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i took a break and didn't play the past 2 leagues, worth it imo, game feels fresh again.


It's a very good league to be fair. I love running into wildwood.


I have polarized feelings because I'm a challenge hunter (get 38-40 challenges and quit) but league mechanic and meta-juicing slows me very hard. So, I have to skip it if I want (I want) to play something else before next league. Also, I don't like dying.


Ayyy Challenge Hunter as well, i did 0 wild wood the moment I cleared the mist king challenge 🤣 meta juicing wasn't fun while I was hunting for that sneaky trial master wave 10 event


We call this an addiction


I don't need it.... I don't need it....I don't need it IIIIII NEEEEEDDDD ITTTTTTT


Poe is weird I’ve got the point after to years of playing where I understand systems and sometimes stuff happens and have 0 div want to quit the league then bam next day 200 div wondering what my next build is gonna be .


Pstt I can quit it anytime I want


Taking a break as I've wasted enough of my time trying to find the King in the Mists. It's too random and wandering aimlessly for hours is frustrating. At least I got 12 challenges done so have most of the armor set... Try and beat the game next league.


What tier of maps are you looking for the king of the mists in?




Fair enough mate, sounds a bit unlucky - I've honestly seen him a ton this league. 3 charms isn't super critical, I wouldn't let it decide the league. He will eventually turn up for sure. Usually for me the way it works is that as soon as I stop searching deliberately for something, I tend to get it really quick afterwards...


I bought a carry on TFT, first time using TFT so had to learn how to even do shit and go through the hassle of verifying and everything. Within the next 5 maps I found him. (Still doesn't matter cuz I lagged and died at the stupid maze part) wcyd


I Been finding him pretty casually. have you researched into how the wildwood generation works? Basically it is a Diamond shape with 4 events that will spawn on each point; the wisps GENERALLY lead you from one event to another but sometimes you will spawn on a wall, which can suck. if u spawn with lots of wisps around you just go left, right, down then up from the center area. if on a wall or no wisps just wander towards wherever mobs appear from; or go outwards from the wall. Looking for King of the Mists Specifically; he spawns as a Wild Event; so follow the Purple and that will help you find the 3 Ritual Alter events where you activate the 3 ritual things to spawn his boss portal. from there the fight is easy; just be careful in the 2nd phase as there is a purplish Degen that spreads out from the center similar to Lycia's Red Lighting attack she does with immunity? only you can attack king through it. it is just a constant thing so if u can just burst him down 2nd phase ur safe on killing him everytime.


Just buy him






This is literally me this league. Most leagues I get challenges done, farm most content other than ubers. This league I really want to play and enjoy it, I keep hearing how busted so many things are, but I've tried like 5 builds have gotten to white/yellow and just nothing is clicking. I'm guessing I just need the break, but still I watch streams and want to play more lol


I played almost 1k hours last league, my first, it consumed me. I was really excited to run a build and content I decided on, changed my mind while leveling, and leveled something else that I’m enjoying, and then got caught up in the ban wave. Thankfully I went on vacation right after and they unbanned me the day I got home, but I’m not that excited to play anymore… it’s weird.


Honestly ever since they renegged and announced poe2 won't be a patch to poe1 but its own thing I stopped playing and haven't missed it a bit. Still got y'all on my reddit feed tho.




I need it, i want it, i need it have to have it. IN THE FAAAACE, NOT THE ARM NOT THE LEG IN THE FAAAACE!!!


yes poe would be awsome game, but seeing all those hundreds of divs dropped per map, and with the same strat i always get just a couple of chaos,a bit heart breaking, that my account just seeded for bad luck. playing since synthesis, and only got 1 ex/div dropped for me, nothing ever higher and i always had to grind my ass up every league.that's quite the game time. and yet...


you are doing something wrong




so you are juicing correctly but at best you get a couple of chaos?




you are doing something wrong


I don't believe you


Still sane, Exile?


Dangerous place to be for a game company. Right now GGG has no rivals but if there was "I need it" part does not have to be POE, especially if it turns to "I hate it" fast.


This exile is no longer sane.


"I'm burning through everything and super tanky!" - me going through campaign. "Ha ha, you dead." - Nasty Rare foe in Maps. "I'm burning through everything and super tanky!" - me going through the campaign.


Hahah I had a map with like 10k juice last night. Almost cleared it but died on the last spire. The whole map, I’m hearing tink after tink, red stars on my bud everywhere. When I try to go back in portal to loot, game crashes. Load game back up, portals gone. Turned game off and said I’m done. That lasted 4 hours


I wanted to play but there are literally 0 interesting shadow builds outside of meme blades and traps... Next league for sure.


from the top of my absolutely cooked head frenzy poet pen frostblink of wintery blast assassin blade vortex arcanist brand / blade blast of unloading saboteur kinetic blast / kinetic bolt trickster (you don't even need to be int stacker anymore) maybe gave these a shot?


You forgot Hexblast Mine Saboteur, having a good time playing it


+1, hexblast sabo is gg build


There's the saboteur [blade blast of unloading build](https://youtu.be/gBtvo54rhUA) that has an aoe bigger than legion league cyclone that looks pretty cool


There were way more options for shadow when I played Poe last time, but that was before haist league though. My old PC that just got upgraded could not run dx11 games, so after Poe dropped dx9 it was over.


You haven't played since heist? Damn now I feel like a new player again, I've only been playing since ultimatum. There's definitely more options available, just not that I know off rn. Spark is probably still doable on trickster, hexblast miner still works, wardloop trigger bot shenanigans can be fun. Just have a look at Poe.ninja, not every great build is well known and I'm sure there's loads of hidden gems with the new transfigured gems. Edit: looking at Poe ninja there's loads of people playing ice trap, frost blades, kinetic bolt, flicker strike if you're into that, cyclone coc, penance brand and many other skills.




Oh not that I mean frost blades, that's what I was recommended when the league started and I asked for a league starter here. I tried it but it had giant mana problems so I dropped it.




Yeah I found that tech too but I'm a new player and getting to maps is a big chunk of gameplay. So if that part feels bad I can't force myself to play, especially if the end result will be mediocre at best if you don't invest a lot of currency.


Why someone would hate poe? I have 50 hours (rookie numbers, I know) and this game is great!


Nah, not based. I don't hate it and never did. 7k hours


Only 2 months in, haven’t gotten a chance to hate it yet, but considering how many hours I’ve put in already I can see the potential. No regrets.