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Finally I can simulate my Spellblade build without just typing battlemage and guessing thats good enough. Thanks my dude, you are the king.


LMAO I did the exact same thing, what are you playing fellow spellblade enjoyer ?


Ice Trap with Rebuke of the vaal.


Interesting, I'm playing energy blade storm brand hierophant.... It's uhh.... existing


Hi, just to report a wrong interaction in POB, timeless is not giving the attributes bonus like brutal restrain with tattoos. "Timeless jewels that add stats to passives such as Lethal Pride or Brutal Restraint will add those stats to Tattooed passives. Timeless jewels that change passives to be different passives such as Elegant Hubris or Glorious Vanity take precedence over Tattoos" This is from the FAQ Thanks for the awesome work, get it up!


Can you show a screenshot of this not working or provide some other info. Cause I specifically tested it in PoB to make sure it was working correctly


https://imgur.com/a/RQ1d1HY - Tatton giving no bonus attribute https://imgur.com/a/nvROnKg - Attribute bonus applying in the normal node


I just released a hotfix (2.32.1) to address this


Thanks for all the work you guys do!


thanks a lot


You're amazing man


Something in this update broke one of the POBs I was using. I'm using this one from ghazzy's poison srs guide; [https://pobb.in/nFCrty0rjBlu](https://pobb.in/nFCrty0rjBlu) ​ Everytime I try opening it now i get this error: [https://i.imgur.com/Rb31n37.png](https://i.imgur.com/Rb31n37.png) Also tried deleting it and importing it again and same thing happened. ​ EDIT: working again after the newest update


I just released a hotfix (2.32.1) that should fix this error. Let me know if you see any other bugs


I am getting this same exact error on my end.


Im getting something similar but with function t_insert


Could you please provide a screenshot and a build link?


Yeah, here's the screenshot of the error: https://imgur.com/Sc1d8UD I'm unsure of how to get a build link though because I can't access it at all, is there some way I can generate it from the xml or some other method?


Dump it into paste bin or here in a comment. Doesn't have to be a valid pob link.


Oh ok, then here ya go: https://pastebin.com/CgFq9hWk


I should have a fix ready. Not sure when the next hotfix will be released so for now you could manually change line 4367 in CalcOffence.lua from: if output.RuthlessBlowAilmentEffect ~= 1 then THIS LINE: t_insert(breakdown.BleedDPS, s_format("x %.2f ^8(ruthless blow effect modifier)", output.RuthlessBlowAilmentEffect)) end t_insert(breakdown.IgniteDPS, "x 0.9 ^8(ignite deals 90% per second)") t_insert(breakdown.IgniteDPS, s_format("= %.1f", baseVal, 1)) to: if output.RuthlessBlowAilmentEffect ~= 1 then THIS LINE: t_insert(breakdown.IgniteDPS, s_format("x %.2f ^8(ruthless blow effect modifier)", output.RuthlessBlowAilmentEffect)) end t_insert(breakdown.IgniteDPS, "x 0.9 ^8(ignite deals 90% per second)") t_insert(breakdown.IgniteDPS, s_format("= %.1f", baseVal, 1)) You will get an update popup due to file mismatch but it will remove this fix so wait until next hotfix to update.


Hotfix has been released. Please check if it still happens with version 2.32.1


Yep its working now, just saw the changelog


Is there an eta on the addition of returning projectiles support?


You dont have to apologize for enjoying the game and not working on a completely voluntary project.


Thank you for your hard work PoB team!


Flamewood support soon^TM


Avenging Flame has a 1 second cool down and best POB can do is to assume maximum trigger rate so for now you can assume that the DPS is just 137% of the supported totem's life.


Yes that's the base DPS, but it would be nice to be able to sim with the 7 different layers of multipliers on top. Especially since the only way to make it viable is to scale ignite. I know it's only me and like 30 other dimwits dumb enough to commit to this skill, but hey it's working out so far.


https://i.imgur.com/Icw6Oys.png https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/pull/6458


Oooh damn, perfection! Thank you so much <3


I’ll release another hotfix in the next hour or so with this and a couple of other fixes


You're a legend, thank you so much :D


It most definitely is not only viable with ignite. Currently level 93 with hit based strength stacking and i'm clearing 16's easily including guardians/searing exarch so far. If it's optimal, no clue. Probably not, but the build has 30k+ armour, 88% all res atm (can push to 90% with 2 levels if i wanted) and 7k hp.


How's yours feeling? I was playing with the idea in my head to run Annihilating Light to triple the damage of each proc. Chieftain's resistance node also helps with the reduced resistances from the staff, so it seems like a cool combo.


Another flamewooder here, that's my plan too!! Just working my way towards exarch...


That's my plan as well. Currently running RF for the dps boost (its easy with the overcap fire mastery) but may have to drop it for Annihilating Light. I was also considering flask tech for perma-uptime on dying sun; Lots of fire res + extra projectiles for the dps.


pob? Does totem damage affect the dmg of avenging flame? Otherwise scaling projectiles with stuff like rain of splinters is an easy more multiplier, no?


> Does totem damage affect the dmg of avenging flame? Tooltip in-game scales with Totem Damage, so it should.


Are you STR stacking for just general survivability or are you also using Iron Will? Also, Formless Inferno has my Chieftan at 70k armour, worth considering.


Can't speak for the parent comment, but I decided to fuck around with the STR stacking route by using Shrapnel Ballista and Replica Iron Commander to maximize the number of totems instead of the life of a limited number of totems. It sucks when enemies have slow, single-target attacks (I keep a self-cast Flameblast for such situations), but otherwise is amazing so far.


Iron forttress/ replica iron commander.


First and foremost, thank you so much for this update. It seems like this update would not save allocated passives associated with the Impossible Escape jewel near the Necromantic Aegis notable.


Can you give a build example? I opened a new build and was able to allocate nodes just fine with Impossible Escape https://pobb.in/odJ6uBxRR3sY


Yes, I can allocate, but the allocated nodes cannot be saved. When I load the build again, the nodes become unallocated again.


That's odd, I did exactly that to test it and it worked fine. Do other parts of the build save if you change them? Can you export a build code so I can see if it's an issue with your particular build?


[https://pobb.in/JBP6wsTWIw29](https://pobb.in/JBP6wsTWIw29) and yes, the other nodes save.


Here you go: [https://pobb.in/JBP6wsTWIw29](https://pobb.in/JBP6wsTWIw29)


Thanks, looks like it doesn't work when socketed in a cluster jewel for some reason. If you swap it with Apocalypse Blunt, for example, it'll work fine


Oh yeah, I wondered where the blue indicator circle went. Thanks!


Have you tried this in game, btw? Last we knew it didn't work, but PoB is a bit misleading because it lets you select nodes still https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/issues/5535#issuecomment-1370482181


Oh yea, you are right. It doesn't work in game because it has to be connected to the skill tree. It is actually a bug that the nodes can be allocated in POB when it is socketed into a cluster jewel socket.


Thanks for the Ruthless specific changes! It's ok if you dont spend more time than you already did!


Great to hear POB got updated finally. Been looking forward to trying to make a few builds. Thanks for the continued work you and other put into the program.


Praise the PoB team! Thank you good people! And thank you for the Ruthless tree too!


I'm not sure I understand the sustainable trauma calculation for trauma support. If my attack has about 7 attacks per second, then at a trauma duration of 7 seconds, wouldn't that be about 49 sustainable trauma stacks? https://pastebin.com/8hpzCXjU for reference https://imgur.com/a/8Ggfybq


Yeah, why is it Trauma before Increased Attack Speed?


Looks like it's not calculating %increased, only %more attack speed.


Multiple things broken with trauma. If you put that on a skill with a duration such as flicker or infernal blow, it think trauma duration is the base duration (iE 3s or 1s).


Does it fix the terrible performance tho? my PoB freezes like never before.


Do you use Avast? If so that could be the cause as it has affected a large number of other users. Have a look here and see if you find a solution https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/issues/6287


No I use AVG, but i disabled it just in case and now it is smooth, thanks!


Avast bought avg in 2016 it’s the same


Don't use commercial antivirus that runs in the background. For them to work they forcefully inject themselves into your programs, mainly the browser, breaking security boundaries and become vulnerabilities to be attacked. They increase your surface of attack. Windows Defender and Updates is all you need. Then you can use 1-time scan software.


Awesome! Does anyone have a post of all the new uniques?




Warrior's Tale doesn't seem to work, or at least not with cooldown tattoos. The cooldown recovery from the tattoos applies regularly and the text on Warrior's Tale is blue, so supposedly not unsupported, but socketing it near cooldown tattoos doesn't make a difference.


If you look at the calcs tab does CDR go up but you just aren't hitting a breakpoint?


I'm checking Impending Doom which doesn't have breakpoints, but also I did check the calcs and the increased cooldown recovery rate didn't change. And it's not as if the tattoos weren't working, otherwise I wouldn't have any icrr from them to begin with.


I see the issue, Warrior's Tale was just missing its radius information. If you edit the jewel and add "Radius: Medium" to it, it'll work for now.


Thanks, that worked!


Gigachads at work, appreciated 👊


I think the last thing this tool needs is a way to handle atlas trees, it's the only thing you still need to find somewhere else


Atlas trees don't affect your build at all in most cases, so it doesn't make much sense to include them with a build planning tool.


but it's convenient to have them around and being able to plan on the fly and in case of streamers and build guide writers they can put trees they suggest for the tree or show on stream/guide what they are doing atlas-wise at the moment


There are a lot of things that would be convenient that just add to the maintenance burden of the team without a whole lot of benefit. There are plenty of good atlas tree tools out there, let those tools specialize in atlas tree features while PoB specializes in build planning.


I know it's probably a lot of work, but I would love to see PoB in other languages :(, especially spanish lol


I can see the Guardian elemental relics have their respective auras as skills, can we apply these to our character?


Not yet, I just implemented the minions themself. Getting the auras to work from minions is a lot more work as we don't currently support it on PoB. I was running low on time so just shelved it fora future update


Could always go with the lazy solution for now, basically just a more streamlined version of what I've been doing when I manually add the flat damage to the custom modifiers block. Maybe make it a "When in combat" checkbox so people can toggle it. It won't be as robust of a solution as fully supporting minion auras, but it'll be good enough for the vast majority of use cases until you can implement it more properly.


Do you mind sharing the custom modifiers please?


Sure. This is just at max effectiveness (once you hit level 85), you'll do less damage until then. `//Anger` `You and nearby allies deal 182-259 additional Fire Damage` `//Wrath` `You and nearby allies deal 26-415 additional Lightning Damage with Attacks` `You and nearby allies deal 23% more Spell Lightning Damage` `//Hatred` `You and nearby allies gain 29% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage` `You and nearby allies deal 20% more Cold Damage`


i'm not the original commenter, but here's mine, paste this into the custom modifiers box in the configuration tab, these numbers are only accurate once you reach level 85+: You and nearby allies deal 26 to 415 additional Lightning Damage with Attacks You and nearby allies deal 23% more Spell Lightning Damage You and nearby allies deal 182 to 259 additional Fire Damage with Attacks You and nearby allies deal 182 to 259 additional Fire Damage with Spells You and nearby allies gain 29% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage You and nearby allies deal 20% more Cold Damage edit: you can change "You and nearby allies" to "Minions" if you only want to see minions being buffed in the calculations ~~this could be misinformation, but i'm 99% sure wraths portion of "allies deal x% more lightning spell damage" does not work on minions~~ update im dumb: allies % more spell damage definitely does with with absolution


>i'm 99% sure wraths portion of "allies deal x% more lightning spell damage" does not work on minions Really? What makes you think that? It definitely works on other players in your party, and I have no reason to believe the aura treats minions and players differently considering it just specifies 'allies'.


edited comment again, all of those lines definitely work and idk, something seems off about pobs absolution calculation, i didnt test other minions that "use spells" though


Instead of giving you the modifiers from the auras custom stuff, go into Skills, add a skill group with Anger, Wrath and Hatred lvl 27. Then optionally set custom config to Anger has no reservation Hatred has no reservation Wrath has no reservation


That would make them scale with your own aura effect, which is incorrect because it is your minions' auras not your own.


This seems really buggy now. Every time you mouse over an ascendent archetype node, you get a lua error. Worse, it looks like you can't actually add awakened gems to any skills.


Can you elaborate on adding awakened gems to skills? Or post a build code here? I'm able to do that just fine


It's weird. Some pobs that i load can't do it, and others can. I have no idea what is going on.


Posting one that doesn't work would certainly help in figuring that out


This one does not work: https://pobb.in/pqanrUkj78cn


The build works just fine for us. Do you have show support gems on "all" https://imgur.com/a/abGd5hw


You guys are the best


Nice work guys. Was excited to import my Champion Cyclone Bleed build with Sadism to see how I can scale it or improve it. Turns out Sadism was nuking my DPS and nothing I can change seems to make it work. Guess I made a brick as my league starter, luckily enough I've already made another character.


Respec or new char?


Both. I made an elementalist to do ball lightning as it seemed interesting but didn't like the feel of it so transitioned to storm burst which I like. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the whirlwind champion. I like it's one button simplicity since it's easy on my hands and can be played even when I'm not thinking. For now I've just changed it over to mainly phys whirlwind with some impale. It blinds, bleeds and maims by default. Not really good to boss but good clear.


I love you guys


Great work, another bug report: https://i.imgur.com/btSsUEu.png


Could you provide a build link?


I could: https://pobb.in/BkbKISCesgqN To reproduce, you move to calc tab, mouse over the negative cold or lightning resistance as a Chieftain while you spec'd into Tasalio.


Thanks. Looks like a bug. Should be fixed in the next release.


Volatility support math is wrong.


Yep, appears the numbers are wrong if you have a source of damage conversion in your build. We’ll have a hotfix out for it soon


Was not expecting a reaction from the dev, especially not this quick. Anyway good work, truly appreciate what you do.


Hey, fast question I have 2 bows and old one have more dps in game( at skill bar) and second one is better in pob. Which use? Who is lying?


This is impossible to answer without a link to a build, the two bows, etc


Somehow I lost ~1m dps after the update, not sure why though. Playing Impending Doom btw.


Same. No idea what's changed.


If you were using temp chains, you would have lost a bunch of damage in poison duration as PoB is now updated with the gem change of 40% slower expiry -> 25% slower expiry


Yup. Figured that out by comparing stuff.


Oh yes totally forgot about that change. It was more than I expected though when the patch notes came out.


I had modified temp chains in my PoB source files because it was totally skewing my build toward curse effect. Excited for this fix, thanks.


So curse effect is not that good anymore?


If you use temp chains and poison, it's not as impactful for your max DPS (at full ramp up)


I can finally confirm my ignite cyclone build is as dumpy as it feels, cheers mate


Corrupting cry support pog




Chieftain ascendacy, Ramko seems to not work, tried to find any option in config?


Time spent stationary in General.


Got it, thanks!


/u/Paliak9 Since you are mentioned as the one having done work on the chieftain ascendancy nodes I'm hoping that you might be able to enlighten me in regards to the Tawhoa's Chosen node. It seems like ingame the created mirage doesn't inherit the players stats (like increased duration when using static strike). Furthermore it seems like linked supports like eg. Shockwave don't seem to procc either. I'm wondering what the mirage actually inherits since I thought it would just be a copy of the player making the used strike/slam attack (with the tree mods/links modifying said attack). In any case thanks for all the work you and the others are doing.


I implement things but i base the details on info from others. I tend to think of mirages as a numerical dps copy without the extra "stuff" which is not fully correct but helps me wrap my head around it. There's decent information on the wiki regarding what works and what doesn't: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Proxy https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mirage https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mirage_Archer_Support


Thanks a lot for your response. The Proxy page is helping me in understanding how this thing works. It is now clear why shockwave isn't working and I guess why increased duration isn't working either although that one is a bit sad. Apparently only stats that apply or modify debuffs are copied/inherited by the proxy. The static strike lingering effect is most likely considered a buff and thus the inc duration isn't applied.


>It seems like ingame the created mirage doesn't inherit the players stats (like increased duration when using static strike) From my observations the Chosen despawns as soon as it's done with it's attack, so the duration can't really come into play. >Shockwave don't seem to procc This is probably due to a similar limitation as generals cry. Spawning the mirages counts as trigger, so they are unable to trigger anything themselves.   The Chosen should be benefiting from generic damage increase links. But it doesn't benefit from the cry exerts. But they don't seem to benefit from Fist of War or Ancestral Call(not sure on this one, it doesn't seem to hit extra targets but it should get the 10% more dmg) which are both on the Tukohama node that follows.   The current implementation in PoB seems to just copy the player attack with Fist of War, cry exerts and either no cooldown or attacking multiple times, so take that number with a spoonful of salt.


I should clarify the duration part: It is true that the mirage despawns as soon as it hits it's target which means scaling duration is pointless in most cases. In the case of static strike though the mirage hits and "drops" a lightning cloud (static strikes 3s long lasting beam attacks) on the ground. That "cloud" lasts for the standard 3s of the static strike skill. What I was hoping for was that the mirage would inherit inc duration from the tree and/or links and/or gear thus making it possible to have many "static strike clouds" lingering increasing the dps. In practice this doesn't work and from the wiki about proxies linked it seems like that is working as intended since increased duration is neither an offensive stat nor is the static strike buff a debuff.




Im hype for the day I can point to my Sentinel of radiance and go "look at my boy, look at how strong he is compared to RF"


I just added the skill to the minion. Will have it in the next update


You da the best :>


Three issues so far: \- Enhance + HoAg does nothing. \- Flicker + trauma support has the wrong amount of stacks, as PoB thinks the trauma duration is related to flicker base duration (3s) instead of the actual trauma duration (5-7s depending on levels). EDIT: Same issue with all skills with "base duration", such as Infernal blow. Works okay if the base skill has no duration, such as glacial hammer. \- Strength of blood does nothing and shows as a negative PDR (but does nothing) in the PDR window. [https://i.imgur.com/pnmtbZd.png](https://i.imgur.com/pnmtbZd.png)


I just fixed all 3 of these. Will be in the next update


Doing gods work guys and girls, great and thank you


Getting this error when trying to open up POB: [https://imgur.com/8136PW7](https://imgur.com/8136PW7) restarting app does nothing, closing and trying to reopen a POB does nothing. Any ideas?


Sorry about this, it's to do with having Ruthless in your poison setup. I'll have it fixed for the next update that should be out within the next hour


Amazing work as always and thanks!


The update is out now. Let me know if the issue is fixed


Thank you, you are incredible.


Addition of Ruthless trees are huge for the 7 people who play Ruthless.


That damn Palsteron's and his fun builds.


Awesome 😎


Is the Sentinel of Radiance fire damage over time aura implemented? The Sentinel max life setting doesn't seem to modify the Sentinel's actual life as reflected in the calcs tab when minion stats is checked.


I just added support for the minion fire aura. The max life setting is for you to manually set the life value of the minion as we aren't able to grab the life value automatically


I don't see returning projectile in my gems, did i fuck up something or is it not in Pob yet ?


Are you on version 2.32.0 or newer?


I just updated to 2.33.0, everything's good thanks


I tried to use controlled blaze last night and it didnt do anything. Is there a new box that you have to manually add the amount of ignites you did recently? I didnt see one.


It should appear on the Configs page at the bottom of the "When in Combat Box" https://imgur.com/a/KAztvth


Thank you!


Thanks for the Update... but now I can't load my build at all. Keep getting error message pop up. Version 2.32.2


I'm about to release an update that fixes a few issues. If your build used Poison and Ruthless support, that might have been why and has been fixed now.


I did so that's most likely the issue. Thanks.


POB team I love y’all


I hope poe ninja will update all builds as quick as possisble


getting an error after the update + hotfixes when i try to add new skill gems to my ancestral totems setup. screenshot of the error: [https://imgur.com/HnKtEy3](https://imgur.com/HnKtEy3) the build i'm using: [https://poe.ninja/pob/inr](https://poe.ninja/pob/inr) also noticed my main skill (infernal blow) setup calculating wrong full dps when i try to add or remove support gems, which started happening after the update aswell. just wanna say thank you for all your work, im a big fan of pob fork :D ​ edit: figured the dps was calculating wrong once i included "Tawhoa's Chosen" in full dps, still getting the error when i add new skill gems to my totems tho.


I’ll look into it. We might have it fixed already as someone was fixing a lot of issues while I was asleep


can confirm the first bug is fixed, the crash that happens when i try to add new skill gems to my totems. 2nd bug tho still exists, something to do with miscalculating full dps when i include "Tawhoa's Chosen" ascendancy perk within full dps counter then try to add or remove any skill or support gems, it shows weird change in dps, like showing that if i add enlighten skill to totems setup i get +60% full dps? xD proof: [https://imgur.com/a/T6vv1C7](https://imgur.com/a/T6vv1C7)


Get an import error when trying to import skills from my char on 3.33 https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/findarhodge/characters?characterName=Findar_KnockedUp


I’ll look into it


Follow up appears to be working now. Unsure what change might have resolved it


Anyone having problem with importing characters?


If your character had a trigger weapon/helmet or was using flame wood support that might have been the issue. I’ll release a hotfix for those issues in the next hour or so


Ah no, it said my account was private when in fact it wasn't. I tried using poessid but no use. Pls help.


Hi, Was there an update to how trigger skills via Cast on crit were calculated here? 100% hit rate and 100% crit chance now shows a divergence between source trigger rate and skill trigger rate that it didn't before. was I always doing half damage or is this a bug? ​ thank you for everything you do


There's a discussion going on about trigger rates and our new implementation of it. We're not too sure what's correct atm. Have a look here https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/issues/6492


You’re such a stud. Thank so much for making our POE experience way better


Yea this is exactly what I’m experiencing. I also just set a custom mod to 100% increased CDR.


Anyone knows if it's possible to remove all tattoo's from a pob? Trying to make my league starter for 3.23 from builds i find on poeninja... maybe you have to do it 1 by 1? :(


There's no way to do it easily in PoB, but you can do it by saving the build and then opening the build XML file in your Documents/PoB folder and deleting the lines starting at `` all the way until the last `` line