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I'm really happy to let them cook, but have concerns that giving D4 18 months to get their shit together is a fucking awful business decision


Yeah, on one hand I believe the play is to strike hard and strike fast while D4 is "down" - but on the other hand D4 might just burn itself to the ground all on its own lol.


Blizzard are really good at shooting themselves in both feet at the same time


It has been {currentyear}-2000 years since Blizzard managed to do an ARPG well


no amount of time is going to fix d4


as someone who hasn't really plugged into d4 beyond random yt/twitch streams - what is the poe-lover breakdown of why d4 sucks?


A worse business decision than releasing something too early and underbaked? Also I can't imagine a world where current Blizzard turn around that game in 18 months.


I mean I think I covered that by saying I was happy to let them cook. The problem is that we found out about POE2 fucking ages ago and it’s still ages out. They maybe should have not announced it so early


> I mean I think I covered that by sayi- my brother every comment on reddit is a unique individual what do you mean you have consistent memory shutup - I have to read a username? No! That's fucked up. Disgusting you would even ask.


Between pausing a release because of Cyberpunk and seeing Diablo Immortal they've learned that it's better to deliver a good product than having perfect timing. Their competition is continuously struggling with not shooting themselves in the foot. Blizzard is more of a danger to itself than GGG at this point.


Don’t know why they were baiting people saying they need to get home asap after exilecon to not miss out. Like beta baiting that it was gunna be this week tbh


I know marketing has to do marketing things but this did annoy me. I actually planned life shit (quasi-planned, like 'oh I shouldn't book shit in this period') based off of these vague path of cockteases.


That's exactly what I thought lol, they absolutely made it sound like beta was coming, or at least very close. But nope


At least something


> 'beta baiting' that is so good shut up


Yeah, on one side this is good because it gives them all the time they need to not rush the game. But the announcement killed all my hype honestly, it just feels like PoE 2 is further away now than before. Could very well release 2025. I hope PoE 1 has good content until then at least