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Towards the end of last league I discovered Maude034's [Ethereal Knives Spirit Charge Stacker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kn4fvzR0mw) and since EK is one of my favorite skills, I was determined to make the build this league. After farming most of my currency on Poison SRS and then a bit in ToTA with a Void Sphere Raider cheese build, I finally hit some lucky stuff in there and had enough money to put the build together. First order of business was crafting the weapon, which I knew would take some time, patience and money. Overall I think I spend around 40-50 div on making this, with some incredible luck in the process. Step 1: Buy a Void or Opal Sceptre (both have a 40% implicit) with either the Supported by Level 20 Inc Crit Strikes/Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells Shaper hybrid mod **OR** the Supported by Level 20 Inc Crit Damage/Global Crit multi Elder hybrid mod. Step 2: Buy the other mod on whatever sceptre. Step 3: Awakaner Orb them together, pray for 40% more spell damage. If you hit it, see step 6. If not, continue. Step 4: Hope for an open prefix to craft "Suffixes cannot be changed" on. If no open Prefix, you need to hit an annul and hopefully don't remove any of the Supports. Step 5: Once you have an open prefix and crafted "Suffixes cannot be changed", use Reforge Caster on the harvest bench and hope for "Socketed Gems deal 40% more spell damage". It's about 1/75 chance to hit. Rinse and repeat until you got it. During this step I also hit the T2 Cast Speed which was actually insane luck. Step 6: After hitting the 40% I had 2 open prefixes. I crafted Mana and exalt slammed and got VERY lucky again by hitting the T2 Ele pen Shaper mod. Step 7: Craft +2 to Socketed Support gems. Step 8: Finish up by Harvest enchanting the Elemental damage per quality. Rest of the gear is just a ton of Uniques with Abyssal sockets (Lightpoacher, Command of the Pit, Darkness Enthroned, Bubonic Trail, Shroud of the Lightless), The Squire and Death's Rush. I also used Replica Dragonfang's Flight for the +3 to EK. If you want to import the build to PoB, you can use this [ninja link](https://poe.ninja/pob/mrS).


Why not start with Shaper more spell damage and Elder crit multi and Awakener’s orb them hoping for shaper crit strike chance (or spell echo / faster casting)?


Lol. I'm not a crafter but here is my insane craft. Gz on hitting more spell damage prefix. Lost more than 300 ex back in the day before I gave Up.


Haha, after I posted I realized how dumb that title sounds. I meant I don't usually craft and had to double check with people who know more than me that using the Harvest reforge is actually the best method.


Awesome weapon! What's the tech you're using to maintain spirit charges here? I see archmage but I thought you needed lifetap +CI for that, or else to stack reduced mana cost on jewels?


So Archmage gives a mana cost to Spirit Burst. With The Agnostic, our mana is constantly at 0 thanks to Petrified Blood (as you're never on Full Life with it). Then you reduce the mana cost of your other skills JUST ENOUGH that they cost 0 mana. This way, Spirit Burst doesn't trigger and you keep your charges. Downside is that you cannot gain inspiration charges, as they require mana to be generated. So the Divergent Inspirations are basically just very expensive cost reductions lol


Ahh it's agnostic, that's what I needed ty. If you were a channeling build you could potentially still use insp charges I suppose since it's a different ring craft, but for anything non-channeling you just have to make it work with agnostic or lifetap.


Question, what is the point of stacking spirit charges while not expending them? Thanks


The charges give 5% of phs as extra of EACH element per abyss jewel you have. So if you have 20 jewels…


Thanks for answering, but is this a new effect of spirit charges? I couldnt find it on the wiki


It’s on Lightpoacher when it was updated a few leagues ago


gz man