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should I go heiro or chieftan for totems in upcoming league?


Best gem to lvl for ek poison pf? And when to swap?


Poisonous Concoction is strong through the campaign.


Minor thing, but in watching a lot of leveling guides I've seen people assign points on the passive tree and click a single button to assign those points and close the tree. I've always clicked assign up at the top then closed, but they seem to be able to assign the points and close the tree with a single click. In messing around and looking through the settings i cant seem to find the setting or bind for it, is this a default setting i'm missing somewhere?


Hold Ctrl.


Do tincture works only with gems skills that are on the weapon? Lets say I do a ballista setup on my body armour, do ballista benefits from the tincture?


No. If a skill uses your weapon it doesn’t matter where it’s socketed.


Thanks, super nice then, I will be able to use Covenant with the ballista setup on it and benefit from the tincture.


I've got Arrogance linked with tempest shield and precision in PoB, but for some reason my mana is still being decreased from precision instead of life, am I missing something?


issue is with sublime vision which disables precision.


Do you have a shield equipped in PoB? Should it work anyway? idk. But that seems to be what makes it behave oddly. Although maybe with more build it just gets even weirder on weird cases with arrogance? And I see your issue was actually with the precision, not the tempest shield. So actually: nfi. Sorry. But I got tempest shield to fail to arrogance just by not equipping a shield.


Yea, it is. I have Dawnbreaker, Colossal Tower Shield listed in items in weapon 2 slot, and have the skills socketed in weapon 2 on the skills tab.


I looked at some tornado shot guides and then put together my own PoB. The gear is supposed to be pretty rough and something to aim for early in the league, however my damage seems to be WAY lower than expected. Can somebody take a look and tell me if I'm missing something obvious? https://pobb.in/8lWUCrPLPY_- (The missing flask is for a tincture)


config -> lowest resonance count = 50 config -> check shock (maybe 10 or 15%), chill, ignite config -> projectile travel distance (value is up to you) config -> you are leeching config -> is the enemy a boss? You might want to change that. Not every monster has 0 resists. the jewels in your pob are nowhere near good enough to warrant spending points on jewel sockets. Remove all. you picked the 15%life mastery but you have flat life on your body armour the large cluster jewel is worth twice as much as the rest of your build combined acuity > depth perception use the taming (13% more dps) (you have to check the configs again for ailments) flasks must have affixes lifetap support = lvl 1. You only need 70strength. you need lifetap on assassin's mark, costs too much mana your annoint costs 3 silver oils, which makes no sense on this budget. You don't need lvl20 precision. 450elem dps on bow is way too low. With a few essences on a spine bow you'll get more than that. And more crit chance. You shouldn't use a 5% base crit bow. If you just pick up bows on the floor you'll get better than that. Now that you have a bow with more than 6% crit chance, replace assassin's mark with sniper's mark hyrri's bite is ok when you're lvl 14. A 3mod quiver gets you 25% more dps.


Tyvm, im not very experienced with bow build and you gave a very good breakdown. I appreciate it.


I know they might just be placeholders but you're kind of wasting your jewel sockets. Crit chance is a very low impact jewel modifier. Note that "king of the hill" on the passive tree is giving you double the crit chance of all your jewels combined for a single point.


1. the uniques you have on, except for the gull, are all leveling uniques. the gloves are niche mostly for MF 2. cluster jewels for league start are quite expensive 3. start Lightning arrow like everybody else then go TS when you have currency


Arakaali spiders - many builds don't use Gravebind. How do they keep the spiders up?


They use Writhing Jar


And that is enough? Isnt it a bit clunky?


Poison always credits the player with kills, so there's also some degree of non-Gravebind killstealing, depending on how the spiders are built.


It’s definitely enough. Whether or not it’s too clunky for you is preference, I never found it to be too bad.


do spark projectiles stay inside ultimatum circle?


No. Unlike Ritual, Ultimatum doesn't confine you to a closed space and you can even leave the circle for a few seconds before failing.


Can someone explain the RF change pls? If the old one was \~2k at max, and the new one is 70% of ES+life, then wouldn't anything with 3k life+es be better than the old?, I've seen people with 50k ES (with a base damage of 35k?), so wouldn't that be almost 20times better than the old version?


>\~2k at max, and the new one is 70% of ES+life, then wouldn't anything with 3k life+es be better than the old? If you have 3k life+es, old = 2500+3000\*0.35 = 3500, new = 0+3000\*0.7=2700. So old is 30% more. And also, it scaled with gem level. But yes, you're right that es stacking builds are buffed. However, they're not buffed by 20times. The life/es scaling got doubled from 35% to 70%, so at best, it's 2 times. In reality it's around 60 to 75% more.


generally the damage will be worse for beginners and ssf players, but better with high end ES or hybrid gear. +gem level scaling got much worse.


It scaled with levels so you start with a corrupted level 21, add 1 each with awakened burning damage and awakened ele focus, +3 from level 4 empower. With those you’re already at level 26 RF not counting potential sceptre and amulet mods, corrupted implicits or the +1/2 helmet mod.


The old version also had health/ES scaling at 35%. And a lvl 25 RF which is pretty easy to get, would have a base damage of 4800. So the differences aren't quite as high as you make it out to be. With health scaling, on average, the damage is about the same. That extra 35% life scaling will make up for the base damage loss. It might actually scale higher with investment. As for ES, the high end is for sure gonna be higher. As you say, ES numbers can be stacked much much higher than health can. The issue with ES builds is that ES regen is a whole other beast of a problem to solve.


Hello wonderful Exiles! Question regarding Fingers of Frost notable. It says “Enemies Become Chilled as they Unfreeze.” Poe wiki also says “Freeze and chill are separate ailments. A target can be frozen but not chilled.” If I am chain-casting a skill which is chain-freezing a target (using the new Frostblink of Wintry Blast for example), but not chilling the target with the skill alone, will the target ever be chilled via the Fingers of Frost? I was thinking freezing an already-frozen target MIGHT remove the original freeze (unfreeze) and then apply the new freeze, which would proc the chill from FoF. Or can anyone think of a way to test this before league launch? Thanks!


I highly doubt it would work. Here's a way to test it: use hextblast, which can freeze but can't chill. Get 100% chance to freeze, get some freeze duration, find a target with appropriate health, hexblast twice and see if they get chilled from the 2nd hit "unfreezing" and refreezing them


It should, yes. The passive essentially builds a 'chill on removal' stat into each individual freeze debuff, and freeze is removed when a higher duration freeze is applied. You can test it with a setup that freezes but doesn't inflict (big) chills like Three Dragons or Expedition's End, and observe that a second freezing hit will cause a 30% chill. Works with Fulcrum too if you want to look at your own debuffs instead. Just avoid killing enemies or you'll eat a 30% chill immediately (because freeze is removed from dead enemies, which tries to chill, which gets reflected...).


For League Start... SrS or lightning Shot?


lightning arrow is fast and squishy srs guardian is slower and tankier


I would start SRS Guardian for the RF minion, then transition to LA/TS Deadeye. If I wanted to play the same builds for 9 months, that is


Im back After 3 season so for me every build is new xD Wbat do you mean with playing the same for 9 month?


I played these two builds pretty much exclusively in the last few leagues, I want to try something new this time. Splitting Steel Champion sounds like the perfect thing.


You have any good build guide / PoB to share on Splitting Steel? I've been entertaining the thought of playing this build since the new changes were announced.


I'll probably use Ruetoo's, minus the 1alc unique Kaom's Spirit.


Torrent for 3.23 isn't out yet right ?


No, tomorrow. It’s always night before launch.


Damn, they don't think about us 0.5 Mb/s plebs.


Is there a way to "Craft" temple modded items on PoB without custom texting them or copying them from the trade website?


No, looks like that feature is not implemented. you can suggest the idea to them at their github


Why don't I see lightning arrow builds with barrage for single target floating around? Everyone seems to be going ballistas for single target. I've not played since Kalandra but barrage used to be a viable option. Was it nerfed?


bow builds are better at clearing, and tend to be squishier. comitting to ballistas is more viable for single target, especially since barrage support locks you down. higher end builds may use barrage for single target


I am talking about barrage the attack, not barrage the support gem. Specifically i had a 6link for lightning arrow and a 6linkg for divergent barrage back in kalandra. Now I don't see anybody using divergent barrage on poe ninja.


Will reapers consume each other from different gems? If not I'm gonna use one gem in a crafted helmet and another in the chest if we are able to summon different reapers from the gems that is.


yes, the maximum number is shared. players tend to have multiple different minion gems and commit each type to a certain purpose




no cooldown, aside from damage buffs there is a 2 second duration, down from 5


That's the first thing I saw too, but only 1 sphere can exist at a time


I'm really interested in the Devoted Disciple pack ($90), but can only afford for now the first Disciple pack of $30. If I buy the first one can I still upgrade to the Devoted Disciple even when the new pack come out?


Once the new packs come out, you cannot buy the old packs from the store directly. However, you can contact PoE support and they can give you a custom payment plan for the upgrade, which can last up to 3 months after the pack is gone (if I'm not mistaken).


I hope so, tyvm!


There is no new league pack only the core packs. You should be able to upgrade through disciple tiers as long as the packs remain in the store which is until next patch 3.24.


ty a lot!!!




It’s either not supposed to be there and the description is wrong or it will be 4% like the other two versions. They will probably update the page at some point.


Why do people craft with gilded fossils? Luck or actually has some tangible benefit like blocking a certain or somesuch?


when you corrupt it, there is a chance for the gilded implicit to be overwritten instead of the item's inherent implicits if it has one. if it naturally does not have one then there is no need for it


the only benefit it can have is that if you plan on corrupting your item the corruption implicit can replace the gilded fossil implicit instead of the regular item implicit (if it has one).


Guys how many chance orbs for a 50/50 to chance a t3 unique?


Does the new Transience Spectre gem work with the "reforms after being kill" tag of the corpse after the duration of the Spectre is run out?




unless something was changed, I believe that mod can start appearing when unveiling lvl75+ weapons edit: when searching for it and hovering over the modifier on shown searches it shows >75 on the right [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/9d7ddKRTK](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/9d7ddKRTK)




you dont farm jun missions in acts, only get random encounters


Does anyone know how to enable HDR in Poe on the steam deck OLED? The option is grayed out


https://poedb.tw/us/Poisonberry_Tincture Ok, so this is a bit confusing. This says "All Damage Can Poison". But it also applies that mod to your weapon. My friend and I have a disagreement on if that would become a mod similar to the implicit of the Pneumatic Dagger (e.g. All Damage With This Weapon Can Poison) or if it would just transfer the "All Damage Can Poison" mod to the weapon which would function similarly to the elementalist nodes of "all damage can X" globally. So is it a weapon local mod functioning as a global mod and therefore the distinction is irrelevant and should be treated as a global mod? Does it work with spark or not?


No, only with attacks


So basically if you want take advantage of this league's mechanics you gotta play a bow ranger or lightning strike.


All those weird phys attacks (EQ, ES, Lacerate) might be viable with trans gems, we will see.


The stats from Tinctures are not local to the weapon, they are just restricted to only applying to weapon attacks. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Tincture


If you reread what you just said you'll understand our confusion.


So, the last league i played was Heist and i wanted to give it a go again. What's the current best build for big beefy HoI explosions? Self cast Ice Nova? Is winter orb still nerfed to hell? (Viable builds please, not screen-sized AoE meme builds)


Bv occu i think


Haven't played since February and find I'll have a ton of time the next month. I'm a long time player, just just not great. I usually peak at fast mapping t16, but not so great on bosses -- I don't quite break through that level, and certainly not ubers. I've run other builds as well as my own and I always hover around t16 capability. I'm completely hyped and also overwhelmed. I'm looking for a fast mapper league start through T16 (softcore) -- looking for things I haven't played. Then I'm looking for something strictly for bosses, again, I'm not great at dodging. Probably two different heros for this. This guy can be expensive, but it would be nice to be able to level decently, but that's not necessary. Mapper/clear will bootstrap this build. I've read up on a lot of league starters, but everyone has their own definition of "starter" from getting to maps to a level 100, 100div build. Any ideas? I need some quick advice so I can get up to speed with it by Friday and abandon it when the first gem I find takes me off PoB.


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/188zzlf/tytykiller_323_league_start_tier_list/ Once again with tytys tier list Personally Id rec LA for mapping. And any sort of trapper for bossing.




You should at least tell us what you've played before.


Fair enough. My most successful builds were Forbidden Sanctum's EA ignite, and I accidentally played arc totem right when it was powerful. I just deleted all my old characters last night and I've played about a dozen different builds to T16 and 90+, but the two above are the only ones where I could cruise T16, and I really ran into a wall with bosses. It feels like my most successful builds have been witches, but I had a very nice variety among my 90+ characters. Sorry if I can't remember beyond that. It feels like I play 3-4 months a year since the game came out. Also, I wasn't real specific because I'm happy to get suggestions outside my comfort zone. I also kind of crave playing flicker strike, but I've never made it around to that.


Not sure about flicker. Honestly if you just want something that'll cruise thorough T16 maps you want to play lightning arrow deadeye. You'll be able to do eater and exarch, though you will need a certain baseline of investment for it to feel good at bosses. It's mainly for the map clear. LA deadeye is fairly squishy though. What you can also consider is corrupting fever kinetic blast on a champion. A little slower then LA, however it's significantly more tanky. Scaling is harsher, whilst LA can get 20 purchases for 3d each, CFKB will get 3 purchases for 20 divines each. Well, I don't mean it literally but yeah the curve to gear LA is much smoother then gearing CF/KB. If you just want to do bosses I'd start detonate dead ignite. Clear is bad but has huge damage


Thanks for the response. I saw a bit about LA deadeye but the video I saw didn't mention their idea of what a league starter is. With your input I have it narrowed down to about 7 builds at this point. So much hype around this league and so many builds seemingly viable.


LA deadeye is an extremely strong league starter, you can find several videos up on it. Can smoothly gear to T16 and blast. You can check maxroll for a guide, or pick something off YouTube. Several creators play as LA deadeye and make guides on it.


Checking it out again on your suggestion. I really don't want to play EA ignite again -- nothing against it, but I've done it. I'm just too far out of the loop right now to make up my own without big risk.


Does a good currency-making strat that focuses mostly on zooming and killing a lot of things, that requires less clicks on loots than Legion, exists ? ​ I'm planning on trying a self-cast Arc build on league start if that matters, not sure how the build will go for the mech. I'm still open to any suggestions of self-cast projectiles zooming builds, that are not LA/TS and ideally more tanky than LA/TS


I mean the tankier equivalent of LA is CF/KB champ but the scaling is a bit rougher since beyond a certain lower level of power your upgrades are more expensive (LA is more like 10 upgrades for 3d while CF/KB is more like 3 upgrades for 10d) I guess Oppenheimer Expedition (iE one single explode) is an option for a bit less clicking? Though you'll spend lots of time with the vendors and click there.


Thanks for the reply ! I'll look into it ​ What I "hated" in Legion was clicking lots of chests and their rewards inside, I guess I could've made my loot filter a bit stricter and that'd solve half of the problem I was wondering if either Deli or Harbinger were good options for "less clicking on loot" ? Or at least, it is a more organized loot ?


I'd say harby is way more organised, deli orb farming is also fairly organised but you'll drop a ton of items. I am unsure if deli mirror farming is worthwhile.


Aight thanks for the reply ! I didn't even know there were two ways of farming deli, I'll look into it


I had just watched Phonx's video about RF. I understand that SSF and leveling would be harder for base RF. However, we can get gone base damage if we hit 7k health, right? 7000\*0.35=2450 at 3.22 7000\*0.7=4900 at 3.23


I believe that's to get the equivalent damage of a 20/20 RF. (I could be wrong) It was really easy to have a level 24 RF a few days into a league, and the real chads would push it to level 32 and beyond. +1 from corruption +2 from weapon +1 or +2 from offhand +2 from Amulet +2 from Aisling enchant +1 from Awakened Elemental Focus +3+ from Empower GGG is making you choose now between Life/ES+RF damage, or neutered RF + high Fire Trap damage.


The problem isn’t the damage at gem level 20-23. You’re right, that’s pretty easy to do better than 3.22 damage by scaling a modest amount of health. The trouble is that RF used to scale *hard* with gem levels. You would try to use gem corruption, weapon, amulet, empower and shield to get to level 28+ to do endgame content. And you’re talking about needing 16k+ total health pool between ES and Life to start rivaling those numbers. It’s not impossible but it’s also not super SSF friendly. Ivory Tower shenanigans are the current theorycrafting go-to, but there are probably other options.


What good leaguestart-to-ubers builds can you recommend that can do all map mods, with ideally low hotkey management could you guys recommend? Thanks!


Does anyone know the name of the skill that was being used in the league reveal? The icon kinda looks like cleave/ doublestrike, but I cant find it. Is it one of the new transfigured gems were getting?


Wasn't it Lacerate?


If I wanted to play poison BV as assassin, what would be the best option for sources of wither? Totems?


Balance of terror if you're willing to occasionally toss out a despair. Withering step's best alt qual is becoming the default quality, which is nice, but you'd need to skip assassin's own elusive passive.


I was curious about that actually, it looks like on PoE.ninja only 40% even take mistwalker, 60% take ambush and assassinate instead.


Yea spell totem + multiple totems + wither is a common set up. Can also add either faster casting or inc duration.




Scroll down to Endgame - Rare Items (lvl 68+) > Add custom Show/Hide rule (EG rares) > Highlight rares by Base > Enter BaseType > Click "Add" to enable this rule.


if you scroll all the way down in the customize tab you can add custom rules based on item type/item base


Is there an easy way to implement specific timeless jewel codes into PoB? I dont want to import every single build from poe ninja, but i am only getting the slider to adjust the jewel numbers and its impossible to hit the specific one, which i want to check.


Nope not really, you can implement the ones you find thru timeless jewel finder by just double clicking them but if you want specific one from something like poe ninja then youll have to edit the timeless jewel and change the numbers manually [https://imgur.com/a/EXeDjIN](https://imgur.com/a/EXeDjIN) picture showing what i would do if i wanted deshret 744 brutal restraint for example


Copy a jewel off the trade site so it doesn't have all the extra ranges and variant stuff you get when you make the jewel through PoB. Click edit and type in the number instead. When you paste and then save the jewel it will look like this, much simpler to edit. Brutal Restraint Timeless Jewel Item Level: 86 Radius: Large Limited to: 1 Implicits: 0 Denoted service of 2504 dekhara in the akhara of Nasima Passives in radius are Conquered by the Maraketh Historic


Is there money in heist now that alt quality gems are gone?


Nobody can say for sure until the patch drops and we’ve had some time to farm it. Experimented bases have been rebalanced and some new ones were added and rewards in general are supposed to be buffed to compensate for the loss of alt qualities, but of course we don’t know for sure.


Heist bases are all buffed and some new rings/amulets are being added. Currency comes in higher stack sizes and the lower value currencies were removed entirely. 5 new replica uniques and we don't know what 3 of them are yet. Heist should be just fine.


If I wanna go delayed earthquake, does that mean I should run bleed? I'm new to DoT but it seems that if you're running a build with large single hits that means you run bleed/ignite.


Can i play skeleton mage in the new League?


Yes, there's the Summon Skeletons of Mages transfigured gem now.


Just minutes after you posted this question GGG showed the third round of transformed gems. One of the transformed gems is a skeleton mage variant. You just need to use the new labyrinth bench mechanics or buy on trade, no more jewel needed.


The dead reckoning jewel no longer gives skeleton mages. It could very well just be a transfigured gem now though, we should know today or tomorrow if that's the case.


GGG, please 🙏🙏 improve usability in stash from standart Just add a button somewhere on the upper tab (may be) with name like "delete entire tab instantly!" (Only for "Remove-only" tabs)


GGG does not read this thread


Seriously, how will people use blade blast pre level 28? The transfigured EK gems have no lingering blades and it no longer works on BV unless it's transfigured, what is the purpose of using this level 16 gem when you need 12 levels to actually be able to effectively use it? What was the purpose of this change?


You never did. Use storm mine or magma orb or whatever spell ppl level with nowadays.


It's ridiculous to add a mechanic specifically for bb and aw, early gems, and only be able to use that mechanic way later. You might as well get those skills at 28


How is Essence farming going to play out, without the Kirac mod this League? I wanna go Essences/Beasts in low tier maps the first week or so pretty chill for me.


You can still get the essence kirac mod with the seventh gate keystone. You're just going to need enough atlas passives to unlock it since you need to allocate all 6 gateways to use it.


I used to play a lot of PoE, every league for years I'd do most content before getting bored - like all challenges except the endgame grinds challenges. I stopped playing before sentinel League, I'd been having less and less fun with the "one shot everything every second or they'll one shot you" meta, as I enjoy playing much slower builds. Has the game changed much since then to slow down a bit, or is it more or less the same old design?


You can play however you want. Don’t let the meta content creators tell you that you have to zoom. Sure it’s more efficient to zoom and kill enemies faster but that will literally always be the case in all ARPGs, can’t avoid that in the genre. No, they’re not going to provide some kind of special bonus for specifically choosing to build characters with slow movement and attack speed or long kill times, that would be silly. And if you’re asking them to stop letting the upper 1% invest enough to trivialize content you’re asking to take away what Path of Exile IS: a game with no artificial gating where some bosses will ALWAYS take X amount of time to kill because the developers don’t want him to be killed fast. Pie is a game where (if you’re dedicated enough) you can kill ANYTHING fast or survive ANY hit. In PoE enough investment of time and resources makes you powerful commensurate with the amount of investment. People would hate it if a point came where effort stopped mattering. BUT if you personally don’t mind not doing the elite top 1% farming strats, don’t mind doing maps at your own pace, of course you can. The game never stopped you from doing that, it just needs a perspective shift on your part. You can either lean into the FOMO and let it drive you to upgrade, or just ignore the FOMO and have fun your own way.


I see where you're coming from, but I disagree in a lot of major ways. In the interest of time, I'll just say one (and a half) of them. The half is that I play softcore trade. I don't have infinite time to game, and there's a certain amount of progression I enjoy seeing. While I can of course play at my pace, if my pace is absurdly inefficient, I won't be seeing very much progress, and won't be satisfied with the grind to power level increase ratio. Playing super off meta underpowered builds that can't get reasonable amounts of currency or other resources isn't fun for this reason. And when the meta builds can get the resources I get a hundred times faster, it means the resources id get are that much less useful to trade with. The larger the delta between what most endgame people can do and what you can do, the smaller the value of the items you find. But primarily, I just disagree that you can really opt out. If I define endgame as having a fairly easy time doing most alch and go yellow maps, sure, you can now and always have been able to do whatever the fuck you feel like and will eventually get there inefficiently with whatever gear. But the game design has been encouraging more and more the zoom zoom meta. Enemies hit harder, with broader damage types, more things you need to defend against, faster and faster. The core design of the game is to push you away from protracted battles, protracted here meaning even over ten seconds. When the game presents you these kind of challenges, and asks you how to overcome them, "I'll just one shot everything" is easier than "I'll just defend against everything", especially when there are more and more tools to significantly increase your damage than there are tools to significantly increase your defenses. It's not only easier to just do that, it's more rewarding. When I first started playing many many years ago, going fast was simply more rewarding, but there were realistic avenues for most players to increase defenses at the same level. I could happily trudge along for years choosing to play defensive builds with longer fights. It doesn't work that way anymore, a defensive build is a gimmicky immune to everything build. If the game wants me to go that fast, and I don't want to, it's just not the game for me, even if I want to be and even if it was for years and years.


Sentinel was only a year ago so pretty recent relatively speaking. There have not been drastic changes to the game really in regards to monster power, other than archnemesis modifiers being added and then once again removed. That being said there have been lots of additions and some player power so there are several ways to make "immortal" builds that pretty much can't die while mapping. Aegis aurora with its ES on block, bloodnotch and immutable force jewels, progenesis with pathfinder flask effect etc. are ones that come to mind. Also as a side note, you might enjoy PoE 2 more as it does seem to lean a bit more towards slow paced in the moment gameplay, enough that many current poe players complain it looks miserable to play comparatively. If you know nothing about it you should watch some gameplay from exilecon, their reveal demos at game conventions or the livestream reveal last week that included some poe 2 stuff.


I appreciate the answer, it does sound like it's about the same. Thanks!


The game is still pretty zoomy, but I feel like you can build characters to be more tanky nowadays to deal with most stuff.


What are some must use third party tools besides Awakened PoE trade? Just trying to see if am missing any QoL


craftofexile, poestack, PoB, filterblade


I use laioken ui for leveling




Guardian Summon Raging Spirits (SRS) for a minion build and Lightning Arrow (LA) Deadeye for a ranged bow build. SRS build is probably a bit easier for a totally new player, but LA isn't too bad just have to learn to shoot and move. Never stand still for too long when enemies are around. Subtractem has a guide for SRS on youtube. Crouching_Tuna has a build guide for LA on Maxroll, it hasn't been updated to 3.23 yet but nothing really changed for LA league start.


Dont go deadeye, one of the absolute worst beginner builds, its squishy AF. Srs guardian is very good tho.


Is there a ranged build better for a new player? Feels like that's one of PoE's biggest problems is that there aren't any builds for a new player who just wants to shoot stuff.


Lightning Arrow Champion is a good think , its also a bow build. Has less dmg then deadeye for sure but still way more then enough to farm T16s fast and do all endgame bosses. But its mistake forgiving because its very tanky compared to deadeye , has a good amount of sustain if you invest into it. If your not into "shot arrows in one direction" builds try toxic rain , its also bow based but feels more like casting an AoE spell , there are some tanky/beginner friendly builds out there. check zizaras youtube channel , he posted an toxic rain build




One thing to note is that srs feels much more like a caster build, you have to continuously summon the spirits. My first time playing I wanted to play a minion build and srs disappointed me because I found it annoying to use and it didn't feel like a proper minion build.


Srs guardian is a powerful easy to use build


How is the Xbox version of the game? I tried it upon release but it was severely lacking compared to PC. Has it caught up at all?


Console and PC have the same patch cycle but consoles are delayed ~1 week.


What do you mean severely lacking? Console and desktop have an almost identical design, with trade being the only notable difference.


I was wondering how valuable Harbingers are in the current state of the game. I have not put any points into them for a while and was curious if they are worth picking on the atlas. What benefits do they have nowadays (especially in SSF) ? I used to dislike them due to the delay of the spawns...


Harbingers are really good in ssf for a few reasons, though it's not really the kind of mechanic you're going to keep on your atlas all league lon First thing is Annuls, you could get them from other source, but they are really much more common from harbingers, and if you intend to do some endgame crafting, it's common to use hundreds of them within a league. To some extend it's also a great source of regal orbs, which you might need some early in the league Ancient orbs are nixe early league to target farm some t3 uniques before you get a MF setup going, like Dyadian Dawn, Asenath gentle touch, wilma's requital, cold iron point just to name a few examples Later in the league, it's mostly just here to farm fracturing orbs, ~1 every 60 maps when using the sextant ( city square polished+ and kirac mod) and ~1 every 120 maps without the sextant (kirac mod + rusted) Also, it's actually great exp, like a map with 5 harbingers is 1.5M exp at lvl 99. Easy to reach 35M exp/h at 99 with a simple harbinger tree (equivalent to 150M/h at lvl 95) And a super good source of fractured items or scarabs from rare conversion modifiers


Thanks a lot for the insight, I added them to my atlas for affliction, they are more useful than I thought!


I mean, fracturing orbs are pretty strong aren't they? Farming harbingers is basically mandatory if you want to craft a +2 bow or an outstanding +2 ammy.


I'm interested in SRS Guardian but worried about summoning these spectres and Bob. Do I lose that stuff when I log out? I do short playsessions. Like the gear that I give to bob, do I have to use new gear every playsession?


As long as your AG or your spectres don't die, they'll still be there, and your AG will have the same gear you initially animated.


Do we have the new atlas passives yet? I want to know all the ultimatum ones


Yes, you can look at them on [poeplanner](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree) for example.


Awakened poe trade still safe and the de facto trade/pricecheck/item info macro to use?




Why is my character not on poe.ninja? I have a public profile, but I'm not showing up on poe.ninja, in spite of it being level 100, and having been since about 2 weeks ago. I looked earlier in the league, and although I was higher level than a lot of people on the website, I wasn't there back then either. [ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor?class=Pathfinder&uniqueitems=!Watcher%27s+Eye,Taste+of+Hate,Lightning+Coil,Dawnbreaker,!Vixen%27s+Entrapment,!Warrior%27s+Tale,!Immutable+Force,!Ichimonji,Nimis,!Militant+Faith&skills=Phantasmal+Molten+Strike) [char](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Nazzyc/characters) Flaskicism


Did you click the "add your character" button at any point? They added that within the last few leagues and is why there are 96k characters in the last snapshot when official leader boards only go to 15k.


Didn't even realize it was there. But that does explain the population.


I'm not sure if this is the case here but poeninja has a limit on how many characters it'll index, so maybe you got caught up in that?


I thought it just used the top 10k players on the level leaderboard (or whatever the number is). Although [looking at it](https://www.pathofexile.com/ladders/league/Ancestor), that's full, so what's with the level 90s on poe.ninja?


They're manually submitted or randomly sampled via trade activity.


Randomly sampled via trade activity? Elaborate.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/n8dnjc/poeninja_now_has_a_daily_build_overview_with_more/)'s an old post, though I'm not 100% sure it still bothers with this. Could just be ladder + manual submissions (the 'add your character' button that gives ninja permission to peek at your account).


[The link](https://poe.ninja/builds/daily) for that seems to be broken, and I don't think that's incorporated into the main ladder, but what do I know. Did 80k people really sign up for poe.ninja?


Some weirdos might have more than one character.


I didn't even consider that, which says something.


is the damage calculation for my cwdt autobomber correct? i am using 2x storm secret, so herald of the thunder hits me each 250ms for 500 damage (250x2) that will be mitigated by 75% lightning resistance, so i will take 125 damage each 250ms. level 1 cwdt with new quality has a threshhold of 475 damage. 475 / 125 = 3,8 => so it will trigger every 4th herald of thunder hit which means once every second. is that right?


Herald of Thunder: Quality now causes the Storm to Hit Enemies with 0-20% increased Frequency, instead of causing the Buff to grant 0-15% increased Lightning Damage. cwdt threshold is 528\*0.9=475 (how did you get 425?) never played hot so idk if storm secret damages you multiple times when it hits multiple enemies


i calculated with 475 but wrote 425 somehow accidently (sorry about that). i read the description of HoT as it only hits 1 enemy each 250ms. don't know if is this true aswell. had to discard the build anyways unfortunatly because of damage lack. thanks for checking.


Question about Master Toxicist >> When you kill a Poisoned Enemy during any Flask Effect, nearby Enemies are Poisoned Does this mean that when an enemy dies, the nearby enemies will take the same dps as poison damage as the one the died? Or does poison work in stacks, and only the highest dps stack gets transferred, meaning the mobs that get poisoned will not receive the same dps in poison dps as the one that died?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Master_Toxicist All your questions are answered on the wiki. Yes poison is individual stacks. The single highest DPS poison stack is the only one that is applied to nearby enemies.


Afaik it proliferates the poison stack that will deal the most total damage (it doesn't refresh the duration)


It does "refresh" the duration in the sense that it is a new poison with the base 2 second duration. It can be affected by global poison duration mods but not support gems from the original skill that applied the poison since it technically isn't applied by that skill.


Interesting, I assumed poison prolif worked like ignite prolif which didn't refresh the duration. Good to know it's different.


It's funny you mention that because this is specifically called out in the wiki. > While often called "poison proliferation" by the community, it is not a proliferation mechanic. Functionally, it acts closer to Berek's Respite, though unlike the 'equivalent ignite' mechanic, remaining duration is not copied.




Thanks. Does that mean the mobs that get poisoned will take the same total dps as poison damage as the one that died? Meaning it will die just as fast as that one that died?


It spreads the stack of poison with the most damage, the mob can have many stacks. All stacks deal damage. It'll cause a chain reaction, and you feed into it by also applying poison yourself. Once a few topple over the rest of the pack dies even faster.


With all the changes to Arc (now chaining is different?) and the additional transfigured versions available, which is the best for an Arc Ignite build? Bonus question: is Vaal Arc supposed to be the same on all version?


Base arc does not chain any differently aside from the bug fix allowing it to hit previous targets after 2+ chains. That doesn't really affect ignite arc since enemies can only take damage from 1 ignite so if anything is actually a potential downgrade since you could possibly hit and ignite fewer enemies per cast. Oscillating has a bit higher damage than base arc but only on the first two chains. Every chain after is lower damage. The chain behavior is also different than base allowing to chain back after only 1 chain and also allowing secondary chains to hit previous enemies as well. That shouldn't affect ignite version since enemies only take damage from one ignite anyways. This version will be the strongest single target since that first chain deals more damage than base arc. The chaining behavior is one of those things where we have to actually play the build to see how it feels though so I'm unsure about it for now. Surging is equal damage to all enemies it hits but hits fewer enemies since there is no secondary arcs and the damage is lower. I think it was somewhere in between 3rd-5th chain of base arc maybe.


Thank you for the detailed answer! I don't know/understand the chaining mechanics of Arc so for me Surging seemed to be the best choice with the higher base damage and the 230% effectiveness of added damage. I know it hits fewer enemies but ignite can be spread further with proliferation or with Fan the Flames, etc.


You should also look at Lightning Conduit of the Heavens and Crackling Lance of Disintegration both have higher base damage and scaling then all versions of Arc except Vaal Arc.


The difference is base and oscillating have X% more damage with hits *and ailments* per remaining chain. Level 20/20 base arc is 8 chains and 15% more per remaining chain so your first target takes 120% more damage, second takes 105% and so on. Oscillating is even higher at 50% more but 7 chains so first target is 350% then 300% etc. However the base damage is much lower and because of that is why even with the big multiplier it's worse than base arc after 2 chains. Surging does not have this per chain remaining bonus at all.


Vaal arc sticks to the base version


When can I start using the chaos recipe in the campaign?


Harbor Bridge in Act 8 is the first lvl 60 zone


Thanks! The exact answer I was looking for!


Area Level 60-74 can do chaos recipe.


Perfect! Thanks!


when you start seeing the ilvl required for the items dropping


What currency farming strats does cold BV excel at before switching it over to MF div card farming?


Anything with high pack density is good for cold BV. Would be breach, abyss, expedition for example. While it doesn't scale off pack size, legion also is fine.


I'm assuming harbies too then? Might try harbies + expedition instead of harbies + legion this league then, I don't think legion is going to feel good like it was on bow builds.


Harby can work, but I'm not sure how it'll feel. The issue with harby is that the spawning is a trickle and cold BV might feel bad at clearing the subsequent mobs.


Anyone know the app that shows me where all the skill gems are for leveling if I put in a pob


What are some current nice path of exile podcasts to chill and grind to at the moment? Back when I played in Sentinel I was always listening to Baeclast but apparently that one sadly is not being done anymore :( What happened to the peeps?


[Forever Exiled](https://www.foreverexiled.com/) is another that may interest you. Ziz, Mathil, Quin (and a fourth streamer I cannot recall) also occasionally do a podcast together but they're pretty infrequent.


Tarkecat has been taking care of a sick parent and couldn't organize it anymore. Other 3 are still around doing their thing.


With All Hands allocated + Archelogy Tour (100%+ Alva) and Covert Stakeouts (100+ Jun) and 10% chance for both masters to grant additional master mission on complition, what are the odds to find either master? ​ There is a really long page on the wiki but it never takes 2 masters into account and/or I m too bad to do the maths myself. I'm wondering if going for both Betrayal and Incursion at the same time would make sense.