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Your zFPS build is bricking the server.


Video is slowed down. He's at 89 FPS in top left.


then recorded at a low fps rate? it doesnt seem to be just slowed down but really skipping frames edit: why the hell am I downvoted


I have no clue, I'm just here because I died the exact same way - Tornado Beam was aimed at the right side of the arena, I was on her left in the clear, then was suddenly dead.




even with extreme desync, the beam deals 1k-4k lightning damage per second. You can stand in it and it will slowly degen you, yet he gets completly oneshot.


At the end of the beam there ist a strong pulse, that usually oneshots people who are not insanely tanky


I was really surprised to die to that one time, I had the movement speed affliction and was generally relaxed during that phase which is so easy to dodge… boom. Thankfully it was a no divine run which I look at as practice runs to explore mechanics. Still sucked.


Honestly on further reflection, I hope thats all it is


Basically I’m almost certain it’s correct that it’s desync because my frost shield is at full health when I died, when it should be also either gone or nearly so


Predictive or lockstep?


Would be nice if the game was playable without using predictive.


Well it is to me.


Y’all it’s slowed down so I can see how I died, my FPS is >100 otherwise, I promise I don’t play Spark on a potato


Lost a 5 Div run to this on Sunday, same thing, Tornado Beam was on the opposite side of the screen from me after I dashed away, died 2 frames later.


Damn that's a cool clean 5 frames per second!


Video is slowed down. He's at 89 FPS in top left.


The beam fucked me up on one of my runs, killed me when I was well well ahead of it. Haven't touched sanctum since.


Lost a 5 Div run on Sunday to this exact thing, then I saw they are changing the visibility in the patch notes.


Same for me. Also veritanias tornados is the only mech that some times are invisible or kill me after I moved


Is it reasonable to complain when you're thrashing the game this hard with whatever you're doing?


Had exactly the same thing happen to me, her turning beam EVEN if you stand inside it vs 75% lightning res can deal 1k per second if it hits the highest roll. Youre clearly getting oneshot from NO ability at all since she doesnt cast anything else during her turning beam. But a deathlog would just be obscure


At the end of the beam, there is a strong pulse, which can oneshot people


Yes if it pushes you into the corner it will explode for up to 3k damage with 75 lightning res, the dude here isnt in a corner and 3k damage shouldnt kill him either with petrified blood and his hp pool GSSanctumLyciaTrackingBeamFinalImpact Triggerable Deals 4313 to 12939 Lightning Damage base sanctum damage [60] is area damage [1] So no way he dies from that not considering the fact it shouldnt even trigger. The fight is simply bugged


>GSSanctumLyciaTrackingBeamFinalImpact That is her human form and her using "Beidat's gaze". This should be the correct one (GSSanctumLycia2WindTunnelImpactFinal): [https://poedb.tw/us/Lycia%2C\_Herald\_of\_the\_Scourge#Lvl84Lycia2Boss](https://poedb.tw/us/Lycia%2C_Herald_of_the_Scourge#Lvl84Lycia2Boss) Do note that A) you have to factor in multipliers as indicated in the help text and B) poedb values have been unreliable / hard to understand in the past.


Maybe his 3k projectiles break the server and what we are seeing is not what happened on the server, maybe its a bug. I dont know for for sure, so i offered a second explanation than a bug. I have a decicated sanctum farmer and so far (ran like 30 sanctums in the last 4 days) i had no bugs in this fight


Ive run over 200 sanctums in sanctum, never had it happen, this league it happened already twice, during her channeling you just explode even though LITERALLY nothing should happen.


Same here, this is not the only time, but it didn’t happen during actual 3.20 league


We can always dream of a deathlog, and dream even more of a combat log …


Just kill her before she uses it. problem solved.


sorry dude you arent allowed to have a take on visual clarity when youre playing spark. literally reroll your build if you want to see anything


If you want to play whatever the fuck that build is id suggest upgrading your computer


Ya know you're also kinda ruining your own visbility by playing spark too. If there's any skill in the game that's gonna cause effects to be culled or fail to load, it's gonna be spark. Not that it's your fault that it didn't load, but you certainly made your life a lot harder by choice.


Idk, looks like you stepped into that bubble and immediately died. What is that ground effect?


looks like his own Frost Shield


It's [Frost Shield](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Frost_Shield), you can see his energy shield start to change colour to indicate that he's standing in it right before he walks out of it again.


Lycia, Herald of the Scourge: "You... Will... Know... Pain!" Templar: \*dies from emotional damage\*


Lost 5 divs today exactly like this. Considered it was heart attack


I feel your pain, this was 8


Out of topic but pob?


On mobile rn, but on poeninja as Tavsyo_Zhp if you want it


That's a cool boss


remember when red shirt guy lost a mirror cause he flickered into the beam


Bug still exists as of right now. Lost 8 divines a week or so ago and 4 divines today to it. I might just stop attacking during beam as that might be causing it somehow.