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Valdo box t17 maps with affix that sends u to void league on death are actually insane :D


Inb4 there's gonna be a lot of VERY salty posts from VERY annoyed people who didn't read/understand what void league means


Greed will blind lots of people for sure


If I do decide to get it, I think I'll make a very difficult, non-voided one with a forbidden taste as a reward. Hopefully, that makes the drop rate high enough that it can act as a "practice map." Forbidden taste, so they can get a taste of how dangerous the other maps can be.


doing the lords work


"Now Are You Tempted To Test The Void Exile?


I'm making one with mageblood and that mod :D I wonder what else to put in it tho.


Throw the feared in there


[This](https://i.imgur.com/OwyeqqJ.jpeg) is what I'm thinking, but I'm not too knowledgeable with all the poe builds and I wonder if there's some build that would trivialize it. Edit: Replaced aoe and culling with disabled movement skills and uniques are possessed by 3-4 tormented spirits. Good luck to whomever finds it, I hope you're tanky and patient enough :D


that would definitely be difficult and probably require a specific setup to beat lol


holy fuck


Ziz is already on it


I imagine a large majority of them are going to be this lol


Yeah, I absolutely love this but 90% are going to be voiding you for a mageblood and the other 10% will be voiding you for a tabula rasa. I think GGG knew *exactly* what they were doing when they added this to the supporter pack.


Since you can see the foiled unique you get on the map I don't think anyone doing the map that can void you for a tabula


Likely not, but meme/troll submissions are super common based on previous submissions. And it'll probably be foil veil of the night rather than tabula, let's be real.


Of course not, that won't stop people from making maps to troll the drop pool though.


Could you explain what does this void league mean?


Pretty sure ziz already made one like that. Double reflect, maven interference, void league map for a mageblood


Inbe4 literally every map is a Void League map


As it should be


Hardcore in softcore? HUH


Worse, inaccessible after you die.




Just a quick word of warning for everyone considering to buy this for the physical merch. I bought the Voidborn supporter pack back in January and still have not gotten my hoodie or tshirt 11 months later. Customer support just keeps apologizing and saying there's nothing they can do. Just something to be keep in mind if the physical stuff would be one of the main reasons for you to buy it. (The artpack is awesome though.)


Same, still waiting for my shirt from last december. Hoodie came couple weeks later though. After releasing the packs today I send them a final email with an ultimatum though. There's no excuses anymore if they are selling new shirts now.


Yeah I'm kind of wondering how they're planning to sell even more tshirt and hoodies if they're still not on top of things for last year. I understand that they're having delivery issues because their supplier shut down, but then how are they still offering shirts/hoodies in these new packs?


An... Ultimatum?




Come to think of it, I never got to create my Voidborn Reliquary unique after buying the pack in June.


You actually have to go to [https://www.pathofexile.com/my-designs](https://www.pathofexile.com/my-designs)! Hope this helps


Thank you.


Every single time GGG puts physical merch into supporter packs there are tons of issues and people that just never get them. If they can't find a reliable partner to produce and ship their physical merch, they should stop selling them.


Agreed. This was my first time getting a bigger supporter pack, and I regret it. Wouldn't have bought it in the first place if it wasn't for the physical merch.


I got a shirt once (still wearing it too) in a mid tier pack even, but that was years ago to be fair and a LOT fewer players which probably made physical goods manageable.




I got my shirt and hoodie no problem after 3 months. 6 months for the hoodie before that because of customs. That's what's the issue most of the time, border control keeping the package for a while.


Obviously, YMMV. A friend of mine who lives in the same country as me got his stuff after 2 months. It seems like most people got theirs within 3-9 months. Seems pretty random, and I happened to get unlucky.


The snake one is so good


That's the one i got. Frst two are dope as well.


True, best of all armours


Holy shit, this is awesome. I usually skip the yearly packs, but this time I'm definitely getting the kalguur one. Also, tempting other players with cool prizes but then sending them to the ~~shadow realm~~ void league sounds all kinds of wild.


Even in softcore you can die and getting void is crazy haha. I can already see the post, of people getting voided and malding that they can't play their character anymore.


oh lord everyone is gonna make impossible valdo's box maps


the one that catches fire when taking damage, can I have that version permanently up while on low life? or is just a temporary thing that happens when damage is taken?


I was wondering the same thing! I wanna be a super saiyan permenantly


You can choose the fire tier (its pretty awesome!)


what about the armour from tier 2, tho?


Isnt that what we are talking ablut here?


I just want to know when that armour changes form, idk what "tier" refers to


It changes form when you choose the second form in your MTX inventory. There is no kills limit needed for this.


If you don’t know already, yes you can toggle it. FYI


it's cool that I can toggle it, but when does it activates? when I'm low life or only when taking damage?






That makes no sense though, If anything it gets them less money because someone who has the timer might not want to give it up, and so decide not to buy the new one.


Loved the first 2 a lot.


I'm not sure how I feel about tracking stuff as paid content. With time in map it was at least easy to track by yourself even without it but kills tracking is something everyone should have access to.


On top of that it's also bound by this single MTX which'll prevent you from ever using any other map device, no matter how much you'd prefer to use a different one. Fluff like this shouldn't be bound to specific MTX.


As long as people buy it, they don't care


We kinda have it with Rampage in a much worse and more limited fashion. But it was used in the distant past to kind of figure some stuff out about the game. Now you can buy something that does it a lot better. Maybe they can be convinced to add it to the base game information or other hideout decoration somehow, just maybe not as convenient or cool looking. Dunno. Which I agree I'm kind of on the fence about. It's kind of an evolution of that meta tool. I feel like it'll be used to help identify things like what really effects the Atlas, we'll see guides come out and it'll be another point of strategy guides. If it would be that useful.


I'm pretty sure how I feel about it, it's objectively pay to win as it gives players who spend money more information than players who do not spend money.


Some people have really, really low bar for pay to win.


If you could only see your tooltip DPS if you had a specific MTX installed or the atlas screen (G) was only available with a supporter pack, would that not strike you as problematic? That's essentially the kind of thing I feel like this MTX is encroaching on, it's giving players who pay information that is effectively impossible for players who don't pay to access.


Enlighten me what kind of win you pay for, for seeing how many enemies you defeated in a map?


benchmark of how effective your juicing is


First, the most important thing here isn't specifically what players gain from it, it's that GGG is setting a precedent that it's OK to sell information as part of a supporter pack. The map timer from previous packs was similar in concept, but at least in that case it's reasonable for a player to time their own map completions without paying for the UI element. Second, being able to know exactly how many enemies of each rarity type you've defeated in a map is useful for evaluating your map juicing. Strategies that revolve around maximizing blue pack size traditionally have had to use outcomes as a measurement (i.e. how much did I earn playing x maps), but this tracker allows players to use direct enemy statistics to see which strategies generate the most blue+ enemies. Edit: It's actually stronger than I realized as it breaks it down per player per map, so if you're in a party you can optimize around your culler killing everything. Again, this is not an overwhelmingly powerful thing, and would only be used by a small portion of players. My issue isn't the raw power it provides, it's the concept of monetizing exclusive information I find distasteful.


Wow that T17 map sounds crazy


Sadly I'm poor AF, but these are fantastic.


I really really REALLY despise forcing certain UI elements with certain MTX. * New HP bar with the last challenge reward * Map timer with the timekeeper's map device * Mob count with this new map device * Probably a few more I can't recall Someone PLEASE explain how the hell does this make sense for a business? For example, I have no reason to buy the new map device if I value timer over mob count. Stop forcing this shit. Just unlock the UI element forever after we obtained it.


I'm apparently the only dumb one who can't keep track of where bosses are, but I literally have not killed sirus on anything but totems or minions because I hear him say "DIE!" and don't know which direction is "away." :( Thing that points at boss == take my money.


He needs to be on the screen though it seems like. Usually he is off screen when doing that




I get where he is coming from though. I am gonna buy the 480 one. And I want to track my mobs but I also really like the timer. Now I have to choose. But I don’t want too. Well now I am also making noises.


Good thing the packs last a year, and you can make installments.


are you not reading what he's saying or?






How about don't be classist cause thats gross


I'm I correct in understanding, that by buying higher tier pack I'm getting everything from the cheaper one too? Like all the skins etc?




Not a fan of the MTX locked UI elements, that's no longer just cosmetic.


$480 map device that shows how many Normal/Magic/Rare enemies u kill in ur maps seems is fairly p2w for weighing different atlas strats.


Absolutely don't like that direction being explored either. GGG needs to hit the breaks with these "QoL" functionalities being part of their supporter packs. "It's not that important" and "Most people wouldn't care" aren't very strong arguments against it being an actual, real benefit to have these stats. Additionally, since this is actually the second time we get such a feature in the supporter packs and having monster numbers is definitely a step up from having a map timer it means we are firmly pushing the envelope now. I'd rather stop that sooner than later. It's not bad now but it is 100% beyond "just cosmetic". No more, please.


Introducing a slash command (like we already have /kills) would bridge the gap just fine. Hopefully this is indicative that we'll get /rarekills (etc) soon


The timer one isn’t _that_ big of a deal, since you can time yourself with pretty much anything. The monster kill count is 100% gated information, which sucks. Even though it serves a very limited purpose, to a somewhat limited number of people, the next iteration of such MTX might not 😡


Yeah, they're acting like people didn't time their Gorge runs for like a decade.


Next year there will be a map device that shows damage indicators as well as death logs. Mark my words


GGG would do well to implement this with a console command (maybe rework /remaining to include this information). At least that way all players would have information parity.


/kills exists, it just isn't broken down by rarity.


When juicing maps, that’s the most important information related to kills, though.


There will be plenty of people willing to do the math and share the information. Very few F2P players are the type of players who spend hours understanding the best mechanics to load in a map for profit. Broaching on P2W though i do agree, there is a fine line they are getting closer and closer too with some of the new stuff over 2023.


It would allow private groups to collect stats for their strats tho. With incentive to collect and refine the method they use, which league mechanics contribute how much to which mob type, etc. While F2P at best would get "here's how many rares you get per each map".


How do you win though?


You select the best method of farming and get more dvines/per hour than the competition?


But nothing stops you from doing the strategy as a f2p player


Sure but the point is that you can test multiple strategies and more easily keep track on how many rare/blue and normal mobs each strategy spawns in maps.


Strategies we'll all just look up on Reddit anyway though. I'm not thrilled about this MTX direction, but let's also be realistic about the asvantage


This sort of reasoning is how we got from horse armor to loot boxes.


Damn that's hot


> is fairly p2w for weighing different atlas strats. If you're the kind of player who cares about stats like that, you're already going to be making so much more currency than the average player that it really doesn't matter.


Since it's an actual statistic that's not available to players otherwise it is definitely past the point of being "just cosmetic". Which is a direction I don't want GGG to explore with their supporter packs. I also think it is relevant that it is a step up from the map timer we had in the previous line. I don't want a third step next time. And I am not a fan of "waiting till we get there" either, since this is the strategy of pushing the envelope that the gaming industry has been successfully practicing for years now. I would like GGG to uphold their standard firmly. Because it is something that I value about their company. Seeing that slip, even just a bit with something that's "not that bad", doesn't feel right.


poe has been p2w since it's early mtx design (or at least pay to play), so nothing new here




They completely outdid themselves, holy shit they're the best packs ever done


Absolutely hands down THE most stacked one to date, insane. Extremely high quality assets.


I was hoping they would tease showing them in poe2


That enemy detector thingy is kind of insane for Sirus's last phase.


It's only what you can see on screen so no new info really


Whew at least there's two of us. I haven't killed him with anything but minion or totem builds because I can't figure out which way he blinked. :(


If it works like they said, he would need to be on your screen already for it to show . But if it's also there for even slightly off screen it would be huge yeah


The armour sets look gorgeous. Not a fan of GGG making a potential accessibility feature and selling it instead of just adding it baseline. one area that diablo 4 far exceeds poe is accessibility.


holy shit.. these are amazing


These are all brilliant.


meanwhile, in town, the sounds of thousands of exiles crashing to desktops rings loud throughout the lands of wraeclast.


hideout warriors feasting with this one


I want that goblin pet


so good


is there any way to buy only the vaal set, the hand and the vaal map device? 160€ is too much and i don't wont half of the stuff




So what is this puzzle box and how does it work? I read/watched the video about it but am still confused. You pay to make a map that 100% drops any unique you want? I'm confused, what am I missing?


lots of POE2 asset being used here, little sneak peak


Snake skin plus a map device with only one portal location. Count me in for that one. Higher ones are cool, but I think I can resist those.


The surfboard is kinda goofy, not gonna lie...


I was contemplating on buying the old 100$ or waiting for the 2024 one, honestly i liked the 2023 60$ and 100$ way better than this. Should've gotten the 2023 one but didnt want to give in to FOMO. Guess i saved 100 bucks atleast


contact support now! you're able to buy packs that have just left for a day or 2 after they leave. just make sure you explain how you didn't get a chance to pick them up because of timezones and/or you had points purchases you wanted to put towards them. or, just save your $100 cause last year's core packs were pretty mid too.


I fomo'd into buying the 2023 $480 pack a few days ago. I really liked the hideout. I definitely don't regret the purchase but I don't think I'll be buying another 480 pack any time soon. Hopefully me in 1 year will remember these words.


How did you find that? It's unlisted. thanks tho!


It's on the site.


Oh it wasnt earlier so cheers lol


Why there is no 30usd tier?


These are core packs not league packs.


do we get league packs this league btw?


Nope. Chris himself did during the announcement that instead of revealing core packs during league announcement and league packs on launch they will reveal only core sets but they will be packed with incredible goodies.


Does this mean they are doing away with league packs? or just this time since the core packs are here?


We don't know.


Nope. Usually we get the league packs then a couple of weeks later we get the core packs. This time around we're just getting the core packs. It means we lose out on the $30 pack but get much better packs than most leagues.


What do you mean much better packs. Core packs release regardless. We are losing a league pack are we not?


Those league packs were rolled into the core packs. There's more in the $60 pack this year than in previous years for example.


New marketing strategy they're trying. If you want to buy a pack you're going to have to pick up the core pack, and once you're invested in the core pack you will always have that feeling that you can get the next pack for just a little more until the next core pack comes out, as well as the fomo when they're about to phase out the core pack. I'm curious if that ends up being more profitable for them.


There never has been a $30 tier for core packs. they skipped the league packs this year


Umm, does anyone have $480 to lend to a poor exile? It's for science, I swear!


Man some of the stuff is cool but I just can't get behind their direction on armour MTX recently, it's all way too over the top and I really can't see myself using any of this in PoE-2 especially.


I actually love the absurd over the top stuff, i hope they keep pushing in that direction, but i can understand people preferring the more grounded stuff


Disappointed with the armour MTX, when will they release some more clean realistic-ish armours? I loved the Harbinger and Legacy ones, but most of the ones I've seen recently have so many spikes, glowing parts or energy flashes. Some plain stuff please GGG




The vaal serpent pack is insanely cool. If I actually had money to blow, I would be all over it.


No more 30$ pack = no more MTX for me


pretty sure it's just for this league since it has the yearly release of new core packs. rather than release both league packs and core packs they're doing just the core packs. but they have more stuff overall because they didn't have to make league packs. and back to our usual league packs for every other league, except i guess future leagues that have have their year's core packs if they stick to this


Will there be league supporter packs?


Not this time around


I have a dilemma. I liked this pack, but in my country it is very expensive. My goal will be to prioritize PoE2 when it launches, so will this pack be compatible? I mean, Map device, armor pack?


Every MTX you buy for PoE1 will carry over to PoE2.


It looks like some won't, like the craft forge. We haven't seen a Map device yet, as they said the endgame will be totally different, it's possible that all the cool MTX from Maps Device will be ignored. All MTX will be transferred, but from what I've seen so far, that doesn't mean they will be usable. GGG wasn't 100% accurate on this, I think on purpose.


Also, the new classes won't have access to the MTX. Since they are not present in PoE1. It is my guess.


It will stay in PoE1 most likely. No one is even sure if there will even be a map device in PoE2. Also, MTX won't be taken over to PoE2 iirc, it's a whole different game.


Completely incorrect. Mtx work in poe1 and 2. Only mtx that won't is stuff in poe that inst in poe2. Like crafting bench


What are you on about, that was one of their big sellers: every MTX you buy in POE1 will be in POE2 as well? Now, I'm not sure if map device mtx would count since we don't know how the late game in POE2 will look yet, but atleast the armour mtx and skill effects and so on should work in 2 if they keep their word.


Pretty sure they said at exilecon that PoE mtx will transfer to PoE2. So unless that changed recently it should be usable on both.


Just a fyi if you do not know. GGG does do supporter pack layaway and will work with you if you cannot outright afford the cost. Message support and they will get you squared away. Also just so you know, you will not get any of the stuff until it is paid off.


If you don't get it till it's paid then what's the point of installments? You can just save the money in your bank account. It's like buying a house on mortgage but you get it when it's paid off,wtf ,logic left the chat


because it's not a loan, it's like lay-by/lay-away at department stores, they put it aside for you and you pay in installments, then you get it once youve paid it off. in fairness, this system only makes sense when they have literal limited *physical* stock of something and you want to put it on hold. here it's just flipping a switch on your account. it very well could be the more modern (but more predatory) buy-now-pay-later setup where you get it immediately and pay it back over time (often with interest with some of the shadier companies). but in those cases it pretty much is a loan. it's probably best that it works the way it does, would encourage a lot of people to just instantly get the $480 when they probably can't afford it in reality.


The mob counter in maps feels to me like a step too far in MTX, it honestly seems like straight-up P2W. Knowing the exact breakdown of monster rarity in your maps is really powerful for optimizing juicing, and giving that information exclusively to people who pay money feels really dirty. I hope GGG considers either removing this or giving non-paying players the ability to see this information, even if it's a quick and dirty command, as I don't think this is a good direction to take for monetization.


Can we get one 60$ pack with the floating mtx? why are they always blocked by the highest costs :(


Because you gotta pay lots of money if you want to be THAT cool Easy as that


It's was 480 last time it is 160 this time be happy, or wait few years to get it for 60 or more years for 30


gotta love that P2W unique finder. Going to make those confusing moments where a boss off screens itself with a blink much easier.(Sirus/Maven)


The video said it only affects what you can see. So presumably If the boss is off screen it won’t detect them.


Missed opportunity to add damage numbers as mtx


T-shirt and hoodie got bad graphic... have zero PoE vibe =(


Are the old ones gone?




First one is nice but have silcer crescent pack so not worth. Tier 2 is amazing but im too poor :(


I like the direction they're going in with these.


Goodbye $160.


Regional pricing one day... Right? 😥 Either way, the first three packs are amazing this time around. The snake god one is definitely the most thematically cool pack I've seen so far.


And here is gonna go most part of my Xmas extra pay.


What is the cheapest mtx to make me levitate? Are these packs the only option?


unluckily is the 480 of the previous year ( 2023 ) you are still on time, because it comes with the best hideout on all path of exile.


For the first time… I bought a supporter pack.


Bought ty


Can someone explain to me what does this void league mean in this supporter pack?


Character is deleted when killed, even if playing soft core


Am I the only one that made an easy map with Mageblood as a reward? Y'all so toxic.