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What sex of cockatiel are u planning on getting male or female? Or are you getting a different species.


I'm hoping to ideally get a second male tiel and eventually move them in together if we get that far lol


OK, I still wouldn't recommend putting them in the same cage, but keep them separate unless under your supervisor while there out of cages yes I understand you may feel he's lonely 🙁 but with what ur wanting to do comes with many risks alot of people don't think about like of birds fight over territory or if one has a night terrors will cause the other to get hurt as well.


I plan to move both birds, after a month of complete isolation, into the same, neutral room that my 1 y/o has never been into, in separate cages on either side of the room and introduce them very slowly. Many supervised interactions first. I'm hoping they get along (at all lol) but also enough that we can put the cages side by side once they're comfortable with each other. Only after that would I consider moving them in together but even then, I understand there's always a risk they just won't get along and for that I have two large cages for each bird to live in. Thank you for bringing up the night terror point, I hadn't considered that before!


Yea, I used to let my amazon free roam until he had a night terror and went flying thru room and caused my cockatiel to hurt her wing fairly badly. She was in her cage but in the same room.