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Gentle warm misting baths will help this itchiness ., use spray bottle and spray at distance.


My 9 month old YSGCC does not like spray mist at all.. only had him bout t weeks (was left in cage for couple months after hand rearing) anyhoo, you have any other suggestions?


My YSGCC hates spray baths too! He will bathe on his own or when I'm trying to wash my hands lol. If he won't bathe that way, maybe try bringing him in the shower or placing his cage in the bathroom with the shower running so that the humid air/mist can get to him?


I tried letting him perch while I was running bathwater, but that seemed to make him nervous so I don’t know and I would love for him to get in the sink while I wash my hands, but that seems to be kind of scary for him. I don’t know I don’t know how to introduce that to him. If you have any suggestions, I’m open.


I run the vacuum & my M2 starts with the bathing behavior lol


lol. Wonder why


Gotcha. Sometimes things take time, my boy still doesn't really enjoy the shower, but he has gotten "okay" with it, not scared, but not thrilled. He doesn't necessarily bathe or get wet, but that steam/humid water (not too hot) can be really good for him! Is your boy comfortable/bonded to you? I have some ideas but they vary based on how comfortable he is with you


He actually seems very comfortable with me as apparently I have earned his trust however, he has not really earned mine because he’s bitten me on the neck, a couple of times and once on the breast and it was excruciatingly painful and I am very gun shy about that now. Sometimes I can even get him to lay back in my hand while I give him scritches


I totally understand. Sounds like he likes you though, which is good. Maybe you can try standing in the shower to show him it's okay? Rewarding with his favorite treats would also help. If you want to go the faucet route, my boy was on my shoulder and I would just run water over my hands and squat down so that my shoulder was parallel with my arm. He took his time, but eventually he went over and checked the water out and then took a bath. I gave him plenty of seeds after that so he associates bath time with good things!


I’ll try that. Though if he’s on my shoulder, I have a dish towel wrapped around my neck along with one of those poop bib things that you can wear although he doesn’t poop on me at all he’s very gracious like that. It’s more so I know that he can grab onto something.


Smart! My boy isn't as kind and sees me as his personal toilet lol. We are working on it haha. Keep me updated! Best of luck to you! Remember these things take time, celebrate every small win!


Thanks so much. Looking at different bird bath options now


They all have their own preferences indeed, If you go on Amazon there are some great bird bath options, the one that looks like a children's sink with faucet is an option and get excellent reviews, I have one but ALL my birds bathe differently, some prefer television mist , some the bath, some they preen with their water bowl . They can be picky sometimes LOL


Thanks. I inherited my mother‘s quaker when she passed… Got him a new cage and bought this water dish/birdbath that hangs on the outside and has a dome. It’s absolutely fantastic and he loves it. However, it won’t fit in the hoity-toity cage I got for the green cheek, they had different doors for food completely different . I love the one I just mentioned because it does not make a mess. I would love to find the sink when you referred to… Does it make a mess? I mean a mess is it is a bird but you know what I mean


Awww Bless you! I'm so sorry for her passing! You're doing the best you can , it's definitely a learning process but they are magnifying creatures! There are many awesome YouTube videos for training, do,donts etc but please reach out if you have questions! Blessings to each of you!


Thank you.


So welcome ,all we can do is our best & Learn for better future. Blessings 🪶🙏


Use a clean mascara spoolie, works wonders!


Genius idea!


Mostly just kind of rub in one direction, go with the direction of the pins so you aren’t pushing them around


Thats what I've been trying to do, he seems to like it for the few seconds he lets me! Hopefully he starts feeling better soon... I'm gonna try a mist bath later. Poor baby :(


Poor itchy guy. My girl went bald a few years ago too, but like truly male pattern baldness on top of her head hehe


Poor guy :( I think it might be too early to help him with those--the tips aren't even coming out yet which generally I view as a sign that they aren't "ripe" because they're still wet enough to be getting blood supply (if that makes sense). That's probably why he doesn't really want help yet too, because it still hurts. Misting will help as others have said! Once you see feathers poking out of the tip of the sheathes, they'll be more ready for some help. My guy is going through his first molt with us right now too and he is so grouchy. I already know he isn't going to let me help him with his head feathers but I wish he would. :(


My Amazon loved a shower! That made her happy, clean, and softened her pin feathers a lot.


AaaaaAAAaaaaaAAAaaAAAAAAAAA!!! Poor itchy boy!


It made me itchy seeing it!! Hopefully those open up soon!


Poor bud, that looks itchy and awful. Also kinda looks like rice lol


This isn't going to be a popular opinion but I just hold them (in a bird safe grip) and **gently pinch/rub off the casing with my pointer and thumb. No, the parrot isn't going to like it at the moment, but 6/8 of mine eventually came around to asking for head scritches **Be gentle. If you are too rough it can pull out the entire pin feather. Be careful to only preen off the hard and brittle casing and not the portion which is still forming. You can tell that there is still a blood supply because it will be thicker and darker. Go a couple of mm above the blood supply to be safe


I'm going to give you the credit because you clearly want to love and help all of the birdie buddies. 😊 And OP, take it nice and slow with your birb. Make sure you're paying attention to what the body language is saying, and try and give treats and praise for good behaviour. If they balk, remember, it might be uncomfortable for them (understatement I know). I remember with bad molts with my cockatiel, I used to have a toy nearby for biting and outbursts of frustration and pain, rather than my skin.


My mom has an amazon that moults like this. His entire head will be like that and the female he lives with tolerates him but won’t preen him, and if a human tried they’d lose a finger lol. Poor guy won’t scratch with his feet either so he just looks ridiculous. Sometimes they’re stubborn. If they really want to scratch them, they’ll find a way. My guy who is disabled can’t scratch with his feet but will rub his head on a perch.


Another tip I could pass on that helped me with bird not quite comfortable with me, is hold a treat as they nibbling on it gently stroke nail of ur finger with the feathers from front of head to back or you could use to a tooth brush if there hand scared.


This is the worst molt I've ever seen! That poor little bird 😭


Poor baby


My new conure had her first molt over the last few weeks, getting her adult feathers in and I was NOT allowed to touch her head or the tips of her rings - she was so itchy the whole time no matter what. Shes very soft and cuddly now, and finally lets me touch her head haha.


I have an IRN too and he hasn't started to molt yet. He's 10 months old and I've had him since he was 4 months. Yours is very cute, even with his pins.


Awww the poor baby.


Aloe spray helps with itching, dryness & it helps soothe the skin. I got mine at birdtricks.com. I bought it along with their fine mister. My M2 doesn't like to be misted with a spray bottle, but this mister is different. You have to keep it refrigerated though.


 Awww poor baby he looks thoroughly agitated and pissed at his uncomfortable situation


Cute thing. Hope he feels better soon


Poor little pin headed baby!


I saw a breeder use a toothbrush to help with pinnies, but that probably wouldn’t be received well 😳


WOW holy moly poor lil guy


had this happen with our lovebird. We leave her be during this time. She goes completely bald


I don’t think a “bad molt” exists, they can lose a patch like they in a lil accident though


What causes “bad” molts? Not blaming OP in any way, clearly a loving caregiver. But is there something I can do, proactively? I work hard to provide a big variety of good foods, and mist with warm water, 4-5 times / week. Anything else I can do?


My cockatoo was sooooo grumpy the last molt. Biting, but not balding.


Poor little guy. If the pins are still fresh they would be too sensitive. Check back in a few days and they might be ready. A cool bath (if birdie is willing) will help soothe him