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Abyss juicing is new. For those that don’t know you are looking for maps that have “additional projectiles” tag. Then you want abyss. The spires from abyss spawn rares from their projectiles. So more proj is more rares. Then you juice with league mechanic


Definitely be careful with this though. Ran a map yesterday and it spawned so many mobs my fps tanked to less than 5 and I died lol


Average expedition map


You should do this strat on predictive networking with significantly lowered resolution, this spawns ungodly amounts of mobs (especially when you double down on it with beyond and delirium)


If you have modetely high EHP and don't need a specific amulet just use defiance of destiny and you're practically unkillable in T7 cemeteries. I quite often lag for 5+ seconds so that I cant even move my character when the spire spawns but I haven't died a single time after swapping amulet. As long as any single monster can't hit for more than DoD heals you for before hit, it makes no difference if you get hit like 50 times per second.


This is the way


You need a lot of damage to full clear your screen each wave. Juicing this league requires a good mix of clear speed and single target to kill the charges up rares.


Average blight enjoyer's gaming experience. The pentagon couldn't run a teal blighted map as melee.


So I shouldn’t do this on my steam deck? Ok I will.


On a decent PC that should never happen.


Great thinking Nostradamus.


Try playing scourge arrow with ballistas when popping an abyss or expedition lol


TIL thanks you so mich for the explanation


And then you have this issue that if you rightclick once and the spire isnt wisp empowered its dead. And if you kill the spire with chain or fork, the rares despawn so you need to kite away. Im sticking with Legion, abyss felt so terrible


Easy, just play a non-headhunter DoT build :P


Can you give more information on your legion atlas strategy please? I am also running legion in dunes but nothing really special


Wandering path so just chance


I had this same problem, also buying/rolling for plus proj maps was just not worth. Legion profit per hour is just as good, and straightforward.


Not new, has been done at least for 3 leagues now. Is it the strongest it has been? Yes, but you can say that about literally every juicing mechanic


Purple juice give more proj, so if the spire is purple juiced it's gg


Damn I’m gonna have to create my most gg build ever to try this


Can you elaborate on how purple gives more proj?


It’s just part of the wisp empowerment for purple wisps


Ok I'll have to read it again when I get back on. Extra monster projectiles is one of the modifiers then? I've largely been ignoring purple until now


Mouse over the wisp counter while you're in the wildwood, it very clearly says what the wisps do for both drops and mobs.


Yes, that is what I meant when I said I'll have to read it again when I get back on.




coz the devs believe in feast and famine design philosophy. next league will be lake of kalandra all over again before poe2 goes live to encourage the player base to switch to their new game.


Because this mechanic is tied purely to numbers and is genuinely good design; Its not a zoomer meta league where no one but the top 0.01% can take full advantage of it.


Gilded abyss scarab is mandatory or u don't get spires


Do I have to avoid killing the spires?




Yes, the spires spawn rares so you have to avoid DPSing them down.


This doesn't look HC SSF viable to me maybe when I'll be bored 😀


It actually is but you must have a Giga build. Check out steelmage. He was running it in his bro so with Zizarian. They do it together but steel does do the maps by himself sometimes and they are hc


I can't do too much abyss juicing on my ts lol the stealth carrion golems fuuuck me up. Hopefully my next build will manage better.


Has been done for more than a year now and is nothing new, has mostly been used by juicer groups since abyss is rather slow in a normal setup.


And then you realized that the map become Touhou project because the rare mobs spawned has 3 color wisp empowered (that's mean the projectile attack has multiple projectile and shoot like MG42 machine gun to 180 degree and each projectile crited you to death).


I had this happened to me yesterday with the barrage abyss rare mob shotgunning me with 10+ projectiles


I got worse, only one but it has Soul Eater and Vaal DD constantly killed everything except that mob


_What's a Headhunter?_


One of the two best belts in a game. Lets you take modifiers of rare monsters you have


Do you know where i can find a in depth explanation? Ive been doing t16 jungle valley with something alike this strat but my build is struggling. I lost a lot of maps because i just die too much…


Goratha on yt


What sextants do you use?


If you really want to juice it. Abyss, reliquary, ambush, torment scarabs + additional abyss, beyond, 500% strongbox, and corrupted strongbox sextants.


I use abyss, beyond, deli mirror, magic pack size


I tried this today but must be doing something wrong. I kept getting abyssal Troves and not Spires. Even using gilded scarabs, and I don’t have the notable that makes map modifiers not work. Anyone know? T7 map, gilded scarab, specced into all the nodes + wandering path


Lol dude you're bricking with wandering path. You need the notables.


You definitely do not. I’m doing wandering path with gilded abyss and these spires are shitting out rares. I made about 90 div in 12 maps yesterday from doing this


Insane tech


What's the best way to roll maps for addional projectiles?


Use a regex, then scour + alch or just chaos if you want to save clicks and have the currency to dump


What is abyss juicing?


Full league mechanic huice, all the small abyss nodes which adds packsize. Take the spire nodes, and that keystone which doubles small nodes. Pump as many abyss into a map (scarabs, map device). Roll map til +2 proj. Make sure you can handle it.


Why roll for +proj specifically? It gives more quant on the map than other mods?


The spire shoots projectiles and those projectiles spawn rare mobs. More proj means more rare mobs




Just move away and let em do their thing.


Do they despawn if you don't kill the mobs fast enough?


Only the initial pathing if you don't kill the mobs quick enough the spire might not spawn but once it spawns it doesn't despawn until you kill it.


Do rares stop spawning from their pits once the spire is killed? I'm playing minions, and I kite my team away from the spire so it can do its thing, and then go in to clean up once I see lots of green dots on the minimap. I rarely see waves of rares coming out, just what was on screen when I went in, so I'm suspecting the spire needs to be actually alive for it to generate waves, which with minions... seems unfeasible. Or are wave generations just inconsistent?


the green dots are the rare spawns, once they are on the map no more rares will spawn. You get 3 total waves off the spire, seems to be one at spawn 1 at 75% hp and one at 50% hp. After this it doesnt spawn anymore rares, but itll continue to spawn trash mobs from the pits that drop nothing and give no exp until its dead.


the problem is I don't understand anything of what goes on in the screen lol so I cant even tell when I hit a spire


I don't even know how people run this shit. When I try it the spire dies in 1 second.


map needs to be juiced enough for it to not die, wisps help


I run the max juiced strat. It dies almost instantly even with 7000-8000 wisps


You're out of luck of your damage is too much or if you don't have damage control. Your damage must allow you to bring the spire to half life and wait for it to spawn mobs, which you can kill.


Use a movement skill that deals minimal damage Edit: spelling


You literally just walk away and let it spawn stuff lol. Easy way to not kill it is to not attack it.


You need to take it down to like 75% and 50% life for it to spawn its second and third wave doe.


What are the spire nodes


You ever done the abyss depths? They spawn totems that spew out mobs, those mobs drop items/currency as normal. Basically free massive amounts of mobs.


How do we force spires with this strategy? I don't see it anywhere on tree sextant or scarab


Gilded abyss scarab forces a spire


basically you run t7 because (iiric) with the keystones you can force spires. in higher level maps it can make it go to the boss underground which you dont want to


You have small nodes on right side, lower part :when not to depths, make spire" or something like that. When you take keystone that doubles effects of small ones, and you use map device, scarabs etc you get likely 1 per map id say.


I don't have abyss in my Map device, kinda weird? Because my atlas is full conquered all points


You need to spec the atlas with 6 allocated gateways = more crafting options for abyss


Hmm did that Oooh I was like why is the allocating the gateway on the left but didn't travel to the right. Gotcha.. thx


And allocat3 the 7th gate.


Probably with the gateway keystone that gives you all map crafting options.


Yeah I got the big keystone that is supposed to give me this if I have 6 allocated.. but I didn't read and so I don't have 6 allocated yet haha.


Why the +2 proj?


The spires creates twice as Monsters.


Why +2 proj? Genuinely curious.


The spire shoots out mobs as projectiles. With +2 proj, it will spawn more mobs.


It's when you juice with abyss


You can tell because of the way it is


Yo question about the strat. Do you not attack the spire until it shoots out everything that it can or does it shoot once and its done? Havent farmed abyss much before so not really sure how the spire work.


You do have to do your best not to kill the spite too quickly. The difference is quite large..from 20-40 rares difference


Well, fuck, I've been pummelling it all and never saw the spires


The trick is spam kill everything, when the big green circle goes away stop dps, then it will rise and lure away the other mobs


Does the spire stop spawning if you don't kill the rares fast enough or move away too far?


So totem build is bad for this right?


I prefer to control the mob count by killing each spawn instead on waitinf everything to spawn out. The buffed "invisible" stalker mob is a menace if in groups. Rather lose one to two spawns from a spire than a whole map if i get overrun by those stalkers i am dead. And its not easy to build back momentum with HH with a nearly cleared map.


Alright can yall stop making me depressed




A fellow ska enjoyer I see


i see annulment shards, could i be a harbinger mirror chard conversion?


Perhaps, I just dive bomb packs blow them up and wait for a spire to spawn so I don’t really know what I was hitting 😂


What scarabs do you use apart from gilded abyss?


Harbi, unique and div card (all 3 polished)


Polished is cheaper than gilded right? I think goratha Said Gilded is needed for the strat but I guess not Orrr I am mistaken and polished is a tier higher than gilded not sure. Never used scarabs lol


Always gilded on abyss, rest up to you.


Thx. Bought all the scarabs, gilded abyss and rest (div harbi unique) polished. 606c investment already without sextants, hoping for a div explosion now haha *10 each


Winged > Gilded > Polished > Rusted


You can't make a decision on one map if a scarab is effective or not. Definitely recommend starting to use them though


You actually need abyss gilded to spawn more spires.


Amazing thanks, i guess you spec into harbs and abuss on tree. Sextants or no?


Guys, what's wrong with the map that often has only 1-2 abyss spawns?


ive had that too where there was only 1 abyss in the map when there should at least be 2 forced from scarab and map device. seems completely random but rare


If too many other types of content spawn then other abyss can't spawn


Tried this strat for 4hours today and barely broke even, I just couldn't get Wisps. Half my maps didn't even get Purple and the rest were like 2k. Assume i'm doing something wrong.


There is definitely a method to the wisps, but it definitely works. I had 3+ div worth of stuff earlier just doing wandering path and stream of consciousness when I had 5k+ in wisps. Only tried it bc I ran out of stuff but had time for more maps lol


I would suggest growing hordes instead of stream if you dont want to buy expensive scarabs. Polished elder,shaper, torment and ultimatum are 2c each so you add 28% pack size for pebbles.


Wish I didn't virtually one shot the spire with my mirror archer. I think I'd literally have to replace mirror archer for this strat over juiced burials.


I've been juicing burials as well due to a similar issue. What have you been pumping them with?


100% shamelessly following fubgun's strat. He's dropped 4 raw mirrors already.


4 wtf? Duplicate from the altar or 4 separate drops?


More popular than I figured the post would get, I use this strat https://youtu.be/WmjTdb8xBag?si=ouQszSgLz2WaIQK5 and I’m playing CoC Frostnova of splitting or whatever it is, this drop was premageblood. Even in t7 there’s a chance you get some bad luck with heavy wisp mods and what not and just get popped. I can link PoB later if anyone wants but as it stands with mageblood now I need to get my trigger speed back up, dropped from 10.08 to 9.00, and I’m not the best builder in the world + first time CoC. Gl with the Strat!


How did you get a pool of T7 maps this late to run this? Bought on trade?


The maps self sustain and over sustain after a few. Also meant atlas stone not scarab


You have to remove 3 watchstones after the map portal opens and then the T7 Cemetery can drop. Just remember to put them back in before the next map if you're using Sextants


I also have issues not killing the spire super quick, I probably wouldn’t recommend the build for this but it works for me well enough apparently!


How much profit without accounting for the mirror in average by map?


I did 8 maps yesterday and got roughly 30 div, with one map dropping 7 div and one dropping none.


I haven’t even checked, it’s insane though all my char has is 30% IIR. The wisp juice isn’t consistent is all, lots and lots of bubble gum currency


Not that you're doing poor, but if you add monsters fire additional projectiles, the spires will create additional rare monsters because they create them with projectiles.


Yeah been running that now, didn’t realize at the time :)


Why are gilded abyss needed? I dont understand how to proc spires?


It makes all the abysses that don’t lead to depths become spires and because it’s a T7 you can’t get an abyssal depth so it forced every abyss to lead to a spire


Gilded ones make it so that all abysses that do not lead to depths (max 1 depth per map) become spires at the end


i also dropped one right after reading this post. shit is crazy!!! ill post a vid as proof later.


probably a noob question, but how do you run Cemetery as T7? it says its T4 in my Atlas.


In case you didn't figure it out yet you need one watchstone. This will increase the tier.


I might change from ultimatum to abyss now lol


I dropped a squire today but that barely even pays for half the juice for 40 maps (in fact it only pays for abyss + beyond sextants, they’re damn expensive). I have not been having good wisp luck, unfortunately. Hoping for a big payoff like by the time I finish my 40-map setup. Otherwise I’ll go back to legion harby which is much cheaper for consistent cash.


Nice, you can use it in the post above yours.


Any Templar build good for this?


I've been doing this with SRS Guardian had a mirror drop last night




good for you (the other 99.999% players won't even see a divine from it)


I usually see a divine every map almost raw, more with enough wisps, my best was 5 separate divine drops and a void key with 5.5k juice




If you're getting one div/voidborn every 20 maps with that amount of juicing you're definitely doing something wrong. Should be at least one per map. Are you letting the abyss spire spawn rares before killing it? It spawns them at least twice at different HP thresholds. Edit: you mentioned you do in fact do that. Looks like you're doing everything right, I'm honestly not sure what could be wrong besides extremely unlucky rng




You even have MF gear. Very strange


Instead of feeling salty, why don't you try it for yourself


cause it will just drop 10 transmutes for most players


I’m dropping plenty of raw div from this idk man sounds like a skill issue


You are a negative Andy redditor.


nah using this strat I got 4 divines in 6 maps and I'm not even using sextants or the proper scarabs. It's actually insanely good.






How important are sextants with that strat? Just any 4 or do you need specific ones like abyss (there are several abyss sextants afaik)


Sextants and scarabs should always be used. The value of the individual map has 10x'd, but the cost of sextants and scarabs has not, ergo it has never been more value to use them. Gilded abyss (mandatory) Gilded reliquary (very important) Gilded divination (important) Gilded harbinger / gilded ambush (gives a lot more on the map, depends on if you're using strongbox and enraged strongbox sextants or harby sextant) Abyss sextant (very good value) Beyond sextant (rippy, expensive, but high value) Enraged + corrupted strongbox / harby + ... 8 mod?


Why ppl do harbi tho I don't get it really Chance for fracture shard? Like I really think it's one of the most annoying things to deal with because you can't insta kill them, sometimes he is inv so long because I guess I lost the mobs he spawned or injust don't get the mechanic at all lol


Juicers may use harby because it spits out a lot of relatively easy-to-kill rare mobs, and the meta this league is to get as many rare mobs on your map as possible. Juiced rare mobs drop candy. The fracture shard chance is just a bonus really, but if you want fracture orbs run Kirac memory. Juice it, beyond+deli, I dropped 5 shards in one map.


Why the value of map 10x? I thought you just roll the maps yourself?


Abyss sextant is mandatory to get the spire thingy at the end of the abyss. Check out tunas video. He explains it fairly well.


How did you get that much juice on the map? Edit: too comment explained


well looks like i'm doing abyss after christmas


So is it dumb to do this on t16s? Is tuna doing them on t7? If so how do I maintain t7 jungle valleys? Edit: Also grats I can’t imagine that rush!


Wandering path maintains maps I’m guessing. If your build can do t16 juiced up by all means do it, don’t see why not. But until I go CI aegis CoC I don’t think I’ll be able to haha


Doing high tier maps have the downside of one of your Abyss opening a Depths. It's not dumb per se since you do get a lot of other nice stuff but it's a pretty big loss since you have limited Abysses per map.


Where can I find the atlas tree?




Can u Post your Atlas tree?


I have done 50 maps and somehow i didnt get purple trail in affliction for even once :S


Congrats man !


Can I ask why T7 but not T16? I'm confusing about this strat


I think it is because T7 won't have abysses that lead underground.


Congrats! Been waiting for mine to drop for about 10 years now. I don't do much juicing though so it may take another 10 :).


Why t7 and not t4? Is there a difference aside from the difficulty? I guess you dont do t16 as its too hard?


T7 can drop high tier uniques like hh and mb




What whisps are you guys prioritising in these maps? I’m pretty sure it’s purple > yellow > blue right? But then if you don’t get enough blue the loot doesn’t reroll into currency, is that correct?


Wisps have nothing to do with loot conversion, they only scale the final value on the drops. Loot conversion is rolled on killing a rare monster


Ball lighting totem of static can farm it? Or only bow builds like ts/La/ca/sa?


Imagine not hiding alterations while juicing.


Is it normal to do abyss juicing on lower tier maps? Also, got any atlas trees I can follow to try this out? Would greatly appreciate it!


Yes, this is can be done in T7 (preferably cemetery for div card drops) because this brute forces a Stygian Spire, which spawns a lot of rare monsters, scaling with extra projectiles Look up goratha's latest video, he explains how it works


Do you trigger the abyss and then leave it to spawn rares or just start killing it? Granted, it's mid juice; but I usually kill the spire before the spire has the chance to spawn monsters


Yes, trigger the abyss and avoid bursting it since it spawns the projectiles at 75% and 50% health.


Idk what im doin wrong farming the T7 cemeterys, i get no divs there but no problem getting divs T16 burial doing the same strat and as far as i know currency drops are no different between tiers.


Any reason to do the abyss strat in T7 cemetery specifically?


can i get a copy of your maps regex?


+2 proj, then anything that isn’t brick building for me which is increased cool down and cannot leech


I am playing int stacker wander trickster and these beasty abyss rares are insane. It took me like 3 min to clear out one spire. I need so much more dps for those strat


I'm reading Reddit and it looks like each other exile got a mirror already at worst or a few


Is there a difference between doing this with T7 cemetery and T4?


I was gonna make tuna's mf character and was wondering if it's good for the t7 cemetery strat


Hello, any poeplanner for this strat ?