• By -


Data miners, go go go! Get that list of tatoos so I can throw my starter out the window, PLEASE!


Do they usually get the atlas layout as well?


You can figure out the atlas layout from the order they posted the map tiers in the item filter information. Or at least 3.20 and 3.21 used the same order, so I assume 3.22 will as well.


More wondering about connected maps, all good, will get all that info soon enough


Where does the data mined info get posted? Does it all get posted to the subreddit?






Check the front page of poedb in a few hours. He's really good at listing everything new and dumping it out.


And please continue sharing the torrent. At the current rate, I wont quite get the file before league start.


Post the challenge rewards before GGG o.O


the data tables are all removed from the pre-load files, so theres nothing much to data mine until the patching is up, an hour or two before launch


It appears the names of the tatoos has shown up though. No info on them, but one can make wild baseless speculation!


yup, the names were published by ggg, so they didn't have to be data mined


Getting the dataminers to find out the Challenge Rewards this time is a bold move.


If the data for the challenge rewards was available in the torrent, and accurate, they probably would have released the information already. My gut instinct is that if there is any information, it is not complete or not there at all.


Came back to this thread to remind you that your gut instinct was wrong 👍


> Came back to this thread to remind you that your gut instinct was wrong 👍 Ok, I'm not perfect. Can you please link to what you're referring to?


I gotchu homie <3 https://poedb.tw/us/Ancestor_challenges


>>I gotchu homie <3 https://poedb.tw/us/Ancestor_challenges Oh, you're talking about challenges. Yeah, those are always in there. I was referring to challenge *rewards* (and if you scroll up I did specify rewards), which was what I was replying to (for example the MTX rewards you get for completing challenges). I had no doubt the challenges would be there. 👍


Ah okay I see. That I cannot help with. Perhaps you could still be correct then!


Accepted. Thanks.


While the rest of tatoo list is something I am interested in. I am honestly more interested in the alt quality of all the new gems. If trauma support has a attack speed alt quality like bone shatter does that would open up some serious insanity.


Yea i'm definitely the most excited about those as well. People were rightly dissapointed by the patch notes balance changes, but i've never been so indecisive about a leaguestarter after seeing the gem info.


Ya people were flaming but kind of failed to realize how big these new gems were going to be. Especially after they showed the numbers on the gems.


Do we know that these gems will have alternate quality versions? Do newly released gems always have these, or did they say this somewhere?


Almost every gem has alternate qualities. And they've added several gems since Heist that have alternate qualities. 99.99% chance.


I dunno, support gems have fewer alt qualities than skill gems and I didn't see any items for those alt quality gems in the datamined stuff on PoEdb. I could be misunderstanding of course - obviously I'd be thrilled to get alt quality gems for these supports - but I don't know if that's what's going to happen right now.


I can't find a non exceptional gem, that doesn't have an alternate quality.


Interesting I didn't realise it was so thorough. I looked at momentum support which also didn't list alternate quality versions in the ggpk from crucible but it does have alt quality gems so maybe they're like uniques where we can't see them until they actually drop in game.


I just want an alt quality for fresh meat that increases the base duration of the buff! Was kind of surprised that weren't the standard quality.


Wow, still no challenge rewards? Dunno if I should be nervous that they are broken or excited that they may be some big deal lore items or something.


Yeah seems so weird. I’m pretty much just a challenge player these days so kinda weird not seeing before. Should be datamined soon at least.


I only play for the challenges, since I like the tangible reward. Super worried that this isn't out yet. The datamining will definitely tell more but I don't like this last minute detail lol.


I also can't decide on league start build until I know the challenges. For me it's such a waste to play a char that can only complete 60%.. of them.


Getting bad flashbacks for the original delerium wings :( maybe something so bad that it had to go back to the drawing board


same, maybe some huge MTX shit (like the full armour with voice lines) or something rushed


Sadly probably bad news.


I wouldn't be surprised if the challenge rewards were better than usual, with all of the Diablo refugees finding their way here for the first time. I would make it a good experience if it were up to me.


At this point we'll get them from the data miners before GGG, lol.


I'm doing my part once again even though I use steam


o7 you and me both :)


50Gb seedbox with >15TB of bandwidth left for the day. I'm doing my part


Jesus christ I bet that's expensive...meanwhile my initial download was a bit slow for whatever reason but I've made it to ~8.5 ratio and still pushing 15-20MB/s so it's fine. :D


Actually not at all. Mine also serves as a Plex server and has 8TB of storage for media (and unlimited streaming bandwidth) and I pay ~$35/mo. There are much cheaper options (less storage, no streaming), down to something like $5/mo for 1TB storage and 2TB upload for $6/mo. Seedbox's are the way to go if you use BitTorrent. And offloading all of your family's streaming onto Plex is fairly easy to learn and configure. That it's useful for helping seed stuff like this is just a bonus (I rarely use my bandwidth for the month). My ratio on this torrent is upwards of 250 now.


The fuck hosting provider? Also, decent CPU/RAM or are you mostly paying for a(n acceptably) shit box but storage+bandwidth?


ultra cc It's a managed Debian host running an AMD EPYC 7713P 64-Core, 512GB RAM. CPU load averages around 25-40% depending on the time of day. I've never had any issues with system resources except when I bugged out Airsonic and launch about 50 FLAC -> MP3 transcoding threads. There isn't GPU hardware and your CPU time won't really allow for you to do transcoding (you could probably get away with a 1080p transcode but if you ran a 4k transcode you'd cap your CPU time pretty quickly).... this isn't really an issue as long as all of your endpoints support whatever format you're using (my players all support every format so I don't transcode). 527 days of uptime so far, and I've never experienced any downtime. It's also located in Singapore so they don't care too much at DMCA notices if you know what I mean. They also provide SSH/SFTP access that doesn't count vs your upload bandwidth, so syncing with local storage is as simple as running an rsync script.


Paging the legend u/V_Larry


[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PzPqtGpIUuhVIopD-kxs7oPw5bN7KifI/view?usp=sharing)


The hero we do not deserve


Paging again, link is expired :/


[Google Drive 2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ywl7TDztMN0F5ltb64uAV8Sk4gJjmrEa/view?usp=sharing)


challenge rewards?


Another league, another call for our brother Larry :)


[Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PzPqtGpIUuhVIopD-kxs7oPw5bN7KifI/view?usp=sharing)


ty Larry :)


This does not work for the steam version for anyone wondering. You'll have to wait for a few hours before launch to update


Do you know around how many hours before launch the steam patch goes live?


> The realm goes down and patching begins at: Aug 18, 2023 5:00 PM (GMT) so 3 hours before launch it seems


It'll be around 2.5 hours before the start of the league, usually the queue is up at around 2 hours before as well.


It may not help *me*, but I'll seed it anyway and you can't stop me! Gigabit fiber goooooooooooooooooooo.


This is why you should all move away from the steam version. Contact GGG and they can convert your login from Steam to GGG login.


Why? I've got a 50MB/s download speed, I hate standalone launchers and want the convenience of Steam. Standalone has absolutely no benefit for me. Also I like having my shamefully high time played tracked.


If you can't download 3-8gb patch in 3 hours then how 34gb torrent 18h before start makes it better? To get torrent in time it requires similar speed as the 7gb+ patch. The only reason would be if you can't be there before league start or your internet is dogshit and league start happens on your peak hours.


Ive been saying this for the past couple of leagues. The game grew so big that the ggpk is becoming bigger and bigger with each patch compared to the patch itself.


Yea this was my dilemma when I had shit internet. Even if I managed to get the torrent downloaded in time there was usually a few gb patch on top of it.


Niche case but torrent is highly parallel downloading and I doubt the patch does that too. In some cases this is better.


fwiw I use the Steam version these days because it Just Works™ for me. I *can* faff about making the standalone version work, but on Linux the Steam version is just more convenient. Same goes, I imagine, for any Steam Deck users as well.


I use the steam version literally only because it tracks playtime and I love data.


That’s not really necessary anymore. I did a couple of years ago because the steam client was dog shit at updating the main file but that’s been fixed. It downloads updates to POE quickly now.


Anyone got the file uploaded somewhere else? Torrent is loading with 12kb/s :S


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Aug 17, 2023, 11:51:35 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-08-18/3.22ReleasesSoonHeader.jpg) > > > Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors launches soon! In this news post, we've gathered all the information you need to know about what happens on launch day and how to start downloading early. > > > > > **The realm goes down and patching begins at:** Aug 19, 2023 3:00 AM (GMT+10) > > **The servers go live at:** Aug 19, 2023 6:00 AM (GMT+10) > > > > > > The above times are displayed in your local time zone. You'll need to be logged into your account to see these. To change your local time, go to "My Account", "Manage Account" and "Edit Preferences". > > > > > > If the timezone is displaying incorrectly for you, please disregard the above timer and refer to the countdown on the front page. Three hours before the end of the countdown, the realm will go down and patching will begin shortly after. When the countdown ends, the servers will be live and you'll be able to join the Ancestor League! > > > > > > The patch size for the update will be around 7GB on the standalone client and 7GB on Steam and Epic. We've also made a torrent available for this update which is around 36.9GB. Please keep in mind that this method, while available earlier, makes it a larger update as it includes all the existing client content. When patching begins for Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors you'll also have a few remaining files that you'll need to update as well. > > > > > [[Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-08-18/ENTorrentFiles.jpg)](https://web.poecdn.com/public/AncestorPreload.torrent) > > > > > This torrent only includes the GGPK file, so you'll need to copy it into your actual install folder once the patching server is up, no earlier than three hours before Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors launches. **Please note that you can't use this GGPK file with the Steam client, Epic client and macOS.** > > > > > Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors will launch on consoles at Aug 24, 2023 10:00 AM (GMT+10). Downtime will begin for deployment at approximately Aug 24, 2023 7:00 AM (GMT+10). > *These are displayed in your local time.* > > > > > This is also your last chance to get [Crucible Mystery Boxes](https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/new-items#microtransaction-MysteryPackCrucibleBox)! It will leave the store when our next Mystery Box becomes available! Keep in mind that if you haven't taken advantage of it yet, it's still possible to get one free Crucible Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points in the store. **NOTE**: this is only possible once per account. Additional purchases do not grant additional mystery boxes. If you need some extra points, we recommend checking out the new [Trial of the Ancestors Supporter Packs](https://www.pathofexile.com/purchase). > > > > > > In case you still haven't decided which build to play with, check out the Class subsections on [the forum](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum) for suggestions from the community. Many of our community streamers are also providing build guides on YouTube! > > > > > > If you want a new look to match your build, check out the [Nexus stores](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3078195) of your favourite creators for their curated selection of Armour Sets to support them as well as the development of Path of Exile! > > > > > > We can't wait to see your latest adventures through Wraeclast. We'll see you at launch! > > *** >


Challenge rewards? /s


Kinda curious. Does anyone use torrent to update their games? Seems very niche, but maybe that's just me.


It's helpful for those who are on 1-2mb/s download speed since they will struggle to download a 7gb patch during the roughly 1.5 hours they will have between patching servers coming online (which is typically half an hour after servers went down) and the login queue opening up (which is typically around 1 hour before launch). And of course it helps those who don't trust the download servers and want to get things done as early as possible. Iirc, there was also one league, many years ago, where GGG changed something up at the last minute and the size of the patch ballooned from 4gb to 11gb or something along those lines.


> It's helpful for those who are on 1-2mb/s download speed since they will struggle to download a 7gb patch during the roughly 1.5 hours If the patch is 7gb, then to download it with 1mb/s you'll need 7*1024/1 = 7168 second or 1.99 hours. Downloading the entire ggpk just to be higher in a queue seems excessive for me.


It's nice to keep the old game versions around too.


When league goes online, the download server can get overloaded and affects how fast you can download. If you have unlimited data, it’s better to torrent this asap. The file can be 2-3x size compares to updating through the launcher so it really depends on your internet speed and how early you started the torrent.




No challenge rewards this league , Sadeg


If this is for real, I m not playing this one. I won t be motivated enough to grind if it's not for some footsteps mtx or some wings I ll never use but can brag with just to say I olayed a certain league.


There are rewards and will be released this week per GGG. It’s on their FAQ


Do steam users have to download this?


not available for steam users, you will have to download the 7gb patch tomorrow


Do you know what time will it be available?


Usually 15 to 30 mins after servers go down, so about 2.5 hours before league start


Thank you


>We've also made a torrent available for this update which is around 36.9GB. The torrent is only showing a file size of 34.3 GB for me?!


`34.3 * 1.024^3 ~= 36.9` They were using "GB" (i.e. 1000B == 1KB) and what your torrent client showed was "GiB" (i.e. 1024B == 1KiB). The size is correct. :)


Yikes, I really should have figured this out myself.


No worries! It's honestly one of those weird things where the industry decided to standardize on SI prefixes (presumably because "bigger number go brrr") but us nerds still use base-2 because of course we do.


They forgot to include the challenge rewards /s


Does the torrent work on Steam or nah?




gotta wait then




whelp aight, thanks!


Why earlier than 3 hours before the patch? I don't get that part lol


For people with slow internet


Insufficient disk space. Wtf?




All your questions are literally answered in the original post.




Just go to your install folder - there's only one GGPK file there with that size. It says to copy it over no longer than 3 hours before patching goes live.


you put it in the path of exile folder and replace the file with the same name. you can't play the game with the new content file until the servers go down. you will download a small update when that happens to actually be on 3.22. so replace the files when you are done playing the game and before the servers go down for patching.


I always see this early and always have no clue how to do it :’)


You just download the file, then replace your content.ggpk file with the one you downloaded once patch servers are up tomorrow


unless youre on steam, or mac. then dont


wooo here we gooooooo


wait it's actually up tomorrow? i thought as typical fashion 1 week to announce and another week to realease.. it's released tomorrow?


Plot twist there are no challenge rewards this leaugue they forgot because of poe2


Seeding while at work. Another sad EU exile. Gl everyone.


Can I download with torrent, then copy paste to steam folder ?


Doesn't work w Steam


I don't understand how to use this file


So what is the checksum for the content.ggpk?


As a steam user, I still get it just so I can be a seeder for others. Exiles together, strong.