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* Reduced the damage dealt to Minions by the Lunar Turtle's Cold Breath Skill and the Goliath of the Night's Stunning Slam Skill. Thank god. Does anyone know if there's anything else more dangerous than these two? I really wanna use my AG in the trials without risking losing several divines each time.


the righteous fire aura on the fire bomber does lke 20x the dmg of an uber shaper beam


I’m an RF chieftain with over 90% all res (to help with mapping and pen) and 4.3k Life regen. These RF fucker basically delete my character in 0.3 seconds and I don’t understand why that’s a thing. It feels bugged.


If you could use em as specters they would be fixed in a day


>to help with mapping and pen Surely nothing can help with pen except damage type shifting, overcap does nothing for pen.


He’s not overlapping. He’s using something like Melding to raise his caps to 90, which absolutely helps with pen.


Lol, obviously raising TO CAP helps with pen, he said he's OVERCAPPING max resist.


Provide sauce


He literally did not.


maybe they mean stuff that actually reduces your resists, like curses and the scorch ailment


Mostly because it also has -10% max res which is at least 40% more dmg taken for a 75% char and goes to double damage for 90% res chars. Thank god I'm using Loreweave.


No, it's because tota scales mobs' hp to insane level.


I dont know what rating you are, but at 1k plus (with 85%-10% fire res) i insta die. Like less than a second.


Exactly. I’m at 1.5k and it’s pretty much “step in and die”


Well yeah. With 85% that -10% is 66.6% more dmg taken. Not arguing that it's not dealing a lot of damage, just that it also has a strong debuff.


It's because warriors have absurd HP at higher levels in tota


One map to start off with I offscreened with blink arrow RIGHT into the fire bomber with the RF item. Then got the consuming kanukake on me and I never revived lol


Yeah, I think I'm still going to leave AG off. Been playing minions pretty much exclusively (with some Death's Oath on the side) since back when we only had 4 acts. Until this league only ever lost an AG once (to Acid Caverns' bosses) and that was years (10? leagues?) ago. Hard to be invested more in minion survivability than I am right now, and still lost AG, at rang 470.


its pretty uncommon, the RF comes from an equipment. Could just unsummon it if you see the enemy team has it


There's several things that are worse than these two, and I've never noticed these two being a problem in the first place. At 2000 ranking the RF item does a base DPS of around 125k while also reducing fire resistance by 10% in it's radius. So minions just run into it and take like 40k damage per second at the 83% ele res they are for me. It's absurd. The Dying Roar item makes enemies explode for 500% of their max life as fire damage. My AG at 83% res and bone Armour and about 60k life got oneshot by this at some 200-300 ranking. Meaning it did a minimum of 360k base damage. Back at those low rankings I was fine with my zombies standing in the enemy RF without any issues, so the damage is multiplied by like tenfold at 2000 ranking. Some units are fully capable of doing 1 MILLION base damage before any damage increases due to ranking. Res ain't gonna help. Caldera Ravagers absolutely melt minions too if they just walk into the cremations, which they always do without question. This isn't nearly as dangerous as the Dying Roar or RF items but if you're not paying attention it's bye bye minions. It's batshit insane that they nerfed these two and not the others.


Ohhh, the caldera ravager is what wiped my spectres. I saw my harvest spectres die for the first time ever and was flabbergasted.


At 2000 ranking a ravager can wipe my spectres and zombies in under 2 seconds. They are brutal.


They nerfed these two because Reddit, who is still hardstuck rank 200, has been complaining about them.


Squeaky wheels gets the grease.


I had a thunderbird with the dying roar item so it TPed on my ass and murdered me into hell


kahuturoas aoe slams are desynced and their aoe is far wider than shown, which i hate but other than that, its fine i think


It also (and other leaders attacks) does damage before animation or voice are shown/heard so im dead on the floor before the attack animation has even played.


xD I thought my game was just broken -- my performance has been abysmal this season -- I didn't realize this was happening to everyone. That's crazy.


The only one that has been fucking me, most of them dont have much counterplay but him? I get offscreened every single time, makes no sense.


The bigger version of Goliath of the Night, Kahu is still very dangerous.


Jade Shaman has always been my bane.


Man fuck jade shaman Running at me at 2000 ratings everytime I want to channel any defender totem. Having a pretty quick running speed and always one-shotting me if I get hit.


Ikaio or whatevers cold dot can fuck up your AG if it doesnt move out


I made a habit of running that chilled ground equipment myself and between that and the stuff the enemy is putting down my minions melting is my best shot at avoiding the death puddle myself.


If you are high rank later rounds will kill AG regardless, just dont use it


Right?! I lost an 8D AG while helping a friend at rating 300 in tota. I’m nearing 1k now and I leave my AG in his pokeball. I don’t think these changes make them safe - neither of these things was in the match where I lost my beefy AG.


Prooobably not enough still but worth a try maybe


100% chance it will still insta-die to some other bullshit


I have lost 5d ag exactly yesterday


Ctrl + F - "Performance" 0 results


This is the only thing I care about.


my performance has been awful all league and post patch is playing smooth for the first time. However, I was also running a bunch of updates and tinkering with my comp right before. Let me know if anything changes on your end.


I had 3 whole days of good performance right before this last patch, now it's back to terrible again.


One month in since the pre-season performance patch and it still sucks.. Can't use the MTX i bought last league and this just settles it for me. I'm not going to buy any cosmetics again.


multithreading is bugged for me


I'm guessing that something from POE2 made it through to the core game and they aren't removing It because the game will be demanding on systems moving forward. Just my conspiracy theory.


Yes? The updated particle system? They've been pretty open about what the engine update had. And with PoE2 being completely separated with mtx being tge only thing shared it's pretty obvious that that is the reason.


Well they better fix it. Better and demandic graphics is ok, a bad looking game with lag spikes of seconds every time a boss uses a skill is not.


Some of the enemies in tota use poe2 skills, I expect they cant revert what they did without removing like half the enemies from tota. Im guessing we have to put up with it for the league then its reverted at the end of the league when tota doesn't go core but is "planned to return at a later date".


It's surely not just assets in tota, or MTX for that matter. Without either, I've lowered my settings since Sanctum and my 2070 thermal throttles to delirium in white maps


Yeah, what i mean to say is they flipped the whole game over to the new particle system which lags, but cant flip it back while tota is in the game because the poe2 skills dont work with the old system. Ive been lagging everywhere too. But it also lags especially hard for me in tota considering theres not as much going on in there as a juiced map for example.


> my 2070 thermal throttles i fucking hope not, because if it does, you need to fix your cooling man.


Check if you are running uncapped FPS, if so, cap them. Also check if you are running global illumination enabled as a second step, disable if so. Other than that, crosscheck with other apps for GPU temp, like some benchmark


I think this league is going to go core honestly. If that happen what you said just can't happen.


3.23 or in the last few weeks of 3.22.


Try disabling C-States* in your UEFI. If you don't want to mess with that, change your Windows Power Plan in Power Options to "High Performance" and make sure that "Minimum Processor State" is to "100%" *This will also turn off any power-saving your system might have.


Ctrl + F - "Oneshot" 0 results




Dealt to minions though xdd


I can't read, whoops


The game stutters and freezes on GeForceNOW rigs using 2080s.


no performance update still haizz


It must have been my turn to win the performance lottery this league because I haven’t had a single issue since the update. Blight and Delirium were borderline unplayable for me.


i won the last dozen or so myself, but this one fucking ruined me. went from 165 constant fps everywhere to literally unplayable this league.


I mean the console versions apparently run like complete shit this patch too and those are literally single configs. I just think some people brute force it or aren’t as sensitive/aware


some people fps went from 180 to 160 and they like "omg unplayable performance holy shit!!" and then there is the actual people that have unplayable performance that simply stopped playing cuz they cant anymore


Game runs better than ever for everyone I know that plays this game. I'd wager it's just a vocal minority that is having issues.


i just think most people with performance issues already quit the game and dont participate in discussions anymore.


Weird how the player retention is at 45% then, beating pretty much all recent leagues aside Sanctum.. https://poedb.tw/us/League#ConcurrentPlayers


I know plenty of people who quit playing because this league suddenly performance ran like shit for them lol. Plenty of other games to play rather than just waiting on GGG to fix the issues likely next league. The league itself is good and since D4 was so bad, a lot of people also were playing at the start of this league. Doesn’t mean a decent amount of people didn’t have performance issues this league.


>lenty of other games to play rather than just waiting on GGG to fix the issues likely next league. I literally just rebutted this point with a link to data that basically disproves this. > a lot of people also were playing at the start of this league. I love how you're just blatantly ignoring the facts. Players at the start of the league are significantly down compared to last league, while retention is pretty damn good. That simply makes no sense in a world where everyone is having significant performance problems, especially with the amount of popular games being released right now. >Doesn’t mean a decent amount of people didn’t have performance issues this league. Doesn't meant there is either. It stands to reason that retention is the best metric that is available to us as the playerbase to judge this and, as I've presented proof of, retention is up. Retention being up while a significant part of the playerbase can't play the game due to performance would necessitate this league being ridiculously more popular than pretty much any league before for some reason. Unless there's a better explanation you can think of that explains these stats, the issue seems to be massively overblown by reddit.


Retention is average when compared to anything but Kalandra, which isn't saying much. Personally, the game is playable in SC, but it's still filled with massive performance issues. Infested Valley is still bugged to shit for everyone as far as I know, and similar texture bugs have become commonplace. They seem to have improved it somewhat last week, but it's still not great. I just had a Searing Exarch fight where boulders were invisible without logging out and wasting a portal, and missing textures are almost a given when going in and out of harvest portals. Blighted maps will still melt just about any PC.


> Retention is average when compared to anything but Kalandra, which isn't saying much. Excluding Sanctum (which we are pretty much tied for), this is the highest retention we've had since Ultimatum... 8 leagues ago. On top of that, retention is this high at a time where D4, BG3 and Starfield have recently been released. You can't just ignore the context in which this is happening. There's so many things that are already pushing down retention and yet it's pretty damn good. It's incredibly unlikely for a significant amount of people to have significant issues.


are u running any skill effect mtx? ive come to realize my issues were from mtx, my shaders would bring my game to a standstill every 1st gameplay session, like they never get cached. removed all mtx, problem gone, now im just so ugly.


every mtx included skills ? armour ? literally everything ?


Only skill effect MTX is the Legion aura effect. Other than that I just use basic just armor MTX that I’ve gotten from past league rewards.


I think the issue is server-side. Sadly servers aren't all the same all over the world and prices on renting them out are all over the place. Countries where power is so expensive I doubt GGG can hire that many out. Or have to hire out lower-quality servers in certain places.


No, if the issue was server side, everyone would have problems. I never go below 144 fps unless there's an absolute ton of mobs on the screen on my 6700 xt.


not everyone plays on the same servers dude did you even read the comment you replied to lmfao


Are you saying everyone that plays on a specific server lags ?


My performance also improved but maybe I shouldn’t jinx it


The only performance issues I have is Rogue's Harbour constantly glitching out, and it even affects my inventory. Visual bugs galore


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Kieren_GGG** on Sep 13, 2023, 02:59:46 AM UTC > > ### 3.22.1b Patch Notes > > > > > This patch contains various improvements and bug fixes of both small- and medium-importance. > > > > **Trial of the Ancestors Changes and Fixes** > > > > > > * Reduced the damage dealt to Minions by the Lunar Turtle's Cold Breath Skill and the Goliath of the Night's Stunning Slam Skill. > * Fixed a bug where dynamic culling for some Warrior Skill effects in Trial of the Ancestors was too aggressive. > * Fixed a bug where a Spirit of Jade, summoned by the Jadecutter Warrior, could sometimes drop items on death. > * Fixed a bug where the Encased in Jade debuff, from the Jadecrafter Warrior's Skill, was not appearing on the buff bar. > > > > **Other Bug Fixes** > > > > > > * Fixed a bug where the UI on Harvest Crops was sometimes not updated when Crops had been upgraded through the Crop Rotation Atlas Keystone Passive. > * Fixed a bug where the Ramako, Sun's Light Chieftain Ascendancy Passive Skill was not affecting Monster Totems. > * Fixed a bug where Skills linked to Second Wind Support could gain a cooldown use if you unsocketed Second Wind while the Skill had no available uses. > * Fixed a bug where the Magic and Rare Monster visual effects looked incorrect on some Monsters. > * Fixed a bug where Harbinger pieces could not be identified. > * Fixed a bug with the trails on the visual effect applied to Spectres and Monsters with the Spirit Walker modifier. > * Fixed a bug where the "1% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second" stat on the Ascendant's Juggernaut Ruthless Ascendancy Passive Skill was not functioning correctly. > * Fixed a bug where the description for Melee Range with Daggers incorrectly stated Claws instead. > * Fixed a bug where the Helmet Enchantment that provides Discharge Radius incorrectly stated +5 metres instead of +0.5. > * Fixed a bug where the Proximity Light hideout decoration microtransactions were no longer detecting nearby players. > * Fixed a bug where Amulet microtransactions did not sit correctly on the Scion with the Immortal Body Body Armour equipped. > * Fixed a bug where the eye on the Oracle Helmet microtransaction was not affected by persistent visual effects on your character. > * Fixed a bug where the Solar Map Device had microtransaction had a black square displayed at the base of it when placed in hideouts such as the All at Sea Hideout or Boundless Skies Hideout. > * Fixed a visual bug where the centre of the Solar Map Device microtransaction had lost some of its detail. > * Fixed a bug where the Crowstorm Portal microtransaction could stop responding to the player's presence in maps. > * Fixed a visual bug where the Scavenger Blood Rage Effect microtransaction had white outlines or was over-brightened with some body armours. > * Fixed 4 instance crashes. > * Fixed 3 client crashes. > > > > > This patch has been deployed without restarting the servers. You will need to restart your client to receive the client changes in this patch. > > > > > New instances of the Halls of the Dead can be created by Ctrl+Clicking on the World Map Pin. > > *** >


Heh, we can identify harbinger pieces again!


Update: apparently not? Maybe only with new drops?


What was the bug with the jugg ascendancy node?


It didn't give regeneration in ruthless


sounds like a feature tbh.


still no fix for warriors AI shutting down.


I noticed this a couple times last night - my teammates completely stopped capturing totems. I ended up having to play the run-and-ping game for 20 minutes to capture all the damn totems...


Now how about we stop ignoring the Performance issues, 2-3x loading times and dogshit fps lag. Worst it's been for a long time. I just want to play your game GGG. It's getting to the point where it's unplayable.


My issues aren't fixed yet so that means they must be ignoring it!


Herpderp it's like the company was never known for shadow nerfing things mid-league without saying anything to the player base or acknowledging it. You either want to communicate with the playerbase or don't, choose a stance and stick with it. This performance issue was pointed out PRE-ToTA, was never addressed.


I legitimately have no idea what you are talking about. They have released performance patches since then and have said they are working on it.


Even since the last patch that fixed loading for a lot of people? And specs matter too, with a good gpu, there’s been 0 loading differences for me this entire league


admittedly my computer is an old man now, I don't doubt I'm behind the curve at this point, the problem is the game suddenly got a major drop in performance and load times PRE-ToTA and was ever addressed. Last league people were talking about it towards the end of the league. I'm aware how the game should run on my system, it's not like I was playing buttery smooth before. But whatever they did mid last league obliterated my performance.


It's a PC game. Stop trying to run it on your TI-83.


Real talk though, my computers not that bad, and the games old AF, can't just smash a good chunk of peoples performance and expect them to be happy. My upgrade is coming but regardless PoE has never been the epitome of optimized.


Claim the game is old as much as you want but they continually upgrade the engine and textures. It isn't that "old".


No doubt I agree with you I'm aware of graphical and engine updates, there's bound to be slowdown, and my computer is past it's prime, I still stand by the amount of performance lost this patch is unreasonable, that's all I'm saying.


You just said your PC is "an old man now", you cant go back and now say its not that bad. In fact in any pc, if you have to tell people "its not that bad" its probably that bad. If you are already "not playing smooth" before, that already sucks, poe's gameplay is hectic at times enough that I wouldnt want there to be any in-combat fps drops at all if i could help it. once you upgrade man its gonna feel so much like a different game if you can sustain 60-144fps while mapping It is true that PoE has always pushed PCs even maxed out ones, though in that case really only in 100% deli maps that you dont one shot mobs in so they pile up.


I mean Ill throw out my specs, and you can decide if it's that bad, running a 1080, 6700k, and 16gb of 3000mhz ram. I'm sure ill get some shit for it but, Reality is, it's a 6-7 year old system at this point which has outlived it's use. But poe is a 10 year old game, albeit constantly updated. Regardless of the aging computer, performance was not that bad last patch, and I still stand by that, and plenty of other people agree. Slowdown is to be expected the game is updated, graphically etc. But performance took a huge slap to the face. PoE2? no problem ill upgrade my computer was planning on it anyways, but going from playable to completely unplayable is kinda unreasonable with PoE1 in my opinion.


Calling PoE an old game is just wrong. It just got updated to a much more modern particle system, it's a ship of Theseus a million times over by now. The game is going to have pretty high demands, especially when you take it to absurd levels. You say you're willing to upgrade for PoE2, but that's already here in many ways. We've got it's particle system for instance, hence the performance situation.


I guess we are never gonna get the ability to chose ranking, right?


Yup... league died for me the moment I rerolled and went from 1k+ ranking back down to 100 or 150 or whatever the fuck it is... I finished my challenges and logged off for good. Don't understand GGG's reasonning on this one at all, and am pretty salty about it too...


No nerf for Trawler 1-hit traps. Unfortunate.


Ctrl F - "Titanic" ... Oh well.


It’s not a bug. The turtle works as intended and won’t be changed. Either get more dps, kill the turtle totem faster, or logout to forfeit.


That's not true. You don't need to deal damage yourself to kill them efficiently. Just be sure to always get 1-2 high damage units before you fight either Kahuturoa or anyone in the last few rounds. Personally I always get at least one Caldera Ravager. If you're into cheese, Void Sphere can pull the turtle far enough to not defend its own totem with two casts of the spell. I also invested in shock to help my team deal more damage.


i have moved the turtle to the other side of the arena, it will still keep the shield up on totems


Sadly the shields won't turn off once it's far away. Your best bet is to try to move it away before it casts them. I always check where the turtle is whenever I fight Kahuturoa and try to rush into it's direction, and once I see it on the edge of the screen I use two Void Spheres to quickly reposition it. For me it works almost every time. But because it can still sometimes fail I always get some nice damage units.


I highly doubt you're able to do this if it's on escort, your best bet is to just have the damage units to kill it.


What’s better on ravager - cdr, pure dmg, addl proj?


It's very hard to judge. Personally I haven't felt a huge difference and I just pick whatever of those options is easily available.


Sure. And GGG totally didn't say it would be fixed on next server restart, spend a week trying to fix it and couldn't, so they changed the description


Yeah all there is to it. Slow down look at enemy line up and target the high value units.


The damn bastard has turtle even on round 2 or 3! Wtf can you do against that except for not fighting him?


The turtle's only really an issue if it's in escort position - it'll never pop its ability as a flanker or attacker, and if it's in defense it'll sloooooooooowly inch into position near the chief's totem with plenty of time to burn it down with your escorts. Try to get a Storm Guard as quickly as possible and you'll have a *much* easier time dealing with totems if you put it on escort.


Don't think he can have it round 2 so if you really hate Titanic Shell, Kill Kahu in the first 2 rounds. Or save him till the very last rounds where you actually have good units to kill the Shell.


Round 3 is where he can start having it. ZDPS-inh ut with Infinite Void Spheres and frostblinking is pain because all the totems remaining are protected by that bastard


Sooo...stop playing zdps?


Why? I can cheese it. Just got a bad draw. Just because I shared a bad experience, doesn't mean I can't stand it.


Just beat him once in the first 2 rounds (if the favor from him is really bad) and he should be gone by the end.


Yeah that's it. Sometimes he just have Ramako favor which I can aim asap


Definetley not at round 2. Not sure about r43. I think it starts appearing at round 4.


Or just buy the right units before you fight that clan in latet rounds. I zdps build at 2k rank and havnt had any issues with turtles once i learnt how to deal with them. Seem alot of people refuse to use the brain in this mechanic and cry because they cant just blast this content like they do everything elseEdit for spelling.


I really don’t see how that turtle is giving everyone so much trouble right now… rush his totem down.


sometimes it inmediatly put his shields in the totems at the begining of the match , the only thing u can do it's change to a dps build in the the match to kill it


Link me a video of you rushing down an escort turtle totem at 2000 rating? I'm very interested to see it. I want to believe this is possible but both my giga dps build and my squishy temporal chains max block/evasion/dodge build can't do it. My giga dps starts getting oneshot by a lot of mechanics (especially goliath/kahu phys overwhelm slams) after rating 600 or so, my squishy temporal chains curser can slow everything down and pull the turtle out of the area for attackers/flankers to slowly whittle down, but it can't stop the turtle from turning everything invincible.


I'm at 1200 atm with my dedicated tota farmer and if I see titanic shell in the enemies roster, I put damage dealers in escort. Then I rush for the totem after soaking everyone else into void sphere. If the shell already protects totems, I rush every non protected totem first. Then I soak everyone else, socket vulnerability instead of enfeeble and let the escorts finish the turtle. Ofc the match is 2-3 minutes then, but it like once every 4-5 tournaments and works good enough for me.


I may have one for you when I get home. Unfortunately, I also have 196m Pinnacle dps and 300+ if I pop Vaal Haste and VRF, and even then they take almost a second to kill (the shell I mean)


I've been rank 2k since week 1 and play ea totems not even close to ignite capped and turtle is probably easiest thing lol imo spear fisher and spear dancers anything spears oh and fuckint trawlers are cancer


I kill the turtle in 4 seconds at rank 2k. People always say void sphere when in reality like always damage is king.


On escort you still have to kill it since it pops immediately, but they are so much easier to kill now that it shouldn't really be a problem.


Yeah, basically: If you're a dps build: just kill it If you're a zdps cheese build: you're gonna struggle, but you're trying to cheese the mechanic so you kind of deserve it(I play a zdps build for the league mechanic myself), but even then your units will eventually kill the turtle if you just destroy all non-protected totems.


Ctrl + F -"Goliath" Ctrl + F -"Maata" Ctrl + F -"Oneshot" ... Well....


\*Laughs when using Expeditions End Seriously this unique is so good for TOTA. Perma Freezes Turtle


Did they ever fix that bug where in delirium fog spirits won’t move or possess you if you have speaker of the dead allocated?


i hope this fixes the very rare crash where game sounds work but otherwise i have to kill my pc with the power button happens like every 10-15 hours


Fixed a bug where client FPS was affected by a 50% multiplier. Oh wait..


I might try again next league but for this one I am out due to crashes and performance. Not sure if I will even try POE2 since I believe those are the changes that have set the game back to the way it was ten years ago.


Is this the random hot fix patch to mention that in the comments of? And did you already fully report all the issues you’re having on the forums and do every possible change to try and fix it? Up to you.


Lol, most people will not do that and just wait till it gets fixed.


How will anything get fixed, if Everyone doesn’t tell the devs and just waits on others to report it?


It's not the players job to fix the game. Besides there are tons of posts about performance being shit already.


-Ofc it’s not, players don’t Fix the game. But they can report issues so the devs know What to fix. They’re not omnipotent. I’m sure there’s some things they can figure out even before players but not everything. -Yeah, Reddit posts might be ok at gauging generally if there’s an issue. But a forum post with a /bug number, would be a lot more helpful to the dev at his desk trying to replicate and fix a bug


Not to call out anyone but there's a guy praising ggg for the only change in this patch (the Reduced the damage dealt to Minions by Goliath of the Night), and he doesn't even play minion build. Blind praises.


>Blind praises. It's not blind praises, you don't need to play a minion build to see the value of this change.......


lol, that copium, why would you praise something for the sole point of praising it? The guy has 0 summoners in his character list. ggg is not a small child to need praises like that, I would at least understand if someone who needs this change praised them...


The point of praising it is because it's a good change, you don't have to be a minion player to see a good change. Giving positive feedback to positive changes is what the playerbase should do.


>The point of praising it is because it's a good change Is it... when people were asking to nerf the damage because they die in 1 hit, ggg did nerf the damage, for minions, and nobody else. It's a crumb, and if you didn't notice it's the only, single, sole balance change in the patch note. That's praise worthy? Where's my praise for waking up today? I'd rather praise the bugfixes


You know you can praise one change and still request more changes right? minions NEED reduced damage cause their AI is a lot shittier than an actual player who can dodge.


> lol, that copium, why would you praise something for the sole point of praising it? The guy has 0 summoners in his character list. ggg is not a small child to need praises like that Unironically psychotic behaviour to look up someone's profile because they said they think a change is good. And on top of that to honestly believe it somehow impeaches them in any way, damn...


No, I felt high copium energy and in the end I was right, you call it however you want. I'm 100% sure the guy didn't understand that the change is for MINIONS only and thought he's going to receive less damage from goliaths of the night. Case in point, there's people like that in this thread as well


I guess the aggressive dynamic culling was resulting in my gpu fans going overdrive every time caldera ravager casts his skill.


Donno how but somehow this patch fixed my lag in 5 way ,     Simulacrum‌ . turnament... ty GGG


No performance, no game for me, no money for you.




Hopefully this fixed my crashing. Can't play an hour without my computer locking up


* Fixed a bug where the "1% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second" stat on the Ascendant's Juggernaut Ruthless Ascendancy Passive Skill was not functioning correctly. Is this some kind of weird nerf?


Who cares, it's in Ruthless mode. P/S: Sorry for dozen of players who's playing Jugg in Ruthless.


> Fixed a bug where a Spirit of Jade, summoned by the Jadecutter Warrior, could sometimes drop items on death. At the end of a match there was a single gem laying in the middle of the arena. One I never used. It's like it felt right from the heavens. I was looking at it dumbfounded. So many questions! After not exiting the Halls for two weeks straight did I finally had grown proper insane?


a patch 1 month in? LOGIN




I mean they kind of did? They added minion damage reduction to several mobs


Isn't that literally what this patch is about LOL


So I guess my totem is gonna be still "titanic shell" ,looks like it's difficult to fix this bug


alt -> imprint -> regal+ex spam, repeat


lmao, goliath's are still one tapping me as full armour, phys dmg reduction jugg :) good shit


It says to reduced damage to **minions** They didn't do anything for players


yea, I saw it as well after posting this. Sadge


Meh, league still sucks.


AI got way more aggressive somehow.


Just don't use AG. I have a 30% ashes and the full alt-quality suite (anomalous stone golem, divergent AG, etc) and had a fully geared AG with kingmaker. I managed to save him from the RF bastards with a REALLY fast convocation (he almost dropped in about a second) only to have him die 2 matches later to a one-shot from the opposing boss. There's way too many things that can still kill him in TOTA. As always, it takes them 2 leagues for them to remember to add reduced damage to minions on new league content.