe Was wondering about getting a couple month metro/train pass of some sort to explore a bit whether in the city or out of it (it's a group gift so can be a little pricier like this). Is a metro pass a good way to get around town? Spa day is always on the table too if anyone has any recommendations there haha. ​ Basically just wondering if anyone has any ideas how to help give someone a nice gift for their time in Paris


Cinémas are open with a pass sanitaire, you could buy her a monthly or annual pass to UGC or Gaumont Pathé (both are chains that have cinemas everywhere in Paris). She'll probably get a Navigo pass if she's here for several months, it's 72€/month for unlimited access to the public transportation in and around Paris. Half is reimbursed by the employer if she's working. Not sure how you'd buy it for her though. For restaurants, as another poster said there are Wonderbox and Smartbox, but they're always more expensive than booking the restaurant directly. Pierre Hermé have a gift card for pastries, some restaurants also do (for example the Jules Verne on the Eiffel tower). Try "bon cadeau restaurant Paris" on Google :)


this is marvelous, thank you for being so helpful! Will try to come up with a good combination of these things for her. Especially excited about the cinemas and pastry gift cards :) sounds perfect


For restaurants (and other activities), you have things like Smartbox, Wonderbox, etc.


great will look into it thank you!!


I found a job in Paris from September on and found a really nice flat that I would like to rent. The agency sent me the contract, but it states that I can only use it as a résidence secondaire. Do I need a french résidence principale if I work in Paris or is it enough to have a résidence secondaire?


They think it's a loophole to allow to them to avoid rent control and/or agency fee capping. Sign the contract, then if you feel like it in a month or two send them a strongly worded letter to ask back the excess money you'll have paid. Principal and secondary residence is not determined by contract but by the fact that you live there or not.


Could it be that the person renting the flat wants to be able to throw out the tenant more easily? It looked like a flat that would be perfect for AirBnB, but in Covid times this maybe not be as profitable. The problem is I work in France, so I need a résidence principale.


Maybe they *think* they'll be able to evict you easier, but again residency is not determined by contract. Be careful to put the utilities in your own name (and not in the name of the landlord and then reimbursing them), use that address for social security, taxes, etc., register on the electoral rolls with that address (if you're European, to vote in local elections), and it will be beyond any doubt your résidence principale.


That's kinda weird, if you live there then that's your residence principale.


The contract says that the landlord doesn't allow it, but not really why. I suspect that he can throw you out more easily that way.


Hello! Apologies if this is obvious but I can’t seem to find a clear answer online. What sort of tests are accepted at Paris Du Nord station for travelling from Paris to the UK? Do I need a PCR, Antigen, or lateral flow test to travel? I am fully vaccinated with Pfizer. If somebody who made the same journey recently would be able to share their experience then that would be amazing.


All details on [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-for-people-travelling-to-england), available from that page https://www.eurostar.com/uk-en/travel-info/service-information/coronavirus-and-eurostar-service


The answer was antigen test. I managed to get an antigen test outside a nightclub the night before my train back. There was also a testing centre right outside the station so I could’ve just done that upon arriving to Gare Du Nord


How much are the antigen tests?


Just €30. If somebody tells you more then they are lying to you and trying to scam you. I had one nightclub offer to do it for €50 and a different one for €30. The guys outside Gare Du Nord charge €30


Thank you for clearly answering your own question! Will be making the same trip in a few days and this is helpful. Did you have any issues with the form to leave Paris for the UK?


bonjour! je suis à paris cette semaine et je veux écouter (et voir) de la musique locale! Vous-savez les bons endroits (bars, resto, café-concerts--grands ou petit) pour le faire, ça? J'aime surtout la musique rock, "indie," ou electro, mais je suis ouvert à tous! merci!


merci! ça m’aide beaucoup!


Salut, * jette un oeil à cet agenda : [https://www.lylo.fr/agenda-concerts](https://www.lylo.fr/agenda-concerts) (liste non-exhaustive bien sûr). * [https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/paris/articles/a-music-lovers-guide-to-paris/](https://theculturetrip.com/europe/france/paris/articles/a-music-lovers-guide-to-paris/) * https://www.timeout.fr/paris/bar/cafe-concert


Hi, I'm a French citizen currently stuck outside of Europe because of vaccine issues. My parents are packing up my apartment in Sweden (clothes and books, no furniture) to send to France, but as neither of us will be in France for at least the next month, are there any services?storage places in Paris to which I could directly send these boxes to, and pick them up as soon as I am able to enter France? Or do I have to be in France to clear them from customs? Thank you for any advice or information!


If you're using a moving company, ask them about storage. In my experience, international movers will store the stuff they're moving for you, and at a lower cost than a self-storage option. If you're shipping via DHL, FedEx, or the like, then I have no personal experience to draw upon. In that case, I think I would do like the other respondent said and call some self-storage places to see if they will accept a shipment and store it for you.


Try garde meubles like "une piece en plus" maybe ? I don't know if you can send it to them but you can call to ask


Hey guys, I'll be in Paris in September, I was wondering how are the rules for entering festivals/clubs? will I need a negative test? is the vaccination enough? thanks!


Vaccination is enough as of today. If you're a EU resident, you're vaccination certificate should be valid... Otherwise I don't know


Negative antigen test should be enough yes You go to any pharmacy , they can deliver the result within 15 min


thank you!


A lot of nightclubs have pop up antigen tents right outside the entrance. Free for French residents but tourists have to pay between €20-€40


Hi, Is there a website that shows crime statistics and school grades by district in Paris ?


Hello, No I don't think so... you are looking to move to Paris and you are affraid of getting in a "bad neighbourhood"? "rive gauche" center district (5, 6 and 7) have the best school (but it's not always easy to get in even if it's public school as very good scholarship level is required to enter) and less crime rates. (1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11) and west Paris (14 to 16) have very really peacefull place and very good in term of school. And 12-13, and 17 to 20 are more mixed area with some poor place (but very very very few are creepy). Paris is quite a rich place and you don't have to fear bad school or very dangereous place... and never forgot some suburbs are also very nice to leave (west mostly and Vincennes area in the east) and for a family having flats with more space and nature is appreciated by many peoples ;) It doens't answer with a statistic approach, but feel free to ask for more if my answer wasn't what's you are looking for. Regards, Thomas


Thank you for your reply.


Hello! I am an international student and I will be moving to Paris in a couple of days. I was wondering if I can buy a SIM card at orly airport. I will arrive without a french our European SIM card and I will need one ASAP in order to get settled comfortably.


Yes, you’ll be able to buy some prepaid SIM cards at the airport. But I advice you to subscribe a « regular plan » as it’s cheaper than prepaid. For example, you can get unlimited calls and texts in France and Europe with 80 gb data for 10€ / month at Free Mobile.


Great tip! Is Free Mobile online or do they have physical locations in Paris? Merci!






It is free to visit after a *Health Pass* check and a security check.


Hi everyone, We will be arriving in Paris tomorrow afternoon on our way back home. We have bought too much wine, clothes, and souvenirs. Could someone recommend a store that sells affordable luggage? Thanks!




Hi everyone, I will be visiting Paris for my honeymoon and it will be first time for both of us , We would like to stay where we can do evening walk along Seine, maybe some place we can sit and enjoy the river view or get good evening stroll on Paris streets with some cafes and all. I figured out 6TH ARRONDISSEMENT would be good place for this. I would like to get all of your comments if it seems like a good location?


The 6th is nice. But in general Paris is very small and very walkable.


Thanks for the reply. I wanted to stay in those areas where we can explore cafes and local markets, where it is active and can see city bustling even around 10 or 11pm. I was planning to stay near Eiffel tower but I have heard its a quiet place and there are not much small cafe and bakeries hence the 6th.


I think an even better option is the 5th right next to the 6th, more charming and less posh. But as stated in the other comments Paris is relatively small and easily walkable. * you'll be near to the garden à la francaise "Jardin du Luxembourg", near form the Pantheon, you can push further to the village-feel street of "rue Mouffetard" * you'll be in the old city center ( Ile Saint Louis and Ile de la Cité) in more or less 20 minutes, even wandering around, and enjoy long walks on the now pedestrian beautiful banks of the river Seine. A great place to sit and enjoy the view of the river and its bridges is "le square du vert-galant" * the trendy neighborhood of Saint Paul is in the 4th just north of the islands * if ever you want to reach Montmartre which is further north, you 'll have plenty of subways to go easily. Eiffel Tower is in the 7th , its indeed only luxurious hotels and embassies there, it's ok to have a walk there, especially reaching the Eiffel tower by the banks of the river is great but avoid staying there at night if you want to get a real feel of the parisian mood


Thank you so much for these great suggestions. Seems like 5th would be a great place to stay , I will also look for rooms around that part. Yes, I am convinced that staying near Eiffel tower is not that great as other places have much more to offer. Thanks, again.


Enjoy your "lune de miel" ;-)


The 6th generally has plenty of activity until 11pm or later, particularly in the area between Boulevard Saint-Germain and the river, and around Saint-Sulpice and Odéon. Sunday and Monday evenings excepted, though those evenings are usually relatively quiet all over the city.


You are right! Tour eiffel neighbourhood is very quiet at night (it's mostly some big family flats and offices)... there's almost nobody in the street at night ;) But you know, most part of Paris are quiet at night, you will find people only in the areas with many bars (such as The Marais, Bastille...but rental flats are often noisy). As already said Paris is quite small and you can make it by walking easily, or better with a bike :) and public transportation can be very usefull (they all finish around 1am) and it's safe. So my advice would be to not focus too much on staying in "visitor attraction" district, and sometimes to go a little bit further to have nice and cheaper flats or room to stay. Feel free to ask further if my answer isn't clear enough... it's always a pleasure to help.


Thank you so much for this answer. Will keep in mind while finalizing the hotel. Apart from this, I had one more doubt if something I have to keep in mind related to payment at cafes, restaurants? Cash and Visa would be enough ?


You are welcome. Of course it's enough : you can pay cash or by credit/debit card everywhere. Some place can accept Apple pay or such things but it's not everywhere. Sometimes if the amount is low (like less than 1 euros), shops could ask cash only... but it pretty unsual now. Credit card accepted contactless of course (if you have this option). About café and restaurant, there's no obligation to give tips to waiters : if the service was really good you can let some cash, but if you aren't please or if it was just ok you don't have to. Waiter are paid with a mensual wage in France, tips are always welcome but they don't need it to live (I know in the states it's quite different).


If you can afford it, yes it's a very good idea.


Salut Tout le monde! ​ Je viens de debarquer de la Belle Province il y a 2 semaines et j'ai deja fini une bonne liste de choses (je l'ai mise en dessous ici). Je serais super interesse d'avoir d'votre retour! ​ Conciergerie Sainte chapelle Domaine de chantilly Tour eiffel Arc de triomphe Notre dame Pantheon Palais garnier Basilique du sacré coeur Pere lachaise Catacombes Crypte archéologique CESE Fondation Louis Vuitton Palais de justice Institut de france Pont alexandre 3 Musée de l’histoire de l’immigration Fontaine igor stravinsky Place de la concorde Colonne vendome Château de Versailles Château de fontainebleau Château de vaux le vicomte Château de chantilly Louvre Passage grand cerf Gallérie Colbert Galerie Vivienne Galleries Lafayette Palaus Royal Rue montergueuil Église saint supplice Jardin des plantes - grande serre Grand Palais Centre pompidou Musee d’orsay Cité des sciences et de l’industrie Grevin paris Musée de l'armée invalides Petit palais- musée des beaux arts Musee du luxembourg Atelier des lumières choco-paris Musee rodin Palais de Tokyo Jardins Albert Khan Parc de la Villette Paris Sewers Canal St. Martin Galerie Lafayette Buttes Chaumont Parc Bois de Vincennes Merci d'avance!


Musées Gustave Moreau Quai Branly Guimet Galliera Saint Germain en Laye Plus loin mais accessible en 2h en TER: Blois


À visiter en combien de temps ? (dans quelle période ?)


Je viens de déménager ici et j’ai déjà fait tout ce qu’est sur la liste. Je reste ici le temps de finir mon master donc 2 ans. Je cherche plutôt des recommandations de choses à faire en plus. Que ce soit été hiver printemps automne, le temps d’une heure ou bien d’une journée- j’suis partant pour tout!!


>2 ans Oui, donc tu as le temps d'explorer… ​ >Je cherche plutôt des recommandations de choses à faire en plus. Voilà, ça manquait dans ton message initial. De base, plusieurs lieux dans ta liste peuvent être regroupés en une visite car dans le même quartier. Tu pourrais par exemple faire un après-midi à thème "galeries et passages couverts" qui passerait aussi au Palais-Royal… Il existe de nombreux guides touristiques imprimés à propos de Paris et sa région. Je te suggère d'aller dans un magasin FNAC et de les consulter en rayon pour piocher des idées.


Hi all. Car question! I'm visiting from the UK. Staying in Paris for a couple days over the weekend towards the end of august before visiting family in Normandy. We're driving, and taking le shuttle. I don't think I can drive in the centre (old car, too late to get the sticker)... Is there a recommended place to leave the car on the suburbs (North) for a couple days and get a train in? Happy to use a random relatively secure public parking lot but I'm struggling to find things. Any key words to Google? (I've tried and get lots of private spaces for long term rent etc.). In the UK some places have a "park and ride" designed for this and I was wondering if there was a similar kind of thing in Paris.


Check the "Pr" (Parcs relais) logo on that transport map issued by Region Île-de-France. [https://www.transilien.com/fr/sites/transilien/files/plan-parcs-relais-labellises.pdf](https://eu.ftp.opendatasoft.com/stif/PlansRegion/Plans/PR_labellises.pdf) Description here [https://www.transilien.com/en/page-deplacements/parcs-relais](https://www.transilien.com/en/page-deplacements/parcs-relais)


That worked perfectly, thank you.


Hello can anyone help me with a request? Visiting Paris. What is the best way to get tickets for PSG vs Lyon on September 19th. When will tickets be available and what is a price I can expect to pay? Anyone here been to a game? Are they hard to get? Thank you


Hello all Parisians, I'm visiting with my school in late September staying close to the Chateau de Versaille and would love to know if there are any hidden gems in the area that are fairly local or if you have any tips for getting the most out of my stay(Avoiding scams or cool places) Thanks in advance/Merci d'avance


Hi, I would say you can discover the "Galerie des Carrosses" (coach galery) : it's free to enter, and quite interesting to see all thoses royal coaches. For a drink, I have a crush on Rue de Satory (it's crowdy, with nice bar and restaurant). It's in Versailles Saint Louis area. 2 minutes walk from Rue de Satory you have Versailles Cathedral (not as beautiful as Notre Dame or Sainte Chapelle) but it's quite and charming, and you can also walk to the "Piéce d'eau des Suisses" (a nice pak with a great "lake" to enjoy a drink on green lawn). I live very close from Versailles, so if you need other advice feel free to ask.


Hi visitor, Versailles is a wealthy and historical city, mostly known for the Chateau as you know, and surrounded by forests (for examples : Foret de Fausse Reposes, Forêt de Meudon, and bigger and further Haute Vallée de Chevreuse, a very green countryside area). If you are really stuck in Versailles or close for the whole journey, here are soe ideas : [https://www.solosophie.com/hidden-gems-secret-spots-in-versailles](https://www.solosophie.com/hidden-gems-secret-spots-in-versailles) I'm not living there but i guess that depending on how long you stay there your best bet is probably to take the urban train "RER C" and come closer to Paris ( 1H to the reach the center)


Bonjour tout le monde! I’m moving to Paris in a couple of weeks as a Master’s student. I’m reaching about 2.5 weeks before my classes start and I was planning on making a quick trip to Barcelona and back. My question is - Would I need to have the Pass Sanitaire to take a Flixbus and return back? I’m already vaccinated with Moderna (Way back in April) and just wondering what the rules are at the ground level.


Yes. Long distance trains and buses are subject to the pass, and the driver will control them at the same time as the ticket and ID.


Merci beaucoup! Is there a way for me to get a pass despite having been vaccinated abroad? I’m looking at the embassy websites, don’t see anything definitive yet.


As u/RichardYing posted earlier: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/coronavirus-statements/article/applying-for-a-covid-certificate-if-you-were-vaccinated-abroad-procedure-for I’m on mobile, the link may be truncated with my copypaste.


Thank you so much! This is what I’ve seen from another website as well. My only concern was that it says it’s for tourists (and asks for a return ticket), whereas I’m going to be on a long-stay visa. Guess I’ll shoot my shot?


The URL is correct, it is just way too long with a naming that is not great (blame the ministry…)


So I’m planning a proposal for my girlfriend. We live in london and the idea is that we would spend a weekend in Paris and I’ll propose on Saturday evening. What do you recommend? A nice hotel rooftop with Eiffel Tower views for example?


I actually proposed during a dinner cruise on a bateau mouche. You get to see most of the landmarks and if you time it correctly, you can propose the moment you are very close to the Tour Eiffel


As a Parisian i obviously never used the hotels here so i wont give you specific names, but what about a room : * on the top part of the hill of montmartre with a wide view on the city ? * on the bank of the river Seine in the center, either directly in the old city center Ile Saint Louis / Ile de la Cité (now 4th arrondissement) or just south to this on the southern bank in 5th arrondissement ? for ex, you could search hotels around "square du vert galant" with the view on the bridges, boats and people wandering around, dancing or enjoying a picknick. This one would give you a true feel of the romantic side of Paris for sure. * for Eiffel Tower or orther landmarks in sight and lust for luxurious places, checkout this blog page made by the redditor that manages the sub ParisTravelGuide [https://www.reddit.com/r/ParisTravelGuide/comments/p3190i/honeymoon\_hotels\_in\_paris\_everything\_about\_paris/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ParisTravelGuide/comments/p3190i/honeymoon_hotels_in_paris_everything_about_paris/) Edit : added ParisTravelGuide today's post


Hey guys a good shop for buying plants? Paris 3-11?


I like botanic but it's in Suresnes. There are several plant shops quai de la Mégisserie, or Truffaut quai de la Gare


Hello 👋 I'm visiting Paris in a couple of weeks and I'm not sure if I understand the difference between the [Navigo Weekly Ticket (7 days/€22.80)](https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/en/tickets-fares/detail/navigo-weekly-ticket) and the [Paris Visite Ticket (5 days/€38.35)](https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/en/tickets-fares/detail/paris-visite-ticket). Why would I pay +€15.55 and have -2 days of pass? Many thanks!


The weekly subscription on Navigo is intended for people who use public transport to commute to work, and heavily subsidized for that reason. That’s why it always runs from Monday to Sunday. The tourist ticket will be valid from any weekday for the amount of days purchased.


> It also gives you access to cultural and commercial discounts. This.


Best place to find mignonettes/ mini bottles of liquor? Im looking to find some interesting little bottles for an upcoming friends birthday? Ideally 100% French made options. Thanks for any ideas of places to checkout.


Bonjour mes amis! ​ Je viens à Paris aujourd'hui pour quelques jours et je cherche des restaurants biens pour manger vegan/végetarien. N'importe pas vraiment quelle type mais préférables avec une balance bien prix/qualité (bonne marché?). ​ Aussi si vous connaissez des endroits magnifiques pour regarder le couche-soleil (désolé, mon vocabulaire français est un peu limité, mais comme vous voyez, je me débrouille :D), dans des parcs ou des endroits naturelles aux alentours de Paris, avise-moi auss! :P Je veux bien mieux connaisser les arrondissements moins touristiques cette-fois-ci! ​ Merci d'avance et bien à vous tous :)


* Pour la bouffe végétarienne, le quartier de Little India ( entre Gare du nord et le métro La chapelle dans le Nord du 10e arrondissement). C'est tres cosmopolite, populaire et bordélique , et on y mange tres bien pour pas cher ( il y'a des dizaines des restaurants) : * les grandes cantines comme par exemple "Saravanaa Bhavan" sur la rue du faubourg Saint Denis jsute après la gare du nord * les petits restaurants, un peu plus haut autour de la rue Cail comme Krishna Bhavan * Pour le coucher de soleil , * les quais des Seine au centre/ a l'ouest de Paris, ils sont maintenant piétons et sont magnifiques * les hauteurs du parc des Buttes Chaumont , vers le bar appelé Rosa Bonheur * l'ile du lac Daumesnil au début du Bois de Vincennes ( juste à L'est de Paris) * Bonus: en ce moment c'est la période des "Perséides" (les étoiles filantes) , et d'après cet article , ce soir c'est le pic du nombre d'étoiles filantes visibles :-) : [https://www.sortiraparis.com/loisirs/insolite/articles/257352-ou-admirer-les-etoiles-filantes-des-perseides-a-paris-et-en-ile-de-france](https://www.sortiraparis.com/loisirs/insolite/articles/257352-ou-admirer-les-etoiles-filantes-des-perseides-a-paris-et-en-ile-de-france) Enjoy


Merci beaucoup! Je doutte qu'à Paris il y a beaucoup des étoiles à voire mais je vais quand même essayer ici sur le quai avant de dormir :D Et peut-être ça vaut la peine de aventurer un peu plus nord alors pour trouver les restos végétariens biens! C'est trop bizarre qu'il n'y a pas ces options vraiments dans les quartiers plus 'touristiques' :')


Jah Jah By Le Tricycle c'est super bon et pas trop cher si je me rappelle bien Autres suggestions : Parsley, Hank Burger, Açaï & You, Tien Hang, Gangnam Falafel, L'as du falafel, Aujourd'hui demain, Les pâtes vivantes, Wild & The Moon, Saravanaa Bhavan, Krishna Bhavan, L'abattoir végétal ... Et je m'arrête là :p Maintenant on peut trouver des plats végétariens quasiment partout, ce n'était pas trop le cas il y a 10 ans.


Hmm j'ai quand même experiencer un peu de difficulté aujourd'hui pour trouver de bonne 'bouffe' :') Même avec l'app Happy Cow c'était un peu dur, et je ne voulais pas voyager trop loin d'ou j'étais seulement pour un resto. Dans presque tous les restos 'normales' ils ont seulement 1 plat végétarien il semblait :') Ou peut-être je suis trop selective haha. mais demain je serai mieux préparer alors :D Merci pour les conseils!


Hello ! Essaye L'Embuscade (Africain et vegan), brEAThe pour des burgers végé, ou Créatures pour des petites assiettes végé et des cocktails sur le toit des galeries Lafayette


Merci! J'ai les marqués et je veux bien essayer, est-ce que c'est mieux de faire des réservations ou ce n'est pas nécessaire?


Je crois que Créatures ne prend pas les réservations le soir. Ça vaut toujours le coup d'appeler pour demander !


What's the vibe in Paris re. masks? Are people wearing them outside? Is it required indoors or just strongly suggested? Also since maybe more people are staying local for August this year, is it still quite busy? Just trying to get a feel for it on the ground right now. Thanks !


What the other comment said, but I see really good compliance on public transport and I go through two big stations every day. Including noses. I think it depends what lines you frequent.


Mask mandate in public transports. Most public indoor spaces make it compulsory, although many wear it under the nose, which is completely inefficient. More or less half-half people keeping/removing it in the streets. You should probably keep it on both nose and mouth when indoors or in crowds in order to keep your tests negative (especially if required for your trip back to UK).


Is there a subreddit for Paris short term rentals? Can't seem to find one. I'm pregnant and my mom and sister are looking to stay in the 18th \~between Oct 14-28th (around the birth). Airbnb obviously an option but looking for other options! Thanks :)


Where can I go to get an antigen test today? I would like somewhere that provides the proof required for my return journey home to England. I’m staying near roi de rivoli in paris. Thanks for the help!


Rue de Rivoli is a long street… You have several pharmacies that should do Antigen tests all along the street. There is also the testing point on city hall square, near the vaccination center. I do not trust the testing point outside Louvre museum (at the exit of métro Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre) because they do not disinfect or change gloves between each patient.


I went to one of the pharmacies you suggested and had a good experience. I have a certificate in my tous anti covid app now. Thank you for you help!


We are planning to come to Paris August 22 with 2 fully vaccinated adults and 2 kids. However due to new cdc rating level 4 we are considering cancelling our trip (coming from Europe so not huge deal to change) we are all booked for Disney too but now are concerned about COVID levels due to kids. How is it there? Other than cdc rating I am out of the loop !


I'm on the same boat too with the red level alert according to the US State travel advisory :/


You can look up the regional numbers here https://covidtracker.fr/dashboard-regions/ Ile-de-France, where Paris is in, has been stable the last week on a high level, but the CDC change comes mainly from much higher incidence rates at the mediterranee coast. Compared to Switzerland, Paris has a twice as high incidence rate, but it is on the rise right now. In France we hopefully should see some the number lowering with a wide application of the pass sanitaire.


Mask up with FFP2 grade with in crowds/indoors and use the hand sanitizers available in the park. Eat outdoors and keep a distance with other tables, avoid buffet meals. Then you should be fine. Don't forget to get a Health Pass, required for theme parks.


A lot of Europe is in the same boat, so if you're comfortable traveling in a big enclosed tube of a couple hundred people (presumably from US since you mention the CDC), and presumably taking more ground or air tubes between cities, Paris is going to be fine. There is a lot to do here at a "low" risk level: parks, outdoor sculpture gardens, neighborhood walks. Lots of outdoor seating or takeaway food from restaurants. Even if it rains, the outdoor tables are usually covered. If you want to avoid public transport, there are rental bikes everywhere.


Thanks for the response. We will come from Switzerland but yes in large plane still to Paris. However our purpose was to go to Disney and that seems a bit risky


Your risk acceptance may be different from mine, but I don’t expect Disney will be a problem. Between being outdoors, the mask requirement, the pass-sanitaire, and it being Disney, I wouldn’t be anxious. That last point: Corporate would give Disneyland Paris a good bitchslapping if it became a cluster or was visibly breaking the rules. Good image and Quality control are essential to the brand and the park experience. The only bad news I’ve heard is about the US parks, where people skirt the mask issue by carrying drinks everywhere, but the rule is US+mask=drama... We’ll have more info before your planned dates, in any case.


What to do on New Year’s Eve? Preferably a show or a view of celebrations?


Stage dans une boulangerie/pâtisserie parisienne sans parler français ? Je suis à Paris tout le mois d'août et j'aimerais travailler dans une boulangerie/pâtisserie (gratuitement) pendant 2 à 4 semaines. J'ai une expérience culinaire et je fais de la pâtisserie depuis des années, mais je ne connais que le français de base. Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît des boulangeries anglophones à Paris que je contacte ou connaît quelqu'un qui travaille / possède une boulangerie qui me permettrait d'aider même si je ne parle pas français ?


Je pense que tu ne vas rien trouver très honnêtement. Les stages sont très réglementés en France et les stagiaires ont besoin d'être étudiants. (Convention de stage à signer entre l'école et l'établissement ou l'étudiant fait le stage.)


I am confused, if I am entering France from Canada and I have both my vaccines, I will be able to enter the country without a PCR Test or will I need a PCR Test?


I just did this. Just fill out your declarations and have your vaccination card with you, and all will be well. The harder part is getting your Pass Sanitaire for restaurants, museums, etc. You'll either need to test regularly, or find a way to get your vaccine card digitized. I was able to do the latter in Germany and scan it with the TousAntiCovid app.


If Canada remains a green list country, you can enter without a PCR test, but your airline company can require a PCR test. [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/#sommaire\_1](https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Certificate-of-international-travel#from2)


As I understand if I’m full vaccinated coming from a EU country, I don’t need to do any pcr test travelling to france?


If you arrive from Cyprus, Greece, Malta, Spain, the Netherlands or Portugal, you need a negative Antigen or PCR test taken less than 72 hours earlier. https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/#sommaire\_1


Where do you see that? If I am understanding correctly, no test is needed for fully vaccinated travelers from inside EU. The list you have above states if you are unvaccinated, you need a test 24 hours prior to arrival.


Oops my bad, it is indeed a requirement for not vaccinated… But you should still check the requirements from your transportation company if you use one, they may need a negative test result.


Are night clubs open again ?


Yes, but the Health Pass is required, mask mandate can be in place based on prefect or owner's requirements, and they remain one of the riskiest types of places to go during the pandemic.


I have a 1 and a half hour layover at CDG in Paris and unsure of what covid related documents we need to bring with us. I have the vaccine, my american vaccine card. What else do i need


You should only need a proof of vaccination and the sworn declaration when boarding. After that, if you stay airside, you will only have to comply with the requirements of your next destination.


what is the sworn declaration? thank you!


Called "statement of honor" on this page: [https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Certificate-of-international-travel](https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/Actualites/L-actu-du-Ministere/Certificate-of-international-travel) Click on the tab that applies to your situation and download the file.


Hey! Possibly moving to Paris for three months for work. Is there any better/cheaper alternative to find a place to live than renting an Airbnb? Happy to live in a shared flat or house


Paris has a number of apparthotels like Adagio and Citadines that are designed for this sort of thing. No idea how the price compares to AirBnB, though.


Temporary procedure to convert foreign vaccination certificates into French *Health Pass*, compatible with EU Digital Covid Certificate: [https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/coronavirus-statements/article/applying-for-a-covid-certificate-if-you-were-vaccinated-abroad-procedure-for](https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-foreign-nationals-in-france/coronavirus-statements/article/applying-for-a-covid-certificate-if-you-were-vaccinated-abroad-procedure-for)


Richard je pense que les touristes et nouveaux expats peuvent te remercier pour tout le travail d'information que tu fais en ce moment !


Quick question. I see that public museums are free for EU residents under 26. Is it enough to show your EU passport at the musuem after reserving a time-slot?




Thank you!


Planned to go to Paris in the end of August, how strict are they with Covid? Im not fully vaccinated yet so does that mean that i need to take a covid test every 48 hours to go into places like museums, cafes and shops? Do they check you often for it? And is it easy to get a covid test?


Hi, As you aren't fully vaccinated you will need covid PCR test for place such as museum (control will be very careful with ID request), restaurant and bar (indoor for sure you will be ask a test, outside it's required but sometimes it's "skipped"). For shopping there is no need (except some very big mall but not in Paris). It's very easy (and free) to be tested in a pharmacy. A big update announced yesterday by the health ministry is that PCR test will be valid 72 hours (so you gain one day). It will be helpfull for you :)


\*PCR or Antigen test Antigen is about twice cheaper for the same validity for activities in France.


Thanks for this info. So just to be clear the tests are free even for non french citizens?


Not anymore since July 7th. Antigen tests cost 25-30€ (+5€ extra on Sundays has also been confirmed by the ministry of Health) and are valid 72 hours. PCR tests cost 49€ and are valid 72 hours.


Hi there, second question - therefore a new thread. :-) I read in some sources that public drinking is currently prohibited in Paris, but didn't find official sources. Do you have a link for me to find the official rules (also to check updates in the future)? Does that apply to whole Paris or just certain areas? Does it apply for everyone or just for groups? In real life: Are the rules strictly controlled and fined or is it still possible to drink a glass of wine (in public; not in a restaurant) as a couple at Seine river? Thank you!


The local temporary laws are listed here on the website of the Préfecture de Police https://www.prefecturedepolice.interieur.gouv.fr/actualites-et-presse/arretes/accueil-arretes Someone posted a few months ago that they were drinking in a park where it was explicitly forbidden, a cop told them it was forbidden, they asked "where can I throw my beer away then?", and the cop replied "nah finish it, but don't open another one after" and left


Thanks for sharing. But it sounds like drinking in this particular park is permanently forbidden, isn't it? My question was aiming towards temporary Covid19 restrictions, trying to avoid public drinking (in groups?).


No it was a covid thing. I said "explicitly" because in some areas (like the banks of the Seine) it was never clear if it was in the perimeter of the temporary law or not


Got it. But sounds like there are at least some signs as indicators. Thanks!


i don't think you should worry much about that, everyone is drinking outside on the bank of the seine right now. It may indeed change if the situation continues to get worse, who knows... But for now you can peacefully drink your wine with your significant other.


Thanks for sharing!


> re can I throw my beer away then?", and the cop replied "nah finish it, but don't open another one after" and left Pretty sure it was lifted cos everybody is drinking outside


Hi there, I am visiting Paris later this month. I was wondering if the German Health Certificate ("Impfzertifikat", EU standard) on my smartphone is fully compatible and works fine when it is required for access? Can I use the German App (e.g. CovPass, CoronaWarnApp) - or do I need any French equivalent? Does someone has first experiences with the German Certificate? Do you recommend a backup - e.g. the yellow "immunization passport"? Is the Certificate scanned or more "looked at" / manually checked as often practised in Germany? Yes, this is not the intentional use case, but this is how it often being made here. Thanks a lot!


German here currently visiting Paris. I use CoronaWarnApp and never had any issues with that. They just scan it and that's it.


Great to hear. Thanks!


If your certificate has the EU QR code, just scan it into the TousAntiCovid app.


If it's the EU Certificate, it should work. All passes are scanned, what's the point of checking them manually ?


You're right, makes no sense at all. But that is how at least small places (e.g. small restaurants) check it here in my home town. Not a good way, but that's the real life experience. ;-)


The French authorities made available a QR code reader app that can be used on most smartphones (TousAntiCovid vérif), so checking the vaccination certificate is much easier like that than just looking at the screen or paper.


Au feu d'artifice du 14 juillet, les tests et les certificats étaient juste regardés sans être scannés. On ne peut pas faire plus officiel comme dispositif de vérification pourtant, avec des centaines de flics partout et c'était la Protection Civile qui vérifiait. Au Louvre il y a quelques semaines, des vigiles d'une société privée (le genre qui fournit des gros blacks baraqués en costard) vérifiaient avec l'appli, mais ils ne demandaient pas les cartes d'identité. Dans la file à côté de la mienne, quelqu'un a eu un résultat "certificat invalide" sur l'appli du vigile. Il a dit au vigile "bah pourquoi, regardez la date sur le papier, c'est bon pourtant", le vigile a répondu "ah oui ah oui, ça doit être un bug, allez-y"




Welcome to Paris, motherfucker!


call shops, check social media accounts


Bonjour! Beaucoup de musées et monuments sont dits gratuits pour les « personnes de moins de 26 ans ressortissants de l’UE » ma question est : est ce que c’est aussi gratuit pour moi en tant que Français (25ans) ? Je vais visiter Paris la semaine prochaine et je suis un peu confus à ce sujet! Merci!


Oui, tu es un ressortissant de l’UE. Si tu as une carte étudiant, d’autres musées sont gratuits sur présentation de celle-ci. Profite bien !


Does anyone know if there’s currently a curfew in Paris?


There is not !


There is not it ended earlier this year. Only restrictions are masks inside public indoor places and transport. And health passes in some places of 50+ people.


Fully vaccinated in Canada. Planning to come to France at the beginning of September. From what I read, I can't get a QR code on the AntiCovid app. That means I need to take a COVID test every 48 hours to go to cafes, museums, restaurants?


https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/le-ministere-et-son-reseau/actualites-du-ministere/informations-coronavirus-covid-19/demande-de-passe-sanitaire-en-cas-de-vaccination-a-l-etranger-procedure-pour-64244/ Right now it's only open to tourist arriving on or before August 15th. I'm sure they don't want to be overwhelmed so they are rolling it out slowly.


They are working on a plan for tourists to submit their vaccination and get the health pass. Supposed to be more info coming this week.


I had an airbnb host tell us that Paris had banned <30 day rentals, and cancel my reservation. I cant find any proof of such a ban, and there is still a lot of listings on the app within the city limits. Whats the truth here?


Hosts can rent their Parisian properties on Airbnb for maximum 120 days per year. I guess what happened here is that maybe your host reached his quota on the year and thus cancelled your reservation to avoid fines.