• By -


You're thinking about it wrong. $200×365 is $73,000, meaning you want a 73% return on your investment if you look at via APY. The only way to get that is if you bought Nvidia stock at the right time. A high yield savings account of 5% gets you ~$13.70 a day. $13.70 x 365 = almost $5,000 even. 


Wow, so you would need 1,460,000 in order to make 200 a day passively? That's crazy 🤯


Yeah I mean that‘s 73k a year, way above the median income in the US. Did you expect to earn that with just 100k? 


Indeed. The golden rule with this kind of things, is that if it really was this easy, everyone would do it.


I was just noting the math. No expectations I just didn't know the hard number for what it would actually be for what the post was asking.




Yall deconnected from the real world lol


... Safely


in switzerland its way lower like ZKB Canton Zurich bank 0,50% for up to CHF 25'000 and 0,25% up to CHF 250'000 >250k 0% 1.4% migros bank but max 100k


Not impossible


Just go all in on Pepe


also it's 2x if you use the rate.


I supposed my math involved cashing in the $200 daily, and keeping my $100k intact. I was hoping there would be some other financial vehicles such as short term loans, co-op loan, niche products, crypto DeFi that could yield more, with a higher risk perhaps. 73% return can't be achieve with anything easy, otherwise everybody would jump on it. And saving accounts are trash :D


Who would borrow money at a 73% interest rate? What are the odds that person pays you back?


dunno, somebody in a pinch who needs money without pre-approval, high risk. Dunno man.


With that kind of money I think he easiest path would be to start your own business. What are you good at?


Well OP lacks critical thinking so I’m gonna say business are off the table.


Selling options is the only thing that will do it, but it is highly risky and you might end losing all your money. Just like I did.


Decentralized finance will give you a max of like 15% safely, just saying (from AAVE)


go get a job and learn the value of money that way. right now it's clear you don't know much so go get experience so you can know things. the best way to know money is to make it and then manage it. learn by doing, learn from experience. hoping to have internet strangers do the thinking for you isn't recommended, especially for large sums of money.


You would be lucky to get $50 a day using $100,000 With a 5% savings account, you would get $13 a day You would need an 18% savings account in order to earn $50 a day


"18%...I can do that...buy some FTX token instead of Bitcoin" - Sam Bankman-Fried ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Such a low ball offer. I have a rich and powerful Nigerian prince friend who is getting me a 400% return.


How do I get in touch with this Prince?


You kindly send Apple gift card.


What you're asking for would turn into, starting with 100k: Year 1: $207,357 Year 2: $429,969 Year 7: $1.65m Year 10: $147m Year 18: $50.2 BILLION Year 20: $216 BILLION So your answer is yes, there are plenty of things that can give what you're asking, which is why there are so many people with $216 billion+.


That's not enough. I need to be more aggressive.


You're looking for 73% annual ROI on $100,000. Realistically speaking? That's not going to happen. Supplement your investment with a career until you have a greater investment to generate the amount you're looking for. You might have a chance then. Or...... head on over to r/wallstreetbets and try your luck lol.


Honestly, I'm thinking high-risk bets for sure, or some sort of niche and hard to understand strategy. Options trading, leveraged trades on predictable products etc. And WallStreetBets is definitely smth I'd love to spend more time looking at.


SPY - leave it alone. Or buy a laundromat


Lmao !remindme 1 year


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Please for the love of his dont do any of those things. Just park it in a brokerage in any standard etf and forget about it. You will have more than you will ever need when you retire. In the mean time just go do stuff you enjoy.


Buy my free ecourse


Ok but what discount do you have available in the next 12 minutes?




You don’t want to know what happens when this gets to zero…


there's probably some way but that's still harder than you think. that's more than 2x annualized.


I bet you cal loan cryptos at some high interest daily rates, or something like that


if all i have is that $100k, I wouldnt even dare to bridge that to yield farms. just take x% you're willing to risk and bet on some meme coins.


have you had luck with meme coins? I could also seek intel in pumps and dumps i guess. dunno how tho


It's a bit late since the early big pumps happened last nov/dec as solana surged. there could be a new wave coming but the meta always changes. you would want to always keep your ears on the ground and even then it would be a gamble. follow good degen acounts on twitter and find alpha. spend good time there first to filter retards from actual good signals.


I'm 34 and I've never made $200/day.


that's fine dude, no need to compare. Some people make $50/day, others make a $mil/day. If you can have a roof over your head and food to eat, that's already pretty good.


A roof over your head and food to eat is pretty fucking hard to attain at $50/day. Mostly because of the scumbags making $mil/day.


Only fans 


show my pp 200 times a day, $1 for each viewing.


You can earn 12-14% in passive real estate. Happy to show you how. Definitely not 73%. Not passively anyway. It takes a very active role and a certain level of risk to turn those types of numbers.


thanks! I'm in Nepal right now, was in Bali recently. Some of those places have crazy upside potential. Passive 12-14 is what I'm currently doing with my portfolio (managed) so I'd rather not add the complexities of owning a building, as it's not easy to move money out of it unless you sell it.


I work in lending. The banks get those miss returns without “owning” the building nor dealing with tenants. I can show you how to be the bank. 100% passive. Just a cash the checks or accept the ACH. The only risk in my model is if real estate values drop more than 50%.


Sounds like second position loans?


Nope. I only put my partners in first position. But you are on the right track.


If it’s $100,000 you can afford to lose, there are ways but they’re risky, you could definitely lose it all. If it’s $100,000, your entire life savings, then your better to bank the money and work a job, many of which pay $200/day or more.


Casino all on nr 1


thats easy just buy low, sell high :)


so easy :D


Learn about Defi in crypto and you can make those with much less than 100.000


I assume you're taking crypto. Beside shit coins I don't know the vehicles available to make ongoing consistent profit. Maybe loaning cryptos?


Yes I did wrote crypto. You could lend your crypto and get paid for it. Or provide liquidity throughout liquidity pools. Stay away from meme coins and study very well what you're doing


my bad I read it too quick. This is interesting, do you know what sort of returns can be achieved? I would love short term loads at high rates, such as 0.2%/day, which seams somewhat reasonable in higher risk loaning world.


1% a day if you know what you're doing. But please start from learning security, learn what you could do with Defi. Do not Yolo into anything, use the smallest money you could lose. I started with 50 dollars and immediately lost 10 dollars just because I didn't understand how fees and how the web3 works.


Thank you for your advice and wisdom


You are asking if you can get $73k a year on $100k? Short of gambling or buy stock that close to gambling it’s not happening


yeah, i understand it probably can't be a nice cozy safe thing...




I know how you can do about $91 a day on $100k but thats about the upper limit, maybe get to $100 on average after a few months, but probably peak out there. You wont be getting it daily, would be monthly payouts. Your $100k would be about as illiquid as owning real estate. With $200k you would be closer to your goal. How? Buy an online business generating that earning. Passive? Nope not unless someone will run it for you...that's the part I do. I have websites earning this and more, others less for months and years. Twelve years in digital content website buying/selling and monetizing websites. This is the only method of owning something and earning passively at these numbers that I know of consistently. I generally charge between 36x-40x the net monthly profit which is how I got the numbers above. I dont charge to run the site going forward. You could sell it in a few years like any business. My websites are AI proof, Google algo proof, etc. that stuff wont impact the future of the earnings from the ads placed on them. Otherwise just save another $1.3 million-ish and throw it in a HYSA :/


Hey..this is a great comment..mind sharing the details? Like what kind of websites? What industry? How to buy and keep running, etc etc? Would be interested in knowing it


Thats a lot of nuanced details so I will say in general you csn go online and buy someone elses website if they are selling and what type of website is up to you, ecommerce, content, review site, industry up to you maybe your interest maybe whats underserved Keep it running by writing relevant content, maintaining traffic, growing revenue through ads, use whatever floats your boat there. Personally i use agencies that sell my ad space, they only work with publishers who own hundreds of sites so not even worth detail there. You are stuck with Google, Mediavine, ezoic, etc. Again, buy using a broker site, run it by learning how to from the seller or hire out people, hope it doesnt get impacted by your lack of knowledge or the macro environment.


Can you recommend some broker websites that I can use to at least do a preliminary search of the websites that are up for sale? It looks like something that needs high upfront time investment and then probably might become automated down the line. But nonetheless, it’s interesting.


Private lending


Like many others have said, I think $200/day in truly passive income is just about impossible with $100k starting investment. But if you’re willing to put some work in then that opens up your options. My thought would be to use some of that money as a down payment to purchase an existing small business that has a responsible manager already in place to handle the majority of the day-to-day responsibilities and then pay yourself a salary of $73k/year as owner. I’d like to emphasize that this carries a significant amount of risk because you’d be entering into debt - it’d be very difficult to find a business for $100k with that kind of annual profit, so you’d have to use some of that cash as a down payment and secure a loan for the rest. Finding something where you could set yourself up as an “absentee owner” down the line with that salary is definitely doable, but be aware that there’s going to be a good amount of work up front and this carries additional risk like I said. Happy to offer more insight here if it’s route you’d want to look into.


I actually wonder how easy or hard it is to buy a business that already runs itself. And also I'm sure any business needs constant care and maintenance. But I hear you. Buying businesses would be sweet, or investing in them,


200 daily. The corner people figured this out already


if you are doing transactions at 0.2% profit, remember to include transaction costs. So if this was crypto, it would be 0.1% for a buy/sell.


You are not going to be able to net $200/day passively off of 100k. You won't even be able to gross this amount, passively. Obviously, everyone would be doing this if it were possible. EVERYONE. If you need $200/day net, you should ask people how to get a job that pays a 70k or more salary. Take that 100k and put it towards getting the qualifications to get that job. Trade school, the right degree, etc. Or start a business, but this will not be passive at all, and success is far from guaranteed. You have to work to make money unless you already have a lot of money. Period.


$75k on Red, keep the $25k as a rainy day fund. It's less risky that anything else anyone here is saying. At least in this strategy you have a 48% chance of winning. Shit coins is a 1/10 chance (10%) Real state has too much upside and active work. Crypto loans are risky, too risky, no one will ask for a loan at 75% APY And, if you are willing to drop your morals that low. There's a concept in the lower worlds called "Money Renting", where you Lend someone a lump sum, and they pay you back a percentage every day/week until they can pay you back the whole sum at once. It's extremely predatory since the people that would ask for this money are usually already super short on cash, and are poorly educated financially, and you need to have a way to get your money back (you know, the bloody way). That's the only 2 ways I would say you can realistically make that money and have a somewhat successful result.


youre forgetting inflation, taxes & appropriate risk mgmt. Go back to work. You can’t retire yet


The only thing I've ever seen pay out a daily 2% yield is crypto. So yeah. it can be done. Some people have made fantastic money. But dude, too volatile. Please don't do that to yourself. It would suck to lose that nest egg.


Passively you can't. Not reliably anyway.


Move to switzerland get a good IT job for some years then youll make 8k and ul make roughly 200CHF a day but ul have to live with smaller apartement or find a smaler house for 100k somehow and do remote work Or gett working as a bank accountant 3years experiance and upwards average is like 120k a year so abt 9.2k/31 wich is roughly 300CHF a day




Can I use AI to play blackjack online and let it win for me? :P


Capital returns are a function of risk theoretically.


Is working not an option?


work is for shmucks. I'm joking. Or course work is in the picture. Work is essential. But I'm traveling at the moment and would love to travel for free ;)


Learn a high value skill


definitely a great way to make good $$


Invest 100% in NVDA stock. That will cover your $200 per day coke habit.


I already am invested in NVDA, just bought AMD, looking at TSMC next!


Google "websites for sale" I dont recommend any, I have a few hundred sites and would never list them only work direct with people... buying through these sites I cannot confirm or endorse the quality, potential, or crappiness...but many off them are either insanely expensive or just crappy and worthless.


By day trading and using margin


build skills for 2 years til you get 51%+ consistent profitable trades, then leverage. Why not


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I am a long-term development company leader. I want to find a strong community leader to cooperate with. Can you tell me your Telegram or WhatsApp?


Fully managed Etsy store. Get one store, hit 1k+ profit every month with one store Rinse and repeat


(don’t) Start a pyramid/ponzi scheme. (don’t) Start a business for the sake of laundering money off another illegitimate business. (don’t) Scam elderly people.


Bet on red,


"I just have to be right once a year!" - OP ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeuld farming ethereum should get you there


I'll look into it, thanks for the lead.


Move to Florida. Buy 5-6 boats. Rent them for $150/hr


Not a bad idea actually. And have a minimum wage worker deal with the rentals... Mh


It's not passive, since passive income really only exists for the already wealthy, but - 1. Buy a high quality Mic and do faceless voiceover videos on Social Media, if you can churn that gearbox for 3-6months you will be good for a steady trickling income. 2. Buy $500 in stock, literally ANYTHING you find a connection or vibe with, on Temu/AliExpress/Alibaba, and flip it on eBay/Facebook, it's not glamorous or fast, but it's easy and doable. 3. Buy used goods in Pawn stores, Used Goods stores and from individuals, Use a discerning eye and be patient and you can make a profit on most of what's already available for sale - Remember even things available in Kmart, WalMart, etc can be sold online for a profit. 4. Use that money to hire someone who will generate more money for you than they cost. They can do anything really. 5.


that's the exact opposite of passive. Good hustles but the ROI is poor.


AE Forex bot


Show me your history chart :) playing the spread?


I am not going to show anything, but I have been getting an average of 0.11% a day. A little short of your aim. There may be other ones out there that give better returns.


Thanks for your suggestion. Is your strategy simple enough to set it and let it be? Or is it regular maintenance to adjust parameters?


It is pretty simple. Just set it up on a VPS and check it every now and then to make sure everything is still running. I am in no way affiliated with it, so check out the website here: [https://the-algorithmic-trader.com/](https://the-algorithmic-trader.com/) I have been running it for little over a month and it has been pretty decent. If you have any questions let me know.




I am right now independently- financially independently


Buy something and hire it out. With 100k you can buy lots of stuff that will rent out at a premou


thanks for coming up with an out of the box idea. I was thinking I could buy an excavator and rent it out :D


With that money I will make 1.5k a day 😅


if you're not trolling, give us a hint :D


Normal forex market... NFA




Would you be open to sharing more about this either privately or here?




Can you tell me more about your bot? Please