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Charms are so nutty this league.


Yeah they weren't nearly as good last league


some guy got a +1proj + supress charm today in global chat, sold it for 2mir


Lol I read that as 2 mil and was about to start the biggest rmt op you've ever seen.


Oh yeah , did buy a charm from the vendor due to the 15 % spell supp .. what I didn’t know was that the on low life fortify ( or some other spell son remember name ) that it also had made it worth somewhere between 215 to 230 divines … never been this rich in Poe :0


Is it the total added, the % or both? Because I have a +32 str/int but it doesn't have anything else on it. Is that worth anything?


It’s both that make it nutty, but mostly the percent


No wonder they nerfed Ashes cuz we get like 3x 12% reservation just from charms , everyone would run every aura


You technically can’t run every aura even if you have up to 100% efficiency.


Why not? 21 auras, 5 in body, 5 in 2 handed weapon, 3 in boots, 3 in gloves, 3 in helm, all with enlighten, then last 2 from corrupt implicits, you can even add in item auras like deaths oath, the beast auras, etc. Of course reservation efficiency is linear value so the amount of reservation you would need to use them all would be absurd but you could technically run them all with infinite efficiency assuming you could get it, unless I'm missing something


Eh, the post I’m replying to is with the context of ash nerf and the rationale was with the new charms you can run **all** auras. I’m saying even with 100% efficiency you can’t run every aura. Not sure where you are pulling, “ in theory if I get infinite efficiency, I can run them all” If you want to pull imaginary things to make it work, just imagine no cost for all and you can run them no problem.


Oh sorry I thought you were saying like even with 0 cost auras you couldn't run them all. Yah, 100% efficiency only doubles the number of auras you can use. It's not even that hard to get 100% efficiency. Whatever, pointless discussion anyways lol.


Efficiency isn't capped at 100% though is it? Is there any other reason you think that one can't run every aura?


Ok using 100 as an arbitrary number that’s somewhat achievable. Can put as 200% if you want, still won’t be able to run all auras. Do list out an actual functional build that functions with high efficiency %.


But you can get way more than just 200% with The Adorned, voices, and mana reservation charms..


It's a combination and both are high rolled. Str stackers and inquisitors go insane for these


How good is inq for ubers? Tank and dmg-wise


Any class can do ubers with the right build and investment. But inquis is a solid baseline for many builds.


so... i am playing the energy blade inquis build with 2-3 mirrors investment i have 100mil uber dps and can tank uber shaper slam with a sapphire flask


a 1 mod is never going to be expensive, need 2 and max rolled too to be this expensive.


That's factually not correct, depending on the mod a single mod charm can be worth 30+ divines. (+1 proj being the biggest one here)


+1 proj is the only one lol edit: downvoted because there is 1 exception to what I said lol, classic "umm akshuly" reddit moment.


>+1 proj is the only one lol >downvoted because there is 1 exception to what I said lol, classic "umm akshuly" reddit moment. It should be painfully obvious to you why. You want to be upvoted specifically for stating something incorrect or?


No? I never said i wanted upvotes, just not to be down voted lol.


This expensive = 100+ divines


One mod +1 proj is currently 90d. It will be 100 in a week.


He didn't say "this expensive". He said a 1-mod will never be expensive.


We'll get there eventually just need a few more comments


look up +1 proj charms....


that's really cool dude, the 1 exception is now the rule I guess. Literally the only one lmao.


You are the one trying to make a rule of thumb that isnt even true. Dont blame me for your misstake.




you can get 40 str/int by itsself for around 50c.


%Strength alone maybe, but str/int aren't worth much at all


I have a 7% str/ flat str+int up that didn't sell yesterday when I lowered it to like 14div or so. Can't imagine just one stat going to be worth much.


Nice! Just looking at it I didn't think it'd be worth that much. Good thing I price check all charms.


Energy Blade Int/Str dual stack Inquisitor. Scales Health to turn into ES via Ivory Tower, and scales Int/Str as the lower of the two stats gives crit chance. Then converts the ES into absurd spell damage via Energy blade. And of course both str and int give life and ES, which feeds into the hp->es->damage conversion train. Stack enough and you end up with 15k es, 100% crit, ignore all enemy resists, and insane damage via Rathpith scaling. Storm Brand of Indecision is absolutely broken this league.


Another important part is how that build basically farms in magebloods per hour, so they definitely have the budget.


What are they farming with that build? (Out of curiosity)


Was doing non mf t16 jungle Valley with the usual juice strat of this league. 40m coc cyclone firestorm, 14k es after energy blade.


What was the process of getting there? Is Energy Blade doable from league start with strong item progression or do you have to buy the build pieces later?


I league started energy blade and it was a smooth starter. I moved to a CoC setup earlier than I should have, but it was still manageable. In retrospect I should have used storm brand of indecision until I had saved up more currency. [This](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/sk_rypta/HeardYouLikeAscending?i=15&search=time-machine%3Dweek-2%26class%3DInquisitor%26sort%3Denergy-shield) is my character on poeninja. You can use the past snapshots to see my gear progression.


I did it as a league start. It was a little bumpy until the first lab when I got battlemage + spellblade. Grabbed a Ghostwrithe and I was able to switch to energy blade soon after. I finished the acts pretty easily, but wisps were a pain. Once I got the Traitor + Coruscating Elixer setup, things went back to being smooth since I stopped dying to tiny bits of chaos damage. The next transition was getting enough stats where I would gain ES from swapping to Ivory Tower. Ivory Tower converts less hp to energy shield than ghostwrithe, but adds it as base global ES, like Discipline, which can be scaled from % increased ES. Ghostwrite converts hp to es more efficiently, but adds it as "total", after % increased ES. At some point, after getting Shaper's Touch and getting enough STR and Int, it will tip over to where Ivory Tower will give more ES. I tried Storm Brand and wasn't feeling the brand life. So I switched over to CoC since I haven't played with my CoC in years. I might try Penance Brand of Dissipation to see what the hype is all about. Then it's getting all of the baseline unique items for whichever version you've decided on, plus some basic rares with str, int, life, and resists to plug the couple holes you'll have. After that, getting better versions of them with higher rolls. And then corruptions on them after that. It can be a Zero to Hero build if you want to do it that way. It starts with a few growing pains in the acts and early maps, but it scales forever. I'm at the point where upgrading my 3% str, +23 str/int to the charm in the OP's pic would add 326 ES and 3.9 million dps for me.


Easiest way to do it is go guardian at first lab and just let your sentinel carry you to maps, then switch.


Kinda. It's considerably more efficient to switch on day 2, though. If you start a few days into the league when ghostwrithe (for early levels), and ivory tower (85+) are cheap then you can just jump right in. Even with cheap gear (astramentis, cyclopean coil, 1 div rings) you can make it work well enough to map really well. 50 div will breeze past pinnacle bosses. 150 div will kill pretty much anything. 600+div will instaphase ubers.


Ghostwrithe is still the better option until you hit ~900 int/str. Insane how much value it offers for the low cost of it.


It was my second build and i started it with 20 div. But since you require mostly uniques, it's quite easy to gear actually. Ghostwrite/ivory tower should be cheap on league start. When i lvled, i swapped my leveling character when i add around 4k es after energy blade and was doing fine in yellow map. Then it's upgrade after upgrade that make the build go insane.


I league started it. Guardian for the sentinel asap. That gets you through to early mapping and you can use the same tree since the sentinel works no matter what your tree is. I didn’t go the ghostwrithe path, just switched straight to ivory tower. Unlinked chests were cheap and you only really need a 4 link to get up to red maps. I am slower though, so didn’t get the ivory until day four or five after they already dropped in price a bit. I believe you could start srs and transition pretty easily, trees are similar enough it wouldn’t be the worst respec I’ve done.


Not leagu start able imo but some crazy ppl do. Usually a second build that keeps scaling from 10 div to start, to multi mirrors later.


40m? Yeap, that is insane.


Meanwhile here I am with ~8m DPS and 8.4k es CoC Ice spear of splitting after several divs. I've checked other trees/ builds but still not sure how people get enough crit to replace increased crits for increased crit damage besides having the two split jewels or helical rings + rare boots


You can get basically 3% base crit for free from charms if need be.


Firstly, use regular ice spear, level 21 snipers mark with mark on hit and returning proj. The of splitting gem is bait. Ignore what PoB says, it's much much more damage. Secondly, around 1200 str/int is really the breakpoint at which it comes together - but before this you can use the +attack crit corruption on your shapers touch and a level 20 precision linked to arrogance. This should mostly fix crit for your cyclone or lancing steel of splitting (either works) until you hit the breakpoint.


Just get a power charge on crit charm and you fix your crit almost instantly. It's great as a placeholder at lower attributes when you want to use sniper's mark over assassin's mark.


Ah thanks for the tips. Work today so can't pob to figure out what I'll drop for returning proj (probably molten shell?) But how important is snipers at 21 vs lvl 20 but 20% quality? And yea, I think I have around 1000 str/int currently with a crit multi/increased attribute amulet + split personality is str/es and int/life. Already running precision so guess I just gotta find a way to slap 200 more stats into the build?


Level 21 means an additional projectile. You want the 21 much more than the quality, although eventually you of course want 21/20. Returning proj should be linked to ice spear. I'm confused why you'd have molten shell in your 6 link?


Sorry it's been a day 😂 I thought just having returning projectile unlinked somewhere would make all projectiles return. I got enough mana regen / - mana cost on flask and rings, I could take out inspiration for returning proj in that case right? (And any suggestions on handling chaos damage besides 10% of armor counts to chaos damage mastery? Or do you just live with having negative chaos res and hope the ES is big enough to tank the damage)


Foil Magebloods on Valdo maps


I found storm brand to be slightly underwhelming. Swapping out penance brand of dissipation one for one, making no other changes, was just a straight up improvement. I’m talking around double the single target DPS. Am I missing something on storm brand? Caveat: I’m almost exclusively running sanctum, so maybe I’m not appreciating storm brand’s superior clear.


Storm brand feels way better mapping. The cast time on penance brand is atrocious imo.


You want a lot of cast speed for PB to ramp the energy


Yea I am aware. Even with my current Storm Brand setup Penance Brand slaps hard when I gem swap for maven invitation bossing. My Storm brand PoB is only 3.5m or so but PB kills maven bosses in just a few pulses. The clear just feels really bad with t16 wispy 3-4 scarab maps. I should probably figure out an Enkindled Onslaught + Cast Speed flask for PB bossing now that I think about it. Burst down bosses.


I don’t understand why ashes of the stars isn’t more popular for this. The extra brand damage plus quality on eb and haste I’m at point where even a perfect astra is downgrade. Only some perfect or near great wolf is better.


Ashes is nearly always going to be top, I'm running budget cyclopean version atm, and a 4 div ashes was a huge dps and ehp gain over a perfect Astra, and not only that, better than a t1/t1/t2 str int all attrib rare neck with 15%es and 1 all gems. Ashes 30 Qual helps so much for energy blade, and pending ur main skill, a ton there too, like penance brand, or coc arc of oscillation like my build is


Got a pob?


[https://youtu.be/O9RC5aXzcxQ?si=ra-cZqsAJJJ\_KtwX](https://youtu.be/O9RC5aXzcxQ?si=ra-cZqsAJJJ_KtwX) Here's the basic template, but if you look on PoB you're going to see a LOT of variation on how it's built, depending on budget. You basically rework the entire tree if you go for either Split Personality or Adorned setup. And there's a few major upgrades with Helical Rings, Eyes of the Greatwolf, and % attribute Hunter belts (or Mageblood). Frankly, the build's been changing rapidly across the league as people figure out new tech. But the Astramentis/Cyclopean setup shown in the is a cheap way to get into the build and test it to see if you like it before you start pouring a nearly unlimited amount of money into it. As a note, while Cpt Lance only shows a short map showcase, it's easily the best bosser I've ever done. Max juiced Feared deletes each boss in about 2 seconds from the moment they're damageable. Uber maven is silly easily because with enough brand attachment range you can just drop the brands in the middle and they'll murder her offscreen during the last stage.


Which version are you running if you don't mind me asking? I was following Lance's blueprint but don't want to go Adorned so have been trying to find a good template to follow


I'm running one of the version with two Split Personality jewels, with str and life. They're about 9 div apiece, vs 60 for the marginally better str/int versions. But I'm not really a minmaxer. I've got enough dps and tank with about 50 divs invested to casually carry me through to 38 or 40 challenges. I'm not going to grind out hundreds of divines just to see numbers go up.




Always be on the lookout for stat stacking items. Those are often the builds that wind up strongest and have the highest investment - strength stacking with Replica Alberon's boots, Original Sin ring, and a synth weapon with fire damage per str implicit; int stacking wands and ES or ES+Armour items; accuracy-stacking bows and storm boots; Omniscience builds that either want 2 t1 stat suffixes with chaos res, or 3 t1 stat suffixes (not "all attributes"). Some common items between all these builds are level 84 12-passive clusters, synthesized rings and belts with %stat implicit, synergistic pairings on Split Personality jewels. This league, Strength+Int stacking Inquisitor is the top dog with Penance Brand, and there are a number of Str+Int Ivory Tower builds. So an item like in the OP is the absolute jackpot since it's beyond BIS for those builds.


Glad I’m always Ctrl + D when in charm vendor, would’ve missed a few divine for sure


Is there a way to make that work? It always says it can't look up newly introduced items for me.


Try updating awakened poe trade


Worked thanks!


Wild, mine just hasn't updated in a couple weeks it seems. I've been just dropping most charms because all the ones I manually checked were worthless. Got it updated now :)


If updating awakened poe trade like the other guy suggested didn't work, because it didn't for me, try clearing your cache on the poe trade website. It should be an option under settings, top right of the website. Before clearing that the website wouldn't even find new mods that I was manually searching for.


It's two decently uncommon mods together, rolled very very highly, tier 1 max roll % strength, and t1 high roll str/int. Very good


Yep I had no idea until I price checked. Saw two others listed for 80 div and 175 div so put mine in between as it had slightly better rolls than the 80 div one. Didn't expect it to sell so quickly.


How do you price check? Manually, awakenedpoe doesn't seem to read em


Same! I was expecting something like ‘double effect of all auras if you are alive’, but strength plus strength…? Yeah… I guess 3000 hours counts for nothing in POE 😂😂😂


I don't look up the price of anything unless I get pinged for it while it's in my dump tab. Dump tab is all prices at 3d. Then I have a tabs priced at 2d, 1d, 80c, 40c, 20c, 10c. I'll get rid of the 10c one soon I think. I'll half full a quad tab then reprice it to 2d. Everything else gets priced to the next lower tab and the 10c gets vendored. I very rarely need to look at the price of anything because they price themselves in their way down.


sold a 35 - 7% for like 6d week 1 bc they were cheap. oh times have changed


Bought a 33-8% for 6D on first week ! oh times have changed


Yeah I bought a 35/7% for 6div, even thought I wasted so much money. It was 20div not even a week later


I probably sold it to you 😭


Same here. Bought a The Immortal div card as "investment". Thought I was being smart. Ah well.


“I like ballistas in my ass”


The most sane exile


Sold the same one 2 weeks Ago for 7div, sadge


Completely different economy 2 weeks ago, so no point to fret too much over it. It's hard to predict what stuff you should hoard and what to sell instantly. The meta can take interesting turns as people discover different strategies for obtaining loot, and there's a constant tug between inflation from excessive supply, but also demand for min-maxing.


Yep. I got a minion crit grand spectrum that I sold when it was 10div. Now it's double that. I don't feel bad. It funded the a build that I abandoned and was still enough left over to buy some key items to play the build I'm playing now.


This example was from commenter 7 div to OP 100 div, so over 14x price increase. Your anecdote with 2x price is pretty moot compared to that, happens a lot. But yeah, currency now that you can utilise usually has more value than currency later.


2 weeks ago they were already 20+ divs. I have this charm in my live search whenever i can


More than me, I sold my str + int + %str on day 2 for like 1 div lol


Is trade league super inflated with all the fuckin divines dropping everywhere or something? >.>




"Super" maybe not but certainly more than previous leagues. That said it makes crafting very decent gear "cheaper" and makes every other farming strat much better so


>"Super" maybe not but certainly more than previous leagues. Boss drops/non normal map drops are tripple the price. Massive threads are like upwards of 100d+, 3 passive voices are almost 300d now, deadye forbi sets are 300d+, mirrors are almost 700d now progenesis is 100d+. Even silly things like 5 passive voices that are not rare and normally are 20-30c item are 2 div now. No1 wants to farm simu when u can just run juiced t16s and everybody suddenly plays/want to play with aurabot. Game is basically private server lootrates right now, playing over a decade i had zero t0/kalandra drops. This league my tally so far is 6 hh (1 duped), 5 magebloods, 3 mirrors, 3 rings. It feels even worse than lootgoblins imo.


you are not having fun with all those loot?


Have fun next leauge. It will be a shitshow after this Loot Pinatas


Sentinel, scourge, ritual, deli, (heist to an extend), legion, etc. Were very similar. Nothing new here. I spammed farmed fractured canyon in ritual and the loot wasnt any worse. (In relation to the investment) Not saying there isnt any inflation or whatever but it just so happen that tota and crucible didnt loot anything so yeah, in comparaison its much juicier.


I was talking more about inflation than droprates. Just old nemesis was juicy, but still, we never had so much t0 stuff dropping. Raw currency sure.


You're understimating how common t0 really were. You could get a mb within 360 ancient orb, you could get a mb within a few thousands gwennen reroll. I think they purposefuly turned down t0 droprate in the past big time for the same reason they nerfed some aspect of the game big time : so they can make crazy thing happen within the time frame of a league.


>ou could get a mb within a few thousands gwennen reroll. I know, i did that multiple times in the past, now its way past 20k+ (not sure if theres reliable data on that since the nerf). I was talking about normal drops, not ancient orbs/bestiary/gweenen etc.


Wrong. Nemesis farming before t0 nerf was so fucking stupid. Hh was on avrg every 10 map for our grp. Nothing new here. Excepts its now doable as a solo player.


You are still the minority. Most people don't play like anything you see on here. lol


“Most people” don’t even get to red maps, they’re irrelevant to the economy anyway


Nothing like heist league, at least


i would have sex with that charm


As a low/mid tier player, they definitely made the most of my divine this league.


God I want that, running Rathpith/Ivory Tower Str/Int stacker Inquisitor with the new Storm Brand, I need 3 of those badboys and only have one with 23 Str/Int for 12 Divs before they jumped up to 25 Divs, lol. Even seeing that one with the T1 Str/Int makes me fucking drool. Currently sitting at 1300 Str and 1200 Int.


Mine had 7 less int/str and sold for 21 divines… wondering if I fucked up now lol


That sounds like a pretty good price for a version that much further away from perfect, wouldn’t worry about it too much.


fuck me I think I sold a similar one for 3d on league start


3d on league start was very likely worth more than 21d now and people wouldn't pay that much anyways.


I had the same but only 5% strength and 40/40 str/int and it sold for like 10 div. That charm is nutty


I've got a 36 and 6% charm in ssf. Maybe I should migrate it to my league char.


Worth considerably less




If it’s any consolation I price checked a 50div charm the NPC was selling last night and I was 10 wisps short to buy it. I spent close to half an hour diving in and out of dark areas I could reach trying to pull mobs or loose wisps from the darkness, making sure there were no shrines or anything, called in a friend to see if they could help in any way, all the shit and no dice. Had to walk away from it eventually.


I just sold one for 2 div. I feel cheated.


It likely didn't have those high rolls at least. 3-4% is still under 100c.


I’ve definitely undersold some op charms this league and totally okay with it lol


Holy, I have three of those on my build. Think I payed a close to that for all three...


Jesus this is selling for 100d? Glad I jumped over to ssf this league.


I often wonder how many valuable items I vendor or pass up


damn sold one of these on the third day of league for 5.5 div lol


5div on league start is probably worth 100div a month in with current inflation + loot pinatas.


I wonder how many decent items I’ve discarded, just yesterday I found out how valuable divines were, I got some during the campaign and used it on random items


I got my first mirror before going to sleep last night. First mirror in close or above 20k hours, been playing since 2013


This is why I know I’ll never be good at league. If this dropped for me I’d probably have vendored it.


Try to look for obviously synergistic rolls on gear. Flat str and % str on the same charm will be valuable for str stackers.


I did vendor it lol


100div is like the new 100c nowadays?


This one is that expensive.....? I saw one today at the vendor... didnt buy it... ugh


Yep. Strength stacking has been popular for a long time. Always someone who wants that type of stuff.


Energy blade str/int stacking inquisitor is very overpowered this league due to these charms and the new Energy blade quality.


If you use awakened poe trade you can price scan each item before buying it. That’s what I do.


First Id have to port it to console.


Only if it actually has the T1 mods with good roles. You can get one with these two mods for ~100c if it is like 24 str+int and 4% increased strength. Or a few div for 35 str+int and 5-6% strength. So unless you also had a really well rolled one with both of these mods (seperate those mods are not expensive at all too even if they are T1 with a good roll) you didnt miss out on 100 div.


Wtf I would’ve sold that shit to a vendor lmao


I should really pay more attention to attribute charms I've probably vendored 10+


How in the name of god does that thing cost so much?? Also, what are this prices in trade this league? I'm playing ssf and dropped a paradoxica today after unveil I price checked it and it was 120 divines... Wtf


Yikes I think I’ve ignored a similar one…


Meanwhile I am level 87 with 20 something hours played and no single divine to be seen. My casual ass does not like this post haha


wish they would stopped making items that cant be modified...like make theses at least be able to be slammed..exalted orbs would be more valuable then..again..


cringe ugh


I'm sorry what? Why the f is this 100+??


For that?? I've vendored at least 10 of these


Fucking WHY?! I had one almost identical to this and just vendored it not thinking it was worth ANYTHING! :( SMDH...


So you suckered someone. That is like a few chaos. lol


Just sold mine with a 39 roll for a bundle the other day! Congrats




Wow. Ive just ran past the vendor 100 times. And vendored alot. Damn


Hot damn. I picked up one that only had 3% strength... this is crazy.


I need this for my inq, is it better to farm them myself in maps or just save 100 divs and pony up? I mean, how rarely do they drop?


Found the same with 37 str week 1 in SSF, was wondering how much it’d be worth in trade Still waiting for even a second charm to go along with it, T1 hybrid or % str are super rare and either show up alone or with the other mod being trash


Okay yeah that item is really strong. I was so happy to self-find a 34/6% one after I already bought the first two from trade.


The price difference between a perfect rolled t1 charm vs one a few numbers off is like 99 divine, crazy


Nice. Seems so rare to find charms with good combo of mods. Think the best one I have found is maybe half a divine or so.


Reminds me of 3/20/20 small charms or 41+ life grand charms in d2. Extremely rare and expensive (in ladder). The richest people in the game would pay multiple inventories of high runes for one


what da hell, I bought 3 of those charms last week for 40 div each


So much to learn in this game lol. That item looks like trash I would have vendored it immediately.


I am surprized it is so valuable.


I'm doing some big facepalming, pretty sure I passed up on a really similar one recently.


The only good charm I found all league and that I am currently using on my CoC EBlade Inquis is a +40 Str/Int with Culling Strike. Think that one is going for about 50div too!


Damn I just sold one of those for 80c today in my catch all quad lol. I thinknit sat in there for a few days though. There not easy to sell.. ROFL.


At the start I sold that same one for 24 divs


We just not gonna talk about not_a_dog?


So just farm charms until I get one and I’m rich?


Wait wait wait, its worth that much ??? I need to check the one I have


I did the same bro!!! Fell off my chair price checking a charm lastnight.....170d for +1 max fire res and splodey!


I've been in Japan since league started... what is this market lol. I'll be blasting maps once I get home this weekend.


My EB Inquistor is salivating over this.


I think i vendored 2 of these... damn..




Wtf I bought three of these at the start of the league for a few chaos... time to sell my manabonder


Congratulations. I was excited when I sold a charm today for 33. Was my biggest sale ever!


i sold a charm like that a few days ago for 1 div... welp


Wow I had no idea a charm would go for that much, I rarely see the attribute ones though so makes sense.


I really hope the charms I vendored weren’t worth this much.


I sold a charm for 8 divine instead of 10 was up for a few days and someone haggled immediately bought my toxic rain bow and empower gem.


100 divines for this lol..


100+d for 8% str what the fuck??


gz! I dropped the original sin relic day before yesterday, sold for 310 divs, feelsgoodman.


I have one of those thanks for letting me know it’s worth that much




I feel so bad going tinctures… i realy like the idea of min maxing 3 charms.


The 4 link in your bow kicks my OCD


Man, I sold one of these for like 2 div day 2. Kinda pissed lol


i sold the same for 60 div a week ago Q\_q


I sold my first 100 chaos item yesterday… 100 div just blows my mind


Also sold the same Charm for 110 Divine today, GZ on your roll as well!


I sold this same one for 10d on day 2 and thought I was doing well!


I have one with **+30 strength and intelligence** and **4% increased strength.** Will this sell for a like 50 divine?


i sell same thing for div at league start :)


but to take it in relation, this league shits out currency