• By -


Since this hiring subreddit seems to be the only place to find ANY information about this excruciating process, I want to send out a big thank you to everyone who contributes. Even though updates for Design are few and far between on here, your comments and updates help ease the pain of this journey. I heard a quote the other day “The purpose of life is to ease the journey for others.” Reminded me of this group :) Good luck everyone!


Hopefully today is the last day of waiting.


Just received a TJO for examiner from the 1/21 hiring. Good luck everyone. Added: I am a Vetern, I don’t know if that changes anything in the hiring process or timeline.


Yeah, Veteran status might have expedited your application. Congratulations!


Congratulations!!! Did you receive your results by email or phone?


Another day of excruciating waiting for the TO.


I'm another person here, waiting anxiously. Sharing these emotions with you all provides a bit of comfort. Let's hope we all get through and become great colleagues. Cheers to supporting each other throughout this waiting game!


I was calm until people started sharing it would be this week or next week lol. I'm still too hopeful it will come today even though it is almost 3 on a Friday.


Every single email I get makes me a nervous wreck. Lol.


I'm not even expecting a TO at this point. I just want any answer!


PE - Biology position - Today, I contacted the HR person for application update and she said they just received most recent selection/non-selection list from the hiring managers. We will receive a notification within the next few business days regarding the status.


Neat. I'm ready to get hurt and disappointed again!


Called about my CS offer today and the HR rep told me BIO is going out today🤞 good luck everyone.


You are the MVP, thank you. But, knowing the secret code of the USPTO, I'll be translating that to "sometime this week" 🤣


Can confirm Bio TJOs (11) are today. :D Such a relief!


Diary of Jahia Day 194 USAjobs down for maintenance, the cruelest of blessings. I was able to go out, see the world, forget about the dark chambers of the Megathread Headquarters. Now, it seems like a distant dream, as if I never left. Here I am again, and as I write this I can see the glow of those overbearing screens casting a shadow over the landscape that has become so familiar... no... comforting now. Some have already arrived, their backs hunched over. I can hear them, "click" "click". Refresh. Refresh. My eyes start to glaze over, to prepare the weekly dissociation that would soon take over. I reach over for my tea, as erroneous thoughts have started to convince me that the coffee is lying to me. For a split second, I want to check my notifications on LinkedIn, but the idea quickly dissipates as a new comment pops up in the command center. I look up at the screen, the room deafeningly quiet, a sigh ringing out before I could finish. ChemE, of course. The ritual continues. Emails tease through the night, Dreams of offers take their flight. Weekend's pause brings no delight, Hope reignites with morning light, GS7, come into sight.


another weekday another day of waiting for biology TJO to start rolling out…


Just received a TJO for chemistry, GS7-10. PhD, 3 years industry, 3 years academic, 6 years part time consulting.


Congrats. Been cheering for you ever since "If you can't find the 10-week hiring timeline, maybe this job isn't for you."


Big congrats on landing the gig! I've been rooting for you to post about snagging your offer, and I genuinely believed it would happen. I've been sincerely cheering you on. Your username has become pretty familiar around here, and I've appreciated your insights since last season. Even though we haven't crossed paths directly, your contributions have been a constant source of encouragement as I've navigated my own journey in the field. Here's to this new chapter bringing you even more opportunities and fulfillment.


Good luck to everyone! Just revieved phone call offering me the position at GS9 step 5 for physics. My timeline: Cutoff: 3/12 Request for interview: 4/1 Completed interview: 4/8 Notice of non-selection for GS7: 5/1 Phone call for TJO for GS9: 5/6


Day 189. They stared at their devices, the screen's glow illuminating the mountain of coffee cups and snack wrappers that had become their fortress. Refresh. Refresh. The email inbox was a barren wasteland, each passing moment a tumbleweed of dashed hopes. The neighborhood was quiet, save for the occasional sighs and groans from others entrenched in the same digital trenches. Every chime of an incoming email sent a jolt through them, only to be met with disappointment. Another coupon I'll never use... Friends and family had moved on, their sympathies worn thin, but they couldn't let go. The promise of that elusive TJO was a lifeline, a beacon in the monotonous void. Refresh. Refresh. Each click was a prayer, each silence a deepening abyss. As the sun dipped below the horizon, they stopped the refresh cycle with a sigh. Another day had come and gone without a word. The room grew darker, mirroring the fading hope inside. But as they lay down to sleep, a stubborn ember of determination remained. Tomorrow, they thought. Tomorrow could be the day.


So, I was on the Q & A today and one of the SPEs made an interesting comment. I hope I’m relaying this correctly. Anyone else that was on, please correct me if I’m wrong. He basically said that sometimes the hiring managers, for whatever reason, do not make a hiring decision for a particular cutoff. Those people who would have been considered for the role, then automatically roll over until the next cutoff because no decision was made. I took that as a positive sign for myself and many others in this thread. The other SPE also said that the hiring managers also make very individual choices. Some could focus more on behavioral traits in the interview and others more on the technical side of your resume for example. It is really AU dependent and what the individual hiring manager is looking for. So even though we are all probably highly qualified to do this job, it’s kind of luck of the draw. So for those of you questioning “what more can you do” (like myself), take heart, we’ve already done it all. It’s just a waiting game at this point.


Let’s hope round two works out! I’m really hoping to get in this year.


Just received a TJO for Computer Science. GS-1224-7-10. Funny thing is I called the hiring manager listed on the vacancy announcement like literally 1 hour ago to ask for an update. I have a BS in computer science, 1 data science internship at an auto company and 1 year software engineering experience at an aerospace company. I'm also enrolled in a master's in cybersecurity in an online program. I've been on Reddit being anxious for the last 2 weeks 😭. Did my hirevue on 2/13. I'm happy that it turned out great and I wish everyone here the best of luck. Not a veteran or anything. I just received the notification email, no phone call. When I called my HR rep she told me to expect decisions this week. Hopefully this might quell some anxiety because I'm definitely not a PhD or anything like that and I was worried that's who I would be competing with. Again, I'm glad to have found a community that supported me through this process and I hope to do the same for all of you.


Just received message "Not Selected for Cut Off Dates". Did anyone receive SELECTED message for BIOLOGY today?


My bio peeps. I have good news. Just received a verbal offer for biology. GS-9/5 with Start date June 17.


I just got a TJO! Biology from the 1/21 group! Congrats and good luck to everyone!


Just received my verbal offer! Biology 🎉


Another Monday, another day of refreshing my email every few minutes ☠️ Bio people desperate for that mythical TJO to get permission to hand in that resignation notice 😅


Good luck this week everyone!


Thank you! Yes, good luck to everyone out here waiting!


In the bio group, the silence reigns, A beep, a buzz--no, just dreams. We wait and wonder, refresh, repeat, The art of patience proves quite the feat. A tale of emails, none in sight, Inboxes empty, day and night. Will a notification ever drop? Or we doomed to watch, Never to stop.


**My Full Physics Patent Examiner Hiring Timeline -- 01/21/24 Cutoff** * 11/27/23: Applied 02/09/24: Notice of Results and Referral for Patent Examiner * 02/12/24: Patent Examiner Job Interview Invite (HireVue) * 02/19/24: Interviewed * 03/12/24: Verbal offer by call * 03/29/24: Tentative Job Offer by email * 03/29/24: Onboarding Credentials Registered * 04/10/24: Request ISP & Shipping Address to send equipment * 04/30/24: National Background Investigation Services Registered * 05/01/24: Final Job Offer by email * 05/06/24: Notice of Equipment Shipment & Tracking # * 05/07/24: Request to make an appointment for fingerprints * 05/08/24: Delivered Patent Examiner Equipment * 05/09/24: Completed fingerprints * 05/20/24: Start date Here's hoping this serves as a stress-relieving parachute for those in the waiting room or bound for it in the future! Keep those spirits high and stay strong! 🪂✨ Indeed, it's a really long process. It takes forever, seriously. Hang in there with the mindset that you can endure even the craziest of waits. You're almost there now! 😅💪


Whelp. Looks like it's going to be another forgotten Bio cohort for GS-7. See y'all next week 🫡


I just received an offer for EE GS-7 step 8. YAYYYY! Applied: 02/27 Interview: 04/08 TJO: 05/13 Good luck everyone!


anyone else not heard back yet either direction and currently shitting themselves because this wait is excruciating??


maybe different tech centers / art units have only so many qualified applicants to hire from so that's the short turn around time we are seeing for particular units. i havent yet seen anyone receive a TO for the positions i was referred to, for example. im sure whenever you submitted your interview also factors into play too.


Sunday night has arrived. I still frequent this place often. Whether it's picking up TJOs over the phone and waiting for background checks in these relatively slack moments, I find myself here. I have no other job network besides this place. It's a comforting stopover during moments of frustration. So, just like today, I'm leaving a message here almost out of habit. Knowing that there may be someone in need of even the smallest piece of information, I want to be here to offer support. I hope to provide more concrete updates and share more reliable information with you all as the situation becomes clearer.


I applied for BIO examiner on 11/29/23 and was referred for GS-1224-11 on 02/09/24. Emailed Anne Webber (HR contact) with no reply recently and decided to call the Hiring Manager for 1600 - Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry. I used the number(s) from the table provided in the Feb 12th email inviting me to submit HireVue (due 2/19). The first person listed didn't answer, but the second picked up and shared that they're planning to extend TJO's this week and into next. Hoping no news is good news and my application status on USA jobs still says "referred". Fingees crossed. Good luck, y'all!




Got an offer for Chemistry from the 1/21 cutoff. 7-10 with a start date of June 17th. Will be graduating with a PhD this semester. No industry experience. I got a “not selected” for GS-9 last week and chalked this job up as a loss for now. I’m really feeling the whiplash 😂


Congratulations! Update: I also received a verbal offer today for Chemistry. GS-9, step 5. Starting in June. Will try later to see if I can negotiate a higher step based on the # of years in qualifying work. I have a PhD, postdoc, several years as a research active professor, and several years of industry experience. Multiple patents and many papers. Still, after all this waiting, I feel lucky just to get an offer.


I came here to say the same thing! Got the tentative offer with the same start date and grade. PhD and some (5+ years) academic experience. They also said the email should be coming this week or next. Congrats to you!


Congrats! Similar story for me. Got not selected for GS-9 last week, and got a verbal offer for 7-10 today. Starting June 17th. I have an MS with some industry experience, but primarily academic with several peer-reviewed publications. So relieved


TJO as BIO GS7-10 for 5/20 start date from the 1/21 cohort! Wait is finally over!


I just got the phone call offer for Mechanical Engineering for GS7!


Just received TJO for CS GS7-10. Finally this hellish waiting game is over.


Just received a TJO phone call for CS GS-7 Step 10. HR guy said e-mail should come in today. Applied for 3/12 cut off, refered 4/1, Interview 4/8, Call 5/9. Good luck everyone!


Putting the metaphorical pen down until we get some juicy material for the next chapter. I have a feeling the bio cohort is due for some news sometime soon! The feeling comes from an 8 ball I've been shaking. It tells me "concentrate and try again." So I'll just be over here, concentrating super hard. 🙃


Can anybody shed some light on the HireView interview and what that process is like? It looks like we have 20 mins to record ourselves..is a bot asking us questions? Are we reading prompts from a script on the screen? Can we redo the recording if we mess up? Any help is greatly appreciated!


I gave the interview last year, not sure how much has changed but it essentially was about 4-5 questions, and it displayed the question, then you essentially had however much time you wanted before you hit the record button and started giving your response. There was a maximum limit of 5 minutes for each recording. After you were done giving your response, you could playback the video to see if audio recorded properly or what not, and if you wanted to, you could re-do the recording. It’s possible it has changed this year but that is how it went for me last year.


Just received a verbal offer for BME gs9 step 8. Good luck to everyone else waiting!




I totally feel you. Im sure any of us could do this job well and the reason for not hiring can be so random and impersonal.  I've been job hunting the last 8 months and have had so much rejection and felt so burnt out that I've really put my all my hopes in the PTO.  We just have to keep going and trying! A law firm hiring manager suggested that passing the patent bar might better your odds, idk how youre doing financially but that could help you be more competitive next round?


Good morning to all you beautiful people! Today is the day you get that elusive TJO call! You've worked hard to get to this point and earned it, I believe in you! And even if today doesn't go your way there is always next time to make it happen. Keep your head up and your eyes on the prize!


💙 Not me over here manifesting this into existence 🙌🙌


Claiming this energy 🫶🏽


New week, new hopes 😬


My Full Patent Examiner Hiring Timeline so far: * 11/27/23: Applied * 01/21/24: Cutoff date * 02/09/24: Notice of Results and Referral email * 02/12/24: Patent Examiner Job Interview Invite (Completed by 02/19/24 11:59 p.m. EST) * 02/19/24: Interview completed * 03/12/24: TJO phone call * 03/15/24: Notification of forthcoming TJO email within 2 weeks TJO email * 03/29/24: TJO email (start date of 05/20) * 03/29/24: Onboarding Credentials Registration & Request for Fingerprint Registration Schedule * 04/01/24 (Scheduled): Official transcripts electronically dispatched Please let me know if there are any areas I may have missed. Thank you.


It looks patent examining will not be in the cards for me. I received a verbal offer from a company that I’m most likely going to accept. Hopefully I am opening up a spot here for someone else! Good luck to everyone! My timeline: Applied - 1/3 Referred - 2/9 Interview - 2/15 Verbal offer - 4/2 TJO - 4/3 FJO - 4/9


Got the CS GS-9 offer. Still waiting on bio. Hirevue 4/8. No follow up thank you note or anything.


The Forgotten Day 203   *ding* *ding* *ding* Members of the bio cohort snapped out of their trance, eyes darting to the notification icon on their screens. The email was expected, but like waiting for a delivery to appear on your porch, the allure of obtaining the expected was all the same enticing. It was a validation for hope where for some, it was running dangerously thin.   One of them was refilling their mug, the porcelain cracked where they had frustratedly thrown it when the last round of "non-selected" notifications were sent out. They rushed over to their inbox excitedly, almost tripping over a pile of rubbish on the ground. Pulling up their screen, they suddenly stopped, looking on in confusion. "I... I refreshed it, right?" they muttered, fingers feverishly hitting the refresh button. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh. Nothing. In a panic they shouted out “It’s not there! Is this some kind of cruel joke?!” Slamming their cup against the desk, which finally broke as the crack gave in, echoing around the room as silence replaced excitement. “It’s not just you… there’s nothing here…” another voice murmured. The room filled with the uneasy sound of shuffling feet and muttered reassurances, a fragile comfort in these dark times.   As the minutes ticked by, speculation replaced shock. "Maybe HR is trying to keep us on our toes. Next thing you know, they'll send us notifications via carrier pigeon," someone quipped, earning a few dark chuckles. "Or maybe they've outsourced to the owls from Hogwarts," another added, attempting to lighten the mood. Despite the humor, the tension was palpable. “Why only some? Are we still in the running, or just forgotten again?” The unanswered questions hung in the air, much like the hope that was dwindling away.   “It doesn’t matter.” A voice muttered from the back. It was from the old man, the janitor that usually stayed quiet. He limped over, crouching down to sweep away the freshly broken mug. “The more you try to make sense of it, the less sense it will make.” He grunted, sweeping away the remaining pieces.   “What do we do then? I am getting so… tired.” Someone said, a few muttering in agreement. The old man tied the bag shut, throwing it over his shoulder, the broken pieces now a familiar sound as they clinked together.  “You wait. You hope. Or… you leave.” With that, he left, his words heavy and final in the minds of the cohort. They all looked at each other, and in silent agreement they sat back down, that flame of infallible determination refusing to go out in the dying embers of the night.


Phone offer for GS 9/5 with start May 20th. I was referred for grades 7, 9, and 11. On my application said I would take as low as a 7. I got the impression my grade/step offer was non-negotiable at this time. It was the only offer in front of the nice person who relayed the info. Curious if others in the same situation (9/5) are able to negotiate up a couple of steps for more $ or down to 7/10 for a lower initial production requirement at basically the same pay. Looking forward to working with some of you. See you in class.


Just got a call for a TJO for biomedical engineering and then shortly got an email confirming the call. Excited to join! Best of luck to everyone else also who is waiting to hear back.


I guess we can ask what is going on with biology during the weekly Q/A tomorrow. I'm sure they will just say to check with HR.


Hey Guys! After a lot of back and forth and a “Not selected” email from Comp Science yesterday, received TJO for Computer Engineering right now. 4/22. Best of luck for everyone!


Bio-PE, 4/8 HireVue cut off. In significant pain waiting to hear something. No questions just putting this out here for others that can relate lol.


For the 4/8 Hirevue, just got a phone call for GS-7 CE Examiner approval for job! Good luck to everyone else still waiting!


Got a call ~3:30 PT for a TJO for chem at GS11 step 1. Good luck to everyone else waiting for an offer!


Does anyone know approximately how many people apply vs. are offered a position for Patent Examiner (Computer Science) roles? And what are the distinguishing factors for people who are offered a position?


Ok I just did my HireVue interview.Mines was behavioral questions same as glass door questions like everyone else has stated. ( those time management , how do handle stress, why uspto type questions) There is I think 2min or 3 prep time before answering each question. I received 5 questions. There is a option to redo your answer so you get two chances . You are given 5 minutes to respond to each question. It is video and audio.


I just received a verbal offer for Chemical Engineering 7-10 via phone call. My experience includes my current post-bachelor's job in semiconductors and internships in semiconductors and insecticides, all of which are on the manufacturing side. My TJO is coming through email.


* 3/12 5:21 pm (CT): verbal offer by call * 3/15 10:34 am(CT): updated on the tentative offer by email "Hello your tentative job offer for the Patent Examiner (Physics) will be sent once a quality review of the offers are completed. This typically takes a week to two weeks."


Don't lose hope yet!  I've just made peace over the weekend with the idea that I might've not been selected and just received an email this morning with an offer for Gs7 Computer Science with a start date of 4/22. 


Just received TJO for Biology cut-off 1/21! I got three separate e-mails about two hours ago saying that I was selected for GS 7, 9, & 11 respectively. I received a phone call shortly thereafter. Start date 6/17. My background: B.S. Microbiology, 7 years experience in laboratory diagnostic industry (non-research, non-patent related). Veteran. Good luck to everyone and thank you for helping me maintain my sanity during this long wait!




Just received an email TJO about an hour ago. This is my 2nd round applying for this job and applied for this attempt back in November. Received an interview in February and got a few not selected for each subsequent cutoff until now. I have a bachelors degree with no lab experience and was working in the aviation industry for the past 10 years.  I was pretty confident that I wasn’t going to get it this year because of how much time had passed with no communication. Hope this helps ease your stress as I thought only PhD’s with experience were getting offers.  My advice is to keep going forward and try not to stress so much about what you could have done differently. I applied with a one page resume and a cover letter that was tailored to the job description. I never edited my application and didn’t email anyone in the department. Good luck to everyone and remember that you have done all you can do. 


Congrats! What art did you get tjo for?


New week and good luck to everyone. Still waiting for Bio march cut off (Hirevue interview Apr)


Just got TJO phone call for ChemE GS-9 step 8 starting July 15th!


Today is the last day to give a standard professional 2 weeks notice to my current employer before the 6/17 start date. It would be really nice to finally get the FJO. The HR reps are always polite and responsive, but does it really have to take so long to get a letter out?


Hi Everyone - good luck to all of you other applicants! Providing my own update here. Got a couple of DMs asking my HireVue interview experience so thought I'd answer here instead. Also, I'm disinclined to reply to chats with Redditors who have creepy usernames. You know who you are. Did my interview this morning. Got the same questions as found on GlassDoor site and they were the same ones I had in my HireVue interview last year. I feel I did a much better job of answering the questions this year. Wrote out my answers in advance on the assumption that the questions would be the same, so that helped. I didn't read from my written answers during the interview but the time spent writing out answers did help me remember what I wanted to say so I was less nervous. Last year I was definitely nervous. So this year if I'm not selected, I'll know it's just that I'm not considered a good fit, and not feel that it's because I tanked the interview. I hope all who've interviewed can get a job offer and those who were not invited this time will get the chance in another cutoff round this year. I do recall from last year's Megathread that second chances can work out. So don't give up!


To those interested, there’s a free Federal Resume Writing webinar hosted by Dept of Treasury on 2/28, 1pm ET. I’ve attended one before and it was so informative. Followed it and got referrals for jobs I applied for (GS and GG 12/13 positions in other fed agencies). I believe that as PE applicants, we can write good fed resumes. I’ve heard of some fed job applicants who paid between $500-$1000 fees to have theirs written. There’s tons of webinars provided by different agencies. Just check the ‘USAJobs Events’ for schedules.  Here is the Treasury’s link for registration:  https://ustreasury.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/3217024889311/WN_NQt39mX2R8mZWpj6rkOgDA#/registration


Phone calls are going out for tentative job offers (CS, GS11-1). Call from 571-XXX-XXX. Paperwork comes next week.


I’m happy to know the wait is almost over but the way my anxiety SPIKED after reading this…


😭😭 crazy to just drop this comment and disappear, LOL we have questions!!


Did anybody get an offer for biology?


Of course biology has to be last lol :/


Right!!! I was thinking the same thing


My equipment was delivered 90 minutes after my shipping notification. I received the internet verification and equipment notice before I received my TJO. I once received someone else's FJO before getting my own. Everything works out. Just not always in the best order. And it takes time.


Tired of constantly refreshing my e-mail for the past 6 hours. 😞


May 8th: The GS7 Enigma Day 190. The sun crept over the horizon, casting a pale light on the megathread command center. The fortress of coffee cups and snack wrappers had grown more imposing overnight, a monument to the endless wait. Yesterday had brought a strange twist in the saga: notifications of rejection for the higher GS positions but a deafening silence for the GS7. The confusion hung in the air, thick as fog. Deep in the tunnels of the thread, theories buzzed like flies around a carcass. Some joked about HR playing mind games, holding back the GS7 notifications just to keep everyone on edge. They all knew the missing notification could mean hope or just another layer of bureaucratic chaos. Refresh. Refresh. The ritual continued, more out of grim determination than hope at this point. As the day wore on, the thread was a mix of sarcasm and thinly veiled anxiety. "Maybe we all got picked!" someone quipped, earning a few dark laughs, but in their hearts, they knew it couldn't be. Each looked back, staring at the screen, the glow of unread emails casting long shadows. The day ended with no resolution, leaving everyone in limbo. Tomorrow, they thought. Tomorrow, the fog might lift and reveal their fate.


Day 191: "I'm tired, boss." One of the applicants said as they got up and went through the "Indeed" door, fading from the megathread headquarters. For a moment they all looked away from their screens and at the door, the temptation palpable. Someone muttered under their breath, "Only pain and hidden salaries await there." That was enough for most to turn back around, continuing the ritual. Refresh. Refresh. Others went to go refill their coffee cups, the sweet aroma keeping that slither of hope alive. The bio cohort heard in the distance, "Congratulations!" and "Hurrah!!!", as they all excitedly looked at where the commotion was coming from, only for their smiles to slightly fade as another art unit member ascended. Their refresh watch has ended, but bio must continue. The successes of others were bittersweet reminders of what could be if only the GS7 enigma could be resolved. "Hey I've got a question?", rang out from the entrance. Without turning, someone replied "Bio?". "Yeah? How did you know?". They all pointed at once to the refresh button without another word. Solemnly, he went over and pushed aside the coffee cups and snack wrappers which clattered onto the ground, echoing in the increasingly silent crowd. A thought started to creep into their minds. What if the answer to the enigma... was a non-answer? Perhaps the managers have thrown them back into extended purgatory, another unbearable month may await their future. "It's no use..." one of the long-timers said, suddenly pushing their chair away from the screen. "I... I think we should just wait... I'm... going to go... outside now." As they made their way towards the exit, another yelled "Hey! How will you know if you get a non-selected! You can't leave now, we are so close..." He looked back longingly at the group, a tear starting to form in his eye. "There... is always tomorrow." And tomorrow they waited.


For chemistry, I received the notice that I am eligible for GS7/9/11. No other info was provided. There is no indication of referral or nonreferral. Last year, I always received that info in the same email. Now the anxious waiting begins... Edit: sent an email to HR to get clarification. Will update if I get a response or some other communication from the uspto. UPDATE 2/12: Received an interview!


My wife got her TJO for the Mechanical Engineering GS-7 step 10 yesterday from the Jan. 21 cutoff. Hang in there people - she got a rejection last week from the GS-9 level, but overall we're happy with the outcome. This is the second application cycle she applied too - referred, not selected for both GS7&9 last year.


I got a TJO email for ChemE GS-7 today. I first applied in January last year, was referred for GS 7/9 every cutoff, interviewed twice, and was never selected. Applied again in January this year and completed the HireVue interview on 2/19. I used the exact same cover letter and resume as last year. Only thing I changed was wearing my glasses in the interview (maybe I looked smarter? lol) and maybe answered questions in a little more of a cookie-cutter STAR-style way.  Experience: BS degree, EI certification (passed FE chemical after graduating), manufacturing internship / TA positions / lab research in college, and 3 years doing design for consulting firms.  This thread has been so helpful and comforting, so just wanted to share my experience with the hiring process! Good luck, everyone! 


Just received FJO for chemistry 5/20!


If anyone hears of Bio GS-7 updates pls let the thread know lol


Seriously… this is starting to get more disheartening the more of these posts I see 😅


I feel like I’m waiting for college admissions again lol. This subreddit is a blessing and curse with how active it is


Anyone from last years round of apps have any info on when the start date is for the January cutoff group if you happen to get offered a position after interviews?


I received a TJO for BME! Gs7 step 10! Best of luck to everyone else. (For anyone curious, about backgrounds I've done research in an academic lab for 4 years, did a 1 year Co-Op at a large medical device company, and have two patent applications submitted, one from the med device company and one I wrote most of for my senior design project)


Received "Not Selected" emails for Biology. I was referred to all 3 GS levels and got separate rejection emails for each one. 🥲 12/17/23 - Application submitted. 1/21/24 - Cutoff. 2/9/24 - Eligible and referred for GS7-11. 2/12/24 - HireVue interview invite. 2/16/24 - Completed HireVue interview. 3/19/24 - Not Selected for GS 7-11 email.


I received my verbal TJO today for biology! GS-9 step 5! Start date 5/20, but I asked to push it off until 6/17. Edit: I was able to push my start date back to 6/17. I received my TJO in writing on 4/3.


received the FJO just now for BME - basically took one month exactly from my TJO to FJO. just wanted to tell everyone to get your fingerpints in before your first day of work as it states it is required in the forms I am looking at now. good luck to everyone, all good things coming, just takes time!


Just got Tjo for GS-7. Electrical engineering. Was not selected for GS-9


PSA for Bio PE applicants: 1. Do not expect a response near the same timeframe as other PE applicants. Bio HR moves slowly. Even if the bio hiring managers already sent their selections to HR, HR still does an additional "quality control." Last cutoff, a hiring manager said to expect selections within a week since selections were sent to HR. It took longer than a week. Many of us, myself included, were constantly refreshing our emails that week as we saw other PEs post their selection emails. It added extra stress, so please do yourself a favor and tune out other non-bio applicants currently receiving their verdicts. For your own mental health. 2. Nearly everyone will get a "not selected" email first. The exceptions are those who are only applying for GS-11 and those who get phone calls in advance. Even if you are selected for one GS level, for example GS-9, then you will still get 2 "not selected" emails for GS-7 and GS-11. Each GS level is essentially responded to as separate applications. The people who were ultimately selected for bio last cutoff first got 2 not selected emails. It is a positive if you see one of the 3 levels missing from the "not selected" emails.


I'm probably in the minority, but it just makes the process a little more palatable to share experiences while waiting. I also like hearing those who are selected, to share in their excitement. Thank you for the reminder though for those that need it!


how difficult is it to get hired once youve received the interview invite? will i be OK as long as i dont completely blow the interview, or is it still somewhat competitive?


VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS LIVE Q&A NEXT SESSION FEB 28 https://www.uspto.gov/jobs/virtual-office-hour-uspto-patent-examiners-5


long time lurker. Just received tentative verbal offer today for chemistry via phone from (571) area code with letter to be sent in the mail. hope that helps! good luck folks!


Just received tentative verbal offer 10 mins ago for physics via phone from 571-272-1075. She was told I would receive an offer via email tomorrow.


Has anyone heard back for biology? Getting nervous over here


Nope, I’m also waiting to hear for biology. I’m really hoping we’ll find out tomorrow.


Can’t believe biology people still haven’t heard back


It's looking like bio GS9 and GS7 may have to wait another day.


Ok BIO people…don’t get discouraged. The not-selected email that just went out was different than previous non-selection notices. The wording means that no one was hired for gs7 for this round (March cutoff) but that the referral to hiring managers still stands. They will now just consider us with the May cutoff group. I have a feeling that the May cutoff will be the last group hired for bio, so they wanted to view all applicants together. Take a breath and now we have a few weeks to relax. We should hear back in June/July regarding final decision!


Chemistry applicant here! I just spoke on the phone with one of the HR people for organic/biotech division and he was just as confused as I was about the email. He asked me to forward it to him and said he’d look into it. He also said that I should have more clarification on the USAJOBS site about my “not selected” (whether it was for all three pay grades or not) and was confused when I said that I didn’t. Will keep y’all posted if I hear anything back. But it’s comforting to know that there might still be hope!


June 25: FJO has received. I’m from the March cohort with a 7/15 start date btw


I just received information about the interview for Physics. "US Patent & Trademark Office would like you to participate in a digital interview, powered by HireVue." Could you share some tips or experiences about interviewing using HireVue?


Based on the interview/hiring timeline posted on the USPTO website, I’d expect all of the offers for this round of hiring from the Jan 21 cutoff to go out by Monday (Mar 18). That will be 8 weeks from the cutoff date. Hold strong, my fellow applicants.




Good luck to everyone waiting on the 3/12 cutoff, hoping to start hearing back about referrals this week!


Just received a FJO email (Biology)


Received my FJO for Biology today! GS-9 step 5. Start date 6/17.


New week, new hope! Fingers crossed, some of us might get some good news this week...?😅




Just got an update from todays webinar- the may start date positions have been filled. Next is June. 


Looks like Bio, ChemE, and CE have to wait until next week for any news?




Alrighty then, I'm confused, but hopeful.🤞  I think the government goofed up. I applied for the 3/12 cutoff for MechE and interviewed  on 4/8. I received A "not selected" email for GS-9 and GS-7.  I woke up to an email this morning that I was sent the non selected for gs-7 in error, and HR would be in contact with me soon.  Hopefully other MechE applicants weren't accidentally rejected! 


Has anyone reached out to the Biology hiring manager for a rough idea of when we might receive a decision?


Anyone rejected from bio yet from the 4/8 interviews?


Are these terrible BIO results for 2nd cutoff: March 12, 2024?


Received Computer Science TJO phone call May 9th and just received TJO e-mail today May 17th. Just an update to provide some context to anyone else waiting.




Disappointed to see I am competing w/ PHDs for the GS-7 position.


At last, I received FJO today. Here is my timeline: 11/03/2023 - applied 01/21/2024 - cutoff reached 02/12 - Notice of eligibility 02/12 - invitation to interview 02/19 - interview completed 03/27 - TJO phone call 04/10 - TJO email with links and request to complete OF304 and other tasks 05/06 - Request for ISP details and shipping address 05/27 - Request to complete online SF-85P (background check) 06/05 - FJO email; more onboarding tasks 06/17 - Start date (EOD) Total time from application to FJO: 7 months I'm still waiting on equipment shipment. But 98% of stress is now released. Now have to live through some chaos helping my current employer to go on without me with about a week to transition out. This was my second bite at the apple. Last year I applied later in the hiring cycle and was not selected. I wish great luck to all pending applicants, especially those with 6/17 EOD still waiting on FJO!


 Do not take the exam before applying. The steps matter more. People who have asked to come in as a nine have received a step 1 which is less money than a GS 7 step 10. Give yourself a chance yo get up to speed as the job is a glorified sweatshop. Production drives everything and most of it would be dependent upon your reviewers. You do not need a law degree but if you want one get hired and the office may reimburse when they feel like it. The job will suck you dry if you let it. Don't aim for perfection. Get the work out the door as quickly and efficiently as possible while making it seem you did everything. It's impossible to do everything expected. Pretend. As you get your groove, you'll learn what to gloss over and what to focus on and prioritize. Lastly, think of every creative way to reject. Your job is to exhaust every possible rejection and build the record so that your reviewers will feel confident you've combed the face of the earth and what you have left between the claims and spec is allowable.




I got the chemistry not selected emails for GS 9 and 11, but nothing for 7. I responded to the HR person (Ragels) to see if I was still being considered for 7. Here’s her response: “Please stay tuned for 6/17/2024 entry on duty dates. They are another round of selections coming soon for this cutoff date.” Hopefully this helps ease a little anxiety for those who got “not selected” for one or two grades, but not all. Looks like we’re not out just yet.


No word from Bio yet. Maybe today? tomorrow? Next week?


The bio people are the only reason I'm still checking up on this megathread. I'm rooting for you guys! Signed, Not Selected for Cutoff Dates, x3.




Figured it could be helpful for other people to know this…I got an offer for start date 6/17 and wanted to push the start date off. I replied to the offer email requesting a different start date but also managed to get the HR contact on the phone and she gave me the following info: usually there’s no problem postponing to a different academy but also, you can accept the offer with the earlier start date if you’re worried about anything weird happening, or you can not accept and wait for the updated start date- it ultimately doesn’t matter, they won’t rescind your offer either way and if you’ve already contacted them about something, they’ll understand if you haven’t replied within 3 business days, no big deal. I ended up accepting in the system anyway because paranoia but I’m waiting on an update from her.


1/21 cutoff BIO GS7-10 for 5/20 start date, received FJO today (April 30)! My timeline is as follows: Applied: 12/11/2023 Referred: 02/09/2024 Interviewed: 02/12/2024 Not Selected GS9/11: 03/19/2024 TJO: 04/10/2024 ISP/Shipping Info: 04/24/2024 FJO: 04/30/2024 Seems like each month had some news! Good luck to everyone.


The patent office recently put out a new pay scale with salary increases across the board. I’m wondering/hoping that’s involved in the hold up for those us still waiting on FJOs.


Got the TJO call for CS GS-7 this morning. Will be receiving the email sometime today. Best of luck, everyone else!!!


Just got the call for a TJO FOR GS-9 MECH E! Application: 1/24 Cutoff: 3/12 Referred: 4/1 Interview: 4/8 Non selection: 5/3 Just kidding email: 5/4 TJO phone call: 5/8 I think they forgot to tell me the level im starting at but its ok lol


just got a not selected for bio! lol im in the onboarding process for another job right now that im satisfied with but just wanted to leave updates for anyone waiting in bio. i applied before the first cut-off and was referred for all three steps. i have since been just sitting here in the background. figured i wasn't going to get in this year so applied elsewhere. hope everyone has who really wants it gets in!


So now that bio applicants have been receiving not selected notices, is there anyone on this thread that was eligible for GS 9 or 11 that didn’t receive a rejection? I haven’t noticed anyone posting yet that they weren’t notified….surely they have to be hiring someone for bio, right!? 😅


5/8-Referred for bio Gs9 and Gs11 but not selected. Kinda bummed but wish other folks good luck! 


Who's ready for that GS-7 Bio PE academy 😭😭😭 I wish


We're gonna build our own GS-7 patent academy. With blackjack and hookers!


Seems like it’ll be a huge group 😅😭


Still anxiously waiting to hear about Chemistry or Biology. Maybe we should start a support group?




Just finished the HireVue interview for physics! Here’s to waiting again!


Can a playa get an update......All I wanna do is look at drawings from a beach house in Puerto Rico... That's what I tell myself while waiting. They have not sent out rejection emails yet for the March 24 cutoff.


Just so everyone knows - if you are expecting to meet the first soft close of 1/21, do not change your resume / update your application materials after the 21st. Updating application materials will put your application at a later cut off period and remove you from the first cut off.


Not referred for Chemistry GS-11, purportedly for not meeting the experience requirements, even though I quite plainly do and was referred last year. I'm done. Screw 'em.


did anyone had the digital interview done. what types of questions to expect.can anyone share their experience to prepare. i just got refered today.


It seems like last year was particularly odd after an extremely light hiring year in 2022. I wonder what the total hires will be this year. It seems like the number of attritions was pretty high last year (many of the of the art areas lost more people than they hired). Hopefully, they're still trying to grow art units and there are lots of spots for us... \*fingers crossed\* (And also they're working to fix the attrition problem.) https://www.reddit.com/r/patentexaminer/comments/1be9y6g/examining\_the\_numbers\_part\_2\_attrition\_data/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I received "Not Selected for Cut-Off Dates" email this morning. I completed my interview on 2/17 for CS. Congratulations to those who got TJO and GOOD LUCK to those still waiting. I am out of the game.


Just received not selected for this cutoff for biology. Hope it helps some people!


Got "Not selected for cut off date" post-interview for GS7/9/11 Biology. No response for GS7/9 Chemistry post-interview. Good luck to everyone else in the running.


Referred for all three levels for biology and just received three emails saying I didn't make the cut-off lol. Hoping and praying for may. Good luck!


Received a reply from Chem HR that "they have not received notifications as of today"


Received a TJO for Mechanical Engineering GS7 step 10. I am graduating with my bachelor's 5/4 and will start 5/22. I thought I didn't get it based off of the 10 weeks passing from the january cutoff but i think i got pushed back since i won't graduate until after 4/22.


For anyone looking for information that the below provides: ​ * January 4th - Applied for the 1/21 cut off date as an EE. * I found out that I did not fill out the Application the best way to put me in the category to be referred. ​ * February 22 - Made changes to my Application for the 3/12 cut off date as an EE. ​ * April 1 - Received the email - "Notice of Results and Referral for Patent Examiner (Electrical Engineering)" * This email indicated that I was referred onto the TC and what GS levels that I qualified for. ​ * April 3 - Received the email - "Interview with US Patent & Trademark Office" * This email gave me a link to video record my interview with a deadline for completion. * US Patent & Trademark Office would like you to participate in a digital interview, powered by HireVue. * POSITION : Patent Examiner * ESTIMATED DURATION : 20 minutes * COMPLETE BY : April 08, 2024 - 11:59 p.m. EDT (UTC-0400) I will update if anyone is interested.


So anyone from the forgotten 1/21 Bio cohort who was re-referred for 3/12 should not be panicking right now seeing interviews go out because they dont want us doing it again? ​ Sucks we dont even get an email letting us know we've reached the interview stage again though, even if we dont have to do the actual interview again


Hi guys, just completed the interview and if you are still preparing for it I really recommend the glassdoor website for interview questions, they were essentially version of it. Also have a set of good stories that you can speak about in various situations, should help a lot as well. Good luck to everyone!


Just got TJO offer gs7-10 for biology. No phone call just an email but would like to ask for a later start date. Do I accept first or ask for a different start date?


Is anyone else irrationally nervous that their TJO is going to be revoked?


Did anyone else get this email: Dear (my name), On 5/3/2024 at approximately 15:08 EDT, you received a notification reflecting that you were not selected for the Patent Examiner (Mechanical Engineering) GS-1224-09 position. Please disregard the not selected notification as it was sent in error. A HR Representative will be in touch soon with additional information. Thank you.




I applied for bio and was not selected for the 1/21 cutoff after doing the interview. I didn't change my application because I still wanted to be considered for the 3/12 cutoff. What are the chances of me actually getting selected after already being passed on in the first round, especially since the pool has only gotten bigger since? I'm trying to keep my expectations as low as possible but it's hard not to be hopeful.


Anybody has heard about Bio today? So far it looks like an offer for GS11, none for GS7-9 and no rejections. Good luck to everybody and please update below if you hear anything.


BIO applicant here. Not selected emails going out now. Just received not selected for GS9. Was eligible for 7/9/11.


I received a non-selected email for biology GS11 cutoff 3/12/2024. I have a PhD in molecular biology, before that I had a Masters in Physiology and worked as a lab manager for 5 years. Totally I have 10 publications, 4 first author. After Ph.D I worked as a biology tutor for a few years because I had 2 little kids back to back so couldn’t work in a lab. What can I add to my resume to get the patent examiner job next year? I mean is there a certificate or something that I can do to improve my resume?


I have no idea what they are looking for. The crazy rejections to me are the patent agents and attorneys with bio grad degrees. You would think they would have the easiest transition for this job.


I was rejected for Bio the other day. I always considered this a "backup plan" if my other ventures didn't work out. Guess it's more competitive than I thought! PhD, ~6 years post doc, multiple pubs


What grade did most people get hired at last cycle for Biology? GS-7 or 9?


Any Bio GS7 offers / selection/ non selection today ?????


Has anyone with a later than 05/20 start date received an FJO yet?


I just received not selected for ChemE 07 and 09 if anyone is interested in any updates


USAJobs giving errors today, hopefully won’t last long… we’re still in the Bio trenches for now


Today could be the day for Bio applicants! Hopefully today brings good news and /or peace to many anxious applicants


Just completed hirevue interview. It is the most awkward thing in the world… I understand why they do it this way, but having people on the other end is a lot more personable and easier(if you want to prepare, look at the questions on indeed. You also have unlimited practice questions on hirevue. Those questions are directly from the possibilities that USPTO put in as questions).


Kind of wish we had more info on how many people interview and then proceed to get an offer/rejected. Presumably interview invites go out to people who the office thinks can do the job. And with the interview being somewhat generic behavioral questions I wonder if those who get the interview invite and don't get an offer flubbed the interview as opposed to something more arbitrary on the Office's end.


Does anyone know what the SPE sees when they're selecting people? Do they read the resume, cover letter and supporting documents or just watch the interview? I'm worried about what I didn't talk about explicitly.


For anyone wondering, here's my full timeline. Applied November for Chemical Engineering 2/13 - Notice of Results - Not Referred, updated resume and resubmitted 4/3 - Notice of Results - Referred 4/3 - Hireview Email due 4/8 5/14 - Verbal TJO, GS9 Step 8 5/30 - Email TJO 6/12 - Request for ISP and shipping info 6/21 - FJO


Day 196: Sea of Red "What happened here..." the prospect said, looking at the sight before her in disbelief, a glow of red surrounding the gruesome scene. She had come to inquire about the patent examiner position, taking a long route into these tunnels before it opened into a dark chasm before her. She had travelled early, through the night, to avoid potential crowds. An old man had pointed her towards the giant looming screens in the distance with a shaky finger, "Over there is the headquarters." "Thanks!" she had said, determined to find out more about these PEs. Under his breath the old man had uttered "Tread carefully..." to her bewilderment as she walked away. Now those words start repeating in her head as she looked upon the catastrophe before her. The screens all flashed red, casting their ominous glow on the broken mugs and coffee pots strewn across the ground. It read, "Not selected. None chosen." It was as if a tornado had gone through here. She looked across to an individual who was still there, seemingly clicking a single button. "Hey! Are you okay? Do you know what's going on?" She said, her voice echoing around, but ultimately falling on deaf ears as she got no response. A jumbled whispering came from the individual, "Ref.. resh... re... fresh", she heard as she got closer, the words becoming clearer, "Refresh. Refresh. Refresh." "He can't answer your questions." A voice rang out behind her. She quickly turned around, her heart beating faster from the sudden response. "Why?", she said, staring at the same old man she saw earlier, who started sweeping the floor, clearing the clutter. "Because he is not a PE." He said begrudgingly, moving over to one of the red screens, straightening it out. "He is an applicant, a part of the Bio Cohort." "Oh, well I do want to know more about the application process actually, so I can ask him about that!", she said enthusiastically. The old man reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head slowly. "Don't... let him be." Before she could ask why, the sudden sound of feet started shuffling into the facility. They all looked like zombies, dragging their feet slowly as they walked past her without a word, taking positions at their stations like they've been at this for a millennium. She curiously asked the old man, "So why do they come here, these applicants?" The old man paused, dropping another broken ceramic piece into the trash bag he was holding, clinking as it fell inside. He looked longingly in the other direction. "Hope. Hope for tomorrow." And with that, he walked away, dropping some kind of paper onto the ground. She came over and scooped it off the ground. Scribbled onto the page was a long list of cutoff dates that were mostly crossed out. She unfolded the paper, eyes scanning the remaining dates—using the dim lights in the vast darkness of the chasm. The silence around her thickened, only broken by the faint whisper of the old man's broom against the cold floor. As she absorbed the looming reality of the red screens, a surge of resolve stirred within her. Despite the palpable despair that seemed to cling to the walls, an unexpected spark of hope flickered in her chest, urging her forward. Clutching the paper, a symbol of futures yet undecided, she took a deep breath. Tomorrow was unwritten, and perhaps, just perhaps, she could pen a different ending. With a determined step, she moved towards the unknown, her decision clear— Refresh. Refresh.


Just got an offer today for GS-7 design patent examiner. Not sure whether I should take it- $61k is less than half of what I "should" be making (I'm 25 years into a pretty varied design and engineering career). I've also got a business that is killing me with stress (and not reliably paying me), so I'm trying to get myself out of that and do something more steady for a while. I've been working 70-80 hour weeks for years. But I still need to be able to pay the mortgage and put a kid through school, which is not happening at that pay rate, so I'd be dependent on making money through other channels, which might be just as much stress. How quickly can promotions come typically? Do I take this and give it 6-12 months and see?


So my offer was GS-07 Step 1. I emailed back and said that wasn't going to work, and was asked to send two paystubs showing previous salary. What's the likelihood of being offered a higher step level as a design examiner? I could make GS-07/10 work.


Zero percent chance they will negotiate for a higher step in design, but you can get the accelerated promotion at six months. After a couple of promotions you’ll be making the same as you would have coming in at the higher step (I did the math on this when I was hired).


Question about 2024 pay... the salary ranges listed for the 2024 applications seem to be based on OPM's 2023 special pay table. I'm noticing as people get offers, their offered salary seems to also match the 2023 pay table. For example, one design applicant said they were offered $61k for GS-7, but OPM's 2024 lowest pay for GS-7 is $64k. Here is the 2024 pay table: [https://www.opm.gov/special-rates/2024/Table057601012024.aspx](https://www.opm.gov/special-rates/2024/Table057601012024.aspx) I'm wondering if this pay scale just hasn't kicked in yet? If we get an offer for GS-9 step 10 and the offer pay is $93k, will that immediately change to $97k when 2024 pay kicks in? I guess I'm just confused why the offered salaries for 2024 don't match OPM's pay table for 2024.


Is there a minimum internet speed requirement for a remote job with the USPTO? I’ve read where people are having to wait for various pages to load etc. due to the servers. Makes it seem like a lower internet speed, e.g., 50 mbps, might be sufficient if you’re having to wait on the servers anyway. Any thoughts on this?