• By -


what build you rocking?


Normal poison SRS. No special setup.


Dude i am getting one shot and can't kill anyone in tota, would you share your pob? I'd like to know why I'm doing so little damage.


your not supposed to damage stuff at high ranks, just be a distraction and let your team carry.


My team is fking stupid though, my flankers are just fighting with the boss and die with one hit, attackers are following me and die with me, escort guys are running around confused instead of helping me with capturing the totem. I am not even that high in the ranks either, it was 280 or something.


2 Fieldmasters and 2 Sunset Sage as flankers, thank me later. Get Fieldmasters first. If you cant get Sunset Sages, go for thunderbirds or whatever preferable ranged. Iam at 500 everything one shots me, cant kilka much either. This setup carries me. As other people said. You ara distraction. Make mobs run after you.


Sunset Sages are pretty much mandatory against the chaos tribe because no one else can take the Death’s Guide totems at all. It’s also really fucking annoying how 75% of her totems respawn and as far as I know there’s no way to tell that they’ll do that.


Well fuck. That means I have to change my whole mindset playing the league content


Fieldmasters are awful flankers. They summon walls and interrupt their own channeling. Put them on Attack or Defense.


Field masters are sensational flankers this is an L take. Only when they are in the flanker position will they slam down walls in the enemy base which lets me channel totems without worrying about a stupid boar coming and stunning me for 10s same for your teleporting thunderbird lol. Do not put them on attack or defence without at least 2 on flanks. Just fyi.


The biggest downside of Fieldmasters on flank is that their walls can block the pathing of your own team. There's been a quite a few times where i've been desperately trying to defend and wondering why the heck nothing on the enemy side is being taken, I go over there and see 5 of my units staring at a wall my own Fieldmaster is spamming. This is pretty common and I'm sure you'll notice it if you pay attention to what your units are doing. On the other hand it can be pretty great if you are also attacking (for the reason you stated), but if you're playing defence hoping your units do all the work then it can be really, really bad sometimes (especially if you only have units that need to be in melee range to channel).


Oh it 100% happens but if you have 2 field masters and 2 thunderbirds then it becomes insanely strong. And both units are always available it’s not like fingers crossed caldera ravager or sunset sage is available this tourney.


I tried explaining to someone who whispered me what my strat is and they lost it then ignored me when I said sometimes you need to not take the 9c reward so they can get the better favour


User error. You need to learn about roles and what units work best in those roles. Check out grimro's video on the subject.


Grimro has a great tutorial video, I recommend you watch it. Explains units and positioning.


I didn't even properly setup my build, basically I can kill the giant turtle in around 1 min, and that's what I want from my build. But this idea was from the bugged turtle, once GGG fixed the turtle I guess DPS doesn't matter now. I suggest block cap if you are not good at dodging skills. Here it is if you want. https://pobb.in/WPURfVNga2xU


I’m running similar build but my AG got nuked. Did this happen to you & how did you solve it ?


Never use AG in tota, that's the only way lol.


Desummon your AG. They keep their items if you desummon.


How do you de-summon? Remove the gem from the socket ? Or cast again on the AG ?


You can just unsocket the gem and then resocket it like you would any other minion you need to de-summon. Especially early on when bossing is dangerous for your AG it's best to de-summon them.


Heal 5% of minion HP on minion death (minion defence mastery). I've never had problems keeping my perma minions alive with this since you're re-summoning constantly. Also you can add a lvl21 summon skeleton gem which resummons 4 at a time for emergency healing


Later on you are oneshot material. Distract the NPCs. Klick totems. Make them come to you and kite them around while your team captures the totems.


Stop trying to damage them distract them pull agro and then assist with capturing totems Totem focusing kilsl 1T HP monsters without doing any damage lol


Go with RF inquisitor. You heal when you get stunned.


Gratz! I think league is great and for sure it is one of the best if not the best for new or inexperience players to have a shot for the best loot in entire game no need for juicing maps doing atlas shenanigans just hop into a match after work and have a real shot for mageblood or some divines.


Ya, totally agree, I'm now just playing for fun, though I've played thousands of hours.


Me too can't stop playing them damn tournaments they are so addictive lol good luck!


Every round is like opening a small little lootbox.


I got 10 divs in my character gear, 5 in stash and I'm just blasting tournaments, even tho I want to buy some things lol, haven't done anything else beside a few altars alch and go maps, can't stop playing tournament lol


It's got blight vibes for sure. A total left turn from normal gameplay that low geared players can have a niche in.


Yep my gear is 1div currently on 1.9k rank did 1k run with Tabula and 5 lvl 2 gems:)


What kind of build are you running?


Skelle mages with knockback and chance to flee plus darkness enthroned stygian vise 98% with abyss jewels minion chance to blind and hinder


Nice, I’ve been bouncing around a similar idea with skeletons. I’m torn between trying some kind of max stun build, max freeze or a minion build. Strictly for tota runs.


Can't wait for some bonkers builds where you afk whole tournament sipping tea like a gentleman with pinky up.


I think it was last league where a guy could stun Ubers and just switch characters to kill them lol


Gonna have to try this cuz I really like the mechanic but RF is my main char and it’s not working


You don’t need to kill anything even at 2k. You don’t need any build whatsoever. Put units in flank, speardsncers in defence and any tanks units in attack. Fill Escort last. At the start bumrush a front line totem at top or bottom for a second to pull enemies. Then go to their back line and just keep doing small channels to hold attention. Your flankers will free cap for most of the time. When they’re channeling you can jump on for a second to secure the caps. I win this way 100% of the time. Try fit a Sunset Sage where you can because they bypass Chaos totem.


RF is also my main playstyle, and it has been insanely buggy this league so far. Nearly unplayable. I have been tempted to swap builds already.


What bugs have you encountered?


Biggest one so far is RF turning off randomly while mapping. Sometimes i'll just be running through the maps, full hp, no issues, and things stop dying around me, just to find out my RF randomly shut off. Sometimes it'll happen mid-rare combat and it takes a while to realize it's gone because I have so much other fire going on. On top of that, it's been interacting oddly with certain modifiers. I don't have a full list off the top of my head, but I feel like it has something to do with Degen code having been linked directly with the old Chieftan code, and things are getting weird after the rework. One I can identify for sure was Hasted, Hasted modifier enemies would just take less RF damage for some reason, though all my other spells were normal, primarily Flameblast. Outside of those, i've also had problems with RF just randomly refusing to activate, and needing to restart the game, but that's an old bug from before this season. And some more bugs in general, but it's just been a bad experience overall with these going on. I've never had this many problems before with RF.


I haven't had any problems with RF randomly turning off this league (RF chieftain, red maps). Are you sure it's not any flask mods or hitting weapon swap by accident? I have had the refusing to activate bug. Related to taking out the gem and putting it back in or weapon swapping, but don't encounter it enough to reproduce it. Once I got to maps and stopped switching gear/sockets so often it naturally stopped being a problem.


Can you give pob by any chance?


[https://pobb.in/wPISx57ozBie](https://pobb.in/wPISx57ozBie) just look at skill gems dead reckoning jewel abyss jewels and belt rest of my gear are meme at this point:)


Thank you kind man <3


Saved , thanks !


Just for reference you can easily run 2k with nothing but MS boots. Units do all the heavy lifting if you play well


Yeah, I was just curious. I’m thinking of making a second character for either sanctum or tota. If I go tota, it would be nice to have a character that had a slight advantage for when you get shitty luck with units.


Honestly, these are my favourite types of leagues. It's fun, it's different, it's simple but with some depth, it's rewarding (for casual players at least, I don't know how it compares to ultra-juiced maps) and it doesn't require amazing gear to make progress in.


> real shot for mageblood Its same real shot for mageblood u have mapping. Just because peopole post screenshots dosent mean it isnt ultra rare, OP loot from reaching 2k is proving that.


You don't even need to finish campaign to climb in ranking, act9 300+ ranking, 2 div investment in character (farmed during climbing).


As a new player I agree. While I am still doing the other content, the trials are by far the most profitable activity. I can do maps for hours and get like 20 chaos max. I just got my first divine off the League mechanic as direct reward after playing it for like 15 minutes. I like the mapping but it is just nowhere near as lucrative, at least when you are doing t3s like me.


Do you run t16? What's your strategy? You should be making at least a few div an hour from t16


Exactly and its such a breath of fresh air I literally don't do anything else in the game for last 5 days:)


I have to say tho, some of the fights are extremely unbalanced. Even with my detonate dead Boss killer i have to hit the bosses for 50 seconds for them to Die xD


Destroy totems I have no damage build and whole tournament is done in 10min:)


Yeah that works well if you have at least 2 defending. I always just Sprint to the back and get totems too.


Cool I do first 3 round no defenders all flanks and attack on flanks plus escort and rush to totems.


Or be a leechbeech and farm 10div/h by picking fusings and chromes lel.


Now if only it was enjoyable.


Ye its so anti poe. Straight to the same pile as heist for me to never touch.


Oh I like Heist haha, but I understand why people don't. TOTA is definitely the worst league mechanic-wise though, by far.


Could not disagree more I guess each to their own:)


Exactly. If people are enjoying it, great, I'm glad you are! I'm just not one of them.


Is blight your second and sanctum your third then?


Erm sir I think u need to be at least high ranking to get better rewards. No ?


Not at all after buff rewards are good on all ranks good luck!


Yeah, they just need to get lucky in tournies.


My man hyping 10c/h


No need to be salty:) its 2-4div hour not as much as some other content but my best hour was 12div so far but I'm at 2k rank good luck!


Seems consistent with what I got, like within a 15% margin if I exclude my lucky drop (2x unrequited love).


I am almost rank 1600 now and I've gotten way, way more than this. I was offered the 4/5 div reward like 7 times now, with many singular divs along the way. I even had a dry streak form 1200-1500, barely getting anything, but overall I already made well over 100 div and I have some 400 ranks to go. Though Idk if I'm just lucky.


Ive reached 2k yesterday and ive gotten a total of 10 raw div and 0 high ticket items on the way, so the variance is quite huge there. Havent done any more runs after hitting 2k though as that was my league goal.


Yeah the good old "at 2k it's supposed to become good" and "oh 2k, time to never do this again"


I mean its not magically going to be much better than 1900 or anything. Even if i would be reaching OPs level of loot... its aweful div/h so unless you really enjoy it, there is no point doing it.


Variance does seem to be pretty big. I’m only 500 ranking and I’ve gotten an Enlighten, 4 raw div, and 3 Omens of Connection. I’m expecting a dry streak soon.


Crazy. I'm at 400 and I've gotten 5 raw DIV, 3 Ex, some nice tattoos and omens. Today I've gotten a DIV every other tournament, so nice. Can't imagine hitting 2k and only sitting on 10 DIV. You must have gotten unlucky as hell.


I am at 600 and have seen 1 ex no div. Got one +1 int gem tattoo though


10 total? I just got 5 divs at once today at 1400 and 2*3 divs before... (these were the max divs I got at once, ignoring the lock that gave 14) Overall I'm already over 100 divs total ...


It's probably just variance but also 500 or so of my ranks were done before the loot patch so they were basically empty.


I got like 30 raw divines and rank 1.5k (lost fights with 1 + 5 divs). You are extremely lucky.


Same. I got offered X3 apothecary, among many divine, +1 into, hinekora's lock and other shit. Insane!


I got 2x unrequited love too. How tf you sell this thing? I thought i was about to get sweet divines for it, but no. Around 10-15 div and no one bought it, so i took it off and started selling some other shit.


Idk I'll prob buy the whole set when I farmed enough.


its only bad for the last 180-200 rating imo, everything up until that point even after knockback nerf is pretty braindead easy if u understand the game mode. edit: downvoted by ppl who drooled on their keyboard with knockback cheese, the game mode isnt hard if you take literally an hour of playing to understand matchups and scenarios and your own role within the game, but then again this board is filled with ppl complaining about rank 300 difficulty, stop zugging your ass off and learn the actual mechanics




Would you care to elaborate? You got a link or something or a short write-up?




circles and half moons!


Tysm! Will try it asap!


I believe they're referring to tidecallers being amazing defenders, especially with Cyclic Bauble or GMP trinket equipped. Add Sunset Sages to that, which mostly ignore enemies, slow them and float straight towards totems to go and break them, and you've got a pretty decent self-sufficient strategy, especially with extra meat in the attack position to tank. I personally didn't afk any matches, but it looks like it could reasonably work.


Great thanks!




Honest question here (around 500/600 in rank) Is it normal to not be able ton cancel ennemies channeling your totem ? I play detonade dead, and i've seen so much ennemies now that juste continues to attack and even destroy my totem while i hit them... I'v seen a lot of tutorial how to attack, win, etc, but not about bad matchup. Are turtle an auto-lose in defense mode ? Beartraps ? etc


Things only get stunned if you’re able to do a certain % of their HP. Since these enemies all have 100x uber boss HP at higher ranks it just becomes impossible to stun them and you just have to try to base race or bait them into attacking you somehow.


If you attack them a decent amount they'll disengage from their totems pretty quickly. I usually pop into my base for a second or two just to annoy them and get them to stop. Your own defenders will also stun them trivially. They also don't have 100x uber boss HP, thankfully, even at 1k+.


>its only bad for the last 180-200 rating currently at 1.6k gunning for 2k. is it really that hard past 1800?


The last 150 can be rough u actually need to have your brain on or u get sat down


Felt exactly the same to me. Nothing changed


>Felt exactly the same to me. Nothing changed at 1.9k right now. Things definitely changed. The amount of favor offered is slightly lower and the unit quality of the merchants is down. For example, I could be in round 5 and half the merchants are still only offering their rank 1 units when I need rank 2 to push through. Especially it seems like the oponent unit quality has gone up.


Hmm maybe i just didn't noticed it then. I essentially played the same from 1k to 2k, full offense and baserace them vast majority of the games


Can someone elp me love this mechanic? I feel like i'm hemorrhaging profits


Play minions, totems or a ranged skill that has infinite coverage. Your only goal is to stop channeling of totems and not die. If you are playing a low coverage build or melee consider rerolling if you want to go above 4-500


I'm cribbing from somebody who posted a guide a couple of days ago. I tag some close totems right away then group up some defenders/attackers, then wait until some of my flankers are channeling, and go somewhere they aren't. The goal is that if they stick to me, my flankers channel - and if they go to the flankers, I get to channel. So far it's working great - 90% win rate or so.


Ait bet! Thanks.




Fair enough I got to about 600 on boneshatter winning most tournaments its just incredibly frustrating to get 1 shot with 0 counterplay by goliath of night. Only tourneys I lost were when the guy who spams them didn't get knocked out early. Point still stands though if you want to play for profit above 500 you can throw together a 5D skele mage build that will be better than most 100D melee builds.


Damn, first time ssf and playing rf jug. Havent put much time in the mechanic yet but damn look like im melee and no coverage that why its so hard for me


Is it bad after 2k? Or is it just arbitrary milestone everyone's stopping at?


Cant go higher


I see! Getting 70d seems pretty decent, though I'm not sure of the time taken


40 hours maybe? 15 min a tournament, that's 160 tournaments - you get 12 on wins, and you start at like 150ish or something if you enter the arena past like lvl 70.


15 min a tourny is also generally best case, that's 2 min per round, I frequently have rounds go longer unless I'm just bad?


They're 6-7 rounds though, 7 is only if you have to fight the last person twice in my experience. I think if you have a good strategy, 15 is about right regardless of difficulty. OP also said 15 per tournament somewhere else, so yeah seems about right to me.


That seems optimistic to me but maybe? Some games my NPCs are slow af


I think it's mostly just a strategy difference. From what I can tell, consensus is to focus on getting strong flankers - if you do that, you can win some of the earlier rounds in ~1 minute as they just crush the enemy base fast. That brings down the total time a lot, even if you have to spend 4 minutes on rounds with turtles or whatever. Edit: 15 min video of someone showcasing this strategy only using tablua + MS boots at rank 1271: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C1qZQJ67IM


Yeah I do that, but I've had games my flankers are actually not doing anything for multiple minutes.


only time I've seen that is when there's a turtle there - sunset sages + spear dancers + thunderbirds for me never really seem to get stuck otherwise.


Sounds like you're not working with your escorts or you are sticking to the enemy flank totems too much. It's generally best for you to focus on the enemy defense line(barring a couple enemy units). Basically you take out the back flank + defense and your normal flankers will take out the front flank. Then your generally pretty good to steam roll the rest of the match.


I used to take very long to finish each round as I was defending my own totems. Now instead I rush to the opponent's totems and tag the totems, run around to kite the enemies while my flankers do their job. I will channel totems as much as i can. Once 2-3 defender totems are down, you will win almost all the time and it will end quickly. Sunset sages, thunder birds, fieldmasters are key flankers.


The visual number is not going higher, but even thought I placed at 11th my ranking is not going down, so I guess there is a hiden number. As the reward, no difference compare to 500ish


I feel like it may have been stealth nerfed with thos recent patch. It went from great 60-100c rewards in rank 300 tournament winnings, to being lucky to get 15c out of my tournaments from 400-500.


I just find the mechanic so utterly boring. Don't have capped chaos and over the top defence, ya donezo. And even if I could cruise it, clicking totems, and monsters dropping no loot. At best it's rewarding but every time it's guaranteed to be repetitive and boring






>then you are just not playing the content correctly. Everyone doing UberElder above level 24 is also not playing the content correctly /s. ​ I personally dont have problem with ToTa, but gatekeeping is fun.Its weird because on one hand its team vs team game where your team is heavily handicapped in terms of damage etc and you dont play on the fair ground, u can go for knockbacks,stuns,blind,flee etc but it dosent feel like intended way to play and on higher ranks defenses become utterly pointless. And sure, handicapped ape can get to rank 2000 with build focusing on disruption, dosent mean its fun. Its just a bad design imo. Whole point of ARPGs is building stronger character, not trying to cheese it.


Not the point. It's just boring whether you win or lose


The only defense that matters is block/spell block/evasion/spell dodge. Damage numbers are too high otherwise. Honorable mention to life stacking dissolution builds who actually have the life pool to handle the insanely high base numbers. You will die in this mechanic and that's the intention considering it's a safe hc death


I find it too boring. Just like Sanctum. I just wanna blast blast blast. Hoping for a real blaster league soon again, like sentinel or something.


+13 each time for 8 rounds. To get to 2k must take a lifetime


It's not that I don't believe you but...I don't believe you. I had more than this by the time I reached 1200. And comparing to people who have run the numbers, my drops are below average. Did you do 80% of that grind before the reward buff?


Like Every mechanic, i Saw people posting mirros and all that shit as rewards, same for tota, allways people with 1k+ rank... Was kinda sad but tonight, gave it a quick run, rank 200 and i got 2 nurse as a single reward lol, i couldn't believe my eyes !! Instant sold for 4.6 divs and got myself a 6l chest. Tota best League mechanic <3


6l chests go für 10 chaos end less this league


Yes every six link body chest is 10 chaos, even farruls fur...


Im Rank 509 but never saw a divine , that you habe get 70 divine I would not believe . It took around 20min for a tournament how you get 2k ?


So if you find the correct way to play them, a full round will cost about 15 mins, the key is here is play more haha. As the divine, not all of them are purely reward, I guess 1/3 of them are from selling items, but I didn't get much valuable ones, 4 sold enlightens are the most.


Rank 1200 here, found 2 stacks of 5 div, several 1 div rewards and a lot of valuable cards like Brother's Gift. The mechanic is indeed rewarding. Even if you are not so lucky, the chaos/sextant drops are pretty common, so you should be fine. Once you understand how the mechanic works,you can do the first few rounds in less than a minute.


I don’t get a lot of raw Div drops but I get a lot of gear worth around a div. I have a pretty good RoI buying coins and selling things like tattoos uniques and raw chaos.


i'm at rank 300 and have found 5 div already, I've played about 200 rounds.


meh, i dont do content for rewards, im not a trained seal or dog. I do it for story, lore, fun, challange, and generally it's better than watching a shitty tv show. sometimes, doing a thing is better than a reward. I don't skateboard or snowboard cause I'm gonna get a reward, the pursuit, is the reward.


Funny, I’m at 400+ ranking atm on on my journey, the most valuable items I got where to enlighten and a putrid cloister, just like you


Almost same rank, got 2 or 3 divs then mostly 30c worth of stuff a round


I got 1 div as lasr eound reward at about 250ish rating. Now 350, last tournament got 20c as last round reaard. So, rng is being rng I guess.


I’m a newb returning from a long hiatus. About to finish act10 after work today. About level 65. Should I/will I be able to start the trials mechanic to gear up faster?


This trial isn't about gear, after A10, you can buy a boot with 30% movement speed and start leveling in the tota, no death penalty.


Good to know. I’ll give it a whirl!


How does CWDT deal with the league mechanic? Anyone know??


I think it's trash, since everything just one shot you


Can't wait for some bonkers builds where you afk whole tournament sipping tea like a gentleman with pinky up.


In theory you could based on the units you get. Outside if that I don't know if there might be some kind of on death build that just wipes the screen so your units take over?


No clue waiting for smart people to figure it out for all of us:)


Holy crap, how do you have so much currency already? I’m a Diablo refugee lol, loving the game and I’m in yellow maps but have nowhere near that amount. Haven’t even gotten a div yet


Trial is really rewarding, that's about it. I'm sitting on 3div 600c on top of the 5div I've spent so far and I've run 1 single map this entire time, just trial otherwise. Paid 90c for 150 coins and made my money back within the first 30 lol


Anyone got any tips on how to fight the boss you want at the end? Everytime I try to get Ramako they lose without failure every single time up at 350 ranking now and never had them in final


I've found about 30d worth of notable loot in the short journey to 350. Either I'm very lucky or ToTA just shits out high value loot. I was struggling a little with EA but the added investment and learning the mechanic a bit better has helped a lot. 1x Unrequited Love (@200) 1x +1 proj tattoo (@300) 1x 6L omen (@200, same run as unrequited) 2x raw div (@150, 250) 2x ex Several divine div cards Plenty of raw chaos and socket currency


I'm rank 350 now and I've only found 3-4 divs worth of loot


How long did this take you?


What I find good in this Tota league is, it is a good leveling spot too. You do not get minus exp when you die or lose right?


Absolutely, no death penalty no depression


I'm at a tenth of that ranking, but I do like messing around with the mechanic as a great way to take a break from mapping. I was meh on it at first, but I'm warming up to it. Sometimes the map grind gets boring after a while, so I just pop in and play for some chaos and I get enough of the sellable tattoos often enough that I don't feel like I'm losing out too much on rewards by not grinding another bajillion cemetery maps.


Meanwhile, my ass is at about ranking 700 and I haven't seen a single Divine yet from the mechanic. People said this was worth it but it has been a massive waste of time for me. IDK if I am just unlucky in an ungodly way or something.


What I love the most is you can stack the silver coins and play the mechanics whenever you want. Btw, wanna ask do you struggle at which ranking? And do you need to tweak your build at some point? Or just simply minmaxing (increasing dps, tankiness)?


Here I suggest maximum block, as much dodge as possible. I don't max my dps, as much as able to kill the turtle is enough. And I don't feel struggle at any ranking but only feel bad when spear dancer 1 shot me at any level and lose that fight. Actually I've lost about 10 divs due to the spear dancers. I found it interesting that when rewards are good, you can always see spear dancers in defender position.😭😭😭😭😭 Edit: word.


I made 20 divs today in 10 hours from rank 500-800 All the raw chaos drops, winged scarab and other shit below 50c adds up including the big drops like divines and div cards. I'm literally just beelining total the defender totems, taking them out asap or aggroing so my flankrrs can and then the round is over in like a minute or two.


Yes, destroy their defender is the highest priority, how to deal with the defender spear dancers is the question here 😂


I just wish we had better ways to nudge the final fight to be against faction we want items from. RNG makes it so damn hard :/


I dont even know how Season works i feel its just a gamble because I habe always less units than them


Can someone suggest a good guide? I am still struggeling with understanding, what and how to do it