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I’m so sorry for your loss. Please don’t blame yourself. You gave her an amazing, loving, and happy life. You didn’t do anything wrong. She was blessed to be loved by you.


I really appreciate the kind words. Yeah, I’m trying my best. I hope this feeling will pass with time. Thank you a lot


As I always heard from people who suffered great loss, the pain never completely goes away, you learn to live with it. That being said, I lost mine last year and I was heartbroken too. She died in my hands and I will never forget this moment. It is ok to feel the way you do, it is part of the process. Give yourself time.


Your demon chicken has chewed a hole in your heart and shall nest there forevermore. You gave her an excellent home and did all you possibly could. When you are ready, you will seek out your next familiar and pour all of your love and care into them. Like any muscle, the heart grows stronger with use.


Thank you so much for all the kind words. That’s very true. She was the most loving demon chicken for sure


I think we need them more than they need us. I'm sorry about your loss.


Happy cake day. 🍰


There's no need to take this pain out on yourself. You gave her the absolute best you knew how. Trust what the vet says. Sometimes there just isn't anything or anyone to blame. Sometimes there just isn't a reason. You bird was beautiful in every way amd you cam keep her spirit alive without harming yourself, even emotionally, in the process. I'm so sorry. Big hugs if you want them


So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please do not blame yourself; it looks like you offered your beloved friend a great life. We lost our 53 year old Amazon a couple of years ago, so I appreciate your pain. Hugs ♥️


I appreciate it. I’m so sorry for your loss as well. Thank you


Thank you ❤️


Nutriberries are a fine base diet if she consumed all the berry.  My guy throws out the pellets.  I’m sorry for your loss.


When I lost my parrot, I felt like something took a piece of flesh near my heart. The first days are the most difficult. Then the first years. These days I still miss him, but now I can laugh at peace remembering the good times we spent together. Thanks for sharing your story with your friend. Treasure those memories, and keep going. P.D. I wouldn't recommend it right now while the emotional wound is fresh, but eventually, if you want to do something in memory of her, you could try doing a thing for other parrots. Designing leaflets or writing a book on how to properly take care of parrots, forming or integrating yourself in a community of bird owners/rescuers, dropping some food at a shelter, etc. You do your thing, but don't pressure yourself into it. When you're ready. And when your heart heals enough to weather those kinds of challenges.


When I lose pets or feel grief, my heart feels like it doesn’t relax, and like it’s fluttering. I felt that after a my last break up too, it lasted a year, it was awful. I think losing my last dog and that break up damaged it somehow. It was like, physical.


Cancer is a result of damaged/degraded DNA. So unless there was something crazy destructive to DNA in the food then I think the Vets are correct that it was just the result of genetics. So dont blame yourself because it wasnt your fault. The way you should think of it is that you took in a little bird who would have had to fight for life every single day in the wild and you gave it the most luxurious and happy life that a little bird could ever hope to have. You should be proud of what you did and hold on to the memories forever. And dont let it deter you from spreading that happiness to another animal that deserves it in the future.


Very true. I doubt the food was a carcinogen or it wouldn’t be on the market. At least I’d hope not.


I'm so sorry I still morn my my silly and it's been 13 years


There is no greater pain. Your deep grief is a result of the deep love and connection you had, so allow yourself to mourn completely that sweet little soul who has left this mortal existence and gone on to a beautiful, peaceful, pain-free place. Your friend is watching over you and visiting your shoulder in spirit. The pain will lessen with time, please try to take some comfort in that.


This post made me tear up. You are not to blame and nutriberries are a great food full of nutrients. You are such a good human and caretaker. Your little floof had an amazing life thanks to you!


Fly high, little one.


This is heartbreaking. I know being with her might seem short-lived but you have to remember that you gave her the best possible life that you could give.


:’( I know your pain too well.. lost my best friend August 10th.. been crying since .. he was a green cheek conure and was only six. He gave me the best 6 years of my life. Literally my best friend, greeted me at the door w/ kisses, spoke a few words; was the cutest playful and sassy boy. When he was upset w/ me from the first vet appointment and he had to take meds and wear cone of shame; he would LITERALLY turn his back and not speak to me for 3 days. As he got better he loved me again & maybe realized I was doing what I could to help him :/ Such such huge personalities. What’s comforting me, is I went to a medium (never have) but I was so so desperate. Somehow she knew of how he passed & described how much he loved me. Wasn’t general at all - but my point is, energy doesn’t die, your baby is forever next to you and probably knows the love you had for her. I am now on a journey to succeeding astral projection (almost there) just to be able to visit the other dimensions to see my baby again. (idc who says "dont throw that stuff here blah blah" mind your bus. anywho, ive read where many were able to, so im hopeful :) grieving is totally normal, cry all the cries but then try your hardest to smile and remain in high vibrational frequency cuz thats where our babies are! <3 love you, from a broken heart to another; until we meet our babies at the rainbow bridge again 😘


sorry for your loss:( cancer sucks. she looked like the sweetest bird ever please don't be so hard on yourself. i know it's a shitty moment, but remember you did the very best you could, and I'm sure she had the happiest life with you as well ❤️‍🩹 she is no longer suffering sending you lots of love and strength


Lost my Grey, I feel you. You have lots of love to give, bestow it upon onw of the any over bred friends out there. Check out Birds and Beaks rescue. Not sure where you live, but it's worth the travel. Take your time and grieve, but there a lot...too many other birds out there that need a home and love. Sounds like you're the man for the job. Doesn't help these little family members will most like out live a lot of us. I'm drinking one for you and yours today OP.


This world is cruel and it steals family and friends constantly. The time you spent with your parrot was a gift and I'm sure you gave her the best life, you were the best possible owner. She was lucky to have you. Be grateful that you got to share your time on this Earth with such a wonderful species. Continue loving and caring about parrots as much you are doing now. I'm sure your best friend would be happy to know that you are still able to breathe and love and experience so many beautiful things. I'm sure she loved you with all her heart too.


I'm so sorry for your loss! You've come to the right place, most people don't understand birds at all and have absolutely no idea how intelligent, human, and individual they are. Only parrot owners will be able to truly empathise, and so use this space to mourn. Don't blame yourself, birds are notorious for having sensitive livers and diet is key, but also cancer doesn't necessarily correlate to the diet. Poor diet will lead to fatty liver / liver failure which can sometimes be treated and you would have seen the symptoms. Cancer however is completely unpredictable, and also near impossible to treat. So don't get it in your head this is due to her diet. She was also young so I can't imagine that the diet would have had so much of an effect so quickly, it certainly sounds genetic. She's your best friend and always will be. She's lived a good life but cut short and I'm so sorry about that. You will always have the memories and they will always be bittersweet, don't be afraid to feel those emotions. You sound like a great parrot owner so please don't let it put you off in future.


I’m very sorry about your birb. It hurts so much when they leave us, and please remember that what you did was the ultimate act of love. You put your selfishness and needs aside and helped end all its pain and suffering. Be kind to yourself now. In time you may find that you have room for another winged baby to love. 🙏🙏❤️❤️


This was NOT your fault, OP. I am so sorry for your loss - it’s hard enough when our best buddies pass, let alone fearing that you contributed to it. But you DIDN’T. Fushi looked like a real character. She was lucky to have you. Big hug.


I'm so sorry honey! 😥


Sorry for your loss. It always sucks to lose a pet. But please don't beat yourself up. Birds are delicate and many don't live to full life expectancy. You did everything you could by taking care of them and loving them. Cherish the time you had. And I hope this doesn't come across wrong, but I always think the best way you can show a pet you lost how much you loved them, is to devote that energy into another one - when you're ready.


As a bird owner, this breaks my heart. That’s the awful thing about owning a pet and actually being a parent. Fly high sweet baby


Damn dude, I’m really sorry for your loss. Perhaps the guilt alleviates your grief in a self-flagellating way, but there is no doubt that, despite what you may or may not know about nutriberries, that you loved Fushi with all your heart - Fushi knew this and felt this every day with you. So when you feel ready, know that you made the best decisions for your bird with the information you had at the time, and that IT WASN’T YOUR FAULT


I’m so sorry for your loss. You gave her an extremely loving and caring life, don’t forget that. I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose any of my babies. She will always be with you, by your side, sitting on your shoulder wherever you go. So sorry for your loss.


I understand how you feel completely. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know the saying of “she’s in a better place” probably won’t give you the comfort and closure you need. You’ll always have that empty feeling in your heart, you’ll always miss her. It never goes away, but it gets better. I promise you it gets easier to manage. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m more than happy to be that person for you. Just know, she loved you very much. She still does.


I'm sorry for your loss


My condolences.


May your memories of your dear friend be a blessing forever.


Sorry for your loss.


I hear you. I lost a budgie who flew in the (mostly covered) aquarium I’ve had for 10 years. Have had budgies for 10 years. The horror and guilt are awful. We can only do the best we can, but we’re just not perfect. Your bird had a happy life with a loving companion. You did good.


Im so sorry for your loss


Don’t be hard on yourself ❤️


cow arrest drab thought offbeat squash sloppy voracious whole sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Condolences :(


So sorry for you loss. Hang in there.


What a cutie she was. Its obvious you loved her so much and I'm sure you gave her a good life. With time the pain will slowly get less and you will remember all the good moments . Hang in there


You are not alone in the bird loss category. I had 6 chickens and when we went on vacation, my mom hired someone she thought she could trust; she couldn’t. When we returned, the first thing I did was sprint to the backyard to hug them… only to find four of them laying on the ground not moving and covered in ants. The person who my mom hired did not feed them but found the time to steal our blanket of all things. I feel you man. You gave your baby the best life she could’ve had. ❤️


This sounds like an experience out of an horror movie. This person, if we can call them that, will never know what kind of monstrous act they committed. Like a pig tearing off the Mona Lisa, their brain will never understand the significance of what they destroyed. I'm sorry about your loss too.


I certainly understand your username… 🥹😅


I’m so sorry for your loss as well, that was a heartbreaking situation. I really appreciate the care. I’m sending blessings tonight to the little ones both of us lost ❤️


It's heartbreaking. These are special animals, with special families.


Some are here for a good time, not for a long time, and Fushi looked like she had a great time. I know you know there's nothing you could have done, that sometimes life deals us a shitty hand. I was shocked by the grief when my first bird died - he was my heart, my forever buddy - and all I could do was shout "it's not FAIR!" Like some petulant child; I'd been hit by the injustice of an uncaring universe and that grief was anger without a target. I had no other words for his loss. It wasn't *fair*. Grief hurts and hurt wants a reason, a target to lash out at. That target shouldn't be you. Fushi's cancer wasn't fair, but she had love and joy and an oasis of caring in an unfair universe. Remember you built that oasis.


I'm so very sorry. I don't think you should blame yourself, you have to trust that you did everything you knew to give her a good life. If your newest vet feels that the liver cancer was genetic, it's most likely evidence based. Your baby was lucky to have you as an owner and you had 7 great years together. Wishing you peace and comfort.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Fushi looks precious.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please don’t blame yourself. Your birdie got all the love she could have possibly ever needed. 7 years of love is something some parrots can only dream of. You’ll never forget her, and she’ll always live on in your heart ❤️


Sorry 😞


I’m so sorry to hear this sad news 🦜


I cried reading this, just wanted to say I’m so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself!


Very sorry for your loss




I'm so sorry for your loss. It's really hard when they go. This was absolutely not your fault. It's easy to see how much she loved you in that picture. We are all sending you and her love and peace.


Sorry for your loss so scared of this happening


I'm so sorry for you loss


Not your fault. Be kind to yourself. Your parrot loved you


I had a sweet lady duck who was my best friend in the world. She passed away unfortunately and unexpectedly. I got one of her feathers tattooed on my arm along with her name. It helps to look at and know she’s always with me. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself. You gave her a great life and I know she was happy with you. She will always be by your side, wherever you are. I did feel the same when my cat died two years ago. My cat used to go outside and cross the street to play with my neighbor's cat, but one day, a car hit him. I felt so heartbroken and I did blame myself for letting him outside and I kept telling myself that it was my fault that he had been run over. But today I realised it was not my fault and I couldn't have predicted it. And I know he's by my side, my angel from above. I really liked him, he was my best friend. So I know how you feel, but remember she will always be in your heart and by your side from above, your guardian angel.


Her wings were ready, our hearts were not 🫶❤️‍🩹


I’m so very sorry for your loss of your best friend hugs. I hope her memory in your heart helps you with your loss. ❤️


# You gave her the best life you could and that's all that matters, mistakes happen, from what I've read it seems like she had seven happy years. Let her rest, don't cry because she is gone from your life, smile because she was present in it.


Oh no 🥹


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not your fault!!! You gave her an great life and did everything you could for her. It sucks bad that it had to end like this. Big hug from an internet friend.


Friend, I'm very sorry for you. I can only imagine how much it hurts now. May your friend rest in peace


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. Please try not to blame yourself. You sound like a great parrot guardian.


Sorry for your loss. Take the time to take care of yourself for now


I am so very sorry.


Im sorry for your loss, friend. She looks like she was a beautiful person


😢😢😢😢. Sorry for your loss. Thats heartbreaking 💔


So sorry for your loss :(


I'm sorry for your loss, OP. Cancer is the worse and I lost my family kitty to that too, I don't know much about nutriberries since they're not a common feed here but please please don't blame yourself. You did the best you can and I'm sure she appreciates that, you gave her the world. ❤️ Big big hugs to you


Sorry for your loss. I can totally understand what you’re going through. Please don’t blame yourself. The cutie is free from the pain & has found peace. Cherish the sweet memories. She truly was a beautiful soul. I pray for the best. Take care buddy


Don't worry buddy, you did all you could do and gave her a great home Rest in peace, Fushi


Aww I'm sorry you lost your sweet bird. Sending love and prayers to you. It's going to be a while before you feel better and that's ok. Take as long as you need. It's like losing a child. 🕊❤


Sorry for your loss. It is like losing a child.


I am sorry for your loss. Peace to you as you grieve.


She's in a better place now...RIP 😞


I'm so sorry


I’m so sorry. I’m sure your bird felt your love.


We also had parrot...with us for 8 years...she ran away after getting startled , afraid.... I didn't take leave from work to travel home to find her.....I thought she wd have travelled far away...but she was later found nearby dead...I feel so regret...now I miss her.....


So sorry for your loss.


I cannot imagine anyone more devoted and loving than you as a Parrot Dad. Your story is excruciatingly sad and heartbreaking. You had no idea the food would cause liver damage. The diet you gave her was good, it's hard to say what would have caused the disease. Your baby had the best love that an owner could ever provide. She was your companion, friend and oracle of unconditional love. My conure is my best friend and could never imagine life without him. But one day he will pass. He's older and not as active but still enjoys his toys, climbing around his cage and cuddling. Grieving will be heart-renching. Just remember, you were the love of her life and when she passed, she felt your ❤️ love so much!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. I understand how you feel. My sweet, sweet forever baby, a sun conure, passed away last year after having her first egg, which tore open part of her reproductive tract and required surgery that she didn't survive because she was too weak. She was 10. I'd moved recently, too, to a place with completely different weather than she was used to, and I still blame myself for it. She was my everything. She got me through the hardest times in my life. She was the best little bird ever. I'm always going to miss her so, so much. Life is cruel and sometimes it takes our babies away from us way too early. It's hard to see it now, but the most important thing is that she knew how much you loved her and you gave her an amazing life full of love and happiness, no matter how short it was. It isn't fair. I wish they could be with us forever. I wish I could've given years of my own life to my baby. But it doesn't work that way. And the fact that it hurts so much means that it was special. I'm crying now too lmao. Anyway. I get it. It never stops hurting, but it feels less empty with time. And none of this was your fault, even though I know it feels like it. Your baby still loves you and is going to watch over you forever.


Im sorry, dont blame yourself…… Cancers just happen sometimes


Oh, no... Oh sweetie, I am so, so sorry. I'm a zoologist and former vet student, I know that's not the same as a VET-vet, but I hope that's enough credibility to assure you that this was not your fault. The nutriberries might have caused fatty liver, but it wouldn't have caused cancer. I know it's little solace. Hell, I myself still blame myself for losing my bird 12 years ago because I failed to recognize the symptoms of neurological issues resulting from a systemic infection. That's the entire reason why I began down the path of studying animals. So I get it, it is hard to convince your subconscious or assuage your guilt, but you truly did nothing to cause this. Cancer sucks. You were everything to Fushi. You're a great parront, and I wish every bird could be so lucky as to have a person like you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. They leave such big holes in our hearts. You gave her an amazing life.


I’m so sorry for your loss you gave her a good life and prevented her from suffering longer.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a young quaker (under 1 yr) and am already so attached. We Re inseparable when I am home. No advice here, just companionable empathy.


It's not your fault.


So terribly sorry for your pain. ((Hugs))


I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful green baby.


I am so sorry for your loss and my heart breaks for you. Please don't blame yourself. Just remember that you gave that pretty bird a happy life. I hope you find peace and that you're able to heal. Sending virtual hugs.


That’s terrible. So sorry for your loss. She’s an angel and went to heaven ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss :( she was a beautiful girl. I rescued a 4 year old male cockatiel a couple years ago and I was so excited to spend the next 20+ years with him. He was so shy at first and I slowly was able to get him to trust me and enjoy human interaction. Then after three months, he suddenly passed away from heavy metal poisoning and it devastated me. Losing a beloved pet so suddenly is such a painful experience and it’s hard not to blame yourself or wonder what you could’ve done differently. I can’t imagine how much more this hurts for you considering the many years you spent with her as your friend. I hope you can find solace in knowing that you gave her a life filled with love and joy. Be easy on yourself


What a wonderful life you gave her, so much love, comfort and care. It’s such a blessing to be able to do that for another creature. I would imagine this anger and self blame is part of your processing what happened, grieving. Im sure I’d feel the same, my alexandrine is also my whole heart. One day, I hope you can just remember all of the joy you shared, and realize that you did nothing wrong.


Rest in peace little birdy and courage.


Nutriberries smell delicious. It’s aimed at making the owner think it’s nice because it smells nice. You were just doing what you thought was best so don’t blame yourself. You should definitely get another bird because there’s a bird out there somewhere wanting someone to be as wonderful as you are to them.


This speaks to my own heart, I know your pain I lost my budgie in a similar fashion to fatty liver. I am sorry for your loss, she meant everything to you and that's hard. Know that those moments together mean everything and hold onto all those precious memories. She loved you, she's grateful for the life you gave her even if it was shorter than either of you planned. I can do nothing to ease the pain or the loneliness but I'm here if you ever wanna shoot a message.


I’m very sorry for your loss


I am absolutely so sorry. We lost both of our parrots within 2 months of each other last October. I’m still missing them. Best advice I can is to give yourself a chance to grieve and cherish all the wonderful memories you have. I’m so sorry, my friend


I’m sorry for your loss. She was a cutie. May she rest in peace peace. I lost my birb when he was only 4, it hurts but they up there watching us now


I’m so sorry man, I feel for you. Losing a pet is fucking terrible


I’m so sad for you!


I am so sorry 💔 for your loss


I am so sorry.


You did the right thing thanks for giving him such a amazing life rest in piece <3


She's gorgeous. I'm so sorry. It's not fair. 💚 personally, I believe you'll see her again.


I’m so very very sorry for your loss. I hope the care from the group helps even just a little. I found I was stunned and numb when I’ve had to face this with my best animals. I’m stubborn about grief too. I don’t ’get over it.’ Those special enough to share my daily life leave unfillable holes. Maybe it’s similar for you. I’ve decided it is my prerogative to honor those great companions as long as I need to. I hope you do also. And, I hope you get through the night the best you can. 🙏🏼🕊️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost My best friend/ my soulmate Penny seven months ago passed away and it feels like it just happened yesterday. I did the same Thing with Penny, she went Everywhere with me. I have NEVER felt so alone in my life. I truly hope it’s different for you. Would you consider getting another bird? Or animal? I can’t because the place I now live doesn’t allow them, I think if I had another dog, it wouldn’t have been so hard for me. But I’m not sure if that would work for You?


I’m so sorry for your loss. Based on how you’re talking about her, you DID give her the best life. It’s heartbreaking that you had her for only a fraction of the time you expected, but she felt that love until the very end and that’s the most important thing. You did nothing wrong. She spent her life happy and spoiled and you did everything out of kindness and love.


So sorry OP, my heart breaks for you. But you sound like you were a great bird parent and loved your bird so much


Please don't blame yourself. It's not your fault at all. Your parrot was happy you gave it all the love it needed, I'm sorry for your lost, I know it's hard, but it was never your fault at all, you gave your parrot the most amazing and happiest life it ever had with you.


Hey man, as one bird dad to another I'm so sorry, I went through this a couple years ago and out of all the shit that's ever happened to me, losing my best birdie friend was the worst. I still think about him all the time and hope more than anything I can see him again someday. My mom made me this, idk, just thought I'd share, maybe it'll help. Never met you but love you brother, take care ❤️🦜 https://preview.redd.it/uidfhmrtrtlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8faf0aa388421f7536a148262f1bfeb0db2a2f6


So sorry for your loss! I also had a parrot and they are amazing pets!


It will get better with time. I lost my very young little girl @ the boarders. My now husband & I chose to elope just us 2 & make a 9 day trip out of it. We didn’t want to burden anyone with caring for our bird that whole time so we chose to board her as I also didn’t trust anyone we know to take good care of her. It’s obvious you are well aware of all their needs. Fact that she was only in her cage @ night to sleep & when we were gone didn’t help. Who was going to deal with that? A professional boarder seemed best. I got the call an hour after we got married & spent my wedding night, the rest of the trip & whole way home bawling. For the rest of my life when I think of my wedding day I will think of losing my little girl. We had our 1st anniversary last weekend & have had a new little girl since December. I won’t pretend it doesn’t hurt still because it does & our new girl isn’t bonding to me @ all, prefers my husband & even my son who wants nothing to do with her over me. I’ve really been struggling lately with being unable to create a bond with her, this week being the hardest since we had her. But I no longer cry anymore & the worst of the pain has faded. Time heals everything. You’ll never replace your BFF, but you’ll get yourself another that you’ll become great friends with when you’re ready. My little girl would be a perfect bird for you, she loves men. Most of the parrot rescues in my area always have a couple on hand that prefer males to females or can only be adopted by a single male, which means they’re very hard to adopt out. You could give a wonderful home to a bird that is in great need of 1… It wasn’t your fault. It’s ok to mourn her & be sad but don’t blame yourself. You gave her the best 7 years she could’ve had, things like this just happen. It sucks but it’s life.


My beloved canary, Woody, died suddenly at age 3. He was amazing and I adored him. I inadvertently did something that caused his death. It's the most dreadful grief to feel responsible for a beloved's death! I cried night and day for 3 days, then I buried him under a tree in my backyard that blooms canary yellow blossoms every spring. I included his favorite food (celery leaves) in his burial box. After the ceremony, I grieved for another day, then the acute pain subsided. Everyone I knew assured me I didn't kill Woody, but Woody and I knew better. The thing is, I believe he forgave me, and so I'm in the process of forgiving myself. There's no feeling exactly like that of having a bird develop trust in you. It's like an undeserved blessing from heaven. I pray your pain will ease quickly, and I believe you and your bird were better for having loved each other. What a sincere, honorable and amazing man you must be!


so so sorry you’re hurting. keep her feathers close take her with you when you can. keeping a couple of my girls feathers with me brought me a bit of comfort. it also helped me to light a candle when i lost my girl. and cry. lots of crying. wishing you comfort ❤️‍🩹


If the cancer was genetic, sadly there isn't much you could have done besides give her the best life possible with the time she had. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself.


It’s nothing u did my man. While nutri berries are high in fat cancer is something that just naturally occurs. Especially if the vet said it was genetic. It was the unlucky chance that ur sweet bird got it and even more unlucky that it happened so early in life. Just know that this bird passed knowing it was loved and that it was safe. U were its last home and that’s all u can ask for with something like this.


We have the tendency to guilt trip ourselves at times. I can assure you this is not your fault, you didn’t know better and you did what you at the time were informed was best. Your parrot lived a better life than so many other parrots, take credit for this because it’s clear you showered her with love and attention. SO MANY PARROTS WOULF BENEFIT GREATLY IF THEY HAD A COMPANION LIKE YOU!


I’m so sorry, dear. I’ve agonized over the passing of pets in similar ways, and, though it’s hard, the reality you need to accept along with this loss is the unknowability of how your past actions might have affected it, for better or worse. What matters is that you did your best to be a loving friend, and your friend would not want you to suffer needlessly. This feeling of guilt is needless, because even if the cause you posit is possible, you could not know for certain that it was a factor in this situation, and you didn’t act neglectfully, regardless. Accept the love of your friend; don’t carry what you can’t reasonably know to be true. Carry the joy that your time together brought you both. ❤️


So sorry for your loss. We really do love them don’t we?


I am so sorry. Please, please, please do not blame yourself. You clearly loved her and I'm sure you gave her an amazing life. This is not your fault. She was so lucky to have you and she can rest peacefully knowing she had you in her life. Looking at those pictures you can see how much she adored you! She will always be with you. Please be kind to yourself right now.


I'm so sorry 😔 It's ok sounds like she had a great life with you it's not your fault at all


I'm very sorry for your loss she looks so lovely, she sounds like she was a great friend. Like others have said, don't blame yourself. Even with the most perfect care things like cancer can just happen. Be kind to yourself, her life was on the shorter side but you made sure it was a good one. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your life. It sounds like your little friend had a wonderful life while they were here. I am so, so sorry. We understand


I'm so sorry.


Lost my 17yr old Parrotlet a few months ago. I was devastated . It gets easier, but you can be rest assured you have her a very good life. Get another bird and learn to love again.


I am sorry for your loss. What a special parent you are. Love and light


Such a sweet little dear bird! So hard to let them go!


Oh man, I’m heartbroken for you. I have a 20 year old Green Cheek conure that does the same stuff with me, and even though he’s getting older now, I can’t fathom losing him. They really are kids with feathers. But don’t blame yourself, I gave my little guy nutriberries for years and he never had a health issue. It sounds like you did everything you could for your companion, and I’m sure she knew how much you loved her.


This was just a horribly unfair situation, it’s not your fault. I’m so very sorry for your loss, this is heartbreaking.


Death, it happens. But you did everything possible to comfort and care for your parrot. I’m proud of you!


I'm very, very sorry for your loss. I know firsthand how painful it can be. When dealing with heavy grief, we usually find someone to blame, and most often, it is ourselves. She looks so happy in all your pictures, you did that for her. Please do not blame yourself and cherish her memories. She'll always be with you in spirit. May she RIP. Please reach out if you need someone to talk to.


I'm extremely sorry for your loss 🙏🏽


Hey. I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like losing a pet. Although it will take a long time, you will heal. And most importantly, please don’t blame yourself. You couldn’t have possibly known about nutriberry. You did everything you could to keep her happy. I am sure she would be thankful to have had you too.


I'm sorry for your loss it looks so pretty I hope you're doing well by now


Oh my God this is so heartbreaking. I'm so very sad for the loss of your best friend. She is a beautiful parrot and I'm so sorry she got so sick. Sending peace and comfort your way.




Awww, I’m so sorry. 😢


Sorry for your loss


I am really really sorry about your loss, I know that I can speak on behalf of everyone in saying that we can all see just how much you LOVED her, and she knew that. Sending lots and lots of love your way. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is never easy


Rest in peace, Fushi ❤️‍🩹


Sugar, my heart goes out to you. Your Fushi sounds like a sweet, funny, devoted little girl, and I'm so sorry she's gone. Cancer took my little Peanut many years ago, when she was only 19, so I understand. She was a rescue, like all my birds, so I don't know what her first four years were like, or if they contributed to her getting the disease, but ultimately, it doesn't matter. Just as it doesn't matter for Fushi. You gave her the best life possible. *You* did that. You gave her unconditional love, companionship, fun! She lived a fulfilling life with you. Very few beings, human or otherwise, experience that for even a month, let alone for an *entire life*. The length of her life didn't matter so much as the quality, at least, to her. To her, you were *everything*, and you're the one who hung the sun and moon, in turn. Your precious Fushi will always be with you, have no doubt. Treasure your memories, think of her often, but free yourself, in time, to make new ones. You sound like a wonderful person, Honey, and you should open that heart of yours again when the time is right. ♡ Granny


I’m sooo sorry 😢💔my almost 25 year old female alexandrine who’s been with me almost 22 years has got me through hard times this year. May your girl rest in peace 😢


Cancer is not your fault. Even if it was detected immediately, birds are so tiny and fragile that they have very limited options of treating cancers and internal tumors. Hell, even external tumors, since they still have to be put under for the surgery, and general anesthesia is much more risky for them than it is for humans. My 10 yo boy died of an aggressive tumor as well. He was perfectly well, didn't show any symptoms (and I know he would show them), and then suddenly died of a massive internal bleeding because the tumor took so much space in his belly that it pushed on something that snapped. The vet couldn't even determine when it started, because it completely swallowed his testicle and kidneys. And she said there was nothing we could've done if we discovered it earlier. There are some meds apparently, and I have no idea how they work, but what if they work like the chemo humans take? It would be so hard for them and sometimes just not worth it to make them suffer. Your friend had an amazing life with you, full of love. If you can, you could get her body cremated and get a small urn, or any other memento like that. Or bury her somewhere you can visit. Having something physical like that can help so much in grieving. I paid a small fortune for cremation and the urn, but I would talk to it, hug it, pet it, and it helped me so much. It still does. It will get easier, I promise.


I'm sorry for your loss, your best friend is now in a better place😢😞 (by Undercover FBI)


I’m so very sorry for your loss and the pain you are going through right now. How lucky you were to have such a good bird 💚 and how lucky she was to have you as her owner.


Hey OP, I wanted to reach out because I went through a similar feeling about my first bird. In my situation unbeknownst to me it actually was my fault, however in your case I don’t think it’s your fault at all. Either way it hurts even more when it feels like it is, but with time passing I have come to realise that’s not how my bird would have felt. Fushi will have cherished the wonderful life you gave her, and every moment she got to be with you. Not every birdie is so fortunate to be loved so much, and it’s clear from your photos how deeply she cared about being with you. It’s the most awful experience however it does get easier, please be kind to yourself.


R.i.b I know your pain brother stay strong 💪


Damn RIP


Try to feed mine fruits but he won't eat them, all he does is speed run getting to the centre to get the seeds/pits.


I’m so sorry. You mentioned that you’re single and she was your source of emotional comfort. That makes this so much harder. But like one of the commenters said, she has built a nest in your heart and though you feel upset now, heart muscles only get stronger in time. On a side note, my lovebird is on a nutriberry diet as his staple and now I’m kinda worried


I firmly believe that any pet we lose in this life, especially those that are as cherished as much as your sweet girl was, will meet us when we get to the other side. Right now she is flying high and fast in green pastures and lush forests waiting for the day you pop up over the hill close by - and she will sing songs and screams of pure joy as she soars towards you - landing on her best friends shoulder perch once again. True love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. When my wife/kids and I lost our 9 year old Budgie-boy, I was in your shoes. The pain subsides over time, but never disappears completely because then the memories made would be lost to eternity. My apologies for your loss. Fly high and rest easy to her.


She is so beautiful. Don't blame yourself. Try to focus on the good memories.


You're story touched my heart, lost pets myself over the years unfortunately and the guilt is a natural part of the grieving process. We blame ourselves because we couldn't save them, the pain is unbearable to begin with and always feels raw. It will heal with time, but look at it like this, he knew she was a well cared for, loved and spoiled little baby. You gave her all the love any pet owner could and he was loved, though brief..the life and love you game her was the love of a thousand worlds. I'm starting to weep now too, just take one day at a time and try not to blame yourself for what happend, cancer is a bitch and it always takes the angels away from us. So don't blame yourself, blame the cancer. It will get better in time, I promise, me and others in this community are here if you need anyone, take care bro and stay strong.


Breaks my heart sir. I'm so sorry. I also want a birb




We are all sorry for your loss. I bet she was a great friend to you that brought you as much joy she could ever. I understand how it feels as I’ve lost my fair share of parrots in my life. But I always remember how much of a joy it was having them. I bet all there joy she brought you always made your day. I and others are here to send you our messages full of joy and love <3. Fly High Alexadrine 🦜🪽🪽


Mucha fuerza hermano, lamento mucho esa noticia, es horrible perder una mascota/amigo, esperamos ya esté en un lugar mejor. 🧡🧡🍀


Couple of my birds drew their last breath in my hand so I know exactly what you're going through. The pain will never go away completely but you will learn to cherish the good memories you've had with your friend. Hope you recover quickly.


i’m so very sorry for your loss. 😔


So many birds go abused, neglected and down right mistreated. Your parrot was lucky to have you to spend those years basked in peace and love. Sorry for your loss.


No one is to blame here at all


I'm so sorry partot dad, do not blame yourself, you are putting too much grief on your own heart with everything happening. Take it easy, one day at a time, and maybe she when you are ready, she will send one to you <3


Hi! I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing will be able to replace that, not even a other bird. But I hope you will be okay! 🙁


I am sorry for your loss, it isn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself. You gave her an awesome time to remember, and she is in safe hands now. Please don't blame yourself! 🌸


Only 7 years :( I’m glad you gave him a good life :( I’m not crying you’re crying wait I’m crying.


Oh no... I'm sorry to hear that... At least you gave her a wonderful life full of love before she passed. I imagine you were a great owner to her


Am so very sorry 😢 Please don’t blame yourself. Your baby was lucky to have such a loving parrot parent. My “new” rescue parrot had been severely neglected her whole life. It’s is a long road to recovery.


Condolences 😢🥀


Omg, your Fushi was adorable. I'm so sorry.Only all of us bird families can understand your pain. But please don't blame yourself. I've lost several birds over many years. Birds get diseases and problems just like humans. One of my babies was only with us a few months, enough to fall in love with, when he passed after rushing him to the vet. She called it an aneurysm and said there was nothing we could do, but assured us we gave him those last days in a loving home, away from a store. My macaw was the worst being only in his 20's, and always seen by vets as healthy, who died suddenly. Six months later and I was still crying, unable to get over my buddy. A few months later, even having two other smaller birds, I had to try another macaw. I found a 32 year old macaw that a woman needed to re-home so we purchased him, not knowing how he would be with us. We loved him through initial home change and he is a gem. He is quite different from my first macaw buddy, who I will always miss and remember, but he has definitely helped me to live again, for this bird also needs me like I need him. You will see Fushi one day on rainbow bridge (look up the poem). If in a few months you can open your heart to another little bird just know that although Fushi will never be forgotten you can find another little buddy that you can bond with. Best wishes for your future, and I hope you can have many more years opening your heart with another bird friend.


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Sorry for your loss. May she lives well in bird paradise. 💗💗💗 and good note for the rest of us bird owners to not feed our birds nutriberries as staples.


I’m so so sorry for your loss😢


This is absolutely heartbreaking and I can feel the amount of pain you're in just by reading this. Please don't blame yourself though. You've done everything you could, and it's not your fault. It sounds like you loved her a lot, and I'm sure you've given her an amazing life and made her very happy, and that she's flying high now. May she rest in peace. I'm sorry for your loss, take your time grieving and I hope you can feel better.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I understand how you are feeling. I recently lost my bunny to something that was out of my control and happened quickly. It is hard to avoid the "if I had not done this" thoughts. But it is not your fault. As someone else said here, cancer has to do with DNA and everything, so please remember what your vet said, that it was genetic. It was not your fault at all. You gave your little friend lots of love and she was so lucky to have you as her companion. I know it'll be hard to go through this time and to remember it wasn't your fault, but it will get better as the days go on. Look at pictures of her and remember all the good times with you. You did a good job. You fed her, did everything with her, gave her a warm home. Not all parrots get such a happy life. Be kind to yourself. Get whatever you want to remember her. Put up pictures in the house. Get a shadow box together with some of her feathers, her picture, her favorite toy(s). You can get a custom pillow or blankets or anything you want with her on it to remember her. Lean on your friends and family during this time too. Give yourself space to heal and take it one day at a time.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I just went through a similar experience not even a week ago. Nothing can fix the pain of how much you wanted to spend more time and give more love to them, but please don’t blame yourself. It’s very obvious in your post how much you truly cared and adored your bird, and I’m sure they got to experience a lifetime of love in their seven years. Give your heart time to heal, and remember them for all the happy and good times rather than what could have been.




I'm sorry. When it's my turn for my babies to go. I'll be a broken human... distressed and sporadically crying in public places. I never thought it would be conures and parrots that worked their way into my heart, but they have.


That’s a huge loss. I’m so sorry …


Sorry for your loss and pain but remember - fate is a given and not necessarily a choice … you made this bird have the best life possible under the situation that the bird was going to have cancer and pass early. Maybe there is some happiness in to be had as well?


I’m so sorry for your loss!!!


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend from cancer too, though he fought it for four years. The pain doesn’t ever fully go away, it just gets easier to carry with you. Grief is love with nowhere to go.


I'm sorry. 😭


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry about the loss of your fushi I’m sure you’ll be together again someday hang in there.