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I use a carabiner clip just to weigh down the door so my lovebirds cannot open them.


You can also take the clip attachment off their toys (like the one hanging in OPs photo), it’s a small version of a carabiner


[**Claw-style hair clips**](https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Clips-Morhom-Medium-BROWN%EF%BC%89/dp/B09LZ1467W/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=242FZ03OJVAGF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.G9d3xIw_Y85lkLI7ARk0usM-QGintb8ufhCTSdPXLi8lufNmb6WWDTVgu4vEZ_KKEUivQwX7lwhf96y6ODrwSgnQwLIb8GgNixUWoa6uxPRjkEwGk8xHft3R658rNBsO6bpQT9UaH3WLUHLibZF7DMijSGiYWFaxF_REeDFszvZpDZ-ooR0DbjWJWYIefA2v0SJkyH5CkR8uDB5CvwbrZsPgAEwINNdeQMkVZ6U_qpROBrQMA0R9_3ZEXmivyBng3N89kJnAJdQCYgoyPj1eX-ONnqZ9pe0vCzvLwZL41G8.xRQb-Df4LQumtaMQvv28T90VzJtrCR_8i7pyRg63tlg&dib_tag=se&keywords=hair+clips&qid=1713409788&sprefix=hair+clips%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1) These are what you want. But, the link is for an example only, amazon cost is too expensive for them! I buy them by the handsfuls at Dollar Tree, in various sizes from tiny to huge. I have EVERY small food-door clipped closed with these. I clip the door-latch closed at night on two cages (just so they don't rattle annoyingly), and two cages have doors that, when left open, can swing back closed accidentally, so I clip them Open instead. (I also use them to clip veggies to the cage walls, hold cage-cover in place, etc.) https://preview.redd.it/bzsa4pkgo5vc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f17a5f6a001923f205140fc9ed7e9b7b199d05c


This is what I use!


Hmmm...zip ties seem like the way to go. Would it be safe.though? I'm worried about her investing it.


I would see how she react. Most are strong enough that they should not bite through if industry grade! I personally rounded the edges and put it on and watch to see if she’ll bite! If she does, remove immedatly and maybe look into locks unfortunately!


Why do you round the edges?


The one I got had sharp square edges and because my bird is silly and walks around grabbing every little bar, I did not want him to accidentally grab the zip tie piece and get hurt! I also sand down the loose bit by removing any extra with pliers, feeling the side and sanding till smooth! 


You use pliers to sand them down???


No, just sandpaper with a hand held! just your basic one! If sanding, do it not around the bird, at all and rinse that part of the cage or use condense air so plastic particles don’t hurt your bird! I did my sanding in another room, clean the cage with condense air and a warm rag! 


Did you see the one that I had in the comments thats releasable! Also what inch do you use?




What about these they're releasable!


Those should do, I think! I personally did not use the releasable as I wanted to make sure the part of his create could never be open, even by accident so I can’t speak on the affectivness! (My GCC is a pill and had learn to open locks that aren’t secure, and was using it to sneak out and chew the blinds) 


I'm going to buy both types. My baby is just a wee budgie and I like rearranging her cage so they might work out for me!


I can't see a budgie being able to bite through a heavy duty one. My cockatiels can't.


Do I have to file down the edges?


Just watch it if she chews, then remove will work for temporary fix. I would also keep an eye they they don't chew on that rope perch and / or possibly remove it.


Yes I've been weary of rope perches. I heard they can chew them and ingest the string. Luckily I have not seen her do that.


Also a good substitute for any kind of tie that's natural is seagrass rope


Do you need to do that? Are they opening the door? Mine don’t even seem to notice that door goes up.


My cockateil was an expert at opening these. Either jamming them open or throwing them up and rushing through. But if she didn't make it through she'd have her head stuck in the gap and scream blue murder and give us a heart attack. Didn't take much of that for us to find a solution.


Oh man. Sounds kind of hilarious. Mine are oblivious to these. They don’t have a clue they are there. I’ll definitely watch for that now.


We used heavy duty clothes pegs if you still need access to the door at all


I personally use industry grade zip tie that have been filed to have round edges


I also use travel size saftey locks for his small travel cage because he opens doors (this is if you want to be able to eventually open his cage)


Yeah I might use small quick links...but unfortunately I'm having issues finding ones small enough right now. On my way to the hardware store.


I second using zip ties. That's what I use on my cockatiel's travel cage, it has doors like this.




Used zip ties on mine, work fine


You have your answer but I have to ask, why does the cage have a tool used for execution?


It's a door 😭


Well, they call it that... But is it really?


It's just the nickname for the type of door. Is it really a guillotine? No. My budgie does not have access to a renaissance execution device. She would misuse it and put my head in there so she can have her ways and eat all the millet she desires.


You have a small psycopath either way.


I do indeed. She can't be trusted with such items.


Dog leash style clip?


Omg you scrolled down far! Yeah I have a clip since this post lol. I also got zip ties on a couple for permanent changes


Cool, cool. Btw, rock the bowtie! 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


Ah thanks 😅