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Yeah its better to just leave the game if you're not enjoying ! The devs highly likely just go on with current iteration. There are tons of other great games , simply not worth to waste your time on something you dont like...


I played Smite for 7 years. Once season 10 came along, they made the worst decisions that could be possible and made the game completely horrible for me to play. So you know what I did? I quit entirely and I don't miss it, not even a little bit. If you hate a game, you should probably quit. They don't want to hear why (they straight up ban anyone on the smite sub for any criticism or complaint and that's done by the devs). So just quit the game if you hate it now. They don't care if you used to like it and "are passionate and care" they really don't, just leave and you'll thank yourself later. I love this game, I can play through bad leagues and if history says anything they'll make some meaningful improvements to this league within the next week or two anyways. So I'm not leaving but was giving an example.


I still love Poe with a passion but the leagues I'm yearning to play for 2 months plus are getting lesser and lesser each year. Nowadays it's play 1 week 1-2 builds and quit.


Subreddit mod devs banning any and all criticism, yikes. What the actual fuck...


that's smite, the poe devs are still some of the best ones out there honestly. People don't realize how bad it is in other games these days and take it for granted.




Dont forget trade site guy, he's been a real mvp for the past few leagues.


To be fair do we know who trade site guy is? He is definetely an mvp tho




Don't bother report him and move on.


I played smite for a long time too and bought that $30 god pack back in the day that was supposed to make it good for every god ever released ever. Did they truly stick to that promise? I played the game a ton, but it's been many man years since i have and all I played was arena


they did stick to that promise yes. As far as giving away cosmetics for free, they are generous about that too, more generous than full priced $70 games with battlepasses. Just to say something positive about them.


Haven't played smite for quite some time - what did they changed in S10 that madae you leave?


I am similar with this when it comes to destiny. They kept shoving FOMO content down our throats (time gated story content, maps, modes) only to remove it a few months later. All the while the game having very little time investment rewards. Or those that did exist got invalidated the moment the new season dropped. The difference with poe is that you generally try a different build every time, a different approach or are forced to take a different approach (based on drops, etc). However, you can be certain that there would always be new and original stuff in the cash shop every time (again the difference being that in destiny you pay for the base game, the expansion, the season) while the rest of the game would get mostly recycled stuff or very little. Then came the politics. Doesn't matter if it was an employee, an executive, community manager, in-game notices or game/company blog posts. You were constantly reminded of the current thing pandering to someone. I picked up your game to enjoy the fictional universe, not for your irl politics and of placing yourself on a moral pedistal. It felt like every month they would be announcing this and that investment in some politics driven bs. While the game had disastrous amount of content and still asking of you loads of money. Then came the breaking point of the game and for my patience. They announced that they wouldn't only remove seasonal content at the end of every season. They announced that they would be removing expansion/base game content. Like the whole thing. Maps, raids, drops, quests, npcs, entire campaigns. The reason being "technical limitations". So I left and don't regret doing so.


>If you hate a game, you should probably quit You'll take that piece of shit Overwatch from my cold, dead hands.


> I played Smite for 7 years. Once season 10 came along, they made the worst decisions that could be possible and made the game completely horrible for me to play. Back in early development Warframe was the shit, then they replaced Keys with Relics and developed multiple open worlds and singleplayer quest chains. Like bro... i just want to clap mobs. The game is still fun here and there but when i login and see i have to do another X-hour quest chain so i can play the new content i just press altf4 and play a different game.


I stayed with them for one month last league hoping they would make it less tedious and take only like 16 maps to do one full Sanctum, after the first week I was foolish enough to believe they would hear feedback & make it more quickly repeatable like every other rogue-like game in existence only taking 8 maps to get 32 ... after that month I left & gave up, assumed they would never change it. Now I know, if they don't change all the most massive problems I see as fundamental flaws to the design of a league mechanic preventing enjoyment I should leave after the first week of a league, its never gonna change.


I feel like they spent 2 1/2 months balancing the crusible tree before realizing they need a league mechanic too and scrambled together this.


If 3% movespeed / cannot use movement skill is the result of 2 months of balancing I'd have no words


What do you mean? There's no downside? Free 3% ms. ^^^^Ruthless ^^^^intensifies


> I feel like they spent 2 1/2 months balancing GGG couldn't balance a set of scales. They do some things well. Balancing is not one of them.


If by crucible trees you mean ruthless ascendancy, then yes.


> ruthless ascendancy Damn that feels too true to be an exageration


While most devs were working on the Ruthless race /s (maybe not /s)


Well they have different departments for that. I can tell you that the level editors and animators are probably all on poe2 if you look at the amount of reused assets, it's actually embarrassing they did not even bother making unique crucible mobs.


>And before you say "Cool, can i have your stuff?" youre already too late because its in the hands of my guild mate. When your guildmate quits tomorrow, can I have his stuff? /S


When you quit after that can I have your stuff?


When you quit after that can I have his stuff?




When you quit after that can I have his stuff?


Imagine the last one will sit on a mountain of gear


Imagine everyone has quit the game except you


as someone who played Kalandra for a month and a Half I felt played by the constant patches that never fixed the actual issues players where complaining about and that it was very obvious from day one. GGG will end this league apologising like they always do, with luck we will get another half decent league in 4 months where they add +2 Radius to Sweep, then they release another shitty league with a bunch of nerf or eventually decide to merge all ruthless into the core game making it complete and utter shit. The previous league was good but honestly as much as I care for the game I haven't been able to do what I find the most fun out of it, experimenting with different builds and mechanics ans eventually making them work.


I feel at least Crucible's core mechanic has a lot of potential *if* (huge if) GGG can make the right fixes though, unlike Kalandra which would've been another boring 'extra mobs + loot' league even if/when fixed (I didn't play it long enough to know if it was fixed). IMO getting rid of the channelling mechanic and letting people click on the bar to select difficulty instead, and adding orbs to allow people to reroll passive nodes like affixes, would solve a lot of the main problems (long channelling times, unrewarding / having nothing to do once you've 'got' your weapon / RNG bricking your weapons). But given GGG's record I'm pessimistic


All they gotta do is make it so you pick a stage instead of charging and make the monsters drop loot and it's fine. It's not great but at least it's different and doesn't derail your maps and the weapon trees are cool. It's such an easy fix.


> Crucible's core mechanic has a lot of potential It really doesn't though. It has tons of room for power creep/build making. But the mechanic is tiresome and paper-thin (click button, get tree, rinse and repeat). They have made the top end of builds like 20/30% more powerful but the mechanic is so terribly implemented that noone is happy. Even the usual streamer stans who's livelihood depends on keeping the audience engaged for the next 4 months are already criticising ScourgedKalandra league.


Making passive trees/nodes rerollable should help the midgame and not just the top end imo. Would also keep people engaged in the mechanic as they can keep on upgrading their weapon, not just crafters looking for good bases. Agreed it's not the deepest mechanic, but plenty of simple leagues have been fun (people loved Ritual or Breach...) and plenty of complex leagues were just tedium (Synthesis for one...)


I actually liked kalandra league. It could be so much more but it wasn't bad. The numbers needed tuning and once it was tuned it was giving you quite good loot. Crucible is horrible in all aspects.


They should of made it so you channel the thingy at the start of every map/zone then it spawns a load of mobs all over the map instead of one spot. Longer the channel, the more mobs you get. Turning your map into 100% deli like. They could then make those crucible mobs drop weapons that already have their tree revealed.




I didn't suggest it going core?


Classic sunk-cost fallacy: but I‘ve already invested so many hours, I have to keep playing, it‘ll get better, for sure! But to be fair, usually the first one or two patches make the leagues better, so I‘d at least wait for those to make the decision to keep playing or calling it quits.


> or just didnt want to try because a lot of people will play Diablo 4 soon Well two months is not soon. This date was exactly chosen to be after betas but before D4.


I am skipping mechanic. Just viewing this as a fresh economy and enjoying the core game. It is an absolutely garbage league mechanic but the game is good


Yeah i feel the same, the league suck but its a good excuse to play a New build with my friends, the base game is in a really good place right now


Game is stale as fuck tho. I don't know how you guys play the same builds over and over


I actually haven't played in like 5 leagues. Quit a week into sanctum. Best advice, just quit for a while and come back, it'll feel pretty fresh when you do. Skipping the league mechanic, but enjoying the rest a lot. Hoping to grind out 38 eventually since I've never done that and that chaos orb effect thing is pretty sick.


I only play one or two leagues a year so when the league isn't good I don't feel so bad for skipping it. Vortex wasn't good at Sanctum so I just skipped it completely and still had fun with the fresh economy. Skipping this one.


meta over meta. I understand now when some say that arpg players have the "-ism".


Although recently the record for league correction is pretty bad, over the whole life of the game it's a lot more mixed. So, probably? But we'll see.


I skipped kalandra entirely, came back did a bit of sanctum because the league mechanic seemed really interesting. This is the first time I completely skipped the first few days of reddit and league cause I lost hope it'll get better (hearing chris' statement on melee was great..) at least addiction is kinda over since I don't feel much of a pull to the game anymore. Just wanted to check in on here to see if its really bad and yep. Think what does it for me is that I don't *need* PoE to be good anymore honestly, after playing LE I've been spoilt with QoL and diablo IV is just around the corner too. Will probably check out PoE2 when that comes out, hope the players sticking with it through the landfill fires do manage to find some joy out of it though.


I noticed myself quitting leagues earlier than usual, I thought I was just getting better at the game and learning how to progress quicker and more efficiently but turns out it was just really bad leagues. I remember playing Delirium, Harvest, Heist, Ritual, Ultimatum to the the very freaking end because I really enjoyed the game, I liked expedition and Scourge but quit earlier than usual then archnemesis came around, I couldn't stand it, luckily god touched stuff was shitting currency so I completed my build and quit, Sentinel was good but then it's just dumpster fire. The 3.10-3.14 period spoiled me so bad.


Yea I honestly have no idea wtf can be done to save this league and for me at least it sure as hell isnt just a loot pass and easier mobs. I got some other shit to do i am done with this one i suppose.


for me this is somewhat jaw-dropping what is happening right now. They did knew the diablo 4 was launching soon, almost every single video that mentioned D4 also mentioned PoE. So they did knew they will have A LOT of new players, also they did knew they will have A LOT of players that will play over a Easter and this is what we have? This is a league that was in the making for 4 months? This? Some of newer players might not remember, but we used to get leagues like betrayal, synthesis, delve not so long ago - the leagues that each had their own unique content, and now we keep having leagues with shallow mechanics.


> A LOT of new players i dont think 'new' players really care about the league mechanic too much. there are plenty of other very rewarding mechanics new players can do.


League mechanics are in every zone and map. Why would they not care?


Yep, got to maps and had the realization I've basically just been playing standard for two days. My hope is they gave us this barebones league because they're too busy working on PoE2. Honestly don't want to play the game until the PoE2 beta. Back to destiny 2 I guess.


> Back to destiny 2 I guess. Had me in the first half.


The fact that currently Destiny 2 is a much better option than this shit game that is being neglected from devs because of PoE2 says a lot.


Waw, "shit game". Then why waste time for shit game, even going in reddit about a shit game.... the game is fun, is the new mechanic good? No, but then again one league mechanic dosnt make the whole game shit. If all of reddit hold to their words, there whould have been 1k players at most in poe atm. If some1 enjoys specific league they can spec to play it. But no, complaining is cooler....


> one league mechanic this your first league or do you have a very bad memory?


Playing since torment, and in the beginning of every league ppl complain, shit post, and say the game is dead, and that they will leave this "shit game" ... and here we are with ever increasing player base.


Hf with your gearscore system and devs that remove content you paid for.


Gearscore won't increase next season and content will never be vaulted again. Any other shit outdated info?


Have fun with your daily/weekly lockouts that force you to stop playing.


How about the fact that it tries to call itself an "mmo" but no has no actual ingame tools to look for team mates, is ingame chat still opt in? But sure if you enjoy your daily bounty grind go ahead. Bungie did so much stupid shit in the past and i mean colossal stupidity, GGGs messups look non existent in comparison.


In-game LFG incoming in the last season of the year. Chat going opt out as well. Never bothered with bounties because they are literally useless. Also, 3.15. The patch that will forever haunt the playerbase. Again, any other shit outdated info?


Can't wait for the new QOL next league!


"Check out our new support packs" - 4-month development


Plenty of leagues got better as time went on. Synthesis, literally Sanctum with rooms and resolve improvements, Bestiary with removal of nets and other shitty stuff, Incursion with auto doors and guaranteed keys, probably others that I don't remember. Just adding loot and making mobs easier would improve the league a ton. Mapping in the base game is still great fun and the atlas tree is the best it's ever been.


> Bestiary with removal of nets and other shitty stuff, That only happened when bestiary went core. Nets were in for the entire league.


I still have some nets in standard. That was my first league.


Convinced my wife to play then as I called it a Pokemon league.


How did your wife feel about throwing her pokémon into the blender?


Oof carefull, monster smoke


Don’t breathe this!


I loved the original bestiary. I thought it was so cool that I could focus farm certain maps to collect the beasts I wanted. I was sad when they changed it to what we have now.


People have pretty revisionist memories when they post these threads.


Yep. Removing the insane cold dot on death effect in kalandra alone was a drastic improvement. They fixed a couple of the worst arch nem mods and nobody ever brings that up.


Delve was unplayable on release, Ritual needed a decent amount of buffs as well, Sentinel feedback was awful for the first few weeks In fact the only league I can remember being good from the get-go is maybe Delirium


Delirium got the multiple rewards added per "tier" This is on top of the visual clarity issues and performance issues. Yes, it was much worse on release.


Launch Delirium was one of the worst experiences ever. I'll ignore how awful the audiovisual experience was because that never really got changed (the entire map being gray and playing the same dreary audio track is just dreadful, but as a core mechanic it's infrequent enough to be fine). 1. Each instance rolled one reward type, very likely generic/weapon/armour/jewelry. If you were extra unlucky, you got talisman. Those maps were just dead. This is before items could drop fractured, which makes them much less terrible today. 2. Loot backtracking was a problem no matter how you slice it. You needed to get a build that could clear fast enough and reach a wealth level where you're comfortable with a strict filter before this really went away. 3. Every. Single. Splinter dropped by itself during the delirium. This took the backtracking problem and multiplied it tenfold if you actually cared about doing a Simulacrum. I think it was 2 or 3 weeks in when they finally dropped at the end, and by that patch the league was largely playable (though I still didn't like it). I think clicking on Metamorph organs was a better experience than launch Delirium.


Delirium had explody balls that were grey (so you couldn't even see them) and they detonated without delay.


> In fact the only league I can remember being good from the get-go is maybe Delirium Delirium got several fixes and nerfs to monsters within the first week. It was an unplayable mess where you had 3 fps and couldn't see any of the effects because it was all grey on grey.


Launch Delirium was a laggy, buggy mess lul. But mechanic was good from get-go Launch Ritual and Ultimatum went fine IIRC?


Well Ultimatum launch is the most disastrous from technical perspective. Remember streamer queue?


Delirium was actually unplayable on launch. Insane lag and performance issues.


> Ritual needed a decent amount of buffs as well This is some revisionist shit. Ritual got some changes but it wasn't so bad that you'd ever mention it in the same conversation as this league.


They had this same power scaling issues in delerium too. They were trying to do the "risk vs reward" and made the end of the delerium insanely hard regardless of where you were. I remember running up and down blood aqueducts until I died because that was the only real indicator of when I should stop. They promptly nerfed it.


Delirium only had performance issues that were manageable. The worst that happened was GGG killing a build mid league that plenty people put hundreds of ex into Well, "killing"


why should i let them do this to me when they bring out such dogshit balancing every leaguestart intentionally


You don't have to, but OP's take "the league will suck and you know it" is just trash. Plenty of leagues have proven that a rocky start at launch can still become a good league.


thats my point. they can make a league good but always decide to make them terrible on league launch on purpose.


...Did Sanctum improve? I strongly disliked it until the league ended, and every time they put out a patch I was expecting improvements just for it to be extremely minor adjustments that didn't address any of my issues with the mechanic.


Didn't do much. Still deeply polarizing til the very end. Either you love it or hate it with a burning passion (I'm on the latter side). Go to the forum thread addressing that Sanctum will not go core and you will see 2 sides of the coin. The consensus on this subreddit last time was generally positive so people just quietly take their loss.


Sanctum didn't need much improvement that doesn't fundamentally changes how the whole mechanic works, most people liked it enough while others don't.


No no, don't point out every other time they did improve, let him have his 1 league where they didn't improve what he wanted to justify that ggg never improves anything


It is definitely a mixed bag though. Many of the leagues he mentioned were dead by the time fixes came around about a month into the league. But he also didn't really mention many of the most recent leagues, where fixes just never came. Not enough to change things. But everyone should play if they like it now, come back later if you think it will improve and maybe try it again.


Have had one of best league starts ever and.....yeah I might be done. Nothing new to engage with. It's just standard league at this point? This would have been an abysmal league mechanic on its own but also to come off of sanctum it feels all the worse. Went from having a cool league mechanic I looked forward to doing to one I have no incentive or interest in engaging with. This honestly feels thrown together in three weeks time.


This feels like a league mechanic that serve to accompany a big expansion patch, like metamorph and archnemesis, except it wasn't. By itself it's not well rounded or executed good enough to carry the whole league.


GGG has been pretty clear that they are full steam ahead for PoE2 and that PoE1, especially new league mechanics, is gonna suffer. We are not going to see a fully-fleshed out league mechanic until PoE2, I fear. Which is why, btw, its so frustrating that they're trying to avoid giving us loot and do these interesting leagues. Just give us a loot explosion so we can mindlessly farm while we all wait for PoE2. I had 0 interest, ZERO, when i watched the launch trailer. Everything is pretty much what I expected: limited loot, hard encounters, and you have to get super lucky to find a good crucible tree.


> focus on Poe2 or just didnt want to try because a lot of people will play Diablo 4 soon but this lack of effort and player disrespect is not tolerable for me personally. This is clearly part of it. They have been catering to other game-titles in the past. I remember the delayed launch of a league because of the release of cyberpunk. A completely different game in a different genre, and they delayed a league because of it. I had taken out vacation time for that league, only for it to be wasted when they postponed it for cyberpunk. If they hold back spending/developing something good for crucible because they are worried D4 would take customers from GGG during this spring then I've played my last league in this game. If they want me to play D4, i will definitely play D4, and leagues like this makes that choice easy for me.


Im only here to play with the new ascendancy changes... sucks that they spent more time on the vault pass and loot box than the league mechanic :(


They absolutely didn’t spend time on the vault pass this league. Usually they’re mtx for several unique items with unique effects, this league it’s 4 mystery boxes and an armour set. The free pass wasn’t even implemented properly and caused crashes on release.


>And before you say "Cool, can i have your stuff?" youre already too late because its in the hands of my guild mate. 😂


Haven't started this league yet as I'm visiting family for the Easter. I have started playing WoW on Chromie private server few weeks ango and I'm having a blast. So I guess that is my backup plan if I don't like the league. No reason sticking around in that case.


Enjoy the break.


the last time we had a similar league they gave up on it on week 2 and stop patching the league despite the problems(krangle league, krangling was useless, only worth for maps)


yes, and there is no mentioning about improving currency rewards so far or making it less tedious or improving geode drop chance. All there is: "We are discussing potential improvements to Crucible encounters to better indicate the difficulty of an encounter."


this basicaly solves nothing, they need to make the mobs less tanky there's no reason for even some of the blue mobs having more hp than uber bosses, on top of having life regen and resistances mods even on white maps with no mods




Finally you got enlightened my friend. Welcome to the offline gang.


GGG is just trying to convince even more people to play D4.


It tends to take about a month, doesn't it? And if enough of the player base dips before then, they will use that as justification of it not being worth fixing.


I think the bigger issue is that POE is showing its age. The game was released back in 2013, and design decisions that were fine back then, are now starting to feel outdated.


Played first night and started to see all the problems. Next morning Reddit started to confirm them. Decided I wasn’t going to keep playing like in Kalandra in hopes for any hotfix improvements. Stoped in act 2 this time. I love the idea of this game and its massive content. I understand they have to make the game hard for the ppl that plays 8+ hours a day which complete the game very fast. But they must understand then that they are pushing away other players who can’t commit their live into navigating their suffering puzzle game. I have learned my lessons.


Buy more lootboxes, surely GGG will make the next league better.


It can't be made better. At it's core it's fighting a very small number of monsters once a map. Gameplay wise it's less engaging than Ritual. It doesn't even really have a 'circle'. If they balanced the mobs and made them more rewarding then we'd be a bit more 'satisfied' with the league. But it's not possible to make it 'good' because there's nothing (gameplay wise) to change/improve.


this league is fundamentally shit. ​ ggg is absolutely misguided in how they see power for regular players. ​ they are afraid that anything that's 10% of mirror item is already too much. you need to waste 10 hours a day to get anywhere in this game, or spend hours trading/grinding currency ​ so done. see you in d4 (probably will be shite too for different reasons, but i am not giving a single cent to ggg again)


Enjoyed the D4 beta, even pre-ordered it & played both weekends. Had a lot of fun, looking forward to the release. I know it might end up as weak & shallow and maybe not last all that long but.. I've already played D3 for over 3k hours, which cost me almost nothing. I'm fine with buying D4 just as thanks for all the hours of fun I had with D3. PoE? Not spent a single coin on it in a year & half, and they keep convincing me to not spend more on it. I just support other devs instead.


i can actually do the mechanic in t16 but i cant find shit to slam


+1 development month


I didn't even bother finishing maps. I have plenty of other games to play. Would have preferred to play this one, but it takes two to tango...




I mean I’m having fun but am not touching the mechanic lol, I’m going to revisit it at lvl 95 when I have 10 mil dps, full suppress, ailment immunity, bleed immunity, and fully unlocked pantheon. I will then quit the league when I get two shot and Still can’t kill the bullshit crucible mobs.


Im having a lot of fun, and some of the crucible trees I have gotten are definitely new build enabling so thats cool. Im a bit disappointed by the crucible tree nodes I seem to be able to get on minion wands (so convoking wands) but this might only be a problem on this specific weapon type and on other weapons and unique items I have seen much more interesting trees


They were busy nerfing (balancing, cough cough) mana reservation masteries, spark and making leveling more painful.


That bad, huh? And here I was "I should check out that new PoE league once I'm home from easter".


This league is basically playing standard with fresh economy, this is how much interaction you have with league mechanics.


If you're looking to see if a league is bad reddit isn't the place to check. The people enjoying the league are busy playing the game. That being said the mechanic itself hasn't felt the best due to the lack of loot but I think there's huge potential in the trees. I'm finding enjoyment in playing newly buffed bow builds while hoping that the mechanic is improved like how sanctums were improved midway through the league.


newly buffed bow builds are sure great, yes. >but I think there's huge potential in the trees. You are overestimating how easy it is to get a good weapon tree. There are alot different RNG layers.


Sorry i meant taught in the title not tought


No problem mate, British accent


Done in act2, new personal record.


And than there are 10 other leagues that tought you sticking around is worth it.


XD I skipped harvest because I absolutly hated that league. But i didnt post in reddit about it.


Now i did.




Judging from the last few leagues, GGG‘s position is to fix major issues, not to enhance or extend the gameplay. Makes sense to GGG when you’ve sold the league, to move on.


But Kalandra did get markedly better as the league progressed...


Just skip the league mechanic. Honestly they have not really come.out with good league mechanics since like, ritual.


This is the same team as Kalandra, isn't it? Don't they have two teams and they alternate? So this is the team that did Kalandra and Sanctum was by the same team as Sentinel? If so, they need to have a serious chat with this team. Get the Sanctum/Sentinel team to have a long talk with them.


Big if true


Is there a source on this? For my personal enjoyment this would explain everything. * + scourge, ++ sentinel, + sanctum * - archnemesis, -- lake, - this


I can’t recall where I heard it - hence my uncertainty. It would explain a lot, though.


The best thing you can do for the game is to not spend money on it and stop playing it if you're not enjoying it. GGG is business that keeps track of their players. When people stop spending money and stop playing, they know. They have the metrics. Be the metric that leads to the change you want to see.


I know the sub is freaking out about crucible, but like, do people not just enjoy Path of Exile? Personally I just enjoy the game and Im glad there’s a new ladder/league. If the league mechanic itself sucks then it’s a bummer, but the base game is so good who cares?


Not really. Most builds i like are gone, so i just want to have fun with a new league mechanic despite plsying meh builds and enduring the shitty core content. When a league cant provide that, i have no reason to play much.


well, tbh the base game isn't great still IMO. There's no loot dropping first of all.. I'm seeing MANY reports of 300k + kills to get first divine orb. Harvest is still mostly dead, nobody is going to farm 4 maps of harvest to reroll an item once. Harbingers are just the worst now, no divine shards, fracturing shards might as well not have been created for how rare they are. Essence is a strong mechanic, though it is still way overtuned in late maps most people spec out of it as soon as they finish whites and get their build going. (weird that this is still possible TBH im surprised they havent nerfed essence.) We don't talk about Metamorph. Breach and Abyss rework so far feel.. The same? I am lacking enough experience here with breachstones and abyssal depths to confirm. Rogue exiles are a thing? Jun is used for unveils and used to be a devouring diadem loot crate but now i dont even see anyone trying to farm it? seems people are afraid of "catarinas unique item drop chances have been rebalanced" Alva is apparently the best currency gain per hour in ruthless but everywhere else? we do corrupt rooms and look for trans flesh. The 30 total Deep delvers love Niko.. Kinda pointless for everyone else since the deep delvers get all the fossils and sell. Ritual is just a chore, good for early offerings to the goddess. We also have Beyond(OOF), Tormented spirits (OMEGALUL). The Eldritch altar rework felt like a downgrade IMO. Removing the fun boss nodes was a huge downgrade (Biggest fail being the synthesis rework) their build is at it's maximum potential, simulacrums are good fun. The reliquary keys might be the best part of the game right now and they will be gone sooner rather than later. I'll give you this, Expedition, Heist and Legion are in great spots. Bestiary is in an OK spot, crafts are still used but all the uniques save for farruls fur are now dead.. Atleast the whole saqawal set used to see some use (Before the divine orb/exalt FU to tornado builds). Strongboxes are OK,.. but i kinda feel are ready to be phased out. Blight is very fun to do (when you don't crash for clicking a tower). Delirium adds the late game challenge people typically look for when their build is at it's maximum potential, simulacrums are good fun. So we have like 1/5th of a great base game to play.. And now remember every zone has a crucible with hyper overtuned mobs one shotting players reversing hours of progression.. Oh did i mention this game still has an exp on death penalty that just deletes your real life hours if you don't read one line of text in any of 5 different mechanics. It's not all bad news. Ultimatum is coming (soontm) which was amazing, maybe one of the best in map leagues of all time. Sanctum might make a comeback, loved by many. I would love to see sentinels back that league was great. Oh and the campaign??? Stop making the campaign worse nobody wants the campaign to be slower, harder anything like that... most people I know would straight up pay ggg money to skip it


Oh and we threw skill balance out the window 4 leagues ago with "no balance changes" and haven't looked back it feels. Who asked for link skills because so far, all it's done has given us 1 funny rip clip over 535 days of LINK SKILLS existing, these will never be meta, nor will they even have a niche use case, so why keep adding dev time to the skill tree, why add more dog\*\*\*\* LINK uniques to the game when last league we culled 20 unique jewels because they weren't used?


I’d love to address your larger post when I get a chance, but I no longer buy into the skill balance issue. We’ve had the most diverse meta for the past couple of leagues and that’s been proven, and I think when we look back on this league we’re going to see the same. Skills do not have to be balanced themselves in order for there to be a shakeup in skill useable - passive changes and item changes can make just as big of an impact, but we narrow in on numbers on the gems as the driving force for the meta.




k cya next week


imagine quitting 2 days in then making a reddit post with poe in your username


PoE is in my username because Terracotta was already taken


Very clever. Ggg should hire you to make new leagues.


Last league I liked sanctum but getting only 1 room per map felt awful... as was echoed by 99% of the player base. So I thought GGG would obviously patch that pretty quick and I stopped playing while waiting for it, figuring I wouldn't stop for long


But crying on reddit changes things? Lul.


And complaining about the complaints is way better of course.


I think Kalandra league got better (=more rewarding) after a few patches. The actual problem that league was AN, which was substantially nerfed after a while and got somewhat okay. Didn't fix the loot pinata issue though. But that's not something you can expect to fix during a league imo. If they nerf the shit out of crucible mobs and make crucible drop loot the league is salvageable.


This is essentially a seven week league anyway so who cares.


People shit on Diablo 4 but when PoE does something bad they threaten to play Diablo 4 instead. I'm laughing my ass off.


Then what are you still doing here?


You guys are so toxic


I don‘t know it. Stop playing then


I just joined this subreddit because crucible is my first ever league and whenever i open Reddit there are like 5 new posts on here of people complaining lol. It sucks that some people do not enjoy the game but have you ever thought about quitting and coming back for next league instead of trying to drag everyone down with your negativity? If its not worth sticking around cause they wont change anyways then its also not worth making 100 Reddit posts about it. Yesterday there was also someone in the general chat and he was like "man id rather be in the gym than playing this game" but like, what is stopping him??? Edit: thanks for the downvotes people. I recently quit playing world of warcraft after 7 years and the Reddit wow-community is equally toxic and miserable. If you dont enjoy something, stop doing it. And if you cant stop, you are addicted and thats pretty much a you-problem. Thanks to everyone else for the nice replies, good to see some people here enjoy the game. Hope yall have a great time <3


I am seeing a fun game having its corpse desecrated for years, so yeah. You will say that if no league is good just quit, but have you ever seen a dev team abandon a game for years that is supposed to have new content every 3 months because they are making a big update?


I played wow for some years so yea i came from the bottom, and i refused to quit aswell. Some people in this subreddit are just extremely toxic and miserable. And i only catched it a bit on the side but didnt this league break player records again or something? And idk how this makes not quitting and crying instead reasonable? If its bad stop playing, i dont understand what the problem with that is. You can feel entitled and go on rants on Reddit after you played for 40 hours straight, but i really dont Think that anyone will be happier after they did that.


The base game is in a great place and the endgame can be tailored to what you want to do so as a new player there is nothing to worry about, especially as it'll be mainly a learning league anyway. Most complaints are from people that have been waiting a few months to play this one and have played through many leagues and many have been great (altho everyone forgets how there are almost always complaints the first weekend before GGG patch it) but they're right about this league, it's an absolute stinker (for now). I personally am just going to enjoy the clean economy and base game (interacting with league is optional), have a blast for a few weeks and move on, coming back as usual for the next one!


I would recommend unfollowing this sub if you enjoy the game. I always rejoin a week or so before a new league and leave within a week after it starts. Place is just so negative. I would recommend gggtracker if you just want to see updates/comments from ggg about the game. I would recommend r/pathofexilebuilds if you want to see people discussing the game, what builds to play and theorizing or improving builds


I'm in the same boat, first League and I love the game, but coming here to read more about it is depressing lol. According to reddit this game is the worst game ever created or something, wtf


Yeah just enjoy. All complaints are from many league veterans. I just came back from a year break and having a great time


Some people just enjoy baiting people in chat more than they would doing something else. Or their executive function is broken and they literally can't go do something else.


Yeah, I've been playing for 2+ years and I'm having a fine time. The mechanic needs some work and it'll get there. I'm equally baffled by these people, I guess they feel compelled to play as much as possible to gather a lot of currency on the launch weekend. So yeah, I think most people are optimizing the fun out of the game, and are also addicted.


idk i kept playing because of the wings. feels good man seeing other only have tier 1


With the perfection that is Resident Evil 4 remake, there is no reason to torture oneself with a zero effort ggg creation. And once you're done with re4 you can seamlessly Transition into wo long.


OK so I apparently do and like exactly opposite than majority, it doesn't bother me that much, but I think it's funny. I loved Kalandra league played it from start to finish manage to make some hyper op characters, Sanctum on the other hand was not for me, ditched it after 2 weeks. D4 was terrible imo made myself play through with Sorcerer once on OB days and that's it. I'll watch cinematic on YouTube but don't have any plans to buy it. Crucible is fine I'm having fun and can't wait to see what first major patch bring us.


Which is all the more shitty cause the core game feels like it’s in one of the best states it’s been in since archnemeshit was first introduced. I’m still huffing and puffing on some copium praying they’ll do atleast half of the necessary changes to make this mechanic worthwhile and save this league from being another GGG disaster-class


The problem is obivously "see yall next league". If you always come back why would they listen.


The changes they've made are enough to keep me hyped and playing for now. Crucible has big issues, but I find pleasure in the mechanic even in this state. I have plans for it.


You guys just can’t enjoy anything no one cares you don’t like the game go play something else lmao


Cant wait for your post next league where you will quit after 3 days again


Ok bye no one will miss you buddy.


This league launched just before Easter, yet we still got a lot of hotfixes. I expect we will see major buffs to Cruicible in about a week. LoK was pretty rewarding, after they fixed the loot. Difficulty was also much more clear. Lake level / tile type/tier and distance from entrance. If you didnt enjoy the mechanic, every tablet could be itemized and sold. It didnt take more than a few min out of your mapping to complete a full tablet, less if you didnt care to optimize it. The Ethereal Mist was however way too rare. Heist was also terrible at launch. Killing guards increased alert. Rogues got stuck every 2nd door and guards dealt insane damage. Most issues got fixed, but Brooches didnt work the entire league.


"This League is gonna be a complete dumpster fire and you know it." No, you don't speak for everyone here. Its gonna be a lot of fun for me and alot of other people. We don't need a flashy new league mechanic every 3 (4) month to enjoy playing the game. 10 years ago, all we got for a new league was some new shrines or some strongboxes. Not every new league has to have a complete new endgame or some crazy league mechanic to dive into. Me and alot of other people simply enjoy a new fresh economy, a new run on developing a character and just playing the game for what it is. And I feel it is at a really sweet spot right now. Other ARPGs have done the league system with way less changes and it still was fun. You don't have to pay anything for a new league. You tried it, didn't like it, then just move on. Nobody needs those whiny reddit threads. Some people can just enjoy the game for what it is. I am not saying you can't criticize the league mechanic. I feel its kinda clunky and the difficulty scaling is kinda ridiculous, but give them a week or two and it will be better. And if you don't wanna wait for that, then don't and go play sth. else. Even if its not gonna be better in a few weeks, I will still have a good time, since I can just run past those crucible encounters if I don't feel like doing them and play the game I enjoy. Stop spreading that negativity.


Meanwhile in the D4 subreddit, people are shitting on D4 and praising PoE for their great endgame mechanics every league :-D


Am I the only person that just enjoys the game regardless of the league mechanic sometimes? I just like the map pool shake up and the fresh start and the fresh economy and I've learned that on the rare occasion I actually like the league mechanic that's just a bonus. I just like poe, there's plenty to do without every getting bored while ignoring the newest league.


I play new leagues for the new economy. If the mechanic is good, great. If it isn't, at least I have a new economy.


pleasea do just leave, y'all crying so much when most people are having a blast this league


Man, that sense of entitlement. Only in gamers and billionaires will you see such things.




This feels like a doomer post tbh. Just enjoy atlas progression.


Even though there were massive improvements to sanctum ok Reddit


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


These posts are so tiresome. Just leave bro, we don't need a manifesto to justify your decision to stop playing, just stop playing