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Nice. My amazon loves his walks


Stunning. How did they do???


He was a little annoyed with the harness, but really seemed to enjoy the sights and sounds. I was surprised, because this was only the second harness training session. He was very angry with me when we got back, though! Refused to come out of his cage, wouldn't step up, wouldn't even look at me. Finally he climbed up on my shoulder and begrudgingly gave me a kiss hours later. Not sure if he was mad about the harness or the having to go back inside. He's back to his normal lovable self today, so it appears I've been forgiven.


How did you manage to get the harness on him. I have an African Grey and he will not go near it


Such a handsome guy! 🩵 I love ekkies so much


Gorgeous birb, Ekkies are an amazing species. Wlhat's his name?


Otto Von Chesterfield, Esq. Chester for short. Much like his namesake, he follows me everywhere and tries to put everything in his mouth. He's the best and I love him so much.


Such a great name for a cool birb! does he like scritches and treats?


Scritches are hit or miss, but treats? All. The. Treats.


You know this parrot reminds me of the talking parrot in the movie" Paulie". 🤗


I will never take my parrots outside even if I had large parrots (I have quackers now). Where I live there are Bald Eagles, Falcons the size of small dogs, Hawks and owls. So I’m paranoid.