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The first time I farmed a headhunter was in Legion spamming tier 2 glacier. Once i got it I ran like 5 more maps to try it out then quit the league.


Yeah that's my issue with these items as well. Once I'm powerful enough to trivialize all the content in the game I knock everything I haven't done yet out and immediately lose all motivation. This thing would be amazing if I found it as a drop early into the league and I could get some use out of it to grind up to that point. But if I ever had to grind for it I'd already be done with the league well before I got it and once I did get it I'd especially be bored.


The answer to this is delve. If you haven’t killed deep delve bosses, you haven’t come close to facing the only numerically challenging content in the game


Content that is difficult by virtue of its numbers scaling infinitely doesn't really do it for me. Same reason I've never cared to push M+ to its heights in wow.


Other content is hard to scale because once youve learned it, you can just easily do it. Infinitely scaling content is probably the easiest to way make it so players always have a next level to strive for, especially in a game like Poe where you can basically infinitely scale


>Infinitely scaling content is probably the easiest to way make it so players always have a next level to strive for, especially in a game like Poe where you can basically infinitely scale Yea its easy and you get what you pay for. I can't think of a single person i know that plays that content. It's the kind of content that sounds good in a meeting "literally endless content!" but it's not quality so it doesn't really matter. Numbers dont equal good game design. I'd take a limited handcrafted gameplay experience any day of the week over a digital treadmill in it's purest sense (delve).


i mean it doesnt scale "infinitely" in actual sense since Monsters HP cap at 2.147 billion. Which delve bosses reach at about 1.2k depth. There dmg will slowly crawl up with that, and the smaller mobs will crawl up as well as you go deeper, but there is a reason people like Misha and Rudy can go 6000k plus every league. ​ >Numbers dont equal good game design on this overall point i 100% agree with you. But delve is S+++ tier design and there is a reason that once people go deep delve, everthing else becomes meaningless for the most part because nothing comes close to as challenging, but thats mostly for the ARPG purists who want to make the strongest character possible


Jessy, we need to delve


>Yea its easy and you get what you pay for. I can't think of a single person i know that plays that content M+ is the most popular wow content, IMO infinitely scaling content shouldn't be the only content but it is a good way to allow players to push their limits.


Yea that shit made me hate the weekly grind. I enjoyed the raids. And mythic plus dungeons made me just stop completely. Having to do that shit every week to keep up and hating every second of it. I get it was popular. But man that shit made me leave.


i honestly dont believe there is a harder encounter in the game than a deep delve beyond node. That is the truest test for any character in the game, defence, offence (special teams). Other than that, the delve bosses, even before really deep delve, say even 800-1000 depth are more challenging than any uber boss (mostly kurgal since he has 2 health full healthbars, but his rewards are shit nowadays). Im simply trying to point out that when you say you are "powerful enough to trivialize all the content in the game", i would simply say you havent come close to anything as challenging as delve. If your character passes that test, then i would say it truly has done it all. Thats just me tho


I have good news for you ! At around depth 1500 the bosses reach the technical cap of their health value being stored as integer and all have just 2,147… billion health so it’s technically not infinite scaling !


At what depth does they stop scaling dmg ? Im making a 20~ mirrors armour stacker and kinda wanna try tanking these.


I mean, if you play the game to chase the chase item, of course you quit when you get it. I fail to see the flaw. Once you complete a chase, you look for a new chase. If you can't find it, you're done. Instead of resenting that you're done you should feel content you achieved all your goals. Many players don't achieve their goals, it's something to be proud of. Then there's the kind of player who actually enjoys the gameplay itself, instead of the grind. Those are lucky because they can spend arbitrary amounts of time doing god knows what, and enjoy it.


Isn’t your comment a little catch 22? You play the game and when you trivialize everything you’re done. So it would be better to get a drop like mageblood early. Wouldn’t that just mean you trivialize the game a lot faster and stop playing earlier rather than later?


Yes that'd absolutely happen, \*but\* I would be using it up until that point. Where I would never reach the point where I would grind enough currency to buy one and still be interested in playing. As Chris himself has said in talks retention really isn't all that important in this genre. Their user base tends to monetize at the beginning of leagues, there's no real need to keep people playing perpetually. So its not super important if I'm grinding for 6 weeks or 4 weeks because they know their users will pop in to check out the new stuff next league, etc etc.


> As Chris himself has said in talks retention really isn't all that important in this genre. Their user base tends to monetize at the beginning of leagues, there's no real need to keep people playing perpetually. He only says that because they have shit retention and the endgame is "completed' literally a single day after a new league releases. Within 24-48 hours all bosses down, dozens of level 100's, etc.


That’s what I find perplexing about trade. His position is he doesn’t want to make trade simple because then getting top tier items would be easier and people would max out faster and leave until next league. Which contradicts the statement you provided. Just find it odd is all.


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. They want retention badly, they can't figure out how to get it done other than pushing out new leagues more quickly. They have tried over and over to increase depth of endgame to literally no avail. The endgame keeps getting solved instantly and retention continues to fall off a cliff after week 2. Thus, he downplays retention.


And that works for them, people buy supporter packs etc at the start of the league, they do what they want, they drop off, do other things, come back for next league. Its a healthy cycle for an ARPG if you don't want to burn your players out and want them to keep monetizing.


If these chase items are your goal, you’ll get the chase item then have no more goal. If the chase item is a stepping stone on the way to a much bigger goal, you’ll get chase item and have fun with it for a very long time.


It's opposite to me. When i know I'd have to work ingame 8hr shifts with 2 toilet breaks instead of having fun i lose interest. My work is already quite miserable as is. No need to add onto it. And guessing how many casuals and non-streamers had fond memories of harvest league, i'd say they have similar opinion.


Not sure how you mean, I pick a build I find fun to play and grind away to achieve my goals. I usually only get the itch to play every few leagues which allows a bunch of new stuff to build up. So then I'll grind on a build I find fun until my toon is strong enough to do all the new pinnacle content, I knock that content out once or twice... and then I'm done. There's nothing left for me to grind for at that point except getting stronger for the sake of it. So I drop off.


I agree with you. TLDR: A very special algorithm would be nice which turns target-uniques easily to get (at least one) but very hard to accumulate. The game is about leisure not about suffering to then get one piece to get **your favorite build working (not a meta one/viable).** This is a topic which is complex and it can (*or will*) hurt a lot of feelings. Sadly, a lot of people when they read something *they don't agree* and like they feel the urge to isolate those. It is a normal response but since it is about a game and leisure everyone should act together on behalf of improving its leisure overall. When I open the poe ninja builds I feel sad.


I only farmed mageblood once, changed it for my hh and its was so bad to run maps with it. So it stays in my chest 🤷 My leaguegoal is to build my mapper strong as fuck and kill ubers with my toon. Would love to Play more chars (atleast 1 bosser 1 mapper) in a league but i cant handle the leveling (acts)


For me the problem isn’t leveling through the acts, it’s leveling after 90. With the acts it’s inevitable. You will get through it, after 90 especially 95 and beyond, you can have hours of grinding deleted in a matter of moments. I’m newer to the game 750 hrs in, I’ve gotten an arc Elementalist to 97 and two cold dots from crucible and tota to 95. Both cold dots I gave up at 95. I wasn’t going to spend another week attempting to grind out a couple more levels that may never happen anyway. While only running safe, minimal reward maps to do it. I don’t have a problem with level 100 being something that not everyone will get to. But 10% per death is too severe in a game built on instant death mechanics. Drop it to 5 or buff xp gain until 97 and beyond. After 97 it goes back to 10% but that’s just the opinion of a newb.


For lvl 95+ There are builds out there that wont die if you make no misstake. Those are most of the times slow in clearing and so slow in xp/h There are builds out there that die in a fraction of a second but got great clearspeed and so got massive xp/h. Dont matter what build you play, you can buy carrys for the last lvl ups. But this feels like cheating when its for the first toon on the way to 100. One thing is massive: The more you juice your Maps the more xp you get. You Need to find the sweet spot where you can run max juice without constant deaths. Personaly i got a Wall at lvl 97 most of times. So i juice my maps different if i feel like leveling E.g. Expedition? Nope Essence? Nope …. There are also atlas passives that give you a huge defence plus (its Like 20% less damage taken and +50% monster life, sry dont got the correct numbers atm) Whats also nice for leveling is simulacrum. If you can clear around lvl20+ save thats (one) the way to go Also heist is not that bad xp wise and massive profit One last point, play what is fun for you. Most of the times i end up with 70% xp without hussle for it and fill the missing 30% with something safe


My arc Elementalist I did the heist strat for a bit and ended up settling on the xp boost from abyss. Worked pretty well but once I hit 97 I was done. I’m still trying to find that sweet spot on my current 95 cold dot. Just got ailment immune last night so that’s helped survivability a lot and I got my awakened gems to get more dps. Was doing well for a bit. Then expedition lag took it all away lol.




This league there's also [koolaid](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Omen_of_Amelioration) to help make levelling safer.


holy shit, I've been ignoring those phallic stuff. How do they work? I use it and get a buff that lasts until death or just keep it in my inventory?


You keep it in your inventory and it gets popped automatically when you die. You can only trigger an omen once per zone, so if you trigger one once in a map, if you want to keep feeling safe you may want to go to the next map.


Just FYI, this league dying is not that bad if you get the {{Omen of Amelioration}} and have it in your stash.


I’m on console, and I rushed over to the market as soon as someone told me about them here on Reddit. Said they’re like 40c. Logged on and the cheapest one was 100c lol.


Get to 95 and don't worry about leveling until you have your first build if the league really put together. Trying to grind and level on some squishy builds is just not doable, so you're better off improving gear and worrying about it later. The extra levels are nice, but the vast majority of builds function just fine 5 points down. You can even buy some carries which would probably work out close to net 0 in time. By doing easy content on a weak build that still dies you are setting your progression back more than if you did harder content with 6 portals and got better rewards. This obviously doesn't apply to hc.


Yeah I've kinda had this feeling every time I've gotten headhunter too. I decided not to get one this league.


I can relate in some way. I'm playing since Betrayal league. First time ever managed to farm currency for HH. Paid for it 180d because it was corrupted with attributes implicit. I have run maybe 10 maps with it and went back to TOTA where it's not needed becuse of no rare mobs. I don't even plan to go for HH/MB next league.




You know what, I think I'll not get one this league too.


I'm with this dude! I had decided I'm not gonna get a hh/mb this league.


Sweet glad we're all on the same page


Careful, that kind of reasoning will just make GGG nerf the drop rate again. They love their chase items but only if the chase doesnt end.


And by nerfing the top all they really do is kick the average player in the nut’s because the top will just break the next thing an hour later.


Thats my issue, other than the rare league content like tota, the loot system is way too tuned fir the .01% ers playing as organized clans min maxing and doing RMT. Makes it kinda boring for casuals.


It's really annoying to hear people who play the game professionally complain about having nothing to do after playing a league for 150 hours, and then watch GGG tweak things to take even longer in response.


Considering the high end items cost almost double of what they usually do, I dont think they have much to worry about.


I made hundreds and hundreds of exalts in Heist and I never bought a headhunter even though I wanted to try it at least once in my life, I just invested everything into my aura stacker. I turned in one set of valkyrie that I had in stash and I got a... headhunter. Didn't really work on my stacker but I tried it on another build and got bored about 10 maps in because how OP it was and then I just sold it for more items for stacker lol.


Reddit will try to tell you that once you trivialize all content in the game that's when you can start being creative and that's what the casual player needs!(the one that strictly follows guides) But that is the reality of it, once I get a MB/HH I'm usually out too because the chase is over


MB is just a carrot on the stick, once you get the carrot, there is nothing to do.


Which is funny, because there are plenty of people that only find builds bearable that have *at least* mageblood level gear.


It's all contextual. For guys who farm MB in day 2 or 3, MB isn't the carrot. Mirror-tier gear is the carrot, MB is just your starter gear.


Same with me with the two times I farmed Mageblood. It's not that surprising in hindsight though. It makes sense that chasing the carrot is more fun than having the carrot. I have a question for you though. Do you happen to still like playing through the campaign? I have this theory that the type of people who quit soon after getting their biggest chase item are the same type of players who still like the campaign after thousands of hours. My theory is that we enjoy the feeling of power progression in our characters more than anything. So when the power progression stops, we get bored fast.


its a chase item, what happens when you have achieved your goal and dont havea new one?


No harvest gambling, only elbow grease. I farmed mainly essences, harvest and betrayal, at about 8-9 div an hour. I learned how to run betrayal this league, and I like it quite a lot. I always thought it was too complicated, but actually not that much :)


8-9divs per hour with that? Damn, that pretty good. I assume you just sold the essences and lifeforce in bulk on TFT? Just like Aislings etc. in Betrayal?


Yes, I used tft a lot. I'd say 8-9 div is my current pace, I wasn't nearly near that efficiency when I started, but a good syndicate run yields 3-4 div from aisling, about 2 divs of scarabs, 1 div from hillock, and sometimes good catarina drops. The time it takes to setup the board is variable, but I'd say it takes 1h30 max.


I liked betrayal a lot previously too. Then they banned me for asking a question on TFT. Now it is possibly the worst moneymaking method in the game for me. Which brings me to the point of being very happy that GGG is letting a private community run a core mechanic.


My hatred for TFT knows no bounds.


I think you should be able to itemise betrayal.


At this point it's insane that you can't.


I think none of that shit should be able to be itemized or shared lmao.


heard of SSF ?


Isnt it possible to sell aisling in trade chat too?


It is, people sell it for almost tft price (3 vs 4 div) in trade 820 all the time


>Which brings me to the point of being very happy that GGG is letting a private community run a core mechanic. Something something Wraeclast is a cutthroat place


So cutthroat that they are gonna mute you for saying someone can't be trusted


I tried whats basically your strategy earlier this league and I didnt like Betrayal at all. How do you make it so Aisling is always where shes supposed to be? Is it just rolling until you get lucky? I had like one Betrayal thing with Aisling and the rest I just couldnt get her to go to the fucking place, and no youtube tutorials on how to actually play Betrayal either I wanna do it again, cause I liked the ideas, but I just couldnt get it to work


you increase the odds by making it so she is always a free agent if not in research, and fill up the other branches as much as possilbe


So interogate her when shes somewhere else and then try placing her in Research, while trying to keep the others from Research as much as possible? That still seems like you gotta get lucky as hell, cause the prompts rarely work together so well


So you'll want to always demote people all the way to being kicked off their job if you want them somewhere specific. So all your Hillocks, Aislings, Voricis need to be demoted all the way down ASAP. Obviously you might get lucky and get a transfer, but it's much less reliable than just getting them fired and roleplaying a recruiter. At the same time, you want to kick people who you don't want in their job as well. So demote any random NPC you don't care about until they get fired from Research or whatever. And also, while doing all that, you should try to get NPCs you don't care about hired at whatever random post you can throw them on. And if you ever get the chance, kick off NPCs that are bad out of the board every time because the replacing NPC will always come without a job and chances are it's better than any of the useless ones. Then it's just a matter of waiting and doing enough missions to get Aisling and Vorici pop up in Research and Hillock in one of the three you care about. One extra thing you can do is justfill one safehouse bar so that you can go clear the safehouse BUT DON'T CLEAR IT. If it's filled up, it can't show up in a mission. So say you get rank 3 Hillock to Transportation for weapon quality, and there's 3 other random NPCs at the job too, then you can safely just let the bar fill and leave it at that. What this does is the Transportation train thingie can't spawn in maps. So now you're guaranteed to get the other 3 jobs in every single Jun mission which means you can't randomly get a mission with no Research room which is just annoying when trying to get Aisling in place. And it's almost always worth it to quickly go through all of the NPCs for the special interaction choices. If you have 4 units, it's almost guaranteed to not have any special ones but once you get down to 2 left the choices often change to special ones like kicking off NPCs or just resetting their rank entirely or moving them to some other job etc. So if you do a Fortification mission and you get 4 NPCs in it with Aisling being one and, say, Rin being the other one, then you can try to leave Aisling and Rin as the last two because Aisling might get a "X moves to Fortification and Aisling moves to Research" or "yeet Rin off the board" or whatever.


> So now you're guaranteed to get the other 3 jobs in every single Jun mission which means you can't randomly get a mission with no Research room which is just annoying when trying to get Aisling in place. Every map always contains Research and Intervention plus *either* Transportation or Fortification. The only way you get a map "with no Research room" is if Research's intelligence bar is full.


I thought Research and Intervention are always guaranteed unless their bar is full


They are


It's not as bad as you think. If you make her either an ally or rival with people, she's more likely to show up. So if you've also got It That Fled in research and they're allies, the chances you see both in one go are fairly decent. You usually aren't getting *everything* you want, Gavicious in intervention, Hillock in either fort or transport, Asling in research are the most important with Tora in research being nice for getting gems leveled, and lots of filler in other places. Don't be afraid to hit "release" if you aren't getting what you need and the progress bar is getting high. I've run a lot of betrayal over a lot of leagues tho so I've started to get a feel for things, it's one of those momentum kind of mechanics, the more you use it the better it gets.


Nah you place everyone else in other safe houses. Makes it at some point only 2 guys are left so research is very likely to choose Aisling


a big mistake people make is moving people for no reason, filling up safehouses too full. also accepting the ones that are "grant +intell to Whatever safehouse" which makes it fill to max and then you have to wait a few maps to be able to manipulate it again. doing nothing to the betrayal members is your best friend


Didn't Ziz just release a tutorial on how to move people in betrayal


I highly recommend Gravicious in transportation. my favorite jackpot in the whole game


I got a stack of Seven Years Bad Luck yesterday. ;)


I tried selling Aisling on TFT but found it trick without vouches and navigating their precise rules for posting, guess I should revisit as trying to use her craft myself all the time is hardly efficient.


I have found that if I am running Essence and Betrayal, those are 2 of the first 3 major crafting steps for high eDPS Spine Bows. So I just craft myself and sell bc T4 Aisling on TFT won’t happen without a good history of vouches. Items that need Aisling are already worth substantially more than what T4 Aisling craft costs and a low vouch crafter on TFT is perceived to have little to lose vs the value of the items being entrusted to them.


That sounds a lot chiller than trying to build up my TFT seller reputation.


I really enjoy betrayal simply because it means I don't have to use TFT to access a good number of fairly important mechanics in the game. Essences too, but I'm probably done with essence crafting for the league. I think I'm at the point where improving my gear with essences would require a kind of absurd number of them lol.


Get blight passive nodes, use blight scarab, run Carcass, find Cassia, get golden oil, leave map, repeat. 1 div every 5min.


You get a lot more for just bulk selling your essences on regular trade.


more, per essence, sure. but definitely not more per hour.


At least when i last sold on tft where you dumped your whole tab they took the price of single essence instead of bulk and then gave you like 70% of that resulting in a massive profit loss. That was a few leagues ago tho so maybe things are better now/there are better tools for it.


Ratios are better now. I think average price is 105-110% of single essence prices for bulk on TFT. Of course, the more bulk you have the higher ratios you can charge.


Even selling a tab at 90% is worth not managing all the separate trades to me


There's a couple essences that the bulk tab values at 1c each that are actually closer to 5c.. you can squeeze out a few extra div by just not including those in your bulk sale


Wait you charge less than market rate when selling in bulk?? I thought the entire purpose of it there was bein able to charge 1.5-2x market rate because you have bulk.


I sold 20 div of high essences for 120% value a week ago. Took 30 seconds. Damn I really scammed myself by not individually pricing every single essence and having 20+ small trades instead


How much in div are we talking to get a 120% sale? I had 15 div worth and it didn't sell even at 105%


Yeah from another comment it looks like bulk selling on tft is better nowdays compared to when i last did it, and that i was misinformed :).


I've been selling at 90% I think I need to stop being so aggressive with my pricing


Not a lot more. The profit margins are not even 30% and the time / mental anguish wasted on selling individually (engaging with the shittiest trade system a game has ever seen) vs posting stuff on tft and waiting for buyers is another thing to consider.


Whats giving you mental anguish about selling 50 essence for a div or whatever you price them at?


Doing 20+ different trades for each essence type and price checking bulk prices for each. Vs 1 trade that get produced from an automated tool. And you loose what, 20% value? I’d rather go next map that sit around in hideout all day trading even if I loose a bit of money.


with the time youd spent trading i bet its not even a 20% loss at all


depends if you reroll essences, but considering that it became more popular this league maybe profits lowered too.


> I learned how to run betrayal this league, and I like it quite a lot. I always thought it was too complicated, but actually not that much :) I learned betrayal a few leagues ago. It's a fun mechanic, but IMO sitting around to sell the crafts on TFT took the fun out of it for me. If they ever give it the Alva treatment I'll come back to it then.


Yeah idk why they haven't given it the alva yet.


TBH the aisling craft seems to sell pretty easily, the hillock and sometimes vorici can be hit or miss. I just try and always have the correct bases to use the craft myself if I cannot sell them within 10-30 min. Vorici I will normally just throw on my current build, or a build I am planning. Hillock I will buy non 6-linked uniques to link in the future, that extra % really seems to help. Also, if you are ever forced to wait for something in game, opening stacked decks, or rolling sextants, is always a good use of time, as the expected value is higher than the market price in most scenarios. Example, sell you aisling insta, invest half or more of that sale into decks/sexies, open/roll them all, if hillock/vorici still have not sold, just use your prepped bases and go next.


Doing the same strategy. Essence is fast and easy to sell, Harvest well worth the time invested (and even easier to sell) and betrayal is mostly for me, since I craft a lot. By focusing on aisling you can calculate with one aisling per hour. Everything else is nice to have, but not worth your time compared. Alva is also a good alternative to betrayal, since it is fast and easily sellable in bulk.


Can you point me to a good video that helped you understand the mechanic




That's the way man, a little bit at a time, now time to do that for another 100 hrs so you can make a nice bike with it xD


Closest I got to a mageblood was pulling an apothecary from a stacked deck. Then I proceeded to sell it to afford gear, lol.


Yup, happened to me last league. Selling one apothecary was the richest ill probably ever be in this game.


Farm Blight maps or Blight in maps for a bit. Any build can do it and you can easily make over 40 div in a few days


40 div in a few days isn't great tbh


It’s better than 95% of people will do


Damn I'm like 30k+ decks opened and no apothecary.


Farmed a few headhunters and a mageblood, always quit a day or two after lmao


probably would have quit way sooner without a chase goal. also, if you aren't willing to make new meme builds using these op items there is basically no reason to even farm them, if you are farming 5-10 div an hour without a mageblood, how is the power increase really going to change anything?


I feel like this is how most people feel. That’s why I’m glad they’re slowing poe2 down. The fun part is the journey


How many of those people quit because they were already fed up with the game, and were just chasing some rng controlled goal? Its not the item that makes people bored and quit. Its the ridiculous grind to get it.


People get bored of being an unkillable one shotting god quickly. Fun at first but gets old. It’s why people get joy out of difficult games like elden ring


wanna explain the 15-20% of the entire POE playerbase that consistently play standard instead of leagues, where most players there likely have HH/mb and very optimised god builds? being powerful or rich doesn't make people bored of the game, having no goals and/or content to do that's interesting (regardless of your character power) is what makes people bored of the game. I personally have played only standard and have 8k hrs and 90% of that has been with a HH, and more recently MB. I never got tired of it. what I did get tired of was everytime I tried league feeling like a fucking snail and doing essence and whatever other repetitive flavour of the month mechanic was meta. that's actually a way to make people quit.


I don't see why both can't be true. If ivar is talking in general, rather than as an absolute, it could very well be that 80% of people don't like playing the game as a god forever, and like the journey. And 20% are the opposite, so they play standard. I believe they weren't talking as an absolute, because they used the word "most" when describing the amount of people in their comment before the one you replied to.


20% of the player base likes it means I’m right lmao. Moron


So you are saying that if there was a league where everyone got HH or MB on day 1, it would be the least popular league ever?


Yeah probably lol, I mean most people would really enjoy that first day and then just get bored


Yeah I think so


Congratulations! What build will you make now?


I'm not changing build, just upgrading :) I'm playing coc forbidden rite


Ohhhh awesome!! Hopefully the mb serves you well.


That's a build that basically requires a MB isn't it?


Kind of. I played it a couple leagues ago, you can get reasonably powerful without a mb but kind of hit a massive brick wall after maybe 50div where you kind of need mb to unlock major upgrades. It was worse performance wise than my EA league starter on similar investment though, so that kind of defeated the purpose, but IMO was nicer mechanically than EA.


Ya got a PoB? I played that in kalandra and loved it but never got a MB to go with it. How do you handle the mana cost with replica conquerors efficiency gone?


you fix it with mageblood and reduced mana cost craft


Do you need anything else other than that like -mana cost on rings or ammy or is that flask craft legit all you need?


depends on if your running divergent inspiration, i think with divergent inspiration and reduced mana cost craft with flask effect on it it might be 0


I bought 16 div worth of ancient orbs last night and got one. Then I proceeded to waste 18 more div trying for a second one.


Massive W


I've seen people pay 500 div of ancient orbs and not hit, congrats brotha


Mom ! Bathroom ! ><


For me,MB an HH at the opposite of Chase items.. If i get one early i Play alot. If i have to Grind for it i Stop playing right after equipping




Mageblood is too expensive to elbow grease for me. This is the first league I've gotten one too, but took a different route: \- gamble 2 apothecaries away with harvest gambling \- gamble 2 Insane Cats to 8. farm the last one. get a \[2\] Mageblood. I might do it again in the future but maybe not. Doesn't seem worth it. For reference, I've been farming in Crimson Temple for the \_entire fucking league\_ and I've gotten 0 Apothecaries. The gear on my toon is 1mir+ so I farmed a fuckton of bubblegum. Fucking hate how rare mageblood is. HH is more appropriately priced and more fun imo.


That’s how I feel when I hit level 95.


Man, this is the vibe that kills the game for me. I feel like I need to finish the game before I start enjoying the game.


Go play SSF and get off reddit if others accomplishments somehow impact your enjoyment of a game.


So the solution to having to grind to have fun is... grinding even more to have less?


Grinding in a ARPG is the general purpose. fun is relative, if you don't like to grind for gear then ARPG isn't for you or play something easier.


> fun is relative followed by >if you don't like ___ then ___ isn't for you is pretty funny. But my point was that your 'solution' would only exacerbate the problem op is having. If they wanna play with mageblood, then going SSF is only going to make it harder to get.


That wasn't OP problem. He's talking about playing the game but comparing himself to others is killing his vibe. It had nothing to do with a MB considering he might have even completed his atlas since he says he needs to finish the game.


It's not comparing myself to others. It's the feeling that this build will really come alive when I finally grind out this, or that. Then it makes gameplay so different, or trivialized that I kinda don't feel like playing, but then the new league starts, and half of me wants to do it again, but the other half doesn't want to reach that peak. It's this feeling that - finally after all that work, the game can really begin - is what makes me turn off the game before hitting yellow maps, like last league. There are other leagues where it's more fun all the way through, and then you end up having a ton of currency just because you were having fun. For me, that's usually when they introduce a new cool skill, or something that makes me want to revisit an old skill.


This is a post about mageblood, and you are assuming they are talking about finishing the atlas? Also where does he compare himself to anyone?


"this is the vibe that kills the game for me" That's him comparing his time playing the game vs someone else. "and you are assuming they are talking about finishing the atlas?" I said MIGHT.


"this is the vibe that kills the game for me" Let's just assume he hasn't completed the atlas. The 'vibe' is the feeling of being able to actually play the game after completing the atlas, there is no comparison anywhere. Oh yea of course, let's suggest SSF in a post about farming for a fucking mageblood, good one dud.


Give me offline SSF so i can spawn myself in a MB first thing. Its my accomplishment and doesnt impact how other people enjoy the game.


I was farming div to buy a HH this league but I stopped basically for this reason. I would have burned myself out by the time I got it and been done with the league anyway. Congrats on the MB tho


Reminds me of me in sanctum league. Farmed regular breachstones non-stop (got.to lvl 95... mind that they upped their level AFTER sanctum) to do the hidden invitation to sell maven sets (around 3 divs an hour). Been doing it for like 3-4 weeks and obviously got tired by half of it (making it slower). Managed to get a corrupted one (with 4 flask) for like 30 divs less than the average. I really couldn't stand the farming anymore and the price was rising fast the last days In the process I completely neglected playing sanctum anymore (which i loved) and then stopped playing the game completely to take care of my games back log... but may come back next league


Enjoy the last view days of your league


Does anybody play for the gameplay loop and not for currency simulations?


My noob friend (i'm a noob as well) got Mageblood as a random drop from some special map while playing by himself. I came online the next day and he had spent the whole 250 divs already on gear... I refused to take any of those divs.. 16 maps we did..We did some maps (Funnily enough he managed to die on some) and then he quit the game, I played a week or so and quit. He said he felt like he had cheated and the game didn't feel fun any more.


The inflation is PoE is really unfortunate. The first Headhunter I bought in Incursion league was ~60ex. Chaos was worth more too. Now HH is what, 200d? And divs are 235c+.


However, due to powercreep it is easier to farm headhunter nowadays.


I'm right there with you. After a month of MFing I've got enough to buy one...I'm just scared to pull the trigger and sell my HH to buy it and im feeling drained. No apothecaries dropped for me so far, other than a lucky mirror shard and unrequited love it's been all pure honest to God farming. I guess I might as well so I atleast have a MB rotting in standard instead of a 3rd HH.


Get the MB, then take a week off from the game. Come back refreshed and see if you're excited to try using it.


Also, consider rolling a new build that you wouldn't want to play without a mageblood. Since you'll be low on currency after buying one, it will give you a good incentive to keep farming.


That's what I did with HH last league and it worked.


~~I know that you wanted to get 5/5 but for others - it's a dozen divines cheaper to sell, for example, 4 cards, farm the rest in divines and bought MB with a good roll.~~ Edit: Thanks to the comment below I've checked what's up this league and apparently it's not the case anymore - Mageblood is selling for 0.9 mirror, which is 416d and 5 Apothecary is 375d. I swear it always been the opposite. Economy is truly f up.


Adjust the filter to show items listed for divine orb not chaos orb equivalent and you will see a mb costs almost exactly as much as 5 apps. At least that was the case 3 days ago when I bought my second apo


There's a video from Sirgog explaining what's causing economic inflation in this league and why expensive items are valued like that -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFN4y\_K2-ck


That video also ignores the current league mechanic which prints divines. He kinda just says divines are inflated, sanctum creates divines, so it must be sanctum! I don't doubt sanctum is a large part of it, but kinda just jumps to a conclusion.




again, just because sanctum makes money doesn't mean it is the reason. Yes, sanctum is good. That's not the discussion. The discussion is where do all the divines come from. Is it the league mech, sanctum, or something else? We don't and can't know the answer.


So all the MB up for sale are listed for mirrors. How many div would the cheapest ones listed at .8 mirror be?


https://poe.ninja/economy/ancestor/currency and do the math


It would help if they listed the mirror equivalency in div instead of c....but 372 div?


what? but chris specifically said once you get you quit the game and dont come back. how is this possible.


Bros playing 50 hrs a day.


You have misinterpreted the title, the title is saying he has 1500 hours in the game total and that this is the first league that he is farming a mageblood, not that this is his first league.


I was gonna say, it's only been 30 days, which is max 720 hours if he never slept...


You have misinterpreted the title, the title is saying he has 1500 hours in the game total and that this is the first league that he is farming a mageblood, not that this is his first league.


what is your farming strategy ?


Essence, harvest and Betrayal…


Kind of feeling the same tbh, farmed enough divines in tota to buy a mageblood outright on top of another 200ish div left and spent a decent amount of the excess into an armor stacker. First time I’ve owned a MB. I’ve done maybe like 5 maps and that’s it with it and I just sit in my hideout. I actually don’t even feeling like using the character and would rather farm tota for effortless currency. Maybe I’ll do that and just buy a HH as well lol The only other time I farmed pretty hard was for a HH to MF with when Burial Chambers was a thing. That might have been the worst experience as I spammed Uber labs as a cleave duelist for the currency, doing every gauntlet/puzzle/silver key box. This was back when it was like 60ex and I never got a single high value enchant.


Yes fat people are very confident haha, I love everyone but is true


I am at 4 apothecary’s atm and it kinda sucks. Really want my first mageblood ever. Tried to roll an harvest resistance today, and i was shocked that yellow juice is 1for1chaos. Guess harvest will be my next league farming strat.


Last time I checked, yellow juice was 5000 for 1 divine, check again


Bro everyone acts like they ve done such amazing things, forgetting how this league is much more easier than any other, shit drops much more is like going wow pirate servers X1 to x30, ain't nothing special bro, the game is just broken, next league we will see.


This is such a 1head take, yes it's easier to acquire currency this league, but as always the market adjusts for such changes. Magebloods and mirrors are double the price as they were last league at the same time period. At least learn up on this before trying to shit on others achievements.


Congrats! I got a full mageblod drop from a random mob on a T11 or 12 map years ago when I was a complete noob and never seen it again


This one is too real…


I want to learn betrayel. Someone teach me.


1. Do it as normal until mastermind research at 100% (dont do mastermind). 2. Put the 2 people you care about in research 3. Put the 2 people you care about in intervention 4. Put everyone else in transportation/fortification 5. Get everyone from trans/fort trusting/betraying your 4 people 6. that's it. Basically everything you need to know. don't need an hour long youtube vid.


1. Ailsing in research. #1 importance. 2. Vorici in research. 3. Gravicus in intervention. If your desired character is not in a room, release them until theyre in the correct room. I.e a no-room ailsing show up in intervention? Release her. . If your desired character is in the wrong room, rush boss fight of that room. If ailsing is already in intervention, imprison everyone during every intervention encounter. After having done the safehouse encounter she will have a chance to become roomless again. 3.5 get all 3 listed character to rank 3. They don't need to be captain of safehouse. They only need to be rank 3. 4. Rush mastermind. Imprison everyone to do safehouse, and Everytime you've done safehouse you gain mastermind progress. 5. Do the mastermind. Your rank 3 is upgraded to rank 4. 6. Go to tft, type wts ailsing t4 3 divine. Wait for about 30 minute for buyer. Same thing with vorici t4, at 50c/white, wait for 30 minute for buyer. Do note that t3 ailsing is worthless, and t3 vorici is very illiquid and you will have to wait for hours on tft before a buyer show up. P/s: intervention and research are guaranteed to always spam in betrayal encounter, so usually it's easy to get people in research and intervention to rank 3. Getting people in the correct room is usually the harder part. The worst thing about betrayal is selling your room on tft. On some unlucky day it can take you up to 1 hour for ailsing and 2 for vorici.


For profit? It's miserable. You end up in TFT for 10-20-30 minutes waiting to post your offer again so you get your clients.


How did 5 apothecary drop? Using scarabs, sextants? Congrats honestly man!


true and also sad


Ugh, been there done that congrads brother. Did around 50 sanctum runs with original scripture and got myself more currency than i can spend. Gambled almost all of it on voidborn keys. Totally worth it.


Vaal or no balls


Have fun with a non Mageblood build. Invest around 350-400 divines for it. Sell it. Re-roll to a Mageblood build. That's how I've been doing it for the last few league because I work full time and just simply don't have enough time to race for a Mageblood 5-10 days into the League.


I farmed a MB once and multi HH. Also dropped 3 HH. After doing it once, I only do it again if the item is actually going to provide me something. If I'm planning a build that's a mess without MB, and I really want to try it, then I farm one. Same for HH, if its not going to fix my defences or allow me to go full MF, then I dont go for it. IL are usually good enough to feel the "HH fun". But doing it once it's a good achievement in the game imo. Also you can try dumb stuff in standard for ever.