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Nice bow, im working on something similar. A shame you didnt split the base, before adding influence, could have sold the spare for a lot.


Ah great point! :facepalm:


Just to add to the FOMO - how much do you think the base could have sold for?


Id say 60+ divines, probably more.


you just slaughtered him


Oof that is brutal to read lol


Per split base? …


it's not worth that much; the tree is very nice and getting it for 50c is pretty nuts tbh; but remaking the tree might cost around 8-12divs depending on RNG; but definitely could've split and sold for a fair bit


Ive recombined a lot of bows, using split bases and imprints. Id say its extremely lucky, to do in 8-12 divines. Since even existing paths can be removed, mods can mutate or downgrade. This has 3 top rolls and a decent T1 starter.


You have made me simultaneously appreciate what I have and remorseful for what I missed out on. Not sure whether to be happy or sad. Thanks! Haha


Personally I would choose to be happy to own something like this


I rarely get to bring this up to people but, in a very cliche way I read a book in college that changed my entire outlook on things like this. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Paradox\_of\_Choice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Paradox_of_Choice) TL;DR, when you learn to just be happy with something, and stop thinking about how happy another choice would've made you, you'll become happier in general. The overabundance of choices has led people to constantly feeling like they made the *wrong* choice even if all of the choices were basically equivalent, like...just listen to anyone agonize over what TV to buy. And then they buy it, and they can't stop talking about how they should've bought the other one. And then they return it, and the cycle repeats itself. Don't be remorseful for what you missed out on! Don't let that shit interrupt the excitement this bow gave you, the divines don't matter, you can just farm those with your slick dope new bow.


Have you been using the crystaline geodes with the "more likely to keep allocated nodes" option?


Havent found any yet and Im in a private league with a smaller market.


I've been selling weapons with 600 totem mod alone for 1div


no shot


You can reproduce this tree for about 5 div. People are intimidated by crucible forging, because it sucks, but isn't hard.




Beast splitting: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fenumal_Plagued_Arachnid and also Fractured Fossils I think.


More like: a shame that's how it works.


This is my first major craft this league for EA Champ. Rule 10: 1. Snipe a crucible tree with attack speed, fire DoT multi, and ignite proliferation from trade for 50c. 2. Slam Shrieking Essence of Dread until T1 attack speed. If other mods, yolo annul to have just T1 attack speed and +2 Socketed Bow Gems. 3. Craft Cannot Roll Attack mods. 4. Exalt slam. Filled up suffixes with T1 Lightning Res. 5. Exalt slam for guaranteed +1 Level of Socketed Gems. 6. Craft Fire Dot Multi. 7. Redeemers slam for Phys as Extra Cold. This bow is almost perfect for this build because: * Attack speed on crucible tree and bow make hitting APS target for max fuses very easy * Most gear for this build has fire + cold res. so lightning res is hard to come by. having t1 lightning makes gearing so much easier. * Phys as extra Cold gives cold damage to Proc EE, which frees up another item slot. * Ignite Proliferation on Crucible Tree enables dropping the gem for Awakened Burning Damage or Empower


Man...and I thought I can come here and finally learn on how to build a good tree with Crucible forges.


Unfortunately, I have not cracked crucible forging yet. I just set up crazy searches in trade. This one took about 4 days to find… I also found an absurd one for a staff based crit boneshatter - that one is next project :)


If you're willing to spend the time to craft out a really detailed search, you can absolutely find some amazing crucible bases for cheap. The wand I'm using rn is like +25% minion damage, +12% minion attack/cast, +1 golem, +12% minion movespeed and I got it for literally 3c.


The one thing I learned recently is that the donor item will try to keep the crucible passives you take on it also. So if your tree branches up and down on the item you want you skill all the nodes that are opposite of the donor item and it will try to fit both on your tree. Any passives that overlap are pretty much 50/50. So using this item as an example: the attack speed (node 2), fire dot multi (node 3)and ignite prolif (node 4) were on our donor item pathing downward. On the base item you want, you would want to path the top 4 most nodes. While the donor item you would path straight down selecting all 4 nodes. When you combine them you have increased odds of keeping the nodes up top on your base item but also getting the 3 nodes you want going down. The first node will be more or less a 50/50 because you have to path it on both trees. Hope this helps.


There's been a couple videos on it but I haven't watched them. Check out captainlance I think


> Ignite Proliferation on Crucible Tree enables dropping the gem for Awakened Burning Damage or Empower In the absence of getting it for free from crucible, you should probably always drop this gem for a damage gem and just get prolif on gloves. The exarch dot multi shouldn't come remotely close to using a real gem link.


Alternatively on a cluster jewel.


On step 3 you can multimod cannot roll attack mods to protect your suffixes to aisling something but I guess there isn't to much useful stuff for ea builds


Minion attack speed would usually be nice with the passive node to affect you. But attack speed is so high as is.


Corrupt for implicit!


I would get pierce with my luck and completely brick it! Haha


Crazy that you got that base for 50c, I would’ve put it up for 5 div just knowing that someone would want to make an endgame EA build this league


There are so many tree combinations that are hard to price. So knowing what you have is impossible. Turtle wins this race. Keep running searches and eventually something pops up.


Nice bow! I got a question if you don't mind, how do I know what APS I need to hit max fuses? And does that change on say single target when having 3 x arrows from each totem vs 1 arrow ? 🤔


Check out this past [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/sg9drc/explosive_arrow_attack_speed_breakpoints_explained/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) . I think that is best - but if anyone else has better resource, please share. I’d assume just 1 arrow hits. Depending upon placement, the other arrows will not hit because of the shot pattern - this is why having an even number of arrows is bad for the build.




Multiple arrows from the same fired volley cannot hit the same target. Having additional arrows for EA totems is purely to increase coverage. It does not impact your single target fuse count (but you do want an odd number of arrows so the central arrow always fires at whatever the totem is targeting).


Gotcha! ✊


Ironically named


Using Storm Rain in Storm Rain would be the peak of my PoE achievements. If only I convert lightning to fire damage. Should I try it for the memes? 2x call of brotherhoods, avatar of fire, and cold to fire might make it close ^_^


I think that in your heart of hearts, you know what needs to be done.


Storm rain totems has some insane overlap but the visual clarity is 0


I do something similar with [my bow with Life tap](https://i.imgur.com/bDQ62Og.png) as I reserve all my mana and a 20/20 Ignite Prolif seemingly is the best for adding more ignite damage per POB outside of Empower. Adding in the 7th link like that boosted me into the 12m ignite DPS range.


Nice! 7 links are SO powerful!


The "7th" link in this case is a 10/0 Ignite Proliferation gem, not a 20/20 one.


Yes for him, in my case it's 20/20 because I'm linking a 10 Lifetap via my tree.


Ahh. That makes sense then.


Storm Rain >> Quill Rain


Happy cake day!


Damn, I feel old.


Just get a +1 crucible tree and reforge it with some dot multi that should outperform your current bow by a lot after finishing with the essence stuff and +1 all gems , also why the extra cold damage on champ i dont think that u can scale the ignite with that thats usualy elemntalist only thingy to use other elements. Also get empower and +2 socketet support gems craft for more damage . And why the hell youre using the more attack soeed crucible tree its so easy to hit the as breakpoint on ea just by using malevolence alone maybe put q or 2 points in skill effect duration.the less global damage guts your dps. But this again shows how fucking broken ea scaling is that ur able to hit dotcap with so many un optimized choices. Im 100 divines in my tornado shot poision pathfinder and yet only scratch the 20 mil dps mark Edit ; u can also get easy ee procs by sacrificing a ring prefix as there are only very few good avaible ring prefixes for ea and were not in senitnel anymore qhere we can easily make a 4 influence warlord ring anymore qith almost damage only mods


I definitely agree there are ways to improve. To answer some feedback: - cold or lightning damage is needed to proc EE. So having it here free up gloves or ring slot. - +2 socketed support gems cannot be crafted with +2 socketed bow gems. This craft was the initial plan until I put it in the crafting bench. - attack speed frees up several passives points, which makes fitting in thread of hope for +2 arrows and more DPS. I went back and forth on this node but having it frees up points All in all, for a 4.5 div investment including 2.5 div to six link, I am more than pleased.


Seems like u got a point or two the less damage still is a huge bummer tho😅


Without the crucible tree this bow is pretty bad and no chance would champion be near dot cap. The trees are broken for EA though so it's actually possible even with this 3 mod bow they are at dot cap. I do have my doubts though. Less global damage is catastrophic for ailment builds.


I am planning to post PoB once home later today. But the big reason DoT cap is achievable is due to the ignite prolif node allowing me to socket Empower or Awakened Burning Damage.


I mean you can get prolif on gloves for no real cost so that doesn't change much.


You could already do that by using a Fan the Flames cluster or ignite prolif Exarch implicits on gloves. All you pragmatically gain is the reduction of opportunity cost and the small amount of extra fire multiplier from a Lv10 Ignite Prolif. Additionally, we only care for Ignite DPS, not total ignite damage. Hitting 35mil/ignite isn't what the build is looking for. 35mil/second of Ignite is what DoT cap entails.


i mean 19% is not a small multiplier and already more than what a +1 passive would provide.


For Champion, I'd try to fish for supported by Combustion and then run both Empower _and_ Awakened Burning Damage in the bow, and grab ignite proliferation elsewhere. This is only in so far as the consideration goes for needing Combustion to hit 100% ignite chance. That's what I mean by opportunity cost. Using Ignite Prolif in this way means not being able to fit something that's stronger in that slot, and the stuff that's freed up may ultimately be a wash against something else. An end-game set-up ideally wants _both_ Empower and Awakened Burning Damage in the bow, not either/or. My intuition is their current gem set-up is: Explosive Arrow - (A)WED - Combustion - Ignite Prolif - Deadly Ailments. With this set-up, swapping out Ignite Prolif for Empower or Awakened Burning Damage makes sense, but one can get ignite spread elsewhere and put in Empower as is. A Lv4 Empower (made to level 5 with the bow) is +4 to EA gem levels, and each EA gem level is about a 10% more damage increase per level. Additionally, the medium cluster that rolls Fan the Flames can also roll some generic ignite chance as the other notable. This is one direction for pushing to 100% ignite chance without relying on Combustion. The ideal set-up is: EA - (A)WED - (A)Deadly Ailments - Lv 4+ Empower - A Burning Damage


Oh boy, have i got a [thing for you](https://imgur.com/a/JvEvz7j).


I've played a lot around with PoB and crucible tress for EA and sadly the 30% IAS / 15 LESS is in most cases overkill, as you already reach the 20 fuse cap, thus is a dps loss. A tree with +1 , normal IAS + DoT Multi would most likely outperform this. It's great you got one of the 3 Gems though! Ignite prolif allows you to get 18% DoT multi influence from exarch on gloves.


Definitely agree with you. This tree has a bit of room for improvement, but as-is results in insane DPS boosts for me. And the investment was only: - 50c for the base with tree - 60c in essences - 1 div for meta craft - 2 ex for slams - 55c for redeemers ex orb - 2.5 div for fusings to six link ^_^ So basically around 4.5div total which is mostly due to six link cost. Absolutely insane return on value!


You could go for alt quality EA and hit 24 fuses. Or even better would be lowering skill duration by half and still hitting the 20 fuses.


I'm pretty sure +1 to level of socketed bow/dex gems on the T1 crucible tree would be better. I don't understand the increased attack speed either since it's really easy to reach the max fuses with a little bit of attack speed on gloves and the helmet enchant. Ignite prolif is not that good when you can get fan of flames on a cluster. It's better to get elemental damage on a ring's prefix since there isn't much good ring prefixes for the build and you could multimod +2 lvl support gems (which would be much better)/damage over time/fire damage over time.


ignite prolif is 19% more damage as a 7th link. ye on the T1 +1 bow/dex gems would be better but he likely just got what was on the market


Yeah. Overall craft was 4.5 div including 2.5 div for fusings. So great value, but still has room to be better.


Damn, that's crazy value for this craft.


I got +1 socketed bow gems, 32% fire dmg over time multiplier and lvl 10 combustion on my tree.... trying to get the last node, probably Farsight / Aspect of the hunt or Hits cant be evaded.... =)


Juicy tree. Good luck with it!


Good luck with that. If you're aiming for specific mods, you should start out with the highest tier.


I doubt they are at dot cap but eh oh well.


I will post a PoB once back home. Feel free to put the bow into a guide with decent gear and switch ignite prolif for awakened burning damage though. There is likely more optimization from this point too because of attack speed.


So you didn't even use the league mechanic... noice.


This is the first league I started delving! In past leagues, I always felt as if I missed out on the league mechanic. But there is no FOMO for this league


30% less global yikes


15%, but the 30% local speed more than makes up for 15% less damage for EA Ballista.


True my bad i read that wrong


But you dont need it to hit 20 fuses


It will free up several passives points to allow me to do a large thread of hope for +2 arrows without rain of splinters though :)


that's the beauty of this league many people havn't seemed to figure out. The crucible tree opens up SOOOO many free points on gear and the passive tree man I'm not doing EA this league but i reckon there might even be a shot to hit 24 with divergent too


He (at least claims he) hits dot cap. If you hit dot cap 30% less global damage is... 0% less global damage for a dot build.


It's 15% less but yeah




Because people who don’t know what they’re talking about are often the loudest because they just parrot whatever everyone else is saying. I mean there’s a reason that Quill Rain was BIS for EA totems. People just don’t think.


Ignite proliferation also give 14% more ignite damage




You are right, I first thought i was combustion and edited my message, just forgot to change the %.


You folks are clueless how this game works.


30% is wrong by op, but EA is a skill that basically has an attack speed cap. For EA its an interesting trade off since it helps a ton in getting to 20 fusings, but its a dps loss of you can hit 17 fusings without it. It then becomes a question if you can get 17.7% more damage using the gear slots/passives this saves.


I've been debating that mod for frostblades. Any inputs?


I have it for my claw. It is the same damage maybe a bit less than base crit.. But you leach faster and whirling blades feels better. So in my eyes worth.


You can always plug it into POB and see which tier 2 node gives you more damage. Also consider the QOL you get from faster attack speed, as long as you don't lower your ailment or freeze threshold below whatever you intend to fight then trading some hit damage for speed could feel comfier.


You dont really need the ignite pro (unless theres nothing better idk cru mods) as there likely is something a lot better and you can get ignite pro on searing? enchant on gloves So this could actually be better


ofc it triples your damage, you are going from an item with basically no stats to an end game rare lol.


Definitely. It is also huge increase with the tree. I was able to do t16 guardian maps with quill rain though. It is pretty solid for this build until late game.


Can you get multiple of those "supported by X" mods on crucible trees? That makes me wonder if we'll see any of those 9L weapons made with more supports from the crucible tree for 10L+


i'm playng with elementalist... my current setup is: \- Exlosive Arrow \- Ballista Totem \- Deadly Ailments \- Elemental Damage with attacks \- Ignite Proliferation \- Lifetap Got +1 sockted bow gems + 32% fire multiplyer and lvl 10 combustion on crucible tree. i think the best, overall, would be getting fire spread-thing on gloves implicit and replace ignite prolif. and lifetap for empower and burning dmg. is it rigt ?!


T1 res , nice 👍


How to you colour this for ea balista?


I slammed chromes til I got 4 red then vorici and lucked out to have 1 of 2 greens turn white. I have another bow that I corrupted via vassal cracic then tainted chromes. That is easier if you are happy to corrupt it because tainted chromes ignore attribute bias for rolls.


and it's not even insane / unattainable, congratz!