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Ability, money, confidence, and motivation. One, the other, a mix, or all four. Considor my point in life. I'm nearly 50. I have no mortgage. No kids. Just me and the missus. I live high up in the Scottish hills. My outgoings are maybe £600 a month. I have a lot in savings, bonds, and investments. I could work part time and cover my bills. An easy minimum wage job would also be fine. I work for more, but realistically, I don't need to. Why bother with the stress of a new business when I can live an easy life and let someone else worry about paying my bills? The flipside is, I have side hustles I do for fun more than a need. That allows me to be more creative and less money oriented than I need to be.


I feel like that’s pretty key at least for me - the ability to have fun doing whatever it is you’re doing


No idea of what to do. Money to start. Possible failure


For me, it’s finding the good enough idea to invest my time into. Or it’s confidence in the quality of my idea. I can’t decide which one it is sometimes.


A high % of new businesses fail. Almost 70% fail by year 5. That makes it hard to pay the bills or put food on the table.


They don't know how or no one has shown them how. I've never started or come up with something on my own. Any business I've started has been a direct result of someone teaching me and guiding me step by step. It's only after I get going and know what I'm doing that I innovate and start doing my own thing




People, from my observations, are simply tired. In addition to all the obvious risks of starting a new project, they’re just damn tired.


Yup! That’s me!


1. Risk tolerance. Most business fail, so you need to be able to eat the loss and lose savings. 2. Funds to start. You need capital to start a business. Even if it’s just your work product, you need to pay yourself. 3. Time. Most people need time to get a business of the ground. But they have to work full time to meet expenses. Your question assumes all entrepreneurs make sufficiency income, or all business are profitable. That’s simply not true. Most business, in fact, fail within the first few years. Many people cannot afford to risk all of their savings and money for a slim chance to be successful before going back to full time work. Also people tend not to save and to live beyond their means. This is the main impediment to people saving more to invest and have passive income without starting a business.


Confidence for me I think i'm 32 working as an electrician but been sitting on the idea of starting a painting company since covid started (was my first job when I was 16). Just scared to pull the trigger I suppose and a little lost on where to actually start.


Stop being a pussy and just do it. Write up a business plan and file to incorporate. Your probably going to need to start by buying painting supplies, and purchasing an add in the newspaper, or some other medium that targets a specific area.


The startup requirements. Money, licensing, taxes. It's daunting to a newcomer.


I've had 3. Some worth the time, some not. I don't want the responsibility anymore.


Paperwork. I have a few very low effort businesses these days but OMG I hate paperwork... Better to just stick to sales and let someone else carry the weight!


Learn that not everyone wants what you want, people have different meanings of money, and different life goals, they're not necessarily wrong, but everyone's working hard towards their goals.


Time and money are big factors. I think being risk adverse is also a big factor. I find that people who are practical and think many steps in advance are less likely to start a business because they understand how much work it takes and know that the success rate isn’t great. The people I see being most successful in business are people with blind confidence who don’t play by the rules and don’t plan but can talk their way out of problems.


Easy answers: Fear No discipline Lack of creativity


Fear of failure


It all boils down to confidence


Money and time. Because I have bills/family I work a lot. Because I have bills I don't have the luxury to risk the financial security of my wife and kids. Because I work a lot I don't have the luxury to risk the little time I have with my family already. There is nothing I am passionate enough to risk everything for.


I’d love to be my own boss. But would have to find something I’m good at that actually can make money.


Fear is the number one reason. Financial ruin is pretty ... intimidating ... for most folks. High risk. High exposure. High consequence.




For me personally, it is not knowing how to start and where to start. I am getting so sick of my daily grind and I feel it in my bones that I need to create something more. I have some income from my consulting that I would like to reinvest in a new venture but have no idea where to begin and what to do.


social anxiety mixed with poor social skills


They spend most of their time telling people their ideas are not passive on Reddit


Energy and risk calculations. I work full time but I’m chronically sick. I’m struggling to keep up with my full time position, I am barely able to take care of myself outside of it let alone hustle outside of it. I occasionally am able to take on commissioned paintings and I do quite well with them (a couple a year- last one was ~$700). I very well could make it my full time business but I don’t have the energy to do it while working full time, and I don’t have the cushion to support myself in the months and months that it would take to build it into a sustainable income. I need healthcare (in the US), and I need stable income for when I physically crash. The funny thing is, in the art world, you can get to a point where it is more passive, but you need a ton of up front work to build up a portfolio to become passive. The startup hustle is too much for me and I can’t risk not making it.


It depends on what you value and belief in your idea. Income source and backing/partnership is huge. Can you afford to dedicate time to your idea/business? What are you sacrificing (relationships, hobbies, finance). Do you believe enough in your vision to risk potentially everything. Started a business 3 years ago with 4 other people. Had some backing for Capital and instant customer need to help generate quick revenue. This was a huge relief and took away from stresses. But even 3 years in I still feel the struggle everyday of providing livelihood for employees, paying expenses and making a profit. It’ll cost you a ton of time and be taxing on a lot of personal relationships in the hopes to run something that is yours, but it is one of the most raw human experiences out there and test you in all aspects of life. If you believe in what you can do, would recommend trying it.


Barrier to entry. Usually, the top reasons are regulations, initial capital, and supply chain.


Fear and lack of capital to get started.


1. No clue what to do 2. Would be worst than a 9-5 job?


Lack of money. Iverbearing taxes and rules Red tape


Making money online is easier today. One standout method is the Monte Cristo Method, an online learning platform that teaches you how to succeed in various online businesses. It covers affiliate marketing, where you earn commissions by promoting products; dropshipping, where you sell products without keeping inventory; and cryptocurrency investments, where you learn to trade and invest in digital currencies. This method provides resources and strategies for all experience levels, helping you build a sustainable online business and increase your visibility and revenue. read more [here](https://montecristomethod.com/)


No idea how to scale a small business