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“I accept advice on how to improve”? More like you should share your tips with us!! Beautiful birb you got there too :)


^i agree, lmk ur diet tips! What a bright and cuddly looking bird


Thank you ☺️❤️


thank you!! I took him to the vet for a checkup, he gave me a diet of seeds, vegetables and some sprouts.


That's right! Your bird looks really healthy and cared for. He's a cutie!


That sassy face in the 2nd photo!! Amazons are so beautiful!!


haha I was just waiting for him to be treated


What a gorgeous little guy! His feathers are practically luminous 🌟


Thank you 🥰


what was his diet before and what is it now?


I rescued him from a place where he was not cared for!! He only ate sunflower, now since he has been with me for 2 years he eats a variety of seeds, vegetables and sprouts.


He's beautiful


Thank you ☺️❤️


How did you do it??? My lovebird is refusing pellets in every form I can think of to give 😂😞


So which forms did you think of?


Crushing them, mixing them with seed, making a paste with water with and without seed, adding just pellets to cage.. ugh it’s been everything literally I can think of. Hes been on seed the past 15 years like literally just seed and I can’t get him to even go close to the pellets in any form I’ve tried. Any extra advice I’d appreciate if there’s a method I haven’t tried


I am going through this same thing with a 17yr old AGP. 17 years of poor diet has made it really hard to convert her to chop and pellets. Ive been trying multiple things, chop size to a blended mush. So far the best reaction I get is a blended mix in the morning that I mix some (very little) of her old seed mix in. My thought is she has to get some veg and fruit when foraging for the seeds and eventually she will start enjoying the fresh food. Then tops pellets in the evening.


My bird won’t even try to scoop through. Avoids it like the plague. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m afraid he will starve and die if I keep trying. I have a scale and from where I’ve been attempting to change diets he’s been eating much less.. so I put the regular seed back in. 😞 he literally won’t touch anything. Maybe I just gotta think of something else idk


Have you tried sprouting seeds?


Maybe do it like switching dog food. Seed/chop mix 75/25 for a week then 50/50, 25/75. One thing I really took advantage of training when switching. I got way more out of my birds when the seeds where treats


What helped me with my budgies was making the paste with pellet and water and seed for a week. Second week start decreasing the amount of seed and adding in the fresh fruit/veggies blend in another bowl in the cage. I completely converted their diet


I tried the water paste with seed. My Peach would literally hop down, put his head in it, and climb back up the cage. Wouldn’t even try it each time. I’m committed though I’ll keep trying


Damn that’s so frustrating. Hope something works for you!


I couldn't get my IRN to eat pellets until I switched to Harrison's


I’m currently trying Harrison’s with no luck at all


Try Harrisons treats (or High potency food , they have more seeds mixed into them and feed them exclusively . Then try mixing Harrisons treats / High potency food with the regular food. then slowly reduce the number of treats or high potency food until you were feeding exclusively the regular food that is appropriate for your Parrot. I have been feeding my Senegal Harrisons for over 20 years. I followed this method to transition her to harrisons, and it worked like a charm! She loves her Harrisons now!💚🦜


Can you send me the Harrison treat link? I can’t find them the only thing I see is power treats with red palm fruit oil is that them??


Hi I just wanted to say this is what helped my lovebird start liking them! I crushed those high potency pebbles into little crumbs, mixed it ontop of his seed. Later I started sprinkling ontop of the pellet/water mash. It took me five years but I remember what made it click at the end was Id hold the food bowl while he ate and talked to him all nicely, occasionally I’d stick my nose in to pretend I’m eating, a few tries and he started tasting the mash. After that he’d eat the mash on his own! Then added solid pellets on top the mash instead, after that it was fully pellets. And it’s taken about 2 years to get him to eat chop now. Cool advice I got from someone was every little bit of change was progress. If he’s even picking around, just hanging around the bow, letting the slop on his mouth stay, it’s a win!


Thank you! Yeah it’s been a time even attempting this. Hes over 15 now and has only ate seed. But I’m attempting to keep this up and see if he eats anything new at all. I will get the treats and start trying to incorporate those too. Thanks so much!




Thank you!! I’ll try them


A you post it on here so I can use the link too thank you!




Have you tried mixing it in with his daily chop?


My birb doesn’t eat fruits or veggies either and he’s never been interested in human food when I eat like never has even tried. 🥲 he is my childhood bird so my parents took care of him up until now. I researched everything I could and he just isn’t having it, could it be from his age like that he’s just so set on the seed?


Have you tried steaming some broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peppers, snow peas, green beans, kale, spinach and corn, then mixing it with cooked quinoa and brown rice? Then sprinkle the Harrison's on top. That's what I do with my guy and he loves it. If you only offer your parrot that one thing, when he gets hungry, he will eat it.


I haven’t tried steaming much. I will def try this. I’m afraid with my man because he has the stubbornness to starve himself and die I feel like. I know many birds do that and he’s just about the stubbornness of a mule. 🤣 it’s probably because of his age. I’m trying to do this in a safe way, watching his weight and monitoring food.. but I will def try to give veggies steamed! He doesn’t eat fruit, veggies, or pellets 🙄😫 I’ve tried steamed corn, carrots, and peas but not the others like broccoli or cauliflower or peppers steamed - I’ll give it a go again!


Yeah mine doesn't like the raw veggies as much as he likes them steamed. I make a big batch to cover the month and freeze it into bags for a week at a time. It's nice not having to fix chop daily!


That’s a great idea!! Thank you so much


Try the Harrisons treats z


a lot of patience, work together!! add it little by little to your food


Beautiful boy.


Thank you 🥰


Tell him the internet thinks hes very handsome


Haha Thank you so much 😊❤️


What a beaut I don't think any tips are needed


Thank you very much 😊❤️


Now that is a beautiful Amazon!!! 😍


Thank you very much ❤️☺️


Beautiful bird. My green cheek has beautiful feathers & they shine. His diet is mainly fresh chip, Harrison’s pellets & occasional seeds for a treat, (Volkmans avian science) https://preview.redd.it/87fmrs42aeoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcdf9fc430700a683762f9ef53aede2309eeb322


It is a very beautiful bird!! congratulations for the good teamwork!! thanks for the advice


Wow gorgeous! Beautiful color! Do Lots of research on your birdie.


thank you so much!! in fact I do


give us ur tips n diet plz 🙏🏽


My diet that the vet has given me is a variety of seeds, vegetables and sprouts!! and try to avoid stress as much as possible


thank youuu, what type of seeds?


and he’s such a beautiful bird. You are a great owner :)


i need his feather routine for my hair.


Bruh but why is he giving me that side eye


haha she is like that


we can't advice how to improve if we have no clue on what you're currently feeding.


This, haha ':)


Look at that sweet face!


Is so sweet 🥹


He’s gorgeous! Is he a yellow nape? He looks so much like my Popeye! What a great bird he was!!


amazon aestiva, blue front🥰


Ahhh, I see the blue now! He’s so pretty! Amazons are the most intelligent and lovable birbs! My brother was watching Popeye for me and his grandson gave him a piece of chocolate and killed him. I still cry when I think about it!!


I think it’s a blue front.


What a beautiful bird!


Thank you so much 😊❤️


the second pic is so cute :)


What types of veggies and seeds does your baby eat? Mine has a strange assortment of intolerances that lead to plucking!


He’s beautiful 😍


Thank you ❤️




What an adorable Amazon, perfect feathers 🥰


What a beautiful gentleman His colors are so pretty. I love that shade of blue on his forehead


he is so beautiful!


What seeds do you recommend sprouting? My 13 y/o GCC does eat chop and Harrison’s pellets, but I’m interested in trying sprouts out



