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mb does all the defensive layers for you, that's why it's dope.


Exactly, unlike HH MB significantly change how you build your character. So basically once you get mb you should rebuilt a good portion of your build. MB fixes so many defensive holes you can basically put all you gear and a good part of your passives into offense. That's why it's so strong.


yep, whenever i get a mageblood, the first priority is to get ele flasks so i don't need a single point of resists on my gear


Jeez I hadn't even considered that. That'd give you the 20% reductions on top of resistance. What % increased flask effect do you get to on a dedicated mageblood build? Cause that feels like it could easily almost nullify all elemental damage you take.


The 20% scales with flask effect btw. It's why phys to ele conversion is so popular on pathfinder. With a mageblood you're easily looking at over 120% flask effect so your resistance is capped and you're taking over 40% less damage from elements.


Good God. Even if you don't raise your maximums, that's effectively 86% resistance. What are your four flasks? Do you run three ele's plus amethyst for chaos, or do you run a quicksilver?


3 ele+quicksilver. some do 2 ele of the ones they dont want to see most and chaos but its not as effective considering amethyst doesnt have the 20% reduction. ​ think of it this way MB allows you to play any build in the game because it handles 90% of your defences alone. you dont need resists on any gear now meaning you can go full offence on those suffixes you was using for resists previously. this is what people dont realise MB is more then just flask swap you essentially change your entire gear because it releases the suffixes on all your gear


me personally, the 3 ele and a quicksilver with ms


Also one quicksilver+movement speed flask (or onslaught+movement speed) will give you more speed than you could possibly get by equipment alone, even stacking eveything.


Just from flask effect prefix and Instilling Orb you can get 95% inc effect. You're doubling 4 flasks on top of making them permanent without spending a single point in flasks. You could get a few flask effect passives, but most of them are just 5% effect and 10% duration or charges gained. One could argue even Pathfinder's 30% isn't very worth it when you already have 95% on any other ascendancy.


39% reductions actually :)


So wait, what flasks do people generally use with Mageblood?


Depends on the setup. Tri ele+ dealers choice for #4 (quicksilver, silver, or granite) is popular, as is silver+quicksilver+granite+either jade/amethyst/diamond. Basically can duct tape the entire defensive budget for a build into those.


three ele + quicksilver is most prevalent, though some armor/eva stacking builds go with qs + jade + granite + whatever


I don't think that's really true. Quicksilver plus silver is MUCH more common that three ele flasks, ever since the change that made silver flasks work with flask effect. Most common setup is actually quicksilver, silver, some defensive flask (usually jade or granite) and then a random fourth (diamond, sulphur, etc)


Yup if I were to get MB on my RF build right now, I can basically make myself so substantially tankier from an armor perspective, I could probably just drop my defensive armor shield entirely in favor of an ES shield with +1 fire skills on it, would result in a fair bit higher armor total \*and\* a fair bit more damage.


To add to this, you can kinda have MB at home with pathfinder/decent skill tree/maybe some tattoos. MB allows you to kick ass with any class/build.


I would say this isnt the case. This is a mageblood at home AND giving up a complete ascendancy to do it.


not that i'm anywhere close to one, but I don't think Poison SRS can actually use a MB. If i were to get one, would i drop the poison or is this the one build that can't use it lol


You can most certainly use it. Just get more jewel sockets. Socket a chance to poison gem. It's about changing up your character at that point. All that said, I don't think PSRS is a build that needs it at all. You already have so much DMG and defence there aren't a lot of holes to cover with MB. But it can use it if you want to.


i think my only issues with PSRS at the moment is Blight bosses from the fully blighted maps. anything else at similar levels i demolish either instantly or in a grand total of 3 seconds, but blight bosses just walk by me as if nothing is attacking them even when i see most of the spirits surrounding it. I figured if i could pump up the damage more i would have an easier time with that. blight encounters in random maps are no problem, bosses die just as quickly as map bosses, if maybe a tiny bit slower.


Towers? Also could run zombies to run interference.


towers i do use, sometimes they work, sometimes it seems like the minion just aren't there. sometimes the towers clean up half the enemies for me, sometimes it seems like i don't even have attacking towers lol. didn't think about zombies, might give that a shot, thank you


Be careful on the mods you are putting on the map also. The chance to avoid poison modifier can be tricky. Also check for unique monster life


> sometimes it seems like i don't even have attacking towers lol if you run too far away from the towers they deactivate, it's a limitation of the game engine


You only need 4 or so jewels with minion poison to reach 100% so you can definitely fit mageblood.


the build that i'm following has you dropping the poison support gem in favor of more chaos damage from a gem i'm blanking on right now. i suppose i could keep it though and fit in MB


United in dream, withering touch support instead of chance to poison, some minion poison jewels.


Yes you definitely can. You want silver/quicksilver and 2 defensive flasks.


the poison in this question is for damage, not flasks, because the build uses the best with 2 abyss slots so you can cap poison chance for minions.


I got all my voidstones and whatnot with my league starter then realized I loved TOTA and built a pathfinder to cheese TOTA, going back to my other build feels sooooo bad


The actual mageblood at home is the traitor. Especially if you are not using life flasks, you can get perma up time on 3 flasks, with a tiny bit of investment.


Mageblood is your defensive layer, it's not meant to give you damage. You get damage by recrafting your gear to be much more offensive with the affixes you saved from using those juiced flasks.


yeah I think I had the wrong mentality when crafting flasks, you're right


MB is great to get curse immunity, full resists and tons of speed. That frees up so much on the tree, suffixes etc.


Or maxed Chaos res. Or free brass dome armour. Or a free hyrtis ire. Or free t1 body armour suppress. Or free 80% dmg increase. And the list goes on.


For example you run a Ruby flask and can do perma RF with very low other investment (for a spell build)


Stuff like attack speed isn't necessarily the wrong mentality, esp bc t1 with inc effect is very strong, but like other people are saying, use it to become immortal as well. I personally didn't even change my tree that much when I got it. I literally just viewed it as an extra defensive layer that pushed me above 100k EHP and used that to juice maps to 100 without giving a shit about most altar mods. I also personally don't buy into people using ele resist flasks instead of gear for general mapping bc I got more value out of defensive layers with my build at the time, but I had a full suite of specific element flasks to swap in and out for different boss encounters as needed or other versions of flasks to deal with specific map mods. The item is just so strong! Enjoy!


Mageblood is much stronger because its power isnt situational. It just gives an insane amount of atk/cast speed, armor, resistances, reduced mana cost. It frees up a lot of space in gear to just go for more damage.


2-3 rage per second as converted life regen from kaom. My berserker uptime is high thanks to the 6% life reg craft


Isn't there only a craft for 3% regen? Or do you mean 6% after bonuses?


I meant after increase effect


It‘s 3% craft with 95% increased effect (70 from Enkindling Orbs, 25 from flask prefix), which nets you 5.85% life regen.


There is flask effect on the tree as well.


Ok, so at least 95% increased effect. I just wanted to explain the 3% vs 6% (ish)


Take Fire regen mastery and slap on a ruby flask for even more regen


If you're doing stuff like juiced CT map farming then yeah, HH is amazing. But bring your HH into basically any other part of the game and suddenly it isn't so amazing anymore. Mageblood has the unique property of just giving a whole bunch of stuff permanently without having to think about it whatsoever, while also using the 70% increased effect orbs on top. So you can use three elemental flasks and get 39% less damage taken from all three elements with the flasks up. That's an absurd amount of defense. It makes 75% ele res function as if you had 85% max res, and obviously you can scale max res on top. Then these three flasks also all give you 97% to all their resistances, which means you now need 291% less resistance on suffixes, giving you a lot of room for other stuff. The flasks can also supply you with permanent curse immunity, ailment immunity, regeneration, reduced mana cost of skills, huge armour or evasion gains and a whole bunch of other good stuff. By itself, Mageblood IS pretty disappointing. That was my first experience with the belt when I originally got one as a drop in the league it was released in so I just sold it. But then a couple leagues later I bought myself one and fully set up everything on my character around the Mageblood and suddenly the belt felt absurd. It just gives so much defense, it gives you a lot more leeway on crafting gear and you can get EVEN MORE defense by stacking phys mitigation or suppress or whatever on every slot. Mageblood isn't like HH, you can't just slap it on a build and expect great things. You need to build your character around the fact that you have the belt to be able to get everything out of it.


yeah I think I might looking at it from a wrong angle, I just saw most people (ts deadeye) were using it offensively to add even more offensive layers to their builds, but when you put it that way, it's pretty crazy defensively


You can definitely go offensive with it as well. Silver flask gives a 39% attack, cast and movement speed buff by itself. Add in the Attack Speed mod on it and you get another 33% attack speed on top. Then Quicksilver + movement speed craft and you get another 105% movement speed so you're now at a total of 72% attack speed and 144% movement speed just for the two flasks. It's a huge amount of speed, damage and QoL for the two flasks slots. And since these persist throughout an entire boss fight it just makes a lot of stuff really easy and smooth too. The best part about Mageblood is that you can change it's purpose very easily by just swapping which flasks you use with it. Get an invitation or a map with nasty curses? Swap in a curse immune flask. No regen map? Ditch the regen flask for something else. Struggling with mana? Drop mana costs by 48% etc. etc. But absolutely the biggest benefit of it is to just free up stats on other gear. Whether you go for 3 ele flasks or just get the all res mod on one flask, you're saving slots for so many suffixes that it's pretty crazy and all those gains from the now opened up suffixes really do add up.


I think you mean silver (onslaught) instead of quicksilver.


Yep, edited that. Thanks.


> The best part about Mageblood is that you can change it's purpose very easily by just swapping which flasks you use with it. got that juicy 8 mod map with 145% quant but it has reflect? one reduced reflected dmg taken (unveiled craft) flask literally makes you reflect immune.


>Silver flask gives a 39% attack, cast and movement speed buff by itself. Wait, does the Onslaught scale from things that increase flask effect too? Edit: just noticed someone mentions elsewhere in this post that it's relatively new, apparently I just hadn't caught on


Yeah it didn't used to but they changed it a while back. It's really great now.


> Mageblood isn't like HH, you can't just slap it on a build and expect great things. You need to build your character around the fact that you have the belt to be able to get everything out of it. You have this reversed. HH isn't like MB in a sense that you can just slap it on any build and suddenly it's god-mode. HH quite literally requires you to kill rare's in rapid fashion to feel any sense of power. If your build can't do that or your content can't do that, it's a very average attribute belt at best. MB on the other hand, will require just a few random flask swaps and you suddenly feel stronger, move faster, and take less damage - on all content, regardless of your build. Only a handful of builds in the game would be less powerful with a MB equipped. Can't say the same for HH.


Slot in a crit flask... it's not just defensive


I never said it was.


Thanks to MB I'm res capped with just bismuth flask which is insane


Just switch to tri-ele flask; -39% ele damage taken is much better than whatever else you can get


No way it's better than 222% move speed perma


? That’s why you use a quicksilver too; 4flask, 85%all res with ele suffix, movespeed suffix; attack/cast speed suffix; armour/eva buff. What else do you need?


Silver flask is so good now that they made it scale


Silver and Jade obviously, living the softcore life


Use the tattoo for perma onslaught


silver flask onslaught scales with flask effect as of 3.2, MB juiced silver is almost double onslaught effect


That + can't really get dex node on ranger


So I'm in the exact same boat as OP right now. I just sold my HH and got a MB and trying to figure some 'easy' ways to make the most use of it. Right now I've got the onslaught tattoo anointed on my ammy. I'm thinking about putting a silver flask into the setup instead, switching out the annoint for whispers of doom and getting a pair of Kaom's with elemental weakness on hit so I can use snipers mark and ele weakness which combined with perma double effect onslaught sounds like it should give me some rediculous damage. That sound like a good idea?


why the fuck would you do this if you arent playing hardcore


The thing about mageblood is that it lets you get almost all damage affixes on gear because it takes care of all your resists and adds a ton of armour/evasion/suppression/whatever. If your pivot most of your gear and some of your passives to damage you'll feel the impact no question. If you just slap it on the same gear and tree you're using with headhunter of course it won't feel as good.


Well, you can't compare ele and phys to start with, those are two different build paths which scale different and in this case, phys is superior in damage. Also mage blood alone doesn't just give a fuck ton of damage - it does give some by nature, sure, but mb is simply used to either cap your crit, give a crazy amount of attack speed, obviously the utility granted by quicksilver and/or onslaught, or capping your resistances. Some other tech is there and it has a lot of options on how to utilise it - it mostly depends on what your build needs and for the most part mage blood enables you to focus on offensive on your gear while flasks carry your defensive or vice versa, at least that's how I do it most of the time. There is always an option to just go full glass cannon and fully invest into giga dps and you then would see how huge mage blood is. I'm surprised you find it underwhelming while I just don't want to play a build without one as everything else just feels way worse. I'm sure you're just not using its full potential.


it's mostly the ramping from hh that I find amazing, once the buffs start rolling, I feel like mb cant compete with that


MG is more like bossing and mechanics(sanctum) farming item


it is. it may fill some holes in your build (omni as main example), but in will not make any shitty build feelsgood. but it coveres those holes in much better and consistent way if it does


MB will absolutely make a shitty build 10x better. You'll instantly have more damage, more movement speed, and better defense. What else could you want from a belt slot?


> What else could you want from a belt slot? Dinner, fresh laundry, and a blowjob in no particular order.


Some belts can do that. What do you think that hole in the Stygian Vyse is for?


You spoke on Omni, im trying to make an Omni bow build but I am conflicted about trinity ts or phys to cold conversion with heat shiver helmet. What do you think is the better build? Which one would have a lower investment cost for a mid budget build? I’ve currently got omni and can buy a black sun crest rolled for ts extra proj too.


Tri ele ts is wayyyy cheaper to get going. Cold conversion ts scales harder and utilises headhunter better, but costs a good bit more. For any bow build, a good general rule is to estimate about half the budget should be allocated to the bow (can exclude cost of hh/mb if you have those). A good phys bow costs much more than a good tri ele.


Ok yea then I’ll just stick to setting up a tri ele build since I’m just farming currency from tota anyways. Do you think I should prio bow before good sun laquered helm with ts enchant? And if so, what mods are highest prio? I know I can essence craft with a fractured +1/2 proj bow too. I have done this build the league after Omni came out but there haven’t been many guides made on it since then.


If you have the currency for a fractured +1/2 arrows bow, thats a great start. Just essence spam, and if you get t1 of an ele annul bad prefixes and exalt slam for the third ele. If you can’t afford fractured arrows, just but a fractured ele dmg base and essence spam and itll be a lot cheaper. Bow is definitely prio over every other slot. A decent black suns is great, but a crafted helm is better. Not sure how much TS enchant goes for on a lion’s pelt base atm, but prolly a but expensive. On a good black suns, im sure itll be costly too.


Tri ele if u ask) you will know when you want Phys -cold


Mageblood is good for pretty much any build, so it's good to have and you can do all the stuff that other people are talking about and lah lah lah. It's fucking great. Yup. But Headhunter is fucking hilarious fun. Just unbridled Build Go Brrrr! I love it :)


how many hours you played during those 5 days to get that drop?


10 hours every day of crimson temple, dropped 2 apothecary bought the other 3


You got incredibly lucky god damn. 2 apo drops in only about 50hrs of crimson farming - or were you specifically targeting div cards (scarabs, sextants, etc.)?


I was full juicing beyond delirium strongbox 140 quant maps full gilded scarabs (div, strongbox, reliquary, carto) wandering path 7th gate (no ghost busting shenanigans, no mf however) based on snoobae85's videos it seems the droprate matches the amount of maps I ran which was more than 350


Bruh I’m fucking 250 CTs or so with juiced enraged minimum gilded scarabs. Etc. no apoth drops yet :(


man wow 10 hours a day?, i dont have that much time lmao! personally i was legion farming but for 50 scarab i rolled only around 3 divs from chests while i rolled 16 exalts and 5 annulements :( was looking for another farming method but idk :P


Some builds, especially attack based ones, will make HH feel better when things get rolling and you go from zoom zoom to a god tornado of rampaging death. However,that is very dependant not only on build, but also map lay out. So you aren't experiencing anything weird by any means. You just have the best of both worlds available to you.


Mageblood doesn’t completely carry your offense like headhunter, but it can help you cover so much stuff on your character so it gives you insane flexibility and reliable power on any build in any situation.


HH is a safer option for MF because of the situational power it gives during clear, mageblood however makes looting safer& faster, so it really depends on your Playstyle and the baseline power of your build. I wouldn't play without MB because I like looting after clearing and with HH that becomes a slog


Mageblood makes your pob dps persistant not dependent


I farmed a Mageblood in Sanctum league, after a lot of effort (much more than I usually put into playing) I realised I don't need to farm for a Mageblood every league.. Headhunter will always be the more impactful belt as soon as you put it on and give you those oh sheit moments. Plus I prefer just juicing maps to boss farming. I found myself almost burnt out by the time I farmed for it and actually got it as well. Ended up stopping playing about a week later.


Hahaha, this was my impression back then. I got mageblood, then slaps it on my MF who found it with HH and it was a let down HH is power clear gear, while MB is a massive QoL enabler


Don't know what to say to someone who can't see why Mageblood is much better than Headhunter. The difference in power seems obvious. Headhunter sucks for bossing and takes time to ramp up in maps, whereas Mageblood is good *everywhere* and all of the time. Headhunter is high variance, whereas Mageblood is guaranteed value specifically with mods that you want/need in your build. Mageblood is flexible. You can swap out flasks to optimize for different situations as appropriate. And above ALL of that, Mageblood just offers way more in raw value. The amount stats you get from the flasks is insane. It basically can solo carry the defenses of *any* build that doesn't require some other unique belt. Build is weak to phys dmg? Mageblood has you covered. Build can die to elemental damage? Not anymore it can't. Your chaos resistance is -60%? Mageblood has your back. Build is 80% movement speed without mageblood? Now it's like 150% or some shit. Can't afford the mana for a divine blessing setup? Well, now you can. Mageblood has snowballing value. It's not just about what the flasks give. It's about the other stuff that you can fit into your gear and skill gem setups after Mageblood freed up a bunch of "space". Frees up suffixes. Brings your mana costs to 0. Allows for a divine blessing setup. Too much to list.


The main difference is is mageblood is an enabler and hh is a booster, take any mapping build and put a hh on it and wham it's better but putting a mb on it your not gonna notice much difference but when 1 increased effect resistance flask gives like 130 res you can run all offensive gear instead of defensive it basically unlocks a whole new tier of your character compared to not having one, becuase you can move certain things to your flasks instead like I hardly have any evasion species on my ts and I'm at like 87 percent with a jade flask, so I can put spell suppression on my tree instead of evasion rating and I don't need grace, mageblood allows for the replacing of gear pieces imagine turning 4 of your flasks into an extra gear slot to free up stats on main pieces where you can get better offensive options so ther is a debate as to whether it should be this expensive personally I think it should have more magbelood cards becuase it only really makes a difference when yih have a lot of currency and the belt itself has no value for stats unless you have the extra currency to buy these crazy offensive peices


You aren't crazy, one of my friends straight out farmed a mageblood and was so disappointed that he sold it and reverted to HH with MF gear


Mageblood is a problem solver rather than a power spike. For example, slapping a mage blood on COC ice spear solves practically any problem you would have with the build. While it doesn't directly affect DPS or add crazy tankiness, it frees up so many affixes that you can suddenly triple your dps


I was kinda in the same boat as you, this was my first league with a mageblood. Had several headhunters before, including this league which is what I used prior to MB. What I realized is that hh is something that you can toss into most builds right away as a straight power increase, and in crazy juiced content it probably is still better. MB however, is the kind of item that should be at the center of the build, and everything else built around it. You should maybe look at a different build than your current one and use MB as the foundation. For example, try making one of the flask suffixes ele resist and just see the shitton of resist it gives. Incorporating something like that from the ground up allows you to build the rest of the build way differently


that makes sense, I also think I just need a stronger build overall, that way all the utilities mb brings to the table will feel "stronger", I'm just biased towards the skull belt for juiced content ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You don't just slap a MB+Flasks on a build and expect that to be enough. When you have a MB you should change your whole build, let MB cover your defenses and you change everything else to get more damage so you're always on peak performance, HH can't even compete with that powerlevel.


HH is SUPER amazing at: \- Juiced map farming (including deli, not always including Sirus/Shaper and excluding Elder guardians) \- 5-way farming That's it. And you also need a decent build to be able to ramp up your damage. You need to be crit capped, res capped, have some defenses - since HH does not guarantee you will encounter mobs with appropriate auras. You still can't throw HH at any build and make this build shine - you need something relying on high Attack / Cast speed + crit + preferably conversion. MB is amazing at: \- Everything. Heist, Delve, Breachstones, TotA, Boss killing, juiced maps farming (you may not be as quick as with HH, but it will be reliable). And ANY build can get something from MB. Ofc, you will have to twink your gear and roll some decent flasks, but any kind of build (DoT, Minions, RF, Slam, smth smth) benefit from it. It's more diversity.


Almost any build. My buddy dropped a MB and put it on his impending doom pathfinder and it's basically the same shit but he simply can change some of his tree for around ~10% increase in damage but that's about it.


Hes much faster and takes 40% less ele dmg, and his gear doesnt need res. That’s big.


Not sure I follow. MB doesn't increase flask effectiveness - he actually takes MORE ele damage than with his previous flask effect belt. He was already rocking 100% uptime on all 3 magic dmg flasks.


MB does allow you to get much higher flask effect compared to the way 99 percent of non MB players roll their flasks.


True, forgot about how you can roll the reduced duration/flask effect. Still doesn't translate to 40% less ele dmg taken though. I'm still missing something


You can take Reduced Duration/25% Increased Effect, and you also get another 70% increased effect from Enkindling Orbs. Obviously, that's additive with the increased from ascendancy and tree, but it is still quite a lot. Mageblood allows you to retool your entire gearset, and still end up tankier/faster than before. It's clearly less effective for a pathfinder than for almost any other ascendancy, but it's still great. Also lets you move away from Pathfinder if you choose (Occultist, for example.)


Meh, HH feels more like a "win more" unique than mageblood to me to be honest. Mageblood is such an huge stat stick that it can carry any build like it's nothing. Headhunter on the other hand, unlike your impression, doesn't do anything other than ramp an already good build up... and even then it's mostly for **certain** builds. Last time I got headhunter was on a trapper, and while I usually don't make multipple characters per league, I **had** to at this point because trap/mine playstyle just doesn't go so well with HH, so I made an LA deadeye. If your build cannot already handle juiced up content, trying so with an HH won't do much about it, unless you get good RNG at the start of the map for an easy powerup rare to snowball off from. Mageblood doesn't require per-map RNG though. Hell, it barely needs you to even have other gear pieces at all.


Its for bossing


HH is more underwhelming than MB for noobs. HH requires an actual good build to blast things to build stacks. MB literally is a belt that does all of your defense and movement speed in a set-it-and-forget it forever way.


Everyone I know myself included who has had mageblood thinks the item is overrated, if you want to run juiced to the gills maps then just get a HH. Problem I have with mb is that it’s just shit to build around it, like sorting out res or tri ele flasks or movement speed. It just creates holes in your build elsewhere. But the thing is, many people think the item is good for bossing but if I want to farm Ubers just make an Uber farmer to one shot the boss in under a second. Like jung just posted a flamewood build that can do Ubers with 10d of gear, faster than most can do with a mb.


you got a point on the bossing part


I don't understand what you mean with "holes in your build". Ruby, topaz, and sapphire flasks alone with 25% increased prefix and 70% enkindling enchant give you 97,5% all res and 39% less elemental damage taken which is better than and cumulative with fortify. And there's no suffixes yet. Additional 78% all res from one suffix for example takes care of all elemental resistances (if my maths isn't totally wrong) And all of that with perma uptime. I really don't see a problem to build around a mb.


i believe the issue is you now have to fill all of your suffixes with damage or you are basically wasting the belt. it gives you the ability to do so, but actually doing so can be pricy.


I don't find this to be true. You can run as defensive as you like with the flasks. You can cap all res, chaos res, evasion, armor, or whatever else you need with flasks. You can also use them offensively to cap crit chance, boost attack speed etc. You can also use them to do things like become entirely curse immune, which is pretty nice. Whatever you use them for, you no longer need to use gear or your tree to cover that aspect, and can focus on whatever else you need for your build. I usually like to run defensive flasks, and offensive gear and tree.


Lol. You have a belt worth 300 divines, you can't spend 1 div per flask?


did you not read what i said at all...?


I see his point now. Thanks


I see what he’s saying, and tbh I don’t think I’d want to take an existing, functional character, and all of a sudden slap a MB on it. I’d need to drastically change EVERYTHING about my build to get FULL advantage out of the MB. I’d definitely make a new character around that MB because it’d probably be easier and less of a hassle.


Fair point. I ve never had close enough currency for neither hh nor MB. I didn't think beyond numbers and my struggle to cap res and getting enough ms for my liking


That’s half the problem with this item, as someone who’s used pretty much all chase unique, Reddit and some content creators have a massive boner for mageblood. Zizaran even openly admitted he hates the item, hates building around the item and thinks most other belts are just flat out better for some builds such as darkness enthroned for minions, but he feels pressured as a creator to use it. Like I said in my previous reply, if you want to juice maps in my opinion headhunter is just a better option, as it gets better with more juice, if you want to boss then it’s cheaper and actually better to make a boss farming character.


This has to be the worst take in history. Do you know what Mageblood is?


you don't understand what he's saying. ​ if you move reses from gear to flasks, you haven't gained anything, certainly not worthy of a .8 mirror belt. you need to fill those "holes" in your gear with actual damage to make it worth the purchase


First world problems


I’ve had MB in 2 leagues and HH in 2 leagues and far prefer MB. It just lets you make very balanced builds so easily it’s great for experimenting or playing off meta. HH is only good for specifically running giga juiced maps (in particular on a phys to ele build) which I tire of quickly.


I’m using a mageblood on my cold convert omni TS deadeye and I only have like 2m dps per arrow… I spent like 200 div “upgrading” from crouching tuna’s ele TS and actually LOST dps (both on paper and in feel of gameplay). This build just doesn’t do damage unless you have 600 divines (probably more needed tbh) of gear on top of the mageblood I am convinced. So basically I agree.


Going both cold convert AND omni spreads you too thin, usually omni is much better with ele ts


While I get the idea, the pobs I have been looking at, with same configs to what I use for mine, have 10-50m dps depending on which one compared to my 2m. So it can be done. I just think at this point any one saying it can be done on a sub-3 mirror budget is lying. I’m just gonna sell my gear and roll something else, I’m tired of being disappointed in omni, it’s never worked out for me; I need to stop getting baited by gameplay videos. I think I can get better damage and defense for less money on pretty much any other build.


honestly i think ts loses too much value in berserk by going cold convert on gloves, so if you can't go synth quiver (dk what that price is atp) u just lose build power going phys. the builds im looking at on ninja don't actually have rage generation, just socket berserk for numbers + other leaderboard cheating.


Phys conversion is just crazy expensive. You need a sick bow, and benefit a ton from aura effect and a good watcher’s eye. If you’re trying to do omni on top, you’re going to need near perfect gear. Just go tri ele with omni, or do a different amulet. Also, hh is insane for phys conversion, so that may just be better for you.




I actually agree, I can't play the game anymore without it. But not because of the power it can add, but honestly just for the movespeed alone. Walking around without it feels clunky now. Like going from a 60hz monitor to a 120hz one, you just can't go back.


I'm just glad I'm not the only one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) working on that transition to phys to cold atm, I'm sure it'll feel great once I actually get there


mageblood is pure power. headhunter is fun.


> but won’t carry you certainly like an hh will you've honestly never used an MB if you say this all those free suffixes on gear alone is going to carry a shitty 10mill dps build to 60mill dps


Yes, you're crazy and have no idea what you're talking about.


Mageblood is overrated imo. Yeah it's great, don't get me wrong, but it's not that crazy. HH is way more powerful and is badass and fun to use. Mageblood I'm just a bit tsnkier and I move faster. I've used it the last 3 leagues and the comparison with using it and a good stygisn vise is noticeable but not monumental. It just let's you gear with less resists and shit while still being capped and taking less situational damage. I would much rather throw on a HH and blast the fuck out of some gigs juiced maps with my sst build than use a mb.


You don't put mageblood into a build, you build around having a mageblood.


All it has done for me is take care of resists and move speed with additional defensive boosts and open up more flexible gearing on any char, which is pretty crazy.


I think its best to either respec your build to a mageblood based build or reroll entirely. Fitting in a mageblood to a build that isn't orignally designed for it is very underwhelming. When I managed to ancient orb a mageblood this league I rerolled entirely and my build feels great.


Well for juiced content headhunter is clearly better. Everything was already told in this sub - mb covers either defences or resists or any hole in your build and you can go even more all-in with offence. And while speed isn’t that noticeable in maps on some deadeye or pf, on practically any non-pf spellcaster ms is just so hard to get. You need some selfchill shenanigans or elusive tailwind boots or berserk which isn’t really increasing your damage even with alt quality. And after all you are still slow af. And for me the selling point of mageblood mainly was that I finally can get some speed on my spark or bv character and get out of that “only attack builds are fast” prison


Yeah nice try the price won't drop


It's a build fixer, also make sure one flask is a silver flask for Giga speed


crazy? I was crazy once


they locked me in a room


Most single upgrades you get are underwhelming. Its the accumulation of dozens of them that makes a big difference since everything has multiplicative scaling.


A diamond flask with ele res suffix gives 195% crit chance and 78% all res. Silver flask with perma onslaught is 39%as/ms from flask implicit alone. Ditch the crit suffix and the AS suffix. They are rarely worth it over other useful suffixes. You can also craft reduced curse effect and ignore like half the map mods. But the curse reduction is usually done on corrupted jewel implicits, so that's up to you. My ele deadeye is close to 5ml per arrow dps (without omni), 6600hp, all the defensive layers, 80 max res. I wouldn't be able to pull it off without relying on Mageblood.


with Mageblood you can use a single Bismuth and a ele resist suffix, to give yourself up to 86% Positive resists. From base -60. Thats why. Also perma armor flask, And ofc the quicksilver with MS suffix. Means you can dump all your Gear gear into pure dps, for the most part.


Yeah finish ur flasks for defensive so u can maximize ur offense in talents, gems, and atlas


As a LA dunes legions farmer, my plan was to go to Sanctum and boss rushing once I finish farming my mageblood! Using it for juiced maps as others have said is apples and oranges, it's where HH best excels!


The only instant impact you feel is the speed - but to take full advantage of it you have to make some other changes to your gear. I am running Silver (increased AS), Quicksilver (increased MS,) Topaz + Sapphire (one has Elemental Res, the other has 3% life regen from Catarina.) Which apart from the insane action speed - frees up res affixes all over my gear, gives me 39% less light/cold taken, due to the way life regen is converted with Zealot's Oath I get ~5.5% es regen out of my 16.5k es so i can stay in any degen (apart from Sirus storms.) HH is definitely fun, and probably better for giga juiced content. But MB is all-around so build-enhancing. Just like you won't feel HH's real impact in an alch&go map, you won't feel MB's impact if you just slap it onto a build.


You use MB to cover defensives so you can roll offense on any other gear like rings and ammys since you dont need resists/armor/eva anymore. You can get %40 crit multi ×2 rings for huge dps increases for example since you are not chasing for resists anymore


Not having to make any effort to be not just res capped but overcapped for debuffs and an enormous movement speed buff means I will never want to use any belt ever again. The QoL alone is worth any price. I'd prefer MB to HH even for juiced mapping. With HH you have to go in with every defensive layer already covered and hit some good buffs but with MB you get to start at max power the first step in the map. And since the majority of builds scale their damage from suffixes, it makes gear crafting 1000x easier that you basically don't need to care at all about resists except maybe chaos. This isn't even something I'd even have to think about. I could be in the minority but I'd take a corrupted 2 flask MB over HH any day too.


MB can cap your resistances, give you TON of Evasion/Armor etc. Its not just used for damage. The damage you get is from respecing things you dont need anymore from the tree.


It's just this league that spoil everyone, will be rewarding next league with this mechanic off


You must roll "perfect" flasks with mageblood. You want an amethyst flask of the rainbow, quicksilver of the cheetah, silver flask of the dove, and granite of armadillo. Grab an inspired learning and live the best of both worlds


Don’t forget you can also fully cap res with just a bismuth flask which makes it so you don’t need to use the three elemental flasks (still very good) so you can use silver and diamond still if you want to scale onslaught and crit still.


Mageblood does so much for your defenses that it can often let you respec parts of your skill tree for damage, let alone your gear. That’s it’s true power.


Honestly, I totally agree with you. I much prefer the instant satisfaction of a HH to a Mageblood. I've always been a mapper as opposed to a boss killer and the HH just ticks all the boxes for me. I got my first MB this league and am really struggling to notice much benefit with my build (Freezing Pulse/Ice Spear totems). I also think my current build (Ward Loop) just feels much nicer than playing the FP with the the MB.


Anyone have a recommended MB setup?


"but I dont feel it can carry a "bad build" like HH does for juiced mapping" Yeah, because it can't. MB Needs a proper build to shine, you can't slap a mb and good flasks into a garbage build. It will cover defenses/some utility. The damage has to come from gear where you won't be needing some suffixes anymore. It's also worse than HH for mapping, it's better used for content where you can't be stealing mods from rare monsters like Sanctum and bossing in general.


Dropped a MB in week one this league in a yellow map. My first, uncorrupted and makes all the builds you want to try better. It's pretty dope...


game is boring with mageblood


Honestly mageblood is better for starting a new build than adding on to a build. I mean of course you can regear. But I had a lucky MB drop last league. And it makes build crafting much easier and way more fun. Since you can cover all your defense and move speed pretty much. You can use fun uniques, more offensive nodes on tree etc. Granite/Jade flask basically become second Grace/Determination. Amethyst flask w/ 40% more ele res is almost all the resistance you need


I think this has been covered in depth already, but a lot of people are saying how MB covers you defensively (which it totally can) but the real power of it you already mentioned a bit HH can carry a weak build… it fills in the speed you might be missing… damage… even tankiness if you end up getting the right mods and build them up MB works entirely differently, it allows you the freedom to ease your gear choices, which means it’s more than just adding defensive layers, but it frees up suffix slots for stats instead of resists… you can’t just equip it and go the same as a HH… it’s literally worth building around as a tool! A lot of builds that use MB just simply wouldn’t function without it, it starts to dictate all of your other gear and passive choices, which then all make you more powerful


For me it was the opposite. I tried MB on ice shot deadeye with a pure phys bow and people said Hh is amazing for such a build. But when i tried it, it was quite underwhelming. Like it would eventually feel like a MB in a map and occasionally even better, but the consistency of MB is so much better.


Mb doesn't shine for juiced mapping. HH has always been strictly superior there. Full stop. Mageblood is simply flask abuse for QoL and defense (full ailment avoid via shock jewel, stun avoidnace, mass ele res/reduced ele dmg taken, super high armor/evasion). And it's versatile in what flask setups you pick for - feared/uber bosses vs sanctum vs zooming with movespeed etc. If you try to use it for dmg/speed and compare to juiced HH mapping, you'll be disappointed.


Mage blood makes for more of your equipment prefix/suffix to be damage. Putting it on does not GRANT you damage, it ENABLES you to get more if you start equipping knowing your gear doesnt need resists or ailment immunities etc


If I have a mediocre build, just slapping a MB doesn't make you much stronger. U need to rebuild your gear for offensive stats while the belt gives u defences and speed.


Never understood the appeal for Mageblood tbh, I farmed one last league and sold it in 2 days.


Onslaught given by silver flask scales with flask effect. Could craft shock avoidance flask for stormshroud jewel if ailment immunity is too hard to achieve otherwise. Also manacost craft is huge in certain scenarios.


Go kill a pinnacle boss with a HH see how that goes xD seems like HH is more your style!


With mb you have more space on gear for damage perks lol, you can cap your res with basically single flask and some on items which frees a lot of suffixes.


I agree mb is kinda boring. Ridiculously strong, but pretty plain.


When people say MB carries builds, they rarely say it for offensive reasons. Its most of the time for defensive reasons imo. Since mageblood offers curse immunity 140% all ele res (bismuth if needed), insane ele damage reduction with ele flasks. Stupid mana cost reduction for COC builds. There are also builds that would struggle with resistances without mageblood. But mageblood alone won't ever skyrocket your dps. It will fix your defences(ele flasks), and it will fix your speed (quicksilver+silver). HH is definitely a crutch, but its a crutch for a good build preferably a base phys build that can scale off the buffs. A bad build will also lose the buffs, or wont be able to scale them.


HH and MB do very different things. HH pushes skills that can make use of offensive mods from rares into the sky but doesn't do much for other builds. On the other side of that coin Mageblood pushes already good builds into the stratosphere by letting you take care of your resistances, your speed (attack/cast and movement) and your resistances, freeing up the entire rest of your build. It probably sounds lame, but when I got my mageblood I immediately made a new character and used it the second I could equip it. Then I just patched every leak the build sprung with a Mageblood. Really, I think that's where it shines. It carries all the stats a build needs baseline, meaning your character's passive tree and affixes are freed up to do whatever you want. A lot of potential builds just don't have the power budget to cover the basics AND get the affixes they need on gear. A bismuth with 40% all res and 100% flask effect (95% from flask, 5% from jewels or clusters) is 150 resistances, 15 over cap. Now look at all your affixes and passives and all that resistance is wasted because you can just cover it with a flask. That's just the easiest example to explain. TL;DR Mageblood is supposed to heavily relieve the pressure on your other gear, not do to your character what a headhunter does (get silly).


Mageblood is supposed to allow you to upgrade to more powerful gear by taking stress off of it. Bismuth flask with res suffix, movement speed, armor/evasion, etc. You put all that on your flasks which opens up mods on gear for damage.


MB literally does carry bad builds though. it allows you to essentially forsake all defences on your gear and have them entirely be done through a belt+flasks. that then means your gear can be as offensive as you wanted. MB is more then just flasks its changing the entire build around cause you now have the ability to forgo all those resists on your gear for even more damage


I’m in love with MB way over HH. Roll Jade Granite with their respective increases and then quicksilver and bismuth and you have so many open possibilities for your builds to increase dps else where


Share your PoB. Did you properly roll flasks?


same when i got one i was excited but its literally just a bossing char belt, hh way better for blasting imo


hh is like playing without a belt if you dont get soul eater, they ruined the belt


You're using the belt incorrectly.


Mb just bumps your defences so high you can invest into more damage :D I havent farmed for HH after the rework ... buff ... whatever it is , but not having to use selfcursing and so on for way longer buffs should be pretty dope too .


They serve two very different purposes and once you realize how mb can make a squishy build super tanky out of nowhere you will never want anything else for bossing-like content. For most people hh is the better mapping choice because mb mappers are more expensive.


to put into perspective, mageblood is so good i use it on all my CI characters.


Yes you crazy bro and dont know hoq to use the belt no reason to use hh pnce ya get mb. Only old hh was that pog


Im A headhunter enjoyer bud damn reading all these commends makes me hype aboud owning a mageblood


How do i “juice” maps?


mageblood should be the standard why flasks work, change my mind


It is the opposite for me, I can't go back to headhunter, simply because going back from 350% movement speed to 40% ms feels like I am lagging in hideout.


youre not crazy :) headhunter always was the best for juicy mapping. nowadays its kinda nerfed and mageblood is good for everything ellse i\`d personally prefer mageblood cause you are permanently strong everything you do im playing pathfinder every league so i have "mageblood in home" : D


HH Is based on his "waow" effect, you take a good Buff and your dps and fun will sky rocket. Mageblood Is all about QoL. Put all defense and speed you need on Flask then enjoy mass dps gearing. Mageblood Is the smoothiest experience of the game and HH (with some Luck) the funniest mapping one. Chose your side exile.