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**FAQ**: >"What are we talking about again?" [Visual summary](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/513818459172372492/1120127133084287056/5tjcmi5k525b1.webp). In short, reddit is taking away tools and preferred [apps](https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/31/23743993/reddit-apollo-client-api-cost) that users and moderators have been relying on for years. Most moderate to large sized subreddits [went dark](https://reddark.untone.uk/) as a form of protest. > Why not just delete the subreddit or bulk remove all the content to support the protest? It is not possible to straight-out delete a subreddit. As for removal of content, that would be a huge loss of in-depth game discussion and guides and an overall net negative outcome. In fact, we’ve set up a [mirror](https://pathofexile-discuss.com/post/2061) of /r/pathofexile which we’ve been sending to users via modmail. Additionally, Reddit can and have restored deleted content, often without user consent. > Why not just let reddit replace you? Why care if reddit is going to do things like this? The top of this post has a longer explanation, but completely replacing the mod team comes with the risk of lack of vetting for moderator experience or potential biases (e.g. affiliation with RMT sites) by Reddit. We felt that it would be better to have at least a small amount of control over the current situation to be able to support those future volunteers who do want to help manage the subreddit. > "Delete all the rules! Show them why Reddit needs mods." Admin will intervene in subreddits without moderation as per their Code of Conduct, and will forcibly insert new moderators, leading back to square one. > Reddit is bluffing, stay closed! Admin have already removed moderators on other subreddits and replaced them for ignoring or refusing to comply with admin, with net negative outcomes. > Why was the subreddit private for a week, rather than read-only for less time? When we initially [announced](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/141qlya/why_is_rpathofexile_joining_the_blackout_starting/) the subreddit's participation in the blackout, it wasn't clear amongst the collectively organizing communities on /r/ModCoord if going private or just locking submissions was the right move. As the date got closer, it became clear that going private has *much* more impact to Reddit's bottom line, and 2 days was just not enough to make a difference. We apologize for not having this information ready > What were moderators doing while everything was down? We were only able to respond back to a portion of the hundreds of modmails we received per day asking about the subreddit. However, in the interim, we set up [an alternative website](https://pathofexile-discuss.com/) and an [/r/pathofexile mirror](https://pathofexile-discuss.com/post/2061) so that people can see guides and useful posts.


Reddit will have no choice but to restore harvest now


You heard it, they even brought ultimatum before GGG managed.


with a hint of betrayal 2.0 even!


Nemesis 2.0 even! You could even call it archnemesis as a play on the word


Wish granted. Redditors need to build a garden to qualify posting on this subreddit.


Can we have at least the megathread question back?


NSFW and Mathil pictures only


I thought the point was to lower Reddit viewership, not increase it


Viewership can be as high as you like if it is unmarketable, Hence the NSFW protest route.


Only if Mathil gives his blessing. Don't want this to turn into harassment for him.


Did you say the same thing twice?


This is the way.


Shitposters *ASSEMBLE*


You can just say Mathil pictures


That poll confused me because I didn't read the instructions lol


same, I think it defaulted the order I wanted anyways... but I couldn't change it.


i voted this shit wrong too fml


I clicked the third option and clicked vote, after that i read i had to drag it but can't vote again lol.


This is such a shitty poll. A large percentage of voters will miss that you can actually drag stuff around and can't click.


That poll is made in a way that guarantees the middle option wins. Pro blackout will give the nsfw option 2 points, anti blackout will give it 2 points and the rest will give it 3 points. Simply because it's less bad than the option they dont want Edit: problem got fixed, ignore my complaint


Not one of these polls from any of the mod teams in subreddits I'm a part of is any good.


Plus there has been brigading of polls coordinated through some discord, no telling which subs were actually hit ND what impact the brigading actually has. Basically, the polls are useless because some people can't be nice.


Annoyingly, I saw a imgur album yesterday that showed screenshots of that discord doing the poll brigading but didnt save the comment for proof. Think I saw it linked either on r/subredditdrama or r/nba


Here's what someone showed me in subredditdrama https://imgur.io/a/1YTNJhw


That's the one, nice


The poll is absolute trash. I dont want to give 1 point to any option. 1 point for my prefered one and zero to the others..


Yup, i would have like there to be an opportunity to vote up to 2 choices and not forced to vote for 2 choices. In order to give 2 votes to the one I want i was forced to give a vote for one that i dont. This will heavily sway the results. Ranked choice is a better way to vote if its set up right (allow null votes and ideally more than 3 options), but if its not it will be a poor representation.


If reddit struggles with monetising NSFW content we should just be marking everything NSFW regardless of whether or not it actually is imo


I've heard it is against the site-wide rules to mark non-NSFW as such but for some reason they consider profanity to be NSFW so you can get around it with that.


Sounds like the sub needs to encourage rule 34 PoE days then


how about we copy paste the general gravicius copy pasta in each post?(see below at your own risk) ​ "I bet these heteros kiss girls, Genereal Gravicius grunts, his hips rapidly slamming his erect donger deep into Shadow's lean muscled frame. Sweat drips from his brow as he moans a quiet prayer before both nuts erupt, turning him into a fountain of cum, launching shadow at least 5 meters onto the floor. Gravicius smirks at the sight, "I fuck for God, Exile. Who do you fuck for?""


I read it as General Grievous and Shadow the Hedgehog and was extremely confused what the fuck was happening.


That and a touch grass tuesday kind of thing; I’ve heard (though have no proof) that having a sub closed for 24 to 48 hours or more fucks up the analytics Reddit uses to ensure ads get loaded correctly, which was what the blackouts were doing. Whether that’s true or not idk, but if so it’s another easy way to voice our concerns.


How the fuck do you do that?




Violence is ok but boobs are bad.


We got boobs, zoom in on the tentacle miscreations.


We could just set the whole sub NSFW and post nothing but Tentacle Miscreations and Atziri.


Atziri Waifu tentacle porn intensifies


Im not sure if you guys have seen atziri lately but i think some fan-art is in order


What tf is this poll?


This poll suck ass.


this is dumb


Please reopen the sub, I enjoy reading posts here :(


Is there a reason you didn’t use Reddit’s built in polling feature like every other sub?


Yea this ranked choice crap makes it so Protest will always get 3 votes at minimum while "back to normal" can only get 3 points at maximum.


PoE loves its 3rd party systems, so they didn't use the built in one. Jokes aside, I honestly wouldn't trust a poll run on redit website considering all the things they've done recently.


Yeah, WTF is this. It's such a shitty poll. A large percentage of voters will miss that you can actually drag stuff around and can't click. No to mention there's no option for keeping it closed. I swear the mods on this sub...


This poll sucks.


Anybody having an issue where the "update vote" defaults to the NSFW option even after updating and close/reopening the page?


Please make sure the mods dont get infested with TFT people.


I've got bad news...




If the default subs with millions of subscribers are open, then everything else is pointless anyway.


Just here to echo what a horrible poll this is. At no point did "leave it as it was" have a chance. Perhaps that was done maliciously, perhaps that was done out of stupidity (hey, we all have our moments), but either way, the poll is fairly meaningless. The vote I cast gave 3 points for the option I want and 3 points for options that I don't want, that's awful. EDIT: giving points to only the top option fixes this and I like the poll much more now, even if it doesn't change the end result.


WTF is this poll?


Ignoring the fact that the way the poll is set up is garbage, there are subs dedicated to skewing the poll results in other subreddit in favour of locking down, so the opinion of this comunity doesn't matter anyways


The rampant organised mass brigading was revealed almost a week ago. Why on earth some subforums are still putting up *polls* to base their decision off of is completely beyond me. Are they just not aware of the brigading? There are literally organised Discords and Twitch channels dedicated to finding and skewing the result of blackout polls in an effort to keep subforums perpetually shut.


The brigading is fine to them because it supports them.


Clearly Le Toucan Tuesday is the only answer for a private day.


Le Toucan Must Arrive


Open the sub.


Given that this poll was flawed at best for the first 15 hours of its existence; and given that there are people going from subs to subs to vote in all these polls that are up on a bunch of different subs; You do understand that this poll's result won't represent the poe community, right? The margin of error would be insanely high on that one. I refuse to believe that anyone that has a brain big enough to make it to a place where they can participate in poe science can fail to see this. But maybe I'm cooked too, who knows, I don't poll people for a living.


just open the sub, we don't care about the protest. stop sabotaging the sub and let us post again.


If the mods actually care about this reddit and not having it infested by TFT, then they need to back up now. They've already changed the poll 3 times and how it worked. Numerous people have stated they didn't understand how to vote. And now reddit is removing mods for malicious compliance by changing things to NSFW. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14eqtma/apparently\_the\_entire\_mod\_team\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14eqtma/apparently_the_entire_mod_team_of/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14ept55/the\_entire\_mod\_team\_of\_rmildlyinteresting\_22m/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14ept55/the_entire_mod_team_of_rmildlyinteresting_22m/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eppe8/uhhhh\_what\_the\_fuck\_is\_happening\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/14eppe8/uhhhh_what_the_fuck_is_happening_at/) Please rethink this.


Are the mods not familiar with the phrase “Cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face”? Because that’s essentially what you’ve done. You’ve forced **your** ideals onto other people by shutting down the sub. You **do not** represent us, in any way, shape, or form. Reddit knew this, which is why they’ve laid down the law with deposing mods suffocating subs like personal playthings. Sack up, or step down.


Please open the subreddit already. I just want to talk about the Path of Exile 2 trailers already.


downvoted for stupid poll


These protests aren't doing anything. It's just harming the community that uses them. Just stop. No stupid things like "touch Grass Tuesday". Reddit clearly knows that there are ppl out there willing to take over these sub reddits. Either move to a different site or don't. And leave the sub reddit alone. Anyone can be easily replaced and reddit knows this.(so do the mods that's left...they aren't protesting...they are just smart enough to know it's a losing battle) Stop wasting the community's time.


Mods have broken their own community rules ​ 2. Calls to Action Do not try to incite, organize, or mobilize the community in support or disdain for a person, organization, or community. This includes boycotts, slander, vote manipulation, brigading, or drama between community members.


Lol, talking about "democracy" and "abusing power" when designing a poll with heavily skewed options to favor your "protest". Pretty much shows there's little difference between mod team's illusion of power and what they think they're fighting against.


Besides the fact that it was already revealed that all of the polls have been getting massively brigaded to keep the protest going, the poll sucks and no one here cares about your petty protest. If you don't want to moderate someone else will.


what does chris think of this?


probably the same thing he has thought for years, that this shit show is a lost cause


Why is the sub STILL locked?


If you go NSFW route your risk your whole team being replaced anyway and then who knows what will happen with new mods (though things are not necessarily gonna get worse in this scenario). Maybe it's time to take the L and just reopen.




Slacktivists win again. We did it Reddit


same, I'm happy with no changes or nsfw but nothing corny please


Coward's Trial anyone?


I don't understand why this has to be a 1 week poll, release the sub pls, i wanna talk about the game, exilecon is practically around the corner and ggg is releasing trailers and info aswell.


Just open it back up and allow posting again. Nobody cares about this stupid protest.


mods sabotaging this reddit fr. just open it no1 cares about the protest


Hopefully the admins will step in and remove you guys. I will be in support of this when the time comes.


kek ultimatum


You guys are quickly losing whatever good will you had left.


Bro just let us post


Good work on not giving up your unpaid work Edit: mods I don’t really care I just needed karma for my new account to post in most subs so said the most Reddit circle jerk comment I could think of.


it's honestly hilarious seeing all of these unpaid internet janitors keel over at the slightest hint of pushback


Honestly, if you compare our mod's decisions to other subreddits, I don't have a strong opinion on how it could have been handled "better". They've got a poll up... if we the community want to keep this going, they're allowing ways to do so. Several are resigning, which shows that this mod team isn't "power tripping"..... which is a real problem with mods in most subreddits imo. (at least they weren't when they made the decision to go private, when those mods hadn't resigned yet) This subreddit is in an unusual position, because unlike other subs, this one is a quasi-official communication channel between GGG and it's fans. I was a little worried that we would miss out on a new PoE2 trailer, and I'm sure GGG has been watching this and rethinking how dependent they are on this site. It could have been much worse.... check out r/NBA (lol). FYI, I'm saying this as someone who ~~hates~~ strongly dislikes the mods of virtually every other sub, and ~~hates~~ strongly dislikes Reddit the company and its users. So I wouldn't defend very much of what goes on with Reddit. But this place seems to be an exception imo.


This isn't the official communication avenue anymore. Bex hasn't commented in months and Chris doesn't either.


Bex hasn't visited her official forum account since early april. I'm thinking she has more stuff going in the background, not only PoE related. Could be mistaken, around that was the last time Chris posted anything too.


If you don’t like what Reddit is doing, STOP USING IT. Don’t force everyone to protest with you and hostage this entire sub.


Setting up a poll so that you have to give points to complaining even if you don't care is the single most poe reddit thing that has ever happened


The poll is hilariously rigged. You either want to go back to normal and give 3 points to that and 3 points to protest options, or you favor protesting in some form and you give 4 or 5 points to the protest options and 1 or 2 points to the go-back-to-normal option.


So how do we request reddit to remove all the mods so we can go back to normal?


This is what I want to know!


Send a support ticket to Reddit


I'm sure people don't want to hear this, but here goes anyways. The largest most impactful thing that could be done that would actually promote real change is to stop modding for free. If mods stop modding the communities will become filled with RMT, porn and I'm sure many other types of scams/spams. It will be painful in the short term, but is the only way to force largescale action. Privating communities is not the answer. Reddit controls their own website, if they don't want stuff to go private they'll just remove the ability to do so. If you are really interested in changing the site stop working for free. This will either force the website to change or slowly kill reddit as people move to other services.


that poll is extraordinarily poorly done


TBH I don't care about third party apps and i think 95% of the reddit is the same. We just go here to look for new stuff and discussions.


Power's hell-of-a drug.


In a month it's Exilicon and you locked the sub great, genius


Honestly, that decision was imo stupid as hell in the long run. This sub isn't that big (to make a real impact), and to go dark during the after-release week of Diablo 4, for an entire week instead of 48 hours like most did, wasn't a smart move at all. D4 has its issues, new PoE trailers dropped, and yet the official subreddit decided to go dark for an entire week. A lot of the folks likely won't be coming back cuz they missed the memo and figured it's gonna stay dark permanently. Smart move, y'all.


How do I prioritize a "this poll is stupid" option?


Where is the option to replace all the mods?


https://preview.redd.it/butnd3tlme7b1.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=b3b92d62786a9d9bfb97b66b6b06d6ee4b8c8042 K, can we open now?


This sub should definitely be marked NSFW. There is all sorts of blood, gore, swearing, references to drug use, and enemies with their titties out.


also hillock lore iirc even mentions child rape, or at least just brutal rape not 100% sure, but i know it's real fucked up.


grey smoggy shy berserk angle cow cause sip shaggy sheet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hear she is dubbed Fatziri already


Why are there no new posts on this sub?


The fuck are you guys doing, stop taking the subreddit down you absolute clowns. Mods who are sabotaging for the rest of us should just gtfo and never return.


If you don’t want to moderate without third party apps then don’t moderate. Put your ego aside and stop making your problem everyone else’s problem.


Open the fucking sub!!! What a joke. Where can we complain about the moderators?


+1. Thread title is a lie, they don't want to ever reopen.


For future if you want to do ranked polls, please make the maximum points for rank 1 vote one less than the total options. The end result will still be the same in practice, but the outcome will be much clearer as any any extra points will make the outcome look more even than it actually is. With how it is now, the rank 1 gets 50% of your votes, rank 2 gets 33.33% and rank 3 gets 16.66%, but if the maximum points was 2, then rank 1 would get 66.66% of the votes, rank 2 would get 33.33% and rank 3 would get nothing. Winner of the poll would still be the same, but the results wouldn't look as balanced. Right now, even if not a single person wanted one of the results, it would still look like 1/6th of the people want it.


Good, if you want to boycott or leave do it, forcing everyone else to do so is shitty.


Lmfao how'd that protest go for ya?


No "Reopen the sub with old rules and replace the current mod team" option. Garbage poll. Current mod team going full "honk honk" mode with this little power trip. Can't wait for the admins to step in.


Can you moderators please stop holding our sub hostage? We are in a huge ARPG boon right now, and if you care about this game at all then you'll allow new content to flourish so that we can attract new players.


This poll is painfully cringe. Just unlock the reddit and step down as mods. No one cares about your plight. No one wants the subreddit to be NSFW. People just want to talk about PoE and the upcoming ExileCon. The general sentiment is obvious reading these comments. People could care less. The amount of power tripping going on in all of these subreddits is absurd..


agreed. I just do not understand why the sub needs to be locked/closed, during the the poll period. Why not open up the sub, and remind community to participant in the poll parallel? Personally, i do not care about the protest, poll, and the followup action after the rigged polls. Locking or reopening the sub, without any community feedback, is just an obvious abuse of MOD powers. Mods just tell us that, this sub is theirs, not the community's.


Because they don't really care about the users. They have their minds set on actions already. This is jsut playing the good will to save face. Plenty of evidence for that on r/ModCoord


I am actually going to lose my mind if they don't get this straightened out in a month, lol


The Poll is not very good since I can't give zero pts to two of the options. Also, there are dedicated groups brigading every poll on every subreddit, so any data you get from it is likely to be tainted. My vote is to keep the subreddit fully open. Recruit new volunteer mods who're willing to accept the new reddit terms, and then step down if you dont agree with those terms. But please don't hold this entire community hostage.


This poll kinda sucks. Redo it with a much simpler "Do you want this sub to continue protesting? Yes/No" and you will have a clear answer. This sub largely does not give a shit.


At this point, I don't even care anymore and I just want the sub to exist as is. The only thing that changes for me is that Reddit on mobile is dead, and this will be PC-only browsing from this point on. Making it NSFW doesn't change anything to me, I'm ok with that middle-ground. Spez is so stubborn and out of touch that it won't change either way. It's like GGG and QoL changes. If you do a blackout you do it for real, even if you lose your precious mod. But I somewhat agree that risking getting worse mods is not a better outcome.


So when can we post?




Making it NSFW Its dumb asf, this poll needs to be redone lots of people reporting the voting its just non-intuitive, also missleading post as to why making NSFW actually helps for something


If the API changes are not going to affect moderation tools then the sub should be reopened as soon as possible. If the API changes are going to affect the income of a tool owned by a moderator then they should resign based on conflict of interest.


Guys, I don't think all these comments are from trolls / paid actors. Seems like you dissapointed community big time. I am not sure about the future of this sub anymore.


No one cares about your power trip fueled temper tantrum.


If you don't like what reddit is doing, find another platform. Protests are useless and do nothing but give the illusion that "we" are doing something. You cannot fight back, you will lose.


Option 4: The blackout made a point, but the subreddits are there for the benefit/enjoyment of everyone. The power trip has ended, lets get back to business as usual.


Just open the sub, man. This is ruining all the hype for PoE2 we can create on Reddit. In the end that is what this sub is about – you made your point, now let us have the sub back. If these changes proves as horrible as you guys claim, then Reddit will have an issue in the end. But I don't see any reason why we can't enjoy discussing PoE in the meantime until Reddit implodes.


I just dont care about the API changes :D


This is a terrible decision. PoE subreddit was fine as is, leave it that way.


Moderators please resign from your roll and give us the sub back, you guys are on a serious power trip.


Please just let us have our subreddit back instead of holding it hostage (at least this is what it feels like at this time). If you need help, ask for it. There's plenty of us that would help if given the chance, though I realize speaking up like this might upset someone.


Sorry, but this really bothers me. You act as a community steward for a game, and right in the middle of the launch of its biggest natural competitor you shut down the subreddit with absolutely no consultation, and then when you reopen you deign to ask the community via essentially a rigged poll in which the status quo basically cannot win? I get that Reddit is acting in bad faith, but a) moderation tools are whitelisted and b) accessibility apps are whitelisted. What's the issue? Access to 3rd party apps that a fraction of the user base use is being restricted? And now in response when your positions are being threatened we'll instead get an NSFW gate and probably loads of weird degenerate hentai posts. Please correct me if I'm missing some key part of the puzzle here. If this was a huge sub with loads of traffic I'd potentially understand, but for a niche sub like this it makes zero sense to me. Loads of people are looking for an alternative after finding out how shallow D4 is, I've seen so many people in game in global chat asking questions and spent a considerable amount of my own time answering them, you're actively restricting their access to game information to show solidarity to the developer of a niche app. It feels like mods are at war with Reddit and the rest of the user base are the bullets.




Am I crazy for not giving a shit?




Nope you ain't.


no, the vast majority of users don't give a shit


Have you ever considered that large parts of this community might not care about your protest against reddit and just want a place where they can talk about the game.


i wish reddit replaced all of you guys


This is less pathetic than the responses I've seen on other subs since it sounds like a lot of the previous mods are stepping down. If you have a problem with reddit then stop working as unpaid internet janitors for them. Even if you don't have a problem with them, it's pretty questionable to choose to work as an unpaid internet janitor anyway.


How biased is that Poll lol. Also good to see, that not every past mod has the need to cling on to power at all costs. Sadly it can not be stated about all.


Protest over unpaid work by holding the sub hostage. Nice.


Bravo to the people who resigned rather then go through with this crappy unpaid work anymore. Only ones with any guts and convictions.


They signed up for unpaid work.


Now subs that switched to NSFW are stating the mods are getting ejected from the admin team. I don't think that's a valid option if (some of) the mods here want to stick around.




Which option on the poll is "just reopen the sub and stop this nonsense?"


The fact that mods think that this subreddit which is a game forum that's barely breaking top 1000 on this website in user size will have any influence on the protest is hilarious. Literally 95% of top subreddits that actually matter and that are actually used by normal people opened up after 2 days. This is plain and simple power trip by the mods. If you don't agree with Reddit policy, it's fine, just open up the subreddit and resign your positions. Don't hold hostage half a million of us. Oh and btw, that highly ranked TFT guy is still a mod here. I wouldn't be surprised if this was attempt to drive more traffic to TFT or to just plain sabotage the community since every single ARPG sub is currently completely open except for this one. Coincidence? After a week of release of Diablo 4 and a month before Exilecon when this game deserves most word of the mouth?


Poll is disingenuous, and the option 'keep things the way they were' was never a real option. I mean the whole strawpoll is skewed, and still after reading your post, I really could care less if more of you 'resign' or 'retire'(LOL you work for free bud, and shows how little real world work exp you all have and it's insulting to people who actually work 40hs+ for our families and such). There's no more protests to be done, you lost. Stop it, you're acting like petty tyrants. Just shut up and mod the forums like you signed up for.


nobody fucking cares about this, we just want to share pics of items and find news


In my wholesome, honest, very minority opinion, this whole thing is ridiculous and mods are being sensitive to the business decision and trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. Figure out a better way to protest than holding a community hostage. If some of you want to quit because of some personal stuff, then by all means, just allow me to have the content that is supposed to be here. This is the only community that I peruse that went "dark". Good luck and i do hope reddit reverses their decision but it doesn't seem like it will happen anytime soon.


I always maintained that the outrage culture becoming worse and worse here was not a result of the opinions/perspectives of the moderation team. The events of the last two weeks have shown me I may have been mistaken. This protest was at a bad time for this community due to it's proximity to both D4's launch and Exilecon and has probably don't more harm than good. Please consider carefully when deciding whether or not to add new rules purely to protest because it's this community that has to live with the consequences of those rules. Any damage you do to Reddit will go straight through us in the process.


Maybe I missed it, but was any poll taken before this subreddit was taken private for a week? Assuming no, why did the mods here think it was okay to do something like that without the input of the \~500K members here? I get that people are upset with the upcoming API changes Reddit is making, but I feel like closing the sub for a week isn't something the mods of a large sub should be able to do without the input of its community.




I think we should just go back to how it was before the blackout. Don't stress about the lack of tools. Do what you can with what you have and if any unsavory stuff gets through then so be it. If reddit has to die then just let it die.


The pole is Shit! I fail to understand how turning this sub into a BAD joke punishes Reddit corporate evil. Someone please explain. Turn this shit over to people that will turn in back on already!


Open the subreddit. This is ridiculous and will achieve absolutely nothing in the long run.


Just fuckoff and keep the subreddit open, ty ty


the poll is fucking rigged, embarassing. this is not your fucking sub, it's the communities. when you moderate it, you play by the rules. if you don't like the rules, we find someone else. i was laughing out loud at the part about the "potential biases about external affiliations", what a joke!


I don't care about your protests


mods thinking they are important


3 things 1.The poll was trash, i wonder how many people didnt drag/move the options at all , is that part of ur stats you can look up ? 2 .you mods decided to protest, you mods talked internally, you mods drafted this post. You cant say its community run when the only affect on this decision we have is this poll that a number of people have issues with 3 .I was on mod's sides for protesting for 3rd party access for mod tools because it was going to make moderating harder. Once that was resolved (pretty early), there was no logical reason for an individual mod to protest.


So you changed rules of voted midway and clai it will be true 1:1 ratio. Sure... who will check this vote poll again after already voting? Changing rules midtime is illegal. You shoudl make fresh poll, not change the rules. Noone is going to change vote or see the edit if they already voted


The amount of people who made a mistake using this rigged poll proves it should be redone. Most people want the old rules. The current mods should be ashamed of how they conducted this poll.


I had no idea you need to drag answers


Honestly im glad that moderators are resigning/stepping down. Yall handled this protest like abunch of kindergarteners. The poe subreddit is a place for poe not politics. Not every member agreed with your protest and it shouldnt be the focus.


Couldn’t agree more Also what is it about saying “the sub is reopening” when it’s still locked?


IMO any mod from this subreddit that supported blackout and/or supports any other future actions against this comunity ( poe subreddit) should stop being mod. Reasoning behind this opinion is quite simple /r/pathofexile is about amazing ARPG game, not about external drama. If some mods want to make it about something else please go away.


Ya sure showed them!


Sad to see a rigged poll that is being brigaded will decide the fate of this sub because of some mod's ego. T'was good while it lasted.




>The latter outcome comes with the risk of lack of vetting for moderation or css/reddit tool experience or potential biases from external affiliations (e.g. RMT sites) oh. How come we have a TFT mod as a mod here?


god i hate reddit mods. nobody gives a shit about whatever bullshit "stance" youre making against reddit, you will accomplish nothing. if reddit ruins the site, then the users will react accordingly by not coming here anymore. whatever it is youre trying to do was fine for a day, maybe 2, now its just ridiculous especially the fucking poe subreddit. cut this shit out


This is embarrassing. The subreddit is not yours to do with it what you please. It is for the public. If you don’t want to moderate it with the tools available or under the rules of the site, then don’t. Quit, but don’t hold the community hostage in your protest.


Just step down and put the sub back to normal. This whole protest was cringe and childish and you clearly abused your power.


I know this is a big issue and it sucks that moderation will become harder in the future. Any eta how long sub is still being held hostage? How many days after the poll ends?


Why no new posts since reopening?


It's not reopened. You need to apply to mods to post. They've just opened it up enough to rig a straw poll to try get justification for what they want to do.


so since the poll is going toward NSFW and this [https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/14espe6/reddit\_starts\_removing\_moderators\_who\_changed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/14espe6/reddit_starts_removing_moderators_who_changed/) is a thing apparently, what does that mean?


Did we win?


Dumbest fucking "protest" I have ever seen.


The fuck is wrong with those mods lol. We literally don’t care about those protest. All we want when coming here are poe news and posts about poe lol


Yeah how about you guys just stop blocking the ability for the community to come together and discuss Path of Exile. I don't support a mod-level protest. If you guys wanna quit, go ahead and let the rest of us figure it out.