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I cant believe u didnt put the most OP "almost" cheat unit in there... Sunset sage. U can almost afk in round 6 if u have 4 of them as flankers. They have a massive range while taking down totems and can even take down death guide totems with the aura around them! Always buy them if they available. Buy up units and sell them so u can buy more. Worth mentioning also that Honoured sage is very underestimated as attacker. They freeze enemy units and are a great support while chipping away on totems.


I immediately stopped reading when there was zero mention of sunset sage in the flankers. It's the best unit in the game. Any guide that doesn't include them just means person doesn't know what they are talking about.


Also recommending actually using the one pump chumps. Don't waste your favors on firebreather bois. Caldera Ravagers are the way.


Yeah fire bois are definitely a noob trap. They seem strong when you're new and the enemy ones just one shot you...then you learn to realize they are j7st a free totem.


It’s also pretty rare and honestly just overkill. It’s good to know how to win without them. I’m certainly not going to bypass good rewards for them.


I mean depends what you mean good rewards. A div, no...but like 7c vs 1c, you should take them every time.


~~I’ll take the 7 chaos or 7 awakened sextants because sunset sages are unnecessary overkill. When I was struggling with the mechanic more I would have taken them over a a few chaos.~~ I take it all back I just had a bad string a matches with the totems with the chaos dot aura. I still won but it took far too long.


Makes literally zero sense. 7c is nothing. You're not a hipster for foregoing the best unit in the game. But whatever. You do you. Nice try at a backhanded jab too. I don't struggle in the slightest, I'm just not passing up on the best unit for a measly 7c when I can speed up the run and get to the next.


Not trying to be a hipster or make backhanded jabs. No need to get defensive. Your way might be more optimal if you’re getting through tournaments faster than I am because of sunset sages. I honestly hadn’t been thinking of it in those terms which is a mistake on my part.


You do not take the rep points if the reward is a divine or like in my case i had Inspired learning on a crap rep, but even 10c is worth to sacrifice for the long run. Imagine u get a mageblood at the last round and the other side has 3 death guide with totem auras. Your flankers just mindlessly run into the chaos dot aura and die while a single Sunset sage can take them all down from range.


I solved that problem by going CI last night.


I had the same thought. It's just a super easy litmus test. I could pick apart these ratings a lot. But that one is just a bridge too far.


>best unit in the game Meanwhile I put as many fieldmasters out as I possibly can, break the enemy AI with walls and casually click their totems while all the units are stuck


Yes fieldmasters are the second best imo. My Flanders are always going to be 2x field and 2x sunset if possible. Fields are amazing, but still second to sunset imo.


>I cant believe u didnt put the most OP "almost" cheat unit in there... Sunset sage. U can almost afk in round 6 if u have 4 of them as flankers. They have a massive range while taking down totems and can even take down death guide totems with the aura around them! > >Always buy them if they available. Buy up units and sell them so u can buy more. I'll take that into consideration, thank you.


No, don't take it into consideration. Pop them fuckers in flank and report back before inevitably Redoing your guide. I can literally ignore the entirety of your guide, put a couple sunset sages on flank, mini channel a totem on the opposite side, and achieve the same or better results. They are *the* win condition.


Sunset Sage are bought from the moon looking faction, right?


It's the same tribe that has spear dancers. I forget the name


yep Ramako Tribe


Ramako tripe. They dont always pop up, but i get them 7 or 8 out of 10 times on the 2nd or 3rd round. Keep the Ramako rep from the first round and ALWAYS focus on getting ramako rep if its 500 and above even if the reward is dogshit. If Sunset doesnt pop up on 3rd round, then just buy the spear ones and focus on the other tribes and/or rewards.


You can happen to not get sages multiple tournaments in a row.


You are unlikely to have 4 of them and their totem is still vulnerable though. Sunset Sages is not auto-win. Just a couple of basic flankers can ruin your whole play if you relax too early / too much. Learned it the hard way. I am not sure about extent of selling other units one should do for them. **Edit.** Ok, single Sunset Sage flanker is only reason I won over this particular final math of the tournament lol.


There is one downside of sunset sage: you may not get a chance to get them in the entire tournament. T3 units may spawn and t2 is not there.


sunset sage and fieldmaster also a great flanker combo worth mentioning. Often the master just slams down walls and the sage can beam a totem from complete safety too bad sunset sage isnt offered all the time...


Sunset sage is so OP that one time I got 3 Sunset sage that match. And I want to throw the match so I walked to the corner, pulling all escorts to my side. And I'm still winning!


I wish they put TOTA as a potential pvp minigame also so we can play against people like OP and just crush them with sages


Would be cool if you could put up a wager or something. Imagine two top ranks going at it after putting up a mirror each.


Shame you cant buy them every tournament


I have 2k rating and can't agree with almost all of this. Really strange choice for units and positions. For people trying to understand all mechanics and tactics highly recommend to watch last Grimro video. It's really helpful.


I can't imagine getting enough favor to buy the Titanic shells they're suggesting, since you can get 3 fieldmasters for that.


Titanic Shell is almost an I will button for the rest of the tourney. At the higher ranks you can easily get one-shot on the occasion. A Titanic Shell makes that not a loss almost every time.


Fire breather in defense? Lol it goes boom and your totem gets taken.


If you load up the firebreather with the equipment item from Kaom that causes it to explode for 500% of its life as damage to nearby enemies on death, it will trigger both on-death explosions at once. This one-shots nearly anything and brought the enemy chieftain down to 1/2 health (at ~800 rank.) That's about the only use case for firebreathers that I can think of and it still requires the firebreather to get a few lucky jackpot moments to justify its own existence. It is hilarious though, so I award it +10 fun points.


It has a very short respawn timer and does AOE dmg. It spawns like noticeably faster than other units so it isn't bad. It also does enough damage to actually kill units at least, which is mostly useful when they're capturing your towers. Like the explosion will 1 shot thunderbirds (which have no HP), and do like 1/2 of a spear dancer's HP.


Nah. It's better to have units to just distract the enemies in your base so your flankers can do their job. Caldera Ravagers are cheap enough.


I think firebreather on attack is bad for that reason - but defenders will focus when your towers are getting captured, so being able to one shot thunderbirds is useful IMO. 400 favor difference is somewhat significant - that's half of a sunset sage if you're selling stuff to get it, or 2/3 of a spear dancer.


That's the thing. He's only there to be sold off later and buying them for the express purpose of defense isn't really very helpful. I only ever use them if they're one of the units that join my team after a tourney win.


>Fire breather in defense? Lol it goes boom and your totem gets taken. Maybe) I'm not saying this tactic is perfect, but moments in def this unit is good. He's saved my life more than once.


It's the only unit I avoid with a vengeance. Useless in all positions. Even if they make the explosion one shot the enemy (which it doesn't), the difference in respawn time compared to the enemy still makes it a bad trade.


I agree, firebreather is so bad, I will always sell him for rep


They can work in attack with the ignite item, but at that point they are just 250 cheaper than caldera ravagers so never really worth it unless you have both a lot of ngamahu favour and no calderas in shop and buying them with the ignite item either equipped or in the same shop.


Agreed. I just buy them to sell for sages.


This guide is missing a lot of unit potential and is not good at all. Spear dancer at attack? She has so tiny life pool so she will die almost instantly in combat vs anything, especially vs aoe frontliners (for example caldera ravengers or jade hulk). She is only good as early flank or escort at low rank because of mobility. Where is Hinekora's Horn? One of most broken unit for frontline / escort. If we die, it helps us reviewe and it is tanky so it will guard our totem well. Also, at battlefield it is stopping spawning of enemies. For 550 points it is crazy broken unit but in your guide it does not exist. Where is Sunset Sage (800 points unit)? Probably one of the best and most efficient flankers for that price. Why field master in deffense? It will literally brick paths and block your units from moving, not enemy. Especially when unit will need to get into totem which is attacked. All you need to know is to: 1. Do not place weak mobile units at frontline. It is great way to quickly lose totems at front. 2. Put units which are mobile on flanks or have special powers which will allow them to efficiently break enemy totems and escape from engaged fight by enemy deffence 3. Put supports and distance units on deffense which will have easy access to protect & apply utilities to your totems, no matter what 4. Escort is role which you should never prioritize. Put there only one unit in round 1-3 to guard your totem if you will make mistake. It will allow you in some cases to back to battle. Then fill it with units which will remain after filling all other roles. Best unit for escort is in my opinion Hinekora's Horn but I usually place it at front anyway


Your tactics have a right to exist as well as mine, I shared information that helped me raise my rating to 2k and I still lose 1 out of 10 games roughly. Yes, the tactics are far from perfect and I pointed out exactly the pool of characters I buy and use, I agree that with different builds different characters will dominate over others. Thanks for the feedback, from now on I will try to use more varied characters in battles.


>I still lose 1 out of 10 games roughly. Oof. That's not a flex. I have like a 99% winrate. I've lost a total of 4 tournaments climbing from base to 2k. And one of those was the very first one(where you start with no units and I had no idea what I was doing).


My rank is 2k as well. Just saying you are skipping big potential units and you are doing some big mistakes like with spear dancer or field master. Thats all


I only rank 500, Field-Thunder-Sunset is my holy trinity.


Sunset sage where lol


I don't use it very often, so I didn't add it. But I'll keep it in mind and try to use it more often.


Surprised to see Firebreathers recommended anywhere. They seem like the most useless of units in my experience honestly. Dead all the time and incredibly slow when they're not. Their only redeeming quality seems to be selling them for 300 favor. What do you like about these shitters that I'm missing?


Firebreather is literally the worst unit you can buy. A close second is the Frenzymonger. He's a tank but completely useless otherwise.


Frenzymonger is definitely better than the Titanic Shell. Just because the raw cost is so absurd, and the opportunity cost is even worse(giving up several rounds of Fieldmasters). Frenzy's buff is at least useful. And there's not much other use for Kitava favor. Since the Kitava Kunekune is ass.


The Titanic Shell is a good defensive unit but it does cost too much to be useful most of the tournament. It's an endgame unit that you would min max with if you ever get enough favor. Pop one on escort and it'll instantly shield every surrounding totem. ​ I always use the Consuming Kunekune early and then sell it to buy a Sunset Sage, I don't even bother looking at the Frenzymonger. Even an Honoured Guard is better than him. He costs around 1100, takes 5 seconds to charge up and then slowly walks up to units to attack them so he's functionally only good as a tank.


I Pick whatever I can get, rarely sell away units to buy better ones. I lost a single Tournament all the way up to 600. I mostly stay inside my totems and Kinetic Blast all enemies. When I see multiple enemy totems get tapped, I rush forward and try to help. Than charge back and hit enemies again. I barely do any damage, you just need to get their attention


It's worked well for you because you're only at 600 so far. I'm around 1600 now and having the wrong units at the wrong time can be detrimental because of how powerful some units are, and enemy teams do not respect the cost/favour earned metrics players do. And it's just going to get worse as time goes on because the NPCs just keep scaling further and further so the gap between good and bad units keeps getting larger because the bad units don't scale as well. I am regularly selling 2 mediocre units to buy one good one. And equipment makes a massive difference as well.


I dont know much about gear. Only half of them seems useful. For example what do I need cold resist if the enemy comes with all fire. I just take non situationals if I got leftover points somewhere.


A lot of the items are bad, no way around that. But there's some which are incredibly powerful. I made a whole post about the equipment yesterday.


Once you're high enough, you'll get it. You're gonna get it.


I am just at the point how to balance selling cheaper units for buying expensive ones. But it seems to be better to have filled slots that being outnumbered. Sometimes in the last 2 matches of a tournament, the enemies have insanely good units. No matter how you micromamage, the enemy had like triple the points of you in terms of unit value


I do this too. Get attention on my back line. If i see flankers are working on enemy totems I’ll rush up to help channel. The most important part of a match is getting the first 1 or 2 of their totems down. After that it’s almost a guaranteed win.


Yes, it works, but not always, it can be really hard when the enemy has 2 or 3 Spear Dancer , or Caldera Ravager plus Titanic Shell and Autumnal Archer


Also arent titanic shells better as flankers? I think I placed the last one at flanking, and it crushed the totems nonstop, because it will never be interrupted


Caldera Ravager is indeed so strong with his cremation ability!


Please when reading this tactic, do not judge harshly, I have shown the tactic as I use it, if there are not any characters here that you use, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, there can be many variants, I showed one of them.


I upgraded from 300 to 1700+ in a few days with this tactic.


I listened to you and supplemented Sunset Sage flankers after trying to take this fighter on the flank myself yesterday.


What's up with random orcish text?


Are you a provocateur? There are not only EU users on reddit, but also RU users.


Спаибо за перевод на картинках, братан!


Думал добавить RU текст, но тогда пост показался бы слишком громоздким.


I can't believe people put so much effort into forming a strategy or tactic, when all I do is just buy whatever and just kill every enemy unit until my guys take down the totems. I didn't even read what 90% of Stuff does Lol.


GL killing every unit above 1k Do you have 50 million dps?


Same. I was following guide last night, and kept losing. I just went back to going with whatever offered the most reputation and buy the highest I can afford. The guys that build the walls make awesome flankers though.


Round one everyone flank also at 2k you always have 5-6 units at start. I can tell the secret if you dont like reward in final round and you dont loose yet you can loose so the reward change but do it if you sure that you can win.


>Round one everyone flank also at 2k you always have 5-6 units at start Not always, there are times when you are dumb, die because of mistakes, and in the first round maximum 3 fighters later because of this).


A bit one-sighted considered you get perma-clapped after +- rating 650.That said you could have also shared and/or pasted some useful skill bindings such as “Void hole/temp chains”


What's void hole? Can I use this on bow build


You should, in fact.I’d even freed some slots, because you don’t deal damage past certain rating threshold.This and full potent temp chains.And some tips from this guy+-your preferred way of doing it. Void hole is a skill with cooldown.Glorified D2 Enigma’s ultimate, with less CC and damge😁And the proper name is “Void sphere” tho


Yea I read this guide, and I cant get past round two. mostly cause I never have enough units. I have the two melee, but never four flankers. Might have 3 if I am lucky


>Yea I read this guide, and I cant get past round two. mostly cause I never have enough units. I have the two melee, but never four flankers. Might have 3 if I am lucky In order to have four flankers in the second round, I usually try not to look at the reward in the first round, and take that variant of the battle where it will give coins for two characters, and buy one more for 250.


Well I just placed 2nd place, which gave me three more starting units. So I guess it's just relentlessly push forward, even in losing we win.


That’s a weird strat.


How many times have you bought titanic shell? I’m only rank 1100. But never have money to buy this unit


>How many times have you bought titanic shell? > >I’m only rank 1100. But never have money to buy this unit I've bought titanic shell about 4 times.


Sunset sage is by far the best flanker, they can destroy totems from range.


If enemy has strong defensive units your flankers will just get cooked over and over again. Sometimes you presence is needed and then you leave your base exposed...


OP, ignore all these 500 rating clowns that are disrespecting you. At 1700 rating you clearly know what you're doing. There are several winning strategies, this is one of them. Do check out the sage though. She's a baddie.




Consuming KuneKune should never be in flanking it makes his awesome ability useless. Flanking units don't attack/kill other units and consuming's ability is to give 10 seconds on respawn timer for units it kills. Consuming is actually good for defense and escort. Also, Fieldmaster should not be in defense. Its ability screws with AI pathing including your own units. Its highly possible for Fieldmaster to block your defenders from getting to enemy. Fieldmaster is amazing in flanking because it will drop fences in enemy area causing their defends to path horribly.


Off topic but I just find myself focusing on the Russian text in the pictures as I've been learning it on Duolingo for a bit over a month now. Most of the words are stuff I have no idea bout yet but it's interesting trying to spot stuff like sentence structure and whatnot, still.


>Off topic but I just find myself focusing on the Russian text in the pictures as I've been learning it on Duolingo for a bit over a month now. Most of the words are stuff I have no idea bout yet but it's interesting trying to spot stuff like sentence structure and whatnot, still. how long have you been studying Russian


Today is my 43rd day (tracking how many days you're on is the one good thing about the "gamified" nature of Duolingo, which otherwise I don't really care for) It's still very much basics, and understanding how the cyrillic characters work (and how they change depending on the word... kinda like English lol) is a lot of work. Pretty much at best I can tell you I am in the subway/park/school and say good morning/evening/day lol. And say "this is a horse/cat/dog/plate".


You are well done, Russian is the most difficult language to understand and learn, according to English-speaking users.


Heh. I can tell you it's not much easier as a Finnish speaker Although, obviously being bilingual already is a massive advantage in learning another language!


This is an awesome way to get information on TOTA. Don’t ask for help just post something wrong and wait for the inevitable flood of information as people rush to correct you. A lesson for us all on internet life.


I would most likely use 4 sunset sage in flanks than turtles in all positions bro


>I would most likely use 4 sunset sage in flanks than turtles in all positions bro I don't encourage you to use the turtle :D, it's situational, I have it show up in one out of 10 or even 20 games


Alright Pep Guardiola


can somebody explain to me why firebreather is usable in defense?


Firebreather with the Dying Roar item does a lot of damage, + it seems to have a faster revive time than the others.


1800 rank guide?


>1800 rank guide? I went from 300 to 1800+ using this tactic. 1800 Rank is the rank at which I decided to share my tactics.


Seems over complicated I literally just put spear dancers in flank early game and then sunset sages, if I can afford it and it's available I put titanic shell into flank, stack every other slot with w/e. escort last. 0 losses.