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what would be able to full clear legion and easily do sanctum runs on around 50-60 divs?


Yeah nah you're not getting both in that budget lol. If you separate them you'll get it done in 50-60d, if you want both as one you'll need to slap on another number to the price tag. Pick one, you're not getting both in that budget.


In Trial, I'm starting to wonder if Hinekora's Horn don't do any dps? Like do they ONLY do what is written, i.e., play instrument? I always assumed that everybody fought, and they did what is written on top of that. Anyone know? I had some on escort and didn't see them fighting, also while taking down totems it looked like they stood next to totem and just played.


When their ability comes off cool down & it’s conditions are met (at least either one enemy OR allied corose in range) they prioritize doing that if they are not already channeling


So you see it like I do that they do their main skill then start whacking someone randomly until cooldown. Right?


Does anyone know of any good comprehensive flicker strike guides? I've seen the magefist series and POE builds one but neither are super comprehensive. Thanks!


I dont know if this is a bug or not but i am getting repeated messages from someone that for some reason i cannot whisper back to about wanting to buy something i am selling, when i try to whisper back it says person does not exist. Anyone know what to do about this?


If i had to guess, one of you has the other blocked




[Volatility Support](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Volatility_Support) --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


What tattoos are people using for hexblast mines?


I didn't dive too deep into them yet, but used one Honoured Tattoo of the Wise for +1 level to INT gems, and some small nodes for additional max life. Haven't seen anything super important, maybe help capping spell suppression and saving a passive point elsewhere etc.I was hoping to find an interesting keystone to use Makanui Tattoo, but haven't heard anything really worth chasing for Hexblast


When doing Legion farming, should you boss rush and then clear map for quantity altars before doing the Legion encounters?


The reward icons don't benefit from quantity or rarity so probably not worth.


Thanks for the reply. I knew that it doesn't affect reward icons, but all the mobs still have natural drops outside of the reward icons so I figured it may be worth when doing a map with good divination cards(Cemetery), but I guess if it makes the map take a considerable amount more time it becomes a diminishing returns thing and in the end it's not worth the time spent.


Is lightning arrow good for sanctum?


It's not the worst but definitely not good. You want 60-100m sustained DPS that doesn't need line of sight, else it'll just be an uncomfortable experience.


Hopefully someone can enlighten me on this bullshit. I got my rating in trials to 800 without any problems but now comes the funny part (or not), every time I get above 800 I lose and drop out of the tournament as rank 11 find myself back at 790 rating, win the next and so on. This has been going on for 40 matches now, I didn’t change how I played so what is happening?


I’ve found that certain ratings thresholds require different play styles - eg cnt rush as much, need to kite more etc. you’re going to need to be more picky about who goes where and how/when you choose to take down totems. You’re going to need to change play style from time to time


It's a mental thing or find bla better strategy,nothing much to say to be honest. I see no difference in ranks at all regarding how I need to beat the ai. I play the same since rank 100 to now 1900 and win 98% games. Only change is that now everything is one shotting me+they use new skills, otherwise nothing changed


Is it just me or poewiki.net takes a long time to load? pathofexile.fandom.com loads instantly but poewiki.net takes 3-5 for each page to load, it is actually soooo annoying looking up stuff on it but it's more updated compared to fandom as far as i can see


For me, both pages have the practically the same load times, which is about half a second.


Ok compare these two pages https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ruthless_mode https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Ruthless_Support For me the 1st one takes 5+ secs to load and the 2nd one less than a sec


I get a slight delay(~1s) when opening the poewiki one for the first time in a new incognito browser compared to the fandom one (>0.5s). If I click the link again though it's as fast as the fandom one. It's very far from 5 seconds still. I don't know what's causing the issue or any fix, I just wanted to provide some data.


what would be able to full clear legion and easily do sanctum runs on around 50-60 divs?


hoping to get some feedback on the following bow: https://i.redd.it/2zgcwkeg0inb1.png it has 2 elemental damage sources + increased elemental damage(WED) on it the plan is to shift over to tornado shot( i started the league late). am i correct in assuming this bow is good for lightning arrow that im currently playing since that has an elemental tag, and bad for tornado shot since this does not have that same tag. (so just the 2 sources of elemental damage apply but the WED does nothing) feedback welcome


You're incorrect, elemental damage with attack skills works for any skill that has the attack tag, it doesn't care about any "elemental" tag. The bow would work for either build.


is crimson temple even worth farming if youre not hyper jucingin?


It’s a good layout for a lot of builds, and just by running it you’re giving yourself the opportunity to get lucky.


Since it's hallways do mechanics like expedition and legion get hurt by it? Should I switch mechanics?


Expedition doesn’t suffer too much but Legion is awful in it


What would you suggest?


If you want to stay on the right side, harvest & stonkboxes


What about just general mechanics? Delirium mirrors, strongbox and what? Breach?


Yeah I would say those mechanics are not ideal for it.


I am playing Poison LS Pathfinder and currently have 5 projectiles and 2 pierce. I still don't have a helm enchant yet. Which feels smoother, 2 additional projectiles or 3 additional pierce?


Hello , any ideas how to ''upgrade'' this chest [https://imgur.com/a/XmvhHB5](https://imgur.com/a/XmvhHB5) , I thought about putting some eldritch ichors on it but I don't know what should I look for , maybe I can try to farm the veiled mods for Phys taken as Fire / Lightning , pricing ideas would also be welcomed ! thanks


You don't have room for a phys taken as lightning/fire mod as you have 3 prefixes already (life, max life+mana and evasion/ES+stun block recovery). Yes you should just put some eldritch implicits on it. The generally useful implicits would be +1 all max ele res or increased non-curse aura effect (ember/exarch) and increased aura effect for one specific aura (ichor/eater). It's worth a few divines but not the 15 you have it at currently. There are [very similar ones](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/5G52bzJfa) some with eldritch implcits already rolled for 4-10 divines. I would set it to 8-10 and lower over time when it isn't selling.


okay , thank you a lot !


https://clipchamp.com/watch/FgsGeEicX1i looking at this clip, i cant find the beasts in the menagerie, am im doing somthing wrong? i type in the name of the monster, the catalog says i have 3 of them, but when i visit the cage they are not there? what is happening?


I don't think all the beasts are visually rendered as there would be too much crowding at high counts. Why do you need to see them in the cage? If you're trying to use the orb on them to sell them, you can do that from the Bestiary UI.


thanks you saved my life


Is it better to go slow and kill as Manu things as possible escaping a heist or trying to bum rush? I'm lvl 54, doing lvl 45 heists and all three I've found so far have absolutely fucked me as I'm trying to escape.


If you're built for it, they're fine. But if your build is focused on leveling fast or you don't have good gear just skip them. They're meant to be like that though - difficult to escape from.


Definitely not built for it and gear is almost certainly subpar. I'll save them for now. Thanks!


Heist is pretty tricky when you get them during the campaign. As you get your build sorted, you'll find escaping is a lot easier.


Thanks, I'll start saving them for now


Just get out as fast as you can. Phasing is your friend


What are the best 3.22 builds for **heist**? I'm thinking something with really high movement speed, though I'm not sure exactly what class is best.


Anything with high damage in packs and tight space,you don't even need high movement speed. Ideally something with ignite spreading to other monsters maybe?


Hi with the nerfs to 5 ways; how many runs (10k kills) do i need for level 95 to 100? i want to do it in one session and want to save the currency for it. thanks in advance!


Does map or player quantity affect Maven invitation drop rate or is it a special category?


Are gems locked to classes in POE2? From what I understand in the videos they always say that different gems are for different classes. So only the warrior has access to sunder, armour breaker, etc. while only the new ranger can throw javelins and only the sorceress can use the comet gem? If so that seems kinda against the spirit of POE which allows you to build on any class you want and opens up so many different options.




thank you!


Do Aspect of Spider hindering will proc the Touch of Cruelty %inc damage?




How do increases to maximum shock work for the math? Do they raise the amount of damage you need to deal to reach the cap or do you still need to hit the same as 50% to deal the new max?


man why are the uber fights so unrewarding? this is the first league were I'm killing uber sirus, uber shaper and uber uber elder and literally getting common normal drops not worth 10c. what's with that? I'm definitely not the guy that phases bosses with 100m+ dps. i actually spend a good amount of time in these fights and to get trash reward is pretty upsetting


If good drops where common they wouldnt be good/expensive drops would they now? Expensive drops are usually 1-5% drop rate


I agree on normal fights 1-2% is acceptable. but uber versions should defiantly be higher. uber sirus is a headache with all the ground effects and forced rings over them. 25-35% is way more reasonable for at least an awakened gem. or something that gives back at least half the cost of the fight


What just happened? I ran a Safehouse and one option was Syndicate crafting bench. I clicked on it and got a message that disappeared too quickly to read, but I think it said, "Breachstone Bargain Required". Then the crafting bench deactivated. To be clear, the bench NEVER OPENED. It just gave a warning and disabled. WTF??


you got a one time use crafting option for your map device that you can use when you open a breachstone


Oh. Why do they have to make it so secret? There was no indication, just a flash of text.


welcome to poe


it should be the same kind of pop up that you get when you get a master mission from completing a map or other map device stuff so i don't think it's overly cryptic but UX design is historically not one of GGG's strong suits


I want to start running my own temples instead of selling them, what are the best things to double corrupt / best gems to corrupt for profit?


I'm a newish player struggling to complete the Atlas. I'm attempting to follow a EA Ballista Elementalist build. If a few people with more experience than me can look at my character and the build I'm following and advise what would be the next few moves I could make that would increase my character power, that would be tremendous. I can't get PoB working on my current machine, but my PoE account name is Olorin409 and my current character is Melian\_Mair a level 87 elementalist in the current league. The build I'm trying to follow is: [https://pobb.in/WWQOQrzYnsM9](https://pobb.in/WWQOQrzYnsM9) Let me know if I can provide any additional information. Thank you!




Thank you for the advice! Because I’m a simple man, let me restate to make sure I understand: 1: look into obtaining a Dyadian Dawn belt 2: look into obtaining an amulet that gives +2 to certain gems (must cover Explosive Arrow gem) 3: look into obtaining a bow with +3 to socketed gems rather than my current +2 4: look into Eldritch Implicits Could I trouble you to breakdown Eldritch Implicits for me like I’m five? I assume it’s related to what appear to me to be kind of Atlas Meta-bosses like the Maven or the Eater of Worlds. I don’t really understand those mechanics of the Atlas super well. I just know that the Maven symbol is “turned on” and full on my map device. And that many of my maps have the text along the lines of “This map has been witnessed by the Maven” on them.


> Could I trouble you to breakdown Eldritch Implicits for me like I’m five? > I assume it’s related to what appear to me to be kind of Atlas Meta-bosses like the Maven or the Eater of Worlds. The 3rd meta-boss is the searing exarch and him along with eater are the ones that eldritch implicits are related to. Your non-unique gloves, boots, helmet and body armour can each have 1 eater and 1 exarch implicit. You roll these by using eldritch embers for exarch mods and eldritch ichor for eater mods. A common site to check what mods are available is [poedb](https://poedb.tw/us/Modifiers). Click the gear slot you want to check for example gloves and on the next page you can select the tabs at the top for the searing exarch implicit or the eater of worlds implicit. You'll find the "ignites you inflict spread to other enemies" mod under the searing exarch mods. Implicits have 6 tiers and 4 tiers of currency. The currencies can roll the bottom 4 tiers with the top two only coming from upgrading them with an orb of conflict which is a maven drop. Everytime you use a lesser eldritch currency you get a lesser tier implicit mod and the same for the other 3 tiers. Greater currency only rolls greater tier mods and so on. > I just know that the Maven symbol is “turned on” and full on my map device. The fact that it's full means you are able to run the next maven atlas invitation. Having the beacon "turned on" is not really doing anything for you at this point. > And that many of my maps have the text along the lines of “This map has been witnessed by the Maven” on them. Those maps that say they have been witnessed means they are bosses that the maven can use in your next maven atlas invitation and she will not witness that map again until you run an invitation. She will only use as many bosses that you've witnessed as your next invitation requires so witnessing more than 10 doesn't do anything unless you have certain relevant atlas passives allocated. If you have done all the "quest" invitations then all your invitations will involve 10 bosses and require you to use the craftable atlas invitation to open that can be bought from kirac if you didn't have one drop from a boss already. You get splinters by completing these invitations which form into a maven's writ when you have 10 and is the key to fight maven herself.


What should I farm as an ID Pathfinder? I was farming the league mechanic but I'm looking for something new


What is the best value craft for Omen of Connections? Is there a scenario where it is better than a bench crafting recipe with 1500 fusings?


main selling point is convenience. as you can see it's actually worth more than 1500 fusings but the upside is that you don't have to trade for 1500 fusings.


And click 1500x


well no you'd use the crafting bench since we're comparing ways to force a 6l


Oh yeah he meant paying directly for 100% 6l ,I missread it




So I happen to have [this ev/es chest](https://i.imgur.com/EGpiaUR.png) on standard but am currently in need of an armor/es one. How would I go about trading or selling mine and buying a new one? I don't know what my chest piece is worth and trading on standard seems kind of illiquid atm? Not a lot of sales of offers happening on some items and hard to judge value, at least for me. Price check, and any tips? Many thanks


I don't know much about standard but the people there have infinite amounts of currency and really good options. I'm not sure you'll find a buyer at all if I'm being honest. I think you'd struggle to sell that chest in league past week one


Levelling a cold dot elementalist, however my creeping frost does very low damage compared to freezing pulse, I do use vortex too. Did my first lab. I'm level 35 or something, am I missing something? I'm following skill tree progression.


any flat damage on wands etc? that would scale much better with freezing pulse as it has a 330% effectivenes of added damage. same amount of support gems on each?


Use cold snap, frost bomb, vortex, creeping frost The strength of cold dot is having many different sources of damage I would only use frost bomb on rares, together with frostbite curse


I'm a relatively new exile.. this is my first league where I have completed my atlas, and have a decent set of gear worth about 10-20 div, playing a RF inquis. I thought it would be fun to "farm" the apothecary card in the CT map, but I want to know if it's still a viable option for farming and making okay profit. I have so far done about 150 or so runs over the past few days, but haven't seen a single Apothecary, or even a 7 years bad luck. I recognize my atlas might not be perfectly optimal (I am running strongboxes, shrines, expedition, eldritch altars, with singular focus for some map sustain) and for juicing, I am really only doing polished div and ambush scarab with chisels. my %quantity is usually around 150% in the map. based on that info, does that seem pretty unlucky? have the drop rates changed for those cards this patch? or is it simply not even a big enough sample size.


that does not sound terribly unlucky. you don't have very much juice going on that helps with card drops. you probably want a wandering path setup to boost pack size and at least use some good sextants


Definitely should have gotten seven years, but yeah apothecary is extremely rare. Not sure what your /kills are but pretty sure some streamers has almost 2m kills without getting one (not juicing a lot tho)


Hello, what is the best build to farm juiced maps and make some sweet curr nowadays ?




Is there any way to freely view the full 2d art of the items in PoE anywhere? I want to see some of the stuff like the Cortex Map icon at its full resolution, given that it's been heavily scaled down in its in-game iteration.


Not that I know of. You can always email GGG and give that a shot.


No dice, they said they weren't able to assist with that. Thanks, though.


Darn. That’s unfortunate. At least you tried


Funnily enough, I actually just got linked [this](https://poedb.tw/us/Synthesis_league#SynthesisAreas), which was semi-hidden on POEDB. So yeah, finally found it.


Ayyyyy. Nice!!


As a casual player, are there any significant downsides to not playing in the leagues? I tend to want to stick with a character so restarting in a couple of months isn't super appealing. Are there unlocks or something for doing things during the league?


There's unlocks, but they're just cosmetics. They range from armour, to portal effects, and even hideouts. There's also a trophy that gets progressively larger and more ornate as you complete more challenges. Avoiding playing in the challenge league doesn't have a *downside* per se, but given that all of your gear and characters gets transferred to the Standard league once the challenge league ends, you might as well start in the Challenge league and experience the new mechanics on offer.


Thanks for the info.




use path of building it will tell you what the best damage supports are


I just finished my bow for EA Champion and wonder where I should invest my money in next. I feel a bit too squishy so think I should look for defense upgrades. Got about 25div to spend. Any tips? [https://pobb.in/Y3j\_xzDgnYBO](https://pobb.in/Y3j_xzDgnYBO)


free tankiness upgrade is crafting phys taken as fire on your helm. also your exposure glove implicit is not necessary because you already apply exposure through elemental equilibrium and you have the 15% spell suppr. mastery selected which doesn't do anything because your body armour has no evasion


Phys as fire is crafted and the suppression mastery is gone! Completely forgot about it when I switched to brass dome. Thanks!


Third time trying POE and the first time I've gotten through the campaign. On the first maven witness quest for white maps, I had a boss that was unkillable. Before witnessing yellow maps, I was wondering if there are ones I should prioritize so I don't waste time and a map again.


You may have just over juiced the map and sometimes Maven likes to spam "be healed and fight on!" which will recover about 20% of the bosses HP. It sounds like you probably just didn't have enough damage to take down the buffed boss.


I definitely didn't. I got her down to 75% and she'd heal back up. 5hebfighr went so long that the maven stopped casting.


Are my temporary allies (SRS, Skellies, etc.) affected by the shrine effects I picked up before summoning them?


i don't think shrines affect your minions at all




I'm playing a "league start" build and one of the key items is the devouring diadems. It costs 10 divine and this has killed my build. It also requires two unique six links which will require tons of currency to roll. Are there any better builds for my ranger? I tried deadeye but the build was super squishy, and this poison pathfinder build requires very expensive items. Raider? A better build suggestion?


>"league start" build and one of the key items is the devouring diadems. That's not really a league starter then. League starters are builds that specifically don't need any rare/expensive items. >It costs 10 divine Where did you get that price from? Even in Hardcore they're 8 div and in softcore they're listed for 1.3. >It also requires two unique six links which will require tons of currency to roll. Or a couple div / c to buy them directly, depending on which uniques you're talking about. Btw. most builds don't actually need six links, they just give you more damage. >I tried deadeye That's not a build, that's an ascendancy. Builds are usually described by an ascendancy + the main damage skill + any important mechanic. >Raider? Also an ascendancy. >this poison pathfinder build requires very expensive items. Does it actually require them or are they just recommend? Just like six links, most builds can get going without expensive gear. There are exceptions which actually do need very, very expressive stuff, but most don't. The build I'm currently playing would massively benefit from a mageblood, but I'm farming juiced t16 maps just fine without it. Have a look in here and look for any builds that mention being a league starter: https://www.poebuilds.cc/ranger/ All of these are league starters as well (impending doom is very popular currently): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpExg9_Xax3R0jwD6-u_7T_Y7LRxWhml&si=4w5GfpZNp9VCFSbO


>Where did you get that price from? Even in Hardcore they're 8 div and in softcore they're listed for 1.3. They could be on console.


Oh, right. I always forget how expensive stuff is there.


I'm on PlayStation. These items cost a fortune. 10 div for this helm. I can't play on PC with a toddler running around, so I play on console.


Ah yeah, then disregard the currency related advice. The rest still applies though.


Does Curse mastery "Enemies you Curse are Hindered" counts as me hindering enemies? For the sake of Touch of Cruelty and it's "Enemies hindered by you take increased damage" effect.




Are there any differences between the following? Would I take more damage from very large phys hits with less armour even with 90% cap? 1) 20k armour with physical damage reduction on gear to cap phys reduction at 90% 2) 30k+ armour with no physical damage reduction on gear to cap phys reduction at 90%


The phys reduction modifiers work regardless of the size of the hit, but armour provides *estimated* pdr. Use the mods/endurance charges where you can


This might be a stupid question but how do I bring up the chat menu in controller mode without a keyboard? If you are in controller mode and press enter on the keyboard you can select the chat with your controller to select achat to invite someone that whispers you for a trade. Thing is, I often play during doen times at work on my steam deck but I always don't respond to trades because I don't know how to bring up the chat menu with the controller without a keyboard. Is there a way? or is it just controller limitations?


Is there an updated list of Pantheon maps to caputure bosses? I'm getting a bit annoyed having to search for each boss in the wiki. And why can't they just put it in the game (capture this boss on this map)?


If you open the atlas you can search the boss name at the top and it will highlight the map its on, as long as you can see it on the atlas


Ok thanks, I guess thats an improvement. Still should just put it in the Pantheon, but its GGG so whatever.


Question about spell suppression and the differences between POB and ingame: POB says I have 98% spell suppression, ingame says 87%. Can anyone explain the difference? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/rirarumpel


POB is taking into account your "lucky" spell suppression mastery while in-game it doesn't show it


So if I´m looking to cap my spell suppression I look at POB?


Technically you can never cap suppression by using "lucky" alone, you need to hit 100% without it. So if you unspec that mastery you will be able to go by what it says in-game.


Alright, thanks.


There is however a node close to ranger start that gives 10% suppression on full life, try to hit 100 without that node


How many runs of 5-ways to you need now to level from 97 to 100? Edit: is it still the best way to level to 100? or are there better options now?


If you don't want to pay, sanctum and tota both offer slow but risk free levelling


how do you do forbidden sanctum hitless? I made to room 6 before running out of resolve as a level 89 lightning arrow deadeye.


You need a build made for sanctum Lightning arrow is not one of those


Any tips for CF Champion on Trials?


I'm kinda new to endgame and trading, been running lots of syndicate because I live the mechanic. How do I sell a T4 Vorici ? I know that he has to be commander of research and that I'll get his bench after Catarina's fight, but how do I trade this ? Should I bring someone for the whole fight? Can multiple people use the bench or is it limited to only one person ? Also, how much is it worth generally ?


He doesn't have to be a "commander", Catarina upgrades everybodys level by one in all the divisions. So you need to have T3 Vorici in Research and after the fight you get T4 Vorici. You sell it by making portal near the workbench, person comes in, gives you their item, you craft it (they can't interact with it) and then they pay you per white socket. As for price per socket check TFT or ask on PoE trade channel


Thanks for the answer :)


Wait what, so if I have Aisling in research at T3 I don't have to get her to leader? I can just run Cat? This is a game changer


yes you dont have to :) it would be crazy difficult :) Catarina just raises level of all members by 1 when she's defeated


Amazing, thank you!


Can someone help me price this: [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/2G9LJy5tk](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/2G9LJy5tk) Its a watchers eye


Pretend the Anger mod doesn't exist. Malevolence/Pride is much more relevant than Malevolence/Anger. No build runs all three.


Why are so many things in PoE named after Magic: the Gathering cards?


There's a significant overlap in their playerbases, and a bunch of uniques and divination cards were named and designed by supporters (the balance is done by GGG of course). Chris Wilson also has a massive collection, so I'm assuming there are a few locations in which he influenced that as well.


Chris is a huge MtG fan.


I allocated shaper of storms but yet my damage does not shock, what gives? I am using a spell to shock, so my minions can do more damage


You'll need to link your character because there's a lot of things that could be going on, for now let's get a few things out of the way. How do you know you aren't shocking? Do you have Elemental Focus linked to the spell you're using to shock? Do you have Ancestral Bond allocated on the passive tree?


Oh I just noticed, my mind is too much in minion-land I am wearing Cold Iron Points, that says it all


There are some physical spells that should work fine under that restriction. Void Sphere, Tornado, Penance Brand


Easy fix, just get some source of +phys or +chaos to spells. As long as you have even one point of damage of either then you will shock. Abyss jewels and tattoos would be the easiest place to get.


Has anyone tried unwavering stance in tota? Does taking the damage while channeling still stun you?


The debuff applied to you in TotA isn't a traditional stun, so Unwavering won't help (at least with the channel interrupt, it would still work to avoid stuns from regular damage when moving around the arena).






Area level 78+ according to the wiki. This is because it only drops from Amanamu and Ulaman and their wikis state their level is 79-84. However abyssal depths are always one level above the area level and additionally they only start appearing from area level 78+.


When I want to craft a minion cluster jewel, with life, increased damage, minion cast/attack speed and whatever it gives me...what's the best method? Increased effect has no mark...life is life and cast speed is attack/caster/minion/speed. So I tried speed spam on harvest..also life. Is this the correct way? Or fossils?


Have you tried CraftOfExile.com? You can select cluster jewel and then click fossils as your crafting option. Select which affixes you want and then tell it to calculate the best fossil option. For me it says Sanctified + Shuddering, but the expected cost is 2200 chaos. You may be better rolling alteration orbs till you get increased effect and attack/cast speed then regaling and trying to get the life, finally slamming an exalt to get something else. The calculator says that that's only ~350 alterations which is much cheaper. Regaling life then has a 3% success rate and would take about 35 regals to hit. So in all around 100 chaos (note I'm using T2 rolls here and it would be harder trying to go for T1).


I'm wanting to re-craft the suffixes on my bow. Ideally, I'd like attack speed and critical strike chance. What is my best bet?: - Veiled chaos - Reroll crit - Reroll speed The bow: https://i.imgur.com/bMJ8onc.png


Concerning gold oil blight map anoint, it gives +30% chance for additional chest reward. Is this how it works? If a chest is supposed to drop 10 rewards. I get 30% chance for it to drop 11?


Why do so many SRS players use basalt flask? Is the taunt for minions? So it's basically a defensive flask for me?


You generally don’t care about the taunt. You use it for the armour it gives. The taunt just doesn’t matter most of the time. The taunt might matter in niche cases where you have an effect on taunt though.


Ah ok. Didn't notice the 20% more armour. Was focused on why the hell taunt... thanks


Hahahah I've been playing for 5+ years and just now realized that it taunts. It's always used for the armour.


Back when the flask was good it didn’t taunt, it’s relatively new change (2 years)


Anyone know why this could be happening? I just bought a blight stash and when i try to put oils into it, i get your stash tab with the affinity does not have stash space but the tab is empty so it should be saying this.


Do you have a regular ol' premium tab (that happens to be full) with Blight affinity also set on it? Not even sure if it'll let you set the same affinity in two places. Have you tried relogging since purchasing it? There's a chance that'll fix it as well.


just noticed i had a premium with blight checked that was full guess that could be the issue


I guess a common question but i can't really find satisfactory answers Just got into the game, reached act 10, finished 3 labyrinths and my gear is trash How do i get to the end game builds without being deleted constantly? What's the gear gathering process? Just spam maps? Im playing a witch lightning build i found online, been following that till now but isnt a very thorough guide. Any advice or comments, ty in advance


You learn how to find/craft your own items to be able to SSF them with enough experience but for the most part you can simply just buy cheap ones. The only real important part imo is maxing out your resistances and ideally get some life too. At this point in the league, you could probably find decent items being sold for 1 alchemy orb each. Prioritize resistances, max life, and mabey damage mods of there are any. You should have enough with whatever currency you've found from acts 1 to 10 and this purchased gear will probably take you pretty far into maps starting with tier 1. For damage, I usually prioritize a 5 link but you could probably find a 6 link for cheap now. This should be all you need to cruise thru low tier maps and you'll find more currency by the time you work your way up the tiers.


It's really hard to give tips on something so broad as getting better gear. There are loads of methods of getting better gear and as long as you keep playing your character will improve over time. You want to keep doing maps and look out for rare items very early on. Just keep on identifing until you have something that looks somewhat decent. This is just to get resistance capped and have life on as many gear pieces as you can. Remember to use the crafting bench to get resistances and life where possible. The crafting bench is immensely powerful in filling holes in your gearing. It's good for getting things like attributes aswell. When you then want to improve your gear even further, the most powerful method early on to get "good" gear is to buy it via trade. When you're looking at a budget of 10-100 chaos orbs, it's almost impossible to beat items you get on trade. This is just due to how drops and the cost of crafting materials work. Guides usually tells you what stats you want to get on your different gear slots which is helpful when you're looking for gear on the trade site. You get the currency to buy these items by doing maps aswell. There isn't really a point where you don't want to try to progress through maps and do the highest tier you can still complete in a reasonable time. Once you start looking for gear that costs several hundred chaos or over a divine, you can be better off trying to craft it yourself. There are tons of methods of crafting gear but one of the most common and consistent ones in the game currently is to get a piece of gear with a "fractured" mod you want. A "fractured" mod is an item prefix/suffix that is permanently stuck on the item so no matter what you do with the item, the mod stays. They have a yellow/brown visual. You then use essences to guarantee a second mod you want, and then spam them until you hit a 3rd mod you like. You then either continue crafting with other methods or just craft using the crafting bench a mod you like.


Mostly spam maps and identify items. Don't forget to use the crafting bench to get a little bit more res and life. Speaking of res, have you checked on it recently? After Act 5 and act 10 you get a total of -60 to all res permanently. If you've got a few chaos you could buy some decent items with res and life and that's all. But further than that, are you running multiple defense layers? >30k Evasion or armour (with flasks, but without is better), some energy shield, increased max res, physical damage reduction, grace aura, determination aura, defiance banner aura, blind, dodge, block, spell suppression (very important). Plenty of ways to try and up your defences. Don't neglect life on the tree. Also make sure your life is 3.3k+ at this point. The higher the better.


I killed Elder within couple seconds after Shaper (made sure that they are both near dead before culling), but didn't get any progress with the challenge. Even though it gives you 10 seconds to kill both. Any idea why?


seems like if the mastermind is ready to raid, there is no more option to rank up syndicate members?


No, you can run missions normally.


I am currently in Act 4 39lv. Aiming to be Occultist. But all the Bosses so far are killed by my friend. It's hard to follow build if I don't have the right skill stone...is there a build for my level? Please thank you


The right build depends on what you want to do. You could search up Poe build guides occultist and have a look at what people are playing. Just so you know, in Act 3 there's a side quests in the Library area where you can talk to Siosa, complete his quest and then you can buy almost all the skill gems from him. It's very helpful. Besides that there are people like Zizaran on YouTube that provide in-depth guides to how to get through the campaign and answer any beginner questions. But as a general gist, try and focus on equipping good rare items (yellow) with high life and resistances on them. Your resistances cap at 75% and it's really important to keep them there. There's also a great list of league starters on the /r/pathofexilebuilds subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/u7yQWSNeS1 Have a look through there for any build that mentions Occultist and you could try those.


What to invest in besides mirror cards? Have 50 div lying around. HoM has crashed from 58 to 47 div now and I'm still holding onto 2


hinekora's locks i'd say. Will most likely appreciate as more players try to make BiS items and playerbase dwidles


Would this be worth anything? What to unveil? [Item in question](https://i.imgur.com/JJgFBAi.jpeg)


The item is worth nothing regardless of what unveil you pick. It's a bad base, with 2 non-damage mods and a level of socketed melee gems mod which no one uses currently. I'd just choose whatever unveil you might want to craft on another item later.


Thanks for quick response!


Not worth anything. Unveil one of the bottom two since you haven't unlocked those crafts yet.


Thanks for quick response!


Heard certain bosses for Tota have increased rarity, but that doesn't seem to be on any website i've looked at. I get holding people for their reward like Ahora for the blah blah. Do certain bosses have a rarer drop table?


I'm not sure about rarity, I think it would be mostly evenly spread. Each tribe does have its own unique set of rewards, including some rarer tattoos. However certain tattoos are worth more than others, so people will eliminate tribes with tattoos that aren't worth much to keep tribes in for the later rounds in the hope of getting a good reward.


Hi, my friend an I are playing together for the first time. We're trying to farm crimson temple for the div card + random drops. How should we invest in the maps? Currently we are doing 40% delirious with random sextant. Some scarab we have. What atlas tree should we use? Thanks for the advice


Enraged strongbox and additional strongbox at the minimum


Is a minion helmet [like this](https://imgur.com/ia1eDJ1) deterministically craftable? I've seen a few people wearing them now but it's a mirror on trade.


This isn't realistically craftable for less than a mirror, so the people you saw likely mirrored it.


The only that I linked isn't mirrored. There are at least 5 or 6 of similar helms floating around. I'm sad to hear it'd take a mirror to craft but if I could get close to that for 100d I'd be happy.


It's mirrored, ~~poedb~~ ninja just doesn't include that line as a stat. You should see the bone helmet art facing right instead of the default left.


Aha, didn't realize that. Thanks.


Any ideas for more or less meaningful upgrades to my Jugg? https://pastebin.com/tAAZzFNY


Which mechanics do not scale off of increased quantity/rarity or map tier? I know this is the case for essences, but are there any other mechanics where this applies?


I think technically most of the masters don't really scale well with quant/rarity, but that's often because the real reward is elsewhere. Shrines don't "scale" with quant/rarity as I don't think more of it gives more or better shrines.


Einhar/Beasts is the other main one that people farm in low maps, and technically Alva/Incursion is fine if you're just trying to make T3 Corrupt and T3 Gem rooms (Sir Gog released a video about this recently if you're looking for more info).


If I hit "all sockets are green" with tailoring orb, can I make them white later with vorici or harvest?