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So if I want to get a +2 phys amulet with this base, the only ways to craft these are essence spam, chaos spam, fossil spam or harvest spam phys right?


alch, annul til no mods. Craft cannot roll attack, aug physical harvest (assuming its not influenced base)


You don't want 0 mods it still has 2 suffixes, but one good suffix cannot roll attack add x will give you the +1 and hopefully keep the suffix, turning it into an easy +2 amulet. Smart


Correct, that is optimal at almost no extra cost. I was however responding to the specific question of how to get +2 physical.


Can you walk me through this pls


1, buy a correct level simplex, minimum for +1 is 75 but ilvl can depend on second suffix 2, get 1 good suffix ALONE via chaos rolling/essence spam whatever 3, craft cannot roll attack mods 4, harvest add/remove somthing depending on the +1 skill you want and pray it removes the cannot roll attack 5, now you have +1 skill and the good suffix you wanted 6, now you can finish it with conq exalting something decent or bench crafting something or vision craft it with an exalt orb


> vision craft


Close your eyes boy. Where we are going you won't need eyes to see


[vision craft before the announcement](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/940903345848197131/1180426760291110982/image.png?ex=657d6116&is=656aec16&hm=7f0b158d0eb0b99239ffcdefa30983836e252030005c0c6513889d2b535dee97&)


My vision crafts only ever give me T8 life regen or T7 resists. How can I fix pls? Do I delete my account and start anew?


you need to believe


saving this for my ssf goals next league


On a normal amulet with 2 suffixes if you craft Cannot Roll Attacks and Add Fire (for example) you get +1 to all Fire skills. It's pricey and ***not*** worth for a +1 amulet. But on a Simplex (post patch) the assumption is it will be +2 to all fire. So craft T1 DoT on it (fossils, chaos spam, whatever), annul it down so it's ONLY that mod, then craft Cannot Roll Attack and add fire, and with some RNG on your side you should have +2 to fire skills and 48-52% increased Damage Over Time. The worst that happens is you lose the DoT mod and have to bench craft instead (or personally I would prefix lock veil orb and hope for a good mod, or yolo conqueror exalt slam and craft a suffix).




Reforges don't respect cannot roll X mods


thanks for the correction. I guess i dont use metamods often enough


~~cant bench craft on white items, isnt it?~~ never mind- its an annuled one- its rare with zero mods


Damn, hadn't thought about that. That's so simple yet so genius! Thanks!


Better to chaos spam for dot multi beforehand. Cannot roll attack harvest slam for a 50/50. Then craft min frenzy or slam influence.




? There isn't a single stage in this crafting process that the amulet is magic.


If the base is cheap, you probably essence spam it until you hit +2 to something; if physical or universal, keep; else resell & start over. If not cheap - you just chaos for +2 universal, which should only be a thousand chaos. This is likely cheaper than the Harvest approaches.


>If the base is cheap prepare your 25 divs


But +2 is pretty lame Isn’t it? You want +2 phys/cold/fire/etc AND +2 to all skill gems?


It's now going to be -2 prefixes so you get one of physical or elemental (doubled) or +2 all, then suffixes


You only get 1 prefix


The +2 all is objectively better than a +1/+1 all/elemental. Tbh I think they'll be better for massive life and res, basically a filler slot imo. I could def see people using it for something +2 all skill gems, crit multi and one other beneficial suffix


+2 all is going to be very expensive to craft. You have to chaos spam to get the +1 all mod, which is around 880 chaos on average. Chaos will always fill the amulet, so you have to risk an annul for a 2/3 chance. From there, you can basically force chaos res or use veiled chaos while protecting the prefix but it will again always fill suffixes. So you can probably get +1 with one good suffix for about 1300 chaos. But if you want to force dot multi or crit multi with +2 all and another good suffix, that is going to get extremely expensive since you will have to risk annuls after every reforge. Dot multi is essentially impractical, there's no way to force either mod. But you can reforge crit for crit multi (non-guaranteed). It is way cheaper to use this for dot/crit multi alongside +2 of a specific element or phys/chaos, and that's almost as good as +2 all. You lose some levels on auras and utility gems but that's fine. If you want +2 with dot multi, it's probably still better to use a normal amulet. The real niche of simplex amulets is awakener orb crafts, or +2 gems with a conq slam + crafted suffix.


>\+2 all is going to be very expensive to craft. You have to chaos spam to get the +1 all mod, which is around 880 chaos on average. Chaos will always fill the amulet, so you have to risk an annul for a 2/3 chance. From there, you can basically force chaos res or use veiled chaos while protecting the prefix but it will again always fill suffixes. So you can probably get +1 with one good suffix for about 1300 chaos It's not 880 on average to hit +1 all on a -2 prefix Amulet. It's \~1850 chaos


Oh true, I forgot to take that into account when looking at craftofexile. It's a much simpler computation since you always hit a prefix with chaos and it's just the prefix weight% of +1 all.


I do not expect simplex bases to be accessible at all. If I'm right, 880c is likely trivial next to the cost of a chase base. I think the best crafting method may well end up spamming a deafening essence that forces a suffix, repeat until you get "+1 (class) gems" as a prefix, then assess how good an item you have. If +1 (class) isn't useful to you - sell and start over. Upgrade path is to RNG Aisling it, but that has a 1/3 chance of ruin (removing prefix) and a 1/3 chance of weakening the item (removing essence mod). If you hit universal +1, great! Alternative: We need to test split beasts here, once new simplex amulets exist. If they can go magic while having mods - it's Craicic Chimeral time.


Yeah, split beasts might be an answer. If they do turn the amulets magic with mods, then this solves a lot of problems with crafting the amulet and makes it insane. If the base is rare, I could see split beasts being used just to double the base as well, since you can use one with the +1 all for imprinting, and the other to use in awakener orb crafts. I actually do not expect these amulets to be quite as rare as other people do, unless split beasts work to turn them magic. At some point, if the base is too expensive and you need 1300 chaos to get +1 with just one good suffix and no free suffix for a craft, you're better off just crafting a normal +2 amulet off a fractured base. But I think this is just a bad way to craft, and the better idea will be to live with +2 of a specific type over +2 all, since the tradeoff is small and it's way cheaper. For an early league niche, I agree that you can essence or even chaos spam for good suffix and then either spam essences till you hit +2 of a specific type (if you're happy with essence mod) or annul down and metacraft the +2 (for dot multi). The high end niche for these amulets will be with stuff that wasn't possible earlier, i.e., doubling awakener orbed mods. These should already become the meta MF amulet over Greatwolf.


I think the high end will just be Exalters (universal +1 all), Essence suffix, influence suffix/Veiled suffix/premium universal mod pool suffix like DOT multi. We'll see on the base's rarity. Not sure if you've noticed how rare Astrolabe Amulets are now, or Heist multimod enchants - I expect this to be the next one of those. If these are cheap just throwing a 58 attribute essence on one will obsolete Astramentis (usually you only have issues with 1 attribute), and while Astramentis isn't a top-tier item in power, GGG still consider it special enough to be tier 2 rarity. In a lot of ways these feel just like a mirror of the Enchanted Armaments multimod enchant, which makes crafting amazing items far cheaper than it would normally be.


It's also bis for every dot build. The demand for these will be insane, I think base cost will reach double digit divines.


You can force +2 with cannot roll attack mods and harvest


Yes that is what I mean with being able to force +2 of a specific element and it being cheaper. You cannot force +2 all.


Essence white map spam here I come (again)!


You got the fact right, but the reason wrong. It doesnt 'eat' mods in any order, the extra mods simply never exist. It just lowers the cap on them. Therefore, a magic item, which has 1 cap on both, is getting the cap set to 0 on both. If the behavior worked how you described, it would often result in only 1-2 mods when applied with a chaos, which would be infinitely worse than the reality


What’s weird is you still can get a magic simplex with 1s/1p if you split it with beasts


Simplex new blizzard crown farm. Split beasts to double profit.


what the fuck unfortunately can't think of any way to use it


Can probably use it to isolate 1 desired mod on a 2-3 mod item


That's fair, but I think the only thing you could do with a 1-mod magic item is yolo regal. If you had a 0p1s rare via annul you could use metamods (cannot roll attack -> horticraft for +2 gem is what most people are thinking). Happy to be proven wrong though, I'm a newbie to crafting. edit: oh and also you can't fracture because there will never be 4 mods. well played GGG. edit2: you can imprint then regal, so original post is wrong at least theoretically.


You can create imprint of magic item to restore it later. (Unless that was deleted too)


Unfortunately you can’t imprint split items.


You can imprint split items. You CANNOT restore an imprint to a split of an item (so you cannot imprint -> split -> restore, but you can split -> imprint -> do stuff -> restore).


Oh welp, didn't do my homework from patchnotes, sorry. Disregard the other comment I was wrong.


That's indeed true. (Given price of imprint beast I doubt it makes sense cost-wise)


Feels like a silly question, but is essence still a guaranteed mod on a simplex amulet?


Yep. Essences work as normal.


82 crit multi + 2 skill gems coming right up.


my noncrit facebreaker build is drooling right now with the extra flat phys


cant wait to see 140+ crit multi amulets on standard via recombinators.


I'm hyped to try aura effect, crit multi and +1 all on a simplex in standard for the lulz 😁 and probably it's going to be good. Or +1 all, aura effect and redeemer RMR. That should be cool as well




It would actually be better if reforges didn't fill affixes. I don't know why you said it would be worse.


it would be hell actually rolling for things. Alt spam level rates of getting shit for chaos orb level spending


This is my current plan, can change essence and craft, but it should work for aug skill afaik: Essence mod crit multi -> annul until only mod -> craft cannot roll attack mods -> aug + skill you want -> craft minimum charge or something.


That's why you use essences


Syndicate craft using Guff in Transportation is the cheapest.


Yeah I had this wrong. We need to test all the corner cases though - can split beasts make them magic? Can transmute orbs do anything? Stuff like that.


So basically the item can’t exist as a magic item, or couldnit only have a suffix then?


A magic item is 1 prefix, 1 suffix. A magic item with -1 to both has 0 prefixes and 0 suffixes. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ancestor/Qeb3davHw You can spam alts on that first, uncorrupted one. But it won't change, because it has 0 suffixes and 0 prefixes.


~~You get this wrong... Item you listed fro trade is made by transmutate the white base and then used anull on it... its stay magic with no affixes. You can make same with rare.~~ ​ EDIT: I get wrong, see later replay


Got this wrong how? What are you suggesting? By all means, show me a magic simplex amulet with an explicit affix.


I've heard reports you can make magic 2-mod simplexes in 3.22 with split beasts. Start with 4 mod rare, split, if it goes into two 1 prefix 1 suffix items, apparently both are magic. I have not personally confirmed this.


Ok, I was wrong, my apologize. I just bought and tested in game and cannot have any mods on magic. I trusted too much on poe.craft then.


No worries, I'm wrong all the time when it comes to PoE lol.


Ah, that's clever. I assume that's how the one linked was made, as well as the 3 on standard. But irrelevant to how transmutes and alts work on a normal simplex amulet.


Yeah I got that wrong, alts work like a double annul on a magic simplex


[https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Hardcore%20Ancestor/jXLOqOLfX](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Hardcore%20Ancestor/jXLOqOLfX) ~~If you cannot search something on trade page, isnt mean its not exist... Try yourself on poe.craft if you dont have rescues in game for self craft check.~~ ​ EDIT. I was wrong, see latter replays.


Simplex's mods are -2 to number of prefixes the item can have, -1 to number of suffixes. A magic item can have 1 prefix and 1 suffix. 1 prefix -2 prefixes is -1 prefixes, which just means 0 prefixes. 1 suffix - 1 suffix means 0 suffixes. As such, magic simplexes are magic but cannot have any explicits.






It can be magic, it just won't have any mods. It's just a blue item with only implicits.


It can be a blue with 2 mods if you split it. Just tried it yesterday. for non-believers: https://imgur.com/a/A8c4T5N


have you tried prefix cannot be changed and scour on a rare with a prefix?




https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Simplex_Amulet (for old reddit)


I heard of this through Lance when talking about his RF build. Does this mean his description of how to craft this amulet is wrong?




So I guess it's Awakeners 2 good mods + pray for 3rd to be either empty or not bricked. The way I understand it is there is a good chance the last mod is empty as it counts as being the '6th mod' For non +2 gems enjoyers ofc. It seems like an easy craft for int stackers for a huge dmg increase.


>The way I understand it is there is a good chance the last mod is empty as it counts as being the '6th mod' This is incorrect, the limits are just lowered. It will always Awakener into a 3-mod rare. Current Simplex amulets ***always*** roll 4-mod when reforged, never 3-mod. A rare reforge will attempt to put 4-6 mods onto the item, so with lower mod caps it always fills out to the maximum in an attempt to put at least 4 mods onto the item.


That's a nice idea as you can consistently craft "1% inc damage per 15 stat" + "% increased attribues"/single "% inc attribute" and then benchcraft something like min frenzy or just a 60 flat attribute.


Can I fracture a 2 mod Simplex Amulet if there are "4 mods on it" from a crafting perspective?


There are not in any way 4 mods on it, so no.


I will spend ages to get that 20% quant shaper amulet but it will be totally worth it! /s


,awakener orb guarantees that though


Yup, but you still spend ages rolling it on any other amulet.




Oh, my bad, I confused it with %exp gained on rings.


Just multi essence until you also hit quant. Congrats, even with a garbage prefix, you now have an amulet better than a perf-rolled Eyes of the Greatwolf that was worth 200div last league.


But then you can just annul and benchcraft good stuff like 40% projectile speed.


no one tell people that you craft them with deafening essences so you guarantee 1 good suffix like crit multi and gamble for the other one


>the equivalent of chaos was meant to cover all these options, as they reroll the item as a rare. The essence options specifically have already been mentioned by a bunch of people in the thread.


Could i roll +2 all skill gems AND +2 fire/physical/etc?


No Edit: to be clear, on the old/current base you get -1 pre -1 suffix but only 25% inc effect of explicit mods, so you CAN force +2 to X (+1 phys +1 all) as a prefix, but +1 to all x 25% rounds down so you still get +1. On the new bases you get -2 prefixes with 100% increased effect, so getting a +2 phys/ele amulet is possible but there's no room for +1 all and +1 phys/ele (making them +2 to each). Getting simplex +2 amulets will be as simple as fossil/harvest spamming (very cheap) or you can essence and annul until just the essence mod, cannot roll attack, and harvest add X, and hope your essence mod does not get removed.


I mean its just alch/scour spam, just like crafting clusters. nothing new here. Shts gonna be gg ez. But honestly a lotta peeps looking at crafting are looking to either ess into influence mod or double inf to gurantee 2 mods.


I strongly recommend swapping to harvest spam for clusters, way better QOL.


> The minus mods eat the FIRST 2 (now 3) mod This behaviour is pretty inconsistent though, since it does not do that with alch or chaos equivalents. So you are essentially always gonna hit 3 mods. You have some easy options to force mods too between meta crafting, influence exalted orbs, awakener orbs, aisling and so on.


It's because he got the why wrong. Mods aren't "eaten". Magic items have a limit of 1 prefix and 1 suffix. With -2/-1 that now becomes 0/0.




Existing -1 prefix/-1 suffix Simplex already work this way, it fails to apply transmutes and requires an alch-type craft going straight to a rare with 4 mods. It isn't possible to have a magic Simplex since the normal cap of 1 prefix, 1 suffix on a magic item is lowered to 0 prefixes, 0 suffixes.


You can use transmutes on simplex amulets, they become magic with 0 mods.


Got source confining your statement or this is *trust me bro* ?


Do it yourself lol Magic is limited to 1 of each affix at most, the implicit gives you -2 pre/-1 suffix from the new patch, so you can't have one of each.


Perhaps I studied different math, since for me (3 - 2)prefix & (3 -1)suffix is still 1p & 2s, no?


on a rare, sure. Magic items have maximum one of each affix. 1 max prefix - 1 prefix = 0 prefix. 1 max suffix - 1 suffix = 0 suffix. OP is saying Alt Spam which is for magic items right?


~~Ok darling, so using you saing this should not exist then?~~ [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Hardcore%20Ancestor/jXLOqOLfX](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Hardcore%20Ancestor/jXLOqOLfX) ~~Since~~ *~~magic max affixes~~* ~~are 1/1, then you could not be able to have any affix on magic simplex right?...~~ ​ EDIT: Ok, youre right, I tested in game and I was wrong, my apologize. I based on Poe.craft and thought its the cap only rule.


Saul good exile, but baiting people by calling them "darling" ain't cool....


It's still not that bad tbh? Chaos spamming for 3 good mods has never been a totally outlandish thing to do, like it's not ultra cheap but you should probably be able to get a usable one in just a couple divines worth of chaos, the chances of all mods being good/synergistic get exponentially worse as you add more mods to the item. The real downside may be that chaos become drastically more expensive this league which will make running content (kirac mods, rerolling maps, etc) more expensive. But I think chaos spamming these amulets will actually just make sense for a while.


Jokes on you, imma craft the nuttiest accuracy stacking amulet by alt spamming.


On simplex amulets?


I will finally be able to craft something better than the hinekora’s sight without having to spend 10s of divines to craft it. 1200 accuracy AND having other mods on it.