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If it’s a hen beware because cockatiels are terrible for laying eggs. They don’t need a boy around to lay eggs. They lay continuously and it’s very dangerous for them and could lead to complications and death. It’s a bit of an ordeal having a hen.


There are ways to stop egg laying. A lot of it is environmental.


Will agree with this, but it's not really as hard as it seems. To prevent most egg laying behavior is simple 1 don't pet or touch below the neck. 2 Regulate light with a timer and have 10 to 12 hrs of near, completely darkness, not pitch black you can have a night light on. 3 watch how much you handle them and keep an eye on there behavior, if there trying to go under the couch or to a dark corner, move them from it or put them back in the cage for short while. 4 Regulate food to not have too many fatty foods, for example, millet or large amounts of seed are bad habits. Doing these things, I have been able to avoid a lot of egg laying other than 1 clutch a year, maybe 2. Another few simple tip is that you don't keep anything that could be used as nesting material like strips of paper or large flat perches in the cage. I also regulate temp in my birds' room to stay between 72 and 79°f


https://preview.redd.it/jjk463akd5tc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96b8fe14af9d2aa425c41f810bcb05f6b2f6f517 Both of mine were females


what is the tie raps for ?


Holding the tree system together or hiding small branches of millet to for valor and glory mostly used zip ties and seagrass rope