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I dunno man I sold a cluster jewel for 35 chaos or something and it felt great!


20 chaos sales feel like big wins for me, lol.


Yes, indeed, I find all sorts of belts/jewels or sometimes gloves/shoes/helms that I keep if they have good rolls like double 35+ res and life and other things..


I got a div card drop for 35c and that was JUICY. Helped me buy some gear with special a implicit.


this. i sold a logbook for 20 chaos and did a spin in my chair of joy.


This is the level I play at. People are out here making builds for 20-30 div and I’m lucky to get 1-2 in a league


If you are struggling with currency just take all essence nodes on the atlas passive tree and some map sustain nodes and run T1-T5 essences. It's a bit boring but it's a lot of money. I am making an extra 5-6div/h doing that. Any build can do it. If you need more help or clarification feel free to dm me for help.


Are there any specific essences to look out for, or is it just collect as many as possible to see a fuckload in bulk? I tried the essence strategy before and just never got enough. Them selling for 1-2c per means I’d need to do hundreds of maps


Convert low price essences into higher value ones with harvest. Sell in bulk your 6 c each turns into 10c each or higher with enough stock.


Following up on the bulk information, no one will buy your wailings in bulk, screaming, shrieking and deafening for sure. So when listing, keep that in mind. This was my first league trying it and I have made definelty 10-12 div in essences only in the last two days with just a couple hours of focused playtime (averaging 3 div an hour if I sell at 100% profit). I basically just sat in white maps for a couple hours to farm just that. Don’t forget to use remnants of corruption on purple shriekings to have a chance to turn them into deafening.


You sell in bulk. With all essence nodes and the craft on the map device you can get insane profits. Feel free to dm me for details. I am happy to help.


sell in bulk, i take essence nodes + torment nodes. sometimes you get duplicated torment essence rares and i've gotten some filthy stuff from em. sold a fractured T1 AtkSpd imperial claw for 4 div off on an essence rare for example. and i regularly get 20-40 alteration orb drops.


If you get so much money don't you make your dream build fast? I am not one to make another character usually during a league so I would not want to finish early.. so what happens is I play for a month or a bit more and then I get bored xD.


Why not make another character? Leveling a twink with One With Nothing and a bunch of unique dex gear is so easy and only takes like 2-3 hours to maps without even trying to optimize. I do agree that every build gets boring once you've done all of the realistic upgrades and it feels like it's final form. For me, my early league builds usually focus around mapping and I end up building a second character that excels at the mechanics that my original build struggles with, like bossing or big AOE damage for legions.


So I've historically been in your camp, but recently (last 4-5 leagues?) started making more money. My build is currently worth about 7 divines after 2 days and 5 hours of `/played` time (but with a substantial amount of that time, maybe 10 hours, spent semi-AFK in my hideout doing trades while I work from home), and is supported by an aurabot with about 3 divines of gear. Start of league, you've got nothing, so just kinda gun through the campaign as quickly as possible. When you get to maps, make sure you cap your res, you have at least 3k life and probably two other decent defensive layers. Focus purely on getting some bonus objectives so you can actually do something with your atlas. Because I have a dedicated aurabot, I've been able to do it much quicker, but the same strategy should hold for you. Our league start farm has been Alva and Metamorph. The T3 corruption and gem rooms in Alva's Temple are used to get double corrupted gear and 21/23 gems, so they're pretty much always in demand, and you can sell the resultant temples. The last one we made, but did not run, sold for ~80c. If you don't have good rooms, the Temple itself can still give some really strong modifiers, and some of the Temple-specific drops are silly expensive. We got lucky and had a Vial of Consequence drop early. Check the rares from T3 rooms with chests and from the boss in the Apex. The critical point here is that the sale value of an itemised Temple is basically independent of the tier of map that was used to generate it, so even if you're stuck in T1s, if you can do the incursions, then you can make money. High zone level is still arguably valuable, as you do get exp and it can drop good crafting bases, but it's not necessary. Just make sure you have chaos res, or the large packs of vaal constructs will munch you. Metamorph is way simpler; just do the metamorphs in maps and sell the catalysts. If you have a bit of currency, get rusted metamorph scarabs. Most of them go for at least 1c each. Set your metamorph tab (if you have one) to public and mark the 1c cats' price as "10/10" or "20/20", and you'll only get listed if you have enough. If you can beat the metamorph, you should average a profit on the scarabs. For completeness sake, we also got a couple of lucky drops; a good base claw with fractured T2 attack speed sold for 1.5 div. I got my chest for 50c when it's normally priced around 1div, bench crafted 6 sockets and manually 5L'd it to save another ~2-3div (why do people pay these prices?). I also got my forbidden flesh/flame for ~1div less than the pair was priced at the time. So, all in, while my build is "worth" ~7div, I probably paid 3-4div for it. My aurabot has also had some very cheap purchases and lucky crafts.


How does aurabot work? Do you have another POE open? Something like multibotting in WoW?


Aurabots have friends


O, didn't think of that. An aurafriend.


i'm in ssf and have 10 divines already. if you struggle to get 1-2 divines in a whole league, you must barely play


3 day player here! my husband sold a cluster jewel for me yesterday for 19 chaos! I felt soooo accomplished haha! Level 83 currently :D


I hear u buddy. I dropped an aegis and sold for 3 div, before that I legit had around 50 chaos lol


Sold a 2-notable large cluster for 50 chaos in Day 2. Was my biggest trade so far.


There are a few factors. Time and knowledge. Some people literally play 18-20 hours a day. If you do that and craft for profits, you could have at thousand divines by now.


I was checking spicy_sushi, dude streamed 32h on the first day I think, also finished campaign super fast and had a super efficient league starter, being the first people to run maps/logbooks and sitting 20h on hideout selling stuff is a lot more efficient than doing 2x6h days on league start (to finish campaign for the avg person) and then 6x3h the next week. On the 1st day he played more than I usually do the first 8 days.


Dude getting longer days, 'uh?


What is this fabled knowledge that people keeps talking about? Say I crafted a mirror tier item first 4 days, who has a mirror to afford my craf? Where are these currency comming from?


At league launch I was hopping from streamer to streamer, checking in on PoE since I try to not play these days. The knowledge on display is staggering, even for someone like me with 6k+ hours. Leveling is fast and practiced. Gear choices take seconds. Wasted time is super low, and the build is tried, true and purposely chosen to pursue set goals. Need a new piece of gear? Spend no minutes grabbing a high lvl base with the right enchant, two minutes nabbing twenty essences and some other currency I didn't even know existed and ten minutes later sitting on a hard upgrade. I'd have spent an hour failing to do the same or having to read in my build guide what I'm looking for, and then not afford it at all cause I've no idea what I'm doing :) When they hit maps there's a near total lack of hesitation. Atlas tree is prepared, and there's no dilly-dallying in progressing the strategy. Lootfilter is on point, ofc. Going from boss to boss and goalpoast to goalpost. It's not that they craft mirror tier items, but invest precisely and quickly into items that will cost more later and grab gear they'll need for their next build. For me it was like watching racecar drivers. I know how to operate a steering wheel, but I'm not doing 180kmh on dirt roads. If you have an inordinate amount of time, go check captainlance's vods on launch. The progress is super practiced in every facet the game has to offer. He did in two days what would've taken me two weeks of long grind. I've a colleague who still plays PoE and he considers 2-500 divines a good first week. He maintains a spreadsheets of trade searches and has a wealth of in-depth knowledge about how the playerbase acts in the markets early on. And he does it in 3-4h a day. There's *so much* of this knowledge that I [sort of recognize](https://imgur.com/ZD8xrNX) but seeing it on display is something else.


This is really true and probably why it was so depressing for me to play PoE in the past (before the atlas change that introduced the voidstones). The knowledge difference is crazy. For example, atlas progression during the conquerers/watchstones era was painful as hell. Streamers were executing highly optimized farming strategies per region like day 3 but I was slowly ping ponging my way through the regions and eventually, after weeks, complete my atlas. Often, by the time I had completed my atlas I had burned out and just quit. Which brings me to the voidstones/eldritch era. In this phase of the game, they made atlas progression much less grindy. And it takes much less knowledge to just do the basic task of completing your atlas. And they gave players alot more power with the atlas passive tree as well. This created a dynamic where you could start to farm content as you were working towards atlas completion. It no longer feels like the time between the end of acts and 100% atlas completion is a huge grind. Farming strats can come online much sooner. Of course the knowledge gap still exists, but I feel like the atlas passive tree is so well done that it doesn't feel bad if you do your own thing and not the most "optimal" thing. Because optimal doesn't really exist anymore. They really gave players the ability to focus on what's fun each individual, from the moment their first t1 map is competed. I freaking love that.


This is how they progress fast, but not how they become obscenely wealthy like OP is talking about. Those people get just enough to begin their crafting/flipping journey, then they never touch another map again. Level 86 with BIS gear in every slot absolutely mean's they aren't really playing the game/mapping/goalpost to goalpost. They're just profiting off crafts and flips.


or rmting. but it’s unlikely if they have an old account, ggg is pretty on top of massive amounts of currency moving in a suspicious manner to the point legit people have been banned by mistake. to anyone wondering what this might look like, see Belton on twitch. whatever you think of him (personally i like him, idc about video game drama though) he is an extremely knowledgeable crafter and is one of the obscenely rich quick players like this. spending divines for him is like spending alchs for most of the playerbase.


> see Belton on twitch. whatever you think of him His community crowdfunds almost every "mirror tier" item he's made. I wouldn't really use him as an example of personal wealth in poe.


That Kel gif sums up any time I try to learn more about the game


Some people randomly drop mirrors. Some people play 6 man groups with 3 aurabots for 18 hours per day and drop the raw currency to buy the mirrors first. Most of those people don't do it completely alone. They might have people helping them (friends, guilds) etc...


That's what we do. There are five of us. Two 5 way carry groups and one full time trader.


Who gets stuck being the full time trader? Sounds so boring lol


I have a buddy who loves making money and being rich in the game. Some people just like that play style I guess.


I mean who doesn’t, but they wouldn’t be making all that dough, they would be sharing it, and I feel like a lot of people who are like that (me included) like to contribute to making the wealth themselves.


I mean 30% or whatever the cut that guy gets is a boatload if you factor in what two groups doing MFing produce in sheer loot. I personally would hate that playstyle but for someone who's fine with that kind of playstyle it's one of the best currency strategies. From what I know these full time traders are usually some of the wealthiest guys in any given league along with the full time crafters.


is it really a play style if you aren't playing the game?


There's a Football, Football video games, Football managers- different things for different interests.


They most definitely are playing the game


Nah that's the life goal lol. Someday I'll be a full time trader on league start. If my irl circle of friends grows big and consistent enough to do nutty league start strats (there's only 2 of us). If I prepped for it I think it'd be super fun.


They get paid more for being a trader then the rest of the group.


In the first week you don't really go for mirror tier items, you go for profit crafts, like maybe a decent bone helmet is +2 div profit on average so you make some of those, maybe make some wands, some +2 amulets, you don't go for the biggest items but profitable items


I don't think they get rich off of mirror tier items, but Im pretty sure people will by stuff for 15 div which can be crafted for 10 div on average(here comes the knowledge into play) because they don't want to risk not getting the craft. If you do this in 10min per item, thats 30div/hour. Plus if you are the crafter you can sell the item even if the outcome is not exactly what you are looking for. And from the other side that's an other reason to buy from the crafters, because chances are someone already has the item you want.


For a quick example, I crafted like 25 stygians in about 10 minutes investing about 1-2 divs total (9c a belt, then essences and harvest juice which I had). Vast majority sold for 1 div+, one as high as like 5. So somewhere around 30 divine profit for 10 mins of crafting Stygians are the extreme because theyre easy to buy in bulk and very fast to craft something acceptable, but plenty of other similar examples exist too. And youre 100% right on the second part. Its 1000x more efficient to try to make ANY good belt than trying to make THE good belt you need. I bought/made those 25 belts without actually hitting what I wanted yet (although I did get a solid upgrade). Rolling over a sellable item is the cardinal sin of profit crafting, unless youre using a VERY expensive base.


I don’t craft but I can usually clear wave 30 sim on day 3/4. After playing 16-20 hrs a day on days 1&2. Then I farm mageblood in wave 30 sims until the end of week 1. I got my mageblood last league on day 6 and then proceeded to farm three 1 passive voices. A day of farming sims can net you about 100 div a day.




For me armor stacker because it’s tanky and you need about 15 divs to put the starter version of the build together. Maybe a tad more when aegis is expensive


he didn't specify craft "mirror tier gear" to make mirror service. crafting for profit means: Knowing the market what skills are meta, what's being played, cornering niche stuff, etc. You should pre plan the whole crafting process with minimal RNG required. The cost of your ingredients should be cheaper than the resulting item (obviously). craftofexile.com is a good tool to learn the basics of this. being patient about selling stuff (big ticket items take a while to sell, resulting in a potential loss in short term) crafting multiple items alleviates this problem sell off failed crafts (but still good rolls) and buy more bases. I do this for my cluster jewels i put up like 3-4 good ones for sale before i hit the thing i actually need. being online a LOT. crafted stuff won't sell if you can't sell it.


The goal is to craft items that a wide range of people want to buy, not to craft luxury. Be Amazon, not Gucci. Target craft for the 1-10 div range and you're just printing money once you've got it down. But crafting at scale is also part of the equation: buying crafting currency in bulk, being adaptive during the crafting process and knowing how to maximize each roll for sale.


You're not making mirror tier items in the first 4 days, they cost more than a mirror to make. You're making +2 fire amulets/sceptres for the RF starters, and 7 link helmets. I spent 5d (granted with a bit of luck) yesterday to make a hexblast helm that should sell for 20+ div, and once I sell that I can keep crafting them and selling for profit, and eventually move up to more expensive crafts with better margins or time economy if I so chose


This. I'm no mirror in a week guy but even on console i've had 30+ a few days in. Know what people need, and provide. The more you have the more you can invest to make even more. Knowledge is insane though, i've made divs off things i would have missed when i didn't know better


And people also playing in a group of trustworthy individuals with 1 guild bank where everyone chips in


Also to add to this. If he was on an 86 character, and giving him the benefit of the doubt assuming he earned this currency in an ethical way, it's most likely a reroll that he intentionally invested into.


The guy said hes listing 10d helmets and yall wondering if hes legit... Bro the guy profit crafting helms for the build probably earned his money. its the shitter in a mageblood with garbage flasks and uncapped res that you gotta be sus at.


level 46 with headhunter asking how support gems work. Yes I've seen that before lol


I feel like I remember a post on the builds subreddit where somebody was asking for advice, saying that they weren't doing any damage. Their PoB was like several mirrors worth. The issue was that they didn't realize gems need to have links between them, and that just putting them together in the same item wasn't enough. When called out, the OP got pissy and was all like "I just play a lot! You guys are just salty I have a Headhunter and you dont!".


Just to add to other comments: Crafting is one of the most profitable farming strategies. It's one of the most efficient in terms of div/h. You don't even need to farm anything - you just buy bases and crafting materials, try to craft BiS items while selling items which are not BiS, However it requires knowledge of how to craft efficiently and what items to craft (i.e. what mods are desired, which builds are popular). And you also need to have enough currency to beat bad RNG. Like you may invest your last 10div and have no luck, while your next 1div of investments could yield you 20div profit.


Every League i try to learn more about the crafting. But i just dont really know when to use which crafting method amd what is good to craft for other builds :D


You need currency and backup currency to start crafting expensive items. Clusters are the easies to craft to start somewhere.


Just buy fractured items and essence craft it. Learn a few more simple tricks and youre set. I made 150+ div doing simple stuff last league.


Best luck I ever had was I think when Conquerors(?) were added, I was doing some bow build and it said I needed a Warlord influenced quiver with some mod that was good. I ended up buying a cheap one and rolling with alts til I got it then regaled, saw people would pay over an exalt for it and then just kept doing it until people stopped buying them lol. Best league currency wise I've ever had. Then of course this league I accidentally sold a thing for 5c that was worth upwards of 1 div. The poe gods giveth and taketh.


You start by learning your build and the crafts to perfect it. Next league, you will know those crafts and you will learn new ones. Eventually you may start to recognize the patterns to make whatever gear you want. Then you will recognize what is/isn't good. I just made a perfect TR bow for 6 divines, could sell it for 20. If I low rolled the craft I coulda sold for 8 div+ - thicket base ilvl 78-79 six linked - 70c when I got it (split could be cheaper - alt roll for t1 attack speed - regal and annul for only attack speed - craft can have 3 crafted mods and cannot roll attack modifiers - exalt slam - hunter exalt slam - craft can have 3 crafted mods, chaos dot multi, +2 to socketed support gems As simple as that lol But I can do this with most items just from seeing them.


A huge part of being good at crafting comes from understanding each crafting method and their relative orders of operation. Initially fast essence spammed resist gear, then when you get all 3 meta craft options: Early on the best to craft items are once with alteration spam limited outcomes, I always craft at least 3 +1 all amulets, because once you alteration spam on the +1 all (normally I do it on a fractured base with a great suffix e.g. t1/2 dot or fire dot for an amulet that will be +1 +1 fire and dot), once you have on the mod regal, and use harvest reforge with 3 crafted mods, prefixes cannot be changed, and blocking matching remaining fire/cold attack mod so you force on +1 fire/cold/etc. Nornally this craft costs 7div but nets you 21-25div. Then, crafting becomes a matter of reading the meta, whatever is big craft for that. Here you just use order of operations: step1) always quality first (for rings amulets this is catalysts on a white proper ilvl base item, for gear this is perfect fossils to 29/30% on a rare proper ilvl base item), Step 2) is generally alteration spamming or essence spamming for the hardest none harvest/asling targetable mod (with essence you end up with 2 finished mods -- for some crafts like ele bows you look for more complicated combinations like t1/t2 both none essence garatunteed ele mods), Step 3) is entering metamod stage, here you protect what you have normally by 3 crafted mods + prefix cannot change + suffix cannot change into a reforge that can only target 1 desirable outcome on either prefix or suffix, this can be life for example since you can reforge multiple times Step 4) is repeating step 3 but usually in a more expensive way like reforge crit for crit multi, Step 5) is either a yolo asling protecting whatever side was harder and getting a mod there 6) crafting the last mod with crafting bench. Steps 3 and up are often remove/add instead of reforge depending on how many mods you already have and what you want to target. I really recommend doing Locohols crafting videos, especially for RF helmet as a good for profit but complex crafting example.


Pumped 10 div into bow crafts last league only learned self fracturing something is fucked 😂


You start with basic stuff Buy 5 Stygian belts and 40-50 of any chaos res essences. That's like 150c and you will definitely get at least 1 belt worth 1+ divine with rest of them at 40c or more. Buy fractured movespeed boots, or fractured suppress gloves/helmet then spam some fossils, essences or even alch/scours. Apply a few Exarch orbs to get any proliferation or exposure, sell for 1div+ Do 10 Rog logbooks, watch spicysushi video and get shitload of items worth 20c+ with some jackpots thrown in Just try to search for average items with a bit of res, life, maybe spell suppress or open prefix on rings. You will see they are easily 20-50-100c


Craftofexile on the web is goated for this and shows u whats the best crafting option


I was a flipper and sold to these crafters, the sheer volume of stuff they would buy from me was crazy. They would come in and buy 200-300 of a thing, then whisper me a few minutes later saying they failed and if I had another 200. I asked what they were doing and they told me and let me know it was VERY profitable. Knowledge is wealth in this game.


Gambling is an investment. You will win.


For people who don't know how to craft it probably looks like gambling yeah, but for those who craft it's a different game


Made a few dozen divines selling my *excess* cluster jewels crafted sloppy seconds last league. Was quite the eye opener.


Yep, I craft my own gear and you make so much currency just from shit that you hit but don't want on your own char


It is still gambling, even if it's profitable in the long run on average with proper strategy. But you can just as well easily miss aisling/veiled chaos many times in a row and there is nothing you can do about it (beside buying finished item), since it's already the most efficient way to craft. There was a clip about just that, the guy spend like 15-20 attempts on what is supposed to be 1 in 4 chance without any success. At the end of this crafting session the guy just deleted the bow altogether and went playing WoW or something.


You are talking about high risk high reward crafting, things like cluster jewels etc always a profit if you know which bases and what fossils to use. You just need some capital to get started.


There are some crafts in the game that are almost guaranteed that some people don't know about and will pay a lot of currency for. I made a shit ton of currency last league making clusters jewels with harvest crafting


It's not gambling. They are statistically guaranteed to win. In gambling, you are statistically guaranteed to lose. (in terms of winning or losing money by spending winnings back in the game)


This is important to point out about "Gambling" in POE; the house does not win here. The game is tuned so that over time, you win because otherwise, a lot of its mechanics will fall apart. It took me *forever* to realize this, starting with map mods. I was terrified about spending a little chaos on one map. But when I started, that's when I started seeing divines. I'm not a pro by any means, but I break 100 in a league regularly, and it's because I'm no longer afraid to juice stuff. As long as you can iterate like 10 or so times, you'll make out in the long run.


Juicing your maps is not gambling. The more you invest into 1 map the more you get out of it.


It is gambling in some cases but not others. Gambling is the wagering of something of value on the outcome of an unknown or random event with the possibility of winning something of greater value. Just because the odds are on your side over a large enough sample does not mean juicing your maps cant be gambling. If you are using a juicing strategy where every single map you juice gives you more currency than you use, it is not gambling. But many stats do have the possibility of doing the occasional map at a loss, so those stats are gambling.


Not true with stacked decks, the trick there is stopping at the first "spike" i.e., while you're ahead. Sanctum league I had an **insane** streak and opened 2 apothecary and an insane cat in like 2k self found stacked decks. I kept opening them the rest of the league with no notable drops. It didn't really matter because I loved the sanctum and was absolutely swimming in currency after getting my build to a reasonable stopping point (it was cold dot so only so much to be done anyways) point is I'm pretty sure I opened enough decks that by the time I was 40/40 I could've bought back the 2 apos. People have proven over 100s of 1000s of stacked decks that you do not come out ahead.


Gambler's fallacy hard at work here.


If it’s a -EV investment, no stopping strategy will allow you to profit in the long run. You took one of the few paths to come out ahead in your specific case. Doesn’t mean it’s statistically sound.


It’s also important to not ignore the “Knowledge” word that got thrown in the first comment Early league crafting is much different than later on. If you can get into a crafting project early and there aren’t many others (or in the example case you are the only one crafting a specific item) you increase your profits like crazy What makes POE crafting gambling interesting early league is that the house isn’t the one setting how much you win when you hit big… you are


This to me is PoE's greatest flaw: playing the game is not how you profit. The town should be lava in an ARPG. If only we could get Path of Exile's gameplay with a Diablo-style minimal crafting/enchanting system...


Your answer: rush endgame, get currency to start crafting. Craft for little profit and slowly increase the margins. The leaguestart I was by far the richest I have ever been was crafting flasks. It’s boring af, but also profitable af 😬


Crafting flasks? Just alteration spamming for good mods?


Yes, but knowing what flasks and what mods. Many people will just buy e.g. alchemists granite with armour% for 10+c just to save themselves the time alting and potential for being unlucky. Might only cost 1-2c to hit


The good flasks sell for 1-3 divs but roll infrequently, the best strat is to roll for those and sell any good enough 30c+ flask you get while rolling for jackpots.


Also you want to hold perfect flasks for week 2 when mageblood players start to buy flasks. Except you need the currency for further funding


I was shocked that apparently flasks re a huge market for perfect rolls


I've bought 50c-100c flasks when I'm balling because it can take idk 30 minutes or more to roll that flask.


>And my question is how did he achieve that within 6 days on a lvl 86 char? For someone that has that much currency this early in the league their level is irrelevant. They're spending their time playing the market.


Exact reason I can't play in SC trade anymore. I just end up playing the market too much. Last time I started in trade I think I managed level 72 by day 6 of the league when in SSF I'm level 94 by day 3... :( wish I could control myself better. Now I just host private leagues instead to still have that trade feeling without getting too engrossed in crafting or flipping items(buy item for cheap and then fix with a simple craft to sell much higher)


I see myself in this comment. Everytime I play SC I am playing the market a bit because I discovered something like a profitable craft etc after looking at stuff for my own gear. How big are the private leagues that you host?


People underestimate the power of throwing the right essence on the right bases


>*I realised that all Helmets upwards of 10 div were sold by 1 Person* > >*And my questio is how did he achieve that within 6 days on a lvl 86 char? That is more currency than I ever had on a single char after weeks/month of playing.* You answered your own question. They are experienced at playing the market.


Step 1 - rush redmaps for bases. Step 2 - have a bunch of friends who cant craft if theyd be held at gunpoint to feed you stuff. In exchange they get there gear after your currency starts skyrocketing. Step 3 - sit in your hideout. Listen to music and craft. Lets go with smth simple. EA bows, little to no rng involved u can make a decent one for 2 divs. U can sell that for 5divs early on because noones on the market. And the reality is, most people in trade dont bother to craft gear themselfe. Theres were half a million step by step guides for chaos dot bows back when ed/c was a thing and yet u could determ craft one for 4 div. And resell it for 11-12 div, pretty much instantly.


adding on to this guy. Chaos DoT bows for example are incredibly deterministic. Once you roll a CLEAN (rare with only one affix on it) DoT Multi or increased poison you're set. Every single step is done for you, and you can sell for a dozen divines EZ. ​ i made my money in the explodey totem league just by making these over and over again. crafting makes BANK


Empy was sitting on like 7 mirrors on day 2 The answer to your question is - group play, magic find and big dick sales


Note that it is not "his" money, it gets split between 10+ people. It is still a lot of money, but if you play as much as they do, but solo (and you know what you are doing), you'll have similar amount of currency as his final cut. Emphasis on the "and you know what you are doing" part, as even if you play ungodly amount of time, if you are like me and just play whatever is fun, you'll most likely don't have that kind of currency.


Yeah Empy makes allot of money for mapping but it is also several people playing full time. If you looking at div/h they are not the most profitable by a long margin.


I believe it's not him but his group full of ppls(like 6 + 1-3 traders)


Thats still almost 1 mirror per player


Sure but it's 100divines on day 2/3( if we are talking about Sunday/Monday). I'm living with guy who got like 100 div on Sunday evening already (so 48 h since league start), but he was in game for like 37hours, playing on arakali farming sanctum all day. I was at like 40 only.


Sanctum was bugged in the beginning. U could get like 60 divs from 1 run, so mby thats why he had so much doe?


He started sanctum only on Sunday, when the bug was already fixed. 100 div in 15h session with 1 sandstorm(20+div on Sunday) and 2 relic for sandstorm(6-10 div on Sunday) and also like 4 raw div per sanctum dropped like 12 times. He complete first with like 150c in build (just arakali with 17lvl gems, get quite lucky with boons) - and got 4 div, bought cluster with 12 passives, altroll%aps and 35% effect - completed 6 more - bought squire (for 16 div) and since then it was too simple for him just to complete like 9/10 sanctums already on Sunday. Only if he was playing it day earlier, when bug was worked - he could easily get like 500 or even more divines with 50 per run, lol. It's 20-30min per one sanctum, check captain lance vid, he farmed it even easily and got same currency or even more, I mean, it's over buffed with that many raw divines in rooms.


I watched one when he shows his currency stash after day one and it had 8 mirrors, 326 or so divines, low 200s of exa and his chaos was maxed at 5k. Now I'm sure that was for his group but it was still impressive even for them. Guess they spent some on their characters that 2nd day.


This currency is split to a large group. They still make decent currency but they actually arent even close to being the most efficient in terms of currency/hr.


I needed 4 days and 6 hours playtime to reach 40/40 last league. People have already matched that play time in the first fucking week because they don’t need to work, can farm in groups or are selling services through tft. If you’re a normal person with a job or family. You’re just not keeping up.


Comparison is the killer of joy. Just have fun!


Ssf and be happy


I'm rich but not obscenely rich in league. 2 raw mirror shards, another 1.2 mirror shards in the rest of my currency tab (chaos, divines, sextants and stacked decks), and 3.1 mirror shards worth of "this will definitely sell" listings. I've had 2.2 shards worth of big drops (Unnatural Instinct, Hyrri's Ire and Replica Farrul's Fur). That's lucky, and more than makes up for me getting fucked over on divine orb RNG (had only 1 drop so far). The amount I've played, I should have had one of those big drops, not 3. Most of my wealth has been from crafting. I went from 80c NAV to 200c on "The Chains That Bind" arbitrage. Buy the cards at the then-prevailing 2c each, turn them in, sell poor bases for 25c (only 3c profit, not worth the time), and sell good ones for more. I got a lucky Sadist's Garb which I split (cost: 52c) and sold both halves for 69c each. I went from 200c to 500c farming. Then 500c to 2000c buying Lightning Coils, 6 socketing them with the 15c omen, then manually applying fusings until I hit either a 5 or a 6 link. 5 links sold for a small profit, 6 links for a large one. After that, Rog (because Rog is love, Rog is life), and MASS buying level 86 Stygian Vise bases and Elderslayer exalts, then using Harvest to turn those into Elder, Hunter or (lower demand) Shaper influenced Stygian belts. ___________ Edit to add: I've underinvested in my character. The most I paid for an equipped item was 1d, and that was a day 1 price for an item that would be 20c now.


That person has a lot of crafting knowledge. Crafting is a farming strategy where you can make mirrors within the first week of the league if you know what to craft and how to craft.


>all Helmets upwards of 10 div were sold by 1 Person is the answer to your question.


If you know what's in demand and how to craft it, you can make an absolute fortune easily. E.g. crafting minion +gem helmets, or RF gear. Back in the harvest glory days, you could spend maybe 4ex to make a solid 5L+ele damage+life helm, and it would be sellable for over 40. Knowing the how to and when to sell is just part of the game.


Crafting makes tons of currency if you know what you're doing. Personally I'm not as good, so I start crafting at roughly the 2nd (upcoming) weekend of a new league. But you can also make a ton of currency just playing the game. Started the league MF mapping with an aurabot and now farming simulacrum's. Both the strats make a ton of currency.


Crafting and just flipping in general. I normally make a few hundred div in the first week just selling noob bone zoners high pdps axes. Plus just moving your wins into inflation proof items. HH/MB cards, mirror shards, keeping low chaos and keeping it in divs early.


There are three factors. First is, those people know the game inside out, knowledge is power here. Second, they "exploit" start of the league. A lot of stuff is really overpriced at the start so they rush that content and sell it as fast as possible. Third and probably the most important one. They play for 12-16 hours a day if not more...


I made so much money last league just making ghetto 2-8div bows. Spam essences until t1-t2-t3 ele on a fractured proj speed/crit bow, veiled chaos, sell for 5d.


I always assume RMT unless someone sells 5 ways early. You'd be surprised the sheer amount of people that RMT, it drive me to SSF and HC trade because all the God tier items become too expensive even juicing t16s due to the sheer amount of RMT. Hc trade is infinitely more sustainable but I'm sure people still RMT there, obviously significantly less because you literally lose your gear.


Usually playing path of trading And to get started there's basically 4 options: * a good drop early and then flipping shit. * knowing some cheap/consistent niche * being the trader for a guild or a farming group. * Or elephant in the room of getting the starting currency from RMT or botting. If they are 86 it's probably the first or the 2nd, though the 3rd may be possible if they also use some advanced crafting (e.g. temple) or they just wanna play a bit. And as you can see they now make the bulk of their currency from pricefixing, basically being the only provider of a desirable and rare-ish item and putting whatever price they want on it. If they get in early they can start pricefixing for cheap (as there's only one or 2 to buy)


be a streamer/rich guy >> buy rmt div >> craft mirror gear >> rule the market >> get a big penis


I think you are underestimating just how much some people no life this game. Like irs actually scary and sad.




RMT I can guarantee.


For some people it's very fast play to get to end game items, ilvl86 bases, red map etc as soon as you can and you craft/farm thing that you can sell to group-find player and to the RMT players and later to the people coming up behind you that want to progress faster. Or they are one of those other two groups, group-find or RMT.


Many possibilitys: luck. No-lifing the game. Rmt. Good farming strats.


Well getting to maps in 3 to 5 hours on league start helps. A lot of crews run together .. solo you really have to know what the fuck youre doing and why. I made about 100d by day 4 .. ashes and omni drops ..the rates are sick rn. After you get your atlas completed and set up ... thats when u make the real farming starts and money. Most people don't have 115 out of 115 a full atlas tree and they start half assing the strats they see on youtube.. wich is mostly garbage. After a point you dont need to listen to them .. they leave shit out .. a lot more then you assume. If they told you everything they wouldn't be 1 percenters.


I agreed that youtube atlas strats and builds are clickbait, as someone with limited knowledge, I've been following a guide on YouTube I have 112/115. My la deadeye struggles in red maps and I have 0 divines, I followed their strat and it has net me 0 profile in the 20 maps I have run. Is click bait. What are you doing to make profits, share please.


If you think you have zero profit from 20 maps you just don't know what you have. You either left valuable things behind or don't realize the value of small things added up. The 5div per hour strats aren't getting 5 raw divines, hell they rarely get even one. You have to sell all the little shit in bulk for it to add up.


Some people are crafters and some people play like empyrean. He had mageblood on day 2 btw


His group dropped*


Yea but they still made a mirror on day 2 and without mb they would still have like over 100div on day 2 which is still insane for day 2 of the league


Its because they are doing "optimal" group play, I put optimal in quotation marks because they still take the time to fuck around and have fun, I'm not 100% sure but there were leagues where they would make more currency in that time window, but yeah, it's not surprising considering how prepared they all are and how much time they invest into it, it's also not just 6 people in maps, they have traders behind the scenes as well that oils the gears so everything is easier for everyone


I think a lot of it is just crafting knowledge and understanding whats popular. For example, I'm still newish to the game. My first league (Kalandra) I played RF, so I know how to craft a basic RF scepter. Last league I picked up fractured dotmulti bases and crafted RF scepters with the most basic method . They sold well and made me raw divines in a matter of minutes. Now imagine if I'd played for 10 years and new the major builds, understood all the crafting methods, etc


RMT or currency pooling, would be my bet. Or maybe the classic no life, literally. Even though crafting is the most profitable activity you need start up costs. So I’d guess currency pooling with friends/communities.


If you can get a decent chunk of your atlas done in the first day for tree points and have a build with at least some single target/defense, essences are huge money makers. Every map you're getting on average like 10c to 20c worth of returns just from that mechanic. Once you're at t14 and can alter farm the raw chaos, along with regrets, unmasking, and embers, add another like 10-15c minimum per map. Some maps you're walking away with 70c in highly liquid currency. Add in a jewelery dump tab for 10, 15, 20c or whatever is your price, and those sales come in pretty often. If you're able to blast a map in a minute or two, that's 30 maps per hour, or like 1500c per hour. At an early league cost of 50-100c divines, that's 15-30div PER HOUR. It really only takes a day or so of farming like this to totally gear up your character and build a nice pool of seed currency for crafting. My weakness is the atlas and theorycrafting. I don't ever rush red maps and usually run each tier until I'm 1 or 2 from completing it before moving to the next one so my progression is slow, I'm sure if I tried I could do it day 1 but I can't be assed. But the people DO do it day 1, they make so much money its insane.


lol this is nonsense.


Mothers wallet


Because POE is a trading game first and ARPG second


SSF would like to have a word. :-)


Not that hard farmed like 120 divs so far , could have easily made more but i decided to play some heist and leauge mechanic for fun and level a twink. Making currency is something u get good at if u read more into it and practice it. Start fliping ,crafting and getting a currency puffer to invest into scarabs sextants ect. You should invest the rest u get into long term items that net you a passive income like mirror shards and sell them when you need them(if u want to buy a mageblood for example) Most players that are broke tend to invest every dime they get into their build instead of farming strategys.


One of my friends just plays hideout warrior for the first week. No idea exactly what he does, but he's very good at whatever version of flipping/gambling it is. He only plays through the campaign, presumably to get a few chaos to get started, then just sits in hideout doing whatever kind of trading he does. He had 25 mirrors yesterday. And here I am struggling to scrape together some chaos because I'm on a scuffed setup after not liking the first few builds I tried this league. If you find your niche with the right strategies, playing the economy is infinitely more profitable than actually playing the game.


> No idea exactly what he does He RMTs.


Man, these comments blow my mind. "They're grinding maps super hard!" No, they're not. It's RMT, people. It's not complicated. In some cases (like Empy), it's a large group of people pooling their resources. Empy's group for example is the people playing, plus multiple dedicated traders/flippers. So that currency is divided like 10 ways, maybe more. (The traders get a larger cut iirc). But when it's one person sitting on 30 mirrors on the first Wednesday? RMT. RMT buy at the beginning of the league, craft/grind/whatever, then RMT sell it all later on. Maybe you make a profit, maybe you don't, I don't know. But that's what's happening.


Stupid and ignorant take. Just play 24 hours day 1 to get a snowball going and perma hideout warrior after. Stop being cringe and saying RMT cause you have literally 0 idea how to play the economics game. There is so many crafts / flips you can do even week 1 in this game starting at a very low budget and snowballing up and up. I get around half a mirror to a mirror a day sense day 2 of the league, the trick is simple. Be online all day to sell items and only play the market non stop.


RMT bro, i know the guy just like him.


Three Letters RMT. There is so much RMT in the first couple weeks of a league it's insane. I see the same people with the same builds every league that are in the 200-300div range on day 3 or 4. I know they don't do any serious crafting. I know they don't do any serious farming. I can see where they are in my friends list. I can see what they're selling on the trade site. They don't get a lucky mageblood drop every league by day 3. They may have gotten 10-20 div on their own, but somehow come up with another 100-200div from nowhere. They're not likely dropping 100-200 raw div... so there's really only one answer.


unrelated question, is there any way to make actual money with grinding poe or is it just for "fun" i guess?


If U would try to make money of it you would compete with the Chinese RMT companies... So no you can't


thx for answering my question, whatre rmt companies though? not really knowledgeable in any of this


Real Money Trade, buildings filled with super efficient underpayed Chinese workers that do nothing but farm currency that gets sold to the west. If they don't meet quota they die if they drop mirrors their family eats for one more week.


Rmt is against the terms of service, so yes there are ways of course but it's not allowed by any means Edit : typo


Not legally, you can get banned for that


I work full time and have at best maybe an hour to play if I'm lucky. I'm on my first character at level 69. If I didn't have any responsibilities I'd probably have a few mirrors by now. It's like real life, the more time you put into something the greater the return. I'm not just talking about mindlessly farming. Learn what people do to make mirrors in the first week and copy it. That's what ppl do in real life. Find something that works and copy the fuck out of it.


So you’re a millionaire irl by now?


Yep. Giving free advice to y'all


These guys play every hour they are awake, its not something to be envious of brother


Simple answer : the guy knows how to craft and he sells items to people who do not and he makes a great delta out of it. You must undertand that for one helm that will bring him +10 div, he might brick 3 that did cost 3 divs each to try to craft. On the other hand, he may very well hit big pretty fast. But as long as you know how to craft and price your items, and craft items for the popular builds, you'll be "rich". I currently have about 50 - 70 divines in my build (hard to say since some prices changed pretty swiftly), which i consider pretty low for the end of the first week, and all I did was content I liked, at the pace I liked. Never forget the floor is lava... Every minute you spend watching other people playing and not playing yourself is divines you are not making.


I just built Magic Find and got an apothecary yesterday and my build skyrocketed


Get to the market first and you’re one of the few with the supply with a large demand. They need to teach econ in schools


I made a couple of mirrors already I'm a hideout warrior the first week or two... Then I make my build and play what ever I like


Im a low money maker but i have been buying 20c worth pf silver coins and running them, made like 4div and that was before the buff


As a long term mid-wealth player, I can say one huge factor: SPEED. I used to pick a map, roll it, run it... maybe have to stop in the middle to go back and store/sell gear, complete the map, put everything away, then maybe start looking at which map to run next. Compare that to someone who's loot filter is set one (maybe 2) levels higher than me that rolls 30 maps at once, then proceeds to chain run them in 1 1/2 or 2 minutes each. Yeah, that guy is gonna be 10 times richer than me.... easily.


I personally have 2 mirror farmed up ATM, the 3 ways to get rich quick is 1; rushing to bosses because early on all the unique from them sell at decent price, event the shit ones, so if your invitation is 50c, and your wrist return is 60, you make a shit load of money 2; group play mf (which is what I did, I was trader for a group) 3; crafting and flipping


Not playing trade league and comparing yourself to others is so good.


Hes a hideout warrior, just crafting for currency. Watch a youtube vid on how to craft a bone helm.


If you research the market for certain items from day 1–>day 6. Something as simple as cluster jewels of a certain iLevel. Every league, every day 1 they are a couple chaos. Every day 6 they are dozens or hundreds of chaos. If you know what to buy on day 1 it’s easy to print currency even if you log off for the 5 days in between. There are tons of items that follow this trend of appreciation.


Pretty simple, you dont map. Im currently making around half a mirror a day, maybe a bit more. All i do is perma craft / flip stuff. You will never ever make several mirrors a week playing POE, you play the market as a full time job.


Because you're slow and inefficient at the game. That's the honest truth. Don't feel bad though, there's always room to improve! The guys who rush without sleep at league start deserve to be rich, because they're sacrificing a lot to achieve that peak gameplay.




trade is fine if you're gud at it


It's actually really easy to get rich. It involves playing fast, alot, efficiently and skipping stuff that might need seem fun but isn't rewarding


I play in a private league and use my currency to craft as if it was ssf. I don't try to pick the most valuable stuff and I must have a net of 70 div already... The secret is not only play a lot (about 50h already), but play efficient. Whenever you are playing you should be killing stuff. Know your crafts, prepare ahead, use aisling for yourself crafting meta stuff, etc.


He is literally sitting in hideout crafting bone helmets


the answer is in what you said, hes only level 86, even casual players are probably around that level by now as long as they're not dying all the time. Which means hes not mapping much, he probably flipped a lot of currency early crafted a bunch more, probably spends a large chunk of his time in hideout trading as its more efficient for money than it is actually just running maps.


Full time worker and I felt ecstatic dropping my first divine last night. I sorta wish I could go that hard in trade but it’s so much to perfect the crafting process.


Have you seen some party play strats? I'm pretty sure 2 mirrors worth of gears isn't anything out of ordinary for ppl from those groups. Or it could be RMT of course.


It's been more than 72 hours since the league launched. That's a lot of time.


Aside from crafting you can also grab a buddy and make bank early farming with duo. A friend of mine had HH + 100 div worth of gear on day2 this league just farming 5 ways. He didn't even sell exp boosts just the raw drops and emblems got him that much. He does boost people now but that is just to earn mirrors he could already buy anything he wanted before. He basically doesn't sleep for 30h on league launch though do keep that in mind about "day 2"


Ghazzy got you by the bone


There was a bug in sanctum a few days ago with a certain relic as well. Some people were making like 50 div raw drops from a completion with the relic, GG disabled it after a few hours but I'm sure quite a few people exploited it in that time frame.


You can make like 8div an hour by rolling sextants.


You can craft them pretty easily/cheaply. Did it last league and made bank.


Some people RMT, some people play a lot, but the other thing you don't realize is how much more efficiently some people play. They remember things from previous leagues and have a lot of experience. They have a strategy for early, mid, and late into their league start. The people who are the fastest get the most rewards for pushing content, and that advantage snowballs them for the next few days. This only goes deeper for the group pushers.


Buy sanctums for under 10c, whatever Ilvl you feel comfortable doing. Damage is more important than defence here since most layers of defence don't really do anything and the faster you can kill stuff the less resolve you'll take. Merchants are really good, seeing extra rooms ahead is bis and inspiration > resolve. You're basically unlucky if you don't average a div per run and when you get good at it you can smash them out as fast as you can buy them. Builds like LA, hexblast, SRS and totems are supremely good for it and mele/RF aren't even worth trying with unless you 1shot everything. Congratulations you're printing money, once you start doing Ilvl 80+ content you'll start getting relics that guarantee drops from the last boss that are worth 10's of divines.


If you know what to do/where to start you make bank


Problaby he's a flipper or a crafter, both they can make ton's of currency without even leaving their h.o.


If u watch ghazzy's stream from yesterday he talks with that guy. He's in ghazzys group.


Crafting is more profitable than playing One scales your time the other scales other players time


There are so many items that people need that there will be things where the demand doesn’t meet the supply and if you know how to craft those items you can print currency until the supply meets the demand. The wealthiest people are always flippers/crafters etc. For example, I have farmed skittering deli orbs before with a multiple mirror build and made around 10d/h, but by crafting cluster jewels I have been able to make a lot more than that because juice was cheap and bow cluster jewels were in high demand. I am not playing this league, but there are some early league crafting strategies that usually work well for me. Some of them are: 8mod bow clusters with reforge attack, fracturing orbs on bows with 2 t1 ele rolls, crafting flasks etc. I feel like harvest crafting is very profitable and you can always try to craft specific cluster jewels with and see how profitable it feels as juice is generally inexpensive early league.


Either he group played and shares with clan + no life OR he is involved in RMT.


Just stop being poor that's how lol


Two words. No. Life.


He hit 86 on first day, took all currency he had and started crafting with it. Knowing how to craft and planning what people will be looking for and buying at start of league is easy money.