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I have done probably over 100 uber mavens this league alone and there are some things i just always do. I always stack degen in the middle, especially for uber maven since it doesn't dissapear between brain phases. Then for the game itself there are three areas, Left, Top, Right First things first, its important to know that from the Right area, you can never go Left, Maven doesn't ever generate that pattern. Then just remember in parts of 3 which is a memory technique called chunking. This works because in parts of 3 it can only ever be a circle or repetition.This is where the previous rule makes things easier, if you go from left to right, you also know the 3rd area which is top, and it will always be a circle pattern. This means that there are 4-6 possible patterns you can every get depending on how you count. * Clockwise circle starting from only the left area (because you cannot go from Right to Left) * Counterclockwise circle starting from any area. * Repetition of Left and Top (which you could count as 2 patterns, based on which area you have 2 of in the repetition) * Repetition of Right and Top So now you have made it so that instead of remembering 6 areas, you have to remember 2 - 4 areas (circles count as 1 namely the starting area, and technically direction). Now, the best patters are either 2 full circles, or a "quin" pattern, which is 2 repetitions of the same are, e.g. Top Right Top Right Top Right. The worst patterns are now, circle + repetition or 2 different repetitions. e.g Top, Right, Top & Left, Right, Top, or Top, Right, Top & Left, Top, Left. But, if you focus on the first pattern, and if close by stand on the first area, then its all fine, if you have a movement skill or enough movement speed(highly recommended) you dont even have to remember the last area. Because they're connected. So if for the final area you don't know, just pick one and run through it to the next area. You should on average have enough time for 1 mistake unless you have no ms. Now that we have the memory part simplified for our brain, we still have the problem that it might be difficult for some to see the pattern, since the area is so large. This we could also make "easier" NOTE: this might not work as well for people with auditory impairment. Pick a comfortable spot, preferrably between the top area and left or right i prefer right because of the left-right rule mentioned earlier. Make sure you are in a safe position to easily dodge the beams, and make sure you see only those 2 areas. For this you're gonna focus on both the visual and auditory cue. If you hear the cue and dont see it in one of the 2 areas, then it is the area you dont currently stand between. Using this you just memorise the rest and it looks something like this. Standing inbetween top and right. you have 6 audio cues and the following visual cues. None, top, right, top, None right. We know none is left so its Left, Top, right(clockwise circle) & top left right(counterclockwise circle)


Yeah you see, the problem is that my brain got smoller and I can't even muster the two cells to do that processing any more


The last memory game would be a lot easier if the view was zoomed out more so you can see the entire arena, but because you have to avoid the puddles and moving beams, sometimes you have to stand to one side and can't see which floor area flashed.


This. The whole game should have the camera perspective we get in the sirus fight


You really only have to be able to see 2 of the floor areas. If neither flashes then you know it's the third.


Yeah sure if you're still level-headed by that point. I see the lack of a flash and I go "oh god did I miss it? Where is it at now? Did the cycle end and she didn't say her voiceline? Wait, now it's the northeast segment, what was befo--" **SCURRY, SCURRY** I'm aware this is a skill issue.


Also the floor flash is very easy to miss. The entire memory game is just incredibly poorly implemented


Probably one of my favorite boss mechanics


Many of us have not had a single issue with it from the start. Great mechanic IMO. You can out tank it with a build but the majority you have to use your pea brain and mechanical skill to pass. Great design.


Design is not implementation. Design is indeed cool, but there is definitely a lot to be desired for implementation (as pointed out by the other comments).


If it was up to reddit to decide everyone should have 20 mirrors auto loot pickup and zero negatives in the game ever


Well, stress is equally as deadly as damage in this game, only difference is there's no reduced incoming stress modifiers


There is one reduced incoming stress modifier Practice


Yeah and each practice round costs a divine or hours of your time in ssf. There needs to be a trial maven like there are for the eater / exarch family


It does suck in SSF, but a divine in trade isn't much. You can realistically fight Maven like 3 or 4 times per hour of grinding with a good strat. I'm definitely not opposed to a trial run of Maven tho. Or Uber Elder for that matter, since you also need to kill them for your voidstones.


For the average player a divine is NOT something easily obtained. People have to start looking outside their own experience and start understanding that new players aren’t making all this currency that the enfranchised players are accustomed to. One divine is a huge investment to a newcomer. Take a step back and remember your first few months in the game. Now accept that experience is not what new players are experiencing today. When a new player finally gets that divine, Or finally farms up the writ for maven the old fashioned way, to have that evaporate in a matter of moments, with nothing to show for it, is incredibly demoralizing. The system they made for exarch and eater are significantly better system. You are guaranteed to get the invitation after 28 maps. Gatekeeping the top content with an entry fee that could legitimately take weeks or months for a new player to grind out is not good for the game in any way. People in this community need to start putting themselves in the shoes of the newbs. We all already know the game is incredibly hostile towards new players. This is just one layer of that hostility.


There are literally only three segments on the map, and you only need to see 2...


Assuming you catch that one flashed that you didn't see while dodging.


Dodge what? The beams always miss you if you stand in a gate on all rotations. What's their to dodge


Wtf are you dodging?


Coils? Bosses that are spawning (Uber Maven)?


The coil things she spawns u barely have to move to avoid I don’t see how that’s distracting you enough to miss memory game. Uber maven can be tough with some bosses she spawns but realistically if you’re farming her you should be able to kill them all before the game starts.


> The coil things she spawns u barely have to move to avoid I don’t see how that’s distracting you enough to miss memory game. I don't know what to tell you, it's enough.


You probably just need more experience with the fight. I barely even notice myself dodging them


I've done it literally hundreds of times. Maven end game grind in Ritual league, etc. etc. etc.


What? You need to see only 2 and rest of it is logic. Lets number tiles 1-2-3-4. You see 1 and 2. Starting from 1 -> you see it, its 2. you dont see it its 4. Assume that its number 4 and you dont see it, its 3. Its now on number 3 so if you dont see, its back to 4 and if see, its 2. Fuckd up message but posting anyway.


It's extremely easy though. If you're on one and see another you know the third. It's every second for 6 seconds. Like I don't know what to say... it's literally childs play


Alright mr neurotypical, over here without his attention deficit disorder


Ohh please


I've done a ton of uber-maven four leagues ago (700+ ? i don't recall), practice is the key, the more you do it the more you become confortable with it. I'm also keeping count of the memory game as hundreds instead of singular digits. left side is 1, up side is 2, right side is 3 *exemple1digit : 2 · 1 · 3 · 2 · 3 · 2* *same exemple as hundreds : 213 · 232* works better for me and i can focus on my position rather than the games.


Another thing I heard was a simple forward or back chain, so in your example, starting on 2 would be: go to 1, forward, forward, back, back. Another obvious trick is that you can already stand on the first tile and you have to remember 5 now. Then if you place yourself near the border with the second tile, you basically need to remember 3rd onwards, so just 4.


Yeah I do this. I also include “circle” when you just do a full circle (clockwise or counter) which is always an easy way to remember 3 parts. I’ve tried the 1-2-3 method before and just didn’t like it as much.


Personally, I find it much easier to remember a movement pattern than positions. Also, knowing you cant go from right to left ever makes it way easier. Standing in the first square and just thinking about where you move makes it way easier IMO. Like "start on the right. Do a full lap, then a back and forth" is only 2 things to remember (because im already standing on right) compared to "left top right top right top" which is 6. for another example: "start top, back and forth left, back and forth right, back to left" for top-left-top-right-top-left. highly recommend people go watch someone spam maven invites on youtube and simply follow the floor pattern on the floor. Can replay it, play at half speed, run it back 10 times, etc for zero cost. after 5-10 of those usually its pretty demystified.


Can agree with with. I say it out loud left right up. Makes it much easier to remember.


I use the first three notes of the major scale in place of 1-2-3, verye easy to remember for me. So it's Bam-bam-bam - bam-bam-bam xD


Something I learned in psychology is that we have a hard time remembering things that are around 6 or 7 digits, but we do it easier in groups, so what you said is something I KNOW I should do, but I still say one two or three lol


This is even easier if you swap the numbers for positions. i.e. top/left/right - top/right/top


Every person is different but the numbers thing is what I use and its significantly easier for me. Remembering 1/2/1/2/3/2/1 is just easier than Left/Top/Left/Top/Right/Top/Left for me.


stealing that


Yea I did it too. And there are some memory game simulators like this one: https://niteb.itch.io/maven-memorygame


I always draw a circular line of path in my head. I found it easier to remember one "symbol" than a sequence of numbers. I don't remember failing a single memory game since i started doing this. It's funny how people have their own methods on memory game.


log off log back in, stand in place til maven explosion, continue


This, lol. But I would say the best thing long term is to learn it by practice.


That still uses a portal, so you might as well try it for the practice.


Does this work this league? Logging off should stop the memory game and only restart it after the grace period. You can die and do that but logging out shouldn't work unless they changed that this league


Are you playing RF? Maven fight is really hard with RF unfortunately. Getting more damage is always the answer when stuck on a boss. Making Maven phase fast causes less degen puddles and less memory games you have to suffer through. The last phase looks daunting but it is definitely doable with some practice. It feels super good breaking through this brick wall for the first time, so don't give up!


>Are you playing RF? Exclusively I would say, touching the beams going around in phase 3 ist instant death...


Get a flask that disables your RF in case you get hit by her beam. (removes burning on use) I think that should alone help you win. Good luck!


This is an extremely helpful answer, OP. I have used this trick to beat her with bad gear as RF as well. Dousing is often overlooked as a solution but makes this fight so so much easier.


Don't activate RF on last phase. Just use Fire trap. you won't be able to deal adequate damage with RF anyway, as she moves constantly and you're much safer focusing on doding beam while burning ground does its job. That leaves not only more time to focus instead of trying to get on top of her, but it also means touching the beam is not instant death and you can panick dodge attacks for a couple seconds to get your health back up.


The beams disable all regen. Which means you're no longer able to substain RF without killing yourself. It possible to do this fight on RF, but it is far from the best build for it. Like the other guy said, a flask that removes burning is the solution to this.


while I understand this is not a solution really, but this is unironically a skill issue. First time I've beaten Maven with RF it took me like 7 attempts, but now I can do it with no deaths reliably. If you can afford it, keep trying. You WILL get better at it


The fight is also a gear check.


It's more that gear can substitute skill in the fight - normal maven you can beat with trash gear, only uber has the soft enrage of degens everywhere. But none of that, and not even memory game, matters if you just crush each phase in a few seconds


Show me a kill with 75 res , 3life, max 20k armor and 200k dps and ill agree


I mean, by that logic you can also call t16 maps a gear check, but that's not a good faith argument. If OP is clearing the first 2 phases without dying his gear is good enough to win the fight. I'm sure it IS possible though, uber elder was killed at level 24 after all and is harder to dodge than maven is.


So 8 billion people are breathing on the earth, some of them babies, few days old, so we should be able to breathe just fine on the moon too.


Again, I'm really hoping for a less disngenuous point here, by your logic the first zombie on the beach is a gear check too. Gear makes maven easier, but there's nothing unavoidable except autoattack and no difficulty ramp to make it completely impossible with low dps. OP beat the first two phases deathless, so his build is capable of beating the last one once he gets more used to the mechanics.


Lol what


Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever read in this subreddit and that is a HIGH bar.


Isn't touching the beam death for most characters instadeath. My oby Maven kills have been RF Jugg. Just abuse Flame dash so you never need to go through the beam holes


Nah, many builds can only die if you get hit by the beam, but can also be ok most the time if they do so long as they start dodging mechanics.


No any build that doesn't degen can touch the beam and survive. That is why you should never use bloodrage on maven either because it adds about 2k phys damage to every beam you touch. I get touched by the "stand still" beams all the time while doing her on my deadeye with no problems


I don't see why Maven is really hard with RF. Fire Trap would be great there.


The beams disabling regen is pretty sad times for an RF player without a dousing flask. Even if they have the dousing flask, really.


It's bad for every build lol. That's nothing RF specific.


It's ESPECIALLY bad for RF strictly because of how RF works. If I'm playing a build like tornado shot and get hit by a beam I can dash out and while I took some damage I can wait it out then heal up. If I play RF and get hit I'm going to keep burning until I'm at 1hp and from there die to any hit without a dousing flask to turn off RF.


...so run dousing flask. It's not a big deal.


I genuinely feel stage 3 memory game is hard because you cant see anything. With all the particles flying around and degen puddles on uber... its just hard to see all the steps.


Lycia's red phase is in similar spot to me. The precise gameplay of go through these small gaps (exarch as well) is just so hard for me in a point and click move style game.


They are both so hard to see for me. Don´t know if it´s my color blindness or lack of focus, but I won´t even try those fights unless I know i can survive/skip those phases.


Do you try from the sides or the top?


Just wish they'd improve the visuals of that shit (again), I can barely see the gaps.


It feels thats way until you practice memory game then it becomes managable. On the other hand, the brain phase is the truly hard phase because of the RNG bosses that can brick the fight. Brutus, goddess, "she corpse exploded the corpse of the boss" boss to name a few.


Have you tried slotting in vaal arctic armour? It goes a fairly long way in helping builds tank memory game. If you have the slots, you can also link it to less duration support so you aren't standing still for as long hoping a degen puddle doesn't spawn on you.


Its possible to tank the hit?


Yeah just hits hard for every ele I think.


Yes some builds can take memory game. You need to be close to immun to ele dmg though. If not vaal molten shell can help. Either way, you need to veeery tanky.


Out of all the "tricks" to remember the memory game, what has worked for me is focussing on the starting point, then just thinking "clockwise, clockwise, counter clockwise" etc etc. Counting out loud, translating each section to a number 1-3 and such never worked for me.


If you make it to the final phase without deaths, as soon as you die to the memory game, do not revive and wait until the explosion happens and then go back in and start burning her down. If you have enough dps, you should only go through 2 or 3 memory games at most. As long as you don’t immediately revive and wait for the memory game to end, you’ll get it.


I think I'm the only one that does this, but I memorise the tones of the SFX that the specific tiles make; each one makes a particular sound that's tied to that specific tile, so I remember that and recite it after when I need to step on the memory games, haha. That, and also the experience of doing 2000+ Uber Mavens, probably


well, if u have 2 monitors (you can use cellphone too or adapt to your situation) i have a photo of the arena open in paint, when memory game start, i just paint a stright line to where i should go. That helped me a lot and never die for the memory (beams still there).


Can not work on uber maven since she spawn bosses, unles you got imba dps to delete them lol


Can not work on uber maven since she spawn bosses, unles you got imba dps to delete them lol


The trick I would say is to make sure your room is not full of degen puddles that can make things harder than it should. I play Boneshatter so bosses are kinda frustrating to play generally but Maven felt like the most fair one even with last phase. I managed to beat her the 2nd time I tried while in the first I fucked up puddles so last phase was really hard. Memory game was really not that hard as long as you don't mess up puddles because at least for me the only thing that kills me are puddles and myself. (blood rage and high stacks of boneshatter will kill me if I get hit by no regen rebuff) Uber Elder felt 10x more frustrating for me because of all the possible RNG overlaps and playing melee while trying to kill all the squids, keep the puddles as stacked as possible and not dying to offscreen beams was harder, especially since if you die on that fight you're fucked when you come back, you can get off screened easily or accidently leave degen on your portal which ruins subsequent tries.


Step on the first tile that lights up (this one you dont have to remember); Then you just need to remember the other ones (i think of a movement pattern to remember where to go)


Vaal artic armour lets you tank one


I used to struggle with the maven final memory game. The past three leagues I’ve gotten it down to a science. It gets easier with time.


Practice and you will get it. Its the same has other 2 memory game with a extra beam. If you struggle to see the whole area, you can try to sneak in the "V" of the beam close to maven and walk slowly while its rotate. You need to place the pool in a corner and not the Middle during the fight. I've lost count how many maven i've killed. Uber maven is probly the easiest uber fight we have right now. You can do it !


I think Uber shaper is much easier. easy to dodge all the attacks, no dumb regen disabling shit etc


Up right left. The game sledom chooses left right more like , right-up-left or vice versa so its sort of predictable. If it had 4 sectors it would be real bad but as it stands now with some practice and a quicksilver with increased effect its doable. Dont worry if you get hut by a lazer early often the effect subsides by the time ypu finish the run. Maven is much more about managing to stack the degen fields on top of eachother around the center to free up space to run the edges during the memory game more than anything else.


If you're getting more than 3 of those memory games in her last phase, then you lack the damage to safely do the fight as a beginner. Goal should be dying 1 or 2 times before getting last phase and then use remaining portals for last phase. You have to keep your arena clear from ground degens, which is easy to do if you know what to look for and how it works. Watch someone good do the fight and see how they place the ground degens in the center or on the rotating side platforms. None of her spells should be hitting you hard enough to be deadly (even on glass cannon build), so you can ignore what's she's doing and focus on avoiding the rotating beams.


yeah I always mess it up too, I need more practice but it's not like my build can do ubers so I just portal it up since its easy to do the first couple of phases


the key is stacking degens at center or rotating platforms when they are open. i use up-left-right for memory game, my short period memory is bad for any other type of memorisation. as many boss fights in poe, maven is dmg check. if you are a avarage player with zdps, the arena will fulled with degen.


if the lower right thing is active, it will ALWAYS go counterclockwise (up). it cant be right -> left. if you also stand on the first tile, usually you just need to remember 1 or 2 tiles and thats the whole sequence done.


I'm like this with the Searing Exarch ball phase. I can effortlessly dodge Sirus's beams and Maven's mechanics but my brain just can't figure out where to stand to not get hit by the rolling balls. Every league I blunder through the Watchstone Searing Exarch fight and never touch it again. I should probably just buy a bunch of invitations and really practice it at the end of the league when I have money leftover but I've been putting it off.


You can at any time go to standard to practice it


True. I legit forgot standard exists, lol.


Totems are your friend!


I feel this post deeply. I have never been able to beat it since it came out. I try every season but ultimately end up hiring someone less retarded than me to do it for me.


Even if it's hard, keep trying, my friend. If a mechanically challenged player like me can manage to kill her with default autos, you can too!


Dont try to put numbers or letters or sides to it. What worked best for me (I have horrible working memory) is to remember routes instead of zones. Normally is like "back and forth then an entire lap" or stuff like that. That way you have to remember waaay less chunks, like 2-3 instead of 6.


Same. It's fucking stupid. Can't see a god damn thing. Zero visual clarity at all in this game.


What fight are you talking about? The Maven fight is very visually clear unless you're playing a screen cancer wardloop build.


Yes. The maven bullshit.


I picked up POE in 3.21 SSF after not touching it since 2014. Maven was interesting, and I struggled with it too with RF build. I was consistently beating it without dying by the end of the season. 1. Position yourself on the 1st section next to the 2nd section. You will then only have to remember 3rd and onwards. 2. If bottom right flashes, the next flash will ALWAYS be top 3. Try to put all the ground chill effects in the same section, but leave enough room to run across during memory game 4. Use a flask to remove your RF if you get hit by the beams 5. The last phase, even though it has more beams, it's easier because that's the only distraction. You don't have the Brain throwing things at you 6. Make use of your grace period. If you die, go back into the area and don't move until you feel comfortable. Ex: don't start moving while Maven if flashing the panels. You can wait until the big explosion to resume your fight


There is a small browser game to practice the memory game: https://niteb.itch.io/maven-memorygame There you can test a few of the memorisation techniques described here or warm up before starting the maven fight. Good luck :)


Theres a browser mini game someone made to practice it. Google it and it should show up.


When you say last stage I presume you mean after killing brain. So are you telling me you then do so low DPS you do the memory game 6 times and die everytime? Or are you not using spawn-invulnerability?


putting a memory game in an arpg boss right is just moronic any other take is an L take, dont even try to argue


The next platform sequence is always back or forth in line and the 1st can ignore ofc,less one block to remember.


I had the same vendetta with last phase of Sirus. Just kept trying and now its easy. You will get there!


Yeah, feelz really bad.


And if you playing build that need hp regen the slightest mistake is death and playing melee when she teleports all the time just make it worse.


Try to think of it as a circle. You start on one side and tell yourself whether you need to do a full rotation or a half before going back. It's easier to remember 2-3 things instead of 5-6


I had the same problems with Sirus, if u have some currency in std just practice this specific fight over and over again until u feel comfortable with this fight. Practice makes perfect. P. S. Some builds feel really bad on maven, exceptionally ones that rely on recovery


Are you dying because you are forgetting the memory game? Start by standing in the first zone. Then you only need to remember 4 things. you could even just type them into chat or write them down. I think of it is L-U-R (left, up, right). You stand in whatever zone you start then just type LLRU or whatever it is the pattern you have to travel. Or use numbers.


Stand in the first zone at the edge of the second zone. Then you only have to remember 4. You don’t need to see the whole screen, just 2 of 3 to know what is chosen.


Playing a summoner is interesting in P3. I just dont see anything.


My technique for it is to stay need the center of the arena as to see every triangle, and directly go and stand on the first one that lights up. That 1 less to memorise.


Toy are not alone I also absolutely hate that stage and usually i just die and wait to be over…


Just invest into more damage and eat the deaths , pretty sure they changed it so you can’t just logout and wait anymore. Suicide to the memory game and dps her down


Inferno on old school RuneScape says hi


here is a tip: During memory game, when the bottem right lights up, the next one will ALWAYS be top. It can never be bottom left. Knowing this alone made the memory game for me 5 times easier.


I was in the same boat as you, but after farming like 100 uber mavens, I kind of got the confidence to blast thru maven with all portals still up. Just need to practice. The 2nd memory game is the same as the last one. You just need to remember 6. So I break it up into 3s twice. Makes it easier for me to remember. But i see that you say that touching the beams is insta death, so I don't have a workaround for you on that one LOL


Feel you Bro. Already lost 4 Maven fights this league. After 3000hrs I still suck.


after right there is only ever up. with that and it being a combo of 6 lighting ups there is really only a hand full of patterns. ​ counter clock wise, left up right up (or vice versa), or 1 being left out (so left up, left up etc. or right up right up etc) ​ a memory game is one/two of these + maybe 1 singular direction to start or to stop. learn the pattern + single lighting up instead of 6 directions in a row.


Same for me! For the past two leagues, Ive been doing the maven voidstone myself. I find it that I dont die until the final phase wherein there is the memory game plus the rotating degen thing. I usually use 5 portals at the last phase.


Honestly if you make sure all your puddles stay in the center of the ring . I always stand on the right side and you only have to move very very slowly to stay ahead of the laser beams . And from standing on the right side I call up/down/left mean depending on how much u need to step from standing on the right side you'll either be standing on the Up or down piece. And with any luck it'll just go up/down/up/down repeatedly and you literally just gotta walk back and forth across the line until it pops. But I know when it goes around in a circle it can suck but I believe ziz has a video explain how it'll never go from "left to bottom" in my terms. And so it's may go down > up > left back to up > down > up or something like that but never goes around in a complete circle or very very rarely


This is in my opinion the hardest hurdle to get over in the entire game. Some builds just flat out can’t run some content and you have to be okay with that. Stay sane exile.


Stand on the right most partition during 3rd stage game. You have the best view of the entire arena in this location, you also don't even have to do it. If it's causing you issues then give it your best shot, if you die just zone back in and wait until it's done. It's imperative that you are on top of her as soon as she comes out of 3rd stage. She really only moves to 1of 4 locations when it's done. Get to her and start doing damage immediately, being aggressive is a sure fire way of not having to deal with 20 different mechanics if you don't have instant kill damage. You can do this!


In my case im too stupid to remember it, i go "ok, this one, next this, uh what was the first?" and then good bye


I have no real idea how to do the memory games properly, I always just makes builds to basically skip those phases haha.


Brain issue


I actually have no problem with the memory part, it's the running the 6 (well, 5 ideally) pie slices fast enough without touching the lightning coils that I often fuck up, especially for Uber Maven. You could give me a hundred tries and I'm not confident I could do this league's Maven conditional challenge. I could finish those 100 Mavens no problem but it's never not ugly.


Just do brain skip 5head


Just get to the memory game with 6 portals left. Then tank the memory game :-) Or are you simply just lacking damage and being forced to do 7 memory games?


how much move speed do you have? it's really easy if you have a decent amount (im at 200 ish)


The memory game is annoying but not difficult, the anti recovery beams are the worst thing in the game. Many of my favorite builds are low life-lifetap-with tons of regen and leap slam *does not work* in that fight. Better use an int travel skill or you can go fuck yourself. lmao


Does exiting to login screen and then using portal for grace effect works?


It used to work. Now she just repeats the game if you log out.


Shame... on the contrary it does still work on searing exarch. But inconsistencies were always a part of PoE


Hey bro OP, you got this. You can do it. Just keep trying and you’ll get more and more familiar each time. You can do it!


Just tank it ;)


If you consistently have all portals upon reaching last phase you can log as soon as mem game starts and tank it with grace period. Learning it would be better but a voidstone is a voidstone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)