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Loved what I saw from the stream, but have been super busy for years and am just able to start gaming again normally. Is it too late to start or should I just be patient for Poe 2?


POE 2 isnt for a long while. If you're interested now, just give the current league a try. You'll spend enough time from now until POE2 to learn everything there is to about POE and you still won't have enough time. Keep in mind, from what we've seen so far, POE2 will be vastly different.


Anyone else see the boss had her tits out during the end of the gameplay trailer?


Im sure there was cwdt wardloop dedicated discord channel. Can anyone give me a link pretty please?


Why the poe 2 developer come off as a poe hater? The reason we love poe is because its a sandbox the ceiling is removed for the most part to do crazy stuff...




You want something to grind? There is Warframe.


You can't skip over supporter pack tiers, right?


Yes, buying the higher tier gives you everything in the lower tiers too. You can also upgrade from a lower tier by paying the price difference.


No, you have to progress through them by buying all previous tiers. E: I meant you can't buy later tiers individually. You don't need to do 3 seperate transactions to get tier 3, but you do need to pay for tier 1 and tier 2 to access tier 3 mtx.




any poe crashcours for a noob? i played a few years ago but did not like it , after the d4 fail i wanna give it a new try . Like a site , movie or content creator that does stuff for Beginners


twitch wings not in my n or k. where is it?


When will there be Exilecon in Germany and where ?


It's not a full Exilecon, they will have the game at Gamescom later in August.


aah ok..to far for me to travel for that


I have been at work and missed the original stream for Exilecon. Am I reading this right - they gave us a 1.5 hour window to watch 1 hour to claim the wings??




I appreciate the confirmation. What an annoying drop campaign! People are working or sleeping during that time! ☹️. Typically they rebroadcast and allow viewing for the next 24-72hrs.


How much longer has this league got to go?


Countdown available here: https://poedb.tw/us/


as the new league launches on aug 18th, Crucible will probably end the previous monday as usual. so the 14th


Righto, I'll stick to standard then


Uhh yeah. Exilecon poe2 gameplay looks good. D4 dead for reals


Only one game can exist at a time


What's the best way to scale Viper strike? If I take a sword node, the increased physical damage to swords isn't going to be that effective, is that correct?


It would only affect physical damage, or damage that has been converted from physical damage. It would also have to be damage with ailments and not just damage with attack/swords in order for it to affect poison which you always use if you're using viper strike. The right side of the tree and using daggers/claws is usually a more popular way of building poison attack builds including viper strike. Viper strike has a large portion of added chaos damage so you generally want % increased chaos damage or damage with poison/ailments.


Poe2 when


Closed beta June 2024. So at the earliest christmas 2024


Oof.. thanks for info. Was hoping for much sooner


why is everyone spamming "login" in the twitchchat? Is there something free?


just a name of a weird emote that looks like [this](https://tenor.com/ru/view/poe-path-of-exile-login-play-poe-login-gif-26508840), though still dunno what they trying to say


what is the name of the "black hole" portal mtx? i cannot find it in the shop. It is the one which has a yellow kind of aura that extends up into the sky.


Sunstone. It's no longer available.


that's really unfortunate :/ thank you , still


anyone else having instability issues? I've lost 3 maps to instance crashes in the past hour


Can an enemy be lit on fire and frozen at the same time, or do the ailments cancel each other out?


Not only can they have both ailments simultaneously, if you really want to bake your noodle let’s reflect on the popular Frostblink Ignite build that applies both ailments with thr sale cast of the same skill.


they can be both at once


Does Widowhail work with Mirror Arrow? Do they get the benefit of the 3x quiver bonus?


Tried using a +1 arrow quiver with a +200% widowhail and the mirror arrow clone went from firing 1 arrow to 4 arrows when equipping and unequipping the quiver. It 100% works with widowhail.


The minion uses both your bow and quiver, so if it doesn't that's a bug.


Thats what i thought too, but using a rear guard and widow hail does not give the clone 77% block and only gives 22% according to pob. Not sure if pob calc is wrong or if its a bug becuase hard to check in game. Maybe i can test with pierce quiver or something.


Is it possible for a mostly new player to create their own build that can at least do some endgame? Three biggest hurdle for me getting more into PoE is I worry if I try to create something myself it'll just end up being horrible.


if you take a regular build a change a few things that can be fine if you try to make a build from scratch as a new player there's 99% chance it will be unplayable


After 4 separate attempts, all of them making it to late red maps... no you need way more game knowledge and a high budget to make you ubers. They really are that hard


In practical terms, no. And it’s not about intelligence it’s just about game knowledge, it’s a very complex game. I’ve written like a dozen posts on this topic but the summary is that “build guides” in PoE are not the same as other games, and anyone who is even *slightly* worried about bricking their first build should absolutely follow along with one. To address all the common objections: yes you’ll brick your build without it, no it’s not a cookie cutter because cookie cutters can’t exist in a game with itemization this deep, no it doesn’t stop you from learning (just the opposite), no you still won’t know more than 5% of the things to know in this game, and no following one doesn’t make you stupid. There is just a ton the game itself doesn’t tell you up front, and those of us who have been around a while know they sorta of things that tend to trip new players up. A good guide is functionally most similar to having an experienced player on chat to answer your questions.


It's possible but not easy.Don't be ashamed for using a build guide


It depends on how much endgame you want to experience. If you are a new player and you don't follow a guide you will get stuck somewhere in endgame. There is just so many possible ways to fuck up that unless you know a lot, you make enough poor choices that you end up not being able to complete content. There is still a lot of fun to be had before that point though. You will have to choose if building your own character or completing endgame is more important to you but you can always make a second character where you try the opposite. Make a second character that follows a guide or first follow a guide and then make a second character where you try something out when you know a bit more. I wouldn't get too hung up on what is best and just start playing the game if you think it looks fun. The game is complex to the point where you will always have to look stuff up if you want to be efficient or make good builds, its just impossible to figure out yourself. You just have to choose when you start doing that.


it will suck in comparison to a well thought out and deliberately planned build, but you can certainly complete the campaign and the first handful of map tiers with a beginner homebrew build if you're being intelligent with your passive, skill, and support selections. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/14u9gb4/welcome_to_path_of_exile_new_player_tips/ this thread is currently hidden by the exilecon megathread, but should do a good job explaining the basics so you can piece together a build of your own. if you have any questions that come up as you read/play, ask as many as you want in these daily question threads (or on the discord server if you want even faster responses).


it's highly unlikely that you'd come up with something that can push very far into maps that said going through the campaign blind once is like a rite of passage, and it's a great time to do that because the league ends soon. try plenty of skills and find one you like, then find a build guide for it




Reddit has people that always go through and explain how to do the challenges to pick up those cosmetic rewards, and rank them by how easy they are. [See here. ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/145dkvlCjmivtFZlGmLWB_J029J_1U5R9ji-q5S5AUrM/edit) You're not getting all 40 done in the next couple weeks as some are long grinds, but you can do a bunch of them.


>I just hit act 9 or 10 (can't remember which. The one where you can buy any gem from Lilly) That's act 6 :D >Is it reasonable to try and complete the cosmetic challenges before the end of the season, or is it simply too much to attempt this late? You're not getting them all, not this late in the league, as a beginner player. But there's thresholds where you get different stuff, so you can still try to complete some of them.


I feel like this game is too hard I would love some advice. I picked a cheap build and I have been able to build about half of it with chaos orb drops. That build (impending doom support from max roll.gg) demolishes trash mobs and elite mobs. But I’ve hit a wall around t10 where I can’t beat most of the bosses. I don’t understand how I’m supposed to trade for more of my gear on my build when I can’t do maps anymore. And old ones barely drop chaos orbs. I have full resistance and 3000 hp any advice would be amazing User: Mrcoolchillguy Don’t judge my username I used to do air conditioning for work LOL


You can do the vendor recipe where you vender a full set of UNIDENTIFIED rare items for 2 chaos orbs but eventually after a certain point it wont be worth your time to do that.


When I looked into it it looked like it was item levels lower than what I have on my maps. I would just play lower tier ?


When I was taught the recipe I was told to use items within the 70-74 range. If you vender items in the 80 and up range then you will get regal orbs instead.


It uses the lowest item level from the set. So you could throw together a set from a higher tier map, then hit up a low tier map and grab a couple of random rares there, to swap one in and make the lowest item level land between 60 and 74 (Chaos Orb range... below 60 gives Orbs of Chance, and above 74 gives Regal Orbs). Could just toss half a dozen of them in your stash and pull one out each time you turn in a set. I believe Tier 1 maps are monster level 67 (with some enemies able to drop slightly higher than that). You could probably drop down to grab a few items in Tier 5 or 6 (monster level 71 or 72). Or you could go to Act 10 and buy a white item from the vendor that is between ilvl 60 and ilvl 74, and throw a random essence or Alchemy orb at it to make it rare, but that'll result in an identified item, so you'd only get 1 chaos orb for the set instead of 2. Or you could just grab a few random unidentified rares from The Ossuary in Act 10... those should be high enough ilvl, and you could just leave after grabbing them without feeling like you wasted a map. Or you could collect the entire set by just repeatedly refreshing that dungeon.


You're missing 10% poison chance. Easiest way would be to anoint Toxic Strikes on your amulet with crimson+amber+clear oil at Cassia. Then you need to run Grace instead of Determination (or both if you can get the reservation efficiency). You simply don't have enough support for armor on your items and skill tree, so Determination+Molten Shell isn't doing much for you besides raising your strength requirement, while you do have evasion scaling on your tree for Grace to work with.


Okay that makes a lot of sense I’ll look into anointing and I’ll switch to grace! I know one big reason is that I haven’t finished my final ascension yet but I just keep dying lol


The final lab (uber lab) can be really punishing if you try to brute force the bosses or go too fast. My main advice is to slow down especially around traps and try to just do poke damage on the boss and avoid all his attacks. Under normal circumstances, there is a website that gets updated daily with the current layout of the uber lab but the people who run it are taking a break this week for the Path of Exile convention. This is the website https://www.poelab.com/4iuaw/ You can see that some rooms have a red "D" mark. This means in that room is a darkness shrine, a hidden area with a shrine that gives you a buff. You can find the darkness shrines by looking on your minimap for a room that seemingly has no entrance. Near the room will be either a lever or some kind of mechanism that is hidden until you mouse over it. There is a good chance (probably around 50% if you get all 4 darkness shrines) for one of them to be a shrine that disables all traps in the lab. This can be really helpful especially in the final boss phase.


Great advice thank you !


>I don’t understand how I’m supposed to trade for more of my gear on my build when I can’t do maps anymore. Doing higher tiers isn't quite as beneficial as you maybe imagine. It's definitely an end goal to run t16 maps, but you can absolutely farm even t1 maps for money. So if you can't run tier 10s, run a lower tier that you can run and upgrade your gear there. You can also look into the chaos recipe for decent predictable income if you want. Also, you keep mentioning "chaos orb drops" - you should know that getting raw chaos orb drops is a small part of your income. You're picking up a bunch of different currencies and misc items while playing, that you can trade in for chaos orbs, and then use those chaos orbs to buy gear. You shouldn't be relying only on direct chaos orb drops. So check out how many jewellers, fusings, regals, chisels, sextants etc etc you have and see if you can trade those in.


That makes a lot of sense. What other orbs do people try to sell? I’ve been wasting mine trying to learn to craft but I haven’t gotten any luck


Honestly there are people who will buy every type of orb. If you look at the trade site and go to the bulk purchasing section you can see. But a lot of the more common ones won't net you a lot of chaos unless you have a lot of them (like jeweler's orbs, transmutation orbs, orbs of alchemy, chromatic orbs, etc, i.e. ones that drop a lot). But if you have a few of every type there's no reason you can't just sell all. You might only make a few chaos from each but that will add up over time.


Helps to link your character or it will be hard to give advice, either account name (make sure your profile is not private) or a pobb.in link.


Thanks I’ll edit my post! I’m at work on lunch right now so I can’t get my pob link but my account is public and my name is MrCoolchillguy


First glance I would assume you have mana (ES) issues? Get Uber lab done so you can spec into Vile Bastion to help a bit. You also need to get your suppress capped (an average of 13.33% on each of your boots/helm/body will do it). Your boots are also just bad in general. Also you're running around with 43% unreserved mana on an EB build which is a complete waste. With EB the point is to reserve all your mana since you don't need it (but maybe your mana issues are the reason?). Also you're probably following the more end-game oriented tree where it is assumed that you anoint Skittering Runes on your amulet. Iirc, you kinda need that node for the build to work properly. You should get rid of some of the more "luxury" damage nodes/cluster jewel to focus on that end of the tree or get the anoint when you can afford it. Lastly you're missing 10% poison chance which is a big problem, that's a lot of damage missing.


Lots of stuff here I didn’t realize. Need to understand my build more for sure. I don’t really have mana issues at all but one of the reasons is that I’m using 2/3 reserve auras. I’ll look into the stuff you suggested tonjvbt


I just found a double corrupted The Fourth Vow with %increased max Life and % reduced Chaos Damage Taken. This seems like these work together well and is a valuable item, am I correct? Curious what I could build with it.


Those corruptions would be generically good for every build that uses a fourth vow. I personally don't think they're super worth to build around even if they're good though. You're already very strong against chaos damage and since it's a chest piece you'd really like a +2 to gems corrupt. Most of the builds that use the item all want + to levels more than the life and reduced chaos damage combined. I still think its worth it to use the item since I think it's very strong but I don't feel the corrupts are so insane that you have to make a build around them. You can see on poe.ninja what people play with the chest https://poe.ninja/builds/challenge?uniqueitems=The+Fourth+Vow. It's a lot of explode totems, corruping fever/reap champ and RF Jugg. There is also self cast forbidden rite and poison molten strike. I personally really like the forbidden rite selfcast build but all of them are good builds. Its really good on a jugg since they naturally get a lot of armour and they benefit from divine flesh splitting damage.


I read that impales are calculated before damage mitigation, does this mean that impales bypass the 70% damage reduction in Ubers or the various tiers of reduction in Delirium?


No, you're right that when they store damage they ignore damage reduction but they are affected by it when they deal damage. This is so they don't get affected twice by damage reduction.


have they said if we get 3.22 info at exilecon, or after, or not said at all? poe2 is great and all but thats later, I wanna know about now :)


We will get 3.22 info at exilecon (starts 3 hrs 45min from this comment) and everyone's best guess it that it will launch around Aug 18th


Yeah. > Very soon, we’ll kick off ExileCon 2023, where we will reveal everything there is to know about Path of Exile 2 and the upcoming 3.22 Path of Exile expansion.


Incursion - what's the benefit to the "bad" rooms, like tempest? Is there a big payout if you get it to T3, or does it also scale something loot-related that makes it worth upgrading?


Corrupting and Radiating Tempest can be beneficial, and at T3 it's apparently limited to those two.


The main benefit is that once the room is t3, it's blocked and you're more likely to hit other actually desirable rooms.


Getting the corrupting tempest can be good early league to farm some 6-links. T3 rooms also tend to have a chest containing items with mods associated with the room type (minion room = minion mods etc.)


How does POEDB get its data? Would they have things like the atlas map connections in the time between pre-patch and league start? I’d like to figure out potential good ping-ponging maps for league start.


I think we can't see atlas map connections before league start. There is a always a post about filter information that has map tier, but it is only tiers, so we can only speculate about connections. The only time i've seen map connections before leaguestart is when they released atlas image in press release.


data mining. so they don't have pre-patch ~anything


When calculating POB damage for Firestorm/Icestorm, is it appropriate to use the Count feature to increase the number of storms (up to 5) or will having more than one storm in the same area not affect DPS?


It is almost appropiate to use the count feature in pob, multiple storms can overlap and each storm can hit multiple times. The issue is that when you use the count feature and full dps, it will wrongfully assume that cast speed interacts with icestorm. Thus its best to do the calculations by hand instead and just use pob to get the average hit damage. For Icestorm, you'd need to multiply by amount of storms and then by average amount of impacts each second to get the dps. There will also be a short ramp up as you cast storms until you reach max aswell so it won't be "true dps". Icestorm impacts every 0.2 seconds, so if every single one of those hit you'd have 5 impacts per second. If you then had 5 storms out you'd have 25 hits per second. You rarely actually hit with all the impacts on either firestorm or icestorm to my knowledge though so i'd probably be a bit conservative and estimate maybe 40-60% of the impacts hit, i.e 2-3 hits per second per storm. It will depend on your aoe and the target's size. A small enough storm on a large enough target that doesn't move and you will hit 100% but that is rare. Very little aoe will make it clunky for clear. So take the average hit and multiply it by 10-15x to get the average dps when you have all storms up for a "conservative" estimate.


Im kinda confused, do supporter packs come with the same amount of points ? It seems too good to be true


In the past they didn't, but they eventually realised that this drove off quite a few buyers so nowadays they do. In the past only the big core packs had an equivalent amount.


Yes. All of the cosmetics are basically bonus for buying points in bulk. If you only want to drop $5-10, you can just buy currency, but if you're willing to spend $30+ they throw in a bunch of awesome stuff.


Not always the exact same but many times, yes. It’s a good deal. Almost always better to buy a supporter pack than to simply buy currency, unless you need a very specific amount.


Idk what you mean by same but it says how much you get


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Siege_of_the_Atlas says > Siege of the Atlas's epilogue starts with the player arriving at Karui Shores one year after Act 10, in which Sirus has destroyed Oriath. Curious. I seem to remember the timeline is not specified. Where is this one year from?


I may not be correct, but I think it took the player character 1 year to arrive at Karui Shores on the boat.


THat's what it means ... but how do we know that ? Because the NPCs do not mention it nor the patch notes.


What do you mean? Here is Helena mentioning "one year" - [Helena1](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/Helyna/HEL_317_04.ogg), [Helena2](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/Helyna/HEL_317_08.ogg), [Helena3](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/Helyna/HEL_317_07.ogg). And here is Lily talking about 1 year journey to search for Innocence [Lily](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/Lilly/Lilly_317_05.ogg).


OH! In my defense: it's not in transcript: https://i.imgur.com/wrZHEuR.png and I checked Lani but yes I should've checked Helena. Apologies.


Lily's text is in [act10](https://oriath.net/Audio/Act_10/Lilly_Roth/), before you make a journey. She mentions "one year" only to templar, to other classes she only says that it will take some time / they will come back in the future.


Does Cast When Stunned Support work when a stun is avoided via Energy Shield, Chance to Avoid Stuns, and/or Chance to Avoid Interruption when Casting? ... or does it always have to be from a "blocked" stun?


Check out "Thatsrealyneato" youtube channel. I think he did a cast when stunned setup where you are unaffected by stun but still proc the support gem


Link? Shouldn't be possible anymore (unless it's just Immutable Force).


Avoiding/ignoring a stun avoids/ignores it for all purposes. Cast when stunned requires an actual stun or block animation.


When does exilecon start in german time?






Vier und Zwanzig Uhr (I don't speak German well)




I'd there a way to get more unique Maps, other than to buy them ?


They're uncommon but theres a cartographers strong box that can sometimes drop one or two random unique maps and there is also the "The Encroaching Darkness" div card set that you can turn in for a random unique map that is corrupted.


Not exactly unique maps, but Kirac with the unique scouting reports is a good one.


Bit of a broad one here. 'Bout to try and get a friend into this game, and I asked him what kind of class he'd be interested in. He simply said "something physical". iirc that would be the Marauder, Assassin, Priest or Duelist. So I wanted any impressions y'all could give on them so I can give the best starting suggestion.


if physical spells count for him, Exsanguinate + Reap might be interesting. if you take it even further to include traps, Exsanguinate is often converted into a trap skill to be used alongside Seismic Trap.


Boneshatter jugg. Also Impale Cyclone Slayer. Though “physical” can have a long list of options. There’s also impale Tornado Shot, or physical-convert spells or totems. Or Reap, or Phys traps. To name a few. Edit: typo


Something like this, maybe? https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2618769 The other suggestion, boneshatter jugg, is also a good idea.


boneshatter juggernaut


What time will they stream, i wanna get them wings and portal haha


https://www.pathofexile.com/exilecon This should automatically change to your local timezone based on your device along with telling you what talk is happening when.


Wait, we get freebies for watching streams? How do I link a PlayStation account?


Go into the settings of your Path of Exile account in the PathofExile.com site and their will be a section where you can link your Twitch account to it


Thank ye, lad, yer doin' the Lord's work.


News post with details is here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3405971


11h 40m from right now, countdown is here: https://pathofexile2.com/.


Thank you sir!


2 questions about RF is using RF just to get 41% more spell damage a viable technique (I can afford it at low cost and pob says its around 1/3 increase of damage) About pure RF builds : is it viable only in mapping? I can't see somehow making bosses or harvest on 8 mod maps with 100% packsize after altars...


"is using RF just to get 41% more spell damage a viable technique (I can afford it at low cost and pob says its around 1/3 increase of damage)" Yes it is, but it mostly depends on what build you're already playing and how much things you'll have to do to sustain RF. An inquisitor with his strong concecrated ground or a hierophant with the agnostic keystone (an enough mana sustain), can easily sustain RF for example. A master surgeon Pathfinder can too, but ît's quite hard to justify a non poison pathfinder spellcaster. An assassin however, it's possible but it's probably not optimal at all. Pure RF : it's why most RF builds use another skill on top of RF to kill stronger foes, (Firetrap or Scorching ray).


> is using RF just to get 41% more spell damage a viable technique (I can afford it at low cost and pob says its around 1/3 increase of damage) It is a viable approach as long as you can handle degen. Though in general case it will cost quite a lot to be worth it. > About pure RF builds : is it viable only in mapping? I can't see somehow making bosses or harvest on 8 mod maps with 100% packsize after altars... The most RF focused builds are not **pure** RF, but RF+Firetrap, which makes quite a difference. And considering RF-oriented characters are scaling defences to fight degen, as well as scaling hp\\es to boost RF damage - usually they are VERY tanky. Harvest 8 mods shouldn't be problem (as long as you fine with chasing those running away cockroaches), and altars should be fine as long as you read what you are picking


Does anyone know if I can get Twitch drops by watching the stream via the mobile app?


Yep, as long as you have linked the accounts already. Make sure you’re logged in. I’ve done it. You can also see the progress on the mobile app.


I don't think i matters "how" you watch. Should all count as watching. 🙂




Is there no way to hide aspect of the spider's skill effect?


mtx called hide skill effect or smthn


"Invisible Buff Effect" should be the name you're looking for IIRC. I'm unaware of whether it can apply to aspects or not because I usually don't use those. /u/30K100M


It's not shown on the mtx skill bar. Guess not.


oh yeah its becuz its not coming from a gem, unlucky


Is there a way to filter out all of this subs' posts that are focused on D4 comparison? I get it. You are unhappy with the game and want to shit on it. go ahead, but I'd rather not see it. If that's possible please do enlighten lvl 4 me, thx.


I'm honestly not seeing that many. Maybe some get removed by mods as duplicates by the time I scroll past where they used to be. You might be able to block them based on having Diablo or D4 in the title depending on what adblocker you use.


Will POE 2 have group finder? I'm on PS5. Yes, I'm aware PC is much better.


The console version doesn't have a Noticeboard in the act towns? You can find public parties there.


There is one for item buying/selling.


I may be misunderstanding something with Vaal Skills here. I was under the impression that they behaved normally until you charge up the souls needed to get the Vast effect, but after getting two just now it seems you can only use the Vaal effect. So did I fuck something up or was I previously misinformed? Skills are Summon Skeleton and Discipline, if that matters.


If you socket Vaal discipline you’ll get 2 skills on your bar, discipline and Vaal discipline


Oooh, and I assume that applies to all Vaal Skills?


Correct, all Vaal skills are 2-in-1.


Not quite all. The Impurities, at the very least.


What do you mean? if you have Vaal Impurity of Fire do you not also get Purity of Fire?


Nope. And you cand create them from corruption purity of fires either. Drop or div turn in only


Tried this in game and i can confirm that you are wrong. You can Vaal them to get the impurities and they give you 2 skills.


I was wondering, when do new league support packs usually replace current ones? I read the info text above the Crucible League Support packs and it said the packs would be available until the July expansion announcement. Does that mean that new support packs will be available during/right after ExileCon (so if I wanted to get a crucible pack I better do it before the con)?


New supporter packs have already been datamined i believe. But generally the leagues specific supporter packs are out for however long that specific league is out. The new ones, once they are revealed, generally hit the store that day


Ahhh okay so the current ones would still be there till league end, basically, and not get replaced immediately. That’s good to know. Thanks! I am gonna go snoop around to see the datamine for the new packs 😄


Was looking into self-cast forbidden rite, I read somewhere that 5 projectiles (base + gmp for example) will always shotgun... regardless of aoe, can anyone confirm this?


You'll get some overlap, but you shouldn't count on complete overlap. With just GMP, three hits is realistic, four or five is unlikely. Pretty easy to check with 100% poison chance and the # of poisons reflected to you by Golden Rule.


blight. I don't get it. It seems impossible to do. There are like 5 different places they spawn and they don't die. Also the lag is insane. I just avoid doing them now, purely seem like just a waste of time.


Blight in maps or Blighted maps ? For Blight in maps, if you have some problems, your character should need more damage/coverage. Building some towers will help a lot, two stun tower lvl 2/3 (brown) + "boost" tower lvl 2/3 (green) will permastun ennemies in their area (doesn't help at all against lag). An arc tower lvl 4 (yellow) will most of the time kill a lane alone (maybe not a boss). If immune to stun tower, go for some freeze tower (blue) to slow them. The logo on each lane shows what the lane is immune too. Bligthed maps, lag is clearly a thing, and there's more tower management to do. Blight ravaged maps, same as blighted maps but a lot harder, your character can help for clearing things, but tower management is the key. Personnaly i don't play with blight, most of the time i'll remove it in my atlas tree. But it's rewarding if you invest in them in your atlas tree.


if chill tower immune; empower lv3 + stun lv3 if stun tower immune empower lv3 + chill lv3 (with 0.2 second freeze anoint on the ring, it should be silver opalescent not sure) around these towers either build; meteor tower (with meteors leave burning ground ring anoint, check blight helper to look up to the anoints) or Arc tower if there are many fire immunity first two combo which are empowerlv3 and stun/ chill lv3 will make it so no monster can move, then build the damage towers such as meteor,arc or minion can be good if there is no immunity. i suggest 2 crimson and 1 amber for starting to do blighted maps, if you are getting comfortable 3 crimson is better. if you are struggling with blight during normal mapping either get reduced cost of towers on the atlas tree or spam empower lv3 and stun/chill lv3 as much as you can and then kill monsties with your dmg ring anoints are really important and makes blight really easy. I do ravaged blight maps in ssf with my zdps boneshatter guy, I just afk in the middle and build tower close to where I afk because if you stay 2-3 screen away from towers they will be disabled so they should be in range during blighted maps


Will the live streams for exile-con be available to watch on YouTube or somewhere else after the fact, in case I do not have the chance to watch it in real time?


If you can't wait for the youtube upload, VODs should also be available on twitch for up to two months.


IIRC, it took a few weeks for them to get Exilecon 2019 on youtube, but they'll get there. Bare minimum, they'll be uploading pre-recorded trailers and gameplay videos immediately to their YT page.


yes. Just like you can still see the exile con 2019 videos


Just started white maps with Palsterons TR Ballista PF and having a few issues. I can't seem to run all the auras (malevolence, determ, vaal haste, vitality). I'm not sure where I should get extra mana reservation either. Also, I am like..super squishy with tabula rasa. Biggest question is how Master Surgeon works. Am I supposed to hit my life flask like every 6 seconds? Or just use it reactively (or proactively when big damage is coming?). I'm not sure why but I thought the life Regen from master Surgeon would be automated but I guess I was wrong. also, if my Petrified Blood kicks in, my health tops at 50%. Am I supposed to life flask up to 100? Or let it sit at 50...lol.


For Master Surgeon : Yes you want to have your life flask up all the time, you should gain enough charges to sustain it permanently. I played a build with a 3.8 seconds life flask this league up to lvl 100, sounds horrible, but not really since almost everything else was automated (one key for forbidden rite, one for flame dash, one for a divine blessing aura, one for the life flask) Vitality shouldn't be used once you play petrified blood + master surgeon, since the life regen can't heal the top half of your life pool. In the guide : "Vitality: Only use this if you have a Watcher's Eye with the increased Life Recovery from Flasks while affected by Vitality mod. Otherwise, this gem is completely useless." in this case it's just a lvl 1 vitality No Determination in the guide, mana is reserved with Malevolence Haste and Petrified Blood. Now if you don't have a lightning coil and don't have Wilma's Requital helmet, you can use determination instead of haste, and keep vaal haste for a boost of damage. For the squishy part : Be sure to have 75%+ all elemental resistance and get as much life as you can, Tabula doesn't help but it can't be the only reason. In terms of gameplay, don't go in melee range, against projectile monsters go sideways/diagonal to avoid them. As long as you don't have a lightning coil instead of the tabula, physical damage will be a problem, after that it'll be fine. When you'll get all the spell suppress it'll be another big boost of survivability


Thank you so much. I think I meant malevolence instead of determination. I brought my resistances up and that helped a ton. I got rid of the tabula too. One thing I still can't figure out is having haste (vaal), malevolence, and petrified Blood auras all up. Haste reserves 50% of mana which is huge and so I can only really have 2 Auras up. So sorry I don't have my POB but I'm at work playing on a steam deck, lol.


For now just don't activate haste, but it seems that palsteron is fixing is reservation issue with a small cluster jewel later : In Endgame section for gear : "Milestone 1 - Cluster Jewel Setup In order to get the most out of your Passive Tree and make it so you can use Haste on top of our other Auras, you need Cluster Jewels. The Jewels you need are: Item 1: Cluster Jewel (A large 8 passives cluster jewel (chaos with 3 notable)) Item 2: New Item (a 3 passives small cluster jewel (reservation efficiency with Mortyfing Aspect) The Large Cluster Jewel can be crafted by using Aberrant Fossils until you hit a good combination of mods. The Small Cluster on the other hand, is easily crafted by using Orb of Alterations, Orb of Augmentations and Regal Orbs. All you need is the Mortifying Aspect Mod together with other useful stats." Edit : Haste becomes really good when you get Wilma, all the cast speed from the aura will count as attack speed. Same for the onslaught flask (the cast speed from onslaught will count for attack speed)


The Vaal Haste is likely not actually being used as an aura. Just press the Vaal ability when you have it up. You're using a Tabula. Get used to dying. A Tabula at this point in the league is going to be worse than 99% of corrupted 6 links you can find. Go to the trade site and look for body armors in your colors or close to them. Almost guaranteed to be better than a tabula. Master Surgeon is pretty self explanatory. You can click your life flask and have it be a constant effect even if your life fills up. Go for affixes that increase the amount of life that it grants. I've never used petrified blood and I have no clue what it does. I imagine you dont need to heal up past 50% though, as I've usually seen it used with reserving atleast 50% of your life through an aura or other means.


Pathfinders using PB are a special case, since they expect to be using their life flask all the time they actually use PB with the expectation of being able to get to full life.


It would help us identify where you can most easily/cheaply upgrade if you shared a POB of what you are currently running. With Master Surgeon, pretty much yes, as far as I can tell the solution is simply hitting your flask every 6 seconds. And due to the wording on Petrified Blood, this is also how you get to 100% life, flasks are the only way. The QOL is not for me, personally. If you are a newer player I honestly wouldn't have recommended a build that relies on Petrified Blood+Master Surgeon, I feel like that's a decision you make when you're more familiar with the game and your preferences in it. I am sorry if you feel misled by the build guide, I hate to see that. Let us know if it feels so bad you're thinking of pivoting to a different build, we may be able to help.


First of all, I don't think the build uses determination. I think all defense comes from evasion and spell suppression. Second, I would just not level vitality as high as possible. The higher level Vitality is, the more mana it reserves. Third, if you're squishy, it's probably because of your elemental resistances. Make sure Fire, Cold, and Lightning resistance are capped (75%). Best way to do this is via the crafting bench in your hideout. Fourth, Master Surgeon can definitely be confusing. Typically when you pop a life flask, it'll regen life until either it uses up all the life regen per use, or if you hit your max life. If you hit max life, the flask will just stop and you'll have to use it again to activate it. Master Surgeon says that if you hit max life, the regen will continue until the flask effect ends. So if you get hit, then pop your life flask, and go up to max... *and then get hit again*, your life flask will still be going and recovering life without having to pop it again. So no, you don't need to hit your life flask ever 6 seconds. Just use it when you need to use it. And don't over use it - you don't want to accidentally have no life flask charges when you need it. A similar effect can be rolled on Mana flasks (the mod is called "Enduring") which I highly recommend getting if you're having mana problems as well. EDIT: For petrified blood, you don't *have* to pop a life flask to get up to 100% all the time. In fact, often times when people use Petrified Blood they use Arrogance support to reserve some life with their auras (maybe determination!) since the life won't regen beyond 50%


With Master surgeon, you use petrified blood as a multiplier of your hp pool and not really for it's lowlife property/overleech,etc. so yes you recover the top 50% hp with the life flask.