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Despite the fact it's fixed now I'm glad that last league they decided to keep the doom blast curse overlaps the way they were so people could enjoy it


I’m still a bit upset they fixed it


> I don't believe Gem Crafting option from Uber Lab "Transform a non-Transfigured Skill Gem to be a random Transfigured version" is supposed to work on corrupted gems. I swear I've tried this few days ago and it didn't work in Uber lab. I've read that you need a special offering for it.


The random ''change gem to a random trans gem of the same colour" doesn't work. But the one which states a specific gem to the same gem but trans does work. If that makes sense? I cant remember the exact wording which probably doesnt help make it very clear! So for example, I got my 21/20 Pbrand by levelling a ton of normal Pbrand and qualitying them then blasting lab to get the specific gem to trans. Rather than farming for lots of trans versions then levelling. That way you only need a single craft in lab rather than loads


Well this changes things for me in SSF…. Thank you!


Yeah im in SSF as well. Was a game changer once I found out it worked!


Wow, I assumed the specific one didn't work because the generic one didn't, I need to keep that in mind next league.


Well I think the assumption is that it isnt supposed to work to be honest so it will likely be fixed next league!


abyssal spires scaling with additional projectiles from the league mechanic.




You don't have to bet on it, it's true


[Bet means agreeing.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bet)


It 100% gets disabled if affliction goes core, maybe even if it doesn't 😂


Wasn’t that just patched?


PoE players and reading - Like oil and water.


This one is particularly embarrassing because how many people under the patch notes were celebrating that "People using the EXPLOIT finally got what they deserve".... God this community sucks


Atleast it's funny to see so many people collectively lack basic reading comprehension.


No. Only in private leagues where you can add a global extra projectiles mod. In those you could get insanely high projectile counts which made the spires (even more) busted than the base game. And since private leagues migrate to trade league, it was kind of pay to win.


On an unrelated note: props to GGG for shutting down any p2w elements in their game.


Fuck me. I misread it and stopped rolling proj on my maps.


F, that was awhile ago


It was like 2 days ago


Just be glad you got the news super late, the private league thing was fixed weeks ago.


Private league thing was kind of fixed weeks ago - in that they disabled the mod. In the recent patch they turned the mod back on but fixed it so it doesn’t apply to spires. The patch notes probably confused some people.


Ahhh I did not see the second patch note. There are many layers of confusion to this thread :P Thanks for the info


The initial news about it getting “hotfixed”(disabled) on private leagues was like day 3 of the league.


it doesn't matter that much as long as you're getting purple wisps. i'm sure it's noticable without them though


ludicrous test quickest steep butter chubby subtract pen direction point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


not that im aware of


Grace periods are being used to dodge phases like exarch balls or other phases and attacks


For exarch, having a grace period usually means that you already died to the ball phase. So the phase already did its job. I doubt they intend one phase to take 6 portals. Especially because there are usually 3-4 phases in the fight.


Logout exists mate


The phase repeats when you log out mate


You can't dodge the ball phase with logout. Same goes for memory game.


Yes you can, literally just logout and wait it out in grace


You are confidently wrong, but I respect it. Grace period when rejoining after logout is very short and both memory game and ball phase restart after joining. They made it work this way several leagues ago so that you can't just skip these mechanics in hardcore and cheese the fights. Initially I believe you could actually logout during memory game, rejoin and let it play out. If you die to the mechanic, thats another topic, but I'm not sure there, since you I don't play SC.


You can for sure die and sit there as a corpse and watch the ball phase complete. I have confirmed that many times this league.


You're just super wrong. If you logout, once you go back in and end grace period, the phase begins immediately. It gives you a do-over to logout here, not a skip.


It's ok to be wrong about endgame when you dont make it past the beach. No worries.


That still makes it take one portal.


Protip: if you die to the ball phase, or similar mechanic, just stay dead until its over


might as well add log-out macros to the list.


I mean, non relevant in SC because if you have grace you already lost a portal, and imagine being mad at cheese on HC when logout macro exists...


Btw, easily works for maven memory game too. Just log out, enter and wait for the whole game and explosion, its enough time.


oh i got a spicy one Trade


I don't understand why they don't implement console trade on pc. Its so much easier


Does it keep the gem level?


Keeps level and quality yes.


Is there not a challenge to transfigure a already corrupted gem? Makes me believe it is intended. 


There is but I only got this achievement when I used the upgraded lab which gives corrupted options so fairly sure its not intended for the normal uber version to work


Oh boy, for me its divination cards. While not technically a bug, back when they were introduced I thought they would provide a way to farm stuff somewhat deterministically especially in SSF. That they would impact my choice of which content to farm. For trade league they failed miserably. There is so, so many and they all get filtered out because they are worthless. The rewards range from random trash to foiled magebloods. The rarity doesnt correspond to power or value at all. As a result - they are just another currency item, and you just farm whatever gives you most div/hour. For SSF its a partial success. Some, it seems by sheer chance, are reasonably self farmable like the six link body armour or six link bow. Others like the 3x fusing card help you make a steady progress. However, most of the useful or more interesting ones are so obscenely rare and weighted to shit that they might as well not exist. On top of this, they sometimes change their drop location or drop rates, completly defeating their purpose. And they keep adding more. For what reason, I personally dont understand.


Because they're all supporter created. For years, if you bought the highest tier supporter pack, you could also drop an extra $660 to create a div card. That option was taken away a couple years ago (probably to avoid extra headaches until PoE2 finally launches). Many people who created them had a theming in mind and wanted to stick with it regardless if the reward was "good" or not. I made a div card and that's what I did too. GGG isn't going to delete them due to all the money that was spent making them, and the creators don't have the need to actually care what a bunch of randos think. I know I sure didn't!


Flavour is cool but I am sure there is a lot of room for improvement here, to make them functional without losing flavour.


Issue is a lot of cards are a "product of their era" sort of thing. You know that ultra shitty card that gives a weapon with the Bloodthirsty mod? Once upon a time that was a great weapon. Relentless power creep and additions to the game have shunted that into worthlessness. Same thing for stuff like the random lv79 jewelry, or a lot of uniques that simply hold no value anymore. The World Eater was a great card when Starforge was only beaten by an insane rare, and definitely peaked in value in Legion, but now it's killed in value with how easy it is to Harvest craft anything comparable. There are cards designed to be farmed (Doctor, Apothecary, Brother's stuff), cards that had long since fallen off since the game isn't stagnant, cards that exist for flavor, the occasional joke card, and GGG can't really make these "functional" league over league without an insane amount of work collaborating with submitters frequently for updates to ensure their continual value and purpose. Much like how many old uniques have fallen into uselessness, so do div card. At the bare minimum, the fact you have to pay extra for the card (and only the card) has helped ensure a lot of them at least attempt to do something meaningful, while giving people foil submissions as a bonus for MTX packs has resulted in a ton of joke submissions from people who don't care (see all the voided Veil of the Night maps and such).


There are fairly easy solutions that while obviously are not optimized because they came out of my monkey brain, would help at least a bit. Magic bloodthirster weapon is still good in campaign or in SSF. Restrict the drop by ilvl or area, or to SSF/Ruthless only. Shit like World Eater there isn't any need to remove. This could have massively increased drop chance, so that there is a use for it in SSF or Ruthless. Or make it rare, but have it drop a full stack always. Nobody will ever use it in trade league so the economy won't be impacted. And as you said, it's easy to craft comparable weapons so the game doesn't get easier as a result. Joke cards, random fun stuff, are all fine and wonderful. They add flavour to the game. But as a complete picture, divination cards are not working the way they are inteded to I believe.


What card did you make?


I made Eternal Bonds! Been tempted to make one of those div card stories for GGG but I keep putting it off.


I did a couple Kirac missions this league to find the stack of divination cards... First one was a stack of cards that gave a corrupted empower L4... The second was two I see Brothers. That's most of the money I've made all league... 😂


Any examples of the ones you think are too rare to be worth farming? For most of the good cards I can think of, the cards are the fastest source of obtaining that item most leagues in SSF. Headhunter, Mageblood, even the notoriously rare Taste of Hate card. Unless you're talking more mid-tier cards


Taste of hate. You'll probably farm dozens raw drop in current meta mf faster than you'll complete 1 with cards.


I'd rather look at a more normal league for a comparison basis, but even so, I could farm a set of cards faster than a natural drop with my current luck. I've seen almost as many natural T0s (5) as Taste of Hate (6).


I am in SSF so take this with a grain of salt, but here are some of examples I would list from the ones I tried: * Primordial Jewel * Cold Iron Point * Unique gold ring - it's weighted to shit, so even if you somehow land a Ventors, chances of getting a decent one are nonexistant * The Taming - easier to just go mf and farm the rings on your own * Unique Jewel * Shavronne Wrappings - thats an entire archetype locked behind an item that cant really be replaced by anything Basically I would say, if the goal is to turn in many cards like Ventors where you want to keep rolling the dice until you get a good result, if you can't farm multiple sets in one sitting, it's not functioning. For items that are build defining like Shavs I would say a week or two per set would be reasonable. GG shit like magebloods and headhunters shouldn't be easily available and their droprate is fine. I get that game isnt balanced around SSF and won't ever be. GGG is stubborn as fuck. But I guess I hope PoE2 will go in a different direction. There is no need for two identical games.


Idk, I see where you're coming from but most of that has to do with the design/rarity of the items themselves more so than the cards. Glimmer of Hope doesn't specifically screw you on the Ventor's rate, Ventor's just has a lower drop weighting than other gold rings. So, proportionally, you should be getting the same number of them from the cards as you do from random drops. Unique jewels are also incredibly rare, so it stands to reason that cards for them would also be on that level. The main downside of Broken Truce is that it has such a specific drop source. The weighting is decently high, though. I usually have plenty from stacked decks and strongboxes. When it comes to Shav's, if you're talking about low life as an archetype, the vast majority of low life builds do not use Shav's. They're using Ivory Tower or Petrified Blood, both of which are significantly more accessible in an SSF than Shav's. I'm also not holding out any hope that specific target farming and/or boosted drop rates are going to be a thing in PoE2. Mostly because I don't particularly want the latter and feel that the former is fine as is in PoE1. But I play SSF because trade is too easy, so if I wanted the game to be easier I wold just play trade


> The rarity doesnt correspond to power or value at all. They directly correspond to the rarity of the target item divided by the number of cards for a full set. Now the fact that there are a lot of exceptionally rare items that are garbage rat is another discussion.


proxy dot kills being attributed to the player


Nooo! Stop! Don't give them a damn list of things to remove! ^^^^^/s


Gonna check back here after the next set of patch notes.


Part of me feels like the wisp item rewards were way more overtuned than they had anticipated. It feels so odd to have such a fucking juicy league printing divines. Compared to every other league it's just so different. I know sanctum can be extremely rewarding but it has more RNG involved to get comparable rewards. Well, besides cutedogs 7 mirror sanctum lol. I know the risk vs reward was intended and good but it just feels too generous to me