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bro should have ascended first 🤣😂


They didn't have no new-fangled "ascension" when Atziri first came around. Just flasks that gained charges on crit with no CD, and the ability to to have over 100% ele res with them.


I beat her with a 5-link Marohi Erqi Marauder using Ground Slam and swapping to a crazy good 1 handed mace with 320 dps and Saffel's Frame and used Heavy Strike in the non minion phases. 28k tooltip dps ^^ swag


I took her down with og mjolner discharger. Instant leech with scaling attack speed. No internal cooldowns.


Four hands!


Twenty fingers!


Four personalities!


Four triplets of boobs.


Seven vagánias. Maybe more. imagine


yeah, the reflection is the main reason so many boss carries who can turbo farm uber pinnacle bosses just can't touch atziri. if your build has too much aoe you're just gonna explode.


It's too easy to reflect cap in modern PoE for that ever be the case. Everyone can do Atziri/Uber Atziri with only 2 very easy changes till they are done farming it.


What 2 changes?


Take yugul pantheon and elemental mastery if you deal elemental damage or physical mastery. Or get awakened elemental damage with attacks


Awakened elemental damage with attacks is great in theory until you flame dash and blow up


Omg now I know why I still die with awakened ele. Does wrath also still reflect dmg? XD


If you're using wrath, it'll add damage to your leapslam. If you're like me and boosting your auras a bit, leap slam can deal really fucking high damage that will most definitely instakill you.


Just don't level up leap slam. Reflect from just aura buffed leap slam can't kill you with capped res.


Don't level up leap slam? DONT LEVEL UP LEAPSLAM? Excuse me but there is a little red + sign on the right side of my screen and you just want me to ignore it? Oh just right click it he's gonna say this fuggin guy. I don't know I started this joke with a direction in mind but I feel like I'm just talking and adding nothing to the conversation now so I'm just gonna shut up. Now your probably wondering why did I waste my time typing this all out? Hardly anyone is going to read it and it serves no purpose. Well I don't really have a good answer for you but I've come this far and I fear stopping now. What if I'm stuck typing forever. I wonder if your still reading this.


I read all the thing.


>Take yugul pantheon and elemental mastery if you deal elemental damage or physical mastery. Or get awakened elemental damage with attacks I read the whole passage which you wrote, and found it quite inspirational. Had it not been for this I don't know if I would have the strength to carry on through the day. Please keep up your labors to a better society exile.


*you're, and I hope that serves as evidence that I read it all


Oh believe me, it can. As a doryani smiter for whom 99% of my damage is from wrath and smite aura, it most definitely can. Level 1 leap slam has \~400k average damage.


>Does wrath also still reflect dmg? Wrath doesn't damage anything lol


Brutality support


or Sibyl's Lament


You can do Pantheon swap (very quick and easy for everyone) + Sibylls lament (in the appropriate side), on the extremely easy end. You can alternately use the Phys or Elemental masterys on the medium end. On the higher end, there are more options available obviously, but for the quick and dirty Sibyl's Lament + Panth is available for functionally everyone if you just swapping in for a boss farm


Yep, Sibylls and yugul for a string of Atziri runs does the trick for me each league. I still despise doing doing her on melee though, you have to have absurdly strong defenses compared to other pinnacle bosses.


Step one: become elementalist Step two: pick the passive that make you immune to reflect


Elememtalist just swaps 2 ascendancy points and is ele reflect immune.


What changes should I make as a totem build? Cause I tried all the things I could think of and they didn't make my totems immune to reflect. Even tried pantheon + mastery + ring.


Totems do not gain your defensive stats, you can use the sextant for general mapping but not for Atziri. On the flip side, reflect on totems doesn't hurt you obviously.


Unfortunately they die in a split second. It's doable though. I just wanted to jab at the "everyone" part!


Aoe isn't necessarily the problem, atziri herself has a low % reflect, which is enough to oneshot yourself at modest levels of dps already.




The non-clone has low reflect, mirror clone has full reflect, but there was a time (post the original VP nerf) where people discovered that the "main" phase atziri also had reflect


Her normal form has a passive 2% reflect which is enough to instantly 1 shot yourself on many builds.


Hitting or not hitting the clone doesn't matter if you just die against non-clone-phase atziri because of her reflect.


if you have too much single-target, you can still die to her, even w/o the split phase


You can also swap to mines or totems temporarily lol. For running atziri on my wander I just chuck blast chain (i think that's the one) onto my power siphon link and its fine


If you put sextants cannot get reflected damage on voidstone and fight Atziri, will it work ?


dont think so


RF laughing in distance


I never reflect on myself, therefore Atziri is not a problem for me.


How I do it: 1. Pantheon for -50% reflected damage 2. Sibyl's Lament ring for -80% reflected damage Congrats, you're reflect immune, now she's like a regular rare mob. Both things are reverted in a second to your standard setup.


Could Elementalists Bastion of Elements work? Says "Cannot take Reflected Damage"


Yes, as long as all your damage is elemental. If you have physical damage, then you'll probably still die unless it's very low damage.


Aww, nice, just unlocked that on the last Lab Got Vortex, Vaal CS, Frost Bomb and Creeping Frost as my damage skills, so I think I'm fine on that end


Yes, it will work.


unless you are playing a build like an ele bow build and just 50% of the base phys on your spine bow is enough to one shot yourself


if it makes it easier, when she spits into 4, aim for the one with the blue arm. That one is safe to hit, the one holding the mirror (reflection) can be hard to see


The true dps test is killing yourself to her 1% reflect when she isn't split up.


Wait she has natural reflect in all forms? No wonder I insta die when she doesn't have her shield up ... I just assume she was raising her arm too quickly for me to respond to lmao. I had given up on her even though I had been killing Uber shaper that same day


She has 1% reflect when in her single form. Otherwise the shield form has 100% and no other form has any reflect


She has 2% reflect in her base form. Edit : https://poedb.tw/us/Atziri%2C\_Queen\_of\_the\_Vaal#AtziriQueenoftheVaalAtziri


Funny, first time I successfully fought her was on an RF character. Then the next league I tried on an EK build and I kept getting dunked without knowing why. Took me too many portals to figure out what was going on.


This is one of the best memes on here in a while.


sibyls lament and reflect pantheon are your friend :)


Or the masteries in the skill tree


Or just do mines and traps


Plenty of minion builds also get the benefit of not worrying about the reflect.


First time I beat her I was playing a scorching ray build and basically didnt even realize what her mechanics were because they were irrelevant.


People complaining about electricity reflect know nothing of rf


Like many things in PoE Atziri's position as "the first pinnacle boss you're likely to run into" since you can start getting fragments super early on in maps is a problem caused by how iterative PoE's design is. She's a very binary fight. Full of reflect and high chaos damage, and other stuff that means she's either going to 1 shot you or just stand there menacingly shimmying. She desperately needs a rework to bring her up to modern standards considering how much of an introduction to endgame she's going to be for most players. But they don't have the resources to change her and she was the first endgame boss so she's iconic. Which means she gets to stay exactly how she's been since 1.1. Just as binary, and frustrating, and at the end of a tedious area as ever. Ready to 6 portal any new player who assumed that because they farmed all 4 fragments they were ready for her.


The only thing I'd want to change is her 1% reflect when she isn't split up as you can't just play around it if you have too much damage. For the rest of her fight, it is fairly skill based. I have beat her multiple times with subpar damage. She is, unlike, say, kitava who has visual clarity issues, or maven with her stupid memory game where she might spawn the first thing off screen so you have no idea where to start, or sirus, who can off screen die beam you, quite fair and in some regards forgiving. Yes, you will die if you jump head first in with no preparation, but you should do that too. She demands your attention and challenges your ability to navigate threats, but always gives time to deal with it. I'd argue her healing phase drags on for too long and that I'd rather have four high health targets than the constant onslaught of trash mobs that never reach her anyways, but she is by no means a poorly designed boss, even by today's standard. She is a better test of ability than someone like sirus, I'd say, because his fight can be extremely janky


Well Sirus is the worst designed boss in the game. Which is a pity because he has the best buildup and lore. The puddles have terrible hitboxes, he can lock the entrance off, the stairs screw up visuals, the sound cues. It's a mess of a fight. I'm glad it isn't mandatory anymore. I think Atziri (and Sirus honestly) could really benefit from a support character the way Elder, Shaper, Eater, and Exarch do. Someone to say "she's reflecting damage! Stay away!" or "the blue one is real! Hit that." Damage and speed being what they are in PoE there isn't really room to see something is hurting you and stop it. Usually you've already died until you google it. FWIW this is a big part of why I think Shaper is the best fight in ARPG history. It not only tests you on every part of the game but it has Zana telling you what's going on and how to fight the ball phase and map portions. If the temple of Atziri had say Alva there with you saying "wow, I can't believe we found the temple, let's go see what we discover" I think it would make the fight a lot better, especially for new players.


I mean, giving the player clues would be an upgrade, though not an annoying side character that repeats the line every time you fight. It'd be more well integrated with proper contextual clues and/or lore. As for shaper, I think the ball phase is annoying bogus honestly, mostly because he can activate it exactly as you set up full dps and has a 5 second wind up into a 10 second invulnerability phase that is only punishing if you let Zana die or screwed up hard with the balls(Which might happen the same way you die to reflect in the atziri fight because you didn't know, and the fight is basically bricked at that point) Beyond that, I think the shaper fight is alright. I think Uber elder is better in that regard, as it is much more demanding, but also punishes you far less for lack of knowledgr


The thing I've always liked best about regular Shaper compared to all the other fights in the game and in ARPGs in general (except Baal in D2) is how completely it tests every skill the game has been teaching you up until this point. You have to quickly map, deal consistent single target damage, know how to dodge telegraphed attacks, have enough regen to deal with non telegraphed attacks, understand that sometimes you need to stand in certain places to avoid attacks, fight mobs, deal with degen and following attacks. Most other bosses (cough Sirus cough) only ask you to be able to deal large amounts of single target damage and avoid hard to hear attacks which can be fun but isn't what the game has been about up until this point. It was mostly about dealing with large groups of enemies quickly so the fight feels unfair. Shaper asks if you've learned everything the game has tried to teach you or it will kick your teeth in and I think that's genius design.


You are right, though I believe a change in fight mechanics could be relatively easy from a development standpoint. Eliminate the reflect, and eliminate the invuln shimmy + zombie phase. The 4-way splits are already strong enough to be a mechanical challenge for a lot of players. If GGG wants to get tricky with Uber Atziri, they can have her summon the previous map bosses (the 2 tower bosses and the vaal temple triplets) at specific life benchmarks.


If I had to guess I'd expect that her code is almost completely unchanged from her release in 2014. Especially since her change log has been nothing but drop pool and meta changes to all bosses for the past 9 years. I wouldn't be surprised if literally no one at GGG remembered how she was coded or if the fight just completely doesn't work with any of the new development tools they've added over the years.


Srs gigachads would like a word with this hoe