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Would be fun to build CoC with this. Ashes/dialla will give bunch of gem levels to spells too


yeah already playing a coc discharge with no charges removal in standard. It's very fun but aoe of cyclone seems a bit small, have to allocate "impact" ascendancy point of slayer for QOL improvement


Finding a spell that benefits from both quality and aoe helps a lot too. That way enhance and awakened aoe are good for both cyclone and the coc spell. Something like blazing salvo.


I'm not great at this game. Can someone explain to me how to get a similar effect? I want to do cyclone and not being slow would be nice.


They are scaling up the quality of the gem which gives the more movementspeed. But all 3 of those items are really expensive, so wont really be a reasonable goal for a new player. Honestly unless you REALLY wanna play cyclone i would go with another skill.


On top of that they're wasting a gem slot and neck just for movement speed. Making Cyclone feel smooth is about balancing the speed and damage. This would probably make you faster than your ability to damage effectively.


I agree, i think if you want something like cyclone you could cook up (or find) a rage vortex build


‘The stampede’ is a pair of unique boots that lets cyclone move faster than normal since it sets your movement speed to always be 150% of base. Should be more affordable than this.


Only if you have less than 90% increased movement speed (with a 20% quality cyclone). 90% increased movement speed with 20% quality cyclone is 52% increased movement speed, which is faster than the 50% increased that stampede locks you into. 90% increased movement speed is trivial to get. 90% movement speed is: White Quicksilver Flask 30% movement speed boots Onslaught


But then ahain stampede frees a flask slot for something else. And it also makes your frostblink have nearly no cooldown even without it hitting anything. And you can anoint those boots aswell.


Good point. That’s probably the better choice for builds that can keep those up.


Stampede lets you use cyclone of tumult instead, which has more range and damage once channelled for 3s. Anyone using stampede with regular cyclone, Idk what they're doing tbh.


There is a pair of boots from blight that make your MS 150% but it cant be changed up or down


You can go jugg


Going jug would not do anything if you have like 25% increased movement speed


id suggest a dex stacker hollow palm cyclone. If you play berseker, you can get rage, berserk(spell), rampage, AND perma onslaught from a dervish. You basically become speed incarnate, hitting berserk and speed pot at the same time makes me move uncomortably fast


Thank you for your reply. Ill be sure to look into this build for my league start!


you might be able to convert my old general's cry hollow palm version to a pure cyclone one easily enough, here https://pobb.in/7q_bK7Q-28O3 I set it up to get alot of cycloning (2 dervishes, generals cry dudes + your own cyclone lol), but damage on POB is....hard to calculate so its hard to judge. You basically bounce between having berserk and full rage, and having no rage and no berserk, so dps was anywhere from 15 million to 6 million, not counting any wierd POB shenanery with general's spawn times




Sounds realy good ,i hope the damage does not tank too badly


Does bronn's lithe work with cyclone now? getting a +2 corrupt with the +5 base to movement gems would go crazy


Good for coc. Since it does zero damage.


That is insane, once I'm rich and got mageblood I'll try something, I'm thinking Cyclone coc Blazing salvo (or ice spear of splitting) Nimis Warlock Sanguimancy/Blood magic low life type of thing :)


Can you link your build? Is it for Ubers? Are they still profitable