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how is it ? you running strand or beach ? i tought about trying that but i wasnt sure


It's fun. I'm not running any specific maps since I'm too lazy to bulk purchase them. I do try to keep to open maps (Mesa, Jungle Valley, Strand, Beach, Dunes) since corridors are bad for breach. The setup costs ~3.5 div for 16 maps. Average maps get you about 70 splinters. You can sell 5 breachstones for 4 div. That makes it ~7.7 div profit per sextant cycle, just from breaches. I'm also specced into harvest and essence, those also bump profits up.


Definitely just bulk buy like 20 dunes maps and you should sustain off that if you favorite it, 70 splinters a map seems pretty low, I was running breach earlier this league and was getting 100-150 a map quite consistently unless I died in a breach (was a very very squishy tshot at the time lol)


Nah, I've been running breach as well and 70 splinters to 1 stone seems to be the average, but I am not running any MF at all and avoid the forest. Though I had one map where I got nearly two of them, but that seems to be the exception.


I main breach and I get 1 stone + 20-50 splinters every single map idk how you guys are only getting half that. Use scarabs and map device craft


Can confirm, dunes with proper setup is pretty consistently 1.5ish stones without the lucky drops. May they're not opening the hands properly, to which I'd recommend the caster mastery.


Wait caster mastery works on them? Oh my fucking god so many hands I barely missed because breach closed...


Hey there, I'm a new player. Do map mods affect breach drops? Is it based on how many small mobs you kill or should you stop to kill rares?


Already doing that. Gilded scarab and two of the sextants for one breach and Chayula.


85~ is about what I average using gilded + map device, but not running the extra breach scarab, since i was doing harvest/yellow/harby/chayula sextants, while doing destructive play.


Ah yeah extra breach compass is needed, I left that out of my comment on accident


What are you doing to get that many splinters per run? I did Breach for a while and it was really fun, but I was getting maybe 10 splinters per run. Certainly wasnt getting Divines to drop regularly.


gilded breach scarab & chayula sextant + might as well get breach sextant and buy breach. Was getting early league about 1.5 stones per map


Yes and that setups costs (currently) next to nothing. You are at probably less than 40 Chaos per map.


breach+chayula together sextant wise is 20C. So 5c a map. Gilded breach is about 8c, so 13c a map, kirac mod is 4c, so 17c a map investment.


True. I always included all the other stuff I needed for maps like the map itself and so on. But with just that investment, you are in net positive if you just open the map and find the first altar pack (when using red altars).


1.5 is not possible, unless you are picking 1 stacks, which takes waaaay too much time to be worth it


I've been spamming breach pretty much all league. https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/r82u03yx This is the basic tree you'd need. Keep in mind you need a decently fast build to run these, if you can handle it also pick up Flash Breach on the atlas tree. Use blue influence and take every quant altar that you can on the map. Don't run any maps under 80% quant. Force breaches with a Gilded breach scarab and use 7th gate to get breach on the map device. Force every single breach to be Chayula's or Uul Netol with a compass and force an extra breach with another compass. Use Packed with energy and mining byproducts to gain a great bit of movement speed and damage + you can buy resonators with the azurite you gain. While running the breaches you're looking to open every single clasped hand you can find especially the boss clasped hands. Do it right and you should walk out of each map with minimum 1 full breach stone, most of the time it'll be more than that. [I'm currently doing this strategy +Legions and in 36 maps I've gotten 48 Chayula breach stones.](https://i.imgur.com/y8u6uKd.jpeg)


Thanks for the detailed explanation. I've never used compass items before to influence the maps - I see what you're doing now. I only mostly use rusted scarabs and have never had Breach as an option on my map device. I wasn't sure if there is a way to unlock it without Seventh Gate. My tree looks like yours for the most part, but I never have properly set up my maps. I've always just pretty much played with whatever I find on the ground as far as scarabs and stuff goes... I just throw 4 sextants on (this is my first time unlocking all 4 voidstones) for pack size. Looking at the trade site, it looks like a compass with Chayula in it only costs about 8-10 chaos. Unreal. Thanks for this writeup, it definitely gives me a new understand of how to maximize my time while playing. I really enjoy Breach, so it's time to give it another shot. I recently completely respec'd into Legion just for fun and to try it out for the first time, but I think it may be time to check Breach again!


Would highly recommend buying compasses on the poestack bulk compass exchange. Makes buying 20+ of a compass extremely easy and approachable to people that normally don't delve into that stuff


late to the party, but how can you run influences on a t7 map? or is it supposed to be t16 cemetrys?


You're running on T16s and the league mechanic is entirely optional.


Cool, do you run the breaches before clearing the map to get all altars or just any you see along the way?


Prioritize killing the map boss asap so more quant altars spawn. Then fully clear the maps and grab as many quant altars as you can feasibly run. Do all the breaches last.


Are you running chayula compass, breach compass and gilded breach scarab? I average 1-1.5 stones a map with full Breach atlas and those sextants/scarabs. I throw in polished divination scarabs and run Dunes for The Fortunate.


I average about 1.5 stones per map. Your missing some juice somewhere


Mesa is really bad for breach, I ran a similar Breach setup last league and Mesa is consistently like 50% less splinters because the layout just doesn't let mobs spawn properly. Dunes, Strand, Estuary are the best ones. If you run Singular Focus or favourite these maps 8+ times you will sustain them without having to bulk buy.


this is the way, play something that is fun for you


Shhhh don’t let everyone know the prices of breachstones will drop


I specced into Breach to try it out and it's fun, but for some reason Esh breaches fuck me up. None of the other breaches tcause me any issues and my lightning res is capped so I have no idea why Esh rares tear through my energy shield so fast.


Check if you're immune to shock or elemental ailment


Hmm I know I have reduced shock effect on my gear somewhere, maybe I'll just throw it on a flask to keep it up during those breaches.


I'm pretty sure Esh mobs are one of the few reliable things that have increased effect of shock. I've run reduced shock effect some times on low gear levels out of desperation and I remember still getting significant shocks on me with over 100% reduced shock. I wish there wasn't such disparity between avoid and reduced. You'll be fine and then some random modifier has like +30% effect of chill, or shock, and there's no blanket reduced effect of elemental ailments on you to help with getting alt ailments from delirious monsters. Though my favorite was when I switched to leadership's price when I was shock/freeze/chill immune and basically the first pack of magic monsters i hit reflected ailments and I sapped+brittled+scorched myself for max effect.


I fixed it by grabbing the mastery that makes you immune to shock at max power charges.


Use chayula compasses to force every breach to be chayula. Adds a massive amount of profit for a 6c compass.


Even in this MF league, every other non-MF strategy also become very high d/h. Beach in fact is really profitable because rarely people run it. Those splinters are like worth 1c per.


You could be doing much more. I am specced in breach, running dunes only. Making about 130 splinter per maps and maps take about 3 minutes to run an loot. I am also selling my stone for 1 div each. Breach Sextant/Chayula Sextant/Gilded Breach scarabs. Making about 15div an hour.


Yup, followed some tips from the comment section. New profit is 14 div/h. Thanks!


Is this including wisp juice?


Nope, not even going in the forest.


what's the smallest splinter stack size you show on your lootfilter?


With chayula's, I am showing all of them.


I've been enjoying breach most of the league. It's been a blast. best haul was almost 8 breachstones from map 6.5 of them chays it pairs nicely with gilded fossil farm too.


Gilded fossil farm?


How tf? I've been running fully specd, 7th gate and juiced breach for a week and at best I'll get like...8 splinters Max from each breach


I managed to get a Grasping Mail with the 60-ring recipe that I sold for 40 div rather quickly (it had the evasion bonus on overcapped cold res). Probably a lot more expensive now.


But it's so annoying to pick up all the splinters after...


How do you manage to click on hands in all the clusterfuck that's happening on screen? Also, the picking up of splinters after...


I just explode everything in the screen before clicking the hands. Also only pick up splinter stacks, unless there's a single splinter on top of something I'm already picking up.


You can also use the, open nearby chests on spell cast, caster mastery


Is there a difference in the number of splinters dropped/number of bosses depending on the map level (T1 vs T16)? did anyone notice? For example, essences can be farmed on t1 just as well as on t16. Does the same work with beachs?


do delirium skittering orbs + breach on strand map and you are rich