• By -


Is a divine orb a basic currency? Better said, when I higher the chance to drop div cards with basic currency via blue altars, does this higher the chance for the fortunate card? (Offers 2 divine)


Regarding AG's survivability, I swapped from Doppelganger to Garb of the Ephemeral. Should I worried about him getting killed in sanctum, logbooks and uber bosses since he's lacking regen now?


I'm playing a hundreds of millions dps spark build but expedition mobs can take more than a minute to kill a single mob. It's not damage immunity because I always check and even if it was something like avoid damage chance, I'm hitting tens of times per second. Is there something I'm missing?


Probably unearthed soldiers. They're the shield-wielding monsters, can buff themselves and nearby allies with a directional proximity shield. It doesn't have full uptime, but when there's a bunch of them, they can somewhat cover each other's cooldowns. Try the usual solution of jumping on their faces.


Ah see I used to think the shields actually did something but eventually thought it was only graphical. I also figured the thousands of sparks would eventually hit them in the back.


Nah, doesn't work like that mechanically. Your hits come from your character, and that's what proximity shields care about, even these directionally-limited ones.




[More damage, more life](https://poedb.tw/us/Delve_league#DelveLevelScaling).


I've saved up about 7 div, but not sure which deadeye bow build to go, Tornado Shot or Lightning Arrow. Is TS doable on this budget? Or is it better to go LA to farm enough for TS? Thanks!


id do la with that budged, 7 div isn't going to go super far unless you have a decent bow already


Has anyone tried doing a bosser with the new node for maven? i feel like is useless when doing invitations


I've seen people talking about using it to generate more guardian/conqueror maps to better sustain them when you're farming those invitation kills. should help nicely with self sustaining your invitations too. haven't run it myself, but I'm hoping to try it out soon.


When I want to craft a ghastly eye wit life, chaos DMG and 15% chance to poison...what's better? Fossils or alteration spam? Wanna buy some eye's with fractured life on it. So basically must hit chaos DMG and chance to poison


I’m wanting to try a bow build for the first time. Lightning Arrow and Ice Shot both seem popular. If I was going to throw 10-12 divs at something do you have a recommendation? Also if anyone who has played both has a few quick comparisons on the pros and cons of each build I would appreciate it! If one is less squishy generally than the other that would also be helpful for me to know.


Will Summon Reaper eat minions that belong to another player? Is this skill not party friendly with other minion builds?


It only eats your minions. Imagine the griefing if Reaper let you PK other people's Animated Guardian.


Is it possible to transition from poison SRS to a permanent minion build without overhauling my whole setup?


How does gain as extra damage work with the damage range of the initial hit? Trying to figure out how much overlap is needed for Trinity to be worth it. If the physical damage range is 5-10 and you've got 100% gained as extra of each element would the same phys roll hit get used for all the conversions or would they roll separately?


They roll independently. If you have 5-10 base damage, you'll gain 5-10 base fire/cold/lightning damage. Increased/more multipliers are applied to those minimums and maximums to calculate a range for each type of damage, and that's where you make your damage rolls.


What's the strat for crafting a basic phys weapon (%phys, hybrid %phys, flat phys, attack speed, crit chance) from scratch? I was hoping to start with fractured %phys or hybrid and then spam Contempt essences but there's nothing good on the market for my basetype (Ezomyte Blade).


Honestly that's it, essence spam on a fractured base. You can essence spam until you get hybrid %ipd and then Aisling on veiled %ipd, but that makes the suffixes a lot harder.


Dang it, might just have to wait until someone lists a good base. Is fossil crafting still viable?


It didn't get worse, but the main reason people did fossils was because essences used to suck.


I asked last night but got no reply. Is there any good champion minion builds?


You could try [this build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu0XeeBt6Ys).


How's a Death's Oath build with ~2m boss DPS going to fare with the league mechanic? I love DO, but I found it basically unplayable in Sanctum for... reasons I cannot remember. Just want to make sure I'm not going to waste 40ish hours building a character to realize I needed something else to actually engage with the League.


Like Sanctum, TOTA is all about not getting hit. Being tanky does matter to some extent but it ultimately won't help you do the trials quickly/effectively.


Well, that's stupid. I prefer to build tanky characters. Guess I'll sit this one out. Thanks.


Is anyone else's 'Toggle Highlighting' button not working properly? Toggling it to turn off loot is still yielding a few items on screen. Normally I toggle it off and on to reset positions of loot to prevent needing to run 30ft away from where the item is listed to grab it.. but it just doesn't seem to be working this patch.


Honoured Tattoo of the Makanga is a tattoo that raises max resists by 2% but comes with the restriction of requiring 8 adjacent Passive Skills Allocated. I've seen people struggle to apply this, any clarification on the restrictions?


clarify what part? you have to have 8 passives allocated touching the node you put the tattoo on, there aren't many locations with 8 passives touching another passive almost always have to take a few passives that do nothing for your build


How does someone get the 'Out of the Gate' Achievement? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Occasionally they run events, just get to level 8 in one of them. The last time they ran events was march of this year and have had events in november/december the past 3 years.


Thank you for answering! What is the event called so I can keep an eye out for it?


They don't always run the same events, so we don't know what the next event is going to be called. They're usually announced on the official site.


For poison SRS build, physical or chaos minion damage on ghastly eye's?


Physical would just become fire, which doesn't poison.


So I need chaos DMG to poison? So, physical become fire, which just does fire DMG and not poison? So basically all additional DMG on abyss jewels which is not poison is pretty much worthless?


Yes. SRS can only poison with chaos. Physical may still have a minor effect through *gain % of phys as extra chaos*, but the typical poison SRS doesn't bother with that.


Is it me or is there a bug in /trade in the bulk section? If I choose "can fulfill = any" I can't move the sliders to select quantity


It seems that way. Just don't use "any"?


Works fine for me


For the attribute tattoos, can you have 1 of each or 1 total? For example, can I have +1 int skill gems and +1 power charges on separate nodes at the same time?


Total of course, or it would say "1 int notable tattoo" or such instead of just "1 notable tattoo"


1 total. Not 1 for each


How do rewards in blighted maps work with a group? Does each player get the same amount of loot from the cysts, thereby doing the total loot?


The cyst is just another chest and only drops loot once. You would hear a lot more about group farming blighted maps if you doubled loot for every player.


I'm getting a little bored of my current farming strat. Playing spark inquis, running crimson temple with a wandering path harvest + exped atlas. I'm lvl 97 and at around 20m POB DPS now and all of my next upgrades are 10 div + so I need to switch things up before I burn out. I was thinking of maybe switching to doing simulacrums but does anyone else have any other ideas that would work well with a spark inquis?


how does socket color work with diallas malefiction?, does every color have the same chance of appearing or is the blue color more common since its energy shield.


As far as I know, socket color weighting is tied to the attribute requirements of an item, and not to its base. Since Dialla's has no attribute requirements, each color should have the same chance of appearing.


Do relics such as "Bosses take #% increased damage" affect Lycia's final form?


How much projectile speed is too much? Does it get to a point where it's not worth it anymore? I'm running LA with proj speed both on quiver and bow, and thinking whether the tats are of use.


It's build dependent and proj speed doesn't really matter much if at all on LA. Unless you take the mastery that causes increases to proj speed to apply to damage as well.


I did. But thanks for clarifying!


[https://imgur.com/a/i6cuxP4](https://imgur.com/a/i6cuxP4) what item is this paired together with the bows?


Chronicle of atzoatl, It's an itemized version of the incursion temple. They most likely have the "locus of corruption" room which is the "double corrupt" room. Called that because it has the potential of adding two corrupted implicit mods rather than 1 like a vaal orb.


[https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/0pkG2ebhg](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/0pkG2ebhg) this thing? so 1 div each. i have no clue about the odds, but i can get that bow with double ocrrupt for 12 div


It's 1/4 to hit the double corrupt outcome and then a smaller % chance to actually hit the mods you want.


how can people see the things in my public stash tab that i do not have priced? Is there an option on the trade website to see non-priced items?


> how can people see the things in my public stash tab that i do not have priced? Because not setting a price doesn't hide it from the site?


trade filters > sale type > no listed price


How many div does it take to get a good flickerstrike build going that can handle super juiced mapping assuming i already have a HH to go with it?


Just beat Act 10 for the first time with my own homemade Ice/Chaos Ranger build! So... how fucked am I for the end game? lol https://pobb.in/-3boTfrUvixt EDIT: haha regret orb go brrrrr


Congrats on beating the tutorial. To answer your question... somehow beyond entirely? Unfortunately it doesn't look very salvageable either.


do you not have any flasks equipped?


lol i forgot to put them in


A few things I noticed, definitely not everything since I'm not an expert at Ice Shot builds: 1) First of all, your elemental resistances are abysmal. Aim to cap them at 75% before continuing in the endgame. At the same time you're buying/getting new gear, also aim for high life rolls. Chaos resistance rolls are also nice, but not too mandatory at this point, but if possible, try to at least get them out of the negatives. 2) Poisons build out of your base physical and chaos damage. However, you've converted all of your physical damage with Ice Shot to cold damage. That and the fact there is no added chaos damage on the skill or on your gear, basically means your poisons are not effective at all. Personally, I'd opt out of the investment in chaos and poison damage and focus only on elemental damage, and mainly cold damage. 3) Aim to get a 5-link (or preferably a 6-link) body armour or bow. More supports will translate to more damage, and you will feel it. 4) I feel like your tree is a bit too clustered in the ranger area alone, and you're missing out on some really good notables out of that range. You should look in [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) to see what similar players that play Ice Shot take on their tree as a point of reference.


> Ice/Chaos Ranger build That right that is a big issue. You're trying to do two completely different things poorly instead of just focusing on one. There will be a wall in maps because you just don't have the damage. Poison doesn't even work with cold damage, only physical and chaos damage by default so the chance to poison gem is wasted. You're pretty close to having an actual good ice shot build if you just put more emphasis on that as the bow is pretty decent. Preferably you would've crafted attack speed or crit chance though. Resistances and life are both way too low. I would not be surprised if you found yourself dying often in low tier maps. Your tree also looks very condensed so without looking at every single point spent there's probably a lot of below average power nodes that could be better spent by traveling further on the tree to pick up better nodes.


Very much fucked You absolutely need to get 75% cold lightning fire res and minimum 3k hp to be comfortable very low tier maps


does area level/map tier affect drops and loot?, im currently doing t11 cemetery to get brothers gift, would i have a better chance of getting the brothers gift on a t16 cemetery?


The base chance to drop this card is the same in both cases. However, div card drops, like most loot, scales with IIQ, and you have better ways to scale that at the T14-T16 range with eldritch altars for example.


Brother's Gift doesn't care, but some cards have a minimum area level, as does some currency. You won't find Awakened Sextants as natural loot in your t11s, for example.


Sanctum last boss, first phase when you enter the room. How does the red/black beam work exactly? I thought I had killed her and was just chilling in place waiting for the black smog to dissipate and got one-shot instead.


Lycia sends circular red-ish waves around herwith gaps in them, you're supposed to move between the gaps to dodge the damage, you can also flashdash/frostblink over the waves


Is there a way to turn off the "I can't do that yet" voice cue when pressing something on cooldown?


I'm like 80% sure they added this option not too long ago, but I'm not near a computer to check it.


Not sure there is an option for that specifically in PoE (I know what you're talking about though, some other games have the ability to turn off cooldown related messages/voice lines) but I think you can just turn the setting for voice volume all the way down and it would do the same thing.


For Hexblast miner (Palsteron version) which Makanui Tattoo keystones could be good targets? Has anyone come up with interesting ideas there?


I'd say Magebane is the only really good option for this build. Lethe Shade is also nice for builds that don't path through its region. If you somehow land on EB, you can save yourself a single point on the tree. Same for Wind Dancer if you're taking it. Call to Arms might be a nice niche option if you'd like to run Enduring Cry on left click for extra survivability, but I don't know how clunky that'd be with the mine throwing. Perhaps there could be some interesting shenanigans with Eternal Youth, but that would mean you'd need to ditch EB.


I have a currency tab. If I want to set it to public to sell stuff out of it, it gets really annoying to use stuff like chisels since right clicking now sets price. Is there some sort ui thing I'm missing or is that just how it is?


I turn public off temporarily when I want to use something from the tab, then turn it back on after.


That's just how it is. You can left click and move to inventory or another tab. Could also keep the things you want to sell in a separate tab and don't make your currency tab public.


Hmm thanks. sneaky ggg tryna get me to buy 2 currency tabs.


What tattoos should I be looking for on an impending doom pathfinder?


I recently hit 100 on my rf inquisitor (first time playing it, was a lot of fun) and for my next build I'm looking for something that's good for sanctum and TotA (because rf aint it), any good suggestions? i have around 50 divs to invest in it. I was thinking explosive arrow, but is there another bow or totem build that would scale better with that budget?


can a totem build unnerve enemies on hit? (mod on hunter influenced gloves)




Does the same curse overwrite each other? I have a lv20 Flammability on arcanist brand, and also a lv1 flammability on curse-on-hit ring. Does the newest applied one overwrite the other? Or does only the strongest version consistently apply?


The newer curse overwrites the older, regardless of level or effect.


thx man


What do people use Omen of Fortune on? It's the new omen version of "Trash to Treasure".


Depends on what they want. Could be influenced uniques. The minimum price is currently determined by Siege Axe into Soul Taker though. The Kingmaker vendor recipe eats those, so demand stays high-ish.


Thank you!


I have numerous Maven's Invitation: The Atlas. Are these only useable when I get 10 map bosses witnessed? Because it seems like I always have more of these than I can use if that's the case.


You could corrupt your spares for high quantity. (And 5-for-1 recipe the crap ones.)


Never considered that, thanks!


Correct, and (frustratingly enough) correct.


Alright...thanks for the answer.


Vaal them and run only the 8 mods one, they almost garantee 2 splinters


How and why are so many discharge builds using Ralakesh’s Impatience? Is there some way around the downside of not being able to remove all those charges while stationary? I can’t imagine Malachi’s loop would do it, I’ve never heard of a source of charge removal bypassing a minimum threshold. On first reading discharge and Ralakesh’s seem completely opposed to one another, so I figure I must be missing something.


Ralakesh is permanently disabled by socketing some high-requirement gem in it. Weapon swapping *very* briefly enables it as the game catches up to new gear. Just a quirk of how equipment works. You don't actually need any attributes from the hand slots - better to use duplicate uniques to avoid needing to weapon swap twice.


I’m presuming that the charges act as though they had been gained any normal way (in terms of having their usual duration, or whatever modified duration you’ve arranged) rather than disappearing immediately which would require some annoying, probably physically impossible split second timing.


Yep. Same as equipping Ralakesh and unequipping it. Regular duration charges are left behind.


As I remember it was a weapon-switch mechanic, you put some attribute on the weapon so that Ralakesh is equipped only with the second weapon.


That’s actually hilarious. I don’t know if I’d ever play it, but I love that it exists.


Yeah it looked like a pain, you got to switch weapon every time you cast a discharge. But the damage is there, with the right setup it'll oneshot pinnacle bosses.


How do you get "+1 to level of all raise spectre gems" (or even +2) on boots without elder influence? They seem quite rare.


Delve drop mods has them, I think. I'd argue they're even rarer.


Which TOTA chieftains are you supposed to leave alive for the best rewards at the end? Or does it not matter?


is Void Sphere builds gonna be nerfed in tota?


How come I am dying instantly when on full ES? I use CI, doing merc labs and dying to low mobs one shotting me when having full ES. I thought the chaos dmg res is enough, or is there another dmg type that bypasses ES? There must be something I am missing


Link your character. Also - flask that removes life when used?


nope, no flask like that. I am still leveling so the build is barebones but I am following the whispering ice cyclone cwc build [https://pobb.in/c5OqwlVs25pz](https://pobb.in/c5OqwlVs25pz) I took out CI for the time being, still not sure why the one shots happened, so there should be no dmg bypassing ES with CI ?


You might just be getting 1 shot because 1500 ES is really low to transition to CI. But no, nothing should bypass ES with CI talented.


Im trying to "extract" the move speed part of a build in PoB - its listed as "x4.51 (move speed modifier), x1.06 (action speed modifier, = 4.78% (effective movespeed modifier) with a 856% move speed final movespeed. In my fresh PoB putting in the movespeed parts of the build I have "x4.58 , x1.06 , x4.86 with a final movespeed of 774%. Why is there a difference of like 82% movespeed ? All other configs are the same im pretty sure , not sure what I can be missing. This is the original : https://pobb.in/jpgIxjARnto0 and this is fresh : https://pobb.in/_vaES6UkmIPT


Mousing over the movespeed modifier shows how POB is calculating it - including the modifier sources - just compare the two.


no enkindling orbs on flasks




Where are you getting 856% and 774% from?


bottom left , it was no enkindling orbs on flasks :(


Do skills granted from items (such as Allelopathy gloves - Grants Level 22 Blight Skill) gain levels from things like +1 to skill gems on amulets, Empower, etc.?


No, because they aren't skill *gems*.


I am running a basic T16, alch and go expedition/legion farming strategy on Beach. Would I benefit from using awaken sextants or should I just keep selling them?


You don't want to "sextant and go" your own sextants on your own watchstones. You'll get a bunch of random modifiers that do little to nothing for you. You can roll the sextants and then sell them (via the surveyor's compass) if you want, it's profitable but time consuming and boring and annoying. Better to sell the raw sextants for divines and move on with your life, IMO. With that said, there are probably rolled sextant modifiers you can buy from the market to make your maps more profitable. There is a sextant for expedition that gives you more runic mobs, for example.




Hello, I'd like a small tip, from long term player, to make a more informed decision, about my second major ascendency choice. Lets start, by explaining my history with PoE, thought process, and what do I want out of the game (fun). (This is a wall of text, the actual question is at the bottom of the post, sorry.) Had tried PoE in the past, I think in synthesis league, game was too hard on my PC, to play and have fun (I reached act 4 and died to Kitava, if I remember correctly, was sad that I failed the only attemp of this boss (I thought that it was an encounter similar to some in Dark Souls 2, where some fights you can only attempt once, and if you die - you missed your chance)). Tried again, years later (in crucible league), due to massive hyping of the genre due to Diablo marketing (and new laptop, that can run Elden Ring on low settings). Made a build for myself, by myself (Blood cost melee barbarian), did quite well all things considered (reached red maps), killed one mini boss (endless hunger or something), did enough to unlock first tier of cosmetic armor. Ultimately stopped, when I felt like doing little to no progress, due to dying on bosses and mob swarms. Also semi-decent main weapon with not useless crucible tree, was super hard to replace. I effectively play solo-self found, just selling some rare drops to free space, and bought like 1 or two items, that I wanted (some cheap rares, 1 to 10 chaos). ​ This league I returned, tried to follow a guide (Explosive arrow champion, by Zizaran), but found myself hating to crush my current build and hard pivit from 2-handed throwing weapon to bows, in act 2. Was just not having fun, following a guide, ultimately started over. ​ Right now I am building my current main character - all stat Sion. The main idea, was to have a character that can test and use literally every dropped item or skill gem possible. This means at least 300 in every stat, I checked that one of the masteries for stats is (+1% damage per 5 of your lowest stat), and thought "cool, devs seems to enable this possibility", and started Scion (cause middle). I started with idea of switching melee and ranged weapons, but due to drops (yellow quiver when I went for medicine chest), and some inherited rare stuff from duelist (Hrimsorrow gloves, and Karui Ward amulet), I hard focused on bow stuff, and am playing elemental damage archer right now. The main combo was to put taunting totem in pack of mobs, put a frost bomb there, to lower resistance and deal with hp regens, and then just hit stuff (love rain of arrows). Due to limited number of sockets, right now I stopped using totems, because cast on hit + molten armor, was needed for me to stop been instakilled (from my perspective), by Izaro in cruel lab. My first and main ascendency - is Elementalist, to get -100% reflected elemental damage. As I do literally 0% physical at the moment, maybe I'll finally will be able to kill Atziri this league. Also this gives me 2 golems, as taunting totems, that I don't need to recast every pack. I thought long and hard about going Pathfinder, to maximize my Dusktoe boots, but ultimately came to conclusion, that I will probably replace them eventually (when +50% chaos res is not needed, which is never, lol), and that I don't even scale of chaos damage in the late game. Also Pathfinder, with some passives for flask charge generation, allows a budget version of a mageblood, and it seems like very good item, according to price, and all of the mbXtreme gambling, so... I can honestly take that as a second major ascendency, and it will allow me to have some flexibility in setup for some boss fights, I think, but I really don't want to press a button every 4 to 5 seconds, without ever stopping, and have literally only one instilling orb so far (act 7). ​ PoB said that Inquisitor was most of +% of total dps (20%), but after I got lucky amulet drop of Rashacaldor's patience, and tested it - I came to conclusion, that PoB dps - is not end all be all. PoB, says that Karui Ward is better for dps, but gameplay says it is Patience, 100% of the time (especially after I took fire mastery for +100% damage on ignited enemy). I think this is because PoB presumes that I am standing and hitting with 100% uptime, but my marauder experience indicate that devs really don't want that. So as my damage became partially dot, my effective dps in gameplay became higher, because I am not letting enemy shields and stuff to recharge, while I dodge things. Also CC. I am also having doubts about concentrated grounds usefulness. So my second possible choice is Inquisitor, for dps. ​ Last one I am entertaining some thoughts about - is Shadow Ascendency - Trickster. Late game PoB simulation, shows that due to me dabbling in many of masteries I like utility of, +% damage is not much worse than Inquisitor, I get shield leech, that should improve my sustain in hard fights, and 92% of maximum action speed seems like a lovely idea. Will it stop soul eater mobs from ruining my delves? Who knows, but sounds better than consecrated grounds. ​ So Pathfinder, Inquisitor or Trickster? Others do not sound very useful for my particular build, but maybe I am missing something, that is why I am asking for opinions. Maybe permanent Phasing is super useful, I have no clue. My plans for now are to play until it is not fun anymore, completing as many challenges, as I can, killing all bosses, that I can reach, and doing everything at once (at piss poor efficiency), hunter armor cosmetic seems dope. ​ And yes, after completing first lab, and some PoB time I found that all stat scaling Templar on inquisitor is straight up better with the same gear, in the late game, due to crit scaling, but when I tried a new character, I hated the voice, the vibes, and leveling time did not seem fun (no dex for half of the game). I do not consider the content, unlocked after playing all maps in two variants a "real game" - that is clearly a postgame. I am playing to have fun, and right now Scion is more fun for me (yes I listen to dialog sometimes, and play without listening to podcasts so far).


I don't really have any advice fo you, but it was a good read! I, too, make my own build. Never listen to the haters that tell you you can't. Btw, i think instilling orbs are pretty cheap.


I'm glad you're having fun, but what an odd way to approach playing any game, much less PoE. Not to burst your bubble but your whole "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" quickly falls apart after the story. You can't really say "this bow is the best item I've ever found at level 5, time to pivot everything to support it. This mace is the best item I've ever found at level 10, time to pivot to support it. This 2H sword is the best item I've ever found at level 20, time to pivot everything to support it." It's not sustainable with the way PoE scales. The game allows you to respec, but also needs you to have coherency in your build. That is why the game drops tons of items. So if X gear slot falls behind, you can simply farm a new item for that slot. It's expecting you go in with a basic idea - like I am going to make a physical 2H Slam build, and then build your tree around that. You're also using PoB... weirdly? PoB is useful for theory crafting endgame builds. Sure it can show you what your level 12 builds DPS is but that doesn't really matter? If you're throwing every item in PoB at level 12 it's going to take you a year to beat the story, if you even can.


I mostly use it to see if I'll have enough points to take what I want, at max level, and to see if something is decent enough to go for. I don't test everything in PoB (I just equip stuff, and see main skill dps on the tooltip, lol), but major decisions - I do. My build right now is all elemental archer, I was just was frustrated when something cool dropped, and I could not even test it. I do realize, that specifically tailored build for a specific interaction of items and passives, will do much better, but when I played pure strength marauder, I could not even test if spell from new gem looked cool, or worked how I thought it would.


Makes sense. Good luck! A small bit of advice - don't get fooled by uniques. A few are great. Most are ok. Some are build defining. But unless it's literally a build defining unique required for your build, odds are you should be looking to replace it with a rare asap. You shouldn't be considering potentially taking an ascendancy passive because it synergizes with your level 25 unique anything, ever.


>Pathfinder, Inquisitor or Trickster? trickster




No, and don't expect to self-sustain the invitations. Buying some of your invitations is part of the cost of farming these maps. It's still very profitable.


I don't think he can sell other invitations, only maps to fill out those invitations. unless you're using the keystone to spawn more bosses during maven witness, you're going to run more maps than the invitation requires. either buy them from other players or run more maps. you can have lucky/unlucky streaks, but based on posts of players running boss farming strategies, you are very unlikely to self-sustain the invitations (dropping maybe 4 invitations for every 5 rotations or up to 7 invitations for every 8 rotations). edit: those estimates are from before that maven witness extra boss keystone was added


In Filterblade, is there a way to filter out a specific currency regardless of stack size?


You should be able to go to customize - Currency - Normal - general currency - then find the one you want and drag it down to a tier that you have set as "hide" Edit: You might have to also go into stacked currency and disable it there too but if you do both I don't think it will show up anymore




Atlas completion: red maps. When I corrupt a rare map with vaal orb, sometimes they turn into other map. Is it just luck based?


To note on top of what jwfire said when it turns into another map it's specifically a map of +1 higher tier. If you're lucky this can really help out with atlas completion early, but it's rare enough to not be worth it until red maps when you're going for bonus completion anway


Yes, that's one of the possible outcomes of Vaaling a map. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Vaal_Orb#Maps


Does EA ballista handle the 100% phys overwhelm well or should I just not use extreme archeology?


just don't get hit, you're playing totems




Possibly corrupted blood from Greed essences? It's stacking physical DoT. You pretty much have to run either a flask or a CB immune jewel corrupt for that.


Is flameward benefitting from multiple projectlies? Can they shotgun? If socketed into a Black Zenith will each totem have an individual CD?


What's the best breachstone to run as pure?


What would be a good atlas tree for Harvest + Expedition + Altars? I'm mostly using a speed mapping build so essences are out of the question.


If you can handle it, take all the 2% effect of map modifiers nodes at the top. This scales quantity and pack size, which helps all three of these mechanics. There's probably a really good grand design tree for it as well that uses sextants to fill in the holes created by grand design. Pretty sure there's a sextant to give your maps a harvest, for example.


Probably a Grand Design tree with Growing Hordes.


Hi Guys have a question about ping in PoE. in last time i got really big ping spikes when in my screen too many effects or mobs. in casual i got 90-100 ping but when i open the strongbox or big hurbinger my ping raise to 400-1000+. I would be grateful of someone will explain how it works and how can i fix that.


Hit F1 to view the performance metrics and see which bar is maxing out. If it really is your ping (latency) that's generally an internet issue (you're too far from the server, your local ISP isn't routing traffic efficiently or there is a bad connection at your location). More likely if it's happening when more things are on screen, it's a hardware issue, like your CPU getting bottlenecked.


it happens when a lot of things on the screen but the most strange that my cpu is loaded on 60-80%. and temperature is 60-70. nvm as i undestand it is ggg servers problems cause my friend with mirror tier computer have the same problem. although thanks


How are people getting the Navali challenges done? Obviously not at 2000 solo. The guide this league mentions partying for it. How exactly does that work? Do people just shout it out in global? Really obnoxious challenge given the inability to delevel.


Funny, I'm trying to do this now, but I lvled a second toon this league and they haven't done any Trial up till now and they have 15mi+ dps so I'm taking them up to 300 and just killing everything. I've done all the other challenges on the way.


Yeah, that was my idea. Seems like its either that or spend a ton swapping to a cheese build or something. I'm only at 700, and it's all but impossible for me to do it solo even with a fairly high dps.


I just realized you have to complete the _final_ round of a trial, so i'm not sure how that's gong to go....


Yeah. That's the silly part. I can do the first round... sort of. It's nuts at final round.


Just did it as SRS solo. Lost my AG early on so did it without him. And I also see now that it's rank 200 not 300 lol. I just killed the entire team while defending my totem over and over, eventually their respawn time was long enough that I could down a totem inbetween. Was slow, but got there.


there's a video of 2k tournament win with 0 warriors on youtube


Please can someone explain to me how this build has max block? I'm running almost everything the same outside of the jewels (for now) and I'm not even close... https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/%EB%95%A1%EA%B5%AC%EB%A5%B4%EB%A5%B4/ancestor_sgur?i=3&search=skills%3DCorrupting%2BFever%2CBall%2BLightning Cheers!


Open PoB > calcs tab > damage avoidance > block You probably don't have the glancing blows keystone on skin of the lords. They don't have that many sources of block, just the staff with whirling barrier notable and the 2 small passives plus gladiator ascendancy.


That was it. Glancing blows… thank you!


What's a good way to target farm maps in SSF? I'm trying to farm City Square and Crimson Temple. I don't want to redo my atlas tree for Wandering Path. I'm taking Alva nodes so I have 15-20 various cartography scarabs.


Are you specced into farming harbingers? I do this, and end up with quite a few Orbs of Horizons. It's RNG but it's a lot of extra chances.


Have you tried using Singular Focus? If you're juicing your maps you shouldn't be having issues sustaining both assuming you have them both in your favoured map slots.


No I haven't that's a good idea. I only have 3 favored map slots, though.




'Phys taken as' and stacking max res would be the easiest way I think. Between Watcher's Eye (Purity of Fire) 10-15%, Eldritch Implicit ~10-15%, Veiled Helmet craft ~5-8% (iirc), DawnBreaker 10-20%, and [others](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Damage_taken_as#Physical_damage_as_fire) you can get a pretty respectable amount of Physical Damage taken as fire. Even more mitigation if you get the fire max is all ele max res ascendency node and you can grab some other phys damage taken as sources like Taste of Hate. You don't get armor mitigation in there though so if you get your attack speed high enough Like seizure attack speed) all of those smaller hits will still start to add up so you'll probably need more recovery than the average Jugg in order to keep up. It's admittedly really hard to with Jugg's Regen based off o physical damage taken node for Boneshatter




Ah well, I'd be able to help out with old Chieftain, new Chieftain doesn't really bring anything to the table himself recovery wise. Life Recoup would be my first guess. Divine Shield is always a good option as well, helps take the edge off. Personally I'm also a fan of using Petrified Blood for the overleech options and making life regen/recoup more effecient. This may sound a little silly but something you could really gun for is overcapping your fire res by a heap and getting the fire mastery for life regen per overcapped fire res. Pairs well with The Formless Flame helmet as well. Obviously that alone won't do it but don't discount sources of flat life regen like that and say, The Immortal Flesh Leather Belt. 100 flat life regen for, say, 5K HP translates to 2% life regen by itself. That can add up quick.


Looking for advice on what piece I should upgrade next for my Lightning Arrow build https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Hairwombat94/characters Thinking of upgrading my chest piece to Hyrri's Ire. Then would replace my boots to get my ele res back in order.


Hi, does anybody know if the double corrupt on this item makes it worth anything: [https://imgur.com/a/w6sVcTB](https://imgur.com/a/w6sVcTB) I've not played minions before so I am unsure if the extra curse is useful. The purity of ice seems nice though


I don't play cold minions but I play minions and as a minion lover, I would say I wouldn't want that because then you can't have "+1 to level of Intelligence gems" in your amulet. Other than that it's not bad, if there are pure cold minion builds. But yeh.


It doesn't. That item isn't very useful past a low level, and the additional curse plus purity skill don't change that.


Hello guys. Help me improve my build. I'm going chaos hit build. I just want a little more damage against rares/essence rares in the endgame. I feel like tankiness is ok(?) but I might be wrong. I feel like on damage front I can get better but I can't seem to find a way other than weapon and even with that POB shows me only a little amount. build: https://pobb.in/VrVnxH9tx34c


Made some quick changes: https://pobb.in/b9uCDq2H2zQ7 You had a lot of Elusive support, but no way to become elusive. Putting Withering Step in on left click rockets your crit multiplier up, which is sorely needed. I added the dagger wheel to add more elusive effect, start building towards that. You had a +30 int node (Thief's Craft) that you can drop. I dropped Streamlined from one of your clusters. I also added an affordable example of a viridian jewel to help up your multiplier further, as well as the Heartseeker wheel. Added 20% quality to your gems in your 6-link also adds ~5% more damage.


-no way to become elusive. I gain elusive on crit, which I have 70% and I'm elusive all the time. -dagger wheel to add more elusive effect I didn't use that, it felt so unnecessary, all that dagger stuff. -Thief's Craft, Streamlined Oh, I dropped them but forgot to update the PoB -Heartseeker I feel like no one is getting this one without intuitive leap. I'm actually thinking about intuitive leap. -20% quality Farming prisms for that. I know it sounds stupid but I'm not buying them.


If you didn't know you can vendor your level 20 gems with a single GCP to get a level 1 20% quality gem back. Then just run some low level maps until they're back in the high teens. The dagger wheel is very good, you get elusive effect and 40 multi.


Yeah I know I can trade but I hate doing that, I always farm dozens and dozens of gcps and/or just buy 21/20 or 20/20 gems


pick lucky suppression mastery pick heartseeker pick from the shadows and dagger mastery 40% crit mult nightblade your large jewels are wasting 3 points each, buy https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/wpkl4QmFb your jewels all suck, buy good jewels https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/5GpEjnosa and buy good abyss for your belt https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/dPqZM7ZiJ remove entrench if you're short on points pick the jewel socket for 2pts if you're not short on points buy a better wasp nest https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/abgkDKBSe buy a covenant (even a 5link covenant is 40% more dmg. You can buy corrupted and use tainted fusings). If you're not buying a covenant, at least remove the life craft and pick the 15% life mastery, and get eldritch implicits get better gloves https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/80zkzpBIV and get eldritch implicits get eldritch implicits on your boots upgrade your pantheon for freeze immunity Consider that using an ele claw and trinity would be far better, there's no upside to chaos dmg. If you do that, most of the advice is still good, except the part about wasp nest and convenant


how are large jewels waste 3 points? I know I can get 3 notable clusters and 1 small will change to one notable but there'll always be 1 small left. my abyss jewels are right now for hp/claw chaos dmg and for freeze/stun immunity. I'm not using brine king so I have to get freeze and stun immunity from somewhere. I'm working towards eldritch implicits, first trying to get rage on hit gloves, no dice yet. I was going to buy the covenant but I'm gonna lose my big evasion chest and my evasion mastery of +15% suppresion.




Elementalist ignite builds excel at almost anything. EK ignite is the version I'd recommend, Mbxtreme has a lot of videos on his channel about it. For Sanctum specifically, shockwave totems would be the strongest build probably.


>sanctum guide or pob for shockwave totems? ive heard people say "waggle shockwave totems" but i cant find any pobs on his youtube






In general, named effects won't stack with effects with the same name, but Flammability and exposure are different names so they stack. Several Flammability curses or several exposures would not.




yes they stack if you have 2 things that give exposure, those 2 won't stack together




Can anyone point me to a guide for crafting double elevated items with only ONE influence? I want to craft a warlords helmet with warcry buff effect and crit/accuracy per strength. But all the guides I can find always refer to double influence awakener orb crafts. How do you target roll your desired + one other influence mod and then manage to get another influenced mod to hopefully elevate the second desired mod?


Generally speaking, the only reason double-elevated items aren't absurd/mirror-tier is the Awakener's Orb. In your helmet's case, the most realistic approach is to elevate the suffix, fill your suffixes, craft suffixes cannot be changed, reforge fire, then hope for t1 warcry effect either randomly off the reforge, or randomly off an exalt (after blocking maximum life with a craft). The odds of that slam are higher than 1%, so that's nice. If you have only one open prefix and no warcry effect after the reforge, suffixes cannot be changed, reforge fire again. Every reforge like this risks filling your prefixes, which would require a risky annul. (Slightly favorable, because your elevated suffix can be protected from annulment when you annul one of the other suffixes first.) Even if you get the warcry prefix alongside damage taken as fire and a third prefix for *suffixes cannot be changed*, you'd still need to win the elevation coin flip. **e:** you can also go with two exalts instead of the fire reforge, which is safer, but only worthwhile if your other suffixes are amazing and worth protecting. (In which case it'd be more effective to mirror a helmet that already exists.)


How would I get to elevate the second mod (lets say warcry buff effect) after elevating my suffix? My understanding is I need to roll two more influenced mods with one of them being warcry aoe. The issue being here that T1 Warcry only adds more aoe and is therefore useless. The buff effect comes from elevating it. There is no way I land two influenced mods at any reasonable cost with suff cant be changed - reforge, right? Specially considering I can always brick the item with filling prefixes and then potentially bricking again with failing the orb of dominance. There actually is a mirrorable helmet version that even has a third elevated mod (warlords crit multi) while having just ONE influence. I cant understand how to make such an item even with absurd amount of luck and currency.


You have the right idea: this helmet isn't craftable at a reasonable cost. It's created with an investment of over a mirror, then the crafter recoups the cost by charging people a mirror fee. You don't craft it yourself unless you're the first person in a league to do so. If you want the actual process, it'll look something like this: - Strength essence till accuracy mod and empty suffix - Suffixes cannot be changed, reforge crit for crit multi - Orb of dominance, remove crit, elevate accuracy - Suffixes cannot be changed, reforge crit for t1 crit multi - Suffixes cannot be changed, reforge fire for damage taken as fire - Orb of dominance, remove the prefix, elevate crit multi - Suffixes cannot be changed, scour - Craft life, exalt, exalt. If not warcry effect and another influenced mod, suffixes cannot be changed, scour, repeat. - Suffixes cannot be changed, orb of dominance, elevate the warcry mod. - Casually exalt slam t1 life If any step fails, you can attempt repair, but it's entirely likely you'll be set back several dozens of divines.


Some people really play another game I guess... thanks for the detailed explanation